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T$, 01 C0+,+Title

DeclarationTable of Contents

Executive Summary

1. Objectives and scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A)



Project Alternatives

2. Policy, e!al and Administrative frame"or# 


Environmental Impact anagement and Coordination Act! "###

T$e Public $ealt$ Act %Cap &'&(

T$e )ater Act &**&T$e Environmental anagement and Co+ordination %)ater ,uality( -egulations

T$e .ocal /overnment Act %Cap &01(T$e P$ysical Planning Act %Cap &20(

T$e Penal Code %Cap 03(

Compliance 4it$ Existing -egulations

$. Project %escription

Proposed .ocation of t$e Project

Type of ActivityProcedure for drilling a 5ore$ole

Project Proponent

&. Environmental 'ettin!s aseline Information

Project .ocation

5iological Attributes

 Flora/ Vegetation

 Fauna/ Animals

P$ysical Environment





Socio+Cultural Environment

 Demography Living standards

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 Archaeological set up

Socio+Economic Environment Land use


*. Potential Environmental Impacts

+. Environmental ana!ement Plan

-. Environmental ana!ement and onitorin! Plan for %ecommissionin!

. P/blic Participation

0. oncl/sion

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'e proposed proe$t entai&s dri&&ing one rep&a$ement .oreo&e on LR No a itenge&a322+ Or&5

Airpar6 Limited O&oo&oiti6osi area of aiado Nort 7istri$t Or&5 Airpar6 Limited o#n a.o%t 100

e$tares &o$ated a.o%t 40 6i&ometers from Nairo.i #it a f%&&5 f%n$tiona& Airpar6 'e site is not

$onne$ted to an5 p%.&i$ #ater s%pp&5 as tere is none aai&a.&e for$ing te residents to .%5 #ater from

endors and priate .oreo&es at exor.itant rates

aiado area as .een 6no#n to experien$e serio%s #ater $risis and d%e to te nat%re of te proe$t

.eing %nderta6en, te proponent dri&&ed a .oreo&e in 2003 #i$ ad a tested 5ie&d of 10,000 &iters per

o%r 9o#eer, te s%pp&5 from te .oreo&e as deteriorated to &ess tan 2,000 &iters per o%rs #i$

is ins%ffi$ient to meet te $%rrent #ater demands and fa$i&itate expansion p&ans too

'e proponent ad $ommissioned a 5dro geo&ogi$a& s%re5 to .e $arried o%t on te pie$e of &and,

 #i$ #as done .5 :ater#e&&s ;< Ltd, report No :: "13* 200" ;=%re5s report atta$ed< 'e

report states tat te area as a moderate gro%nd#ater potentia& #it aerage 5ie&d of a.o%t 8,000 &iters

per o%r 'e area is s%ita.&e for a .oreo&e to a maxim%m dept of 200 meters and fitted #it a #ater

meter for monitoring te rate of #ater a.stra$tion and an air&ine for monitoring te #ater ta.&e


'e proponent f%rter $omp&ied #it te :ater A$t and app&ied for a%tori>ation to sin6 a #e&& or

.oreo&e #it te :ater reso%r$es -anagement A%torit5 and is $%rrent&5 a#aiting an a%tori>ation

permit .efore pro$eeding #it te proe$t 'e a%tori>ation permit #i&& ena.&e te proe$t proponent to

dri&& a .oreo&e for a.stra$tion of 100m?da5 to meet domesti$ and minor irrigation %se on&5 It #i&&

re$ommend te .oreo&e maxim%m dept and te &ee& of a@%ifers to .e sea&ed off #it pain $asing and

.entonite Port&and $ement to preent 5dra%&i$ interferen$e #it te nearest .oreo&es and a&so

re$ommend tat te proe$t proponent $ond%$ts an (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< in

a$$ordan$e #it se$tion +8 of te (nironmenta& -anagement and oordination A$t of 1""" A

5dro&ogist from te -inistr5 of :ater #i&& a&so s%perise te dri&&ing

'e p%rpose of te (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< is to identif5 potentia& positie and

negatie (nironmenta& Impa$ts asso$iated #it te proposed proe$t and proides re$ommendations

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on o# to ta6e adantage of te positie impa$ts on one and and mitigate te negatie impa$ts on te

oter and 'e (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< experts $arried o%t te (nironmenta&

Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< %sing a $om.ination of metods in$&%ding &iterat%re reie#, gro%nd s%re5

and interie#s #it sta6eo&ders s%$ as neig.ors

'e Proe$t proponent needs to #ater te area d%ring dri&&ing to aoid d%st and so%&d dire$t te

 #aste#ater at dri&&ing and test p%mping to te existing storm #ater drainage to aoid ris6 of soi& erosion

and f&ooding te $ompo%nd are so%&d .e ta6en to aoid gro%nd #ater po&&%tion and 10 meter o&es

dri&&ed espe$ia&&5 next to roof g%tters d%ring $onstr%$tion to ens%re te rain#ater $ontri.%tes to gro%nd

 #ater re$arge A&& a@%ifers from gro%nd to 100 meters so%&d .e sea&ed #it .entonite sea& and p&ain

$asing to aoid possi.&e $ontamination and interferen$e #it neig.oring .oreo&es No pit &atrines or

septi$ tan6s so%&d .e $onstr%$ted 200 meters to te .oreo&e In addition, te proponent m%st $ond%$t

an (nironmenta& A%dit in te first 5ear of operation meas%ring te parameters stated %nder #ater for

domesti$ %se and s%.mit te same to N(-A =%$ monitoring re$ords sa&& .e in te pres$ri.ed form

as set o%t in te se$ond s$ed%&e to te #ater @%a&it5 reg%&ations

'e potentia& (nironmenta& Impa$ts identified are $&assified into te fo&&o#ing $ategories Impa$ts on

Air reso%r$es, :ater reso%r$es, ($o&ogi$a& reso%r$es, Biodiersit5 and =o$io*($onomi$ iss%es

-itigation meas%res ae .een dee&oped in respe$t of te signifi$ant negatie (nironmenta& Impa$ts

 #i$ if imp&emented #i&& ma6e te proposed proe$t ia.&e not on&5 to te proponent .%t to te so$iet5

too In addition, te (IA (xperts ae dee&oped an (nironmenta& -anagement P&an, #i$ so%&d

