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Page 1: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300

Eleventh Edition


Revised AP® Edi ti on






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Page 2: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300

BRIEF CONTENTS PART1 Europe in Transition, 1300-1750

1 The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown (1300-1453) 2 Renaissance and Discovery 3 The Age of Reformation 4 The Age of Religious Wars 5 European State Consolidation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 6 New Directions in Thought and Culture in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 7 Society and Economy Under the Old Regime in the Eighteenth Century 8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion

PART2 Enlightenment and Revolution, 1700-1850

9 The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth-Century Thought 10 The French Revolution 11 The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism 12 The Conservative Order and the Challenges of Reform (1815-1832) 13 Economic Advance and Social Unrest (1830-1850)

PART3 Toward the Modern World, 1850-1939

14 The Age of Nation-States 15 The Building of European Supremacy: Society and Politics to World War I 16 The Birth of Modern European Thought 17 The Age of Western Imperialism 18 Alliances, War, and a Troubled Peace 19 The lnterwar Years: The Challenge of Dictators and Depression

PART4 Global Conflict, Cold War, and New Directions, 1939-2012

20 World War II 21 The Cold War Era, Decolonization, and the Emergence of a New Europe 22 Social, Cultural, and Economic Challenges in the West through the Present

35 59 96

134 167 202 236 272

311 353 392 428 462

509 541 580 614 663 703

743 785 833


Page 3: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


Voyages of Discovery and the New Empires in the West and East

The Portuguese Chart the Course The Spanish Voyages of Columbus The Spanish Empire in the New World The Church in Spanish America The Economy of Exploitation Mining The Impact on Europe

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST The Renaissance Garden



c 0AN~ Pc, Is the "Renaissance Man" a Myth?

3 The Age of Reformation

Society and Religion Social and Political Conflict Popular Religious Movements and

Criticism of the Church

Martin Luther and the German Reformation to 1525

The Attack on Indulgences Election of Charles V Luther's Excommunication and the Diet

of Worms Imperial Distractions: War with France

and the Turks How the Reformation Spread The Peasants' Revolt

The Reformation Elsewhere Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation Anabaptists and Radical Protestants [ohn Calvin and the Genevan Reformation

Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Reformation

The Diet of Augsburg The Expansion of the Reformation Reaction Against Protestants The Peace of Augsburg

The English Reformation to 1553 The Preconditions of Reform The King's Affair The "Reformation Parliament" Wives of Henry VIII The King's Religious Conservatism The Protestant Reformation under Edward VI

87 87 89 90 91 92 92 93








97 97


100 101 102


104 104 105

105 106 110 112

115 115 116 116 116

117 117 117 118 119 119 119

Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation Sources of Catholic Reform Ignatius of Loyola and the fesuits The Council of Trent (1545-1563}

The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe

The Revolution in Religious Practices and Institutions

·The Reformation and Education The Reformation and the Changing Role

of Women

Family Life in Early Modern Europe Later Marriages Arranged Marriages Family Size Birth Control Wet Nursing Loving Families!

Literary Imagination in Transition Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: Re;ection

of Idealism William Shakespeare: Dramatist of the Age

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions


c o M PA • E A Raw Deal for the Common Man AND I

c 0 N N E c r or Just Desserts?


4 The Age of Religious Wars

Renewed Religious Struggle

The French Wars of Religion (1562-1598) Appeal of Calvinism Catherine de Medicis and the Guises The Rise to Power of Henry of Navarre The Edict of Nantes

Imperial Spain and Philip II (r. 1556-1598) Pillars of Spanish Power The Revolt in the Netherlands

England and Spain (1553-1603) Mary I (r. 1553-1558) Elizabeth I (r. 1558-1603}

The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) Preconditions for War Four Periods of War The Treaty of Westphalia

120 120 121 121


124 125


127 127 128 128 128 128 128


130 131









136 138 138 140 142

143 143 145

149 149 152

156 156 159 163

Page 4: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300

In Perspective Key Terms

Review Questions






co M PA a• The Great Debate Over AND

co N N r c' Religious Tolerance 150

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Going t o the Theater 154

5 European State Consolidation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

The Netherlands: Golden Age to Decline Urban Prosperity Economic Decline

Two Models of European Political Development

Constitutional Crisis and Settlement in Stuart England

fames I Charles 1 The Long Parliament and Civil War Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Republic Charles II and the Restoration of the Monarchy The "Glorious Revolution" The Age of Walpole

Rise of Absolute Monarchy in France: The World of Louis XN

Years of Personal Rule Versailles King by Divine Right Louis's Early Wars Louis's Repressive Religious Policies Louis's Later Wars France After Louis XIV

Central and Eastern Europe Poland: Absence of Strong Central Authority The Habsburg Empire and the Pragmatic

Sanction Prussia and the Hohenzollerns

Russia Enters the European Political Arena The Romanov Dynasty Peter the Great Russian Expansion in the Baltic: The Great

Northern War

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions


168 169 169


171 171 171 174 175 175 177 178

179 179 180 180 182 183 187 187

190 191

191 193

196 196 196






• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Early Controversy Over Tobacco and Smoking

A Closer ~, .... VERSAILLES

co M p A a r The Debate over the Origin and AND • • •

c o N N r c ' Character of Political Authority

6 New Directions in Thought and Culture in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

The Scientific Revolution Nicolaus Copernicus Rejects an






Earth-Centered Universe 204 Tycho Brahe and f ohannes Kepler Make

New Scientific Observations 205 Galileo Galilei Argues for a Universe

of Mathematical Laws 206 Isaac Newton Discovers the Laws of Gravitation 207

Philosophy Responds to Changing Science 208 Nature as Mechanism 208 Francis Bacon: The Empirical Method 209 Rene Descartes: The Method of Rational Deduction 211 Thomas Hobbes: Apologist for Absolute

