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12th May 2016#EIE16

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We are delighted to welcome you to Engage Invest Exploit with Scotland’s most exciting early stage technology companies.

It is particularly pleasing that so many of you have travelled from all over the world to join us today.

This confirms that we, collectively, are progressively getting the message out that Scotland is a true technology hot spot with the emergence of genuinely world class companies.

The eco-system continues to develop and is increasingly outward looking in recognition of the fact that you don’t create global companies sitting here in Scotland.

Informatics Ventures is playing a leading role with the continuing expansion of EIE in London and a planned visit to China with ten of our most exciting and ambitious companies. We aim to create the connections that will enable companies to grow into international successes.

We also plan to take EIE in Scotland to a new level which will be previewed at today’s event. EIE on May 11th 2017 will build on the past success of EIE but will offer a new experience in terms of scale and scope. We look forward to welcoming you to EIE17 and would encourage early registration so that you don’t miss out.

Welcome Agenda


08:00 Registration opens Networking, breakfast & exhibition

09:30 Welcome to EIE16 One minute spotlight pitches Selected live pitch presentations and investor Q&A One minute spotlight pitches

10:45 Morning break

11:30 One minute spotlight pitches Selected live pitch presentations and investor Q&A One minute spotlight pitches EIE alumni

12:45 Lunch, exhibition & networking

14:00 One minute spotlight pitches Selected live pitch presentations and investor Q&A One minute spotlight pitches

15:15 Afternoon break

16:00 Keynote: David Rose, Gust Keynote: Hugh Campbell, GP Bullhound Q&A Vote of Thanks

17:15 Drinks reception, networking & exhibition

18:30 Call to dinner

19:30 Conference dinner

21:00 After Dinner Guest: Ann Budge, IT Entrepreneur Pitch of the Day award

21:45 Networking & drinks

22:45 Carriages




In an interview with Germany’s Die Welt in February following a ‘Townhall Q&A’ meeting in Berlin, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerburg discussed his views on tech startup capitals, in particular how Berlin stacked up against Silicon Valley. Zuckerberg referred to US publication Business Insider who rate Berlin as the 9th-ranked hub for startups and Montreal in 20th place (there are only 20 startup cities listed) just ahead of Amsterdam in The Netherlands and London coming in at 6th, in what is unsurprisingly a North America-weighted league table. It kind of begs the question where our fast-growing startup capital that is Edinburgh matches up. Back of the fag packet workings complete, a few thoughts on the subject…

At last count, Montreal has no billion dollar valued tech companies. We have two - Skyscanner and FanDuel. The one million plus person metropolis that spreads out beneath Mont Royal in Quebec has highly-rated Informatics and business schools although Edinburgh’s School of Informatics is streets ahead in 5th place globally. So, on these measures, Edinburgh

can’t be too far off the top-twenty as a tech hub - a similar spot to where the University of Edinburgh ranks in world terms. Happy days then right? Not entirely, because unlike Montreal we’re not likely to see Scotland’s capital up in the firmament of global tech hubs as reported on by international media outlets. I’ll come back to this point shortly.

Back to Zuckerburg. He says a big factor in Silicon Valley’s success is the foundation of chip companies that came before the Apples and Googles; the thinking being this foundation of technology groups produced the best possible environment for startups - an environment rich in tech skills, people talent and smart money to help fuel rapid growth. No arguments here. Back to the fag packet - didn’t we produce a global leader in chip manufacturing in the form of Wolfson Electronics? We did. Some of the tech know-how from that company transferred skills in the form of people and money into the next wave of Scottish technology companies, like Skyscanner. This shows we had the foundation of technology companies that Zuckerberg

We need to sell Scottish tech harderNick Freer, Freer Consultancy




talks about and this foundation has helped the ecosystem to evolve and thrive.

So why doesn’t Edinburgh get listed in these kind of rankings? The first thing would seem to be that we’re relying on a primarily US-centric media to report on our tech scene to gain truly international profile and in spite of the successes of Skyscanner and FanDuel, we’re not as firm a fixture on the international map with tech journalists as we should be. I know about this first hand because I spent months, literally months, emailing and phoning London and then US news outlets trying to ‘sell in’ Skyscanner as a story several years ago, then University of Edinburgh spin-out pureLiFi in more recent times, before either company was that well known outside of Scotland. Having said that, The Next Web’s UK editor attended EIE14 and revered tech news outlet Venture Beat are in attendance at EIE16 - small, but significant victories on the press front. The role of our own media in Scotland, including one of EIE16’s media partners, The Scotsman, should not be underestimated either when you consider their not inconsiderable international readership.

Selling or marketing, whatever you want to call it, can be hard when you have to knock on the door a hundred or even a thousand times before anyone wants to listen. We need to sell our tech scene harder to the rest of the world, sell it harder to the places that matter - the US, Asia and Europe. Why? Because everyone else is and they’re selling hard, really hard. We’ve now got some great success stories to sell but we’ve got to get them told in more of the right places. That might be an annual tech festival in Texas, an international media conference in Amsterdam, London or New York or an investor gathering in Shenzhen. If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad…

I’m not saying we’re not trying hard, whether it’s the enterprise agencies or the private sector there are now a number of excellent initiatives happening - not least

Informatics Ventures and EIE - but we need to have more of the very best people - the people that have been there and done it - leading the charge in foreign fields. We need to be more clever by doing a ton of market research on how we get Scotland’s tech brand to hit the right spots. If that means having a giant, inflatable whisky bottle hanging over a stand that has people from Skyscanner, FanDuel and the Informatics school standing underneath, Mogwai strumming their tunes or Calvin Harris spinning them, BrewDog beers in an oversized ice bucket and Banchory-born Mashable founder, Pete Cashmore, as guest of honour drawing in the crowds then let’s do that. And okay, that’s back of the packet (last use of term) marketing but there are brilliant marketing people in Scotland that could be brought in to add real expertise to an admittedly crude sketch.

It’s not that we’re not doing some of the right things, just not enough of them. I guess I’m making a case for a bit more collaboration from the people that could really make a difference to the future success of Scottish tech. I reckon we are going to need public and private money and support to begin with. I think we need to rip up the plans (although I’m not really convinced we have that many plans in the first place) and bring cutting edge talent to the table – founders, academics, marketers, investors and government – and get a real and accountable plan of action on the go.

There’s a lot of happy-clappy stuff going on at the moment when it comes to Scotland’s tech scene but it’s mainly coming from ourselves - and I’m a big proponent so hardly guilt free - when what we really need is the rest of the world talking about us and how great we are when it comes to tech. So it’s time we shook it up a bit and make sure we’re not resting too much on our nicely woven laurels. Has anyone had a word with Mark Zuckerburg to see that he thinks about all of this? You know what, there would be worse places to start from than that.




The rapid growth of travel search firm Skyscanner from less than 30 employees seven years ago to more than 750 worldwide today generating huge revenues, underlines the extraordinary value that a technology company can create by executing successful globalisation.

It is no mean feat to match Skyscanner’s growth which involved new bases in Barcelona, Budapest, Sofia,

Miami, Singapore, Shenzhen and Beijing. It now has 80% of sales outwith the UK and serves as a great (but not isolated) example of a company that has maximised global opportunities from Scotland.

Scottish Equity Partners (SEP), an investor in Skyscanner since 2007 and its largest shareholder, has supported its expansion through acquisition, joint venture and organic growth. The global push

Smart partnerships key to global growthScottish Equity Partners




is continuing with strong growth coming from Asia-Pacific underpinned by a joint venture with Yahoo! JAPAN and its Chinese acquisition Youbibi.

Calum Paterson, Managing Partner at SEP and a non-executive director of Skyscanner says: “When we invested in Skyscanner the rationale was to help it internationalise. It has done this incredibly well, thanks to a combination of great technology, great strategy and great execution. It has enormous potential for further growth.”

There is no surefire globalisation blueprint – different approaches work for different businesses.

For some, such as Mister Spex, an online eyewear retailer, acquisition can build market share fast. It obtained funding from SEP to fund a series of acquisitions that have rapidly transformed it from a German firm to a European leader.

The challenge facing CEOs is to make sound choices on critical issues including: prioritising markets; which functions to base overseas; the best talent pool and cost base; whether to buy or build an operation; and the legislative environment. For Skyscanner, targeting Europe first, helped avoid a head-to-head battle with larger US rivals in its early days and enabled it to steal a march in key geographies although for some companies, the US or Far East may be priorities.

