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Page 1: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士
Page 2: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

感謝贊助 Acknowledgements

We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia We acknowledge the generous assistance of the City of Vancouver

康謳教授音樂文化基金會 Advan Materials Limited

Chinese Nationalist League of Canada 全州 Sasaya Restaurant

風信子休閒餐飲 Beautiful Island 柳樹花園美術家教班 Willow Garden Arts

台芳麵廠 陳銓銘先生 Caan Chen

沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生

徐雲波女士 康幼琳女士 盧定平先生 倫兆培先生 朱小玲女士

孟憲江先生 劉鳳英女士 粘詠婈女士 柯碧雲女士 吳章慧女士

林華嬌女士 王家和先生 盧定京先生 吳達玲女士 劉世明先生

周碧珊女士 Claudia Chui Molly Chui Jolin Lin

Jonathan Chan wishes to thank the Canada Council for the Arts Musical Instrument Bank for its

support through the loan of the 1715 Dominicus Montagnana violin.

Page 3: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

演 出 的 話

每年遠道合唱團皆舉辦年度音樂會,將一年辛勤練習的成果呈現給熱愛合唱藝術的各界人士,二十九年來從未間斷。本團一向以本著對合唱藝術純真樸實的愛好、藉音樂陶情養性以及認真學習的態度為榮為傲。每年我們都排練二、三十首歌曲。此次的演唱會命名為「層巒天香 風情之旅」,詮釋各類圍繞著「山」、「花」而流露出的情懷心緒。第一組歌曲表現詩人及作曲家對人類與大自然間奧妙關係的領悟,充滿立體與層次之美。第二組「夢境與奇跡」表現觸景生情的無限魅力。最後一組歌曲表達藉花卉而引發的靈感。今年本團的小組亦以描繪山嶽海花的歌曲,向大家呈現充滿真摯的心情。期盼能獲得您的共鳴。

感謝贊助此次演出的諸位人仕,您們的支持使得音樂會能夠順利進行! 感謝參加演出的諸位嘉賓,您們的參與使得音樂的表達更加完整! 感謝多年來愛護我們的聽眾朋友,您們的指教是我們的期盼!

Message from the Singers …… The Vancouver Chinese Singers is into its 29th season this year. We strive to maintain a high standard of music quality, to enhance each member’s ability, and to capture our audience’s interest. Our Chinese choral music repertoire covers a variety of styles and originates from different time periods and regions. Our concert tonight includes selections from traditional to modern styles in both Chinese and the western repertoire. Our theme, “An Evening of Song”, is to capture the various spirits embedded in our hearts through the art of singing. We sincerely thank our sponsoring groups and individuals for their continuous support, their efforts have made this annual event possible. Yuan Dao, The Chinese name for the Vancouver Chinese Singers is from the Chinese Poem below



Yuan Dao, Land Afar Wading through the stream, I gather lotus blooms.

The fragrant flowers in orchid swamps have perfume. To where am I sending this sweet bouquet?

The place I still value is far away.

Page 4: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

層巒天香 風情之旅 An Evening of Song

(請關上手機和傳呼機。敬請合作,謝謝。Please turn off cell phones and pagers. Thank you.)