Government 212 f ohn Locke: Defender of Moderate Liberty

and Toleration 213

The New Institutions of Expanding Natural Knowledge 215

Women in the World of the Scientific Revolution 218

The New Science and Religious Faith 221 The Case of Galileo 221 Blaise Pascal: Reason and Faith 224 The English Approach to Science and Religion 227

Continuing Superstition 227 Witch Hunts and Panic 228 Village Origins 228 Influence of the Clergy 228 Who Were the Witches! 229 End of the Witch Hunts 232

Baroque Art 232

In Perspective 234

Key Terms 234

Review Questions 235

A Closer ti»1°i0 IM THE SCIENCES AND THE ARTS 21 7

co M PA a r Descartes and Swift Debate AND h s · .f. . c o N N r c ' t e c1ent1 1c Enterprise




Page 5: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


7 Society and Economy Under the Old Regime in the Eighteenth Century

Major Features of Life in the Old Regime Maintenance of Tradition Hierarchy and Privilege

The Aristocracy Varieties of Aristocratic Privilege Aristocratic Resurgence

The Land and Its Tillers Peasants and Serfs Aristocratic Domination of the Countryside:

The English Game Laws

Family Structures and the Family Economy Households The Family Economy Women and the Family Economy Children and the World of the Family Economy

The Revolution in Agriculture New Crops and New Methods Expansion of the Population

The Industrial Revolution of the Eighteenth Century

A Revolution in Consumption Industrial Leadership of Great Britain New Methods of Textile Production The Steam Engine Iron Production The Impact of the Agricultural and Industrial

Revolutions on Working Women

The Growth of Cities Patterns of Preindustrial Urbanization Urban Classes The Urban Riot

The Jewish Population: The Age of the Ghetto

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions


c 0AN aDa 1 Two Eighteenth-Century Writers c o " " 1 c ' Contemplate the Effects of Different


237 237 238

238 238 241

241 241


244 244 246 247 248

249 249 251

254 254 256 256 258 259


263 263 264 267






Economic Structures 252

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Water, Washing, and Bathing 266

8 The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion 272

Periods of European Overseas Empires 273

Mercantile Empires 2 7 4 Mercantilist Goals 275 French-British Rivalry 276

The Spanish Colonial System 2 77 Colonial Government 277 Trade Regulation 277 Colonial Reform under the Spanish

Bourbon Monarchs 277

Black African Slavery, the Plantation System, and the Atlantic Economy 278

The African Presence in the Americas 281 Slavery and the Transatlantic Economy 283 The Experience of Slavery 286

Mid-Eighteenth-Century Wars 291 The War of [enkins's Ear 291 The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748} 291 The "Diplomatic Revolution" of 1756 292 The Seven Years ' War (1756-1763) 293

The American Revolution and Europe 295 Resistance to the Imperial Search for Revenue 295 The Crisis and Independence 296 American Political Ideas 297 Events in Great Britain 298 Broader Impact of the American Revolution 300

In Perspective 301

Key Terms 302

Review Questions 302

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Sugar Enters the Western Diet



c 0A"~ Pc, The Atlantic Passage




THE WEST '-' THE WORLD The Columbian Exchange: Disease, Animals, and Agriculture 303

Part 1 AP® Test Prep 306

PART2 Enlightenment and Revolution, 1700-1850

9 The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth-Century Thought 311

Formative Influences on the Enlightenment 312 The Emergence of a Print Culture 313

The Philosophes 315 Philosophes and Patrons 316

The Enlightenment and Religion 318 Deism 319 Toleration 319 Radical Enlightenment Criticism of Christianity 320 The Limits of Toleration 321 The [ewish Enlightenment 323

Page 6: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300

The Enlightenment and Society 324 The Encyclopedia: Freedom and Economic

Improvement 324 Beccaria and Reform of Criminal Law 325 The Physiocrats and Economic Freedom 325 Adam Smith on Economic Growth

and Social Progress 325

Political Thought of the Philosophes 327 Montesquieu and Spirit of the Laws 328 Rousseau: A Radical Critique of Modern Society 328 Enlightened Critics of European Empires 331

Women in the Thought and Practice of the Enlightenment 333

Rococo and Neoclassical Styles in Eighteenth-Century Art 336

Enlightened Absolutism 339 Frederick the Great of Prussia 342 foseph II of Austria 343 Catherine the Great of Russia 345 The Partitions of Poland 349 The End of the Eighteenth Century

in Central and Eastern Europe 350

In Perspective 351

Key Terms 351

Review Questions

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Coffeehouses and Enlightenment


c o M "A • 1 Maria Theresa and Joseph II AND . .

co N N • c T of Austria Debate Toleration

10 The French Revolution

The Crisis of the French Monarchy The Monarchy Seeks New Taxes Necker's Report Calonne's Reform Plan and the Assembly

of Notables Deadlock and the Calling of the Estates General

The Revolution of 1789 The Estates General Becomes

the National Assembly Fall of the Bastille The "Great Fear" and the Night of August 4 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen The Parisian Women 's March on Versailles

The Reconstruction of France Political Reorganization Economic Policy The Civil Constitution of the Clergy Counterrevolutionary Activity






354 354 355

356 356


357 360 361 362 364

365 366 367 370 372


The End of the Monarchy: A Second Revolution 373 Emergence of the facobins 373 The Convention and the Role of the Sans-culottes 374

Europe at War with the Revolution 376 Edmund Burke Attacks the Revolution 376 Suppression of Reform in Britain 377 The Second and Third Partitions of Poland,

