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Effect:GDP will still be positive even without tax revenue. Hence, tax revenue is not the only factor that shapes GDP. Nevertheless, it does not mean that tax (revenue) is not significant to GDP.Referring to the table above, a marginal increase in tax revenue shall result to an increase in output (GDP). Therefore, tax revenue is a factor of GDP with the variation of 79.5985%. this means that GDP varies with tax revenue by this much.

Time:Labor Force %

Nov. 211.5


Nov. 410.2


Nov. 68.7



Nov. 911.7

Nov. 1010.8

Nov. 1110.2

2. You want to measure unemployment rate of persons aged 15-24 by representing it the data of labor force from November 2002-2011.

Analyzing: Unemployment levelsEffect: Acyclical effectis any regular fluctuation in daily, weekly, monthly or annual data.For example, the number of commuters using public transport has regular peaks and troughs during each day of the week, depending on the time of day.

Aseasonal effectis any variation in data due to calendar related effects which occur systematically at specific seasonal frequencies every year.For example, in Australia employment increases over the Christmas/New Year period, or fruit and vegetable prices can vary depending on whether or not they are 'in-season'.

Anirregular effectis any movement that occurred at a specific point in time, but is unrelated to a season or cycle.For example, a natural disaster, the introduction of legislation, or a one-off major cultural or sporting event

Aseasonal effectis any variation in data due to calendar related effects which occur systematically at specific seasonal frequencies every year.For example, in Australia employment increases over the Christmas/New Year period, or fruit and vegetable prices can vary depending on whether or not they are 'in-season'.

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