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Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 1

Effacts 4 Installation Guide Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................... 3

Server .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Database .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Document Location ............................................................................................................................. 3

Data files .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Sending emails ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Downloading the software .................................................................................................................. 3

3. Upgrading from Effacts version 3.x on the JBoss platform ............................................................. 5

4. Installing the application server ...................................................................................................... 6

Installing Java ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Prepare Java to support strong encryption ......................................................................................... 7

Install Apache Tomcat ......................................................................................................................... 8

Copying the Effacts deployment files ................................................................................................ 12

Setting the startup type and the right memory options ................................................................... 13

5. Configuring the connection to the database ................................................................................. 15

6. Setting the Windows service properties ....................................................................................... 16

7. Starting the Effacts application ..................................................................................................... 19

Connecting to an existing database .................................................................................................. 19

Restoring a database from another server ....................................................................................... 19

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 2

1. Introduction This document contains the installation procedure for the Effacts 4 application on a Microsoft

Windows platform, using a Microsoft SQL Server. The guide assumes that the platform itself is

available and the reader is aware of how the platform functions and needs to be configured. The

guide will only mention the basic requirements of the configuration; the system administrators must

cope with the specifics.

It is possible to install the application on different platforms, including Linux and to use PostgreSQL

instead of SQL Server as a database. Installation on these platforms is quite similar to the Windows

installation, but the details will not be covered in this guide.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 3

2. Prerequisites

Server As a rule, the requirement of the server system operating system is Windows Server 2008 or later.

Previous versions will probably work as well as non-server operating systems like Windows 8, but

these are not supported. During the installation it is required to have local administrator rights. It will

not be required to reboot the server system to complete the installation.

Database There should be a Microsoft SQL Server installation, version 2008 or later, available. This server

should be reachable via TCP/IP from server on which Effacts will be installed. Be sure to have the IP

or Hostname and to have it available before continuing the installation.

Effacts requires an available empty database in SQL Server for this installation, or you might want to

connect to an existing Effacts database instance.

The Effacts software can connect to the SQL Server using either SQL Authentication (which uses

username and password) or Integrated Security. The user bound to the authentication method is

required to make scheme changes. Easiest way to handle this is by making the user a ‘db_owner’ for

the database. When SQL Authentication is chosen, you are required to have both username and

password available.

Document Location Before installing you should decide where Effacts should save backup snaphots and documents

uploaded to Effacts. Depending on how the software is used, the data in this location could grow

excessively and should allow enough growth possibilities to sustain the usage. This directory is

referred to as {DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY}. It is possible to use network shares instead of local

directories for the {DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY}. The user used for running the Effacts service is

required to have read, to write and to create rights for the {DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY}.

Data files If there is a previous Effacts version on a different server, it may be required to copy old files. This is

required when the old information needs to be transferred to the new server. To be able to attach

the previous contexts, it is required to run a full back up for each context you want to keep. During

the period of the transfer there should not be anyone working on the previous version as that may

cause information to be lost. To run a full backup, the owners of the context should use “System”

“Advanced” “Full backup”. After this is done, the old document location can be copied to the

{DOCUMENT_LOCATION}. When the transfer is from online to an on premise installation, it is

required to ask Effacts for a full dump of the data files.

Sending emails For some functionalities it is required to have an SMTP server available. The IP or Hostname of the

SMTP server is referred to as {SMTP_SERVER}.

Downloading the software During the installation we will need the following components:

Java 8 JRE http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html (select the most recent JRE that matches your server architecture)

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 4

Java 8 Cryptograhy Extensions


Tomcat 7 Application Server http://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi (Select the service installer)

Effacts 4 deployment files https://knowledgebase.effacts.com/S6709

Mod-JK proxy for IIS https://knowledgebase.effacts.com/S3378

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 5

3. Upgrading from Effacts version 3.x on the JBoss platform When there is an existing instance of Effacts 3.x running on your system, this version needs to be

disabled first.

Open the Windows Services console, locate the “Effacts Application Service” and stop it.

Check under which user account this service is running, if it is running under another account than

“Local System”, the new Tomcat server should run under this service account as well.

Execute the batch file “{JBOSS_HOME}\jb0ss-4.2.3.GA\bin\UninstallJBossNT.bat” to unregister the

“Effacts Application Service”. Refresh the Windows Services window to make sure that the service is

removed from the list.

Check the content of the file “{EFFACTS_HOME}\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy\mssql-

ds.xml”, the connection url that is used here should be used for the database configuration url in the

Tomcat file “context.properties”.

Check if there is a file “{EFFACTS_HOME}\jboss-

4.2.3.GA\server\default\conf\EffactsAuthenticationMapping.xml”. If such a file exists, you need to

copy this later to the location {TOMCAT_HOME}\lib\ before the Tomcat server is started for the first


Now follow the instructions in the next chapters to continue installing the new platform.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 6

4. Installing the application server In the next section we will describe how each of the components will be installed and configured.

First we will install the Java runtime environment, then the Apache Tomcat application server and

after that the Effacts application itself will be deployed.

