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  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010




    Manager: Teresa Cruz,Rutherford Investment Co.

    Office address: 28400 Granada Circle

    Phone: 510-783-5535

    Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday.

    Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office door

    (next to laundry room).

    Jeffrey Stoopes, Assistant Manager

    On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays

    In an emergency, call 510-783-5535.

    Call will be directed to a pager.


    The Los Rancheros Association and the Spanish

    Ranch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised of

    park residents. There are no dues.

    MEETINGS of the Los Rancheros Association are the

    FIRST THURSDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m.

    in the Main Clubhouse.

    LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of each

    month at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse.

    The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD

    THURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at

    various area restaurants.




    of each month.


    The Clubhouses are available to residents for

    private affairs. Contact the Office, 510-783-5535


    Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.

    The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available for

    residents to use. See the office for a key.


    are to be submitted to Park Management inWRITING and must be SIGNED.

    For any complaints or suggestions concerning safe-

    ty, maintenance, replace/repair, the Executive Board

    requests a copy as well. These also must be in writing

    and must be signed.


    Bus transportation information on page 3

    Spanish Ranch #1 Information

    ASSOCIATION OFFICERSPresident: Dawn Plaskon 214-2199

    Vice President: Jeanie Schultz 784-1997

    Secretary: Darlene Richardson 785-8780

    Treasurer: Kevin Kelly 589-8119


    Dave Abreu, Judy Allen-Rogers, Maurice Carcamo,

    June Christian, Marvin Daley, Jerry Higgins,

    Ruth Horton, Patty Little


    meets the FIRST THURSDAY of the monthat 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse

    unless otherwise announced.

    The EXECUTIVE BOARD meets the


    at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse.


    Dime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294

    HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fran La Torre 887-1509

    Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open


    Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Gomez, 782-5183

    N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199

    Nborhood Watch . . . . . . Darlene Richardson, 785-8780

    Spectrum Meals (Tu&Th) . . . . . . Ruth Horton, 732-6671

    EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997

    e-mail: [email protected]

    OR [NEW!] [email protected]

    Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the

    10th of each month for the following month.


    Rev. Charles [email protected]

    SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

    is published monthly by Mobile Home Park Magazinesand distributed by volunteers around the first of the

    month. Dates and times of activities are notedon the calendar therein. Special activities will be

    announced in the regular pages.Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement copies

    if you got missed) are available in the Main Clubhouseafter distribution is complete.


  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    Join us forFirst and Last Saturdays

    of each month,

    NOON TO 3:00 P.M.Snack bar open before play

    and during breaks

    Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

    NOTICEPer state law, no one under the age of 18

    is allowed in the clubhouse during Bingo



    www.spanishranch1.orgThe El Toro and the Bylaws of the Los Rancheros

    Association are posted here.

    All t he lat es t ! Check it out !

    Our voicemail box is now set up. Thephone number for the association is:

    510-274-1771 (or 510-274-1sr1)

    More info on page 5.


    at the meeting of the

    SR-1 Homeowners Association

    THURSDAY,July 1, 2010

    at 7:00 p.m.in the main clubhouse

    Are you

    BURNED UPover the noise leading up

    to the 4TH OF JULY?

    Special guests from HPD will

    speak about the law enforce-

    ment for the holiday weekend,

    typically a VERY NOISY time

    in our neighborhood.


    attend (not just the homeowner).

    Next meeting:

    THURSDAY, August 5, 2010

    Revisions to the bylaws are to

    be voted on at this meeting.

    Please see proposed revisions pp10-12. SR-1 Helping HandCommittee

    Are weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plantson your lot a cause for concern?

    Is your home in need of sprucing up withwashing or painting ?

    Were here to help!Give Dave or Marvin a

    call, and well see what

    our team can do toextend a helping hand.If you feel that youcould use a helpinghand, just ask!!!

    Call us, or parkmanagement, toschedule a lot

    assessment.510-274-1771 (Association voicemail)

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    A tribute to Kenny andShari Bachmann

    I would like to thank Kenny andShari on behalf of the management,owners and residents of SpanishRanch 1 for their dedication to this

    community. For 13 years Kennyand Shari have assisted manage-ment to respond to residents needson a daily basis.

    Like the creed that mailmen fol-low, through rain, sleet, snow andthe dark of night, they made them-selves available to any residentwho presented any need.

    When Guillermo and I startedworking at Spanish Ranch 1 in2007, Kenny and Shari extended

    their hand and knowledge to helpGuillermo and I assimilate to the

    Park. Kenny and Shari have beenthe most dependable and hardworking people we have everworked with in our managementcareer. There have been countlessoccasions that projects took us pastquitting time and I would tell Shari

    to go home. Without exceptionShari would always say, no, I willstay until we finish the project andalways be the first to open the fol-lowing morning. Shari and Kennynot only completed the job with asmile, but made it their passion tohelp people.

    Kenny and Shari continue toenjoy their lives as residents ofSpanish Ranch 1 and continue tospend time with friends they madeover the years of living in our com-munity, us included.

    Nothing would make me happierthen to see Kenny and Shari havethe time to do all the things theirhearts desire without pressure ofresponding to emergencies. Theycan enjoy shopping (Shari), visitingtheir daughter and grandson andenjoy this phase of their life togeth-er. I am very happy they are myfriends.

    Thank you for all of the supportand laughs you have given us andwill continue to give us.

    Your friends,Teresa and Mr. G.

    Guillermos CornerGuillermo has been so busy with

    multiple projects the past month,we are only listing the top 10 below.