.e adopted in order to ens%re tat te mitigation pro$ess is s%$$essf%&

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. S6#,,&7

An (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< m%st .e done in respe$t to te proe$t as it fa&& %nder te

$ategor5 of proe$ts spe$ified in te se$ond s$ed%&e of te (nironmenta& -anagement and

oordination A$t, 1""" A$$ording to se$tion +8 of te A$t, te proponent so%&d first s%.mit a proe$t

report to Nationa& (nironmenta& -anagement A%torit5 ;N(-A< so tat need for an (IA $an .e

determined 9o#eer, te proe$t proponent and dri&&ing $ons%&tants in $on%n$tion #it te (xperts and

in &igt of te signifi$ant impa$ts asso$iated #it #ater extra$tion $on$&%ded tat an (IA is mandator5

'e A%tori>ation to sin6 a #e&& or .oreo&e iss%ed .5 te :ater Reso%r$es -anagement A%torit5 is

s%.e$t to f%&fi&&ment of spe$ia& $onditions of #i$ se$tion 3;ii< states 'at 5o% m%st $ond%$t an

(nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< in a$$ordan$e #it =e$tion +8 of te (nironmenta&

-anagement and oordination A$t of 1"""C

.2 S60'&7

'e =$oping pro$ess #as $arried o%t #it a ie# to identif5 signifi$ant iss%es and reasona.&e feasi.&e

proe$t a&ternaties and to e&p fo$%s aai&a.&e reso%r$es on te assessment of tose iss%es and

a&ternaties 'is ino&ed identif5ing a&& interested parties re&eant to te proe$t and dee&oping

information on te reso%r$es to .e affe$ted, potentia& $on$erns and proe$t a&ternaties

.3 O8,6+&9,

'e o.e$tie of te proe$t is to dri&& one .oreo&e on a pie$e of &and .e&onging to Or&5 Airpar6 Ltd

approximate&5 100 e$tares sit%ated off iserian*Isin5a road in Ngong 9i&&s area 'e par$e& of &and is

&o$ated 3 6i&ometers so%teast of O&oo&oiti6isi $enter, 1 6i&ometer off iserian*Isin5a road 'e .oreo&e

is expe$ted to s%pp&5 domesti$ and minor irrigation #ater of approximate&5 100m? per da5 'ere is an

esta.&ised Airpar6 at te site #it angers and $ottages for oernigt sta5 #itin te $ompo%nd 'ere

are fo%r permanent staff mem.ers #o reside #itin te $ompo%nd too 'e proe$t proponent p&ans an

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expansion proe$t at te Airpar6 to p%t %p more angers and $ottages en$e is in need of a re&ia.&e

 #ater s%pp&5 'e genera& area of aiado as no p%.&i$ #ater s%pp&5 and te preio%s .oreo&e as

proed to .e %nre&ia.&e in meeting te proponents proe$ted #ater demands

An (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< so%&d .e $arried o%t in order to determine te positie

and negatie impa$ts of dri&&ing a .oreo&e at te proposed site 'e (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment

;(IA< so%&d propose mitigation meas%res in respe$t of te proe$t

.: P#08,6+ A$+,#+&9,

Proposed %evelopment Alternative

'is proe$t report exp&ains te proposed proe$t and examines te effe$ts of te proposed proe$t on

te enironment 'is is ten presented to N(-A to reie# after #i$ #en it attains approa&, an (IA

&i$ense is iss%ed and te proe$t $ommen$es 9o#eer, te dee&opment as to ens%re tat a&&

enironmenta& meas%res are $omp&ied #it d%ring te proe$t &ifespan from dri&&ing to %ti&i>ation and

de$ommissioning pases 'is a&ternatie is $omposed of te proponentDs fina& proposa&, #it te

in$&%sion of te N(-A g%ide&ines, reg%&ations and pro$ed%res as stip%&ated in te (nironmenta&

-anagement and o*ordination A$t ;(-A< of 1"""

N0 P#08,6+ A$+,#+&9,

'is a&ternatie des$ri.es a sit%ation #ere te proposed proe$t #i&& not .e p%t %p It is adantageo%s

in tat tere #i&& .e no negatie impa$ts to te enironment 'e f&ip side of tis is tat tere #i&& .e

$ontin%o%s #ater pro.&ems for te proe$t proponent and inder f%t%re expansion p&ans

A$+,#+&9, L06+&0

'e proe$t &o$ation #as determined .5 its &o$ation at te proe$t proponentDs o#n $ompo%nd No oter

site #i&& .e idea&, as te geo&ogi$a& s%re5 team as approed te se&e$ted site as te most s%ita.&e for

dri&&ing te .oreo&e 'e A%tori>ation to dri&& a .oreo&e #i&& a&so state tat te .oreo&e m%st .e dri&&ed

at te se&e$ted site 'e site a&so as existing infrastr%$t%re in$&%ding po#er $onne$tion to p%mp te

 #ater and distri.%te it for %se

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Proided te (nironmenta& Impa$t mitigation meas%res are imp&emented and so%nd $onstr%$tion

meas%res adopted, negatie effe$ts on #ater, soi&, air, so%nd, se#erage and drainage s5stems #i&& .e


M&+&7+&0 10# +, '#0'0,- A6+&0

-itigation meas%res in$&%de proper and&ing of #aste materia& d%ring $onstr%$tion 'e app&i$ation or

adoption of standard $onstr%$tion management pra$ti$es is f%ndamenta& onf&i$ts arising from

%nforeseen negatie impa$ts #i&& .e so&ed .5 fo&&o#ing te pres$ri.ed mitigation meas%res and tro%g

$ons%&tations #it te re&eant a%torities and te p%.&i$ In addition, te mitigation meas%res #o%&d .e

appropriate&5 designed and imp&emented to prote$t te enironment 'e proponent m%st $ond%$t an

(nironmenta& A%dit in te first 5ear of operation meas%ring te parameters stated %nder #ater for

domesti$ %se and s%.mit te same to N(-A =%$ monitoring re$ords sa&& .e in te pres$ri.ed form

as set o%t in te se$ond s$ed%&e to te #ater @%a&it5 reg%&ations

.5 D+ 0 E>&+&7 B0#,0$, & +, 9&6&&+%

'e t#o nearest .oreo&es in te i$init5 fa&&s #itin 0" 6i&ometers NN( and N: respe$tie&5 to te

proposed .oreo&e 'ese .oreo&es #ere dri&&ed to a dept of 120 and 121 meters respe$tie&5 and

