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Efficient intracavity second harmonic generation(I.S.H.G.) using the optimal pump laser focusing method

Tran-Ba-Chu, A.J. Bouvier, A. Bouvier, M. Broyer

To cite this version:Tran-Ba-Chu, A.J. Bouvier, A. Bouvier, M. Broyer. Efficient intracavity second harmonic generation(I.S.H.G.) using the optimal pump laser focusing method. Journal de Physique, 1985, 46 (4), pp.551-560. �10.1051/jphys:01985004604055100�. �jpa-00209995�

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Efficient intracavity second harmonic generation (I.S.H.G.)using the optimal pump laser focusing method

Tran-Ba-Chu (*), A. J. Bouvier, A. Bouvier and M. Broyer

Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Ionique et Moléculaire (**),Université Lyon I, Bât. 205, Campus de La Doua, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

(Reçu le 13 juillet 1984, révisé le 29 novembre, accepte le 6 decembre 1984)

Résumé. 2014 Une analyse détaillée de la Génération du Second Harmonique Intracavité pour des lasers à faiblegain et pour des dye lasers continus en anneau a été effectuée en utilisant la méthode de focalisation optimale dufaisceau laser. On a déduit des expressions qui concernent les conditions optimales de focalisation, la longueuroptimale du cristal, la puissance de sortie maximale de l’onde du second harmonique et la « transmission nonlinéaire» des miroirs laser. On a testé expérimentalement la théorie et on obtient ainsi une source de radiationultraviolette commode pour l’utilisation en spectroscopie.

Abstract. 2014 A detailed analysis of Intracavity Second Harmonic Generation (I.S.H.G.) for small-gain and cw-ringdye lasers is given which includes the optimal laser beam focusing method as an integral part. Expressions arederived for optimal focusing conditions, the optimal crystal length, maximal output power of the second harmonicwave and « non-linear transmission » of the laser mirrors. Experimental work is presented to test the theory. Anefficient source of u.v. radiation can be realized for spectroscopic applications.

J. Physique 46 (1985) 551-560 AVRIL 1985,


Physics Abstracts42.65 - 42.65C

1. Introduction.

In recent years, Second Harmonic Generation (S.H.G.)has proved to be a very useful method to generateintense and tunable ultraviolet radiation. For highresolution spectroscopy where continuous radiationis required, it has been shown that a high efficiencyharmonic generation can be obtained by inserting thenon-linear element into the cavity of the continuouswave laser [1].The problem of Intracavity Second Harmonic

Generation (I.S.H.G.) has been extensively treated[2-4]. Smith [2] studied the case of a small-gain laserwith a homogeneously broadened laser transition.In this treatment the intracavity non-linear loss andthe plane uniform wave have been used.Ferguson and Dunn [3] have analysed I.S.H.G. in

cw-dye laser, taking into account the thermal absorp-tion with associated thermal phase-mismatching effectsand the excited state absorption in the dye. In parti-cular, the role of the crystal length has been studied.

(*) Permanent address : Institute of Applied Physics,Hanoi, Vietnam.

(**) Associe au CNRS, no 171.

They have concluded that it is not desirable to use acrystal which is as long as possible and that there is anoptimal value of the crystal length which depends onthe losses of the laser cavity. However, they utilizedthe formula given by Teschke et al.’[5] for the operationof dye lasers in the absence of a non-linear crystal tocalculate the intracavity dye laser and threshold power.To determine the S.H.G. power, the authors have alsoresorted to the formulae given by Boyd and Kleinman[6] in the case of the non-linear crystal being locatedoutside the laser cavity. Recently, Kane et al. [7]have studied stable behaviour and the dimension ofthe beam waist in the ring dye laser cavity usingGaussian geometrical optics. However, the non-

linear interaction effect coupled with the laser effectin the active medium is not taken into account.To date, there has been no comprehensive study

of LS.H.G. using the Gaussian pump wave with directlycoupled laser medium and parametric interaction.Gabel and Hercher placed the Second Harmonic

Generation crystal inside the cavity of a cw-dye laser.Several other groups continued thins. work includingHansch et ale and Tittel et al. [8]. Many experimentshave been carried out which produced very differentu.v. powers [9-13].