1793, 1795 377

The Reign of Terror 3 79 War with Europe 379 The Republic Defended 379 The "Republic of Virtue" and Robespierre's

fustification of Terror 382 Repression of the Society of Revolutionary

Republican Women 383 De-Christianization 383 Revolutionary Tribunals 384 The End of the Terror 384

The Thermidorian Reaction 385 Establishment of the Directory 388 Removal of the Sans-culottes from Political Life 388

In Perspective 390

Key Terms 391

Review Questions 391


c oAM ND• 1 The Declaration of the Rights of Man c o N N • c T and Citizen Opens the Door for

Disadvantaged Groups to Demand


Equal Civic Rights 368

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST The Metric System 371

11 The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism 392

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte 393 Early Military Victories 393 The Constitution of the Year VIII 394

The Consulate in France (1799-1804) 394 Suppressing Foreign Enemies and

Domestic Opposition 395 Concordat with the Roman Catholic Church 395 The Napoleonic Code 397 Establishing a Dynasty 397

The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) 397

Napoleon's Empire (1804-1814) 398 Conquering an Empire 400 The Continental System 401

European Response to the Empire 402 German Nationalism and Prussian Reform 403 The Wars of Liberation 405

Page 7: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


The Invasion of Russia European Coalition

The Congress of Vienna and the European Settlement

Territorial Adjustments The Hundred Days and the Quadruple Alliance

The Romantic Movement

Romantic Questioning of the Supremacy of Reason

Rousseau and Education Kant and Reason

Romantic Literature English Romantic Writers The German Romantic Writers

Romantic Art The Cult of the Middle Ages and Neo-Gothicism Nature and the Sublime

Religion in the Romantic Period Methodism New Directions in Continental Religion

Romantic Views of Nationalism and History Herder and Culture Hegel and History Islam, the Middle East, and Romanticism

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions


• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Sailors and Canned Food

c o M Pa • 1 The Experience of War in the AND

c 0 N N 1 c T Napoleonic Age

12 The Conservative Order and the Challenges of Reform (1815-1832)

The Conservative Order The Congress System The Domestic Political Order Conservative Outlooks

The Emergence of Nationalism and Liberalism Nationalism Early Nineteenth-Century Political Liberalism Classical Economics Relationship of Liberalism to Nationalism

Conservative Restoration in Europe Liberalism and Nationalism Resisted

in Austria and the Germanies Postwar Repression in Great Britain

406 410

410 410 411


414 415 415

415 416 418

419 420 421

422 422 422

423 423 423 424

426 427






429 429 429 430

431 431 433 438 439


439 444

Bourbon Restoration in France The Spanish Revolution of 1820

The Conservative Order Shaken in Europe Revolt Against Ottoman Rule in the Balkans Russia: The Decembrist Revolt of 1825 Revolution in France (1830) Belgium Becomes Independent (1830) The Great Reform Bill in Britain {1832)

The Wars of Independence in Latin America Wars of Independence on the South American

Continent Independence in New Spain Brazilian Independence

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions

co MP a• 1 Mazzini and Lord Acton Debate the AND

co N N 1 c T Political Principles of Nationalism

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Gymnastics and German Nationalism


13 Economic Advance and Social Unrest (1830-1850)

Toward an Industrial Society Population and Migration Railways

The Labor Force The Emergence of a Wage-Labor Force Working-Class Political Action: The Example

of British Chartism

Family Structures and the Industrial Revolution The Family in the Early Factory System

Women in the Early Industrial Revolution Opportunities and Exploitation in Employment Changing Expectations in the

Working-Class Marriage

Problems of Crime, Order, and Poverty New Police Forces Prison Reform Government Policies Based on Classical


Early Socialism Utopian Socialism Anarchism Marxism

1848: Year of Revolutions France: The Second Republic and Louis Napoleon The Habsburg Empire: Nationalism Resisted

445 446

447 447 449 452 454 454


457 459 460

460 461






463 463 464

467 467


471 471

474 474


477 478 479


481 481 483 484

486 488 491

Page 8: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300

Italy: Republicanism Defeated 493 The German Confederation: Liberalism Frustrated 495

In Perspective 497 Key Terms 497 Review Questions

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST The Potato and the Great Hunger in Ireland

c oAMN AD• 1 Andrew Ure and John Ruskin Debate c o " " 1 c ' the Conditions of Factory Production




THE WORLD The Abolition of Slavery in the Transatlantic Economy

Part 2 AP® Test Prep

PART3 Toward the Modern World, 1850-1939

14 The Age of Nation-States

The Crimean War (1853-1856) Peace Settlement and Long-Term Results

Reforms in the Ottoman Empire

Italian Unification Romantic Republicans Cavour's Policy The New Italian State

German Unification Bismarck The Franco-Prussian War and the German

Empire {1870-1871)

France: From Liberal Empire to the Third Republic

The Paris Commune The Third Republic

The Habsburg Empire Formation of the Dual Monarchy Unrest of Nationalities

Russia: Emancipation and Revolutionary Stirrings

Reforms of Alexander II Revolutionaries

Great Britain: Toward Democracy The Second Reform Act {1867) Gladstone's Great Ministry {1868-1874} Disraeli in Office {1874-1880} The Irish Question








510 511

512 515 515 515 518

519 522


526 526 527

527 529 530

531 532 533

534 534 536 536 538


In Perspective

Key Term

Review Questions

A Closer .., •• I.I. THE SUEZ CANAL

c oAMNAD• 1 Nineteenth-Century Nationalism: c o " " E c ' Two Sides

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST The Arrival of Penny Postage