Andrew Davison, a Partner at SEP, says size and scalability of a company’s domestic market can dictate the speed at which it moves into other markets. In any case, companies supported by investment partners with international experience are better equipped to seize opportunities and to mitigate risk.

Davison says a successful international partnership can even lead to a takeover offer. “Establishing a constructive commercial relationship that puts you on

the radar of a potential acquirer without putting out a ’for sale’ flag can be a good approach.”

A key advantage for e-commerce firms is they may not require investment in physical infrastructure to internationalise. However, they do need a robust IT infrastructure to support growing sales, an effective marketing strategy, and potentially a customer support team if they operate across time zones.

Having the right executive team to lead global expansion is vital. One of the founding team may fulfil the role but recruiting people with local knowledge and experience can be highly beneficial, says Jan Rutherford, a Partner at SEP with a focus on healthcare companies.

An investment partner with a strong international network can help with C-suite recruitment as well as finding partners and premises, adds Rutherford. “When Skyscanner was expanding into Russia we all pooled contacts with experience of working there and we did the same for our healthcare companies moving into the US. Internationalising your board before you internationalise the company can significantly accelerate growth in priority markets,” she adds.

Rutherford says it is also important to reduce administrative and cost burdens for companies moving into new markets and to advise on corporate structure, tax and banking. “One of our companies struggled to find a suitable banking partner that would service their needs on both sides the Atlantic so we introduced them to Silicon Valley Bank who are experienced in managing international banking for venture-backed technology companies.”

The key lesson for technology companies looking to internationalise from a Scottish base is that access to the right contacts can open the door to exponential growth.




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The Journey to EIE16The journey to where we are today began many months ago.

Scotland has a well-developed eco-system of support organisations, including ourselves at Informatics Ventures, who work closely with university spin-outs and start-ups across the IT & digital, life sciences and energy sectors. They offer training and mentorship to develop ideas into fledgling companies, and viable businesses. When these businesses are ready to seek investment, they are invited to apply for EIE.

The cream of this crop are then selected for EIE and embark on their own journey of preparation through skill sessions and workshops offered by Informatics Ventures focusing on pitch preparation and presentation skills. This not only provides them with the necessary skills for today’s showcase, but instils

valuable skills to develop their business... and your investment!

Today you will see live pop-up pitches from all of our exhibitors, and 12 extended live pitches, each followed by an investor Q&A. There will be the opportunity to meet with companies on a one to one basis during the exhibition and throughout the day. Please take full advantage of our company messaging service which enables you to directly contact a company to arrange a meeting or notify them of your interest if you are having trouble finding them in the venue. We also have three meeting points available in the bar area for you to have quieter conversations away from the crowds. Finally, if you should wish to connect to a specific delegate, please see the event staff at the information desk who can put you in touch.

Pitch Preparation

with Bill Joos

Live Pitch Selection


Stage Skills Workshops

Presentation Skills



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Informatics VenturesInformatics Ventures supports and encourages globally ambitious technology companies head quartered in Scotland. Through practitioner-ledentrepreneurship education and community networking, Informatics Ventures prepares and equips Scotland’s technology entrepreneurs to scale up and take their businesses global.

We work in partnership with other like-mindedorganisations in order to create a joined upentrepreneur support and eco-system in Scotland; developing individuals and their companies through a range of high-profile events including:

Engage Invest Exploit (EIE): Our flagship technology investor showcase, connecting technology based life sciences, IT & digital and energy companies with international investors and has become the largest event of its kind in the UK.

iV Tuesday: A regular networking series featuring inspirational talks from local heroes and global success stories, providing the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs, mentors and investors and experience the unexpected outcomes that can result from these connections.

Executive Forums: A series of focused sessions which see an experienced practitioner share their advice and experiences in dealing with and overcoming the issues facing scaling tech companies today.

Contact Details Informatics VenturesWilkie Building, 22-23 Teviot RowEdinburgh, EH8 9AGwww.informatics-ventures.com

e: [email protected]: +44 (0)131 650 4404Twitter: @infventuresLinkedIn: Informatics-Ventures-924137

Dr Colin Adams, Director of Informatics Ventures e: [email protected] t: +44 (0) 131 650 4432

Gordon Stuart, Director of Operations e: [email protected] t: +44 (0) 131 650 9915 m: +44 (0) 7853 30883

Danny Helson, Programme Manager e: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 650 4427 m: +44 (0) 7984 035399









Scottish Enterprise is proud to be a partner in EIE16. Our aim at Scottish Enterprise is to help create a more globally competitive Scotland, ensuring that all ambitious starting early-stage and scaling businesses with high growth potential have access to the support they need to become successful global companies.

Our representatives here today – from the High Growth Ventures team and Scottish Investment Bank – would welcome the opportunity to hear about your business and discuss how we could help you, from supporting your innovation based ideas through to getting your company ready to raise finance and investing alongside the private sector in some of Scotland’s most promising companies. We’d also be delighted to talk to investors attending EIE about our investment funds which can help these companies maximise their growth potential.

EIE is a unique opportunity to bring together all those who have a role helping Scotland thrive and grow on an international stage. We are glad you have chosen to be part of this exciting experience and hope you have a rewarding and enjoyable day!

Contact DetailsAtrium Court 50 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 6HQ www.scottish-enterprise.com

e: [email protected]: 0845 607 8787Twitter: @scotentLinkedIn: Scottish Enterprise

Eleanor Mitchell High Growth Ventures Directore: [email protected]

Kerry SharpHead of the Scottish Investment Banke: [email protected]

Silvio ClementeHigh Growth Ventures Support Directore: [email protected]

Scottish Enterprise



Johnston Carmichael, Scotland’s largest independent firm of Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, is a proud sponsor of EIE16.

We work with over 500 fast growing technology and life sciences companies to help them deliver on their strategy. We do this by:

- Enabling investors and companies to qualify for Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) and Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) tax reliefs

- Preparing and submitting Research and Development tax relief claims (over £100m in tax relief claimed for clients, with a 100% success rate)

- Providing advice and support at the early stage to get the accounting and compliance set up correctly

- Using our investor contact base to help secure investment and make appropriate introductions

The technology team has strong relationships with Engage Invest Exploit companies, having worked with many of the exhibiting businesses from past and present EIE events.

We offer a range of services designed around you and your business needs.

Contact Details7 - 11 Melville StreetEdinburgh EH3 7PE t: +44 (0) 131 220 2203www.jcca.co.uk

Blog: blog.jcca.co.ukTwitter: @jc_accountantsLinkedIn: johnston-carmichael-chartered-accountants-and-business-advisersFacebook: JohnstonCarmichaelYouTube: user/JCAccountants

Shaun Millican, Partner and Head of Technology & Life Sciencese: [email protected]

Simon Burton, Director, Taxe: [email protected]

Toby Rintoul, Director, Business Solutionse: [email protected]

Johnston Carmichael



Contact Details5th Floor, 125 Princes StreetEdinburgh EH2 4AD 5 Albany Court YardLondon WIJ OHFwww.mbmcommercial.co.uk

t:. 0131 226 8200/0203 096 0122Blog: www.mbmcommercial.co.uk/blogsTwitter: @mbmcommercialLinkedIn: mbm-commercial-llpFacebook: mbmcommercialG+: www.gplus.to/mbmcommercial

Stuart Hendry, Senior Partnere: [email protected] t: +44 (0) 131 226 8203

Kenny Mumford, Partner & Head of Corporatee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 226 8205

Michael Arnott, Partner & Head of London officee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 203 096 0122

MBM Commercial www.mbmcommercial.co.uk


MBM Commercial is an award-winning niche commercial legal firm which has a focus on working with investors, entrepreneurs and high growth companies. Many of our clients work in the technology sectors, including information technology, biotechnology, life sciences and healthcare.

We have been involved in establishing several investment funds (including Enterprise Capital Funds), and we represent various early stage venture capital funds and Business Angel Syndicates throughout the UK. We are the market leaders for advising on early stage investment deals in Scotland.

We are committed to providing the very best legal advice and the mantra of the firm is to help you get the result you want, on time and on budget. Much of the work that we do is based on fixed fees.

The firm provides a full range of commercial legal services to its clients, including corporate, corporate finance, intellectual property, commercial property, dispute resolution, employment and company administration. We also provide intellectual property consultancy services and software escrow services.