(一) 昂首天外 層巒叠翠 Reach Higher and Go Farther

1 尋覓- 黃山,奇美的山之二 Seeking and Searching on Huang Mountain

晏明詞 屈文中曲

2 玉山- 山海戀歌之一 Mountain Jade

黃瑩詞 張炫文曲

3 為要尋一個明星 To Search for the Bright Star

徐志摩詞 冉天豪曲

4 松滋山歌 Song-Zi Mountain Folk Melody

湖北民歌 林進佑編

5 山居秋暝 Mountain Scene in Late Autumn Night

王維詩 康謳曲

6 瑤山夜歌 Festive Night on Yao Mountain

劉鐵山/茅沅 原曲 郭兆甄填詞 蔡克翔編配

Cello: Sophia Hsu French horn: Bobby Scott

(二)小提琴獨奏 violin:陳靖邦 Jonathan Chan 鋼琴 Piano:彭憶芬 I-Fen Peng

Carmen Fantasie

by Waxman

(三)夢境與奇跡 Magic and Wonder

1 Little Polly Flinders by J. Michael Diack With apologies to Mozart

2 We Are Made for Music by Joseph Martin

3 踢踢踏 Ti-Ti-Ta Wooden Clog Song

余光中詞 陳茂萱曲

4 The Calliope Text by George Winkler Music by Stephen Chatman

5 貝爾和小提琴 Bill and His Violin

挪威民歌 [俄]薇.愽格丹諾夫斯卡雅編合唱 薛范 譯配

6 You are Mine Words by David Haas Music by Mark Hayes Flute: James Lu

Intermission 中場休息

Page 5: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

(四)山嶽海花無邊 Climb Every Mountain and Follow Every Rainbow 1 上美的花 Finest Flowers 東方白詞 蕭泰然曲

2 Sing a Song of Sixpence Michael Diack

3 昆陽雷雨 Thunderstorm at K’un Yang 山旅之歌之三 黃瑩詞 林聲翕曲

4 You Raise Me Up Words/ Music by Brenden Graham/ RolfLovland Arranged by R. Emerson

5 跑馬溜溜的山上

Love Song on PaoMa Mountain

四川民歌 胡增榮曲

6 Climb Every Mountain Lyrics: O. Hammerstein II/Music: R. Rogers/Arrangement : E. Lojeski

Choir & South Fraser Community Band Music Director : Steve Ho 何興華

(五)South Fraser Community Band Music Director : Steve Ho 何興華

Simple Gifts Four Shaker Songs I. In Yonder Valley II. Dance III. Here Take this Lovely Flower IV. Simple Gifts

Frank Ticheli

Three Ayres from Gloucester I. The Jolly Earl of Cholmondeley II. Ayre for Evetide III. The Fiefs of Wembley

Hugh M. Stuart

(六)花舞彩衣 賞心悅目 Stop and Smell the Roses

1 杜鵑紅 The Red Azalea 沈立詞 阿鏜曲

2 遠道 Yuan Dao, Land Afar 古詩十九首之六 黃安倫/F.Schubert Katherine & Ian Lu 改編

3 可愛的一朵玫瑰花 A Lovely Rose 新疆民歌 胡增榮編

4 菊花台 Ju Hua Tai, Chrysanthemum Terrace 方文山詞 周杰倫曲 康幼琳改編

5 夜來香 Evening Primrose 李雋青/姚敏/劉文毅

6 蒲公英在秋風中微笑 Pappous White Flowers in Autumn

黃勝泉詞 戴于吾曲

Cello: Sophia Hsu French horn: Bobby Scott

Good Night 晚安

Page 6: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

溫 哥 華 遠 道 合 唱 團

Vancouver Chinese Singers

指揮 (Conductor) :康幼琳 Katherine Lu※

伴奏(Accompanist) : 彭憶芬 I-Fen Peng

伴奏(Accompanist) : 徐虹華 Sophia Hsu※

§女高音 (SOPRANO)

趙英濤 Celia Chao 鍾麗嫦 Lillian Chung※ 彭莉雲 Lucy Peng

黃慧慈 Veronica Wong 麥肖娥 Serina Mang 譚台華 Julia Tan

何嘉瑞 Vivian Ho 粘詠婈 Joy Nien※ 王秀珍 Sharon Lu※

黃鳳玲 Fion Wong 陳星惠 Shelly Chen 劉秀貞 Alice Hsu

林華嬌 Hwa-Chiao Lee 歐陽金玲 Jane Chien 謝汶芬 Wendy Hsieh

李媚媚 Mei Mei Li 曾淑珍 Sophia Tseng

§女低音 (ALTO)

柯碧雲 Rebecca Lin※ 邱淑貴 Shirley Chiu※ 沈貞芬 Chris Sun 吳達玲 Maria Wu 龔錦碧 Echo Kung※ 張紅玉 Ruby Wang 曹錦綸 Maria Lee 吳章慧 Linda Wu

§男高音 (TENOR)

沈又莘 David Shen※ 單建國 James Shan※ 李作毅 Geoffrey Lee

鄧學中 Simon Teng※ 劉世明 Smile Liu

§男低音 (BASS)