 #ater str%$6 at 2 to 88 and 8 to /8 meters respe$tie&5 'e proposed .oreo&e #i&& o#eer .e

dri&&ed to a dept of 200 meters and a&& a@%ifers from te top %p to a penetrating dept of 100 meters .e

sea&ed off #it p&ain $asing and .entonite Port&and $ement to aoid 5dra%&i$ interferen$e #it te

s%rro%nding .oreo&es and possi.&e $ontamination from gro%nd #ater so%r$es

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'e enironmenta& &a#s and reg%&ations of en5a re&eant to te proposed .oreo&e are &isted and

$ommented %pon .e&o#

2. I+#0-=6+&0

In 1""3, te Nationa& (nironmenta& A$tion P&an ;N(AP< #as fina&i>ed %nder te ministr5 of

(nironment and Nat%ra& Reso%r$es 'e N(APDs maor o.e$tie #as to address enironmenta& and

$onseration $a&&enges tro%g appropriate &egis&atie and instit%tiona& meas%res In 1"", N(AP

g%ided te drafting of te (nironmenta& -anagement and oordination Bi&& tat #as ena$ted into &a#

as te (nironmenta& -anagement and oordination A$t, 1"""

'e main o.e$tie of te A$t is to proide for te esta.&isment of an appropriate &ega& and instit%tiona&

frame#or6 for te management of te enironment in en5a 'e A$t f%rter aims to improe te &ega&

and administratie $oordination of te dierse se$tora& in te fie&d of enironment so as to enan$e te

nationa& $apa$it5 for its effe$tie management

2.2 E9&#0*,+$ M7,*,+ - C00#-&+&0 A6+ !!! (EMCA)

'e (-A proides for te %nderta6ing of (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< of a&& proe$ts

&isted %nder s$ed%&e II #it te &i6e&iood of $a%sing aderse potentia& impa$ts on te enironment

'e A$t empo#ers te A%torit5 to)

F Iss%e permits to te person responsi.&e for %nderta6ing an5 enterprise, $onstr%$tion or

dee&opment of a pres$ri.ed $ategor5 in a pres$ri.ed area =e$tion "H 'is se$tion, te Pres$ri.ed

Area Order, designates a&& of en5a as .eing #itin te pres$ri.ed area

F Iss%e &i$enses for dis$arge of trade or se#age eff&%ent or for $onstr%$tion or modifi$ation of

an5 #or6s for s%$ dis$arge =e$tion 12 ;1< ;a< and ;.<H

F Re@%est information or do$%ments as te A%torit5 tin6s fit =e$tion 10 ;1<


F Re@%est an (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA< $ontaining s%$ information as ma5 .e

pres$ri.ed =e$tion 10 ;1< ;.<H

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F Re@%est information on po&&%tion $ontro& fa$i&ities =e$tion 1/H

F Reo6e or s%spend permits

Oter &egis&ations tat app&5 in$&%de

2.3 P=$&6 H,$+ A6+

Part I!, se$tion 1+ of te a$t states tat no person instit%tion sa&& $a%se n%isan$e or $ondition &ia.&e to

.e in%rio%s or dangero%s to %man ea&t =e$tion 11 re@%ires Lo$a& A%torities to ta6e a&& &a#f%&,

ne$essar5 and reasona.&e pra$ti$a.&e meas%res to maintain areas %nder teir %risdi$tion $&ean and

sanitar5 to preent o$$%rren$e of n%isan$e or $ondition &ia.&e for in%rio%s or dangero%s to %man


=%$ n%isan$e or $onditions are defined %nder se$tion 118 as #aste pipes, se#ers, drains or ref%se pits

in s%$ a state, sit%ated or $onstr%$ted as in te opinion of te medi$a& offi$er of ea&t to .e offensie

or in%rio%s to ea&t An5 noxio%s matter or #aste #ater f&o#ing or dis$arged from an5 premises into

te p%.&i$ street or into te g%tter or side $anne& or #ater$o%rse, irrigation $anne& or .ed not approed

for dis$arge is a&so deemed as a n%isan$e Oter n%isan$es a&so in$&%de a$$%m%&ation of materia&s or

ref%se #i$ in te opinion of te medi$a& offi$er of ea&t is &i6e&5 to ar.or rats or oter ermin

2.: T, ?+,# A6+

Part II se$tion 18 of tis a$t proides for te nationa& monitoring and information s5stems on #ater

reso%r$es =%.*se$tion 3 of tis a&&o#s te #ater reso%r$es management a%torit5 to demand from an5

person or instit%tion, spe$ified information samp&es or ra# materia& on #ater reso%r$es Ender tese

r%&es, spe$ifi$ re$ords ma5 re@%ire to .e 6ept .5 a site operator and te information made aai&a.&e to

te a%torities as and #en re@%ired

=e$tion /3 of te a$t a&&o#s a person #it a &i$ense to s%pp&5 #ater to ma6e reg%&ations for p%rposes of

prote$ting against degradation of #ater reso%r$es =e$tion /+ a&&o#s te &i$ensee to $onstr%$t and

maintain drains, se#ers and oter #or6s for inter$epting, treating or disposing of an5 fo%& #ater arising

or f&o#ing %pon &and for preenting po&&%tion of #ater #itin teir %risdi$tion

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'e ne# :ater A$t ;2002< of te La#s of en5a see6s to ma6e .etter proision for te $onseration,

$ontro& of po&&%tion, apportionment and %se of te #ater reso%r$es in en5a, and for p%rposes te5 are

in$identa& tereto and $onne$ted tere#it 'e A$t ests o#nersip and $ontro& of #ater in te

goernment s%.e$t to an5 rigts of %ser Ender tis proision te responsi.i&it5 to reg%&ate a$$ess, %se

and $ontro& of #ater reso%r$es is ested in te #ater reso%r$es management a%torit5 ;:R-A<

