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G 2014






peatedly demonstrated that the fears about substantial por-tions of the workforce being permanently displaced fromwork are unjustified.

But are economists and history right today? The natureof recent technological change suggests that the adjustmentsthat were possible in the past might not continue to takeplace. Over the past few years, a new appreciation hasemerged of the wide range of computer capabilities that arebecoming available. In turn, these new capabilities suggesta broad range of occupations that could begin to see work-force displacement resulting from the applications of IT androbotics, including occupations in fields involving high lev-els of pay and expertise, such as medicine and law.

To help gain a better understanding of how such displace-ment might play out, I recently investigated the range of ITand robotics capabilities that could conceivably affect theworkforce over the next few decades. The results to date areonly suggestive, but they point the way toward more seriouswork that needs to be done in the coming years to under-


Anticipating a Luddite Revival

Advances in information technology and robotics are already transforming the workplace, and even greater changes lie ahead. Here’s a look at what the next two decades might bring.

SPRING 2014 27

ven as computer-based consumer products havetransformed our leisure and social lives over thepast decade, information technology (IT) and ro-botics suggest a transformation of work that mightbe even more far-reaching. Some observers, includ-ing many workers, see this vision as inherentlythreatening.

Economists, however, have repeatedly argued that tech-nological advance is central to economic growth and thatworkers displaced by technology in one sector will be ab-sorbed in another. Of course, this process of adjustmenttakes time, and the economic arguments about long-termadjustment can seem particularly hollow during prolongedrecessions. During these periods of lower economic activity,such as the slowdown the United States has recently beenexperiencing, displaced workers might find it difficult tomove into new positions. Still, economics has provided acompelling model of the adjustments of the labor marketto technological change, and the historical record has re-


stand the growing implications of IT and robotics for theworkforce.

The exploratory study was motivated by two simple argu-ments about the possibility of understanding the implica-tions of future technological change for the workplace.

The first argument is that the match between the newcomputer capabilities that are ready to be applied in theworkplace and the capabilities currently being used by work-ers in different occupations is likely to be a useful guide tothe occupations that will be most affected by new technol-ogy. So, for example, if computers have capabilities in speechrecognition and simple reasoning, it is reasonable to expectthat those capabilities can be combined to carry out some ofthe tasks of telephone operators and receptionists, as hasbeen the case over the past few decades.

Of course, the technique of looking at the match betweencomputer capabilities and occupational skill requirements ishardly foolproof. For one thing, we may overlook impor-tant skill requirements for some occupations, such as the

substantial range of common-sense knowledge that enablesa receptionist to reply sensibly when a customer makes anentirely unexpected request. For another, we may overlookthe opportunities for reengineering a task to mechanize it ina way that uses different capabilities than those used by peo-ple, such as when the cotton gin replaced the detailed fingermovements used by people to remove seeds from cottonfibers. Despite these challenges, however, the match betweencomputer capabilities and occupational skill requirementsprovides a reasonable starting point for considering whatjobs might be affected.

The second argument is that we can see new IT and ro-botics capabilities demonstrated in the research literaturelong before they are broadly applied in the workplace. Re-search has shown that such diffusion lags can often be sev-eral decades. Even in the fast-paced area of IT, where tech-nology is being rapidly developed and applied, a straight-forward application such as electronic invoicing can requiredecades to be fully adopted. The reason, of course, is that


Fortunato Depero and Italian Futurism

Italian Futurism was officially launched in 1909 when Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, an Italian intellectual, publishedhis “Founding and Manifesto of Futurism” in the French newspaper Le Figaro. Marinetti’s continuous leadershipensured the movement’s cohesion for three and half decades, until his death in 1944.