孫斌 Bin Sun※ 方廷熙 Billy Fang※ 波比 Bobby Scott 林昆賢 Kun Lin

※小組成員 Small ensemble

Page 7: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

指 揮 Conductor:康 幼 琳 Katherine Lu

康女士出生於音樂世家,自幼在其父著名音樂家康謳教授的薰陶下,對音樂藝術產生濃厚興趣。先後師從著名聲樂家鄭心梅、申學庸及 Mrs. Watson 專攻美聲唱法十餘年,並完成加拿大皇家音樂學院高級聲樂考試。兩度赴北京中央音樂學院深造,在中國著名資深聲樂家郭淑珍指導下學習民謠之詮釋及唱法。亦曾隨女高音 Anna Tamm Relyea 女士專研數年英文及德文歌曲。康幼琳是海外華人音樂藝術熱情倡導和傳播者,於 1980 年、1984 年與夫婿盧定平先生及音樂愛好者組織溫哥華漢聲合唱團及遠道合唱團。自 1997 年任遠道合唱團指揮至今,以她對於音樂的一份熱愛與執著,帶領了一群中華兒女,勇向專業的合唱領域邁進。

Katherine, born in Taiwan, graduated from U.B.C. with B.Sc. major in chemistry. She first

started voice lessons as a teenager in Taiwan. Later she studied and completed the Royal Conservatory curriculum under the guidance of Beth Watson in Vancouver. She has studied the techniques of singing English songs and German lieder with Soprano Anna Tamm-Relyea for several years. In the past years, Katherine has been giving recitals regularly. She was twice in Beijing, China to study the interpretation and singing of Chinese folk songs. Katherine is one of the founders of the Vancouver Chinese Singers Society. She has been the conductor for the group since 1997. She is now teaching Mandarin full time at Burnaby North Secondary School. Recent years, Katherine has been furthering her musical studies with Lorraine Reinhardt and John Trotter. 伴 奏 Accompanist:彭 憶 芬 I-Fen Peng


及南胡。 1987 年赴奧地利參加莫札特音樂院暑期夏令營。其後追隨世界聞名鋼琴大師 Earl Wild,取得美國俄亥俄州立大學音樂碩士學位。 1994 年獲俄亥俄州辛辛那堤音樂學院全額獎學金,輔修鋼琴伴奏,於 2000 年取得鋼琴演奏博士學位。 2002 年移居加拿大後,曾與鋼琴家鄒雅蓉演出雙鋼琴音樂會,並參與許常惠紀念音樂會、謝天吉與洛夫“因為風的緣故”音樂會和李天慧大提琴夏令音樂營之鋼琴演出。曾任職台北市莊敬高職、美國西雅圖 Pacific Northwest School of Music 及台灣台南女子技術大學助理教授。目前為遠道合唱團鋼琴伴奏並致力於鋼琴演奏及教學。

Dr. Peng started to play piano at the age of four and later entered the National Normal University of Taiwan as the recipient of a national scholarship where she studied piano with Professor Li-Na Yeh. In 1994 she completed her Master of Music at Ohio State University where she studied piano with world renowned pianists Earl Wild and Dr. Rosemary Platt. Dr. Peng then received a full scholarship to pursue her doctoral studies at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music where her mentors included James Tocco, Eugene Pridonoff, Sandra Rivers and Kenneth Griffith. Additionally, Dr. Peng participated in master classes with Hans Leygraf, Menahem Pressler, and Ruth Laredo. Dr. Peng was broadcast live on WGUC Radio of Cincinnati on several occasions while a resident of Ohio. In 2001 she was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor at the Tainan University of Arts and Technology. Dr. Peng relocated Vancouver British Columbia next year to establish a private academy. Dr. Peng has been an active teacher and performer during her Vancouver years. She has collaborated with choirs, professional instrumentalists, vocalists and fellow piano players in several venues including the Chan Centre, the Vancouver Playhouse and the Taiwanese Cultural Festival at the Plaza of Nations. Her students are routinely successful in local festivals have achieved performers levels as high as the ARCT and beyond.