'e #ater A$t prote$ts #ater .odies and so%r$es from po&&%tion and $ontro&s teir %se .5 te proe$t It

ens%res tat te proe$t re@%ire amo%nt of #ater tat $an .e proided for .5 te existing #ater s5stem

and tat te proe$t design #i&& #or6 to $onsere te aai&a.&e #ater reso%r$es .ot d%ring $onstr%$tion

and operation pases

2.5 T, E9&#0*,+$ M7,*,+ - C0@0#-&+&0 (<+,# =$&+%) R,7=$+&0

'e reg%&ations set stringent $ontro&s to prote$t so%r$es of #ater for domesti$ %se =e$tion 4;12<

states tat (er5 person sa&& refrain from an5 a$t #i$ dire$t&5 or indire$t&5 $a%ses, or ma5 $a%se

immediate or s%.se@%ent #ater po&&%tion, and it sa&& .e immateria& #eter or not te #ater reso%r$e

 #as po&&%ted .efore te ena$tment of tese reg%&ationsC and 2 states tat No person sa&& tro# or

$a%se to f&o# into or near a #ater reso%r$e an5 &i@%id, so&id or gaseo%s s%.stan$e or deposit an5 s%$

s%.stan$e in or near it, as to $a%se po&&%tionC =e$tion + states tatC A&& so%r$es of #ater for domesti$

%ses sa&& $omp&5 #it te standards set o%t in te first s$ed%&e to tese reg%&ationsC

'e reg%&ations a&so proi.it a.stra$tion of gro%nd #ater or $arr5ing o%t an5 a$tiit5 near an5 &a6es,

riers, streams, springs and #e&&s tat is &i6e&5 to ae an5 aderse impa$t on te @%antit5 and @%a&it5 of

 #ater, #ito%t an enironmenta& impa$t assessment &i$ense iss%ed in a$$ordan$e #it te proision of

te A$t in se$tion

'e reg%&ations inest in te a%torit5 ;N(-A< in $ons%&tation #it te re&eant agen$5, te po#ers to

maintain #ater @%a&it5 monitoring for so%r$es of domesti$ #ater at &east t#i$e eer5 $a&endar 5ear and

s%$ monitoring re$ords sa&& .e in te pres$ri.ed form as set o%t in te se$ond s$ed%&e to tese


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'e proponent m%st ens%re tat te .oreo&e #ater #i&& meet te @%a&it5 stsndards for so%r$es of

domesti$ #ater as set o%t in te first s$ed%&e of te reg%&ations 'e standards are as fo&&o#s

JEALI'K ='AN7AR7= OR =OER(= O 7O-(='I :A'(R

Parameter G%ide Ma&%e ;maxim%m a&&o#ed<

p9 +*8+

=%spended so&ids 30;mgL<

Nitrate*NO3 10;mgL<

Ammonia*N93 0+;mgL<

Nitrate*NO2 3;mgL<

'ota& disso&ed so&ids 1200;mgL<

($o&i Ni&100m&

&%oride 1+;mgL<

Peno&s Ni&;mgL<

Arseni$ 001;mgL<admi%m 001;mgL<

Lead 00+;mgL<

=e&eni%m 001;mgL<

opper 00+;mgL<

in$ 1+;mgL<

A&65& .en>5& s%&ponates 0+;mgL<

Permanganate a&%e ;PM< 10;mgL<

2. L06$ G09,#*,+ A6+

=e$tion 13 ;e< gies po#ers to te &o$a& a%torities to proi.it .%sinesses #i$ .5 reason of smo6e,

f%mes, $emi$a&s, gases, d%st, sme&&, noise, i.rations or oter $a%ses, ma5 .e or .e$ome a so%r$e of

danger, dis$omfort or anno5an$e to te neig.orood, and to pres$ri.e $onditions s%.e$t to #i$

.%siness sa&& .e $arried o%t

2. P%&6$ P$&7 A6+'e &o$a& a%torities are empo#ered %nder se$tion 2" of te a$t to resere and maintain a&& &and

p&anned for open spa$es, par6s, %r.an forests and green .e&ts 'e same se$tion, terefore, a&&o#s for

proi.ition or $ontro& of %se and dee&opment of &and and .%i&dings in te interest of proper and order&5

dee&opment of an area

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=e$tion 30 states tat an5 person #o $arries o%t dee&opment #ito%t te permission #i&& .e re@%ired

to restore te &and to its origina& $ondition It a&so states tat no oter &i$ensing a%torit5 sa&& grant

&i$ense for $ommer$ia& or ind%stria& %se or o$$%pation of an5 .%i&ding #ito%t a dee&opment permission

granted .5 te respe$tie &o$a& a%torit5

ina&&5 se$tion 3 states tat if in $onne$tion #it a dee&opment app&i$ation, te &o$a& a%torit5 is of te

opinion tat te proposed dee&opment #i&& ae in%rio%s impa$t on te enironment te app&i$ant

sa&& .e re@%ired to s%.mit togeter #it te app&i$ation, an (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment ;(IA<

2. T, ',$ 60-,

=e$tion 1"1 of te pena& $ode states tat an5 person or instit%tion tat o&%ntari&5 $orr%pts or foi&s #ater

for p%.&i$ springs or reseroirs tere.5 rendering it &ess fit for its ordinar5 %se is g%i&t5 of an offen$e

=e$tion 1"2 of te same a$t states tat a person #o ma6es or enti&ates te atmospere in an5 p&a$e

ma6ing it noxio%s to te ea&t of personsinstit%tions in d#e&&ing or .%siness premises in te

neig.orood or tose passing a&ong p%.&i$ #a5 $ommits and offen$e

2.! C0*'$&6, ?&+ E>&+&7 L,7&$+&0

B5 $arr5ing o%t tis (nironmenta& Impa$t Assessment, te proponent as a&read5 $omp&ied #it te

(nironmenta& -anagement and oordination A$t, 1""" ;(-A< and te (nironmenta& -anagement

and o*ordination ;:ater @%a&it5< Reg%&ations #i$ re@%ire tat an (IA m%st .e $arried o%t for a

proe$t of s%$ magnit%de

'e proe$t proponent a&so app&ied for a%tori>ation to dri&& a .oreo&e from te :ater Reso%r$es

-anagement A%torit5 ;:R-A< in f%&fi&&ment of te :ater A$t and P5si$a& P&anning A$t and as

agreed to d%mp te #aste in N(-A approed sites in regards to te P%.&i$ 9ea&t A$t, Lo$a&

