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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Week 7: Retaliation June 3—7

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

Have you ever wanted to get even with someone who hurt you in some way? He hit you, so you hit him back? Jesus addresses this with the crowd. He tells the people, and us, that if we are citizens of His kingdom, then we are not to fight an evil person and that we are to repay evil with good. We are to shower evil people, our enemies, with love and peace instead. Not easy to do, but it is the right thing to do! Day 1: Read Matthew 5:38-42 The law said that if someone took out your eye in anger, you had the right to take out his eye as repayment. What is Jesus now saying you should do when someone hurts you? Why? How do you react when hurt?

Day 2: Read 1 Peter 2:21-23 When are we are called to do good, even if...what? What things did Jesus do that we are to do? (3)(Note: retaliate means to get even or get back at a person)

Day 3: Read 1 Peter 3:8-9 What are we to do when we are insulted? Why do you think someone insults or makes fun of others? What would happen over time if all you said was “So?” to someone who made fun of you?

Day 4: Read Romans 12:17-19 In what way are we to live with others? What are we never to do? Why? When have you tried to get even or get revenge with someone? What happened? How did you feel after? What would you do differently now?

Day 5: Read Proverbs 24:17-18 How will God feel if someone you consider an enemy falls and you laugh? What should you do instead? What would be a possible result of that? Remember: Love and kindness trump evil every time! Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you overcome evil with good in

Jesus’ name.





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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Week 6: Keep Your Word May 27 — April 31

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

Another important topic Jesus covered in His sermon on the mount was about making promises and telling the truth. When you are a citizen of His kingdom, He expects you to walk in truthfulness and faithfulness. Jesus wants you to keep your word; when you do what you say you will do— that’s faithfulness. And Jesus wants you to always tell the truth. Lying does no good to anyone. In fact, when we tell a lie, we are actually speaking like the devil speaks! It is his nature to tempt us by lying or deceiving us. Jesus wants us to be a truth speaker and a promise speaker! Day 1: Read Matthew 5:33-37 Why do you think Jesus says we should not make vows (or swear oaths or pledges)? Do you make promises? Do you always keep your promises? Why or why not?

Day 2: James 5:12 When have you made a oath, for example you said: I swear will never ______, or From now on I swear will always _____ ? Why did you make it? Did you keep it? Why is it better to just say Yes or No to someone instead of making an oath?

Day 3: Read Colossians 3:9-10 What reason is given for why we are not to lie? Why do people lie? How do you feel when someone lies to you? God says He hates lying. (See Proverbs 6:16-17) Why? Day 4: Read John 8:44 What truth do you learn here about lying? Who tempts us to lie? When are you tempted to lie? Do you want to add more to why you think God hates lying?

Day 5: Read Matthew 21:28-31 What lesson do you learn from this parable Jesus told? Have you ever said you’ll do something and then did not do it? What happened? What about the other way, saying no, then changing your mind? What happened? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you speak truth and keep

promises from a sincere heart.


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Week 5: Temptation May 20—24

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT) Jesus taught a lot about being tempted to desire, crave or go after things that may harm us or take us off track in living a kingdom life. Each of us are tempted in different ways; kids are tempted by different things in the world than adults. When Jesus talked to the adults on the mountainside about marriage and how husbands and wives should avoid being tempted to do anything that would harm their relationship and their family. This week you are going to read about why it is harmful to say yes to your temptations to go after things God says are wrong or bad for you, and how to overcome temptations. Day 1: Read 1 John 2:15-17 What kinds of cravings does the world offer that are not from God? Why are we to love God and not the world? What are you tempted to love and go after more than God? Sports? New clothes or gadgets? Being popular?

Day 2: Read Matthew 26:41 Being tempted is not a sin, sin is when you say yes to doing something wrong. What does Jesus say is needed to not act on the temptation to sin? When are you weak, or more willing to say yes to going after something in which God would say no?

Day 3: Read Ephesians 4:21-24 Why is it important to throw off our old nature? What are some ways people live before they had Jesus in their lives? What are we to do to live a godly life? (Note: lust means to crave after something.)

Day 4: Read Galatians 5:16-17 What does our sinful nature crave? Who is to guide our lives? Who in your life tempts you to sin?

Day 5: Read Corinthians 10:12-13 When was a time that you were tempted but did not act on it? Why did you say no? Jesus said that we should watch and pray because we are weak. Think of a short prayer that you can use when you are tempted or craving after something that you know God doesn’t approve. Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you watch and pray your

temptations away. May you


Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Overview for Parents: The kingdom of God. What is it? Where is it? Who belongs there? In this series, we spend time with Jesus as He answers these questions and shows us the only way to enter in. Along the way, we’ll examine what Jesus says about living as a citizen in God’s kingdom. Every word of the Sermon on the Mount is rich and exciting, and we will see how important it is to take Jesus’ words to heart and let his love shine through us.