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01985004604055100

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Webster et al. [10] obtained a maximum power of120 gW at 250 nm with a single mode ring dye laserusing a non critical 900 phase-matching ADP crystalof length 5 cm, whereas Majewski [11] obtained15 mW at 293 nm using a non phase-matching0.05 cm thick Lil03 crystal. Eliel et al. [12] arrivedat a maximum of 25 mW u.v. power using a phase-matching ADA crystal of 2 cm long inside a single modering dye laser cavity. Bouvier et al. [13] obtainedsimilar results with the same crystal of 1.8 cm long.In all these experiments, nothing is regarded concern-ing the optimal configuration of the I.S.H.G. system.

In this paper, we present a model for cw-I.S.H.G.using the optimal focusing method. The laser mediummanifests here a homogeneously broadened gaintransition. The treatment was performed with a

Gaussian eigenmode of a coupled laser which iseither small gain-(cw-YAG Nd3 + laser) or cw-dyelaser. To produce an u.v. source suitable for spectro-scopic uses and to apply our theory in a concretepractical case, we carried out an investigation of theefficiency of I.S.H.G. in a cw ring dye laser using atemperature phase-matched ADA crystal; we alsoinvestigated the variation of S.H.G. power with

respect to the second harmonic generation wave-length. We will discuss the optimization of two

parameters in the system, I.S.H.G. resonator confi-guration and crystal length. A scheme of I.S.H.G.configuration assumed for the mathematical modelis shown in figure 1. The pump (laser) field is consideredto be a fundamental Gaussian mode of the highlyresonant structure M1 1 M 2 and propagates manytimes through the non-linear crystal. The transmissionof the mirrors M1, M2 is 100 % for the S.H. wave. Thusthe laser and the parametric interaction are directlycoupled.

2. Theory.

2.1 EQUATIONS OF MOTION. - We consider the pumpmode of a highly resonant cavity at frequency (01 - a)2is the frequency of S.H.G. wave, satisfying the relationW2 = 2 mj for energy conservation. The method ofderivation is similar to that in our previous paper [14]but, in this case, is applied to S.H.G. The total fieldhas the form

Fig. 1. - Diagram of intracavity second-harmonic gene-ration configuration taken for the mathematical model.

where ej is the polarization unit vector, Uj(r) thespatial mode and Ej(t) the peak electric field (V/m).If only the TEMoo mode of the pump laser is resonant,we can write U,(r) as a sum of right- and left-travellingGaussian beams, i.e.

We shall consider the case in which the pump laserbeam is an extraordinary wave with walk-off anglep = 0 whereas the S.H. wave is an ordinary wave.Boyd and Kleinman [6] have shown that the result isthe same in the inverse case. These latter wrote the

one-way travelling pump laser wave with the Gaussianform

with the centre of the non-linear crystal located at the -origin of a Cartesian coordinate system (X, Y, Z),centred in the laser cavity with the Z-axis along thelongitudinal axis

and Wo is the Gaussian beam waist of the pump wavein the crystal centre; b ( = kl W’) the confocal para-meter and k1 = nmi/C the wave vector of the pumpwave ; n, refractive index. The amplitude of the S.H.wave can be determined using equation (3) togetherwith the parabolic equation deduced in previous workpublished by one of us [ 14,15]

The coupling constant y is

where deff, the non-linear effective susceptibility, is

given by

and the phase-mismatching is

The method exposed in [14] allows us with the help ofGreen’s function, to obtain the solution of the equa-

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tion (4)

where a is the crystal length.The expression (8) defines the field of the S.H. wave

and agrees with the result given by Boyd and Klein-man [6], showing the spatial mode of the S.H. wave

Taking into account polarizations in the laser mediumand in the non-linear crystal, using the treatmentgiven in [14], Lamb’s equation [16] and the expres-sions (1), (2), (3), (8) and (9) we have the followingequation of motion :

Here Q, is the cavity quality factor for the pump lasermode; 8t dielectric constant for the non-linear crystal;xl’ accounts for the gain and saturation due to thelaser medium; x; results in frequency shifts and modepulling and pushing effects; h(2)( (1, ç) and h(’)’(a, ç)-focusing functions defined by


ç = §, the focusing parameterJ =

åkb the p hase-mismatchin gp arameteru =

2’ the phase-mismatching parameter

L the pump laser cavity length.