15 The Building of European Supremacy: Society and Politics to World War I

Population Trends and Migration

The Second Industrial Revolution New Industries Economic Difficulties

The Middle Classes in Ascendancy Social Distinctions within the Middle


Late Nineteenth-Century Urban Life The Redesign of Cities Urban Sanitation Housing Reform and Middle-Class Values

Varieties of Late Nineteenth-Century Women's Experiences

Women's Social Disabilities New Employment Patterns for Women Working-Class Women Poverty and Prostitution Women of the Middle Class The Rise of Political Feminism

Jewish Emancipation Differing Degrees of Citizenship Broadened Opportunities

Labor, Socialism, and Politics to World War I Trade Unionism Democracy and Political Parties Karl Marx and the First International Great Britain: Fabianism and Early

Welfare Programs France: "Opportunism" Rejected Germany: Social Democrats and Revisionism Russia: Industrial Development and the Birth

of Bolshevism

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions

539 539 540





542 543 544 545



547 549 551 554

555 555 557 558 559 559 562

564 564 564

566 566 567 567

568 569 570


578 579 579

Page 9: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Bicycles: Transportation, Freedom, and Sport

co M PA• 1 Bernstein and Lenin Debate the A N D T . f E S . 1· c o N N 1 c ' act1cs o uropean oc1a ism


16 The Birth of Modern European Thought

The New Reading Public Advances in Primary Education Reading Material for the Mass Audience

Science at Midcentury Comte, Positivism, and the Prestige of Science New Theories of Evolution: Lamarck, Lyell,

Darwin, Wallace Science and Ethics: Social Darwinism

Christianity and the Church Under Siege Intellectual Skepticism Conflict Between Church and State Areas of Religious Revival The Roman Catholic Church

and the Modern World Islam and Late Nineteenth-Century

European Thought

Toward a Twentieth-Century Frame of Mind Science: The Revolution in Physics Literature: Realism and Naturalism Modernism in Literature The Coming of Modern Art Friedrich Nietzsche and the Revolt Against

Reason The Birth of Psychoanalysis Retreat from Rationalism in Politics Racism Anti-Semitism and the Birth of Zionism

Women and Modem Thought Antifeminism in Late-Century Thought New Directions in Feminism

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST The Birth of Science Fiction


c 0\~ Pc, The Debate over Social Darwinism






581 581 581

582 582

582 584

585 585 588 589



592 592 594 595 596

600 601 602 603 604

608 608 609

612 612 613




17 The Age of Western Imperialism

The Close of the Age of Early Modem Colonization

The Age of British Imperial Dominance The Imperialism of Free Trade British Settler Colonies

India-The Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire

The "New Imperialism," 1870-1914 Motives for the New Imperialism

The Partition of Africa Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Libya Egypt and British Strategic Concern

about the Upper Nile West Africa The Belgian Congo German Empire in Africa Southern Africa

Russian Expansion in Mainland Asia

Western Powers in Asia France in Asia The United States's Actions in Asia,

the Pacific, and Latin America The Boxer Rebellion

Tools of Imperialism Steamboats Conquest of Tropical Diseases Firearms

The Missionary Factor Missionary Movements Tensions Between Missionaries and

Imperial Administrators Missionaries and Indigenous

Religious Movements

Science and Imperialism Botany Zoology Medicine Anthropology

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions


co MP A• 1 Two Views of Turn-of-the-Twentieth-A ND C I "IE . co N N 1 c' entury mperia xpansron


THE WEST '1 THE WORLD Imperialism: Ancient and Modern


615 617 617 618

618 623 624 628 628

629 634 636 637 638

640 641 641

642 643

645 645 647 647

648 648



652 652 654 654 655

656 657 657





Page 10: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


18 Alliances, War, and a Troubled Peace 663 The Fascist Experiment in Italy 716 The Rise of Mussolini 717

Emergence of the German Empire and the The Fascists in Power 719 Alliance Systems (1873-1890) 664 German Democracy and Dictatorship 720

Bismarck's Leadership 664 The Weimar Republic 720 Forging the Triple Entente (1890-1907) 667 Depression and Political Deadlock 725

World War I 670 Hitler Comes to Power 726 The Road to War (1908-1914) 670 Hitler's Consolidation of Power 727 Sarajevo and the Outbreak of War Anti-Semitism and the Police State 729

(Tune-August 1914) 672 Racial Ideology and the Lives of Women 730 Strategies and Stalemate: 1914-1917 675 Nazi Economic Policy 731

The Russian Revolution 685 Trials of the Successor States in Eastern The Provisional Government 686 Europe 735 Lenin and the Bolsheviks 686 Economic and Ethnic Pressures 735 The Communist Dictatorship 688 Poland: Democracy to Military Rule 736

The End of World War I 689 Czechoslovakia: A Viable Democratic

Germany's Last Offensive 689 Experiment 736

The Armistice 690 Hungary: Turn to Authoritarianism 736

The End of the Ottoman Empire 692 Austria: Political Turmoil and Nazi

The Settlement at Paris Occupation 737

693 Southeastern Europe: Royal Dictatorships 737 Obstacles the Peacemakers Faced 693

In Perspective 738 The Peace 694 World War I and Colonial Empires 699 Key Terms 738 Evaluating the Peace 700 Review Questions 738

In Perspective 702


Review Questions 702 Cinema of the Political Left and Right 728

COMPARE The Outbreak of World War I

c oAMN AD• 1 The Soviets and the Nazis Confront AND 676 c o " " • c ' the Issues of Women and the Family 732 CONNICT


• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Part 3 AP® Test Prep 739 War Propaganda and the Movies: Charlie Chaplin 695