Goernment A$t and te o%n$i&s B5*La#s


3. P#0'0,- L06+&0 01 +, P#08,6+.

'e proe$t proponent tro%g 95dro :ater :e&& ;< Ltd intends to dri&& a .oreo&e at teir $ompo%nd

sit%ated a.o%t 40 6i&ometer from Nairo.i off iserian* Isin5a road in O&oo&oiti6osi area, aiado distri$t

on LR No a itenge&a322+ Or&5 Airpar6 Limited O&oo&oiti6osi area of aiado Nort 7istri$t ;tit&e

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deed atta$ed< 'e p&ot is &o$ated approximate&5 3 6i&ometers from O&oo&oiti6osi $enter on a 100

e$tares pie$e of &and #ere te proe$t proponent as esta.&ised an Airpar6 #it a fe# $ottages for

oernigt sta5 'e site &ies at an approximate e&eation of 1/10m a.oe sea &ee& on $oordinates 3/-

02+02= and E'- "82+30( 7etai&s of te preai&ing enironmenta& settings of te proposed proe$t

site are ta$6&ed in te (nironmenta& settings $apter ;4<

3.2 T%', 01 A6+&9&+%

Esing a 7o#n 'e 9o&e ;7'9< Rotar5 dri&&ing ma$ine, 95dro :ater :e&& ;< Ltd #i&& dri&& %p a .oreo&e

8C in diameter and 200m deep in .et#een fo%r to six da5s time from 8am to +pm dai&5 It is estimated

tat te dri&&ing #i&& ta6e tree da5s and t#o more da5s for test p%mping if no ard ro$6 formation is


3.3 P#06,-=#, 10# -#&$$&7 0#,0$,

'e $ost of te proe$t is as fo&&o#s

D,6#&'+&0 C0+ (K)

Land 000

ii& #or6s, dri&&ing and e@%ipment 2,000,000

T0+$ 2

NO'() A minim%m fee of ss 10,000 is pa5a.&e to N(-A

T, '#08,6+ & &*'$,*,+,- 10$$0?;

i< Enderta6e a 5dro geo&ogi$a& s%re5 ;=%re5 report atta$ed<

'is is eiter done .5 a &i$ensed priate 5dro geo&ogist or .5 te :ater Reso%r$es -anagement

A%torit5 in Ati Rier 'e s%re5 report $ontains te fo&&o#ing information

a< Re$ommended dept

.< (xa$t point of dri&&ing

$< Lo$ation map seet, e&eation and $oordinates

d< 95drogeo&og5 of te area

e< Geop5si$s

ii< App&i$ation for A%tori>ation to dri&& ;A%tori>ation &etter atta$ed<

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'is is o.tained from te :ater Reso%r$es -anagement A%torit5 in Ati Rier %pon s%.mission of te

fo&&o#ing do$%ments

a< opies of 5dro geo&ogi$a& s%re5 report in trip&i$ate

.< opies of deed p&an or tit&e deed in trip&i$ate

$< Permit app&i$ation form d%&5 fi&&ed and signed

111< 7ri&&ing Pro$ed%re

An 8C diameter .oreo&e is dri&&ed and C stee& p&ain $asing insta&&ed %p to te .ottom depending on te

prod%$tiit5 of te .oreo&e 2*4mm grae& pa$6 is insta&&ed .et#een te .oreo&e #a&& and te $asing

'is is er5 essentia& as it fi&ters #ater from te ro$6s ;a@%ifers< .efore going into te s$reens Boreo&e

dee&opment fo&&o#s after grae& pa$6ing #it te %se of $ompressor to f&%s o%t $ontin%o%s&5 for

seera& o%rs %nti& te #ater is $&ean 'est p%mping is ten $arried o%t .5 performing a 24 o%r

$ontin%o%s dis$arge test to as$ertain te exa$t 5ie&d of te .oreo&e in m?r Re$oer5 test $ontin%o%s

immediate&5 after $onstant dis$arge test 'e .oreo&e is ten $oered .5 insta&&ation of permanent

s%rfa$e $asing and fina&&5 a fie ;+< &iters .ott&e of #ater is $o&&e$ted d%ring test p%mping and ta6en to

goernment $emist to $e$6 on te $emi$a& ana&5sis of #ater

1M< (@%ipping

'is in$&%ded insta&&ation of s%.mer$i.&e p%mp, $ontro& pane&, mis$ $a.&es, GI pipes, e&e$trodes et$ 'e

 #or6 is $omp&ete #en te s%.mer$i.&e and te ne$essar5 a$$essories are insta&&ed in te .oreo&e

3.: P#08,6+ P#0'0,+.

'e proe$t proponent is Or&5 Airpar6 Ltd, P O Box 40813 00100, Nairo.i


:. P#08,6+ L06+&0

'e p&ot in @%estion is sit%ated a.o%t 40 6i&ometer from Nairo.i to#n off iserian* Isin5a road in

O&oo&oiti6osi area of aiado 'e p&ot is &o$ated approximate&5 3 6i&ometers from te O&oo&oti6osi

$enter ten 1 6i&ometer on te rigt t%rn off te iserian* Isin5a on a 100 e$tares pie$e of &and #ere

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te proe$t proponent as esta.&ised an Airpar6 'e proposed proe$t is &o$ated in aiado 7istri$t

 #itin te Rift Ma&&e5 Proin$e It is &o$ated at te so%tern part of te proin$e aiado 7istri$t as an

area of 1",00 6m2  ;B=, 1"81< It is ro%g&5 triang%&ar, and is .ordered .5 te Nairo.i*-om.asa

rai&#a5 to te nort*east, te .order #it 'an>ania to te so%t and te distri$ts of 'aita 'aeta ;to te

so%t east<, Loito6ito6-a$a6os ;to te east<, Nairo.i ;to te nort east<, iam.% ;to te nort< and

Naro6 ;to te #est< It is sit%ated .et#een &ongit%des 3 o+D east and .et#een &atit%des 1o0D and 3o0D