For the case of a small-gain laser (cw-YAG Nd3 +laser), using (10), (11) and the treatment described in[14] we have the following equations of motion :

where a, = (L/C) (w)/Q)) is the single-pass power lossfor the pump laser mode and T1 a new time variabledefined by Ct/L ; go the single-pass unsaturated powergain and P a parameter accounting for the effect ofsaturation. P1 (= Cnl W2 o/ 16 x I El 12) is the pumplaser power. We see that the equations (14), (15)illustrate the time dependence of the power and phaseof the pump laser wave. Equation (8) defines the powerof the S.H. wave when all the characteristics of the

pump laser wave are known. In general, the equations(14), (15) and the function h(2) «(1, ç) cannot be solvedanalytically, but only by means of computers. Thefunction h (2) (a.pt.) ç) is designated as a focusingfunction for calculating the optimal S.H.G. power,and can be solved in the particular case j « 1 whereit assumes the form

or h(2) ~ ç at copt = 1.The function h (2)(a.pt, ç) has been calculated by a

computer in the general case and the results are plottedin figure 2.


In steady-state regime we have

a) In the absence of the non-linear crystal (deff = 0),expression (17) gives the laser power in the resonator as

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Fig. 2. - Plot of h(2)( Gopt, ç) as a function of ç.

Equation (19) corresponds to the case where themirrors of the resonator have a reflection coefficientof 100 % for the laser frequency.

b) In the presence of the S.H.G., the laser power

in the resonator is

We see that the pump power P, is a simple hyperbolicfunction of the non-linear coefficient K = de f jn; n2(see Fig. 3).

c) The power of the second-harmonic wave is

Using (8), (5) and (20) the power P2 of the second-harmonic wave is given by

where H(Q, ç) = dt -Ie. ; this is Boyd’s andf -4 1 + JtKleinman’s focusing function in [6]. In generalI H(a, ç) 12 cannot be solved analytically but onlyby numerical means [6]. Calculation shows, however,that I H(c, ç) 12/ çh(2) ~ 4. Thus equation (22) becomes

From equation (22) we see that P2 is proportionalto the square of the intracavity power of the pumplaser, the crystal length a ; the focusing functionh(2)( (J, ç); and the non-linear coefficient K. The

power P2 of S.H. wave reaches a maximum at

(dP2/dK)K=Kopt = 0. Or

The expression (23) is the necessary condition for theS.H. power to be a maximum. From equation (23)we see that with a given laser and a given non-linearcrystal, we can choose the value of the focusingfunction h (21(a, ç) such that (23) is satisfied to obtaina maximal value of S.H. power P2. This value has theform

Fig. 3. - Dependence of the second-harmonic generationand laser power on the coefficient K (or K).

Figure 3 shows the dependence of P2 upon K.We shall demonstrate that, in the case of P2 being

maximized, its value is equal to the maximal outputpower of the pump laser when the laser pump worksalone (that is without the S.H. crystal) with mirrorshaving optimal transmission coefficients. We canwrite (24) in the form

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Using (19), expression (25) becomes

Thus T can be labelled as the« non-linear transmissioncoefficient of the laser mirrors. We write (26) in theform

According to the condition (gO/a.l)2 - 1 1 used byRigrod [17], the following expression can be obtained :

Inserting (28) into (27) we get

It is to be noted that, in the absence of the S.H. crystal,the mirror’s transmission coefficient Topt resultingin the maximal power output from a laser oscillatoris the same result as given in [ 17J

In this way, we have demonstrated that, at the maxi-mum S.H.G. power condition, the power of S.H.

wave is equal to the maximum pump laser outputpower in the absence of the non-linear crystal. Thisis in total agreement with the result of Smith [2].


BEAM. - In this section, we shall determine the equa-tions of motion, the power of the S.H.G. directlycoupled dye laser and the maximal S.H.G. powerunder optimal focusing conditions. To simplify theproblem, we will consider that the single-pass loss inthe laser cavity is composed entirely of non-usefulcomponents, such as incomplete absorption of thepump radiation of the dye jet, non-radiative processessuch as scattering, singlet and triplet absorption, alsoextraneous reflection and diffusion at the opticalelements and so forth. The properties of the dye laser used here are the

same as in [5], [18], i.e. the dye is considered to behomogeneously broadened. Since the narrow band-width is achieved with the help of a frequency selec-tive tuning element, it is also assumed that the dyelaser radiation is essentially monochromatic (eigen-mode) whereupon the conditions specified for I.S.H.G.in section 1 are satisfied. Otherwise, the analysis insection 2.1 may be used here for cw-ring dye laseroperated with a unidirectional device since the holeburning effect, mode pulling-pushing effects whichare absent in this laser, are ignored in that section.