Marks & ClerkMarks & Clerk has Scottish offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen and is the UK’s largest firm of patent and trade mark attorneys. We work with innovative enterprises – from start-ups and SMEs to universities and multinationals – helping them to protect their intellectual property and maximise its value.

We offer a full range of IP services covering patents, designs, trade marks, domain names and copyright:

- Protection in the UK and worldwide

- Commercialisation

- Portfolio management

- IP consulting and strategy

- Licensing

- Enforcement

- IP Due Diligence

Our patent professionals all have technical backgrounds and advise on maximising the value of new technologies across the spectrum of innovation. Our trade mark attorneys work across a wide range of sectors to protect and exploit the value of brands.

We have a network of offices in the UK (8 locations), Canada, China, France (2 locations), Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia

together with unrivalled long-established relationships with other leading IP firms worldwide to ensure our clients receive the highest quality representation on both a domestic and an international basis.

Contact DetailsAtholl Exchange, 6 Canning StreetEdinburgh EH3 8EG+44 (0) 131 221 7000www.marks-clerk.com

Twitter: @MarksClerkScotLinkedIn: marks-&-clerk

Tim Hargreaves, Partner - Information Technology; Energye: [email protected]

Maureen Kinsler, Partner - Information Technology; Energye: [email protected]

Paul Chapman, Partner - Life Sciencese: [email protected]



Contact Details17 Blythswood SquareGlasgow G2 4ADwww.sep.co.uk

Twitter: @SEPInvestmentLinkedIn: scottish-equity-partners

Stuart Paterson, Partnere: [email protected]

Paul Neeson, Associate e: [email protected]

Scottish Equity Partners Scottish Equity Partners (SEP) is a leading UK venture capital firm. Operating from offices in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh, we make equity investments of up to £20 million in high growth technology and technology-enabled, companies.

We are investors in some of Europe’s most exciting and innovative companies including Skyscanner, the world’s leading independent travel search company, Mister Spex, Europe’s leading online eyewear business, and MATCHESFASHION.COM, a luxury omni-channel fashion retailer. We build value by playing an active and supportive role in the growth and development of our portfolio companies.

SEP was named ‘Venture Capital Firm of the Year’ at the Unquote British Private Equity Awards 2015 for the fifth time in recent years.

In addition to venture capital for high growth companies, we also provide infrastructure finance for small scale clean energy projects.

Contact DetailsFay Weir Entrepreneur Development Managere: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7818 458038

Twitter: @RBSBusiness

Royal Bank of Scotland– Supporting EnterpriseAt Royal Bank of Scotland, we’re encouraging a more entrepreneurial culture. We know that starting and running a business can be both exciting and challenging, and that’s why people need the right combination of support, guidance and funding to succeed. Our locally based relationship managers work closely with businesses of all shapes and sizes in every sector of the economy.

We also know that people need help to explore the idea of enterprise, unlock their potential, and gain the right skills, knowledge and networks before they can achieve their ambitions. This is why we have 11 new Business Growth Enablers offering local support beyond banking, and partnerships with Entrepreneurial Spark, Everywoman, and Prince’s Trust.

We believe in enterprise, and will do everything we can to support it.



AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the following EIE supporters for their time and advice on live pitch selection panels and other assistance:

Andrew AldridgeMary Jane BrouwersSimon BurtonLorne ByattLyn CalderMargaret CoughtriePaul DevlinJamie DrysdaleVeronica FergusonSanday FinlaysonNick FreerPaul FunnellAna GallardoRichard GibbsLindsay HamiltonAdam HardieTim HargreavesJonathan HarrisKirsty IrvineJane KennedyFraser LustyNick Lyth

Gillian MacAulayAlec MackieRitchie MartinEvelyn McDonaldMichael McPhersonShaun MillicanSiobhan MooreTom MorrisPaul NeesonLaura PeacheyPhilip PetersenAlan RitchieToby RintoulLaura RobertsonSheila RobinsonMelanie SchwindtMalcolm ShannonCatherine SimpsonLisa Thomson Joe TreeKenny Wiggins


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AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the following people for their support and contributions in making EIE the success it has become.



Quentin Cooper, HostBest known for presenting the UK’s most listened to science programme, Material World on BBC Radio 4 – Quentin has been hailed as “quite the best thing on radio” by Bill Bryson, and “the world’s most enthusiastic man” by The Times. He hosts a diverse range of events in Britain and beyond and is a regular contributor to science, technology, arts and entertainment programmes; appearing regularly on radio, TV and in print.

Ann Budge, Heart of Midlothian Football ClubAnn Budge is currently the owner, CEO and Chairwoman of Heart of Midlothian Football Club. She completed the purchase of Hearts in May 2014, and is currently responsible for driving a 3-5 year plan to both stabilise and develop the club. She co-founded the IT services company Newell & Budge in 1985 before selling it in 2005. That same year Ann was named the Entrepreneurial Exchange Entrepreneur of the Year, before being recognised with a Woman of Outstanding Achievement award in 2009. She has been inducted into both the Strathclyde Academy of Distinguished Entrepreneurs and the Entrepreneurial Exchange Hall of Fame (in 2013).

David Rose, GustDavid S. Rose is a serial entrepreneur, Inc. 500 CEO, and one of the world’s most activebusiness angel investors, who has founded or funded over 100 pioneering companies.Described by Forbes as “New York’s Archangel”, by BusinessWeek as a “world conqueringentrepreneur”, and by Red Herring magazine as “patriarch of Silicon Alley”, he is the NewYork Times best selling author of Angel Investing, the international standard textbookon startup funding. David is the founder and CEO of Gust, the world’s largest onlineplatform for entrepreneurs and early stage investors, used by hundreds of thousands ofentrepreneurs in 190 countries to connect with tens of thousands of accredited investors.

Hugh Campbell, GP BullhoundHugh Campbell is a Founder and Managing Partner of GP Bullhound. Hugh is passionate about technology innovation and entrepreneurs with 15 years’ experience advising and investing in Europe’s current and future Unicorns. He has worked with all the leading growth equity funds in Europe and has sold businesses to Real Networks, Tesco, Disney, Accenture and Experian amongst others. Hugh opened the Manchester office in 2012, is a Manchester Grammar School alum and graduated from Pembroke College, Oxford.







GP BullhoundHugh CampbellHugh is a Founder and Managing Partner of GP Bullhound. He is passionate about technology innovation with 15 years’ experience advising and investing in Europe’s current and future Unicorns. He has worked with all the leading growth equity funds in Europe and sold businesses to Real Networks, Tesco, Disney, Accenture and Experian amongst others.

Founders4SchoolsSherry Coutu CBESherry is an Entrepreneur, Non-Exec Director, Investor and Advisor to Companies, Universities and Charities. She possesses a deep understanding of the dynamics of both b2b and b2c businesses, portfolio management and macro-economics and recently published ‘The Scale-Up Report’ focusing on UK Economic Growth.

Cocoon NetworksJohn ZaiJohn is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Cocoon Networks. He is also the Founder and Chairman of British Chinese Young Entrepreneurs Association. In addition, he established companies in international luxury goods trading, international organic food trading, real estate and management consulting.

Horizon VenturesAnne LoAnne Lo joined Horizons Ventures in January 2015. Horizons Ventures is Mr. Li Ka Shing’s private investment arm targeting disruptive technologies across sectors. With a focus on science and healthcare, Anne serves as a Board Member for several Horizons funded companies including Evolve Biosystems, MeMed and Medial EarlySign.

GustDavid RoseDavid is a serial entrepreneur and one of the world’s most active business angel investors, who has founded or funded over 100 pioneering companies. He is the founder and CEO of Gust, the world’s largest online platform used by entrepreneurs in 190 countries to connect with tens of thousands of accredited investors.

Scottish investment BankKerry SharpKerry Sharp is Head of The Scottish Investment Bank, Scottish Enterprise’s successful investment division whose role is growing Scotland’s private sector funding market ensuring SME’s have adequate access to growth capital.






Pitch@PalaceMartin HarrimanMartin Harriman is an entrepreneur, investor and strategic advisor to a number of international companies including AT&T, Affinion, Actavo, Inmarsat and Dixons Carphone. He is the Chairman of Wave Optics, a UK technology company that is a pioneer in the world of augmented reality. He is a Judge of the Pitch@Palace programme and is also a member of its Board of Directors.

Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbHGitte BedfordGitte Bedford is Vice President at Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH, the VC arm of the leading technology group. She is responsible for evaluating investment opportunities in a variety of fields, with a particular focus on software, specifically the Internet of Things, AI, security and data analytics.

