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Lets Talk Email Etiquette

Plenty of professionals still don’t know how to use email appropriately

People send and receive many messages a day

Many end up making embarrassing mistakes

These mistakes could be detrimental in a professional interaction

No Capital letters – this is shouting

You can easily miss a spelling error while typing out an email on your smartphone

You may come off as too casual or unprofessional in tone or content

Subject LineInclude a clear, direct subject line

People often decide to open an email based on the subject line

Subject LineWrite a subject that lets readers know, you are addressing their concerns or business issues

Smartphone usage

Smartphone usageSmartphone usage is sky rocketing

According to latest statistics 65% of emails are now opened on a mobile device

FontsAvoid tiny fonts. 14 for body text and 22 for headlines

People turn down the brightness level on mobile device to conserve battery

FontsSo, a strong contrast of colours is recommended

Dark text on a light background. Avoid coloured fonts in professional situations.

Content - conciseBe as concise as possible in content

Screen real estate is very valuable on mobile

Content - conciseSo focus on the essentialsKeep the message clear, simple and concise

Use, a single clear call to action

Content - conciseMultiple calls to action make things complicated

Remember, the content should be concise

Content - conciseTell your readers what you want them to do

Make it really clear & easy for them to do so

Email address-professionalAlways have an email address that conveys your name so that the recipient knows exactly who’s sending the email

Email address-professionalNever use email addresses that are not appropriate for use in workplace such as babygirl, partyboy, cooldude

Reply All – Think twiceRefrain from hitting “reply all” unless you really think everyone on the list needs to receive the email

Salutations-professionalDon't use laid back colloquial expressions like, “hey you guys, “yo”

Salutations-ProfessionalHey is an informal salutation and should not be used in the workplace. Yo is also no

Hi or Hello is fine. No shortening of anyone’s name

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