2.3.1 Equations of motion, power of the dye laser andS.H. wave. Discussion. - For a small-gain ring dyelaser, the equations of motion (14), (15) become

where UI(Å.I) is the stimulated cross-section, Lo the optical path length in the dye jet, N1(T1 ) the.population inver-sion in the single excited state, P1 the power of the dye laser. Using the approximation proposed by Teschkeet al. [5] the population rate equation can be written as

where up is the ground state absorption cross-section, TR the fluorescence decay time, S the area of the pumpbeam in the dye jet, h Planck’s constant, v, = 11A, the wavenumber, Pp the power of the pump laser, Np theunexcited number of molecules.

Equation (31) is written for the fundamental Gaussian mode making the assumption that the active region isconfined within a distance which is less than the confocal parameter of the beam waist, i.e. the Gaussian beamcan be considered to be at constant diameter. In the steady state regime of a cw small-gain dye laser, equations(29), (30), (31) are equal to zero. Using (32) in conjunction with these equations, we have following equation for

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the intracavity power of the dye laser



For the general case (small-gain or large-gain dye laser), using Pike’s result [18] and (33), the equation whichdetermines the intracavity cw-dye laser becomes

* In the absence of the non-linear effect (K = 0), equation (36) yields


is the dye laser threshold power; a, the total single-pass loss at the laser wavelength including nonuseful compo-nents such as scattering, singlet and triplet states absorption, extraneous reflections and so forth.

On the basis of the comparison with the power formulae in [5, 18] we may make a phenomenologicalcorrection for the Gaussian beam effect generated in the dye jet [18] to our expressions (37), (38), which become

where the parameter v is defined as the ratio of the areas of the pump laser and dye laser beam at the jet.

The expressions (39), (40) are similar to Pikes’ formulae [18] in the case where the mirrors of the laser resonatorhave reflection coefficient 100 % at the laser wavelength.

* In the presence of the S.H.G. effect (K # 0), using equation (36) and the above correction, we have thefollowing formulae for the intracavity power of the dye laser

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Using (5), (8), (21), (38) and (41), the expression for S.H. output power P2 is

The S.H.G. power reaches a maximum at

(dP2/dx)K = Kopt = 0, thus

Using (35), (43) becomes

Equations (43) and (44) like expression (23) define theoptimal focusing condition for maximal S.H.G. power,the value of which is

and the intracavity power of the dye laser in this case is

Equations (41), (42) show that the powers of the dyelaser and S.H. wave are a simple function of K.Figure 3 illustrates their K-dependence on a differentscale.When the thermal effect in the S.H.G. crystal has

to be taken into account, we can correct the powerformula (45) using the result obtained by Fergusonet al. [4] so that

where hT(Pll) is the thermal function which dependson the intracavity power of dye laser. Equation (47)shows that the S.H. wave maximal power PZ maxis a function of the single-pass power loss aj, A, and(11(Å.I) and it exists only when Pp > Ppth.With a given I.S.H.G. system having a threshold

Ppth, its single pass loss al is defined by (40) and theoptimal value of focusing function h (2)(a, ç) by (43),thus the optimal configuration of this system isachieved. If a system is not at the optimal focusing

condition (43) it is necessary to use formula (42) todetermine its S.H.G. power.

In the case of a I.S.H.G. system using ADA crystal(p = 0, deff = 7.4 x 10- 8 ues [19] ; no - ne = 1.57[20] ; a = 1.8 cm) and Rh 6G dye (TR = 5 x 10 - 9 s ;No = 1.2 x 1018 molecules/cm3 ; al(Al 0.586 J.1ffi) =1.62 x 10 - 16 cm2 [18]) with a, = 0.62; S = n(I.4)2 x10-6 cm2, at wavelength A, = 0.586 J.1m, the optimalvalue of the focusing function h(2)( 0", ç) given by (43)is hapt = 0.1. The dependence of the maximal S.H.G.power of the above system on the S.H. wavelength asexpressed in equation (47) is shown in figure 4 fordifferent values of al. The working conditions being :a 3 watts argon ion laser, operating at 514.5 nm insingle transversal mode with a pump mirror of cur-vature radius of 5 cm, is used to pump a jet of rho-damine 6G dye whose thickness is 0.2 mm. The pumpbeam makes a Brewster angle (57° 2 for 514.5 nm)with the dye jet, giving a resultant optical path lengthLo = 0.37 mm and a pump beam area radius of

Fig. 4. - Dependence on the second-harmonic generationmaximal power on its wavelength. P2max versus £j/2 forvarious values of single-pass loss a1 calculated from (47).The values of h(2) and a, are hop, = o.l.