Equity GapJock MillicanBusiness Mentor working with SMEs to help them grow and develop through input of sound business knowledge and funding if required. He founded Equity Gap – a business angel syndicate in 2010. He is Chairman of LINC – Scottish Business Angel Association.

Investing WomenJackie WaringAt 25, Jackie was the youngest CEO in the UK enterprise sector. She has run 3 companies and served on multiple boards. Jackie led the Access to Finance for Women Agenda for the UK government as an external advisor and was appointed to the Global Banking Alliance for Women, based in Washington D.C.

IBM VenturesDeborah MagidDeborah Magid represents IBM’s $40 B business units in the company’s 15-year old Venture Capital Group. Deborah is responsible for sharing insights about emerging markets, technologies, and business models with venture firms and entrepreneurs globally. Deborah fuels IBM’s ecosystem pipeline in strategic businesses such as cloud, security, analytics and Iot.

Scottish Equity PartnersStuart PatersonStuart is one of SEP’s founding Partners and has been investing in technology companies for almost 20 years. He is especially interested in growth stage investment opportunities in software, Internet and new media.


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We would like to thank the following companies for hosting a table at the EIE16 conference dinner.

Table Hosts

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Key Icons In this brochure you will find information on each of the companies exhibiting at EIE15. Each company has identified which group they are seeking investment from, and provided a level of funding requirements. The following icons will help you quickly establish with whom to engage, invest in and exploit the opportunity together.


High Net Worth Individual

Business Angel Syndicate

Venture Capital

Corporate Venturer

Exhibitors are seeking an investment within the following levels:

<£100k£100k - 249k£250k - 499k£500k - 999k£1m - 2m>£2m




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Edinburgh Molecular Imaging LtdCurrently, clinicians need diagnostic tools to help them make quicker life saving decisions. EM Imaging develops molecular imaging agents, that can visualise the invisible, within seconds, at the bedside. Our portfolio of products light up diseases, to detect early cancer and critical lung conditions, and also assist surgeons in removing tumours more accurately. Our team of experienced scientists has already made our most advanced agent ready for phase II, with another three agent currently in early clinical stages.


Christophe Portale: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 6585306


Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Venture CapitalInvestment for: EM Imaging is now seeking for investment to carry out Phase II clinical studies.

VCLevel >£2m



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Epipole Ltd Epipole is a truly disruptive medical device company founded in 2011. Our award winning team of engineers have delivered epiCam, a retinal camera which is set to revolutionise the market in cost and capability. Working with NHS hospitals, research institutes and independent clinicians to gain regular feedback we constantly improve existing products and develop new ideas. In 2015 Epipole won the Higgs EDGE Award, for engineering, science or technology businesses that have products that are scalable and capable of globalisation.

Freedom One LifeWe have designed and will manufacture a new generation of power wheelchair. Existing powerchairs on the market use heavy, out-dated technology (existing manufacturers use lead batteries and steel frames) and come with an out-dated customer experience – they do not meet modern customer needs. We are harnessing modern technology (lithium-ion technology and aluminium alloy) to create a lightweight and durable powerchair, which will be delivered through a modern business model to give people new levels of freedom.

www.epipole.com www.freedomonelife.com

Craig Robertsone: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7790 930268 @ Epipole_ltd

Alex Papanikolaoue: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7530 716936


Started: 2011Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: AngelInvestment for: We are looking for a £4-5M fighting fund to sell epiCam globally.

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Grant/LoanInvestment for: We need investment to launch our product into the active power wheelchair market.

VC VCLevel >£2m Level £500k - £999k



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Innovative Healthcare Solutions ToothScan is a toothbrush sized, handheld dental scanner for home use. It actively monitors dental health. Associated mobile app provides an educational platform enabling better dentist-client communication and dental telehealth solutions. An industry first, ToothScan is well suited for insurance companies and dental groups to provide a better customer service.

HI INNOVATION Over 15 million of us in the UK alone exercise weekly! Elastic tubing is frequently used in public gyms, hospital, military and professional sport environments. There is, however, no reliable way to track exercise or performance with tubing, and it is not always safe to set up or use effectively. Our simple custom-designed products improve safety, and measure the effectiveness of exercise, rehabilitation and sports performance. Hi Innovation can help people get better quicker and enhance athletic performance.


Cemal Kavasogullare: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7799 403614


Stephen Mutche: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7703 298645 @Hi_Innovation_

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Founders, Scottish Enterprise Smart GrantInvestment for: To obtain CE mark and setting up manufacturing.

Started: 2010Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Self Funding Revenues, I4 Profit Share Agreement, Se Innovation Support Grant, Sporting Chance Initiative Star AwardInvestment for: To complete the final developments, electronics testing and commence production in order to take the product to market.

VCVCLevel £500k - £999kLevel £250k - £499k



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Neurocentrx pharma Ltd Neurocentrx is a “Specialty Pharma” business. This business model identifies true unmet patient need from medical specialists, and satisfies these needs with “close-to-market” or “on-market” products from international sources. We have successfully manufactured and commenced sales of our first product – a new oral capsule medicine of an existing drug, and identified a target list of products to in-license or develop in complex pain and neurology. Our next funding round is focused on business growth – through product acquisition, team building and partnerships.

Kajeka Ltd Kajeka are dedicated to delivering advanced software solutions for the analysis and interpretation of bigdata. Our unique visual analytics software provide an immersive environment where data can be exploredand interrogated, enabling fast informed decision making from complex data. We are initially focused on delivering solutions for the bioscience sector, but our tools have application in almost any data richindustry.


Carmel Reillye: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7855 659098


Tom Freemane: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 4455362

@ kajekaltd

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Equity Gap Syndicate, Edinburgh/Scottish EnterpriseInvestment for: Growth capital to: build full executive team; complete product diligence and do deals; grow sales and develop new markets.

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: SMART award, SE, UP business acceleratorInvestment for: We have launched our first product, we now need financial and commercial help to reach a global market.

VCVCLevel >£2mLevel £500k - £999k



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Parkure Ltd Parkure has the sole mission of finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease by discovering drugs that stop or delay its progression. At a time of a significant focus shift towards new drugs against Parkinson’s, Parkure’s innovative in-vivo drug discovery approach, combined with pre-clinical validation, can address the shortcomings of traditional methods, and allow access to a growing $3.6 billion market through licensing or co-development deals.

Optomize LtdWith £1B in annual NHS medical negligence claims, the gap between medical trainees and experts is concerning. Using Optomize’s unique eye tracking training tool, trainees have developed more focussed attention and reduced procedure times considerably. With eight years of eye-tracking experience, Chartered Psychologist Dr. Mel McKendrick leads a strong team, including leading Anaesthetist Professor Graeme McLeod and former head of Instrumentation at NHS Tayside Professor George Corner. With combined clinical and technical expertise, Optomize can change the face of training.


Mel MacKendricke: [email protected]: +44 (0) 141 3038203 @OptomizeLtd

Lysimachos Zografose: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7811 328108 @ParkureUK

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Crowdfunding, Scottish Enterprise (SMART), Deepbridge Capital LLPInvestment for: Parkure is raising investment in order to do a full scale candidate screen and follow up the best candidates pre-clinically.

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Scottish Enterprise, SMART Feasibility Award/ Gabriel Angel SyndicateInvestment for: Investment will enable us to expand our team and equipment to conduct clinical trials, secure license deals and sales.


VCLevel £250k - £499k

VCLevel >£2m



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R Biomedical R Biomedical’s aim is to be a major contributor to the drive to provide new cures through Regenerative Medicine Research in partnership with both academics and other major companies. R Biomedical does research, product development and contract services. We specialise in supplying new tools and technologies for regenerative medicine. This includes deriving the highest quality human cells from primary tissue as well as developing optimised serum freeculture media and other tools and services to researchers working on regenerative medicine.

Precidar DiagnosticsCervical cancer is caused by infection with Human Papillomavirus. Globally, 110 million women arescreened every year with 7-10% sent to clinic for examination, But 2 in 3 of them don’t need any treatment. Precidar Diagnostics are developing a laboratory test that can be used to ‘triage’ screen positive women with true disease without additional clinic visits. Our technology has the potential for wide adoption and will have global impacts in reducing cervical healthcare costs and improving women’s health.


Joe Meee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7912 479938

Ramya Bhatiae: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 2426625

Started: 2008Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Sales and GrantsInvestment for: New product catalogue release and service provision expansion.

