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Page 1: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of

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Page 2: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Page 3: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of











EDITOR’S CUT… The ELECTROCOM is a platform for the students who want to enter the vast world of electronics. It helps you to acquire the knowledge and to develop innovative thoughts and motivate you for the perseverance. We just want to give you the path to explore the electronic boom. Soon we are going to organize a national level quiz competition. We are also going to provide you with test series for GATE, notes of the required subject, help against the queries and blog for the details of electronics. You can visit [email protected] on Google to download the material required. This issue is primarily focusing on the new era of technology in the field of electronics, circuit analysis, E-crossword and live project with revolutionary ideas which can be implemented in the institute. We are looking forward to hear from you in the form of your articles, suggestions, ideas and queries to make our endeavor better in every form.

Editorial Team


Page 4: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


OPPORTUNITY FOR FRESHERS AT GLOBALEDGE –new Global Edge Software- Bangalore, Karnataka Globaledge Software is a CMM Level 5 company, associated with most of the top Multinational Companies. Global Edge is a decade old Bangalore based Company, specialized in global software and hardware solutions in domains like Embedded Systems. (FRESHERS) Walk- In @ ”TCS” Tata Consultancy Service (TCS) Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) (www. tics. com), http: www. ChetanaS. Org, (Freshers) Walk-In: Science Graduates (B. Sc BCA BCS Diploma): 2011 Passout @ Delhi, http: www. ChetanaS. Org, Eligibility Criteria: Walk-In Date: On 20th August 2011. (FRESHERS) Walk-In @ “TCS” Tata Consultancy Service (TCS) Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)(www. tics. com), http: www. ChetanaS. Org, Exclusive Job for Chetanaites. Dear ChetanaS, We would like to publish below job requirement in YourChetanaSforum. Com, Freshers Walk-In: B. Sc BCA BCS Diploma: 2011. (FRESHERS/EXPERINCED) Walk-In @ “TCS” Tata Consultancy Service (TCS)-Vadodra Gujarat Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) (www. tics. com), http: www. ChetanaS. org, (Freshers Experienced) Walk-In: Business Analysts: Multiple Locations: From 16th to 19th November 2011, Http: www. ChetanaS. Org, Job Role: Business Analyst Sr. Business Analys.


Page 5: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


FRESHERS) “TCS” Tata Consultancy Service (TCS) Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) (www. tics. com), http: www. ChetanaS. Org, (Freshers) Off- Campus: 2011 2012 Passout @ All India, http: www. ChetanaS. Org.

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

So here we are in a new decade, and the technologies that are now available to us continue to

engage (and enthrall) in fascinating ways. The rise and collision of several trends—social, mobile,

touch computing, geo, cloud—keep spitting out new products and technologies which keep

propelling us forward. Below I highlight seven technologies that are ready to tip into the mainstream


What’s in store for 2011? Some of these themes will continue to evolve, and some new ones will

gain currency. Here are seven technologies poised to rock the New Year:

1. Web Video on Your TV: We’ve already seen many attempts to turn the Internet into a video-delivery pipe to rival cable TV: Google TV, Apple TV, the Boxee Box, Roku, and a slew of “Internet-enabled” TVs. None of them are quite yet cable killers, but they are seeding the market with simple ways to bring Internet video to your large-screen TV in the living room. The more cable-quality video that becomes available over the Web via streaming services such as Netflix, Vudu, or iTunes, the more that people will turn to Web when they are looking for something to watch. This trend is not about surfing the Web on your TV. Nobody wants to do that. It is about using the Internet as an alternative way to deliver movies and TV shows to your flat-screen TV. Even the cable companies will dip their toes into the Internet delivery waters (or plunge deeper if they already have their toes wet). What looks like a pale competitor to cable today will be a lot more viable in a short, twelve months.

