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  • 8/14/2019 ElToroAugust09




    Manager: Teresa Cruz,Rutherford Investment Co.

    Office address: 28400 Granada Circle

    Phone: 510-783-5535

    Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday.Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office

    door (next to laundry room.)

    Shari and Kenny Bachmann, relief managersOn-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays

    In an emergency, call 510-783-5535 .Answering service will contact

    managers as needed.


    The Los Rancheros Association and the SpanishRanch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised

    of park residents. There are no dues.

    MEETINGS of the Los Rancheros Association arethe FIRST THURSDAY of even numbered months

    at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse.

    LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAYof each month at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse.

    The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRDTHURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at

    various area restaurants.


    BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAYof each month.


    The Clubhouses are available to residents for pri-vate affairs. Contact the Office, 510-783-5535

    SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUBPool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.

    The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is avail-able for residents to use. See the office for a key.

    COMPLAINTS/SUGGESTIONS/REPORTSare to be submitted to Park Management in WRIT-ING and must be SIGNED. For any complaints or

    suggestions concerning safety, maintenance,replace/repair, give a copy to the Executive Boardas well as the Office. These also must be in writing

    and must be signed.

    RESIDENT REPORT FORM ON PAGE 14.Bus transportation information on page 15.

    Spanish Ranch #1 Information


    President: Norma Moore 887-0463Vice President: Mary Dimsdale 785-2571

    Secretary: Marisa Leasure 978-6778

    Treasurer: Suzanne Hicks 887-3160


    Rey Abaya, 670-8711; Jerry Abbott, 887-8237;John & Marsha Ellwanger,

    June Hart, 783-3639; Rick Horlick,Julie Manzo, 783-1911; June Robinson

    Los Rancheros HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONmeets the FIRST THURSDAY of even numbered

    months at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouseunless otherwise announced.

    The EXECUTIVE BOARD meets the

    LAST THURSDAY of odd numbered months

    at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse.


    Dime Bingo. . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294Grievance Com . . . . . Mary Dimsdale 785-2571Lunch Bunch . . . . . . Joy Cunningham 785-4609

    HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . Fran La Torre 887-1509Welcoming. . . . . . . . . Marisa Leasure 978-6778


    Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Gomez, 782-5183N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199Nborhood Watch . . Darlene Richardson, 785-8780

    Spectrum Meals (Tu&Th). . Ruth Horton, 732-6671

    EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997e-mail: [email protected]

    Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the

    10th of each month for the following month.

    WEBMASTERCharles [email protected]

    Los Rancheros Association & Community Contacts

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    Food Bank Donations

    for the Alameda CountyFood Bank Barrels,

    an ongoing community service project,

    may be dropped offin the office.

    (Due to scavenging and theft, the barrelshave been moved to the safety of the

    conference room, but staff will see that all

    donations are collected into them.)


    Check your pantry for non-perishable

    food items you can spare or buy a can or

    two extra when youre shopping. Drop by

    and drop it off in the office. Thank you!


    Los Rancheros

    Association Meeting

    THURSDAY,August 6, 2009

    at 7:00 p.m.

    in the main clubhouse.

    Guest speaker from CitysCommunity Services Department

    Next meeting:

    Thursday, October 1, 2009


    Los Rancheros Association meet-

    ings will now be held on the first

    Thursday of even numbered

    months (i.e., Aug, Oct, Dec), alter-

    nating with Board meetings on the

    last Thursday of odd numbered

    months (Sept, Nov).

    Special meetings may be called as needed.












    Spanish Ranch I HOT LINE(510) 887- 0463

    Call to keep up to date with such things aswater line breaks, health & safety issues,road repairs, police incidents, upcomingevents, etc. Any question or concern youmay have will be answered. Leave a mes-sage with your name, phone number, and

    street address. Your call will be returned,your issue addressed.



    The web address is not case-sensitive, but you MUSTuse a number 1 (one) and not a roman numeral I (i).

  • 8/14/2019 ElToroAugust09


    is published monthly by Mobile Home Park

    Magazines (http://mobilehomeparkmagazines.com/)

    and distributed by volunteers around the first of

    the month. Dates and times of activities are

    noted on the calendar therein. Special activities

    will be announced in the regular pages.