Page 8: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

伴 奏Accompanist:徐 虹 華 Sophia Hsu

原名徐婉禎, 台灣台南人, 畢業於台南女中、國立台北藝術大學。大提琴師承鄭依晴、林

克明、馬諾欽、張正傑、張毅心, 鋼琴師承李潤愛、王雪萍。爾後獲加拿大溫哥華音樂學

院獎學金, 師承 Lee Duckles (VSO 大提琴首席), 於 2000 年獲大提琴表演藝術家文憑。

求學期間即於各樂團任大提琴手: Vancouver Island Symphony Orchestra、New Westminster Symphony Orchestra、Kamloops Symphony Orchestra、B.C. Chamber Orchestra。

2001 年回台, 任職於高雄市立交響樂團兼任大提琴手, 以及各音樂班, 如崇文國小、嘉

義國中、信義國小、前金國中、樂育中學、樹德大學等, 亦多次擔任音樂比賽評審。2003年參與繆思三重奏於高雄至善廳演出, 以及多位台灣作曲家的作品發表會擔任大提琴演


2007 年移居 Canada, 組成中西室內樂團, 結合古典與流行, 受各單位邀請, 並於 2008, 2009 年受邀於台灣文化節演出, 廣受囑目與好評。

嘉賓 Guest Performers: 陳 靖 邦 Jonathan Chan Canadian born artist Jonathan Chan began playing the violin and piano at the age of 4. By the age of 8 he had made his first appearance with an orchestra and has since performed throughout Europe, China, South Africa and across North America. Jonathan began his violin studies with Lawrie Hill before moving on to Taras Gabora at the Vancouver Academy of Music. He also studied piano with Lorraine Ambrose. From an early age, he obtained numerous prizes and awards from competitions in violin, piano, and chamber music. He is a three-time National Grand Prize winner of the Canadian Music Competition. In 2003, he was invited to perform in the retirement concert for former Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien, at the Air Canada Center where he shared the stage with renowned artists such as Oliver Jones, Paul Anka, and the late legendary pianist, Oscar Peterson. He was one of the three finalists for the Guildhall School prestigious Gold Medal Competition 2012. In addition to this, he was the 2010 and 2012 recipient of the Sylva Gelber Music Foundation Award; an award given to the most gifted musicians below the age of 30 in Canada. Jonathan received his Bachelor of Music Honours degree and graduated with Distinction and was awarded the Donald Weekes Memorial Prize for achieving the highest mark in the Final Year Violin Recitals. He is pursuing a Masters in Performance at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with David Takeno on the violin and Caroline Palmer on the piano. As a winner of the MIB competition 2012, Jonathan performs on the 1715 Domenicus Montagnana violin generously on loan by the Canada Council for the Arts Musical Instrument Bank. Jonathan wishes to thank the Canada Council for the Arts Musical Instrument Bank for its support through the loan of the 1715 Dominicus Montagnana violin.

Page 9: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

陳 靖 邦 Jonathan Chan 客席來賓陳靖邦四嵗開始學鋼琴與小提琴。八嵗即開始與交響樂團合作。曾在溫哥華音樂學院學習多年。自幼便獲得多項獎牌,三次榮獲加拿大音樂比賽的總冠軍。兩度獲 Sylva Gelber 音樂基金會獎,此獎係專為加拿大三十嵗以下, 最傑出、最具潛力的音樂家而設立的。此次演出陳靖邦將使用製造於 1715 年的多米尼克·蒙塔尼亚纳小提琴 (Dominicus Montagnana violin)。蒙塔尼亚纳被公認為是十八世紀威尼斯偉大的小提琴製造家之一。此琴曾被幾名世界級的珍藏家或小提琴家所擁有,如马可尼(Marconi, 電臺先驅),艾伯特西蒙(Albert Sammons,演奏家)等。此琴於 2006 年由無名氏借給加拿大文藝委員會(Canada Council for the Arts)的珍稀器樂庫琴庫 (Canada Council Musical Instrument Bank)。此琴目前價值近百萬。陳靖邦去年通過甄選,獲得該庫贈與的使用權。琴庫協助具天才品質的年輕加拿大演奏家成功地走上世界舞臺的生涯,同時也喚起一般大衆對此類難能可貴的才藝的認識。陳靖邦現居英國倫敦、在國際知名喻曉的 Guildhall School of Music and Drama 深造。陳靖邦在此向加拿大文藝委員會的珍稀器樂庫琴庫致謝。

盧 定 京 James Lu

James Lu has been playing the flute for fun since high school. He actually started playing the oboe first in junior high, but switched to the flute when he realized he had no reed making talent. Two years ago James started on flute lessons again for stress relief. James is a public health physician. 波 比 Bobby Scott Bobby has been involved in music since day one, having been born into a family of musicians. He has been playing the French horn for many years, participating in numerous local amateur groups and small ensembles. Bobby is thrilled to be a part of the Vancouver Chinese Singers for a second year, this time being able to contribute instrumentally as well as vocally.