:.2 B&0$07&6$ ++#&=+,

:.2. F$0# / V,7,++&0

Open grass&ands predominate in te Ati*apiti P&ains and man5 parts of te Am.ose&i e$o>one B%s

and #ood&and are fo%nd most&5 in te entra& 9i&&s and in te #estern part of te Am.ose&i e$o>one

orest is rare and most&5 $onfined to iso&ated remnants on i&& $rests and on te &aa f&o#s in te 5%&%


 4.2.2 Fauna / animals

:i&d er.iores ae .een s%re5ed fre@%ent&5 and teir pop%&ations appear to .e more sta.&e tan

tose of domesti$ er.iores 'e5 $omprise a.o%t 22 of te tota& &iesto$6 .iomass in aiado

7istri$t 9o#eer, #i&d er.iores are %neen&5 distri.%ted oer te 7istri$t) In 1"/4*/ te5 a$$o%nted

for 3/ of .iomass in te Ati*apiti P&ains and 2" in te Am.ose&i >one, .%t on&5 8 in te entra&

9i&&s ;ro>e, 1"/8< 'e maor spe$ies in terms of .iomass are #i&de.eest, >e.ra, giraffe and e&and

:.3 P%&6$ E9&#0*,+

:.3. C$&*+,

'e distri$t as a .imoda& rainfa&& pattern 'e sort rains fa&& .et#een O$to.er and 7e$em.er #i&e

te &ong rains fa&& .et#een -ar$ and -a5 Ann%a& rainfa&& is strong&5 inf&%en$ed .5 a&tit%de

'emperat%res a&so ar5 #it .ot a&tit%de and season 'e igest temperat%res of a.o%t 34 are

re$orded aro%nd La6e -agadi #i&e te &o#est minim%m of 10 is experien$ed in Loito6ito6

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-ean ann%a& rainfa&& ranges from 300 to 800 mm 'e distri.%tion of rainfa&& .et#een te t#o seasons

$anges grad%a&&5 from east to #est a$ross aiado 7istri$t In eastern aiado more rain fa&&s d%ring

te sort rains tan d%ring te &ong rains In #estern aiado te maorit5 of rain fa&&s d%ring te &ong


:.3.2 T0'07#'% G,0$07%

'opograpi$a&&5, te distri$t is diided into fo%r different areas name&5 Rift Ma&&e5, apiti P&ains, entra&

Bro6en Gro%nd and te Am.ose&i P&ains 'e proe$t area is #itin te Ati apiti P&ains $onsisting of

gent&5 %nd%&ating s&opes, #i$ .e$ome ro&&ing and i&&5 to#ards te Ngong i&&s 'e i&&s are te

$at$ment area for te Ati Rier #i$ is fed .5 te permanent -.agati and iserian tri.%taries

'ese riers are important so%r$es of #ater for &iesto$6, domesti$ %se and sma&& s$a&e farming P&ains

and o$$asiona& o&$ani$ i&&s and a&&e5s are te main p5si$a& feat%res in te distri$t 'e &and ariesin a&tit%de from a.o%t +00 metres a.oe sea &ee& aro%nd La6e -agadi to a.o%t 2,+00 metres in te

Ngong 9i&&s area

:.3.3 S0&$

'e distri$t $onsists of tree geo&ogi$a& regions @%aternar5 o&$ani$, P&eisto$ene and .asement ro$6

soi&s 'e spe$ifi$ proe$t area is main&5 $omposed of ro$6s and stones s$attered a&& oer te area

:.3.: D#&7,

'e &ands$ape $onsists of p&ains p&%s some o&$ani$ i&&s and a&&e5s 'e region is er5 dr5 #it no

$ontin%a&&5 f&o#ing riers and is offi$ia&&5 designated as semi*arid 'e ann%a& rainfa&& aries .et#een

+00 and 1,2+0 mm

:.: S06&0@ C=$+=#$ E9&#0*,+

:.:. D,*07#'%

'e proe$t site is in a &o# densit5 pastora&ist >one #it a fe# residentia& premises $oming %p d%e to

sett&er pop%&ations 'e pop%&ation is $omposed of ig in$ome $a&i.er sett&ers most&5 tose .%5ing &and

to .%i&d .ig omes

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:.:.2 L&9&7 +-#-

'e &iing standard of te residing pop%&ation espe$ia&&5 te sett&ers are a.oe te standard of te

aerage en5an 'e t5pe of o%sing and te a$reage of &and o$$%pied .5 tese o%seo&d eiden$e

tis 'e indigeno%s pop%&ation is of aerage a.i&ities

:.:.3 A#6,0$07&6$ ,+ ='

'e proe$t site as no $%&t%ra& e&ement #ort $onsering or ta6ing into $onsideration 'e p&ot #as

initia&&5 a pastora&ist >one %sed for gra>ing en$e minima& nat%ra& egetation is aai&a.&e in te area

:.5 S06&0@ E600*&6 ++#&=+,

:.5. L- =,

'e &and %se in te proe$t site and te neig.orood in genera& is main&5 for pastora&ism and

residentia& p%rposes =ma&& s$a&e agri$%&t%re and >ero gra>ing is pra$ti$ed in te area .e$a%se of &a$6 of

 #ater aai&a.&e

:.5.2 I1#+#=6+=#,

Oer te &ast 30 5ears, te %man pop%&ation of aiado 7istri$t as in$reased fo%r*fo&d, or .5 4/ a

5ear ;Rep%.&i$ of en5a, 1"82< At &east a&f of tis in$rease #as d%e to immigration In 1"/" te

pop%&ation of aiado 7istri$t #as estimated at 14",000 or an oera&& densit5 of / peop&e6m2 te

pop%&ation densit5 in pastora& areas #as approximate&5 + peop&e6m2 ;B=, 1"81< B5 1"/" a.o%t a

@%arter of te pop%&ation #as non*-aasai, %p from %st a fe# per $ent in 1"4"

'e e$onom5 of aiado 7istri$t is sti&& dominated .5 te -aasai, #o are &arge&5 pastora&ists, .%t rain*

fed farming, &arge&5 .5 non*-aasai, as ta6en oer as te maor e$onomi$ a$tiit5 in iger potentia&

areas Irrigated $ropping as a&so .een in$reasing a&ong rier a&&e5s and in s#amp5 areas 'e main

areas for irrigated $ropping are a&ong te Ngong 9i&&s, a&ong te Lo&t%res Rier in te imana area, in

te i&imanaro footi&&s and aro%nd Namanga

Oter maor e$onomi$ a$tiities in$&%de te Am.ose&i Nationa& Par6 and mining of soda from La6e