The Beginner’s Bible has only one story regarding the Sermon on the Mount teachings of Jesus, so during this series you will be sharing a brief summary of each of His lessons from Matthew 5-7 each week, and then reading three other stories from his or her Bible that goes along with the topic. Week 1: Blessed April 22-26

This week first share with your child that one time Jesus taught a large crowd of people from a mountainside about how God wanted them to live their lives. The first thing He taught them were the “Be-Attitudes” which tell us behaviors that followers of Jesus should have. (See Matt. 5:1-12) Ask if they can guess what some of the behaviors were that Jesus mentioned. Read these three stories with your child and use them to talk about how they show the kind of attitudes Jesus talked about to the people.

Page 328 Page 437 Page 226 Week 2: Salt & Light April 29—May 3

This week first explain to your child that Jesus taught the crowd on the mountain that they should be SALT and LIGHT to others. (See Matt. 5:13-16) Ask them what the use is for salt, and then what light does for us. Like salt, Jesus wants us to help make life better for others. And He wants us to shine through our good works and tell others about Jesus’ love. Read these three stories with your child and talk about how these people were salt and light to others.

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Week 3: Reasons for Obedience May 6—10

This week start out by explaining that Jesus taught the crowd that obeying God was very important, and it was also important to know WHY they should to obey Him. (See Matt. 5:17-20) God loves us very much and so we know that what He says to do is always for our good and for the good of others. And because we love Him back we should WANT to do what He says! Read these three stories with your child and talk about how these people obeyed God and why it was important that they did.

Page 26 Page 251 Page 140 Week 4: Anger May 13-17

This week begin by sharing that Jesus knew it was important to talk about anger with the large crowd. (See Matt. 5:21-26) Ask your child what kinds of things make them angry, and share yours, too. God gave us the emotion of anger, so it is not a bad thing— as long as we behave correctly when we are angry! Read these three stories with your child and discuss if and how anger impacted the people in the story. Talk about the best way to handle anger, and why it is bad to stay angry (Hint: forgiveness is always best!).

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Week 5: Temptation May 20—24

Start this week with talking about what it means to be tempted . Tell your child that Jesus told the crowd of people that they must stay away from things or people that tempt them to do something wrong (aka sin)— and so should we! (See Matt. 5:27-32) Read these three stories with your child and talk about how temptation played a part in the story and what happened as a result.

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Week 4: Anger May 13-17

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

Jesus reminded the people about God’s command that said: “You must not murder.” Murder is against the law, and everyone would agree that it is wrong to murder someone! The Pharisees taught the law, including this one. But Jesus told them that there is more to God’s Law. God has a higher standard. It is not a sin to be angry. Even God gets angry! In God’s kingdom, there’s no room for bad anger. When you are a citizen of God’s kingdom, you need to handle anger in the right way. Day 1: Read Matthew 5:21-26 Why do you think Jesus says that murder and anger are really much the same? (Hint: Have you ever been so mad at someone that you said or thought, I’m going to kill you?) What should you do if you have made someone angry? (see vv. 24-25) When are you good at “settling your differences quickly”?

Day 2: Read Ephesians 4:26-27 What sins could come from anger? How do you act when you are angry? How long should you remain angry? What happens when we keep anger within us? Day 3: Read Hebrews 12:14-15 What may happen if you do not live in peace with others? What does bitterness mean to you? Is it like anger? How? How can you let go of your anger? Try it this week!

Day 4: Read Psalm 86:15 How does this verse describe God? What does compassion mean to you? What does mercy mean? Does this verse say that God never gets angry? Why do you think God gets angry? Day 5: Read James 1:19-20 How are you doing with the three things James says to be here? Can you hold onto your anger and still live the awesome kingdom life that God wants for you? Why? Can you show love to someone when you are angry with him or her? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you be slow to get angry and filled

with unfailing love and faithfulness.


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Week 3: Reasons for Obedience May 6—10

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

God gave us commandments, or the Law, to show us how He wants us to live. He gave the laws because He loves us and knows what is best for us. He expects us to obey what He says, too. Jesus explained to the crowd of people that God wants something more important than that, He wants us to obey Him for the right reasons. Day 1: Read Matthew 5:17-20 What did Jesus not come to do, and what did he come to do (abolish = do away with)? What happens if you ignore God’s commandments? If you obey them? How are you at obeying what God says? Why do you obey? Why do you NOT obey?

Day 2: Read Matthew 22:36-40 God actually gave more than 10 commandments; He gave 613 to be exact! What did Jesus say were the greatest commands? What did He say about the rest of the commandments? Do you agree that these two commands help you to obey what God says to do? Why or why not?