何 興 華 Steve Hsing-Hua Ho

Steve Ho is originally from Taiwan. Since 2010, he becomes the music director of the SFCB. His conducting is influenced by Richard Blatti (OSU), Gary Lewis (CU-Boulder), Peter Erös (UW, Seattle), Dr. Scott Goble (UBC), Dr. Robert Taylor (UBC) and Dr. Mallory Thompson (Northwest). Earlier he also held the same position with the Vancouver Folk Orchestra from 2008-2012. He was a guest conductor for Fraser Valley Wind Ensemble and National Taiwan University Wind Symphony. Prior to his current music teaching position with Surrey School District, he completed his Bachelor of Education in Secondary Music from UBC. He has a Master of Music degree in Horn Performance from the Ohio State University as well as a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University. In addition to his teaching and conducting duties, Steve continues performing horn in various capacities & gives brass instrument clinics in the Lower Mainland. South Fraser Community Band (SFCB) has been entertaining the masses from beautiful British Columbia, Canada since 1989. We are an intermediate to advanced level band and a non-profit society of music lovers, dedicated to interacting with the South Fraser community through music!

Page 10: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

(一) 昂首天外 層巒叠翠

Reach Higher and Go Farther

尋覓- 黃山,奇美的山之二 晏明詞 屈文中曲 這是雲的搖籃?這是海的故鄉? 哪裏去尋雲覓海?滿山晴空藍天朗朗。 黃山哪裏最美?美在何處盪漾? 哪裏是畫的意境?何處是詩的芬芳?啊! 我來黃山漫步,覓尋雲的去向。

玉山- 山海戀歌之一 黃瑩詞 張炫文曲

玉山美!玉山高!鶴立東南亞, 雄峙蓬萊島;朝陽戴金冠,明月披銀袍; 長夏好像翡翠琢,嚴冬白玉彫。 浮雲綿綿翻雪浪,松風陣陣虯影搖; 櫻梅乍放寒語歇,杜鵑嫣紅春意早。 尋春永不遲,山中春常好, 古木幽深處,猿啼鶯聲嬌。 晴雨不沾衣,飛瀑懸危橋, 崖盡疑無路,石徑上仙瑤。 鯤深灘,漁帆動,水沙連,杵歌遙; 嘿嘿呦!嘿嘿呦! 平原如錦繡,阡陌長新苗, 千山萬壑南北起,三峰直上九重霄。 啊!玉山千般美,玉山萬丈高; 獨攬碧海與青天,叱吒風雲,揚起東海濤。

為要尋一個明星 To Search for the Bright Star

徐志摩詞 冉天豪曲 我騎著一匹拐腿的瞎馬 向著黑暗裡加鞭 向著黑暗裡加鞭 我騎著一匹拐腿的瞎馬 我衝入這黑綿綿的昏夜 為要尋一顆明星 為要尋一顆明星 我衝入這黑茫茫的荒野 累壞了 累壞了 我胯下的牲口 那明星還不出現 那明星還不出現 累壞了 累壞了 馬鞍上的身手 這回天上透出了水晶似的光明 荒野裡倒著一隻牲口 黑夜裡躺著一具屍首 這回天上透出了水晶似的光明

容許我的不躊躇的注視 容許我的熱情的獻致 容許我保持這顯示的神奇 這現在與此地 這不可比擬的一切間隔的毁滅 啊 我更不問我的希望 我的惆悵 未來與過去 只是渺茫的幻想 啊 更不向人問訪問幸福的進門 只求每時分 給我不死的印痕 變一顆埃塵 一顆無形的埃塵 追隨著造化的車輪 進行 進行 進行