    COFFEEis available

    in the



    during regularoffice hours forresidents ofSpanish Ranch I.


    Food Bank


    for the Alameda

    County Food BankBarrels,

    an ongoing community

    service project,

    may bedropped offin the office.

    (Due to scavenging and theft,the barrels are kept in the

    conference room, but staff willsee that all donations

    are collected into them.)

    PLEASE DONATE!Check your pantry for non-perishable food items you canspare or buy a can or twoextra when youre shopping.Come by and drop it off in theoffice. Thank you!

    CORNERGive him a pat on the back nexttime you seem Guillermo out in thecommunity for all his hard workand dedication.

    1. Stained and sealed pool bench-es. They look great Mr. G.

    2. Installed new pool filter grids.

    3. Three (3) trees removed andground down, six (6) trees replacedthroughout the park.

    4. Tree trimming on Mirandaand Cartagena to prevent branchesfrom scratching cars.

    5. Graffiti removal from signsand mens bathroom wall in laun-dry room.

    6. Ivy trimming on perimeterwall.

    7. Repaired fence again in car-wash area at upper carwash.

    8. Removing paint from backgate key pad due to vandalism.

    9. Replace EXIT sign in club-house with LED sign.

    10. Annual Fire Hydrant inspec-tion completed, no repairs needed.

    Thanks to all residents who areworking very hard to correct theitems on their homes and spacesfrom the lot inspections.Remember, it is about maintainingyour home and space, not justcleaning it once a year.

    Please Report

    Vandalism:Please call the policeand then the office if you seeanyone vandalizing propertyin the Park such as breakingstreet lights, signs and backgate key pad, etc.

    P l e a s e report any t h i n gsuspicious.

    Thank you, Teresa Cruz,SR-1 Manager

    P l u m b i n gi s s u e s :Please do not flush:

    baby wipes feminine supplies

    disposable diapers Depends

    or large amounts of rice,

    potatoes or GREASE!

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010


    Reported Crimes:No crime has been reported

    this month.

    Violation of park rules:

    It appears the pool is becom-ing a problem. Park rules arenot being enforced. It has beenreported that people are goinginto the pool in street clothes,some girls have gone in in braand underpants.

    Running and cannonballsare prohibited, but being doneby both children and adults.Toys, balls and floating raftshave been reported being usedin and around the pool.

    The pool rules need to beenforced by management.

    Park Vandalism:

    No report from Management.



    Be Aware Notice

    Call police

    Notify the office


    Darlene Richardson


    (file a complaint, too, or call thepolice, 293-7000.)


    July 13, 2010

    7:00 p.m.

    in the Clubhouse

    Joy CunninghamJanuary 30, 1936-June 13, 2010

    Long-time resident Joy Cunninghamdied June 13, 2010 in Hayward at theage of 74 after an all-too-brief battle withcancer.

    Joy and her late husband, Jack,moved to Spanish Ranch 1 in 1977, intowhat was then a relatively new adult-only park. They took anactive interest in the community and were known as willingparticipants and volunteers for its activities and services.

    After being widowed around Christmas 2000, Joy foundcomfort with her friends in the Ladies Club, serving as coordi-nator of the Lunch Bunch for the past several years. Shes beeninvolved in many park social and service groups the quietone with the snow-white hair, from judging kidshalloween cos-tumes to setting the table for Spectrum. Always kind and soft-spoken, Joy provided a home for a young park resident so theteenager could finish school after her family moved.

    Joy has been the right arm to both Spectrum coordinatorRuth Horton, and Bingo snackbar chief Dawn Plaskon, and herquiet, competent help will be immeasurably missed by both.

    Joy was a familiar sight on frequent walks around theneighborhood with her ill-tempered little chihuahua, Zorro,now pining for his mistress.

    Joy was preceded in death by her husband, Jack, her sonsPaul and Jimmy, and daughter Cathleen. She is survived byher daughter Carolyn Cunningham of Vallejo, grandsons Mark(Trisha) Cunningham of Modesto, and Daniel and Justin Allenof Kansas and Texas, respectively. Granddaughters that sur-vive her are Jennifer (Jesse) Stein of Placerville, Jill (Andrew)

    Kahler of Sommerset, and Heather Beebe of Oregon. She isalso survived by five great-grandchildren.

    Information on services was not yet available at presstime.

    Pet Owners!

    Keep em IN!Only indoor pets are allowed

    in the park.

    Dont let your CAT out to be digging insomeone elses

    landscaping or flowers!

    Walk your DOG on a leash(its the law) and its your

    responsibility to pick up yourdogs waste and

    properly dispose of it.

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    ImprovementCommittee report

    Here's a brief recap of last week'smeeting with Rutherford and theImprovement Committee of the


    Street Signs: Rutherford will be

    replacing the street signs.C o m m u n i c a t i o n : Teresa will

    notify Dawn of park maintenanceissues/announcements so she canpost them on the SR1 website in atimely manner.

    Feral Cats: The city feels thebest way to deal with the cat situa-tion is to keep one feral cat (spayedor neutered). This will keep othercats away. If you take all the catsawaymany more will take overthat territory. Management wantsall the cats gone and has purchaseda trap. Management agreed tohand out the brochure when some-one borrows the trap.

    Rutherford expressed the desireto have some HOA i n v olve m e ntwith:

    Revising Park Rules Ideas for the small clubhouse Annual walk thru Park to

    schedule tree trimming

    The following ideas were dis-cussed:

    Community garden at smallclubhouse

    Golf putting green (in shuffle-board area)

    Dog run/dog park at smallclubhouse

    Cabinets: Previous presidenttold on-site manager she has a per-sonal issue shes dealing with andwill meet with her about the cabi-nets in a month.