2. Quora Will Have Its Twitter Moment: Social Q&A site Quora may be the current Silicon Valley, but not a lot of people beyond the insular tech startup world actually use it yet. That will start to change in 2011, which in believe will be the year Quora has its Twitter moment and start to really take off. Quora represents a bigger technology trend, which is the layering of an interest graph on top of people’s social graph. On Quora, you can follow not only people, but topics and questions. It defines the world by your interests, not just the people you may know or admire. This is a powerful concept and is not limited to Quora (both Twitter and Face book also want to own the interest graph), but Quora is designed from the ground up to expose and help you explore your interests. It is addictive, and as it reaches a critical mass of early users, this will be the year it emerges from its shell much like Twitter did in 2007.

Page 6: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


3. Mobile Social Photo Apps: The end of 2010 witnessed a spate of mobile photo apps

including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of decent cell phone cameras, GPS, and existing social networks like Face book, Twitter, and Foursquare. Each of these apps is built for mobile first. They let you take a picture, mark your location, and share it with your social network (sometimes public, sometimes private). With Instagram and PicPLz, you can choose a filter to make humdrum pics look more exciting or capture a mood. By building on top of existing social networks like Twitter and Foursquare, they are making popular new ways to use those services. Instead of simply checking in, now you can do a photo checkin (even Foursquare lets you do that now). Already Instagram is one of the most popular photo apps in iTunes. Sharing photos is pretty much a universal impulse, and these apps make it easier and more fun.

4. Mobile Wallets: If you could use your cell phone as a credit card, would you? Everyone

from Apple and Google to Nokia want to make that a reality and tap into the mobile payments market. Both Apple and Google are exploring this opportunity. Google bought mobile payments startup Zeta wire to gain experience and the latest Android phone, the Nexus S, comes with an NFC chip—the same kind that is embedded into credit cards and lets you pay by waving it over a wireless reader. The iPhone 5 also may come equipped with an NFC chip, and Apple was sniffing around mobile payments startup BOKU last year for a possible acquisition. It is going to take more than just NFC chips in every phone to make mobile payments a reality, but efforts by the major players this year should begin to move the needle.

5. Context-Aware Apps: Whether its search, mobile or social apps and services, the most useful apps people will keep coming back to are the ones which help people cut through the increasing clutter of the Internet. Apps that are aware of the context in which they are being used will serve up better filtered information. When you search on your mobile phone that means you get local results and local offers served up first. If you are on a service like Quora that understands your interest graph, it means that you are only shown topics that you care about, sorted in real time. If you are on a news site, you will see the most shared links from people in you follow on Twitter or are connected to on Face book. Music and movie services will similarly surface social recommendations. In a world of information overload, context is king.

6. Open Places Database: Every mobile app, it seems, taps into the geo capabilities of

phones to pinpoint your exact location and show you what is around you. (Incidentally, that is another example of a context-aware app). But there is a lot of duplication going on, with everyone from Google to face book to Foursquare creating their own database of places. It would make much more sense if there was an open places database that any company could both pull from and contribute to. While we are not there yet, we are making progress towards a more open places database, or at least a federated one. Factual is providing some of the data for Face book Places and creating a places database is a major focus for the company; MapQuest (owned by AOL, as is TechCrunch) is adopting OpenStreetMaps (which could very well become the central places database with more resources and development); and Foursquare lets other apps pull from its places database through its API. There are economic reasons why some companies don’t want to participate (controlling the places database makes it easier to serve up local offers), but expect to see this movement pick up steam in 2011. BY: Pooja kumari

Page 7: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Posts Tagged ‘latest technology 2011’

Install Blender 2.56a Beta in Ubuntu January 8th, 2011

Blender, the widely used open source 3D image developing software updated to version 2.56a Beta. The

development team did a partial rewriting of Python API in naming conventions and in creation and access of properties. This latest version fixes over 440 bugs from the previous version (2.55 betas).