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: SBRI FundingInvestment for: We are seeking investment for company formation and clinical validation of technology.

Level £250k - £499kVCVC

Level £250k - £499k



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Ripptide Pharma Ltd Ripptide is dedicated to the discovery of medicines against diseases with significant markets. Our unique technology creates diverse and novel macrocycles, a new drug class which can target complex diseases and be administered orally. This is protected by two patent family applications. Shareholder value will be created from commercial revenues from discovery alliances with high quality pharmaceutical partners and through the multiple licensing opportunities from the company’s internal discovery programs.

Reminova LtdA staggering $100 B is spent annually treating tooth decay, the most prevalent epidemic in mankind. Extraction of rotten teeth is the number one reason for a child under 10 to be in UK hospital overnight every year. Reminova’s transforming dentistry; from the 100 year old drill and fill process, to our treatment that quickly and painlessly rebuilds the natural enamel – no injections, no drilling, no more fear of the dentist – a new paradigm in oral healthcare.


Jeffrey Wrighte: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7723 061188 @ReminovaLtd

Bill Primrosee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7788 441945 @ripptide_pharma

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: GrantInvestment for: Hire key staff and a management team of industry professionals; develop additional IPR; support revenue generating deals; secure grants to build internal pipeline.

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: CrowdfundingInvestment for: Developing our first products and building our commercial operations.

VCLevel £250k - £499k

VCLevel £500k - £999k



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snap40 snap40, who have already won their first contract, use automated risk analysis to continuously identify the highest and lowest risk patients in hospital and out in the community. Automatic early warning alerts of high risk patients to healthcare staff allows earlier, preventative action to be taken, reducing length of hospital stay and saving lives, whereas low risk patients can be safely maintained at home or discharged from hospital early.


Chris McCanne: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7779 102812 @snap40

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: FFF, Founder, Scottish EnterpriseInvestment for: The company is raising £2.5 million to support sales & marketing, manufacturing and further product R&D.

Level £500k - £999kVC

ACT Blade Ltd UK based, ACT Blade Ltd develops the lightest and most controllable wind turbine blade using carbon fibre reinforced structures and textile. By enabling longer blades, the ACT Blade can increase energy production by 10%, reduce the cost of energy by 9% and the CapEx by 90%. ACT Blade is based on the company’s proprietary technology and the experience matured with the design of the fastest boat in the world, the America’s Cup boat. The company targets a total addressable market worth over £6bn per year.


Sabrina Malpedee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7919 888654 @ActBlade

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: FoundersInvestment for: Over the period 2016-2018, the company will design, test and certify a full scale blade. The required investment is £4.12m.

VCLevel >£2m

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THz Power THz Power builds high-power, tuneable T-ray amplifiers. T-rays are a disruptive technology that improve speed and bandwidth of scientific instruments and telecommunications. THz Power is brought to you by the world’s number one T-ray amplifier team at the University of Strathclyde and is attracting interest from the largest instrument vendor and leading scientists. THz Power amplifiers will be in each and every city in the world, providing 1,000 times more speed for the mobile infrastructure of the future.


Paul Jonsene: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7834 629162

Started: 2016Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Leading scientific instrument vendor, FoundersInvestment for: To build the commercial product.

VCLevel >£2m

Cognitive GeologyWe do one thing, extremely well: we build petroleum geoscience software. This niche market, worth over $4.5 Billion pa, and serviced by a handful of vendors, is ripe for disruption. Our technologies respond to a fundamental change in our customer’s methods of managing oilfield investment uncertainty – replacing workflows 30 years out of date – and the customers love it. With >200 years of combined oil industry, sales, marketing and software development experience, we will deliver the disruption.


Luke Johnsone: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7957 038106 @ cognitivegeo

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Founders, Grants, SIBInvestment for: £2.3MM allows us to expand our development team, build our US base of operations, and take 7 products to market.

Cognitive GeologyKnow the Earth. Build the Earth

VCLevel >£2m



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Losstek Ltd Lossteks expertise lies in turning raw data generated by meters and sensors into useful, practical and valuable commercial information. The data sets refer to assets in the field such as electricity transformers, aircraft engines or property such as social housing. We extend the life of these assets by highlighting the opportunity to defer spend on under-utilised assets or predicting issues and avoiding expensive failures. We are maximising the potential of the Internet of Things, deploying decades of experience in analytics.


Dane Raltone: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7941 233033 @Losstek

Started: 2012Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Founders, Shareholder buy inInvestment for: To employ data scientists to further develop our offering and refine our applications particularly for energy distribution. Business development.

VCLevel £250k - £499k



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Power A Life Power A Life is changing school children’s lives in Africa. The Company targets ethically minded smartphone users – combining high quality accessories with a unique USP – giving solar lights in Africa with every purchase. The Company launched in 2016 with its first product, the wee PAL charger, which solves the need for on-the-go charging of mobile devices. Power A Life has won a number of accolades, including Scottish EDGE’s wildcard, and has been profiled in National Press and Television.

PlanSea LtdPlanSea provides offshore fleet optimisation cost efficient scheduling software, previously successfully deployed in other sectors, for the £40 billion annual cost global oil and gas support market. Cost pressures in the industry and calls for collaboration amongst oil companies position the PlanSea software as a key facilitator in such initiatives. The two founders are an oil industry veteran (Jim Cargill) and a Robert Gordon University professor (John McCall) with complementary skills and long experience in their sectors.


Jeremie Warnere: [email protected]: +44 (0) 1506 238485 @poweralifeuk

Jim Cargille: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7514 088766

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founders, GrantInvestment for: To bring additional product lines to market, develop battery technologies and increase marketing activities to build brand profile.

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: RGU Venture fund + sweat equityInvestment for: To bring software currently in development to a fully market-ready position.

VC VCLevel £500k - £999k Level £100k - £249k



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Nano-Lit Technologies Light as a material. Light for well-being. Human Centric Lighting is the next big wave in the lighting industryand we are ready to surf it. Four years of sweat equity building relationships across Europe, USA andChina with expertise in Nanotechnology, LEDs, IoT and manufacturing. Design and Product led, we aredeveloping lighting products using quantum dots. To date we have received investment from four angels,an R&D contract and a pilot project with a $2 Billion lighting manufacturer.


Sarah Morgane: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7780 992843 @quantumdotsblog

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Four angels, SMART grantInvestment for: Agile product development building Human Centric Lighting data. Scale up.

Level £500k - £999kVC


Power Migration Partners LtdPower Migration Partners (PMP) has developed a novel flow battery technology to store renewable energy. The core invention is an economical and energy dense rechargeable liquid. Invention has won several awards. Inventor of the product is a former scientist and a lead engineer who worked for General Electric’s (GE) Advanced Technology Group. This flow battery is 4 times cheaper and will work 4 years longer than existing flow batteries. PMP needs funding for further development of the technology.


Pas Pallawelae: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 5690727

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: SMART award, PMP and Pas PallawelaInvestment for: We hope to commercialize our product in 2017 and have already started discussions with potential customers. We need £110,000 for product development and a further £350,000 to build a demonstrator.

VCLevel £250k - £499k



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Agency CoreAgency Core is an online business tracking tool designed exclusively for creative agencies. We reward creative teams for tracking their time and delivering on time. We’ve run an agency ourselves so we understand the challenges that creatives face. We help creatives understand what generates profit; so that they can enjoy the adventure of growing their business. Our mission is to make running an agency simple and enjoyable!

Alba Orbital Alba Orbital aims to build the first ever system for tracking oceanic flights from space using the world’s smallest satellites – PocketQubes. We are the world leaders in PocketQube technology and have secured a £150,000 contract to build the European Space Agency’s smallest satellite, Unicorn-1. Fuel savings, safety and process optimisation is the added value to future customers. Our team of 5 FTE have extensive experience in both small satellites and start-ups, and we have already built robust industry connections.

www.agencycore.co.uk www.pocketqubeshop.com

Matt Daviese: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7825 769464 @ agency_core

Tom Walkinshawe: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7784 858329 @pocketqubeshop

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Founders, Friends and Family, UP Accelerator, Angel InvestmentInvestment for: We are looking for £500k to expand our offering into international markets.