    Clubhouse rental: M a n a g e rrefuses to post a calendar, showingthe dates the Clubhouse is rented.Management needs a writtenrequest with a check for thedeposit. There was no compromis-ing on this subject, due to thegames that were played last year.

    See information below>

    Latest stuff>

    Current El Toro >

    Officers/board >

    Pictures of events >

    Links to MHP info >

    Whats going on >Past El Toro issues >

    The Resident Request Form is a simpleform that asks your name, your contact informa-tion and your concern or problem. When submit-ted, this goes to the Association president DawnPlaskon or a designated representative. Its howyou bring concerns to the attention of the resi-dents leadership!

    Please note: This does not replace the ResidentSuggestion/Complaint form on page 14 whichmust be filled out and taken to the parks busi-ness office if your issue is with park conditions or

    residents or anything else properly within thescope of owners/managers.


    LOVEY enjoys a good run, but whenshes tired, she just hops up on the foot -rest of her human Beverlys motorizedwheelchair and rides home in style.

    N O T E : Only indoor petsare permitted by the park

    If YOUR cat is outside and itwanders into one of the traps,it will be presumed to be feraland be taken to the local ani-mal shelter. It can be quitecostly to bail out your cat sokeep it inside where it belongs!

    Were Live!

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    Vice President Jeanie Schultz called the meeting toorder at 7 p.m in the temporary absence of the presi-dent. Pledge of allegiance was said.

    Guest speakers: Sara Lamnin and Mark Salinas,running for Hayward City Council were introduced.They each gave a brief description of themselves andwhat they stand for. Q&A of candidates came next.

    President Dawn Plaskon assumed chair when shearrived.

    All officers and board members were present.

    Fran LaTorre spoke about the task force that wascreated at City Council on the proposed changes tothe Mobile Home Residency Ordinance ( ha r dcopies were handed out to those present). Fran alsogave an update on Assembly Bills 1964, 1803, 761,2120, 2439, 2029 and Senate Bills 951, 1097, 1047(hard copies were handed out to those present).

    The President has purchased a new web domainfor the association: www.spanishranch1.org

    The President introduced the new association com-

    mittees (with a brief description), chairman, and mem-bers of each committee or community position:

    HMOA representativeFran LaTorre, chair (C)

    Clearing HelpJune Christian and Dave Abreu

    WelcomingPatty Little (C), Judy Allen-Rogers,Darlene Richardson

    DisasterStacia Higman (C)

    Helping HandsDave Abreu and Marvin Daley

    ImprovementKathy Calvert (C)

    Neighborhood WatchDarlene Richardson

    El Toro EditorJeanie Schultz

    El Toro was not received until that day (June 3)and so was only partially distributed. Mention wasmade of a flyer being distributed with the El Toro. Thecity has a pilotVolunteer Weed Abatement programfor people (62+ or disabled) who may need help withyard work (weeding and cleanup). This program will beoccur June 28 and they will only be doing 15-20 homes.

    Application deadline is June 14th.

    Kathi Calvert gave an Improvement CommitteeReport. Management has purchased a trap for catch-ing cats in our park. Discussion of what happens oncethe animal is handed over to the Hayward AnimalShelter. Problem is residents are putting food outsideand this attracts not only domestic cats but wild ani-

    mals as well. Dave Abreu did some research on theinternet and found some home remedies to repel cats

    and wild animals. A hard copy was handed out. A resi-dent mentioned a dog that is tied outside all day andseems aggressive. Kathi explained about the tree trim-ming and stated management would like some residentto accompany the arborist when they do the inspec-tions.

    Special Los Rancheros Association, Inc meeting

    minutes of May 19th were read. Motion made, second-ed and carried (M/S/C) to approve them.

    President gave an update on the status of trans-ferring incorporation and financial documents,and association belongings along with the keys to thestorage cabinets. Past officers and board members havenot yet responded to our requests. At presidentsrequest, M/S/C to postpone adoption of the budgetrequired by the bylaws until July.

    Bylaws Revision Committee: Chairman Jeaniegave a report on their progress. The committee met fora couple of hours and decided that generally the lan-guage was good, but that the by-laws just needed

    enforcing. Some language changes were made for clar-ity and will be published in the El Toro and voted on atthe following Association Meeting after publication.

    President stated that we are entitled to ten (10)representatives to the HMOA meetings with five (5)being voting members. Fran LaTorre, Dawn Plaskon,Jeanie Schultz, Evelyn Ely and Darlene Richardsonvolunteered to be the five voting members. M/S/C toaccept these volunteers. Next HMOA meeting will beheld on September 18th, place to be announced. A flyerwill be distributed about a week beforehand.

    HMOA report was give by Fran. There were notenough voting members present at the last HMOAmeeting to elect new officers. The election was post-

    poned until the September meeting. Meanwhile abylaw committee was established to go over the word-ing and make recommendations for changes at the nextmeeting (ie. term limits, number of voting membersneeded, etc.)

    The President will contact Jerry Abbott, our repre-sentative to City Council, to ask if she will continue inthat role.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

    Submitted by Darlene Richardson, Secretary

    Association Meeting Minutes June 3, 2010

    Newspaper Tubescurrently fashioned from large PVC pipe if your

    newspaper doesnt supply one, are used tonotify residents of events via flyers and

    the monthly park magazine.