Mac App Store Launched by Apple January 6th, 2011

The much awaited Mac Store was launched a few hours before with 1000+ apps. Now Mac users can use their iTunes password to download and install apps from App Store. App Store become popular by the introduction of

iPhone as the users can choose from a categorized list of apps, buy and install


Page 8: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


VLC Player for Android coming soon!!! December 27th, 2010

VLC the extremely popular media player will be soon available for the emerging mobile platform

Android. According to Jean Kempf, VLC’s lead developer , the player for Android will be released early

2011. VLC for Android will be another success following the victory of VLC for iPad.

Intel Light Peak connectivity technology by 2011 November 28th, 2010

Intel’s magic is here! – Light Peak is a high speed connectivity technology that delivers data transfer

speeds of whooping 10 GB/s and more! Light Peak is based on optical cable technology and may come to

main stream consumer products by 2011. Apple has already announced the release of new Mac Book pro

by April 2011 [...] By: Prashant

First Synthetic Organism Created

By Kathleen McAuliffe

Page 9: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


From the January-February special issue; published online April 28, 2011 No one could accuse

human genome pioneer J. Craig Venter of lacking chutzpah. In May 2010 he made good on another of

his audacious goals, creating an artificial living cell by synthesizing the entire genome of a bacterium and

transplanting it into another.

At a news conference, Venter hailed the new organism as “the first self-replicating species…on the planet

whose parent is a computer.”

The breakthrough, which took 15 years and consumed $40 million, involved building the genome

of Mycoplasma mycoides (a bacterium that infects goats) from chemicals in the laboratory and then

tagging it with a gene that turns the organism blue. Venter’s team transplanted the fabricated genome into

a closely related bacterium that had been stripped of its own DNA, and after many attempts to jump-start

the combination, managed to create an organism that morphed, over the course of a single weekend, into

a blue bacterium that displayed all the characteristics of the implanted DNA.

Scientists have already synthesized the genomes of the poliovirus and the 1918 influenza strain, and

molecular biologist Anthony Forster of Vanderbilt University acknowledges that safety is always a

concern. But with proper safeguards in place, he believes that synthetic life can provide enormous

benefits. “The success brings us closer to altering genomes in a much more designed manner—for

example, creating microbes that can help produce drugs or churn out biofuel,” he says.

Venter himself has declared these applications to be his primary commercial goals. In October he started

a new company that will work with the pharmaceutical giant Novartis to create next-generation flu

vaccines. And Synthetic Genomics, the company he founded in 2005, aims to create fuel-producing

microbes, including algae biofuels in a $300 million agreement with ExxonMobil. By: Meenakshi Shukla

Page 10: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Sound-Charging Cell phone Could Let Your Power Your Phone By Talking In the future, you could charge your cell phone just by chatting.

Researchers at South Korea's Sungkyunkwan University have developed a new technology that converts sound waves into electrical energy, The Telegraph reports. With the sound-harvesting tech, batteries could be charged by everything from the human voice and music to the sound of highway traffic.

Researcher Dr. Sang-Woo Kim said, "The sound that always exists in our everyday life and environments has been overlooked as a source. This motivated us to realize power generation by turning sound energy from speech, music or noise into electrical power."

Currently, the researchers have created a prototype that converts sounds around 100 decibels (think: noisy traffic) to 50 mill volts of electricity. Here's how it works: a pad absorbs sound waves and causes zinc oxide wires mounted between electrodes to compress and release, creating an electrical current that can be used to charge a battery.

Fifty mill volts isn't enough to charge a mobile phone, but Dr. Kim said that the technology could be improved by using different materials. Fortunately, the current prototypes create enough energy to be usable in small, low-power sensors and implantable devices. By: Manoj Singh Pachera

Can you imagine?

Page 11: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


By: National Center for Technology Innovation and Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd) Many computer products have built-in accessibility options such as text-to-speech, screen magnification options, or voice input controls. Learn what some of these optional features are and how to integrate them into instruction and studying.

The pace of innovation in consumer electronics has brought many optional features into more of our personal technology experiences. We take it for granted that we can zoom in on the small print or increase the font size or contrast to meet our current needs. Research is beginning to catch up to show the added benefits of providing students access to these capabilities in their learning environments. Here we offer brief research summaries followed by practical suggestions on how to integrate these features into instruction and studying.