To be a Futurist in the Italy of the early 20th century was to be modern, young, and insurgent. Inspired by themarkers of modernity—the industrial city, machines, speed, and flight—Futurism’s adherents exalted the new and the disruptive. They sought to revitalize what they determined to be a static, decaying culture and animpotent nation that looked to the past for its identity. Futurism began as a literary movement, but the Futuristsquickly embraced the visual and performing arts, politics, and even advertising. Futurist artists experimented with the fragmentation of form, the collapsing of time and space, the depiction of dynamic motion, and dizzyingperspectives.

More than any other artist, Fortunato Depero embodied Futurism’s desire to merge the boundaries between highand popular culture. He did so through non-traditional work, which included, besides painting and sculpture:furniture, industrial design, advertising, architecture, photography, tapestry, ballet scenography and costume design,and more.

Coinciding with the landmark exhibition, Italian Futurism, 1909–1944: Reconstructing the Universe, at New York’sGuggenheim Museum February 21–September 1, 2014, the Center for Italian Modern Art (CIMA) presents aninstallation Depero’s work that will be on display until June 28, 2014. CIMA was established in 2013 in New York Cityto promote the study of modern and contemporary Italian art and to advance public appreciation of this art in the United States and internationally.

Images courtesy of The Center for Italian Modern Art. © 2013 Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York/SIAE, Rome.


the adoption of new techniques usually requires substan-tial investment, as well as learning and adjustment by manypeople who are accustomed to using an existing system. Inaddition, many times the research techniques need to be re-fined before they can be applied commercially, or they mightneed to become cheaper or faster before their applicationis practical. Thus, although it is possible to use the researchliterature on computer capabilities to look several decadesinto the future of IT and robotics applications, it is not easyto predict when a new capability will be widely used.

Even with these caveats, it is worth considering how theseemerging capabilities compare with work skills in differentoccupations and how they might affect work.

Assessing current skill setsTo gauge the current capabilities of research systems in ITand robotics, my investigatory study sampled articles fromtwo journals, AI Magazine and IEEE Robotics & AutomationMagazine, over a period of 10 years, from 2003 to 2012. Both

journals publish articles that reflect a wide range of special-ized research related to the capabilities of IT and robotics,and the articles are sufficiently technical to describe capa-bilities in some detail without being so technical as to be dif-ficult for a nonspecialist to understand. Collectively, the ar-ticles presumably describe the IT and robotics capabilitiesthat are currently seen as noteworthy; that is, they describecapabilities that are just now becoming feasible for IT androbotics systems to carry out with enough success that thereare promising results to report, but sufficiently novel to be in-teresting to report. To guard against excessive techno-opti-mism, the study specifically looked for limits on the capa-bilities of the systems. Often these limits are described interms of constraints on the range of topics covered or thecomplexity of the context in which the tasks are carried out.

In sum, the set of capabilities observed can be consid-ered to define the rough limits of what has been demon-strated in the research literature, and that can form the ba-sis for practical applications over the next few decades.

SPRING 2014 29

FORTUNATO DEPERO, Motociclista, solido in velocità (Biker, Solid at Speed), Oil on canvas, 46 x 64.4 inches, 1923.

To bring some order to this mass of information, the studyseparated the capabilities into four general areas: language,reasoning, vision, and movement. Each of these areas canbe compared to human capabilities, and each includes a col-lection of different but related capabilities that together pro-vide the full range of competences that people typically have.Although the review focused separately on the four differentareas, there was substantial overlap in the systems identified,because many of the systems integrate capabilities from sev-eral of the four general areas of capability.

Language capabilities. Fifteen articles described systemsdemonstrating language capabilities, which ranged acrossfour specific aspects of language: understanding speech,speaking, reading, and writing. The systems involved a di-verse range of tasks.

In the articles from the first five years (2003 to 2007), thetasks included detecting problematic text in an insuranceapplication, providing customer service for sales and re-pairs, explaining the answers to chemistry questions in an ad-

vanced high-school test, describing the movement of carsin a video of a traffic intersection, translating car assemblyinstructions, asking for help in finding the registration boothat a conference, giving a conference talk that included ques-tions from the audience, and role-playing with students ina training simulation about how a military officer shouldhandle a car accident with a civilian.