The other parameter values are given in the text.

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0.014 mm at the jet. The value of the function hT(P/)is taken from [4], the value of v is 1, i.e. WI = 0.014 mm.We see in figure 4 the rapid decrease of the maximalS.H.G. power caused by the forceful decline of thestimulated emission cross-section ul(Al) [18] when £jincreases. With a given cavity (i.e. for a given b) wecan determine the optimal crystal length which satis-fies the expression (44) i.e. to develop an optimalI.S.H.G. system; this is in agreement with the conclu-sion of Ferguson and Dunn [4]. We have calculatedthe optimal length of the crystal for b = 3 cm, itsvalue is 0.73 cm.

2.3.2 Non-linear transmission (non-linear coupledloss). - It can be shown by means of (45) and (39)that the maximal power of the S.H.G. under the

optimal focusing condition is identical to the funda-mental output power of the dye laser when the dyeworks alone with mirrors having optimal transmissioncoefficient.In the case of S = nWf, using equations (39), (40)

and (45) we have the following formula for the « non-linear transmission » :

If the I.S.H.G. system operates close to the threshold(i.e. Pp -- Pph) the formula (48) can be written as

For a small-gain dye laser, (49) becomes

Expression (50) agrees with Walter Koechners’ optimallaser output coupling formula [21].

3. Experiment

In this part, we describe the experiment performedboth to test the validity of the theory and to produce

an efficient u.v. radiation suited to spectroscopicexperiment.

3.1 EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT. - A scheme of theexperiment to investigate the I.S.H.G. in cw-ring dyelaser is shown in figure 5. A Spectra-Physics 380 Dring dye laser is used in our experiment. The conditionsrelating to the pump, dye, jet, curvatures of mirrorspath length and pump beam area are those previouslydescribed at the end of paragraph 2.3.1.The ring dye laser has a four mirror M 1, M 2, M 3,

M4 cavity with mirrors reflection coefficients of 100 %for visible frequencies. Three curved mirrors withradii of curvature of 3.5 cm, 10 cm, 23 cm are used andthe distances between these mirrors are d12 = 8.5 cm,d23 = 34.5 cm. The fourth mirror is flat and thethird mirror M3 is 75 % transparent to u.v. light(see Fig. 5). There are two waists in the laser cavity.One at the dye jet of 0.014 mm radius and the otherin the arm M 2 M 3 of 0.043 mm radius. The tuningelements of the ring dye laser are composed of a bire-fringent filter and an electronically tunable etalon.The F.S.R. of the scanning etalon is 75 GHz. The

stable, high power one way propagation is obtainedthrough the use of an unidirectional device whichconsists of a Faraday rotator plate and a crystal quartzrotator plate.For double frequency purpose, a temperature 900

phase-matched ADA crystal measuring 1.8 cm in

length is placed at the arm M2 M3 in such a way thatthe centre of the second waist coincides with thecentre of the crystal. Since at the second focus of thelaser cavity the power density far exceeds the damagethreshold of antireflexion coatings, the ADA crystalis placed at the Brewster angle.The temperature of the crystal is varied at 0.1 OC

intervals by an electronically controlled stabilizingoven. The S.H.G. crystal is oriented so that the para-metric interaction in it is of type I, i.e. the polarizationvector of the pump wave is perpendicular to the

optical axis when the polarization of the S.H.G. waveis parallel to it. Using [7] we see that our systemoperates in stable zone of the cavity.

Fig. 5. - The experimental set up.

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The focusing parameter value of the above system is

Using a = 1.8 cm ; A, = 0.586 x 10- 4 cm ; Wo =4.3 x 10- 3 cm and n, = 1.5; we obtain Çexp = 0.60.The value of the focusing function in this case is

h(2) (U.P,, Çexp = 0.6) = 0.55 (see Fig. 2). Comparingwith the above theoretical value of the focusingfunction h (2) = 0.1, we see that our experimentalsystem is not at the optimal focusing conditions. Tosatisfy the optimal focusing conditions, we have tochange either the cavity configuration (mirrors cur-vatures or distances) or the crystal length.