Text to speech (TTS)

A speech engine that can read digital text aloud (usually available in multiple voices) with highlighting is quickly becoming a common feature of operating systems, some web sites, and is available as downloadable programs. TTS can deliver proven multi-sensory literacy strategies, such as repeated reading and neurological impress method (NIM) in a digital environment.1,2 Matching these instructional methods with the technology features of simultaneous highlighting of the spoken text draws students' attention and helps them stay in sync with the reader.

The value of this simultaneous presentation has been shown for improved word recognition and retention.3 TTS additionally relieves the attention burden of decoding for struggling readers by providing the spoken text, allowing them to focus on comprehension and improving their "endurance" for completing reading assignments.4,5

It is no surprise that struggling students need more engagement with print. Providing TTS is a natural support to facilitate more reading. For early readers and young learners of English, digital storybooks provide a fun and interactive engagement with books. Older readers can utilize TTS to access motivating and content-specific texts on the Internet and textbook-related Web portals that are so important to vocabulary and background knowledge development.

New Electronics: Turn Them On for Learning

Page 12: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Much classic literature, which presents great difficulties for struggling readers, can be downloaded as e-books and read with TTS. Literacy software can facilitate studying with tools such as annotation, highlighting, and linked dictionaries. All writers can benefit from listening to their compositions read aloud as a proofreading process. Compare a variety of commercial and free programs through the TechMatrix at www.techmatrix.org. Speech recognition

Speech recognition software can transcribe spoken language to digital text or act upon spoken computer commands has been available as commercial software for years and is increasingly being built into operating systems and other programs. The accuracy of these programs has increased and training requirements have dramatically decreased in the past few years. Speech recognition not only provides access to computer users who have physical disabilities, it also allows struggling writers to address issues of fatigue, poor handwriting, spatial organization or spelling. Speech recognition, moreover, is a powerful example of immediate constructive feedback, one of the key benefits attributed to well-designed computer assisted learning. Research has shown the learning value of using speech recognition to compose as well as to proofread writing.

Speech recognition can help motivate struggling writers and spellers to get their ideas onto paper and reinforce literacy skills in the process. The immediacy of the dictation process reinforces the vocabulary and use of writing conventions and punctuation. Special programs can help struggling math students dictate and organize mathematical expressions, and, when paired with TTS, to decode those expressions. Vastly improved capabilities, reduced training requirements, and increasingly free versions in operating systems, mean many more students may benefit from interacting with the computer in this manner. Improved, too, is the sensitivity and quality of microphones available at very reasonable costs allowing for increased classroom and lab applications.

Graphic organizers

A third technology application that has received research attention is computer-based graphic organizers. These tools facilitate brainstorming, concept mapping, and outlining in much the same way as teacher-led instruction, but with obvious advantages. Digital graphic organizers have word processing and TTS support, the ability to rearrange elements easily, and switch between outline and map view. Students taught to use these tools strategically have been shown to write more complete and sophisticated essays and improve their reading comprehension.6

Page 13: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Graphic organizers of all sorts are becoming more common in education. They tap into students' visual and spatial abilities, strengthening the connection between language and these ways of knowing. Computer-based graphic organizers can be used with whole class instruction to make visible the connections between big ideas in the content areas as well as demonstrate writing and reading comprehension strategies. Individuals find the programs valuable for annotations during reading or prewriting brainstorming, and the ability of most of the software packages to switch between map and outline views supports students' progress through the writing stages.

Visual representations, simulations & virtual environments Allowing students to "see" relationships and sequences can make key concepts come to life and be more comprehensible. In mathematics, the use of virtual manipulative and animations has grown to mainstream usage as a powerful means to help students improve their conceptual knowledge of mathematics.7Imagine how helpful an animated illustration of the relationship between fractions, percentages, and the number line could be to struggling students.