    Extra copies of the magazine (or replacementcopies if you got missed) are available in the

    Main Clubhouse after distribution is complete.


    Join us for

    First and Last

    Saturdaysof each month,

    NOON TO 3:00 P.M.Snack bar open before playand during breaks

    Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183

    Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

    COFFEEis available in theClubhouse daily

    during office hours for

    residents of Spanish Ranch I.

    Letters to the Editor are welcomeon any subject. Send to:[email protected].

    (You MUST sign your name but wewont use it if you dont want us to.)


    Mind your buttsIf you smoke, please dispose of

    your butts properly.

    Dont litter by throwingthem in the street, and

    especially dont throw themin peoples yards.

    DIME BINGO!Ladies!

    Bring your lunch and lets get together.

    Dessert provided.

    It costs only a dime a game, winner take all!

    + .25 for the bank which gets raffled back tosomebody each January.

    Come to the Main clubhouse on the Second

    Thursday, at noon! For more information call

    Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294

    Dime Bingo Dessert Schedule:


    August: Bridgette

    September: Fannie


    November: Joy

    December: Party

    LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULEThe Lunch Bunch meets on the third

    THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of each

    month at 12 noon. All are welcome.

    2009August 20 Olive GardenSeptember 17 Hometown BuffetOctober 15 Elephant Bar November 19 Sweet TomatoesDecember Christmas Party

    Coordinator: Joy Cunningham, 785-4609

    NOTICEPer state law, no one under the age

    of 18 is allowed in the clubhouseduring Bingo


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    Join your neighbors for National Night Out!Americas Night Out Against Crime!

    National Night Out showcases the vital importance of police-communitypartnerships and citizen involvement in our fight to build a safer nation.

    FREE BAR-B-QUE!Tuesday, August 4, 2009 5:30-7:00 P.M.

    Poolside patio at Main Clubhousesponsored by SR-1 Management, Neighborhood Watch, and NERT

    Reps from the Hayward Police Department usually stop by.The kids will be able to check out the police car and ask questions.

    Please come and meet your neighbors and management.Stick around after you eat to get acquainted with other residents.

    Balloons Games Prizes DrawingOur neighborhood will join others throughout Hayward and thousands of communities nationwide for this26th Annual National Night Out crime and drug prevention event. National Night Out, which is spon-sored by the National Association of Town Watch and co-sponsored locally by Hayward NeighborhoodAlert, will involve more than 9,800 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and mil-itary bases around the world.

    Meeting started 7:05 p.m.

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Treasurers Report.

    Beginning balance: $1,517.28

    Deposits: $187.00

    Expenses: $219.66.

    Current balance: $1,485.42

    Last flea market made

    $162.95 and sold 25 tables.

    HMOA: Next meeting Septem-

    ber 12, 2009 at New England


    Another Flea Market is in the

    works. Its planned for two days,

    August 19 & 20, 2009. Looking

    for volunteers to work at Flea


    There are two bills going to

    Senate to be voted on: AB 761

    and AB 566. AB761 is going to

    do away with rent control in

    mobilehome parks. Would make

    selling mobilehome hard, rents

    could be higher, $2,000 mo.

    AB566 - condoizing - buy your

    land where your mobilehome is

    sitting on. Needs 51% of people

    in parks to pass. Well be putting

    out flyers urging everyone to call

    or fax Assembly members on

    these issues.

    Took a vote to hold

    Association meetings eve r y

    other month and Board meet-

    ings on the off months. Vote

    taken and passed.

    Association meetings: Au g ,

    Oct, Dec, Feb, April (election),

    June and so on.

    Board meetings: Sept, Nov.

    Jan, Mar, May, July and so on.

    Special guest coming to

    August Association meeting.

    Inspections are being done in

    the park. They seem to be done

    ra n d o m l y. Some people are

    being asked to paint their hous-

    es and sheds even though they

    are not that old. So if youre not

    sure whether you should do it or

    not, check your park rules and

    question everything that doesnt

    seem right. Dont be bullied into

    something that doesnt make


    Hotline has returned 887-

    0463. What is the Hotline?

    Keeps residents updated on

    important issues in the park.

    Meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m.

    Meeting minutes submitted by

    Marisa Leasure,



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    Top Ten Things You'll Never Hear a Dad Say

    1. Well, how 'bout that?... I'm lost! Looks like

    we'll have to stop and ask for directions.

    2. You know Pumpkin, now that you're thirteen,

    you'll be ready for unchaperoned car dates.

    Won't that be fun?

    3. I noticed that all your friends have a certain

    "up yours" attitude ... I like that.

    4. Here's a credit card and the keys to my newcar GO CRAZY.

    5. What do you mean you

    want to play football? Figure

    skating not good enough for

    you, son?

    6. Your Mother and I are going

    away for the weekend ...

    you might want to consider throwing a party.

    7. Well, I don't know what's wrong with your car.

    Probably one of those doo-hickey thingies

    you know that makes it run or something.Just have it towed to a mechanic and pay

    whatever he asks.

    8. No son of mine is going to live under this roof

    without an earring now quit your belly-

    aching, and let's go to the mall.

    9. Whaddya want to go and get a job for? I

    make plenty of money for you to spend.

    10. Father's Day? aahh don't worry about that

    it's no big deal.

    Comedy Corner contributed by S. Higman (no. 176)(most copyright info unknown - web-exchange)

    The JugglerA driver was pulled over by a police officer for


    As the officer was writing the ticket, shenoticed several machetes in the car. "Whatare those for?" she asked suspiciously.

    "I'm a juggler," the man replied. "I use those inmy act."

    "Well, show me," the officer demanded.

    The driver got out the machetes and started

    juggling them, starting with three, then more,and then finally seven at one time. He juggledthem overhand, underhand, and behind theback, putting on a dazzling show and amazingthe officer.

    As another car passed by, thedriver did a double take, andsaid to himself, "I've got togive up drinking! Look at thetest they're giving now."

    Naming your child

    There was a woman who was pregnant with twins, andshortly before they were due, she had an accident and

    went into a coma. Her husband was away on busi-ness, and unable to be reached. While in the coma,she gave birth to her twins, and the only personaround to name her children was her brother.

    When the mother came out of her coma to find shehad given birth and that her brother had named thetwins, she became very worried, because he wasn't avery bright guy. She was sure he had named themsomething absurd or stupid.

    When she saw her brother she asked him about thetwins.

    He said, "The first one was a girl."The mother: "What did you name her?!?"

    Brother: "Denise!"

    The Mom: "Oh, wow, that's not bad!What about the second one?"

    Brother: "The second one was a boy."

    The Mom: "Oh, and what did you name him?"

    Brother: "Denephew."


    After being away on business, Timthought it would be nice to bringhis wife a little gift."How about some perfume?" heasked the cosmetics clerk.

    She showed him a bottle costing $50.00."That's a bit much," said Tim, so she returned

    with a smaller bottle for $30.00."That's still quite a bit," Tim complained.Growing annoyed, the clerk brought out a tiny

    $15.00 bottle."What I mean," said Tim, "is I'd like to see

    something really cheap."

    The clerk handed him a mirror.

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    Injured andorphaned wildlifeare welcomed andcared for at SulphurCreek. This bright-eyed fledgling waslucky, many of theother victims of thesenseless cruelty atSR-1 didnt make it.

    Surviving Swallows ReleasedSulphur Creek Nature Center informed us that the

    surviving baby birds, left by vandals in the small club-

    house after the break-in the first

    weekend in June, have been

    released back to the wild.


    Hello Jeanie,I've just finished reading the story about the baby birds

    that were stolen from their nests and was compelled towrite to you. I am stunned and beyond angry that some-one without a soul and heart could do such a horrible act.Such innocent creatures, I just don't understand.

    But, my intent of this e-mail is for positive thoughts. Iknow that fencing in the area around the under bridge isnot something that is possible, so then my thoughts turnedto how to guard the nests, but then I also realize there isno way of guarding the nests from being vandalized again.So, unfortunately my thoughts are now to keeping theparent birds away so they can find another area that issafe for them to raise their babies. Is it possible to putsome type of spikes or something else to keep the parentsfrom being able to build their mud nests under the over-

    pass? Can you contact Sulphur Creek or Animal Controlto find out if something can be installed?Can you please follow up in the next newsletter on the

    condition of the babies that were brought to SulphurCreek?