In the articles from the later five years (2008 to 2012),the tasks included screening medical articles for inclusion ina systematic research review, solving crossword puzzles withWeb searches, answering Jeopardy questions with trick lan-guage cues across a large range of topics, answering questionsfrom museum visitors, talking with people about directionsand the weather, answering written questions with Websearches, following speech commands to locate and retrievedrinks and laundry in a room, and using Web site searchesto find information to carry out a novel task.

The length and complexity of the language that these sys-tems could handle often corresponded roughly to a few


FORTUNATO DEPERO, Città meccanizzata dalle ombre (City Mechanized by Shadows), Oil on canvas, 46.8 x 74 inches, 1920.


pages of written material. Of course, text length is only acrude way of gauging language complexity—a short poemor technical argument can be quite difficult to understand—but it does provide some sense of the language capabilitiesof the systems. They have advanced beyond the challengesof typical language use at the word or sentence level, butthey fall far short of typical extended language use at thelecture or book level.

One important aspect of language involves adjusting to theneeds of the person who is being communicated with andthe requirements of the situation. Several of the examplesystems exhibited this kind of sensitivity, including the abil-ity of the conference-talk system to monitor its points andnot repeat them, and the ability of the training-simulationsystem to reason about emotion in order to choose appro-priate language and understand imprecise language.

Considered over time, the articles showed some progres-sion in the range of topics addressed by the different sys-tems. In the first half of the period, all of the systems fo-cused on language use within a single topic area. In con-trast, a number of systems described in the later articlesattempted to deal with an unlimited range of topics by tap-ping into a range of source material available on the Web.

Reasoning capabilities. Twenty-one articles describedsystems demonstrating reasoning capabilities. The systemsshowed a number of different aspects of reasoning, includ-ing recognizing that a problem exists, applying general rulesto solve a problem, and developing new rules or conclusions.

In the articles from the first five years, the tasks addressedincluded making underwriting decisions about long-termcare insurance, providing customer service for sales and re-pairs, developing new hypotheses about good conditionsfor growing crystals and for recovering from medical dis-ability, helping diagnose appliance problems, providing use-ful analogies for solving problems in physics and in mili-tary tactical games, providing answers and explanations tochemistry questions in an advanced high-school test, de-veloping novel atomic models for electron-density maps ofproteins, identifying patterns of potentially suspicious factsthat could indicate a terrorist plan, resolving problems relatedto scheduling and project coordination, role-playing withstudents in a training simulation about how a military offi-cer should handle a car accident with a civilian, and drivinga vehicle on different types of road.

In the later articles, the tasks included screening medicalarticles for inclusion in a systematic research review, pro-cessing government forms related to immigration and mar-riage, solving crossword puzzles, playing Jeopardy, answer-ing questions from museum visitors, analyzing geological

landform data to determine age, talking with people aboutdirections and the weather, answering questions with Websearches, driving a vehicle in traffic and on roads with un-expected obstacles, solving problems with directions thatcontain missing or erroneous information, and using Websites to find information for carrying out novel tasks.

One of the striking aspects of the reasoning systems wastheir ability to produce high levels of performance. For ex-ample, the systems were able to make insurance underwrit-ing decisions about easy cases and provide guidance to un-derwriters about more difficult ones, produce novel hy-potheses about growing crystals that were sufficientlypromising to merit further investigation, substantially im-proved the ability of call center representatives to diagnoseappliance problems, achieved scores on a chemistry examcomparable to the mean score of advanced high-school stu-dents, produced initial atomic models for proteins that sub-stantially reduced the time needed for experts to developrefined models, substituted for medical researchers in screen-ing articles for inclusion in a systematic research review,solved crossword puzzles at an expert level, played Jeopardyat an expert level, and analyzed geological landform data atan expert level.