The ability to manipulate and examine the results of the changes increases students' engagement and understanding. In science, educators have a variety of virtual laboratories and learning environments that can help students visualize "unseen" phenomena, or create models for building understanding. Virtual laboratories can also allow students to engage in experiments or activities that might otherwise be impossible due to cost, safety or student motor impairments. Finally, many teachers make use of virtual learning environments to take students on 'virtual field trips' or allow students to engage in a variety of projects within a protected online space, such as a private island within the world of Second Life. Online reference materials

Online dictionaries, encyclopedias, and thesauruses bring TTS (through recorded pronunciations of words), and supporting visuals to reference materials, notoriously difficult print texts for struggling students. Many online reference materials combine an encyclopedia, online dictionary and online thesaurus, allowing students to see and hear words and definitions and helping to illustrate concepts and relationships between meanings. See a collection of sites at www.literacymatters.org. The plethora of reference and resource material available on the Internet these days is astounding. Educators should insist that all their students know and use these resources that provide "just in time" and "just in case" support to help address vocabulary and background knowledge gaps, to provide translations, answer burning and/or tangential questions and support learners. Coupling reference guides with TTS allows definitions and supportive materials to be read aloud, a boon to students learning English or struggling with reading and writing. By: Kirti Upadhya

Page 14: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


THINGS YOU NEVER KNEW YOUR CELL PHONE COULD DO. There are a few things that can be done in times of emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it: >FIRST: Emergency The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out. > SECOND: Have you locked your keys in the car? Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can each someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk). Editor's Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!" > THIRD: How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 # . A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. If your phone gets stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones. And, Finally.... >FOURTH: Free 411Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information calls when they don't have to. Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial: (800) FREE 411, or (800) 373-3411 without incurring any charge at all. Program this into your cell phone now. By: Vishakha Singh



Page 15: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of



The Net Beans Platform is a generic Java Swing application framework that provides GUI components and a module system for the development of custom desktop applications. The best known application on the Net Beans Platform is, of course, the Net Beans IDE, but there are also many other examples that can be seen at the Net Beans Platform Showcase.

Neuroph Studio is a Java neural network development environment built on top of the Net Beans Platform and Neuroph Framework. It is an IDE-like environment customized for neural network development. Neuroph Studio is a GUI that sits on top of Neuroph Framework. Neuroph Framework is a full-featured Java framework that provides classes for building neural networks. In addition to providing easy-to-use neural network wizards and tools, Neuroph Studio also integrates basic Java development modules from the Net Beans IDE, so developers can create, test, and deploy various Java components based on neural networks in the same environment. Previously, developers usually needed two applications: one for neural network development and one for Java development.

Neural networks are artificial intelligence (machine learning technology) suitable for ill-defined problems, such as recognition, prediction, classification, and control. This article shows how to create some Java neural networks for classification. Note that Neuroph Studio also has support for image recognition, text character recognition, and handwritten letter recognition, which will be covered in future articles.

Brief Overview of Neural Networks with Neuroph Studio Before I show how to create and use neural networks for real-world problems, I'll first briefly explain what neural networks are and provide some general principles for how they work.

Neural networks are computational models inspired by the way the human brain works. Although they are very simplified models based on known principles about how the brain works, they exhibit some very interesting features, such as learning, generalization, and association capabilities. In addition, they are good at dealing with noisy or incomplete data.

Neural networks are graph-like structures that consist of a set of interconnected nodes called neurons. Each neuron has inputs through which it receives input from other neurons (connected to its inputs) and outputs through which it sends output to other neurons (connected to its outputs). The way in which the neurons are interconnected determines the type of neural network architecture.

In addition to the connection pattern among neurons, network behavior is determined by the processing inside the neurons and so-called connection weights. Connection weights are numerical values associated with connections among neurons, and by tweaking these values using an appropriate algorithm (called a learning rule), we can adjust the network behavior. Typical neuron processing includes calculating the weighted sum of neuron inputs and connection weights and then feeding that value into some function (step, sigmoid, or tanh functions are commonly used). The output of that function represents the output of the neuron.

Page 16: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


This basic neuron model consists of the following components:

Two inputs, x1 and x2, with corresponding weights, w1 and w2.

An input function, which calculates the weighted sum using the following formula: s = (x1*w1) + (x2*w2).