PART4 Global Conflict, Cold War, and New Directions, 1939-2012

19 The lnterwar Years: The Challenge of Dictators and Depression 703 20 World War II 743

After Versailles: Demands for Revision Again the Road to War (1933-1939) 744 and Enforcement 704 Hitler's Goals 744

Toward the Great Depression in Europe 705 Italy Attacks Ethiopia 745 Financial Tailspin 705 Remilitarization of the Rhineland 745 Problems in Agricultural Commodities 706 The Spanish Civil War 746 Depression and Government Policy Austria and Czechoslovakia 747

in Britain and France 707 Munich 749

The Soviet Experiment 708 The Nazi-Soviet Pact 751

War Communism 709 World War II (1939-1945) 751 The New Economic Policy 710 The German Conquest of Europe 754 The Third International 710 The Battle of Britain 755 Stalin versus Trotsky 711 The German Attack on Russia 756 The Decision for Rapid Industrialization 712 Hitler's Plans for Europe 758 The Collectivization of Agriculture 713 [apan and the United States Enter the War 758 The Purges 715 The Tide Turns 759

Page 11: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


The Defeat of Nazi Germany 764 Fall of the Japanese Empire 764 The Cost of War 766

Racism and the Holocaust 767 The Destruction of the Polish Jewish Community 768 Polish Anti-Semitism Between the Wars 769 The Nazi A ssault on the fews of Poland 769 Explanations of the Holocaust 771

The Domestic Fronts 773 Germany: From Apparent Victory to Defeat 774 France: Defeat, Collaboration, and Resistance 776 Great Britain: Organization for Victory 778 The Soviet Union: "The Great Patriotic War" 779

Preparations for Peace 780 The Atlantic Charter 780 Tehran: A greement on a Second Front 781 Yalta 782 fuu~m ms

In Perspective 783

Key Terms 784

Review Questions 784

c 0AMN AD R E The Munich Settlement 752


• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Rosie the Riveter and American Women

in the War Effort 762


21 The Cold War Era, Decolonization, and the Emergence of a New Europe 785

The Emergence of the Cold War Containment in American Foreign Policy Soviet Domination of Eastern Europe The Postwar Division of Germany NATO and the Warsaw Pact The Creation of the State of Israel The Korean War

The Khrushchev Era in the Soviet Union Khrushchev's Domestic Policies The Three Crises of 1956

Later Cold War Confrontations The Berlin Wall The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Brezhnev Era 1968: The Invasion of Czechoslovakia The United States and Detente The Invasion of Afghanistan Communism and Solidarity in Poland Relations with the Reagan Administration

786 788 789 792 793 794 795

796 796 797

798 799 799

800 800 800 802 802 803

Decolonization: The European Retreat from Empire

Major Areas of Colonial Withdrawal India Further British Retreat from Empire

The Turmoil of French Decolonization France and Algeria France and Vietnam

. Vietnam Drawn into the Cold War Direct United States Involvement

The Collapse of European Communism Gorbachev Attempts to Reform the Soviet

Union 1989: Revolution in Eastern Europe The Collapse of the Soviet Union The Yeltsin Decade

The Collapse of Yugoslavia and Civil War

Putin and the Resurgence of Russia

The Rise of Radical Political Islamism Arab Nationalism The Iranian Revolution Afghanistan and Radical Islamism

A Transformed West

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions

803 805 805 806

808 808 809 810 811


812 815 816 821



826 827 827 828

829 831



c oAMN AD R •The Soviet Union and the United States co N N • c T Draw the Lines of the Cold War 790

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Rock Music and Political Protest


22 Social, Cultural, and Economic Challenges in the West through the Present

The Twentieth-Century Movement of Peoples Displacem ent Through War External and Internal Migration The New Muslim Population European Population Trends

Toward a Welfare State Society Christian Democratic Parties The Creation of Welfare States Resistance to the Expansion

of the Welfare State




834 834 835 835 837

840 840 840


Page 12: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300

New Patterns in Work and Expectations of Women

Feminism More Married Women in the Workforce N ew Work Patterns Women in the New Eastern Europe

Transformations in Knowledge and Culture Communism and Western Europe Existentialism Expansion of the University Population and

Student Rebellion The Americanization of Europe A Consumer Society Environmentalism

Art Since World War II Cultural Divisions and the Cold War

The Christian Heritage Neo-Orthodoxy Liberal Theology Roman Catholic Reform

Late Twentieth-Century Technology: The Arrival of the Computer

The Demand for Calculating Machines Early Computer Technology The Development of Desktop Computers

The Challenges of European Unification Postwar Cooperation The European Economic Community

842 842 843 845 846

846 846 847

848 849 851 851

853 855

857 857 858 858

860 860 860 860

862 862 862

Co TE TS • xvii

The European Union Discord over the Union

New American Leadership and Financial Cri i

European Debt Crisis

In Perspective

Key Terms

Review Questions

co MP A• 1 Muslim Women Debate France's Ban AND h V ·1 c o N N 1 c T on t e e1

• ENCOUNTERING THE PAST Toys from Europe Conquer the United States


THE WEST THE WORLD Energy and th Modern World

Part 4 AP® Test Prep








•• 1

I· I

Page 13: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300

DOCUMENTS CHAPTER' 1 University of Paris Medical Faculty, Writings

on the Plague 36 Flagellants Attempt to Ward Off the Black

Death, 1349 38 *Boccaccio Describes the Ravages of the Black Death in Florence 38

Peasant Revolt in England: The John Ball Sermon, 1381 45

Unam Sanctam (1302) Pope Boniface VIII 48 The Lollard Conclusions, 1394 52 *Propositions of John Wycliffe Condemned at London, 1382, and at the Council of Constance, 1415 54