However, common-sense reasoning has historically beenmore difficult for IT systems to demonstrate. The articlesfrom the first five years were consistent with the historicalcontrast, showing high levels of reasoning within narrowareas of specialized expertise but no evidence of the broadand more flexible reasoning that is typical of human com-

SPRING 2014 31

FORTUNATO DEPERO, Doppio ritratto di Marinetti (Double Portrait of Marinetti),Collage of colored papers, 18.5 x 24.8 inches, 1923.

mon sense. But during the later period, there were exam-ples of systems that used information from the Web to rea-son across a broad range of areas.

Vision capabilities. Twenty-two articles described sys-tems demonstrating vision capabilities. These include sys-tems that recognized objects and different features of thoseobjects, including their position in space.

In the articles from the early years, the tasks of the systemsincluded locating a soccer ball and other soccer players,identifying cars and their movements in a video of a trafficintersection, finding the registration booth and several roomsat a conference, identifying drivable surfaces and obstaclesfor an autonomous car, determining the location of a ping-pong ball, guiding autonomous vehicles to move shippingcontainers, identifying people and obstacles in a crowdedmuseum, locating pallets in a factory, recognizing objectsin cluttered environments, guiding a robot to grasp irregu-larly shaped objects such as lettuce, and identifying vehi-cles on a road to provide driver assistance.

In the later articles, the tasks included recognizing chesspieces by location, rapidly identifying types of fish, recogniz-ing the presence of nearby people, identifying the move-ments of other vehicles for an autonomous car, locating andgrasping objects in a cluttered environment, moving arounda cluttered environment without collisions, learning to playball-and-cup, playing a game that involved building towersof blocks, navigating public streets and avoiding obstacles tocollect trash, identifying people and locating drinks andlaundry in an apartment, and using Web sites to find visualinformation for carrying out novel tasks such as makingpancakes from a package mix.

All of the systems involved identifying various—and di-verse—objects, and they all also involved recognizing fea-tures of the identified objects, particularly their locationand movement.

Movement capabilities. Seventeen articles described sys-tems demonstrating movement capabilities. These includedsystems that involved spatial orientation, coordination,movement control, and body equilibrium. Many of the sys-

tems integrated movement capabilities with capabilities inone or more of the other three general areas of capability.

In the early articles, the tasks of the systems includedwalking, kicking a ball, passing a ball between two robots,moving down a hallway, following a map to locate a meet-ing room in a hotel, using an elevator, driving a car in thedesert, playing ping-pong, autonomously moving ship-ping containers, navigating around people and pursuingobjects in a crowded museum, moving pallets autono -mously in a factory, and grasping irregularly shaped objectssuch as lettuce.

In the later articles, the tasks included moving chesspieces, driving a car in traffic, grasping objects in a clut-tered environment, moving around a cluttered environmentwithout collisions, learning to play ball-and-cup, playing agame that involved building towers of blocks, navigatingpublic streets and avoiding obstacles to collect trash, retriev-ing and delivering drinks and laundry in an apartment, andusing the Web to figure out how to make pancakes from apackage mix.

Comparing capabilities and work skillsWith these examples of IT and robotics capabilities, we canthen look at the skills required in different occupations to seehow they compare. To make this comparison, the study usedthe U.S. Department of Labor’s O*NET system, which pro-vides ratings for hundreds of occupations on many differentfeatures. The feature set includes ratings for a number ofability scales that are related to the four general areas of ca-pability discussed above.

O*NET uses a seven-point scale to rate the level of re-quirement for each ability for each occupation, with anchor-ing tasks for the ratings provided for levels 2, 4, and 6. Thestudy used these anchoring tasks to provide concrete de-scriptions of the different levels of capability required fordifferent jobs throughout the economy.