Started: 2012Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: SMART Scotland GrantInvestment for: To develop two more PocketQubes as demonstrator satellites to prove data generation to future series A VC and corporate investors.

agency core

VCLevel £500k - £999k

VCLevel £250k - £499k



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AmiqusAmiqus are improving access to civil justice with their online tools which resolve complex problems by blending machine learning, open data and expert intervention. In their first 6 months, the team of five have built and launched their first product ‘AmiqusID’ which generates recurring revenues from local and national firms. Amiqus are set to take advantage of recent UK & EU legislation changes and democratize the £15bn dispute resolution market in 2016

AppointeddAppointedd is an online booking and business management system for independent businesses. Appointedd enables any business to sell any resource or service, for any amount of time, online on any platform or from any device. Managing staff resources, CRM, automating all marketing and delivering reports on live financial and productivity statistics, Appointedd is the most flexible system on the market. Appointedd is the world’s first cross-timezone booking product, enabling businesses to schedule in several different timezones, booking across timezones intuitively.

www.amiqus.co www.appointedd.com

Callum Murraye: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7894 592687 @amiqus

Leah Hutcheone: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 5570857 @appointedd

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founders, RSE fellowship, Scotedge & The DatalabInvestment for: SEIS / EIS round to Increase development team & initial hires for sales & support functions.

Started: 2011Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: AngelInvestment for: Appointedd is building relationships to deliver a Series A round in 2017. This will enable us to scale worldwide.

VCLevel £1m - £2m

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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Class4Kids LtdClass4Kids is cloud-based software that lets parents book and pay for kids classes online. In less than ayear we have processed online payments of over £1,000,000 with early-adopter clients. The potentialmarket is very large, with 150,000 clubs in the UK and millions more internationally. Our small team have agreat mix of software, sales and commercial experience and we have recently secured a large national client and started international expansion.


Nikki Th’nge: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7985 314874 @class4kids

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founders, FFF, GrantInvestment for: Growing our development team and enhancing our sales, support & marketing activities so that we can scale fast.

VCLevel £250k - £499k

City Room Rentals City Room Rentals provides an online accommodationplatform matching students and universities fromaround the world with purpose built student accommodation. Our commercial hotel division alsoprovides partners with the expertise to utilise underused assets during vacant summer periods, through peak commercial leisure occupancies, to operate as hotels. We partner within institutional investors, private providers and leading universities. The founding team have a combined experience of 20 years in senior management in hotel and student accommodation.


Nick Findlaye: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7868 234050 @CityRoom Rentals

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Scottish Young Edge, Digital Scotland Grant, IP Audit- Scottish Enterprise Investment for: We are seeking funding to grow the core team and scale our profitable business model into European markets in early 2017.

Level £500k - £999kVC




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Comcarde Ltd Comcarde’s Bridge payments software is designed to provide businesses with all of the tools needed for online and in-store commerce. Bridge is set for launch in 2016 with three core products targeting banks and businesses. Comcarde’s management team have a wealth of experience in finance and technology and are supported by expert developers who have produced some of the most successful payment systems in the UK.

Connect-In Ltd Bluetooth Smart™ systems design and integration specialist Connect-In Ltd. innovates for mobile, wearable technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT). Its core product, LUPO, is a personal location tracking system to track taged items from the user’s smartphone. Built on its patented platform technology covering crowd-sourced location services, LUPO provides unparalleled user friendliness, functionality and power efficiency in its segment. With a decade domain experience in wireless communication and international operations, the core team is set for scalability.

www.comcarde.com www.mylupo.com

Jim Goodmane: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7922 038868 @ comcarde_Bridge

Vincenz Klemte: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7550 002458 @mylupo

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: HNWI investment and Government grants (HIE, SMART R&D award)Investment for: Expanding Comcarde’s software development and marketing team for Bridge’s launch in 2016.

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founders, Grant, Angel, CrowdfundingInvestment for: Scaling production and distribution channels whilst growing the team (+3) to expand into international markets and innovating from within Scotland.

VCLevel £1m - £2m

VCLevel £250k - £499k



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Cyan Forensics Cyan Forensics’ software scans computers for illegal content 100x faster than competitors, doing in minutes what usually takes days. This radically reduces delaysand costs in police investigations, helping take dangerous criminals off the streets. We are targeting sectors worth >£200m/year in the rapidly growing Digital Forensics market, estimated at $5bn in 2021. The team has startup experience, and the CTO is a former police forensic analyst. We have strong support from potential key customers.


Ian Stevensone: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7775 854922 @CyanForensics

Started: 2016Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Investment for: Seed in 2016 for product development, first sales. Series A in 2017 for UK and EU growth, US market entry.

VCLevel £1m - £2m

Data Science and Analytics LtdData Science & Analytics aims to use Artifical Intelligence to analyse business information and communication to provide an understanding of how employees interact within an organisation. Large organisations lose millions every year due from poor communications. Staff don’t pass on crucialinformation or misunderstandings between teams lead to poor decision making, time wasted, delays, & increased costs. “Information flows” is a software platform to understand how staff communicate and to help identify & resolve these problems.


Calum Alexandere: [email protected]: +44 (0) 141 6493890

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: FounderInvestment for: Develop the core team to continue software development, promote awareness of “Information Flows”, and initial customer engagement.

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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Event Software Ltd The Wedding Fixers take the pain out of advertising and managing a wedding business; consumers want instant results, traditional wedding directories just don’t cut it anymore. With The Wedding Fixers’ unique global marketplace, suppliers advertise and manage their business on the go whilst making it easy for their customers to buy products, get real time choices, availability and appointments. It’s like a Booking.com for Weddings. The Wedding Fixers are giving a global industry, worth over £200bn, a well overdue technical make-over.


Morag Webstere: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7884 356725 @ wedfix

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founder, GrantInvestment for: Develop and launch Mobile App, increase customer acquisition and international expansion.

Digital Connextions Ltd Digital Connextions analytics platform Hiryzr, has been created to tackle youth unemployment and the global skills crisis. It’s data visualisation tools help young people discover what their valuable non academic skills are. In one glance, young people quickly discover and close skill gaps, while finding relevant and desirable job opportunities. 100% of its users have found positive destinations into education, training and employment. Digital Connextions’ customers, including the government, benefit from increased cost effectiveness whilst reducing unemployment.


Kirsty Mitchelle: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7841 097904 @DConnextions

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founder, Scottish Enterprise SMART Feasibility Funding, Start Global, Make it to Market and Innovation GrantsInvestment for: Your investment will enable rapid expansion of the team and first mover advantage, by securing multiple pre-contract agreements.

Digital Connextions

VCLevel £250k - £499k

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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Klik2learn Klik2learn’s expertise and creativity led to the first endorsement of completely digital ESOL course by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. The team’s capacity for innovation and research has now resulted in the development of the Protalk app. This takes the company into new territory with the filing of a patent for a new approach to language learning. Opportunities are now opening up with major players in the call centre industry for speech analytics and for collaboration in large scale healthcare projects.


Ann Attridgee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 141 3038495 @ klik2learn

Started: 2010Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Syndicate seed funding, Innovate UK grants, FoundersInvestment for: Company growth internationallyin B2B and B2C markets, expansion of the team and commercialisation of the IP.

VCVCLevel £100k - £249kLevel £1m - £2m

Double Double is a location based double dating app that helps people get over the awkwardness, intimidationand safety concerns of online dating. Double allows you to sign up with a friend and get matched with other pairs nearby. From early 2016 we have gone from 4k MAUs to 32k MAUs with over 1 million messages exchanged. We have a dynamic team with a complimentary skill set and are backed by Michael Birch of Bebo and Nick Jenkins of Moonpig.com.


Ben Greenocke: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7713 570281 @joindouble

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Founders Bootstrap funds, Angel investmentInvestment for: Increasing our tech and marketing teams, growing our userbase and executing an aggressive rollout across the USA, Europe and Australia.



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Levima We simplify business expense management. Our app integrates upfront budget approval with corporate cards. This saves time and money; cutting out reconciliation and manual data entry whilst giving real-time reports. Unlike other services that just retrospectively improve data capture, Levima actively controls spend making it predictable, visible and insightful. With a SMART grant, our core team of 3 has developed and begun trialling a beta app. We are expanding our pilot customers and in discussion with channel partners to go-to-market.


Jossie Ellise: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7903 262798

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: GrantInvestment for: £150k seed investment to expand our development and marketing team to take the product to market.

VCLevel £100k - £249k

LoxxlyThere are millions of SMEs around the world still afraid of ecommerce. They’re afraid because every ecommerce provider in the industry, tells them to throw their site away and start again. Loxxly turns any website, hosted anywhere, built by anyone into an ecommerce platform for free, in minutes. Loxxly is no sale no fee, SaaS Charging 5% commission on every sale. Online retail is the only trillion-dollar industry still growing at 20% per annum. This is your chance to invest!