The final step is to set up IIS as a frontend webserver, it is recommended to do this but since the

Tomcat application server has a simple internal webserver that runs on port 8080, this step is not


Installing Java Download the most recent Java 7 version from:


Accept the license agreement and run the downloaded program as an administrator on your Effacts

server. For 64-bit platforms the filename will be be jre-7u??-windows-x64.exe:

The software will be installed in “C:\Program Files\Java\jre7” If you would like to change this you can

click ‘Change destination folder’ to define an alternative location. Click the ‘Install’ button to start the


Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 7

Click close to finish the installation.

Prepare Java to support strong encryption By default, Java does not support strong encryption, but since Effacts uses 256-bit AES encryption we

have to download the appropriate policy files from:

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 8


Open the ZIP-file that was downloaded and locate the files local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar.

Copy these files to your Java programdirectory to the subfolder “lib\security”, when default settings

are used the location will be C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\security. This copy action will warn that

older versions of the two files were already there:

Select to replace these files.

Install Apache Tomcat Download the Tomcat service installer from the Apache site:


The filename will be apache-tomcat-7.0.??.exe Run it to start the installation:

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 9

Click Next to Continue.

Clcik “I agree” to accept the license.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 10

Deselect the items “Start Menu Items”, “Documentation” and “Manager” and click “Next”.

Review the port settings and click “Next”.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 11

Review the location of the Java Virtual Machine. This should point to the new Java installation. Click


Review the destination folder for the program files and change it when needed. We fill later refer to

this location as {TOMCAT_HOME}. Click “Install”.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 12

After a few seconds, the Tomcat Server is installed. Deselect both checkboxes and click Finish. We

will start up the Tomcat Server after we have copied the Effacts deployment files.

Remove the directory ROOT from {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\, this directory will now be completely


Copying the Effacts deployment files Download the latest deployment file from the Effacts website:


Open the ZIP and copy the content as follows:

Copy the file effacts.war in the “webapps” folder to {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\ :

Copy the file context.properties and the sqljdbc4.jar files from the “lib” folder in the ZIP-file to

{TOMCAT_HOME}\lib\ :

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 13

Copy the file sqljdbc_auth.dll file from either the “auth/x64” or the “auth/x86” folder in the ZIP-file

to {TOMCAT_HOME}\bin\ (depends whether you chose to use te 64-bit or the 32-bit Java virtual


Setting the startup type and the right memory options By default, Tomcat will only use 256MB of memory which will lead to a poor performance or ‘out of

memory’ exceptions.

Go to {TOMCAT_HOME}\ bin\ and start Tomcat7w.exe as administrator

Click the Java tabpage and add the following lines to the Java Options section (be sure to inlucde the

leading dashes):





Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 14


Set the Initial Memory pool to 256 and set the Maximum memory pool to 1280 or higher

No click on the General tab page and select Automatic as the start up type

Click OK to finish this part of the configuration.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 15

5. Configuring the connection to the database Open the file {TOMCAT_HOME}\lib\context.properties with an editor to set the right location of the

SQL Server database:

The set of required properties depends on the type of authentication used. For SQL Server

Authentication you need to fill in the “user”, “password” and the “url”. When you use a Windows

service account to connect to the database you can remove the “user” and “password” lines and add

the text “;integratedSecurity=true;” at the end of the url line. When a local SQL Server on port 1433

is used with a database called EffactsDB, your url will look like this:


Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 16

6. Setting the Windows service properties Open the Services management console from the Administrative Tools menu and locate the Apache

Tomcat 7.0 service. Right-click it and select Properties:

Select “Automatic”as the startup type.

When the application will contact SQL Server via a Windows account, or when the data directory

{DOCUMENT_LOCATION} is on a file server, you will have to set the proper account under which

Effacts will run:

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 17

Click the “Log On” tab and set the right account properties. Click “Apply” and “OK” to finish.

If you are using a different account here, be sure that this account has modify permissions to the

{TOMCAT_HOME} folder: Right-click this folder and select “Properties” “Security”

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 18

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 19

7. Starting the Effacts application From the services windows we can now select the Apache Tomcat 7 service and click “start”.

When all went well, the service is started and you can open your browser to navigate to


Connecting to an existing database When this installation was an upgrade of a previous version of Effacts, people should be able to log in

and see the data.

Restoring a database from another server On a new instance of Effacts, you can log on for the first time using username “admin” and password

“admin”, in the next screen you will have to change this default password.

Once you are logged in you will see the main dashboard of the administrator dashboard. This

account will only be used to create, remove or attach new virtual databases, it will never give access

to the actual data.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 20

In most cases, Effacts will supply the content of the data directory, copy this content to the

{DOCUMENT_LOCATION}. The directory should at least contain a file “check.bin” and a file “key.txt”

and a folder backup with a recent database snaphot in the dormat db{yyyymmddhhmmss}.zip.bin.

In our example we assume that there is a data directory at D:\EffactsData :

We can attach this data from the Effacts application in the browser. Choose “Attach Context”:

Fill in an appropriate name for context name and set the document location. The key and checksum

can be found in the file {DOCUMENT_LOCATION}\key.txt: the first 32 or 64 characters are the key

and the last 3 characters are the checksum. Leave the login name, password and email fields empty.

Click “Submit” to start the import of the database.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 21

This process can take quite some time (more than an hour for large databases). When this process is

finished you will see the main dashboard again, the table will show your new database.

Effacts 4 Installation Guide page 22

Because you are now logged in to the administrator database, you cannot see any data of the

restored database, but when you log out you can use an account from the restored database to log


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