To focus on the big picture, the study grouped together allof the different abilities into two cluster ratings: one focusedon language and reasoning, and the other focused on vision


TA B L E 1

Percentage of employment by levels of ability clusters


Language-Reasoning Levels 1-2 Levels 3-4 Levels 5-6

Levels 1-2 0 0 0Levels 3-4 7 74 1Levels 5-6 1 17 0


SPRING 2014 33

TA B L E 2

Comparing example tasks: IT and robotics versus O*NET ability levels

Ability Group IT and Robotics O*NET Level 2 O*NET Level 4 O*NET Level 6

Explain answers to ahigh-school chemistrytestGive a conference talkand answer audiencequestionsRole-play in a car accident simulationAnswer Jeopardy questions with trick language cuesFollow speech commands to locateand retrieve drinks

Resolve scheduling andcoordination problemsDevelop novel atomicmodels for proteinsSolve crossword puzzlesReview government immigration formsDevelop new hypotheses about goodconditions for growingcrystals

Guide autonomous vehicles to move shipping containersIdentify types of fish athigh speedLocate and grasp objects in a cluttered environment

Grasp irregularly shapedobjects such as lettuceMove pallets autono -mously in a factoryDrive a car in trafficRetrieve and deliverdrinks and laundry in anapartment

Understand a televisioncommercialUnderstand signs on thehighwayCancel newspaper delivery by phone

Recognize that an unplugged lamp won’tworkKnow that a stalled carcan coast downhillDetermine how much10 oranges will costwhen they are priced at2 for 20 cents

Sort mail according toZIP codes (with no timepressure)Merge a car into trafficon a city street

Put coins in a parkingmeterAdjust a room light witha dimmer switchRow a boatStand on a ladder

Understand an apartment leaseGive instructions to alost motoristWrite a job recommen-dation for a subordinate

Determine the primesuspect based on crimescene evidenceDecide how to calculateprofits to determineyearly bonusesFollow a diagram to assemble a metal storage cabinet

Operate a crane tomove materials from atruck bed to the ground Make sense out ofstrange handwritingLook for a golf ball inthe rough

Pack oranges in cratesas quickly as possibleOperate a forklift truckin a warehouseWalk on ice across apond

Understand a lecture onadvanced physicsUnderstand an instruc-tion book on repairingmissile guidance systemsWrite an advanced economics textbook

Invent a new type of human-made fiberDiagnose a disease using results of manydifferent lab testsAnticipate future movesin a chess game

Identify camouflagedtanks from a high-speedairplaneInspect electrical partsfor defects as they flowby on a fast-moving assembly line

Put together the innerworkings of a smallwristwatchDrill a toothPerform a ballet dance





erage O*NET levels for broad occupational groups, alongwith their portion of total employment. At the top of Table3, sales occupations represent 11% of employment and in-volve a medium level of language and reasoning skills, butgenerally low levels of vision and movement. The nationhas already seen some replacement of sales jobs with tech-nology in the extensive use of the Web for retail, along withthe use of self checkout in stores.

Currently, the level of interaction provided by such sales-related technology is low, but the research systems show ca-pabilities that would allow more helpful interactions. Someof the research systems specifically provided interactionsrelated to customer service, as well as related tasks such asanswering questions from museum visitors or giving peopledirections. Some of the reasoning systems provided under-lying analytic capabilities that could extend the kinds oftransactions that can be carried out without a person, in-cluding processing government forms, using Web sites tofind information, making insurance underwriting decisions,or diagnosing appliance problems.

It is possible to imagine how the ease and range of inter-action and the depth of analysis of sales-related computer sys-tems can be steadily extended over time to add many func-tions of current sales occupations. Future systems will beable to use regular language with customers to understandwhat they are looking for and to suggest possible solutions.

The middle section of Table 3 includes the large numberof occupational groups involving both a medium level oflanguage and reasoning skills and a medium level of vision

and movement. For each occupation, the highest ratingacross the different abilities was used as the rating for eachof the two clusters.

Table 1 shows the distribution of employment in the econ-omy for the different capability combinations, using theO*NET rating scales. (The table omits level 7 on the ratingscale because there are so few jobs that require that level ofskill.) The table makes clear that the vast majority of cur-rent jobs—roughly 81%—can be carried out with a combi-nation of abilities at the O*NET level of 4.