    Please call the office and let them know if you

    need a tube installed at your home. 783-5535

    Save the Date! for a

    FLEA MARKETSaturday,August 14,2010

    Details are still being finalized, but to getan early-bird jump on reserving a table,

    leave your name and phone number on theassociations voice mail 510-274-1771

    and youll be contacted.

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    Join theLadies Club

    at noon on thesecond



    !Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets gettogether. Dessert provided.Costs only a dime a game, winner take all!

    + .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to

    somebody at the first gathering in January.

    Come to the Main clubhouse onthe Second Thursday, at noon!

    For more information callLorraine Schmuck 783-7294

    Ladies Dime Bingo is for mature women whowould like to get together for sharing ideas.

    Dime Bingo 2010 Dessert Schedule:

    July: Irene August: Lorraine

    September: Fannie October: Lorraine

    November: Bridgette December: Party


    The Lunch Bunch meets on the third

    THURSDAY (unless otherwise

    announced) of each month at 12 noon.

    All are welcome to join us as we visit

    area restaurants.

    2010July 15 Elephant Bar

    Aug 19 Marie Callenders

    Sept 16 Sizzler

    Oct 21 Applebees

    Nov 18 Mimis

    Coordinator: TBD

    POOL RULES1. Pool hours are from 9 am to 9 pm. Pool is open

    May through October. Therapy pool is operated andheated year round.

    2. Pools are for the exclusive use of residents andtheir guests. All guests must be accompanied by a res-ident and the resident is responsible for the conductof their guests. Only four guests per space are

    allowed, at any one time, and on a space available basis.3. Children under 14 should be accompanied and

    supervised by an adult when using the pool or therapypool.


    5. All persons using pool or therapy pool mustshower pool side before entering pools. Anyone usingsuntan oils, lotions, or other ointments must re-showerbefore entering pools.

    6. Persons in swimming suits or trunks, wet or dry,

    will not be allowed in the clubhouse.7. Swim fins, diving masks, rubber floats, toys,

    balls and the like are not permitted in the pools.(Individual swim goggles, baby life jackets and armfloats for small children are OK.)

    8. Screaming, running, horseplay, cannonballing anddiving are not allowed in the pools.

    9. Only manufactured swim wear in good conditionmay be worn in the pools.


    10. No f o od, alcoholic beverages and/ o r glasscontainers are permitted anywhere in the pool area.

    11. No bobby pins or jewelry in pool.

    12. Residents climbing over or under the fencearound the pool will lose their pool privileges.

    ATTENTION RESIDENTS!Do you have something to give away,

    swap or sell? Any items wanted?

    We can list these things for individualresidents in the El Toro, in a new section.No business sales (Avon, Mary Kay) and no services

    (home care, cleaning) or anything that might

    qualify as advertising, may be listed. For that you need

    to deal with the MobileHome Park Magazines

    advertising staff (contact info is in each issue).

    NO PHONE CALLS! E-mail your listing to the editorat [email protected] no later than the 10th

    of the month or put in my paper tube at 28408Granada Circle. You can put limited contact info in

    your ad if you like, but please include name, addressand phone number with any submission.

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    All officers and board members present exceptMaurice Carcamo and vice president Jeanie Schultzwho was excused. Guests: Kathi Calvert

    1] Set up process to remind board members ofmeetings. Discussion. Secretary to remind board mem-bers of upcoming meetings.

    2] O f f i c e rs Update: Secretary of State,Franchise Tax Board, Checking account

    Current President has contacted past President (out oftown) and Treasurer (referred us to past president) tomake a smooth transition between boards and is wait-ing for the past president to return. In December the

    Association voted to pay the penalties and fees assessedby Franchise Tax Board of California, which was donein January 2010. The Secretary of State has removedtheir suspension of Los Rancheros Association, Inc.

    A Franchise Tax Board suspension is still in effect,pending the processing of Form 199 for 2006-2009.Their records show that Norma Moore reported thatshe had dropped off the outstanding forms on April 30,2010; however, no receipt was issued. FTB states itcould take 90 days for the process the forms. They alsosuggested that we maintain the current tax ID#s

    because it is harder to dissolve a corporation and thesenumbers are attached to our 40 year old association.

    Past President contacted management about theformation of a new organization and requesting cabinetspace. Disposition of storage space is pending a decisionby management and the return of the past president.Current President has requested a meeting betweenthe new board and management to discuss things wewould like to see happen. Dawn requested a meetingbefore the next Association meeting on 6/3 and Greg isto let her know.

    Discussion of when the next Board meeting shouldbe held. Decision was to hold it on Wednesday, June 16,7 p.m. main clubhouse. Discussion about leaving thefirst fifteen minutes available for residents concerns.

    Limit resident to two minutes to present their concern,followed by a discussion of the issue during the execu-tive session

    3] Bylaw committee report Patty reportedthey had discussions on changing the name of the asso-ciation; changing when the board meeting would beheld; removing El Toro and Neighborhood Watch ascommittees; what constitutes a legal resident; anddiscussion as to whether secretary and treasurer posi-tions would be combined. Generally wording wasthought to be good.

    4] Formation of Improvement Committee Kathi Calvert Chairman, members include: Dawn,Kevin, Patty and Darlene. Board members discussedproposals regarding updating the use of space use incommon areas around the clubhouses. Among the ideasare a dog run in the fenced in area at small clubhouse

    and a set of raised beds for a community garden wherethe horseshoe pits were. There were concerns aboutvandalism, but consensus was that benefits outweighedthe risks. The mission of the Improvement committee isto meet with management monthly to present and dis-cuss concerns about park health, safety and mainte-nance schedules.

