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Page 1: Embodiments of Love!
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Embodiments of Love!

HE ELDERLY COUPLES WHOparticipated in the BheemaRatha Santhi function today

experienced great joy. But it is also

necessary to understand the innermeaning of this ceremony. The nameBheema does not signify mere physicalstrength though Bheema couldperform any mighty task with success.

Bheema was the son of Vayu (wind god).Wind is all-pervasive, all powerful and ispresent everywhere. Thus, many divinequalities characterised Bheema. People

generally tend to recognise merely thephysical strength of Bheema, ignoringhis immense mental and intellectualpotentialities.

Man does not remember God in happy times. He remembers Him only when heis in difficulties, and blames Him for all his sorrows as if God has caused them.



(Telugu Poem)


62 March 2005

The world can benefit a lot fromelderly people. None can estimatethe immense spiritual power theypossess. The ancient Rishis of

India were the embodiments of thisgreat spiritual power. The noble

thoughts propounded by them aremost valuable. They made

marvellous plans for the blissfulfuture of man. The objective

behind holding this function is torecognise the great spiritual power

of these elders so that theyoungsters are inspired to follow

the ideals set by them.

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Inner Significance of Bheema RathaSanthi

There are certain traditional rules for theperformance of Bheema Ratha Santhiceremony. But there is no age restriction assuch for it. Normally, married couplescelebrate the Shastyabdha Poorthi ceremonyto invoke the grace of God for peaceful andhappy married life when the husband attainsthe age of 60 years. But attaining the age of70 years is considered highly significant andauspicious. It is celebrated as Bheema RathaSanthi. Similarly, reaching the age of 80, 90or 100 years is an occasion for thecelebration of Bheema Ratha Santhi. But dueto the effect of Kali Age, the youngsters todaydo not understand and appreciate theimportance of these holy occasions, andneglect their parents when they cross theage of 60 years. They think that their parentshave no place in the house and they shouldlive like Sannyasins (renunciants). This is aserious mistake. On the other hand, theyshould take greater care of their parentswhen they attain the age of 60 years andabove.

Many people presume that those beyondthe age of 70 years are useless and a burdenon the family and society. But this is not true.In fact, the enthusiasm, dynamism andmental strength increase after a personcrosses 70 years. It is only after attainingthe age of 70 years that man’s will powerand Atmic strength develop in full measure.Prior to that, he behaves like ordinary humanbeings and does not strive to set an exampleto others. But after the age of 70 years,man’s mental faculties and divinepower blossom to the highest extentand prompt him to set new goals in

life. Consequently, such elderly personsponder and explore new secrets of life. Thedivine power possessed by these elderlypersons is not seen in the youth. It manifestsin many ways in their actions. Today, we findseveral youngsters talking ill of their parentsand making fun of them. This is a gravemistake. Instead, if one analyses carefullytheir actions, one will find that every actionof the elders is purposeful and divine innature. If the youth of today wish to learnhow they should face the challenges of life,they should live with their parents and imbibetheir noble qualities by constantly observingthem. In fact, there can be no match for theaccomplishments of the elders after theycross the age of 60 or 70. Their intellectualacumen and divine qualities can show a new

path to mankind. When you realisetheir great qualities, it will bring abouttransformation in your own life.


The elders are endowed with exaltedand noble thoughts. They set highly

valuable ideals to the youngsters.Unable to understand the value of

their thoughts, the youngstersdisregard them and do not pay anyheed to them. It is to be noted withadmiration how the elders broughtup their children in a proper waywith concern and enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, today we grudgeeven one square meal a day to them.

This is highly deplorable.

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Ancient Rishis were the Embodimentsof Great Spiritual Powers

Embodiments of Love!

People today neglect the eldersconsidering them of little worth. This is notcorrect. In fact, the energy and will power ofthe elders are not to be found in the youth.When you wish to undertake a new task, youshould seek the guidance of the elders toachieve success in it. The age of 60 years isconsidered as the age of retirement fromservice. But man’s full potential develops atthis age only. Retired scientists are highlyvaluable to society. None can match theirintelligence and acumen for new inventions.But their services are not being properlyutilised for the benefit of society. Thus,immense potential of the elders remainsunutilised. In fact, man is unable torecognise the qualities of his fellow humanbeings. The term Manava means a personin whom the quality of humanness blossomsin its fullness. The elders are endowed withexalted and noble thoughts. They set highlyvaluable ideals to the youngsters. Unable tounderstand the value of their thoughts, theyoungsters disregard them and do not payany heed to them.