So a crucial question for assessing the likely impact of ITand robotics capabilities on work over the next few decadesis how those capabilities compare with this middle level ofability on the rating scale for workers. Table 2 contrasts somesample IT and robotics tasks drawn from the study withsome anchoring tasks from the O*NET rating scales acrossthe four general areas of ability.

Comparing the sample tasks for the IT and robotics re-search systems with the anchoring tasks for the differentO*NET levels shows that the IT and robotics systems aresolidly in the middle range of ability levels across all fourgeneral areas of ability. In each case, there are clear waysthat the IT and robotics capabilities fall short of the higherlevels of human performance, but the capabilities that aretypical of level 4 on the O*NET scales appear to be roughlycomparable to the types of tasks now being described in theresearch literature.

To help think about the relation between the various re-search tasks and the actual workplace, Table 3 shows the av-


Average AverageLanguage- Vision-Reasoning Movement Employment

Occupational Groups Level Level (%)

Sales 3-4 1-2 11

Management, administration 3-4 3-4 29Construction, maintenance, production 3-4 3-4 18Food/personal service 3-4 3-4 12Transportation 3-4 3-4 7Health/social support 3-4 3-4 5Protective service 3-4 3-4 3Arts, entertainment 3-4 3-4 1

Education 5-6 3-4 7Health care 5-6 3-4 6Science, engineering, law 5-6 3-4 3

TA B L E 3

Average ability levels and percentage of employment by occupational group


and movement. The language and reasoning skills for manyof these jobs are similar to those for the sales occupations justdiscussed. It is easy to imagine, for example, that the inter-action and analysis that will make it possible to extend thecapabilities of sales-related computer systems will also beapplicable to the capabilities of administrative systems, wherethere is often an interaction with an internal customer.

As a contrast, it is useful to consider one of the occupationalgroups in the middle section that involves an extensive rolefor vision and movement. Physical movement is important forjobs in construction, maintenance, and production, as well asfor jobs in food and personal service. These two large occu-pational groups represent 30% of current employment.

The use of automatic machines for performing physicalmovements has been key to the substantial improvementsin manufacturing productivity over the past century. The re-search systems in vision and movement suggest how the highlevels of performance that have been demonstrated in fac-tories will begin to be extended into the more complicated set-tings where construction, maintenance, and food and per-sonal service tasks are carried out. Some of the example sys-tems directly involve maintenance or food service tasks, suchas the system that moves around public streets to collecttrash, the system that delivers drinks to people in an apart-ment, the system that can grasp irregular objects such as let-tuce, and the system that can identify different types of fish.

One can imagine how the automatic capabilities that havebeen applied in factories can be extended into less controlledwork settings over time. The Roomba (a robotic vacuumcleaner) could evolve into more extensive cleaning capabil-ities, and robots could be deployed for food preparationoutside of factories. This will be a continuation of the au-tomation that has taken place in factories, but it will be tak-ing place in increasingly less controlled workplaces as ro-bots become more flexible.

At the bottom of Table 3, there are three occupationalgroups involving a high level of language and reasoningskills and a medium level of vision movement. The jobs inthese groups are ones that often involve higher levels of lan-guage and reasoning skills that are likely to be beyond the ca-pabilities of the research systems.

Implications for work and the economyThis exploratory study suggests that there is the technolog-ical potential for a massive transformation in the labor mar-ket over the next few decades. It will clearly take time forthe capabilities that have been roughly demonstrated in theresearch literature to be refined and broadly applied to themany different types of work. However, even a diffusion pe-

SPRING 2014 35

FORTUNATO DEPERO, Automi, Prospettiva dinamica figurata (Dynamic Perspective and Figure), Watercolor on paper, 24.4 x 15.7 inches, 1917.

riod of several decades is relatively short for adapting to achange of such magnitude.

