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Page 1: Elements Packet Presentation

What do you think?

Do artists start an artwork and hope for the best or do artists use planning and rules?

Artists use rules!!

Do you remember what are these rules called?


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Elements of Design

The elements of design are the seven basic building blocks of art & design.

Without these building blocks the principles are meaningless. Think of them as “Legos:” parts, pieces or elements of something

bigger or whole. We use directions and rules to make something.

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Principles of Design

The basic rules of aesthetics that guide in the organization of elements in a work of art.

Without these directions the elements are meaningless. Think of them as “Legos Directions:” Rules or steps to utilize

many different, similar and identical elements to create a meaningful, cohesive and understandable piece of artwork.

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Design Elements




Design Principles

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A mark. Lines have thickness, direction, and movement; they can be interrupted and

can show emotion in an artwork.


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Element of Line

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Element of Line

Contour lines- outline the edges of forms or shapes

Gestural lines- indicate action and physical movement

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A mark. Lines have thickness, direction, and movement; they can be interrupted and

can show emotion in an artwork.


1. Add definition for: Line2. Draw an example of an Interrupted Line in

the 1st box 3. Draw an example of a Varied Line that

starts thin and gets thicker in the 2nd box

Element of Line

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Line that has a natural or imperfect path rather than a rigid or geometric path.

Organic Line

1. Add definition for: Organic Line2. Draw an example of Organic Line in the 3rd


Element of Line

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Line that has a rigid or mathematically correct path and is not free flowing.

Geometric Line

1. Add definition for: Geometric Line2. Draw an example of Geometric Line in the

4th box.

Element of Line

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Element of Shape

When line curves or corners around and crosses over itself it becomes a shape.

GEOMETRICsquare, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, circle, cone

ORGANICfree form shapes, shapes in nature for example:

leaves, trees, clouds, animals

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When a line curves or corners around and crosses over it self it becomes a shape


1. Add definition for: Shape2. Create: Overlapping Shapes in the 1st box.

Element of Shape

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Shape that has a natural or imperfect path rather than a rigid or geometric path.

Organic Shape

1. Add definition for: Organic Shape2. Draw an example of Organic Shape in the

2nd box.

Element of Shape

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Shape that has a rigid or mathematically correct path and is not free flowing.

Geometric Shape

1. Add definition for: Geometric Shape2. Draw an example of Geometric Shape in the

3rd box.

Element of Shape

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Color has three properties:1. The first is:

Hue: The name of a color

2. The second property of color is:

Value: the lightness or darkness of a hue

3. The third property of color is:

Intensity: the purity of a hue; the brightness or dullness of a hue

Element of Color

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Value: Tints and Shades

Tints-adding the color

Shades- adding the color



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Value contrasts help us

to see and understand a

two-dimensional work of art.

Value describes form and value defines space.

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Intensity: Neutral Colors

These colors are made by adding a complimentary color (opposite on the color wheel) to a hue. Neutralized hues are called tones.

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Warm and Cool Colors

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The name of a specific color


1. Add definition for: Hue

Element of Color

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Color Temperature

1. Using colored pencils, fill in 3 Warm colors in the 1st three circles.

2. Using colored pencils, fill in 3 cool colors in the 2nd three circles.

Element of Color

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A color that is neither cool nor warm. Neutrals are made by mixing two complimentary colors together.


1. Add definition for: Neutral2. Using colored pencils, fill in 4 neutral

colors in the circles.1. White2. Black3. Brown4. Grey

Element of Color

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The lightness or darkness of a hue.


1. Add definition for: Value2. Using colored pencils draw a Value scale (gradual

transition from light to hue to dark) in the 1st long box. Start with lightest tint moving into hue moving into the darkest shade - USE CRAFTSMANSHIP!

Element of Color

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1. Add definition for: Intensity 2. Using colored pencils (from black pouch) , draw an

Intensity scale in the 2nd long box. Start with 1 hue moving into the neutral moving into the complimentary hue - USE CRAFTSMANSHIP!

The brightness or dullness of a hue.


Element of Color

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Element of Texture

Textures are all around us in our environment, textures are the quality of a surface.

Actual texture – texture that you can feel with your sense of touch.

Implied texture – texture that has been simulated in drawing and painting on a smooth surface to appear as if it is textured.

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Hatching and Cross Hatching

Line can be used to create value and textures


Cross Hatching

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Small marks, dots or shapes can be used to create value and textures


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The quality of a surface


1. Add definition for: Texture

Element of Texture

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The way something actually feels.

Actual Texture

1. Add definition for: Actual Texture2. Write 3 examples of Actual texture on the

lines provided.

Element of Texture

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The way something appears to feel.

Implied Texture

1. Add definition for: Implied Texture2. Draw 4 examples of Implied texture in the boxes

provided.1. Stippling2. Hatching3. Cross Hatching4. Your choice

Element of Texture

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Element of Space

The amount of depth in both 2D and 3D artworks.

Around, above, inside, outside, positive or negative.

The feeling of space in a drawing or painting is always an illusion.

Artists combine the use of light and dark value with other techniques.

Linear perspective, and atmospheric perspective create the illusion of space.

Linear perspective“Snow in New York”

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The amount of depth in both 2D and 3D artworks


1. Add definition of: Space2. Draw a mini picture in the 1st box provided. Label

the positive space and the negative space.3. Draw a mini picture in the 2nd box provided

showing how things get smaller and lighter as they travel further into the background.

Element of Space

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Element of Form

In 3D artworks it is the quality of the shape.

Form describes volume and mass, or the three-dimensional aspects of objects that take up space.

Forms can be realistic, abstract, geometric, organic etc… Form is considered three-dimensional showing height, width and depth. It

can be illustrated or constructed.

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1. Add definition of: Form2. Draw a plain circle in the 1st box provided.

This circle does not show form3. Re-Draw the sphere you see below in the 2nd

box provided . This sphere shows form.

Element of Form

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