It is to be noted with admiration how theelders brought up their children in a properway with concern and enthusiasm.Unfortunately, today we grudge even onesquare meal a day to them. This is highlydeplorable. What you give to elders will comeback to you tenfold. The world can benefit alot from elderly people. None can estimatethe immense spiritual power theypossess. The ancient Rishis of Indiawere the embodiments of this great

spiritual power. The noble thoughtspropounded by them are most valuable.They made marvellous plans for the blissfulfuture of man. The objective behind holdingthis function is to recognise the great spiritualpower of these elders so that the youngstersare inspired to follow the ideals set by them.Our ancients investigated the noble idealsof the great saints and sages andpropagated them to the whole world. Theyrealised the greatness of these Rishis. Eventhe kings and nobles derived great benefitfrom the great wisdom of the Rishis byseeking their advice regularly. The greattreatises on spiritual and temporal matterscomposed by these great Rishis of yore are

a subject of study and enquiry eventoday. Unfortunately, modern youthare not able to understand even a


The enthusiasm, dynamism andmental strength increase after a

person crosses 70 years. It is onlyafter attaining the age of 70 years thatman’s will power and Atmic strengthdevelop in full measure. Prior to that,

he behaves like ordinary humanbeings and does not strive to set an

example to others. But after the age of70 years, man’s mental faculties anddivine power blossom to the highest

extent and prompt him to set newgoals in life. Consequently, such

elderly persons ponder and explorenew secrets of life.

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fraction of the great truths expounded inthose treatises and lack the spiritual wisdomattained by ancient saints and sages.Therefore, we should promote theperformance of this great ancient traditionof Bheema Ratha Santhi from now onwards.It has great significance and value for the

coming generations. It signifies thenourishment and nurture of the quality ofhumanness through spiritually elevating andnoble endeavours.

Draupadi Symbolised the Power of theAtma

Once when Bheema and Draupadi weresitting together on the bank of a river,Draupadi asked Bheema, “Wheredoes the Atma dwell?” Draupadi was

highly intelligent and could answer thisquestion herself. She was the embodimentof truth and righteousness. She was readyto make any sacrifice for the sake of herhusbands. She symbolised the power of theAtma. So, Bheema kept silent and allowedDraupadi to explain the principle of the Self.

The Atma is the primordial principle ofdivine power. Though it uses the vesture ofthe body, it is neither the body nor the mindnor the Buddhi (intellect) nor Chitta (mindstuff) nor Ahamkara (ego sense). When yougo closer to a jasmine plant, you experiencethe fragrance of jasmine flowers. Do you thinkthe fragrance is coming from the flowers?

No, no. It is caused by the divinepower given by God to jasmine flower.Divine mysteries are beyond the


People today neglect the eldersconsidering them of little worth. Thisis not correct. In fact, the energy andwill power of the elders are not to befound in the youth. When you wish

to undertake a new task, you shouldseek the guidance of the elders to

achieve success in it. The age of 60years is considered as the age ofretirement from service. But man’sfull potential develops at this ageonly. Retired scientists are highly

valuable to society. None can matchtheir intelligence and acumen for new


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comprehension of man. Draupadi revealedsuch divine mysteries which were not knownto anybody. We should therefore try tounderstand the greatness of Draupadi.

She taught many tenets of Dharma toArjuna also. During the Mahabharata war,after the gruesome massacre of the youngPandava children, Arjuna tracked downAswatthama, the perpetrator of the atrocityand dragged him before Draupadi. Insteadof cursing the evil doer, she persuadedArjuna not to kill Aswatthama who was theson of her husbands’ most revered Guru.

Oh Partha! It is not righteous to kill aperson who is afraid or has lost courage,who is asleep or intoxicated, who seeksrefuge or is a female. You should notkill Aswatthama, for he is yourpreceptor’s son. (Telugu Poem)

Draupadi further pleaded with Arjuna toforgive Aswatthama for his heinous act.Arjuna replied, “You are preventing me fromkeeping up my vow.” To this, Draupadi said,“Tonsuring his head and removing the crownjewel from his head is equivalent to killinghim.” As per Draupadi’s advice and as atoken of punishment, Arjuna shaved off hishead with his sword and took the crown jewel.

In ancient times, the Rishis were notshaving off their hair since their hair wasendowed with sacredness and power. OnceDraupadi was alone as her husbands hadgone out. She took out one strand of hairfrom her head and dropped it in water,chanting some Mantras. That single hair withthe potency of Mantras could bind all thehills around. Later on, a number of Rishiscame together and enquired as tohow a single hair could bind allthe hills around. They concluded

that it was the strength of the hair ofDraupadi and her will power that couldperform this stupendous task. It is difficultto comprehend such la ten t d iv inephenomena. Unfortunately, today man isunable to realise his innate divinity. Thoughborn as a human, he is forgetting the veryquality of humanness. He is cultivatingdemonic qualities.Avatars Manifest their Divinity in manyWays

Dear Students!

Get rid of demonic qualities and develophumanness. Only then can you rise to thelevel of divinity. Always remember threethings – unity, purity and divinity. Unityimplies the oneness of human race. Wherethere is unity in humanity, divinity willmanifest there. Avatars manifest their divinityin many mysterious ways.