    I hope that Karma comes around and revisits the perpe-trators 10 times over!

    Thank you, Yvonne Buff


    Baby swallows, many already dead or dying, were collected andtaken to the rehabilitation facility after being discovered in thevandalized SR-1 small clubhouse. Photos by Darlene Richardson

    Sulphur Creek hopes to expand their aviary, shown here, tohouse more species of birds and create more space to care forinjured and orphaned birds. Photo by Jeanie Schultz

    Will Rogers, who died in a plane crash with Wylie Post

    in 1935, was probably the greatest political sage this coun-

    try has ever known. Enjoy the following:1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

    2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

    3. There are 2 theories to arguing with a woman

    neither works.

    4. Never miss a good chance to shut up.

    5. Always drink upstream from the herd.

    6. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

    7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it

    and put it back in your pocket.

    8. There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by

    reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of

    them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for

    themselves.9. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of

    that comes from bad judgment.

    10. If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back

    every now and then to make sure it's still there.

    11. Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n

    puttin' it back.

    12. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so

    good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came

    along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull,

    keep your mouth shut.

    THE WISDOM OF WILL ROGERS Submitted by Ruth Horton

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    Damage: It has been reported

    that a mail box was run over on

    Miranda. We do not know if this

    was on purpose or an accident.

    Damage: The fence and house on

    Granada were run into. It was an

    accident and the police were called.

    Stolen: A bike was stolen from a

    residence on La Corona. We do not

    know if it was recovered.

    Report from Hayward

    Neighborhood Alert Meeting:

    Red Light Cameras: There are

    5 Red light cameras in Hayward at

    the present time.

    Winton at Hesperian East and

    West bound (2)

    West B St. at Second

    Eastbound Industrial and


    Northbound Hesperian and

    West A St.Graffiti Detectors: They are

    like a smoke detector except when a

    spray can is depressed and the

    aerosol propellant is released, a

    message is sent to the police station

    and a car is dispatched to that loca-

    tion. First one was installed


    D o n t forget 7/29 C a r a v a n,

    the kickoff for National Night Out,

    starting at the JC Penney parking

    lot, and August 4th National Night

    Out by the pool.

    Neighborhood Watch Meetings

    are the second Tuesday each

    month. Next meeting August 11,

    2009 in the clubhouse

    Kevin Kelly and

    Darlene Richardson


    August 11, 2009

    7:00 p.m.

    in the Clubhouse



    2009 CITY EVENTSThurs, September 24CrimeFree Multi-Housing Training

    Mon, September 14Community Academy

    HaywardNeighborhood AlertMonthly Meetings

    Wednesday, August 26

    Wednesday, September 30

    Free Spay or Neuter,with vaccination,

    for feral cats living in the cities of Hayward,Union City, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo or San Leandro

    Phone: Hayward Friends of Animals(510) 886-7546

    Gratis!Vacunas y castradon femenina

    o macho para gatos salvaje/feral.Para gatos que viven en Hayward, Union City,

    Castro Valley, San Lorenzo o San Leandro

    Llamar al telfono: (510) 886-7546Hayward Friends of Animals


    FEED IT!Sure, you feel sorry for that

    stray cat or dog, but if you feedit, it WILL stick around and perhaps not go back to itsrightful family.

    Dont leave pet food outside!

    Food left out will attractraccoons, stray

    pets,opossums,and othervarmints!

    Onlyindoorpets are

    permittedin the park so dont encourageoutside animals to stay!


    Please notify the office ifthere is a problem with park

    facilities or lighting. Call ifyou need a tree trimmed or

    drains are blocked.

    ALSO, call the office to reportsuspicious activity, solicitors,

    excess noise, etc.

    Report criminal activity tomanagement, but ALSO to

    the police andNeighborhood Watch!