3. 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. - To define the single-pass loss a, of the I.S.H.G. system, the pump powerthreshold Pplh has been measured at the laser wave-length A, = 0.586 um with a Spectra-Physics watt-meter. The obtained value is 1.8 watt, which means

al = 0.62 (using formula (40)). This measured value ofthe loss is acceptable since, from its definition in 3.1 a,is the total loss at the laser wavelength. This includesnonuseful components such as 10 % of the pumpradiation which is not absorbed by the dye, 25 % goesinto non radiative processes which generate heat [3,22, 23], approximately 21 % is lost at the optical ele-ments in the laser cavity [9] and a 2.5 % loss is intro-duced by a deliberate slight misalignment [5]. Withan u.v. detector (a Mole cell with sensibility of 0.16 mV/mW) and a Jobin-Yvon monochromator, the S.H.G.power has been found to be a function of S.H. wave-

length at the argon pump laser power of 3 W. Fergusonet al. [3] have shown that excited state absorption andthermal effects increase to such an extend that it isbetter to use a relatively small pump power to reducesaturation effects. In our case a suitable pump power is3 W at Ap = 514.5 nm. In these experiments, the u.v.wavelength is tuned across a wide range between2 930 A and 3 020 A by means of temperature varia-tion of the ADA crystal. Due to the limited trans-mission of M3, the u.v. output power is lower than theu.v. generated in the crystal (lower than the outputpower corresponding to 100 % u.v. transmission ofthe mirror M3). Figure 6 shows the S.H.G. power as afunction of u.v. wavelength. The shape of the theoreticalcurve (solid line), which is defined by (42) using thepractical value of the focusing function heXp = 0.55,matches to the plotted experimental data within theaccuracy of the experiment. To obtain the maximumvalue of the S.H. generated wave, it would be easier tocut the crystal to the optimal length aopt = 0.73 cmsince our resonator has a confocal parameter b = 3 cminside the S.H.G. crystal. This method would haveanother advantage in eliminating the thermal effectwhich becomes a serious problem at large crystallengths [3]. The laser frequencies can be scanned over30 GHz and 60 GHz for visible and u.v. radiation

respectively, and the use of active stabilization by

Fig. 6. - Dependence of the second-harmonic generationpower on its wavelength. The solid line is the theoreticalcurve as expressed in (42). The values chosen for h(2) and a,are : h( O"opt, ç = 0.6) = 0.55; aj = 0.62. The other para-meter values are the same as those quoted for figure 4. Theexperimental points 0 correspond to u.v. power measuredwith the 75 % u.v. transparency of the M3 mirror. The« experimental » points 0 correspond to the u.v. powerwhich would be measured if a 100 % u.v. transparencywould be available. The theoretical curve was obtainedwith T = 100 % for the M3 mirror.

the Spectra-Physics 388 stabilock system in laserreduces the widths to less than 1 MHz and 2 MHz.In other experiments, the above mentioned u.v. lasersystem has also been used in range 2 940 A-2 955 A toinvestigate the hyperfine structure of the f(Og ) state ofiodine [13].

4. Conclusioa

A detailed quantitative analysis of the intracavitysecond-harmonic generation (I.S.H.G.) using the opti-mal laser beam focusing method has been carried out.With the directly coupled non-linear crystal laser

model, we have developed expressions for the optimalfocusing condition, maximal output power of secondharmonic wave and the « non-linear transmission »of the laser mirrors. Whilst our formulae are generalfor I.S.H.G. systems using Gaussian laser beams, theygive very good agreement with results published byother authors, as discussed in the text. The theory wastested by experimental work using a ring dye laser, and,in this case, the agreement between experimental andtheoretical results was highly satisfactory. It has beenshown that an optimal focusing I.S.H.G. systemincreases the efficiency of the S.H. wave output power.This work leads us to make two remarks of practical

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importance. Firstly, that it is not necessary to use avery long crystal in order to maximize S.H.G. outputpower. Secondly, there is no requirement for a largepump input power for the ring dye laser. In the future,our results might be used to improve existing u.v.sources used in spectroscopic studies.


The authors would like to thank M. Gaillard forhis most helpful assistance and collaboration duringthis work, and B. Couillaud for stimulating discussionson the experimental set up.


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