-agadi 'e Nationa& Par6 is a maor to%rist attra$tion, .%t proides no reen%e for te 7istri$t and

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generates &itt&e emp&o5ment for te &o$a& peop&e 'e soda mine emp&o5s a.o%t 00 peop&e, .%t most

emp&o5ees are immigrants from oter distri$ts

aiado 7istri$t is #e&& sered .5 a net#or6 of a&&*#eater roads and .5 rai&#a5s In addition, n%mero%s

roads tat are passa.&e in te dr5 season penetrate te interior of te 7istri$t 'is net#or6 effe$tie&5

&in6s te %r.an and trading $entres in te 7istri$t, and p%.&i$ transport is @%ite readi&5 aai&a.&e

B5 irt%e of its proximit5 to Nairo.i, aiado 7istri$t is a.&e to s%pp&5 tis maor meat $ons%mption $entre

9o#eer, te 7istri$tQs &iesto$6 mar6eting s5stem is #e&& dee&oped on&5 for $att&e On&5 te #estern and

nortern parts of aiado seem to s%pp&5 sma&& sto$6 to te Nairo.i

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Checklist identifying potential impacts from the project 

I*'6+ 7,,#+,- P#08,6+ +7,

D,&7 D#&$$&7 O',#+&0/





<+,# P0$$=+&0

:ater .a&an$e


=%rfa$e f&o# =ite


No effe$t to te orientation of te genera&

area and o.str%$tion to te f&o# of s%rfa$e

 #ater to%g gro%nd #ater ma5.e

affe$ted =ea&ing a&& a@%ifers a.oe 100

meters #i&& mitigate tis

R%noff #i&& res%&t from #aste #ater d%ring

dri&&ing #i&& .e dire$ted to existing farm to

aoid soi& erosion -inima& %se of

rain#ater to enan$e gro%nd #ater

re$arge #i&& .e en$o%raged

A&# P0$$=+&0

In$reased noise

7%st (missions

7%ring dri&&ing de$ommissioning, d%st

and exa%st emissions from ma$iner5

ma5 affe$t air @%a&it5 and ooting and

i.rations in$rease noise &ee&s :ater

aai&a.i&it5 #i&& in$rease te amo%nt of

 #ater %sage and migt &ead to #aste =e&f

$&osing taps and #arnings on safe #ater

%sage #i&& mitigate tis


'emperat%re $ange

In$reased eaporation

:ater aai&a.i&it5 #i&& in$rease te amo%nt

of a$tiities in te immediate neig.orood


=oi& &oss




(art#or6s d%ring dri&&ing

de$ommissioning #i&& ae an impa$t on

soi& erosion In$orporating appropriate soi&

$onseration meas%res and proper

drainage #i&& mitigate tis

B&0@ -&9,#&+%

Loss of f&ora

Loss of fa%na

(xtin$tion of spe$ies

9a.itat a&teration

'ere is no egetation of e$o&ogi$a&

importan$e at te site and no fa%na too

Impa$t #i&& en$e .e minima&


%&t%ra& a&terations

'ere #i&& .e an in$rease in d%st, noise

a$tiities tat $o%&d impa$t negatie&5 on

p%.&i$ ea&t d%ring $onstr%$tion,

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J%a&it5 of &ife


a.stra$tion and de$ommissioning Ne#

peop&e at te site migt introd%$e different

$%&t%ra& .e&iefs and a.its too In$reased

pop%&ations #i&& in$rease &ee&s of

intera$tion among ne# peop&e 'is is

sort term as dri&&ing is expe$ted to &ast

one #ee6 on&5



(n Opport%nities


7ri&&ing a$tiities #i&& $reate o.s d%ring te

period and improe on a$$ess to safe

 #ater in te i$init5 7%ring dri&&ing, is%a&

intr%sion is attri.%ted to dri&&ing a$tiit5 .%t

 #i&& .e $&eared after and &ands$aping done

to improe aesteti$ a&%e Reen%e #i&&

a&so in$rease to te proponent, #or6ers,

transporters, ard#are and goernment

• A s5m.o& denoting an impa$t

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A',6+ S0=#6, 01I*'6+


P#0'0,- M&+&7+&0M,=#,

M&+&7+&0 M,=#,& P$6,

Air 7ri&&ingA.stra$tion


(mission of 7%st(mission of =mo6e

from te dri&&ing rig

:ater areaperiodi$a&&5 d%ring

dri&&ing andde$ommissioningRe*egetate te siteof .oreo&e

*(x$e&&ent dri&&ing rigto .e so%r$ed

red%$ing noise andsmo6e emission=#it$ing off engines #en ma$ines arenot in %se(xisting infrastr%$t%reto .e %sed to$ommission ne#.oreo&e

=oi& 7ri&&ing (x$aated soi&s,m%d and ro$6s and

oi& from ma$ineries

-inima& so&id #asteas an 8C C o&e is

dri&&ed %n&i6e digginga #e&&

'o .e disposed off .5te dri&&ing

$ons%&tants atre$ommendedd%mping sites=eri$e ma$iner5fre@%ent&5 to aoid oi&spi&&s

:ater A.stra$tion *7ep&etion of gro%nd #ater*Less #ater inneig.ors .oreo&es*ontamination of

gro%nd #ater*Re&ia.&e #aters%pp&5 to proe$tproponent

*=%re5 report detai&seno%g gro%nd #aterfor a&& .oreo&es*Boreo&e to .e d%g200m #e&& .e&o# a&&

nearest .oreo&esand a@%ifers a.oe100m sea&ed off toaoid 5dra%&i$interferen$e #it tenearest .oreo&esand possi.&e$ontamination ofgro%nd #ater*Insta&&ation of #atermeter to a.stra$t on&5

10 $%.i$ meters of #ater dai&5

*-inima& aresting ofRain#ater to in$reasegro%nd #aterre$arge

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9ea&t and=afet5


*In%ries from ea5ma$iner5*7%st, noise andi.rations to dri&&ingteam and neig.ors

*(&e$tri$ so$6*ontamination ofgro%nd #ater

*:or6er to #earprote$tie $&oting,in$&%ding oera&&s, earp&%gs, d%st mas6s*Insta&&ation of e&e$tri$

p%mp to .e done .5trained personne&*Ese of 7'9 rotar5te$no&og5 #i&& aoidi.rations