    5] Formation of Residents Clearing HouseCommittee duties would include listening to resi-dents concerns, taking down name, address, telephonenumber and what the concern is about. There would beno decisions made just the taking down of information.This would happen either during the Association meet-ing or immediately following the meeting. June andDavid volunteered to do this. Dave will draft up a formthat they could use during the interview of resident.

    6] Formation of Residents Aid Committee(since named Helping Hand Committee) Marvin andDavid volunteered. David drafted a few suggestions forflyers to be handed out to residents. Discussion. Dawnasked that this draft be emailed to her and she wouldwork on the wording.

    7] Formation of Welcoming Committee Patty

    is Chairman, members are Judy and Darlene.8] Formation of Disaster Committee Stacia

    Higman proposed as Chairman, prospective membersinclude Patty, Judy, and Darlene. Dawn will contactStacia with the list of volunteers and ask that Staciaprepare a statement for June 3 and set a meeting datebe set.

    9] Formation of Cooperative EventsCommittee N.E.R.T., Bingo, Neighborhood Watch,and Association work together to promote events in thepark.

    Discussion ofFlea Market. We decided to check forthe second Saturday in August.

    Discussion ofThanksgiving dinner for those res-

    idents that do not have family to celebrate it with. Thedecision was made to bring back this event.

    National Night Out on Tuesday, August 3rd.

    Dawn will follow up with management on the sug-gestions that a year-at-a-glance calendar be posted,that management could simply put a RED X on thedays that are already taken. This will eliminate theprocess of filling out a Hall Request form and crossingout date after date.

    VERY IMPORTANT: Communication between onsite managers and Board, and between Corporate andBoard.

    10] Association Meeting Agenda Dawn has allinformation from our board meeting to create agenda.

    Meeting adjourned @ 8:25 p.m.

    Submitted by Darlene Richardson, Secretary

    Minutes Board Meeting May 19, 2010

    Free Spay or Neuter,with vaccination,

    for feral cats living in the cities of Hayward,Union City, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo or San Leandro

    Phone: Hayward Friends of Animals(510) 886-7546

    Gratis!Vacunas y castradon femeninao macho para gatos salvaje/feral.

    Para gatos que viven en Hayward, Union City,Castro Valley, San Lorenzo o San Leandro

    Llamar al telfono: (510) 886-7546Hayward Friends of Animals

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    All SR-1 seniors* are eligible and invited to participate in

    SPECTRUM MEALSA government-sponsored program for seniors over 55.Es un programa guvernamental para ancianos mas de 55 aos.

    Tuesdays & Thursdays in the main SR1 Clubhouse(except holidays)Martes y Jueves en el Clubhouse (menos dias feriados)

    NOTE! Signups are required. You must call before noon the day before.Tiener que registrarse antes de doce un dia antes. Llamen a Ruth Horton 732-6671.

    Call Ruth Horton 732-6671for reservations or information. (Help is invited, too.)

    Meal served 4 - 4:30 p.m. Come early to chat.Las comidas estaran servidas a las 4 - 4:30 p.m.

    Illegue temprano para socialisar se lon ellos.$3.25 at door Non-seniors/Guests $4.75 10 Dinner Tickets: $30.00$3.25 en la puerta. Los invitados pueden atendes por $4.75.

    Donations are always accepted.


    GUARANTEED!Come and Eat !!

    I t s a S N AP!

    (Senior Nutrition and Activities Project)


    THIEVES!Put your mail in the


    MAILBOXlocated in front of the

    Main Clubhouse close to the

    street (near the Park map).

    P R O B L E M ?

    Please notify the office if there is a

    problem with park facilities or lighting.

    Call if you need a tree trimmed or drains

    are blocked.

    ALSO, call the office to report suspicious

    activity, solicitors, excess noise, etc.

    Report criminal activity the police first, but

    ALSO to park management, and

    Neighborhood Watch!

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    Article I The name of this organization shallbe LOS RANCHEROSSPANISH RANCH IASSOCIA-

    TION, a non-profit organization. Hereafter L O S


    shall be referred to as the ASSOCIATION.

    RATIONALE: To choose a name that more accuratelynames our organization, and to leave behind some of thenegative associations with the previous name.

    Article II Purpose and Goal

    SECTION 1: It shall be the purpose of the Association to foster and promote a safe and harmo-nious living environment for all the residents throughthe sponsorship of cultural, education and social activi-ties of general appeal so that all residents feel welcomedto participate in the Association. It is also our goal topromote a friendly environment within our communityfor all residents while respecting the privacy of all indi-viduals. We will always consider the fact that we are afamily park. Our recommendations and decisions willreflect that fact. Discrimination of any type will not betolerated. Lastly, the Association shall act as the politi-

    cal action body whenever it becomes necessary to defendthe rights of all park residents granted under theHayward Mobile home Rent Stabilization Ordinance,the California State Mobile home Residency Law(California Civil Code Sections 798 through 799.10), allother California state laws and codes, United Stateslaws and codes.

    SECTION 2: The Association will work with andlisten to the concerns of residents and discuss withManagement the decisions made at the Executive BoardMeetings and the monthly Association meetings toimprove living conditions, safety and well-being of theresidents of our Park. If the park residents along withthe elected officers and the Board of Directors of the

    Association feel that the management staff is not coop-erating with our requests made concerning the park res-idents amenities and living conditions, the Associationwill take all steps necessary to resolve those unsolvedissues.