  • 8/14/2019 ElToroAugust09



    JUNE FLEA MARKET Photos submittedby Norma Moore

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    J U N E C R E E K C L E A N U P& G RA F FI T I P A I N T O U T

    The bimonthly cleanup of the creek that runs down theother side of the wall behind the houses on Mirandadrew a good crew. Now that this is the third time thatthe area has been gone over, we were almost able tocover the whole stretch. Not quite, though, more help isneeded. Its great to see all the ducks and herons enjoy-ing the (now) free flowing water. Come join us!Clockwise from top left, Darlene and Marsha pull out debris; Pat, Judy,Marsha and Darlene decide who is the dirtiest; Judy bags trash; Dave,Kathy and Nichole paint out graffiti below pedestrian bridge; John, Dave

    and Dawn haul the bigger stuff our of the creek bed with ropes. Alsopitching in were Kevin, Derek and Brandy, and Gary, who regularlypaints the gates chocolate brown. Photos by Pat Smith and Jeanie Schultz

    N E X T C L E A N U PA U G U ST 2 2 9 a m -1 p m

    Meet outside back gate at entrance to bikepath. Gloves, picks, bags provided.

    Sign up at USAService.org, email Dawn at

    [email protected] or just show up!

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    All SR-1 seniors* are eligible and invited to participate in

    SPECTRUM MEALSA government-sponsored program for seniors over 55.Es un programa guvernamental para ancianos mas de 55 aos.

    Tuesdays & Thursdays in the main SR1 Clubhouse(except holidays)Martes y Jueves en el Clubhouse (menos dias feriados)

    NOTE! Signups are required. You must call before noon the day before.Tiener que registrarse antes de doce un dia nates. Llamen a Ruth Horton 732-6671.

    Call Ruth Horton 732-6671for reservations or information. (Help is invited, too.)

    Meal served at 4:30 p.m. Come early to chat.Las comidas estaran servidas a las 4:30 p.m.

    Illegue temprano para socialisar se lon ellos.

    $3.25 at door Non-seniors/Guests $4.75 10 Dinner Tickets: $30.00$3.25 en la puerta. Los invitados pueden atendes por $4.75.

    Donations are always accepted.

    *NON-SENIORS AND GUESTS ARE WELCOME WITH ADVANCE RESERVATIONS.Family visiting? Bring em! Too hot to cook? Come on up!

    A complete balanced meal for less than $5.00 and all you have to do is call the day before!


    Dog Owners!PICK IT UP!

    Its your responsibilityto pick up yourdogs waste anddispose of it.

    GUARANTEED!Come and Eat !!

    I t s a S N AP!

    (Senior Nutrition and Activities Project)

    Cat Owners!Keep em IN!

    Only indoor petsare allowed in the park.

    Keep your cat in the house ands/he wont be out digging in

    someones flower bed.

    Be a responsible pet owner!

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    July 10, 2009

    Otis Spunkmeyer, Inc.

    14490 Catalina Street

    San Leandro, CA 94577

    Re: donation

    Spanish Ranch I Co-Op and Neighbor-

    hood Emergency Response Team (N.E.R.T.)

    would like to thank you immensely for the

    generous donation of your GREAT cookies

    for our July 4th Ice Cream Social and our

    August 4th National Night Out BBQ.

    We are non-profit organizations that con-

    centrate on community involvement and

    e m e rgency preparedness. Our goal is to

    enhance the quality of life in our mobile

    home park and the surrounding neighbor-hoods.

    The Ice Cream Social was a great success,

    with over 150 residents served. We couldnt

    have done it without you.


    Spanish Ranch I Co-Op and N.E.R.T.

    o l d - f ash io n ed ICE CREAM SOCIAL

    More than 150 bowls of ice cream weredished up during Julys Ice Cream Social.We went through the ice cream fasterthan planned (too big of scoops), butmore arrived quickly and all were servedexcept maybe one person who didntwant to wait. Thanks to Dave whoarranged for the donation of OtisSpunkmeyer cookies which were a bighit. Another batch of these great cookieswill be available at National Night Out.

    Photos by anyone who had the camera

    Above Pat and Marshadispense toppings andcookies; left, facepainterDarlene gets painted bygranddaughters Reyna(l) and Jaeleigh; below,Kathy (l) and Sophia dis-play artwork. Bottom,Ruth, Kevin and Jeanie

    dole out the cold stuff.