Andrew Sykese: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7966 551998 @_AndrewSykes

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Investment for: Develop social engagement strategy and build sales pipeline. Integrate and launch fully functional SaaS platform. Acquire first 100 customers.

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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Make it Social Booking anything as a social group is a huge headache. The challenges of organising the group and arranging payments amongst friends leads to on average 25% of group bookings failing to convert for travel and ticketing organisations. Make it Social delivers a solution that integrates directly with the providers website to allow for consumers to invite friends, manage the group and pay individually without leaving the website. We’re making the world a truly social place.

MindMate Ltd MindMate is an award-winning platform to assist people who live with dementia, their caregivers and family-members. MindMate- Makes people with dementia more independent;- Improves the caring process; and- Gives family-members a greater peace of mind.In the last 6 months, we gained several ten thousands of monthly active users, which makes MindMate the fastest-growing platform for conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, we gained the NHS Trust Greater Glasgow and Clyde as well as a major care home chain in the UK as paying customers, and raised a pre-seed round with Potential VC.

www.makeitsocial.com www.mindmate-app.com

Eddie Robbe: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7920 016588 @make_it_social

Susanne Mitschkee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7931 070881 @MindMateApp

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: FFF, Angels, FoundersInvestment for: We’ve proven product market fit and secured major clients. The investment is to grow the business rapidly.

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: ignite100 accelerator fund, Potential VC Angel SyndicateInvestment for: MindMate is currently building relationships for a bigger seed-round end of this year, which will help us entering the US market, as well as do further R&D.

VCLevel £1m - £2m

VCLevel £1m - £2m



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My1LoginMy1Login eliminates the need for users to remember various business passwords. Competitors are largely US-based and with the recent invalidation of the safe harbour legislation this presents an opportunityfor European-based Identity Providers such as My1Login. The market is growing rapidly, primarily as a result of large enterprises utilising a mix of cloud, legacy and mobile applications and My1Login is already winning business with large financial services and public sector organisations.

nooQ Current communication tools like Yammer & Slack are fun, BUT they are huge distractions and productivity drains. Employees using Slack are spending 10 hours per day chatting on their platform. nooQ has volume controls for your communications. Our customers love being able to turn people up, turn subjects down and even mute. At Socialnow we beat IBM and 3 NASDAQ companies winning all awards including best product, & coolest feature and best fit for my organisation.

www.my1login.com www.nooq.co

Mike Newmane: [email protected]: +44 (0) 141 4270454 @my1login

Graeme Bodyse: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7720 558540 @graemebodys

Started: 2012Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founder, Angels, Angel SyndicatesInvestment for: My1Login have tested and proved a highly-effective marketing strategy that is delivering enterprise sales. We are now seeking to scale this approach.

Started: 2012Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Self funded thru founders, Scottish Edge award and grantsInvestment for: We need investment to grow sales, marketing and customer support.

VCLevel £1m - £2m

VCLevel £500k - £999k



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Particle Analytics Particle Analytics is an engineering software company. We develop solutions for the pre- and postprocessing, visualisation and analysis of numerical simulations of particulate and bulk solids. Our software is used in industry to significantly improve efficiency and reduce costs in the design and optimisation of processes and machines that handle such materials. Sales of our Early Adopter licence have already been made to 4 global multi billion organisations and partnerships agreed with leading partners in the sector.

PhysioMedics Ltd 12.5% of all employee absenteeism is due to back pain. Our product reduces this. PhysioWizard is the worlds first, CE-marked & clinically validated software platform that reduces absenteeism. We simplify the management of back pain, replace many of the roles of GPs & Physiotherapists, and are changing the way employees are treated globally. With letters of intent from national and global occupational/healthcare providers and our prototype built, we are ready to launch. Future investors – come and see us at our stand to find out the latest medtech opportunity.

www.particle-analytics.com www.physiowizard.com

Carlos Labrae: [email protected]: +44 (0) 131 4724809

Kirsten Lorde: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7789 812612

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founders, Grant, VCInvestment for: Accelerated growth of sales and support teams to drive revenue and develop a commercial strategy for international markets.

Started: 2010Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Corporate loan, FounderInvestment for: Product development, Team Growth, and Implementation & Support forEarly Adoption Trials.

VC VCLevel £500k - £999k Level £250k - £499k



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Pick Protection There are 6 million lone workers in the UK. Only 5% of these are given any kind of lone worker protection yet companies have a legal obligation to protect their employees. The Personal Guardian is a personal attack and lone worker alarm. When launched in July 2016 the Personal Guardian will be the smallest, most cost effective lone worker alarm on the market with an industry leading 12 month battery.


Rebecca Picke: [email protected]: +44 (0) 141 3038206 @PickProtection

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Angel Investment/SIBInvestment for: Pick Protection is seeking £250,000 to develop version 2 of the Personal Guardian.

VCLevel £250k - £499k

Robotical LtdWe make educational robots to inspire and engage the next generation of engineers and scientists. Our lead product is a patent pending low cost walking robot that’s more than a toy. Fully programmable and customizable, perfect for kids and parents, makers, and educators to learn about electronics, mechanical design, 3D printing and robotics. Robotical’s founder Alexander Enoch has a PhD in robotics and a Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship.


Alexander Enoche: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7734 877324 @RoboticalLtd

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise FellowshipInvestment for: To grow the company by hiring staff, and to get the best product to market in the best time frame.

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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Sensor-Works Ltd Using Bluetooth wireless sensors, Data Analytics and the Industrial Internet of Things, Sensor-Works has developed an innovative, flexible and cost-effective solution to machine health monitoring, applicable to many industries. Wireless sensors and the IIoT is a huge business opportunity. With initial sales at home and abroad combined with 25+ years market experience, the company is seeking investment to take advantage of the opportunity, by developing its commercial operations, driving sales into blue chip organisations and creating a multi-million pound business.


Ian Biane: [email protected]: +44 (0) 1506 592356 @SensorWorks

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Founders and SMART GrantInvestment for: Strengthen the management team and resource the business to drive sales growth into blue chip customers.

VCLevel £250k - £499k

Ripl NewsRipl News is reinventing the news for the smartphone generation. Shortlisted for Virgin Media’s Pitch to Rich 2015, their social app crowdsources news, harnessing the ripple effect to share the biggest stories fast. Collaborative reporting, location based notifications and viral mechanics are used to make the news faster, more engaging and told from more perspectives than ever before. Fresh out of the UP Accelerator’s first Edinburgh cohort, Ripl entered Beta late last year and has been growing steadily ever since.


Mike Boyde: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7834 339497 @RiplNews

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Investment for: Seed investment for additional staff, continued app development and audience acquisition throughout the UK.

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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SixBySix SixBySix build innovative eCommerce solutions, particularly system integrations, and have worked with a broad range of clients including Tesco, Financial Times and Sports Direct. We are working on a product to improve the consumer experience and merchant marketing capabilities of high street retail. We have a fast route to market through a Telefonica partner to a display and free WiFi network covering 4,500 sites in Spain and we’re trialling in the UK and in a flagship department store in Barcelona.

Spotsen Our vision is to revolutionise the way we see, and respond to, the environment around us. We have developed low cost, low power, environmental sensor devices that monitor air quality, UV strength, weather conditions, temperature, humidity, movement and vibration. Our products communicate wirelessly with smart devices for personal, business and city-wide sensing using Bluetooth SMART, BLE Mesh and LPWA Networks. Our highly skilled team has developed targeted applications and use cases for IoT, leisure, home, office and transport.

www.sixbysix.co.uk www.spotsensors.com

Kevin Walkere: [email protected]: +44 (0) 141 4134020 @ the6by6

Gordon MacGregore: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7753 621691 @spotsensors.com

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: FoundersInvestment for: We seek investment to expand our research team and to buy additional hardware for field trials.

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Founders, GrantInvestment for: Commercialisation for our AirSpot and SunSpot products during 2016/17.

VCLevel £100k - £249k

VCLevel £250k - £499k



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SwarmOnline Ltd SwarmOnline are at the hive of the connected world. We help businesses and consumers connect their lives in new and innovative ways. We use a combination of cloud, mobile and web technologies to build solutions that connect vehicles, houses, employees and consumers. Our latest cloud product, SwarmConnect, enables consumers to connect directly with their smart meter to monitor energy consumption in realtime and view important information on their smart phone, tablet or TV.