    Article III Membership

    SECTION 1: All legal residents of Spanish Ranch#1 Mobile Home Park are automatically members of theAssociation, without levy, upon establishment of resi-dence. Legal residents shall be defined as those resi-dents who are registered with the management of the

    park and of legal voting age as defined by the State ofCalifornia.

    SECTION 2: Minors age 14 and under shall beaccompanied by a parent or guardian to all adult socialevents.

    Article IV Elected Officers

    SECTION 1: The elected officers of the Associationshall be the President, Vice-President, R e c o r d i n g /Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer.

    The simple title of Secretary is sufficient. There wassome discussion about adding language to allow for thecombination of the positions of Secretary and Treasurerbut it was decided to leave this as is for now.

    SECTION 2: The term of office shall be for oneyear based upon a fiscal year beginning May 1 and end-ing April 30. The maximum term of service for any officeshall be two consecutive terms.

    Language added for clarity.

    SECTION 3: The Duties of the elected Officersshall be as follows:

    Section lettered for ease of referencea. PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at the

    Association meetings, Board of Directors meetings, andwhen the Association feels necessary, meet withManagement to represent the residents of the park andtheir concerns to foster and maintain unity and cooper-ation within the park. The President will only vote as atiebreaker and will make sure that all Associationbylaws are adhered to.

    b . V I C E - P R E S I D E N T: The Vice-President shallassume the duties of the president when the Presidentis unavailable. He/She shall assist the President asrequested by the President. The Vice-President shall be

    a de facto member of all committees and shall assist allcommittees as necessary.

    c . R E C O R D I N G / C O R R E S P O N D I N G1 S E C R E-TARY: The Secretary shall record and publish theMinutes of the monthly meetings of both the Associationand the Board of Directors in the El Toro. 2 Shouldneither the President nor the Vice-President be avail-able, the R e c o r d i n g / C o r r e s p o n d i n g Secretary shallassume the duties of the President of the Association.The R e c o r d i n g / C o r r e s p o n d i n g Secretary will alsoreceive, file and send correspondence as required (withthe approval from the members of the Association). The

    Los Rancheros Association BylawsSpanish Ranch #1 Mobile Home Park

    Proposed Revisions: May 2010

    The committee tasked with reviewing the bylaws and proposing changes felt that the language ofthe existing document as revised in 2005 was for the most part acceptable, and reflective of the mis-sion and goals of the Association. Past problems resulted from the bylaws not being adhered to or beingmisinterpreted. Accordingly, revisions are mostly clarifications and simplifications. These proposedchanges are being published in the July El Toro, and will be voted on at the August 5, 2010 meeting.Language to be changed is strikethrough (strikethrough) with new language bold face and under-lined. The reasoning of the committee for the change is in italic.

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    minutes Recommendations and reports3 from theBoard of Directorsmonthly meeting will be discussed atthe Associations monthly meeting for the review by theresidents. Residents problems within the park as wellas management plans and concerns that are brought tothe attention of the Board of Directors shall also beincluded in the Associations Monthly Minutes. 4 Allpertinent new information will be included in Minutes

    of the monthly Association meeting.1The simple title of Secretary is sufficient. 2Specifyingthat minutes be published in the El Toro is to clarify pre -vious apparent misunderstandings. 3Reports from theboard meetings are to include action items, recommen -dations, and information to be passed on to residents,and not every last detail of who said what. The Boardwill attempt to operate by consensus and only the resultsneed be included. 4Resident concerns and management

    plans are expected to be included in appropriate com -mittee reports and need not be a specific mandate for theSecretary.

    d. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive, depositand dispense Association funds as directed by the

    Association members. The Treasurer will keep writtenrecords of all transactions and will report the status ofthe Associations funds at the Associations monthlymeetings. If the Treasurer cannot attend an Associationmonthly meeting, a Treasurers Report will be suppliedto the members and read by the President at the

    Associations monthly meeting. The Treasurer shall alsoprepare an annual budget and present it to the

    Association for approval by the June Association meet-ing.

    SECTION 4: If any Officer vacates their position,the office will be filled by a person agreed upon by amajority of the Association at the next Association

    monthly meeting following the vacating of the office.This position will be for the balance of the fiscal year.

    SECTION 5: If any officer fails to attend any three(3) consecutive meetings (Board orAssociation) m eet-ings without being formally excused by the presidingofficer or if any officer fails to fulfill the duties of theiroffice as defined in the bylaws, that officer shall beremoved from their office by a majority vote at the ear-liest Association meeting possible.

    Language added for clarity.

    SECTION 6: A quorum of SIX board members ofwhich TWO must be elected officers, shall be required tobe present before any Board business can be transacted.

    SECTION 7: The board shall present to the gener-al membership for approval any expenditure over$50.00.

    Article V Board of Directors

    SECTION 1: The members of the Association, atthe April Association Meeting, will elect from nominat-ed members of the Association to serve on the board.There will be a minimum of 6 and no more thanlimit of 8 members for the Board of Directors in additionto the elected officers of the Association.

    Cutting the number of board members required isexpected to make it easier to fill the positions, while stillallowing flexibility to accommodate others who maycome forward. In the case of late term departures fromthe board, the body would be permitted to wait until thenext election to fill the vacancies.

    SECTION 2: Serving as a member of the Board ofDirectors will be for a period of one year, from May 1through April 30. To serve on the board the followingye ar, a board member must be re-elected by the

    Association. The maximum number of terms that can beserved by a member of the Board of Directors would befour (4) consecutive terms.

    Dates added to match wording in Article IV, Section 2for consistency.