In principle, there is no problem with imagining a trans-formation in the labor market that substitutes technologyfor workers for 80% of current jobs and then expands em-ployment in the remaining 20% to absorb the entire laborforce. Considering the contrasts across the occupationalgroups in Table 3, such a change might involve a drastic re-duction in sales, management, administration, construc-tion, maintenance, and food service work accompanied bya massive expansion in health care, education, science, en-gineering, and law.

The United States experienced a labor market transforma-tion of this scale between the early 19th and the late 20thcentury, when the portion of the workforce employed inagriculture shifted from roughly 80% to just a few percent.However, in the shift out of agriculture, the transformationtook place over a century and a half, not several decades.

In addition to the speed of the change, there are twoother challenges.

The first challenge relates to the feasibility of preparing theentire labor force to move into jobs that require capabilitiesat the higher O*NET levels. The level 6 anchoring tasks inTable 2 are not only difficult for IT and robotics systems tocarry out, but they are also difficult for many people to carryout. We do not know how successful the nation can be intrying to prepare everyone in the labor force for jobs thatrequire these higher skill levels. It is hard to imagine, for ex-ample, that most of the labor force will move into jobs inhealth care, education, science, engineering, and law.

The second challenge relates to the further improvementof the capabilities of IT and robotics. Even during the lim-ited period covered by the exploratory study, there wassome indication of the advancement of capabilities. Andover an additional period of several decades of R&D, thecapabilities required for the level 6 anchoring tasks mightwell be within reach.

These challenges—the speed of the transformation, thedifficulty of level 6 tasks for many people, and the continueddevelopment of IT and robotics capabilities—suggest thatthe economic adjustment to the application of IT and ro-botics capabilities over the next several decades is likely tobe quite difficult. Although economists are right in princi-ple that displaced workers should be able to move into newpositions—as long as there is substantial labor demand fortasks that only people can perform—it seems unlikely thatthe structure of the labor market can change as quickly as the


technology is advancing. Even if alternative jobs are available, how will the dis-

placed workers acquire the necessary skills for the new tasks?At some point it will be too difficult for large numbers ofdisplaced workers to move into jobs requiring capabilitiesthat are difficult for most of them to carry out even if theyhave the time and resources for retraining. When that timecomes, the nation will be forced to reconsider the role thatpaid employment plays in distributing economic goods andservices and in providing a meaningful focus for many peo-ple’s daily lives.

The preliminary review presented here suggests that so-ciety must begin to be much more serious about under-standing the potential for IT and robotics to cause disrup-tive changes to the labor market over the next few decades.The scale and speed of this potential change are too greatto be able to depend on ordinary economic adjustment tosmooth out disruptions in the labor market.

Over the next decade or two, it is essential for researchersand national policymakers to understand the growing capa-bilities of IT and robotics and their implications for the work-force and the economy. The anecdotal articles that regularlyappear about new technologies are not sufficient to providethe basis for understanding the full range of capabilities be-ing developed and how they will affect employment.

To advance this understanding, the basic approach dis-cussed here—comparing the full range of IT and roboticscapabilities with the full range of capabilities used in differ-ent occupations—should be carried out more systematicallyand in more detail. Such systematic reviews need to be car-ried out once or twice each decade to make it possible totrack the development of the capabilities and anticipate thefull range of their consequences.

Society has the tools to think systematically about the ca-pabilities that are now being demonstrated by IT and ro-botics systems and how those compare to the capabilitiesthat are used in the workforce. The nation needs to beginto carry out the analyses that these tools allow to better un-derstand the potential for IT and robotics to transform jobsin the years ahead.

Stuart W. Elliott ([email protected]) is visiting the Organ-isation for Economic Co-operation and Development as ananalyst, while on leave from the Board on Testing and Assess-ment of the National Research Council. A detailed version ofthe survey of emerging capabilities will appear in the forth-coming Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training.

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