Day 3: Read Matthew 12:9-14 One of the 10 Commandments stated that no work should be done on the Sabbath, people should only rest. What did Jesus do on this Sabbath day? Why did He do it? What did He say was allowed on the Sabbath? Why do you think this made the Pharisees angry enough to plot killing Jesus? Day 4: Read 1 John 2:3-6 What is true about a person who does NOT obey God’s commands? What is true of those who do? How are you living like Jesus did?

Day 5: Read 1 John 5:2-3 Loving God means what according to this? What are God’s commands not? What does that mean to you? Do you think it is easy or hard to love others all the time? Why? How do you show God you love Him? Remember: the only reason to obey God is because of L.O.V.E. Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May your love for God be seen by the love

you show to others.


Week 6: Keep Your Word May 27 — April 31

This week talk to your child about what Jesus said to the crowd about telling the truth and keeping your promises. (See Matt. 5:33-37) God is a promise keeper and everything He says is true. He wants us to be truthful, too; telling a lie is a sin. Keeping your promise, or doing what you said you would do is also what God expects of us. If we tell lies or break promises, it is hard for others to trust us. Read these three stories and talk about how God keeps His word or promises, and what happens when we don’t keep ours or when we lie.

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Week 7: Retaliation June 3—7

The topic for this week is about how to act when you have been mistreated or hurt by someone. Share with your child what Jesus said on the mountain about overcoming bad with good; we are not to repay evil with evil. Instead of reacting out of anger and thinking of how to get even or get revenge, Jesus said we should react with kindness and goodness. (See Matt. 5:38-42) Read to your child the story of Abraham, and the two stories each about Jacob and Esau and Joseph, and talk about how the people reacted in a time of trouble, good or bad. If the person did not react with kindness, talk about what would have been a better choice.

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Week 1: Blessed April 22-26

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT) After Jesus called the disciples to follow Him, He began to travel around the area healing people and teaching them about the love and goodness of God. Large crowds started to follow Him and one day He went up to a mountainside and started teaching them how a person who loved God and loved others would live. Jesus begins His Sermon on the Mount by stating that a certain kind of person is more blessed or happy than others. We call these statements “beatitudes,” from the Latin word for happiness or blessedness. He teaches that blessings come with living a life in obedience to God, allowing Him to rule our hearts and minds. And that describes the Kingdom of Heaven lifestyle!

Day 1: Read Matthew 4:23-25 What kinds of things was Jesus doing for the people? What is an example of bad news you might hear? What would be good news to you today? What Good News do you think Jesus was announcing to the people?

Day 2: Read Matthew 5:1-5 Describe the attitudes of the first 3 types of people God blesses. When have you felt you really needed God? How has God brought comfort to you when you were sad? What does it mean to be humble? (Hint: pride is the opposite.) Why is being humble best?

Day 3: Read Matthew 5:6-9 Describe the attitudes of the next 4 types of people God blesses. Look up what justice and mercy mean in the Bible Dictionary. Have you ever “thirsted” for what is right? Who do you think needs mercy? What does pure in heart mean to you? Have you ever had to be a “peacemaker” in a bad situation? What resulted?

Day 4: Read Matthew 5:10-12 What does it mean to be persecuted? If people mock you or make fun of you for following Jesus, how does Jesus say you should you react? Has that happened to you? When?

Day 5: Read Philippians 2:1-5 Describe what kind of attitude Paul says you are to have. How are you doing with the things he mentions here? Think of things you can do at home or school to be more like this!

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you live a blessed life with Jesus on the throne of your heart.


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Sermon on the Mount

Week 2: Salt & Light April 29—May 3

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

When Jesus was teaching the large crowd, He used different words to paint a picture of what He was teaching in order to help them remember what He said to them. He actually did that a lot. The first two words He chose to talk about were salt and light. People understood the importance of these two things in their lives. Jesus gave them each a new meaning. He said that we are to be salty, and to be a light to the world! Day 1: Read Matthew 5:13 What is the main reason people use salt? What foods do you salt? Why? What do you think Jesus wants us to “sprinkle” (like salt) wherever we go? How can you make things better for someone in Jesus’ name?

Day 2: Read Matthew 5:14-16 What all does light do for us? How do you think the kids you hang out with see God’s light shining through you? When we are a light for Jesus, what does Jesus say others will do? How will you be a light this week?

Day 4: Read John 8:12 How does Jesus describe himself? How does this verse say we have His light? What may happen when someone tries walking around in total darkness? What do you think walking in darkness means? (Hint: there is no darkness in Jesus). Day 3: Read Ephesians 5:8-11 What is different between someone who is filled with light and someone filled with darkness? When Jesus lives in us, what kinds of things should only shine out of us (Hint: see verse 9)? When have you helped someone by being a light and in their lives?

Day 5: Read Philippians 2:14-15 What kinds of things are we to do because we have Jesus ruling in our lives? Why are we are noticed when we live reflecting the light of Jesus in our lives? Try doing what verse 14 says this week and see who notices! Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you be a light for Jesus, shining His

love for others to see.

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