Vladimir of Kiev's Acceptance of Christianity (989) 56

CHAPTER 2 Petrarch, Letter to Cicero (14th c.) 64 Divine Comedy (1321) 64 *Christine de Pisan Instructs Women on How

to Handle Their Husbands 67 *Vasari's Description of Leonardo da Vinci 72 Giorgio Vasari on the Life of Michelangelo, 1550 73 *Vasari's Description of Raphael's Personality 74 Desiderius Erasmus, "Pope Julius Excluded

from Heaven," 1513-1514 76 The Prince (1519) Machiavelli 77 *Machiavelli Discusses the Most Important Trait for a Ruler 78

Jean Bodin, Six Books of the Commonwealth 79 Utopia (1516) 85 *Erasmus Describes the Philosophy of Christ 86

CHAPTER 3 Martin Luther, "Ninety-Five Theses"

(Holy Roman Empire), 1517 102 Martin Luther, Against the Murderous,

Thieving Hordes of Peasants (1525) 105 *Zwingli Lists the Errors of the Roman Church 111 John Calvin, "Ecclesiastical Ordinances"

(Geneva, Switzerland), 1533 113 *Calvin on Predestination 114 The Act of Supremacy (England), 1534 119 Ignatius Loyola, Rules for Thinking

with the Church (1535) 121 The Council of Trent (Italian states), 1545-1563 122 *The Obedience and Power of the Jesuits 123 Catherine Zell, "Letter to Ludwig Rabus,"

1556-1558 126 Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote 130

CHAPTER 4 Massacre of St. Bartholomew (1572) *Theodore Beza Defends the Right to Resist Tyranny

The Edict of Nantes (France), 1598 Venetian Observations on the Ottoman

Empire (late 16th c.) Acts of Uniformity, 1559 Anonymous Government Agent: "Arrest of

Edmund Campion and His Associates," 1581 John Hawkins Reports on the Spanish Armada Thirty Years' War (1618) Rushworth *The Destruction of Magdeburg, May 1631 The Peace of Westphalia, 1648

CHAPTER 5 Jan van Linschoten on Dutch Business


141 142

144 152

152 155 156 163 165

in the Indian Ocean 169 Jacques-Benigne Bossuet, Politics Drawn

from the Very Words of the Holy Scripture 170 James I on the Divine Right of Kings (1598) 171 *King James I Defends Popular Recreation against the Puritans 172

*An Account of the Execution of Charles I 176 Louis de Rouvroy, due de Saint-Simon, Memoires 180 *Louis XIV Revokes the Edict of Nantes 188 *The Great Elector Welcomes Protestant

Refugees from France 195 *Peter the Great Tells His Son to Acquire Military Skills 200

CHAPTER 6 Nicolaus Copernicus: On the Revolution

of the Heavenly Spheres (1500s) 204 Galileo, "Third Letter on Sunspots"

(Italian States), 1612 207 Isaac Newton, from Opticks 208 The Novum Organum (1620) 209 Rene Descartes, The Discourse on Method 211 Thomas Hobbes, The Leviathan 212 John .Locke, Essay Concerning

Human Understanding 215 *Margaret Cavendish Questions the Fascination with Scientific Instruments 220

Galileo Galilei, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1630s) 224

*Galileo Discusses the Relationship of Science to the Bible 225

*Man: A Mean Between Nothing and Everything 226 *Why More Women Than Men Are Witches 230

•Documents preceded by an asterisk appear in the printed book. Documents without asterisks are referenced throughout the text by title and are available at MyHistoryLab.com.


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CHAPTER 7 De Stael on the Ancien Regime ( 1789) 23 7 Voltaire, on Social Conditions

in Eighteenth-Century France 241 The Marquis de Mirabeau, The Friend of Men,

or Treatise on Population, 1756 241 *Manchester's Calico Printers Protest the Use of New Machinery 258

James Watt on Steam Engines (mid to late 1700s) 258 Richard Guest, The Creation of the Steam Loom 259 *Priscilla Wakefield Demands More Occupations for Women 262

Jacques-Louis Menetra, foumal of My Life 265 *Belorussian Jews Petition Catherine the Great 269

CHAPTER 8 Jean Baptiste Colbert, "Mercantilism:

Dissertation on Alliances" 275 *Buccaneers Prowl the High Seas 280 "A Defense of the Slave Trade," July 17 40 290 *Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" 297 The Declaration of Independence (1776) 298

CHAPTER 9 Immanuel Kant Defines the Enlightenment, 1784 312 Denis Diderot, Preliminary Discourse

from The Encyclopedia (France), 1751 313 Voltaire, on Social Conditions

in Eighteenth-Century France 315 Voltaire, Letters on England 316 Voltaire, "On Universal Toleration" 320 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Letters:

(a) on Constantinople; (b) on Smallpox; (c) on Vaccination in Turkey 320

*Du Chatelet Explains Happiness Scientifically 322 Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishments 325 *Adam Smith Calls for Government Action to Support the Education of the Poor 326

Baron de Montesquieu, Excerpt from The Spirit of the Laws 328

*Denis Diderot Condemns European Empires 332 *Rousseau Argues for Separate Spheres for Men and Women 335

Mary Wollstonecraft, Introduction to A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 336

*Mary Wollstonecraft Criticizes Rousseau's View of Women 337

Catherine the Great, "Instructions for a New Law Code" 348

CHAPTER 10 Petition of Women of the Third Estate 357 Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, What Is the