    SECTION 3: Any member of the Board oDirectors who does not attend three (3) consecutivemeetings (Board or Association) without a formal excusebeing formally excused by the presiding officer orwho does not fulfill the duties of their positions may beremoved from their office by a majority of the

    Association membersvote at the earliest Associationmeeting possible.

    Language added to match wording in Article IV,Section 5 for consistency.

    SECTION 4: Duties of the Members of the Board ofDirectors (Non-Elected other than Officers) shall be asfollows: (1) Chair or assist in appointing a Chairpersonfor the standing committees of the Association; (2)Investigate complaints concerns of residents as direct-ed by the Board of Directors; (3) Facilitate communica-tion between the members of the Board of Directors andthe parks residents.

    Language added for clarity and to broaden the direc -tive beyond just complaints.

    Article VI C ommitteesSECTION 1: S t a n d i n g Committees for the

    Association shall may consist of the following: SocialActivities, Welcoming, Youth, Neighborhood A l e r t ,HMO A, Disaster, Grievance, El Toro Editor and anyothers deemed necessary by the Association members.The community positions of Neighborhood Watch,HMOA Representative and the El Toro Editor areencouraged to work cooperatively with theAssociation and give regular reports at the meet-ings. Should a community position becomevacant, the Association will assist in finding areplacement.

    Adds flexibility in establishing committees as needed.This change also recognizes that the NeighborhoodWatch captain is certified by the City, the HMOA rep iselected by park residents who are HMOA members andthe El Toro Editor works from a contract between theEditor, the MH Park and Mobile Home Park Magazine,

    publishers of newsletters for MH communities statewide.These positions are not under the direct control of the

    Association, but given their importance, the leadership isdirectly charged with seeking volunteers and filling intemporarily if necessary.


    Continued on next page

    Continued from previous page

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    SECTION 2: The Los Rancheros Spanish Ranch1 Association is not associated with Los RancherosCharities (Bingo).

    After some discussion, it was decided this statementcould be revisited at a later date if necessary.

    Article VII Vo ting

    SECTION 1: Each legal resident shall have One(1) vote in Association matters.

    SECTION 2: (a) Voting in the election of Officers,Board of Directors, or for any motion at an Associationmeeting will be by count of hands. A simple majorityshall suffice. If any resident so requests, voting will beby written ballots.

    (b) Voting at the Board of Directorsmeeting will be by a show of hands of the current Boardmembers. A simple majority shall suffice. The Presidentcan only vote in the case of a tie.

    SECTION 3: Voting on Amendments to the By-Laws of the Association, which have been properly sub-

    mitted and noticed as provided in Article IX, shall be bywritten ballots, 2/3 majority of those Association mem-bers attending shall suffice.

    After some discussion, it was decided this provisioncould be revisited at a later date if necessary.

    SECTION 4: At the February Association meeting,the President shall call for a Volunteer NominatingCommittee from the general membership of the


    SECTION 5: At the April Association meeting, rec-ommendations from the Nominating CommitteeChairperson shall be received along with nominationsfrom the floor. Elections for the Association Officers as

    well as members of the Board of Directors will takeplace. The new Officers and Board of Directors memberswill assume office in May on May 1.

    Language added for clarity and consistency withArticle IV, Section 2.

    SECTION 6: Rules of Order. The usual parliamen-tary rules as laid down in the Democratic Rules ofOrder or Roberts Rules of Order shall govern alldeliberation when not in conflict with the bylaws of the

    Association. A copy of the Association By-Laws will beprovided to all new registered park residents as part oftheir Welcome Basket. Acopy of the Democratic Rules ofOrder and Roberts Rules of Order will be available for

    review at all Association monthly meetings.The Democratic Rules of Order are out of print.

    Roberts Rules of Order is a recognized authority and isdeemed sufficient. Reference to a Welcome Basket is oldlanguage.

    Article VIII Meetings

    SECTION 1: The Board of Directors shall meet onthe Last Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. monthlyprior to the Association meeting. The MinutesRecommendations from this meeting will be sharedwith all Association members in attendance at the

    Association meeting andthe minutes published in theEl Toro. This meeting will be open to any resident ofSpanish Ranch I and the location of this meeting will beat the clubhouse and posted in the El Toro as part of themonthly calendar of activities.

    This is to provide each incoming board with the flex -ibility to set meeting dates and times that fit their collec -tive schedule. It was also felt that often more time isneeded between having concerns come up at the boardmeeting and obtaining a resolution in time for the gen -

    eral meeting. Notice will always be provided to the mem -bership and meetings will be open to all.

    SECTION 2: The general membership meeting ofthe Association shall be held on the First Thursday ofeach month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. Any per-manent change in the Association meeting scheduleshall be given in writing and with no less than 30 daynotice.

    SECTION 3: Special meetings of the Associationmembership may be called by the President or by anyTHREE (3) members of the Board of Directors, or anyTHREE (3) members of the Association. The right tomake calls for such a meeting and the right to petition

    and distribute information for a special meeting is pro-vided to mobile home park residents in the CaliforniaMobile Home Residency Law. This law allows park res-idents to assemble when necessary to discuss park liv-ing. All residents of the park must be notified that sucha special meeting will take place. Notice of such a spe-cial meeting shall be given by the convening parties atleast one week prior to the date of the special meeting.Calls for any such meeting by any other than thePresident shall be presented to the Secretary in writing,including the business to be transacted and the signa-ture of those requesting the call. A notice of the specialmeeting shall be placed in the paper tube of each resi-dence prior to the special meeting.