  • 8/14/2019 ElToroAugust09


    Many thanksto all residentswho have been

    cleaning up theiryards, pulling

    weeds and tidying

    up their places.Mgmt


    POOL RULES1. Pool hours are from 9 am to 9 pm. Pool is open

    May through October. Therapy pool is operated andheated year round.

    2. Pools are for the exclusive use of residents andtheir guests. All guests must be accompanied by aresident and the resident is responsible for the con-

    duct of their guests. Only four guests per space areallowed, at any one time, and on a space available


    3. Children under 14 should be accompanied

    and supervised by an adult when using the pool ortherapy pool.


    5. All persons using pool or therapy pool mustshower pool side before entering pools. Anyoneusing suntan oils, lotions, or other ointments must re-

    shower before entering pools.

    6. Persons in swimming suits or trunks, wet or dry,

    will not be allowed in the clubhouse.

    7. Swim fins, diving masks, rubber floats, toys,

    balls and the like are not permitted in the pools.

    (Individual swim goggles, baby life jackets and armfloats for small children are OK.)

    8. Screaming, running, horseplay, cannonballing

    and diving are not allowed in the pools.

    9. Only manufactured swim wear in good condi-

    tion may be worn in the pools.



    10. No food, alcoholic beverages and/or glass

    containers are permitted anywhere in the pool area.

    11. No bobby pins or jewelry in pool.

    12. Residents climbing over or under the fence

    around the pool will lose their pool privileges.

    IMPORTANT! Please read

    THE POOL IS OPEN!Remember, we lock up at 9 pm so please start get-

    ting out of the pool and hot tub so youre ready toleave promptly at 9 pm. We want you to enjoy the

    pool just follow the rules and make it easier on usas well as yourselves. Come, and enjoy!

    Join theLadies Club

    at noon on thesecond


    DIME BINGO!Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets get

    together. Dessert provided.

    It costs only a dime a game, winnertake all!

    + .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to

    somebody at the first gathering in January.

    Come to the Main clubhouse on theSecond Thursday, at noon!

    For more information callLorraine Schmuck 783-7294

    Ladies Dime Bingo is for mature women whowould like to get together for sharing ideas.

    HMOAInformation about the Hayward

    Mobilehome Owners Association, a

    coalition of residents of Hayward's nine

    mobilehome parks is available at


    Seal of Approval

    Newspaper TubesNewspaper tubes donated by the local

    newspapers are used to notify residents of events

    via flyers and the monthly park magazine.Please call the office and let them know if you

    need a tube installed at your home. 783-5535

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    Resident Suggestion / Objection Form

    We welcome your views and suggestions on how to improve the quality and range of services we provide at

    the community you reside. This form will allow residents to provide feedback to management on services,

    suggestions for improvements, or general concerns.

    While we are attempting to promote a harmonious community atmosphere, sometimes incidents occur which

    may infringe on your enjoyment of the Park or perhaps you may have a suggestion or positive feedback to

    share. In order to remedy the situation when appropriate, we request all complaints and/or suggestions to be

    submitted to management in writing.

    Type of communication: (Please check one that applies)

    ____Concern about Park Facilities ____Concern about Park Management

    ____Concern about park residents ____Suggestion

    ____Positive Feedback ____Other: _________________________________________

    Name of Community: ______________________________________________ Space Number:_____________________

    Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Full Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Detail suggestion, feedback, incident or concern (specify date, time and place if applicable):




    What action do you think is appropriate?




    Because of repeated complaints, in extreme cases, eviction proceedings may be initiated against an offend-ing park resident. In compliance with California law, it may be necessary to use this statement for documen-

    tation purposes. Consequently we cannot insure complete confidentiality.

    Signed: _____________________________________________________________________Dated:_____________________

    Print name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    ______ This form is for informational purposes only and does not require a response.

    ______ I wish for a response. My telephone number is:_____________________________________________________

    Equal Housing Opportunity

    Management Office Use Only: Received On:__________________ Form of Delivery: __________________

    Disposition __________________________________________________________________________________



    Please provide a copy of this form to the Los Rancheros Association Board and keep a copy for yourself.

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    Come Get a Book!Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are avail-able for the free exchange of books by parkresidents. Stop by and browse any time theclubhouse is open. There are lots of books tochoose from!