Third Estate~ 35 7

French Peasants, Cahiers de doleances (Grievances) (France), 1789 358

*The Third Estate of a French City Petitions the King 359

*The National Assembly Decrees Civic Equality in France 365

Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen 366

*Burke Denounces the Extreme Measures of the French Revolution 3 78

The National Convention, Law on Suspects ( 1793 ), and Law of 22 Prairial Year II ( 1794) 3 79

*A Nation at Arms 380 *The Paris Jacobin Club Alerts the Nation to Internal Enemies of the Revolution 381

Maximilien Robespierre, "Speech to National Convention: The Terror Justified" 382

*The Convention Establishes the Worship of the Supreme Being 38 7

CHAPTER 11 Madame de Remusat on the Rise of Napoleon 393 Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne,

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte 394 *Napoleon Announces His Seizure of Power 396 Charles Parquin, "Napoleon's Army" 401 Carl van Clausewitz, On War, "Arming

the Nation" 403 Napoleon's Exile to St. Helena (1815) 411 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile 415 *Madame de Stael Describes the New Romantic Literature of Germany 417

*Mary Shelley Remembers the Birth of a Monster 419 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Prometheus, 1773 419 *Hegel Explains the Role of Great Men in History 425 The Rubaiyat (11th c. C.E.) Omar Khayyam 425

CHAPTER 12 *John Stuart Mill Advocates Independence 437 Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations 438 Laws of Population Growth ( 1798) Malthus 438 David Ricardo, Excerpt from Principles

of Political Economy and Taxation · 439 *The German Confederation Issues the Carlsbad Decrees 443

The Plan of lguala 460

CHAPTER 13 Chartist Movement: The People's Petition

of 1838 470 British Parliament, "Inquiry: Child Labor" 472 Industrial Society and Factory Conditions

(early 1800s) 475 *Women Industrial Workers ExplaiR Their Economic Situation 476

Page 15: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


Leon Faucher, "Prison Rules" 479 Werner Heisenberg, "Uncertainty" Robert Owen, Excerpt from Address (Germany), 1927 593

to the Workers of New Lanark, 1816 482 Emile Zola, Nana 595 Capitalism Challenged: The Communist Henrik Ibsen, from A Doll's House, Act Three 595

Manifesto ( 1848) 484 John Maynard Keynes, from The End *Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Describe of Laissez-Faire 595 the Class Struggle 487 Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil 600

Metternich on the Revolutions of 1848 492 *Emile Zola Accuses the Enemies of Dreyfus *A Czech Nationalist Defends the Austrian of Self-Interest and Illegal Actions 605 Empire 494 *Herzl Advocates Jewish Nationalism 607

Giuseppe Mazzini, Life and Writings Ellen Key, from The Century of the Child 610 of Giuseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872 494 *Virginia Woolf Urges Women to Write 611

CHAPTER 14 Virginia Woolf, from A Room of One's Own

(Great Britain), 1929 611

An Ottoman Government Decree Defines CHAPTER 1 7 the Official Notion of the "Modern" Citizen, June 19, 1870 512 Letter to Queen Victoria (1839) Lin Zexu 617

A Letter from Bismarck (1866) 523 *A Chinese Official Appeals to Queen Victoria Fustel de Coulanges, Letter to German to Halt the Opium Trade 619

Historian Theodor Mommsen, 1870 526 Dadabhai Naoroji, The Benefits of British Rule •Mark Twain Describes the Austrian Parliament 528 in India, 1871 620 Emancipation Manifesto (1861) 532 The Indian Revolt (1857) 621 *The People's Will Issues a Revolutionary *Gandhi Questions the Value of English

Manifesto 535 Civilization 622 Amrita Lal Roy, English Rule in India, 1886 623

CHAPTER 1 5 Karl Pearson, "Social Darwinism and Imperialism" 624

*Praise and Concerns Regarding Railway Travel 547 Vladimir Lenin, Imperialism, the Highest Stage

of Capitalism 625 *Paris Department Stores Expand Their Business 549 Arthur James Balfour, "Problems with Which Edwin Chadwick, Summary from the Poor

We Have to Deal in Egypt," 1910 626 Law Commissioners 552 *Winston Churchill Reports on the Power of

•A Doctor Learns How to Prevent Childbed Fever 553 Adelheid Popp, "Finding Work: Women

Modern Weaponry against an African Army 635 Carl Peters, "A Manifesto for German

Factory Workers" 559 Colonization" 638 George Bernard Shaw, Mrs. Warren 's Profession 559 *General van Trotha Demands that the Herera John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women 562

People Leave Their Land 639 "Freedom or Death" (1913) Emmeline Pankhurst 563 *The Russian Foreign Minister Explains *Emmeline Pankhurst Defends Militant

the Imperatives of Expansion in Asia 642 Suffragette Tactics 565

Socialism: The Catha Program (1875) 570 CHAPTER 18 M. I. Pokzovskaya, Working Conditions

of Women in the Factories 572 Borijove Jevtic, The Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo (28 June 1914) 672

CHAPTER 1 6 *The Austrian Ambassador Gets a "Blank

Auguste Comte, "Course of Positive Philosophy" Check" from the Kaiser 674

*The Outbreak of the Russian Revolution 687 (France), 1830-1842 582

Bolshevik Seizure of Power, 191 7 688 Origin of Species, Charles Darwin (1859) 584 Woodrow Wilson, The Fourteen Points (1918) 689 Herbert Spencer, Social Darwinism, •An Eyewitness Account of the Bolsheviks'

from The Data of Ethics (1857) 585 Seizure of Power 690 Matthew Arnold, Excerpt from Dover Beach 585 The Covenant of the League of Nations 697 Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum (Of New

Things), 1891 590 CHAPTER 19 Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, "Lecture

on Teaching and Learning" 590 Irish National Identity: (a) Irish Declaration of *Leo XIII Considers the Social Question Independence; (b) Ulster's Solemn League and in European Politics 593 Covenant; (c) Eamon de Valera, radio broadcast 707