山居秋暝 Mountain Scene in Late Autumn Night

王維詩 康謳曲 空山新雨後,天氣晚來秋。 明月松間照,清泉石上流。 竹喧歸浣女,蓮動下漁舟。 隨意春芳歇,王孫自可留。


劉鐵山/茅沅原曲 郭兆甄填詞 蔡克翔編配 燦燦明月淡淡清風 瑤家山寨沉浸在溶溶月夜中 田野上飄來陣陣稻谷清香 豐收夜人不眠 到處起歌聲 木葉聲聲吹 銅鼓响咚咚 臉對臉兒跳個舞 手拉手心相連 嗨濃 嗨濃 嗨依呀囉 耳環亮閃閃 歌聲環繞篝火飛 映得滿天紅 篝火暗了 月兒疲倦了 白色的濃霧為群山拉起幕帳 你聽那年輕的朋友把知心的話兒盡情彈唱 耳環亮閃閃彩裙翩翩舞 歌聲環繞篝火飛 映得滿天紅 嗨!


湖北民歌 林進佑編 阿哥呦!阿妹呦!那邊的阿妹妹呦! 啊牧童哥!你在做什麽呦?這邊的話兒紅又多呦,幫我來摘一朵。那邊的牧童哥呦!

Page 11: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

(二) 夢境與奇跡 Magic and Wonder

Little Polly Flinders by J.MICHAEL DIACK With apologies to MOZART

Little Polly Flinders Sat among the cinders, Warming her pretty, little toes, her toes, Warming her pretty, little toes. Her mother came and caught her, And scolded her little daughter, her little daughter, her little daughter, For spoiling all her nice new clothes, Little Polly Flinders, Sat among the cinders, Warming her pretty, little toes, her toes, warming her pretty, little toes. We Are Made for Music by Joseph Martin The earth has music for all who will listen. Listen to the whisper of the gentle wind. Listen to the music of the dawn. In the dance of autumn leaves, in the swaying of the trees, the earth invites us all to join the song. Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain. Listen to the canyons as they ring. In the thunder’s mighty roar, in the waves upon the shore, the voice of all creation bids us sing. We are one song, we are one with all creation. We are made for music,we are made for praise. We are one song, we are one, one great song of celebration. Give the winds your voice, make a joyful noise, for we are made for music. The clap of thunder, the hush of snow, the laughter of children and the harmony of love, the bells of freedom, the voice of faith, this is the symphony of life. We are made for music,we are made for praise. We are one song, we are one, one great song of celebration. Give the winds your voice, make a joyful noise, for we are made for glorious music. We are one world! We are one voice! We are one song! And we are made for music!

踢踢踏 余光中詞 陳茂萱曲 踢踢踏,踏踏踢, 給我一雙小木屐,讓我把童年敲敲醒, 像用笨笨的小樂器,從巷頭到巷底, 踢力踏拉,踏拉踢力! 踢踢踏,踏踏踢, 給我一雙小木屐,童年的夏天在叫我, 去追趕別的小把戲,從巷頭到巷底, 踢力踏拉,踏拉踢力! 跺了蹬,蹬了跺, 給我一雙小木拖,童年的夏天真熱鬧, 成群的木拖滿地拖,從日起到日落, 跺了蹬蹬,蹬了跺跺! 踢踢踏,踏踏踢, 給我一雙小木屐,魔幻的節奏帶了領我, 走囘童話的小天地,從巷頭到巷底, 踢力踏拉,踏拉踢力! The Calliope Text by George Winkler

Music by Stephen Chatman Oh! Connie is a calliope Always tooin’of his horn In the bright and early morn. Must have been that way when born! Tootoo! Tootoo! Tootoo! Oh! Connie is a calliope Full of steam and full of noise With the solos played the boys. Must have been that way when born! Tootoo! Tootoo! Tootoo! Oh! Connie is a calliope Strangers are his major suit And he answeres with a toot. Must have been that way when born! Tootoo! Tootoo! Tootoo! Oh! Connie is a calliope Lies he tells without a blink On a chance to have a drink. Must have been that way when born! Must have been that way when born!