A transfer function, which takes the weighted sum as input and calculates the output of the neuron using a simple step function. If the weighted sum is greater then zero, the function outputs 1; otherwise, it outputs 0. By: Mansi Jain


1) Next after gigahertz 4) % Modulation AKA Modulation_______ 6) Zero Vector 7) Opposite of amplifier (-dB) 8) Similar to a LASER (operates with microwave frequencies) 11) dB 14) James Clerk______ (think coffee)

Page 17: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Across 2) Multiple antennae arranged in an_________ 3) ‘Spread Spectrum’ AKA Frequency___________ 5) Diode like the Chunnel 9) ____________waveguide (metric)

10)____________ plot = imaginary vs. real frequency response 12) _____________plot = magnitude vs. phase 13) The inverse of impedance By: Saloni Goyal

Page 18: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


HOW TO SECURE YOUR SYSTEM FROM KEYLOGGER; Now a day’s keylogger is major problem for all. So we should learn to secure our computer From keylogger. This article will Help for ethical hackers or who want to protect their pc. What is Keylogger? Keylogger is one of spyware which will what type you through the keyboard and send it to hacker who send the keylogger. Hackers mainly use keyloggers to steal your passwords, credit card numbers and other confidential data. So whenever you type the username and password in Gmail, online banking sites, it will send the username and password to hacker. How to Protect? In order to provide security for your system, you must have Good AntiVirus: This is basic and best step to protect your system from keylogger. So buy a licensed and best antivirus which is currently in market. My suggestion is Kaspersky, Norton or Mcafee. Don't forget to update regularly. Note: Don't use trial or cracked pack, it is worthless to use. Good Spyware: Since keyloggers are basically spywares, if you are a frequent user of Internet then you Could be exposed to thousands of keyloggers and spywares. So you should use a good Antispyware such as NoAdware. Antilogger can be Handy Antiloggers are programs that detect the presence of keyloggers on a given computer. Zemana Antilogger is the best antilogger. Online Scanning Whenever you receive a suspicious file, you scan it with online scanners such as Multiengine antivirus scanner which scans your file with 24 antivirus engines and reports it back to you if the file is recognized as a virus or spyware. This ensures that none of the malicious programs can escape from being detected as there are 24 different antivirus engines are involved in the scanning process. Keyscrambler Keyscrambler is one of the best protection against key loggers that you can have. Keyscrambler is a small program which encrypts your typed keystrokes so even if the victim has installed a keylogger on your system, he or she will get encrypted keys. Keyscrambler Currently supports Firefox, Internet explorer and other applications, however its premium Version supports more than 160 applications. recognized as a virus or spyware. This ensures that none of the malicious Programs can escape from being detected as there are 24 different antivirus engines are involved in the scanning process. Keyscrambler Keyscrambler is one of the best protections against key loggers that you can have, Keyscrambler is a small program which encrypts your typed keystrokes so even if the victim Has installed a keylogger on your system, he or she will get encrypted keys. Keyscrambler Currently supports Firefox, Internet explorer and other applications, however its premium Version supports more than 160 applications. By: Shoib Akther Ansari


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Page 20: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

--- (Lao-Tze)

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

-- (Baltasar Gracian)

Page 21: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


To test your mental acuity, answer the following questions :

1. Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?

2. A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

4. How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?

5. What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?

6. Billie was born on December 28th, yet her birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

7. In British Columbia you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?

8. If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

9. Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg is white” or “The yolk of the egg are white?”

10. A farmer has five haystacks in one field and four haystacks in another. How many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in one field? By: Mansi Jain


Page 22: ELECTROCOM - MIET · 2016-12-10 · including Instagram, PicPlz and Path. They all take advantage of several massive key trends: the growth of iPhone and Android, the ubiquity of


Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology, MEERUT

Department of Electronics & Communication

Society of Electronics Engineers (SEE)

Committee Members

Managing Committee Editor: Navanita Das SECOND YEAR Co-Editor: Rohit Singh Gaurav Jaiswal Coordinator:Arun Kumar Singh Amit Tripathi Co-Coordinator: Saurabh Jain Manoj singh Pachera Students Representatives PRE FINAL YEAR FIRST YEAR Abhinav Saloni Goyal Neha Singh Kirti Sinha Rahul Gogiya Kirti Upadhya Dinesh Kumar Pooja Kumari

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