Page 16: Eleventh Edition THE WESTERN HERITAGE, SINCE 1300


*John Maynard Keynes Calls for Government Investment to Create Employment

Joseph Stalin, Five Year Plan Benito Mussolini, "The Political and Social

Doctrine of Fascism" *Mussolini Heaps Contempt on Political Liberalism

Heinrich Hauser, "With Germany's Unemployed"

*Hitler Denounces the Versailles Treaty Adolf Hitler, Excerpt from Mein Kampf Heinrich Himmler, "Speech to SS Officers" Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, "Speech to the Nazi

Women's Organization" (Germany), 1935

CHAPTER 20 Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Speech to Spaniards (1936) Francisco Franco *Winston Churchill Warns of the Effects of the Munich Agreement

Adolf Hitler, "The Obersalzberg Speech" Marc Bloch, from Strange Defeat Winston Churchill, "Their Finest Hour"

(Great Britain), 1940 An Eyewitness to Hiroshima ( 1945) *Mass Murder at Belsen Franklin D . Roosevelt and Winston Churchill,

"The Atlantic Charter"

CHAPTER 21 Joseph Stalin, Excerpts from the "Soviet Victory"

708 712



721 723 723 729


744 746

750 751 754

755 765 770


Speech, 1946 788 Winston Churchill, from the Iron Curtain

Speech, 1946 788

Gamal Abdel Nasser, Speech on the Suez Canal (Egypt), 1956 797

*Khrushchev Denounces the Crimes of Stalin: The Secret Speech 798

*Gandhi Explains His Doctrine of Nonviolence 807 Frantz Farron, from The Wretched of the Earth 809 Mikhail Gorbachev on the Need for Economic

Reform (1987) 813 *Vladimir Putin Outlines a Vision of the Russian Future 825

Statement from Chancellor Schroder on the Iraq Crisis 830

CHAPTER 22 Justin Vaisse, from "Veiled Meaning"

(France) 2004 836 Jorg Haider, from The Freedom I Mean

(Austria), 1995 836 *Simone de Beauvoir Urges Economic Freedom for Women 844

*Sartre Discusses His Existentialism 850 Towards a Green Europe, Towards

a Green World 851 *Voices from Chernobyl 854 Pope John Paul II, from Centesimus Annus 858 A Common Market and European

Integration ( 1960) 863 Treaty on European Union, 1992 863 *An English Business Editor Calls for Europe to Take Charge of Its Economic Future 866

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1-1 Spread of the Black Death 37 15-2 European Industrialization, 1860-1913 544 1-2 The Hundred Years' War 44 17-1 British India, 1820 and 1856 620 2-1 Renaissance Italy 61 17-2 Imperial Expansion in Africa to 1880 629 2-2 European Voyages of Discovery and the 17-3 Partition of Africa, 1880-1914 632

Colonial Claims of Spain and Portugal 17-4 Asia, 1880-1914 644 in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries 88 18-1 The Balkans, 1912-1913 671

3-1 The Empire of Charles V 103 18-2 The Schlieffen Plan of 1905 680 3-2 The Swiss Confederation 106 18-3 World War I in Europe 681 3-3 The Religious Situation about 1560 122 18-4 The Western Front, 1914-1918 682 4-1 The Netherlands during the 18-5 World War I Peace Settlement in

Reformation 145 Europe and the Middle East 696 4-2 Germany in 1547 157 19-1 Germany's Western Frontier 725 4-3 Religious Divisions about 1600 158 20-1 The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 747 4-4 The Holy Roman Empire about 1618 160 20-2 Partitions of Czechoslovakia and Poland, 4-5 Europe in 1648 164 1938-1939 749 5-1 The First Three Wars of Louis XIV 183 20-3 Axis Europe, 1941 757 5-2 Europe in 1714 189 20-4 North African Campaigns, 1942-1945 761 5-3 The Austrian Habsburg Empire, 1521-1772 192 20-5 Defeat of the Axis in Europe, 1942-1945 763 5-4 Expansion of Brandenburg-Prussia 194 20-6 World War II in the Pacific 766 8-1 Viceroyalties in Latin America in 1780 279 20-7 The Holocaust 768 8-2 The Slave Trade, 1400-1860 283 20-8 Yalta to the Surrender 783 8-3 North America in 1763 296 21-1 Territorial Changes in Europe 9-1 Expansion of Russia, 1689-1796 350 After World War II 787 9-2 Partitions of Poland, 1772, 1793, and 1795 351 21-2 Occupied Germany and Austria 792

10-1 French Provinces and the Republic 367 21-3 Major Cold War European Alliance 11-1 The Continental System, 1806-1810 403 Systems 793 11-2 Napoleonic Europe in Late 1812 407 21-4 Israel and Its Neighbors in 1949 795 11-3 The German States after 1815 411 21-5 Korea, 1950-1953 796 11-4 Europe 1815, after the Congress of Vienna 413 21-6 Decolonization Since World War II 804 12-1 Centers of Revolution, 1820-1831 448 21-7 Vietnam and Its Southeast Asian 12-2 Latin America in 1830 457 Neighbors 812 13-1 European Railroads in 1850 465 21-8 The Borders of Germany in the 13-2 Centers of Revolution in 1848-1849 488 Twentieth Century 817 14-1 The Crimean War 510 21-9 The Commonwealth of Independent 14-2 The Unification of Italy 517 States 820 14-3 The Unification of Germany 519 22-1 The Growth of the European Union 864 15-1 Patterns of Global Migration, 1840-1900 543


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