Page 12: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

貝爾和小提琴 挪威民歌 [俄]薇.愽格丹 諾夫斯卡雅編合唱 薛范 譯配 嘿 我們的貝爾他並不富有 他全部的財產是一條黃牛 他賣去了黃牛到市場轉悠 去換一把提琴 有一點兒破舊 啊 提琴 提琴 多麼美妙 多麼動聽 好朋友 當他拿起提琴在村裡演奏 嘿 全村的小伙兒都跳舞不休 連文靜的姑娘也放開歌喉 連煩惱的人們也忘掉懮愁 啊 提琴 提琴 多麼美妙 多麼動聽 好朋友 盡管我會衰老 會白髮滿頭 對這一把提琴仍贊不絕口 到臨死的時候 我發誓賭咒 這破舊的提琴勝過十條黃牛 啊 提琴 提琴 多麼美妙 多麼動聽 好朋友

You are Mine Words by David Haas Music by Mark Hayes I will come to you in the silence, I will lift you from all your fear. You will hear my voice, I claim you as my choice, be still and know I am here. I am hope for all who are hopeless, I am eyes for all who long to see. In the shadows of the night I will be your light, come and rest in me. Do not be a afraid, I am with you, I have called you each by name. Come a follow me, I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine. I am strength for all the despairing, I am healing for the ones who dwell in shame. All the blind will see, the lame will all run free, and all will know my name. I am the Word that leads all to freedom, I am the peace the world cannot give. I will call your name- embracing all your pain. Stand up, walk, and live Do not be a afraid, I am with you, I have called you each by name. Come a follow me, I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine.


Climb Every Mountain and Follow Every Rainbow 上美的花

東方白詞 蕭泰然曲 上美的花,請問你,上美的花開在嘟。 我愛伊,永遠不斂,我愛伊,永遠不謝。 我愛伊永遠清香,我愛伊永遠美麗。 我聽見花偷偷跟我講, 我沒開在 Rocky, 我沒開在 Canyon, 我孤開在你心中,你日夜思念的故鄉。

Sing a Song of Sixpence Michael Diack

Sing! Sing! Sing a song, a song of sixpence! Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye; Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie; When the pie was opened the birds began to sing. Wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before a king? The king was in his counting house, counting out his money; The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey; The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes, When bye came a blackbird, and pecked off her nose. Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye; Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie; When the pie was opened the birds began to sing. Wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before a king?

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昆陽雷雨 山旅之歌之三 黃瑩詞 林聲翕曲 風來了!雨來了! 再也看不見野鶴亮翅,麋鹿跳躍。 顛狂的林木!戰慄的花草! 再也聽不到鶯聲婉轉,蟲聲縈繞。 哪兒是路?何處有橋? 滾滾山洪,吞噬著綠色的兩岸, 平疇鄉野,奔騰著無邊的濁浪黑濤。 雨水遮迷了方向,落石擋住了山道; 我被困在這風雨的深山。 忍受著飢寒寂寞的煎熬。 俄頃雨收雲散,大地氣爽天高。 雨後的青山,彩虹環抱。 初晴的美景,難畫難描; 我爬上霞光燦爛的山頂, 細賞那松間泉韻,佇看翠谷雲飄。

跑馬溜溜的山上 四川民歌 胡增榮曲 跑馬溜溜的山上,一朵溜溜的雲喲! 端端溜溜的照在,康定溜溜的城喲! 月亮彎!康定溜溜的城喲! 李家溜溜的大姐,人才溜溜的好喲! 張家溜溜的大哥, 看上溜溜的她喲! 月亮彎!看上溜溜的她喲! 一來溜溜的看上,人才溜溜的好喲! 二來溜溜的看上, 會當溜溜的家喲! 月亮彎!會當溜溜的家喲! 世上溜溜的女子,任你溜溜的求喲! 世上溜溜的男子, 任我溜溜的愛喲! 月亮彎!任你溜溜的求喲!

You Raise Me Up Words/ Music by Brenden Graham/ Rolf Lovland

Arranged by R. Emerson When I am down and oh, my soul’s so weary. When troubles come and my heart burdened be. Then I am still and wait here in the silence until you come and sit a while with me. You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be. There is no life, no life without its hunger. Each restless heart beats so imperfectly. But when you come and I am filled with wonder, sometimes I think I glimpse eternity. You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be.