Andrew Duncane: [email protected]: +44 (0) 3301 222800 @SwarmOnline

Started: 2011Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: FounderInvestment for: For product development, expansion to far east for manufacturing and marketing within energy sector.

VCLevel £500k - £999k

Storii Storii is changing the way we store memories and interact with loved ones in care. Their B2B and B2C platforms enable families and carers to collaborate, logging videos, images, and audio recordings to build a person’s life story. Storii has received support from tech giant Apple, and aims to be a major player in the care and private social networking market. The platform is being piloted by large care providers before a public launch this summer.


Cameron Grahame: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7949 231619 @StoriiPlatform

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: SMART Award, Private Investment, Grant Funding, The Santander Digital Pitching CompetitionInvestment for: Financing further development, server costs, expansion of our development + marketing team and to support our Summer public launch.

VCLevel £1m - £2m



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SymbaSync SymbaSync, the Match.com for jobs, allows organizations and prospects to weight and rank key preferences including ALL skill and task history, education, workplace culture, management style, test scores, and more. SymbaSync’s LIVEMatch creates percentage matches, e-mailing the details to top prospects, allowing them to click to express interest. Our Founder/CEO grew up in recruiting and has built & exited other companies. Our CTO is from the School of Infomatics. Together we provide the wisdom and energy to commercialize SymbaSync globally.


Joseph McElmeele: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7518 407403 @SymbaSync

Started: 2012Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: FoundersInvestment for: We seek investment to compliment grant funding for additional development teammembers, securing beta partners, and commercialization by Fall 2017.

VCLevel <£100k

The Podcast Host LtdPodcasting generates huge amounts of attention, trust and credibility, and it’s now starting to hit themainstream. Businesses, however, are struggling to take advantage. The process is technical and there’sno ‘one way’ to podcast. We build upon our founder’s doctorate in online education and extensive experience in podcasting to create compelling, effective courses which help podcasters grow. Forbusinesses we offer a one-stop solution which takes the technical process off your hands. We makepodcasting easy for anyone.


Colin Graye: [email protected]: +44 (0) 3300 010854 @thepodcasthost

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: Investment for: A content marketing tool which enables simple production and huge cross-medium repurposing value, allowing any business to produce prolific content.

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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TickX TickX, the event ticket search engine, is a rapidly growing tech start-up backed by Ministry of Sound. Comparing prices from 20 leading ticket sellers to find you the best deals on over 50,000 club nights, gigs, festivals, sports, theatre and comedy shows. Our aim is to become the ‘Skyscanner’ of event ticketing. Since launching we’ve been featured in Virgin’s young entrepreneurs to watch, Musically’s top 20 start-ups and now have over 18,000 event goers using our platforms each month.


Stephen Pearcee: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7801 843224 @tickx_

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: AngelInvestment for: We’re seeking investment so that we can accelerate our growth in the UK and further develop our tech.

VCLevel £1m - £2m

TopolyticsTopolytics is an environmental smart grid for business – harnessing the power of geography to make commercial waste, emissions and resource use visible and actionable. Our software combines mapping with real-time sensor-driven data to allow corporates to visualise, analyse and share their performance instantly and powerfully. Our combination of data, geography and reporting is a unique offer in an already significant compliance driven market. One of TechRepublic’s top ten cleantech start-ups and named UK’s best environmental management technology in 2016.


Michael Grovese: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7798 892045 @topolytics

Started: 2013Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: GrantsInvestment for: Product and channel management, outbound and inbound marketing, partnership and user-group development, UK and international sales.

VCLevel £500k - £999k

Urban Tide There is an Urban Tide happening. The world is undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in history as more people choose to live in cities. The team at Urban Tide has a world-leading track record in the global smart cities marketplace (estimated at $1.5TN by 2020) and a top-quality Chief Technology Officer leading development of the next generation U~SMART data platform. U~SMART shares, integrates, analyses and ultimately opens up city data to make smarter, sustainable and more liveable cities for everyone.

We Are Sure Limited We Are Sure Limited provides simple, easy to use online financial transactional systems. We bring solutions to market in months not years, dramatically reducing the cost and risk. Current clients include Sports Direct Insurance, Get Sure Travel Insurance and FloodExcess.com. We are looking for an investment partner to help us develop our software to the next level. Ideally we are looking for a partner who can also provide us with market credibility and channels to prospective clients.

www.urbantide.com www.wearesure.co.uk

Pippa Gardnere: [email protected] t: +44 (0) 7967 188513 @urbantide

Alistair Campbelle: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7701 326922 @wearesure.co.uk

Started: 2014Pre or Post revenue: PostCurrent funding: SMART: Scotland Feasibility Study Grant plus Founders InvestmentInvestment for: Scaling-up the U~SMART data platform for sale to identified urban areas within the global smart cities marketplace.

Started: 2012Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: FoundersInvestment for: The investment will create a configurable software toolset that improves our productivity and ability to enter new markets.



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VCLevel £1m - £2m

VCLevel £100k - £249k



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YaviYavi is a messaging platform that connects shift workers with their teams and employers, putting all important work information at their fingertips. We’re a team of eight spun-out of the company that made the apps for Skyscanner and FanDuel; creating world-class product experiences is our bread and butter. Through a product designed to delight workers, supported by our proprietary IP, we are able to give employers (eg. global retailers or fast food chains) a single channel to reach their staff.


Alex McAndrewe: [email protected]: +44 (0) 7778 205651

Started: 2015Pre or Post revenue: PreCurrent funding: Incubated within Kotikan, including a SMART grant, FoundersInvestment for: Bring product to market, begin monetisation, and prepare for growth.

VCLevel £500k - £999k

WorkflowFMHealth and social carers have to follow tens of pages of guidelines or work with limited documentation. They end up with error-prone practices, such as post-it notes, raising NHS costs due to preventable errors to £2.5bn annually. Our smart technology allows the formal recording of policies, guidelines, and best practices as diagrammatic workflows in a simple but verified way to improve everyday care provision. We focus on a partner strategy and a route to market through large Health IT vendors.


Petros Papapanagiotoue: [email protected]: +44 (0) @WorkflowFM

Started: Pre or Post revenue: PreInvestment for: Expanding the team to scale up product and business development and gain further market and partner traction.

VCLevel £100k - £249k


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Life Sciences1 Edinburgh Molecular Imaging Ltd2 Epipole Ltd3 HI INNOVATION4 Innovative Healthcare Solutions5 Kajeka Ltd 6 Freedom One Life7 Neurocentrx pharma Ltd8 Optomize Ltd9 Parkure Ltd10 Precidar Diagnostics11 R Biomedical12 Reminova Ltd13 Ripptide Pharma Ltd14 snap40

Energy15 THz Power 16 ACT Blade Ltd17 Cognitive Geology18 Losstek Ltd19 PlanSea Ltd20 Power A Life21 Power Migration Partners Ltd22 Nano-Lit Technologies

Information Technology23 Agency Core24 Alba Orbital25 Amiqus26 Appointedd27 City Room Rentals28 Class4Kids Ltd

Main Conference

Room- Keynote sessions

- Company live pitches

- Evening dinner

Exhibition Hall





Meeting Rooms 1,2 & 3

First Floor - Assembly Rooms

* Gents toilets located on the ground floor









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29 Comcarde Ltd30 Connect-In Ltd 31 Cyan Forensics32 Data Science and Analytics Ltd33 Digital Connextions Ltd34 Event Software Ltd35 Double36 Klik2learn37 Levima38 Loxxly39 Make it Social40 MindMate Ltd41 My1Login42 nooQ43 Particle Analytics44 PhysioMedics Ltd45 Pick Protection46 Ripl News 47 Robotical Ltd48 Sensor-Works Ltd49 SixBySix50 Spotsen51 Storii 52 SwarmOnline Ltd 53 SymbaSync 54 The Podcast Host Ltd55 TickX56 Topolytics57 Urban Tide58 We Are Sure Limited59 WorkflowFM60 Yavi

Main Conference

Room- Keynote sessions

- Company live pitches

- Evening dinner

Exhibition Hall





Meeting Rooms 1,2 & 3

First Floor - Assembly Rooms

* Gents toilets located on the ground floor









7 8 9 1011
























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Informatics Ventures Wilkie Building 22-23 Teviot RowEdinburgh, EH8 9AG

tel: +44 (0) 131 650 4404email: [email protected]

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