    Clubhouses available foryour events!

    Both the main clubhouse and thesmall clubhouse may be reserved by

    residents for private events.Call the office, 783-5535,

    for information.

    NOTICE TO THE COMMUNITYThe Editorial Policies listed below are set by the

    publisher of this magazine and not by the editor.

    These cannot be arbitrarily changed by a subscribing mobile-

    home park, by an individual editor or by action of any

    resident group.

    The Guidelines are quite clear that disputes are not to

    be aired on these pages but that this magazine be a

    source of information and enjoyment.

    These pages are open to all residents organizations and

    management but the material submitted is expected to be

    positive, non-confrontational, and not political.

    Since the very first issue of the El Toro,

    as with all newsletters, the editor has reserved

    the right to edit for space orlibel.

    Since libel and slander can take many forms, such as

    libel by innuendo (i.e., insinuating by a question that

    wrongdoing has occurred), Submitted material will not

    appear if there is any possibility of libel.

    The Editor

    From the EditorArticles that appear in the El Toro are presented as an

    informational service to the residents. Contents are the optionof the editor but do not necessarily represent the opinion ofthe editor, the homeowners association or management.

    Reader response is welcome. Your article must be inmy paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to mye-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month. Allsubmissions must be signed with your name/phone num-ber included, as any article must be verified. Your name

    will not appear, if you so request.Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articles

    considered in bad taste will not be printed. Submissionsmust meet the Editorial Guidelines set forth below byMobile Home Park Magazines.

    Whenever possible, the editor prefers to capture key-strokes for material to appear in the El Toro. If you aretyping something up, you might as well type it directly intoan e-mail and send it to me that way.

    PLEASE DO NOT FORWARD EMAIL. Forwarding expos-es MY e-mail address to YOUR whole broadcast list and IDONT want THEIR forwards.

    If you are submitting an item someone-mailed to you,COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window to send to

    me: [email protected], Jeanie Schultz, editor

    EDITORIAL POLICIES(http://mobilehomeparkmagazines.com/mhbsite/editorial/rules.aspx)

    The Mobile Home Board publications informs and pro-motes the mobile home system; residents, managementand those that serve the mobile home community.

    The Mobile Home Board publications are not politicaltools. They are a source of information and enjoyment forpark residents. To ensure this policy we have developedthe following guidelines:

    Editorial Guidelines:

    Editor is responsible for gathering information and

    sending it to us in a form they want. Each editor mustallow all residents organizations and management to par-ticipate in the publication.

    The publication is not to be used for disputes by eitherresidents or management. Mobile Home Park Magazinesmust remain neutral in all resident/management issues topreserve the integrity of the magazine. Not all residentsare on one side or the other of an issue. Since we do notresearch each story, we cannot use Mobile Home ParkMagazines to weigh either side of these very fragile rela-tionships.

    Resident political organizations are asked to limit theirinformation to meeting notices and reports of chaptermeetings.

    No listings of in-park-services (i.e. babysitting, handy-men, Avon, etc.)

    TRANSPORTATION (effective July 1, 2009)#391 SHOPPERS SPECIAL Leaves hourly (10:10,

    11:10 a.m., 12:10, 1:10 pm) on TUES. and FRI. forSOUTHLAND from in front of Main Clubhouse.

    RETURNS at 11:57, 12:57 & 1:57 p.m.Ask for transfer if you plan to return on the bus.

    #77 AC TRANSIT BUS Leaves for downtown every hour5:53 am-5:50 p.m. M-F. Bus stops outside the park across

    from Ruus Park. To go to Tennyson Shopping Center, busstops at corner of Ruus Park. Catch return bus at Tampa side

    of shopping center. Sat.-Sun. service 8:31 am-6:31 pmAC Routes 83/86Early morning weekday bus service on

    Tennyson Road starts at 4:48am (to South Hayward BART),and last 83/86 leaving South Hayward BART is at 10:37pmAC TRANSIT FARES $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and

    65+ is $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an additional 25.

  • 8/14/2019 ElToroAugust09


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    DINNER4:30 p.m.


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    Nhood Watch7 p.m.


    Meeting7:00 p.m.

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    DIME BINGOnoon






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