*Esing trainedpersonne& in dri&&ingand de$ommissioning*7ri&&ing done from 8*+pm to aoid

interferen$e #itneig.ors and staff*Boreo&e &o$ated%pi&& and a#a5 froman5 rier tri.%tar5*A@%ifers a.oe 100msea&ed off to aoidpossi.&e$ontamination*Ese of s%.mersi.&e #ater p%mp

*ond%$t an(nironmenta& A%ditin te first 5ear ofoperation and s%.mitte #ater @%a&it5standards to N(-A inpres$ri.ed form



*Re&ia.&e #ater tote proe$tproponent

*In$reased %se of #ater to red%$e d%std%ring dri&&ing*In$reasedemp&o5mentopport%nities*-inima& noise andinterferen$e toneig.ors

*-aintain .oreo&e inex$e&&ent $ondition*Proe$t proponent to

de&ier #ater intan6ers to site d%ringdri&&ing*In$rease #ater.%dget d%ring dri&&ing

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A',6+ A6+&9&+% P#0'0,- A6+&0 T&*,F#*,



Air -o.i&i>ation tote proe$t

area of a&&p&ant,materia&s,e@%ipmentsand personne&,in$&%dingdemo.i&i>ationat te end ofte $ontra$tand remoa&

7ri&&ing and7e$ommissioning

*:ater gro%nd .eforedri&&ing

*(@%ip #or6ers #itoera&&s, ear p&%gs andd%st mas6s

*Ese of so%nd dri&&ing rigto red%$e noise andsmo6e emissions

1 #ee6 20,000 ontra$tor to%se o#n

dri&&ing rig andpersonne&

Proe$tproponent tos%pp&5 #aterd%ring dri&&ing

=oi& 7ri&&ing,Insta&&ation,7ee&opment,'esting ofprod%$tion.oreo&e

* 'o .e disposed off .5te dri&&ing $ons%&tants atre$ommended d%mpingsites

*Re*egetate te areaafter dri&&ing and


*Re%se existing #aterpipes and po#er$onne$tion at te site

1 #ee6 20,000 B5 ontra$tor

Proe$tproponent tore*egetatearea

:ater 7ri&&ing,Insta&&ation,7ee&opment,'esting ofprod%$tion


*7ri&& .oreo&e to 200mand sea& off a@%ifersa.oe 100m #it p&ain$asing to aoid 5dra%&i$interferen$e #it te

nearest .oreo&es andpossi.&e $ontamination ofgro%nd #ater

*(ns%re tat teRe$ommended100m?da5 of #ater isarested

1 #ee6




B5 ontra$tor

Proe$tProponent andontra$tor toinsta&& #atermeter

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*-inima& aresting ofrain#ater to in$rease #ater fi&tration to tegro%nd and in$rease

gro%nd #ater re$arge .5dri&&ing fo%r re$arge o&e10 meters deep ea$




-o.i&i>ation tote proe$tarea of a&&p&ant,materia&s,e@%ipmentsand personne&,

in$&%dingdemo.i&i>ationat te end ofte $ontra$tand remoa&

7ri&&ing,Insta&&ation,7ee&opment,'esting ofprod%$tion


emi$a&ana&5sis of #ater

*(@%ip #or6ers #itoera&&s, ear p&%gs andd%st mas6s

*7ri&& .oreo&e from 8*+pmon&5

*onstr%$t $on$rete tos&a. ;1 .5 1-< and #e&&ead $apping tosafeg%ard .oreo&e #ater

*Ese @%a&ified personne&to insta&& e&e$tri$ #aterp%mp

1 #ee6 40,000


B5 ontra$tor


-aintain Boreo&e in good #or6ing $ondition


Ni& Proe$tProponent

H-$&7 01 <+,.

'e dri&&ing te$ni@%e ;7'9< dri&&s a 8C diameter .oreo&e from te gro%nd &ee& to te stri6ing of

gro%nd#ater A 12C diameter .oreo&e $an a&#a5s .e an a&ternatie 'is dri&&ing te$ni@%e ens%res tat

minima& so&id #aste in form of soi&, sand and ro$6 is %nearted from te gro%nd 'e expe$ted

 #aste#ater tat g%ses o%t immediate&5 #ater is str%$6 and d%ring test p%mping #i&& .e dire$ted to te

extensie farm to red%$e ris6 of eroding te soi&

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S06&$ E600*&6 I*'6+

Loss ofIn$ome and


• Assist #it redep&o5ment of

 #or6for$e to oter dri&&ing

site after de$ommissioning• (ns%re safet5 of #or6for$e

at de$ommissioning


On$e Ni&


'e (nironmenta& -anagement and oordination A$t $a&& for effe$tie sta6eo&der parti$ipation and

p%.&i$ $ons%&tation in te (IA pro$ess ons%&tation ens%res tat te ie#s of te affe$ted and

interested parties are in$orporated as ear&5 as possi.&e in te proe$t design and in effe$t minimi>ingte potentia& aderse impa$ts of dee&opment proe$ts

=ta6eo&der ons%&tation Pro$ess in tis proe$t ino&ed te fo&&o#ing

Administration of @%estionnaires to te &o$a&s residing $&ose to te proposed .oreo&e and tose often in

te $ompo%nd #it a ie# of esta.&ising an5 in$onenien$es or o.e$tions to te dee&opment of tis


It #as esta.&ised tat tere #ere no 6e5 on$erns Raised from te sta6eo&ders and neig.ors as

te5 gae te proe$t a $&ean .i&& of ea&t Atta$ed are te @%estionnaires %sed


'e proposed dri&&ing a$tiit5 .eing $onsidered is going to ae a er5 insignifi$ant impa$t on te

s%rro%nding enironment 'e minor impa$ts arising are eas5 to mitigate if te proposed strategies in

te management p&an are adered to effe$tie&5

'e area of te proe$t .eing a priate $ompo%nd and &o$ated in an agri$%&t%ra& $%m residentia& >one is

t%s er5 $ompati.&e #it te proposed a$tiit5 and as s%$, impa$ts oer in$ompati.i&it5 are not


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