    SECTION 4: To conduct a General or specialMeeting and to vote for certain proposals, a simple showof hands by the majority of Association members inattendance shall suffice. All proposals for change will bediscussed with Association members at the Associationgeneral meeting or any Special Meeting called underSection 3 of Article VIII of the By-Laws for the LosRancheros Spanish Ranch 1Association.

    Article IX A mendments

    SECTION 1: Any member/resident of the L o sRancheros Spanish Ranch 1Association may submit awritten recommendation for a change in the By-Laws.

    This information can be brought to the Associationmonthly meeting for discussion. These amendments willbe voted on by written ballots at the next associationmeeting following a 30-day written notice of the pro-posed Amendments to the By-Laws. Publication of theProposed Amendments to the Bylaws will constitute the30-Day Notice. The 30-Day Notice will be given so thatall residents shall have sufficient time to review the pro-posed Amendments and give careful consideration tosuch changes before casting a vote in favor or againstsuch changes.

    This excess verbiage deemed unnecessary.


    Continued from previous page

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    HMOAInformation about the Hayward

    Mobilehome Owners Association, a

    coalition of residents of Hayward's

    nine mobilehome parks is available at


    HMOA Representative for Spanish Ranch I:

    Fran La Torre, 510-887-1509

    Clubhouses available foryour events!

    Both the main clubhouse and thesmall clubhouse may be reserved by

    residents for private events.Call the office, 783-5535,

    for information.

  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



  • 8/9/2019 ElToro July 2010



    From the Editor

    Articles that appear in the El Toro are presented as

    an informational service to the residents. Contents are

    the option of the editor but do not necessarily represent

    the opinion of the editor, the homeowners association or


    Reader response is welcome. Your article must be in

    my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to

    my e-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month.

    All submissions must be signed with your name/phone

    number included, as any article must be verified. Your

    name will not appear, if you so request.

    Editor has the right to edit for space or libel.

    Articles considered in bad taste will not be printed.

    Submissions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set

    forth by Mobile Home Park Magazines.

    Whenever possible, the editor prefers to capture

    keystrokes for material to appear in the El Toro. If you

    are typing something up, you might as well type it

    directly into an e-mail and send it to me that way.

    If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed to

    you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window

    to send to us: [email protected].

    Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor

    EDITORIAL POLICIES(http://mobilehomeparkmagazines.com/mhbsite/editorial/rules.aspx)

    The Mobile Home Board publications informs and pro-

    motes the mobile home system; residents, management

    and those that serve the mobile home community.

    The Mobile Home Board publications are not political

    tools. They are a source of information and enjoyment for

    park residents. To ensure this policy we have developed

    the following guidelines:

    Editorial Guidelines: Editor is responsible for gathering information and

    sending it to us in a form they want. Each editor must

    allow all residents organizations and management to par-

    ticipate in the publication.

    The publication is not to be used for disputes by either

    residents or management. Mobile Home Park Magazines

    must remain neutral in all resident/management issues to

    preserve the integrity of the magazine. Not all residents

    are on one side or the other of an issue. Since we do not

    research each story, we cannot use Mobile Home Park

    Magazines to weigh either side of these very fragile rela-

    tionships. Resident political organizations are asked to limit their

    information to meeting notices and reports of chapter


    No listings of in-park-services (i.e. babysitting, handy-

    men, Avon, etc.)


    Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-directional circular route, services both the SouthHayward BART station, as well as the Union Landing

    Shopping Center.Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board the

    bus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where thepark is) hourly from 6:32AM until 8:32PM, arriving atBART at 6:46AM until 8:46PM. Weekends / Holidays,service is from 6:32AM until 6:32PM.

    Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART,board the counter-clockwise, Tampa directional bushourly from 6:30AM until 8:30PM, arriving SpanishRanch at 6:42AM until 8:42PM. Weekends and Holidays,service is from 6:00AM until 6:00PM.

    Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus atthe corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom

    hourly from 6:37AM until 8:37PM, arriving at UnionLanding at 6:54A M until 8:54P M. On We e k e n d s /Holidays, service is from 6:37AM until 6:37PM

    Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board theclockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:22AMuntil 8:22PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:39AM until8:39PM. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:22AMuntil 6:22PM.

    Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, asopposed to every 1-2 hours) has been added to theTuesday & Friday shoppers shuttle (SpanishRanch to Southland Route 391).

    Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at10:10, 10:55, 11:40AM, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55PM andarrive at Southland Mall at 10:35, 11:20AM, 12:05,

    12:50, 1:35, and 2:20PM. NOTE The last trip leavingSpanish Ranch at 1:55PM which arrives at SouthlandMall at 2:20PM has no direct return trip back to SpanishRanch.

    Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27AM,12:12, 12:57 and 1:42PM, arriving back at SpanishRanch at 10:55, 11:40AM, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55PM.

    Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/fromTennyson Ave, on weekdays route 22 will go to theSouth Hayward BART station every 30 minutes from6:22AM until 11:22PM weekdays, and hourly on week-ends and holidays from 6:22AM until 11:22PM. From theSouth Hayward BART station going down Tennysonwill leave every 30 minutes from 6:04AM until 11:04PMweekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from6:17AM until 11:17PM.

    Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson,Hesperian (both Chabot College and Southland Mall),Winton, and both Hayward and South Hayward BARTstations along Mission Blvd. Visit AC Transits web siteat www.actransit.org for more information.

    AC TRANSIT FARES $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and 65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is anadditional 25.

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    El Toro



    Nhood Wa tch7 p .m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. +

    BUS10:10 a.m. to1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.






    J u l y 2 0 1 0

    DIME BINGOnoon









    7:00 p.m.






    Meeting7:00 p.m.



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