Climb Every Mountain Lyrics by O. Hammerstein II

Music by R. Rogers Arranged by E. Lojeski

You will find, you will find, your dream. Climb every mountain, search high and low, follow every byway, every path you know. Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow till you find your dream! A dream that will need all the love you can give, every day of your life for as long as you live. Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow till you find your dream!

Page 14: 感謝贊 - The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society ... · 台芳麵廠. 陳銓銘先生 Caan Ch en. 沈又莘先生 趙英濤女士 廖本裕先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 徐雲波女士

(四)花舞彩衣 賞心悅目 Stop and Smell the Roses

杜鵑紅 沈立詞 阿鏜曲 難忘將南春色濃,杜鵑花開一叢叢。 漫山遍野,映照雙頰紅,映透兒時夢。 兩小正無猜,愛苗悄悄種。 暖日微風,留連花叢,擕手共賞杜鵑紅。 烽煙竟使別匆匆,忍叫海天隔重重。 遙問天公,國破山河在,何日得像逢? 回首已朦朧,往事皆成空。 紅蕊猶耐,更深露重,無言信步春山中。 訪盡煙霞遍無蹤,驚見幽谷映山紅。 悲喜情懷,誰能相與共?蒼天把人弄? 隱約眉心動,悠悠難成夢。 休叫君情,如我深濃,年年怕見杜鵑紅。

遠道 古詩十九首之六 黃安倫/F.Schubert Katherinc & Ian LU 改編 涉江采芙蓉 蘭澤多芳草 采之欲遺誰 所思在遠道 可愛的一朵玫瑰花 新疆民歌 胡增榮編 可愛的一朵玫瑰花,塞地瑪麗婭。 啊!那天山上打獵騎著馬, 正當你在山下歌唱婉轉入雲霞。 你的歌聲迷了我,我從山坡滾下,唉呀呀! 你的歌聲婉轉入雲霞。 勇敢的青年哈薩克,伊萬都達爾。 啊!今天晚上過河回到家, 餵飽你的馬兒帶上你的冬不拉。 等那月兒升上來,撥起你的琴弦,唉呀呀! 我們相依歌唱在樹下。

菊花台 方文山詞 周杰倫曲 你的淚光柔弱中帶傷 慘白的月彎彎勾住過往 夜太漫長凝結成了霜 是誰在閣樓上冰冷地絕望 雨輕輕彈朱紅色的窗 我一生在紙上被風吹亂夢在遠方化成一縷香 隨風飄散你的模樣 菊花殘滿地傷 你的笑容已泛黃 花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜淌 北風亂夜未央 你的影子剪不斷 徒留我孤單在湖面成雙 花已向晚飄落了燦爛 凋謝的世道上命運不堪 愁莫渡江秋心拆兩半 怕你上不了岸一輩子搖晃 誰的江山 馬蹄聲狂亂 我一身的戎裝呼嘯滄桑 天微微亮你輕聲地歎 一夜惆悵如此委婉 菊花殘滿地傷 你的笑容已泛黃 花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜淌 北風亂夜未央 你的影子剪不斷 徒留我孤單在湖面成雙

夜來香 李雋青/姚敏/劉文毅 那南風吹來清涼,那夜鶯啼聲清唱, 月下的花兒都入夢,只有那夜來香, 吐露著芬芳。 我愛這夜色茫茫,也愛這夜鶯歌唱, 更愛那花一般的夢,擁抱著夜來香, 吻著夜來香。 夜來香我為你歌唱,夜來香我為你思量。 夜來香!


勝泉詞 戴于吾曲 潔白的小絨花飄啊飄,蒲公英在秋風中微笑。 帶著理想,帶著信念,飄到原野,飄到山坳。啊!祖國的土地到處有春光,去安家,去播種,去創造! 潔白的小絨花飄啊飄,蒲公英在秋風中微笑。 啦啦啦啦啦!

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《層巒天香 風情之旅》

《An Evening of Song》

演唱會成功 “音樂有陶冶性情,調節生活的功能。





2013 遠 道 之 友

Advan Materials Ltd.

廖本裕先生 趙英濤女士

劉鳳英女士 孟憲江先生

林華嬌女士 吳達玲女士


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