Once I stayed in Goa in the Raj Bhavanwhen Nakul Sen was the Lt. Governor ofGoa. His wife’s name was Indu. I slept in thefront hall of the Raj Bhavan. Nakul Sen andhis wife slept in their bedroom. There was awindow in their bedroom from where theycould see what was happening in the fronthall. After I slept, Nakul Sen’s wife sawthrough the window a brilliant light emergingfrom My body. Unable to bear the effulgenceof that brilliant light, she tried to wake up herhusband. Nakul Sen would not like to bedisturbed at that hour. He admonished hernot to disturb him. But she insisted that herhusband should wake up and witness thatbrilliant light emanating from Swami’s navel.At last, Nakul Sen woke up and had the divine

Darshan of that effulgence.

In the early years of the Advent ofthis Avatar, a great devotee by name


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Karanam Subbamma used to serve Swami.Her devotion to Swami was unparalleled. Inthose days, caste differences werewidely prevalent and were observed strictlyin Puttaparthi. Especially, the Brahminsused to keep distance from the Harijans.Since Subbamma was an orthodoxBrahmin, she used to observe thesepractices meticulously. One day, I informedSubbamma that I would be visitingthe Harijanwada (colony of Harijans).Subbamma felt very unhappy and tried todissuade Me from going to that place,saying, “Oh Swami! Why should You visitthat place?” I asked her, “Why should I notgo? Why should I not eat the food offeredby the Harijans? I will certainly go there.” Sosaying, I started for the Harijanwada.However, as she was a great devotee ofSwami and was very much attached to Me,she followed Me. The people living in theHarijanwada were very poor. They had noamenities in their house. They spread an oldcloth on the floor and requested Me to sit.After eating the food, I felt drowsy and fellasleep. Thereafter, a big sound emanatedfrom My navel. The people in the house werefear-stricken and ran out on hearing that loudsound. Thus, the Divine power manifestsfrom the bodies of the Avatars in manydifferent ways. Similar is the mysteriouspower of the hair. That is why the ancientsages had long hair.

Long ago, when I went to some Africancountries on tour, the devotees therepresented Me with an iron brush. However,I had no necessity for it. If ever I put the brushin My hair, it would get stuck. My hairis so thick and strong. This body isnearly 80 years old. Still, the hair on

My head is very strong. Even if one tries topull out one hair, it is not possible. It is full ofimmense power. This is the mystery behindthe hair of divine personalities and ancientRishis. In fact, every individual has certaindivine powers, which he should try to nurture.One should enquire within and know thereality. Today the youth are not making anyeffort to protect their God-given energy. Theyare frittering away their energy in ever somany ways. They waste a lot of energy dailywith the result that they become prematurelyold. I am now nearing 80 years. Can yousay I look like an 80-year-old man? No, notat all. I do not have even a single white haireven at this age (loud applause). Especially,the head is the seat of all power. That is whyyou see an effulgent halo around the headof divine personalities. Hence, one shouldcarefully protect one’s head.

Embodiments of Divine Atma!

You are all men and women of noblequalities and are strong in body and mind.But, unfortunately, you are wasting yourenergy in vain pursuits. You become weakby wasting your energy. When I clench Myfist, not even ten persons can open it. Divinepower is immeasurable and beyonddescription. All of you should try to realiseyour innate divinity and enjoy eternal bliss.The divine power latent in a human beinghas no limits. Whether it is fine arts like musicor any other human endeavour, when it issuffused with divine power, it reachesgreat heights. Offer your talent to God andsanctify your life.

– F r o m B h a g a v a n ’ s D i v i n eDiscourse in Sai Kulwant Hall,Prasanthi Nilayam on 10thFebruary 2005.

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68 March 2005

HERE was virtually a downpour ofheavenly bliss in Sai Kulwant Hall,Prasanthi Nilayam when Bhagavan

Sri Sathya Sai Baba performed the spiritualmarriages of 275 elderly couples in a uniquefunction named “Bheema Ratha Santhi” on10th February 2005. More than 100 of thesecouples were from Puttaparthi and othernearby villages. A few days before thefunction, Bhagavan sent a team of doctorsto check the health of these elderly couplesin villages to ensure their active participationin the function. He also directed theorganisers to provide wheelchairs to thoseelderly couples who had difficulty in walking.

On 9th February 2005, i.e., one daybefore the function, Bhagavan distributedwedding clothes and gold and silverornaments to the elderly couples which theywere to wear on the day of the function.Sai Kulwant Hall, the venue of thefunction, was beautifully bedecked forthe occasion. There were beautiful

banners with writing “Bheema Ratha Santhi2005” on all corners of the Hall which wasdecorated with bright colour festoons andother decorations. The dais was speciallydecorated with garlands and bouquets offlowers. Elegant enclosures were made inthe Hall for seating each couple separatelywith low level railings on which silk curtainswere fixed. Two chairs were placed in eachenclosure for the couples, and a table wasprovided on which the entire Puja materialwith a photograph of Bhagavan was placedfor the performance of the ceremonies.Mango leaves and plantain saplings tied tothe enclosures invested the place withauspiciousness and gave the entire SaiKulwant Hall the look of a vast wedding hall.

On the morning of 10th February 2005,the couples dressed in their wedding

garments assembled in Sri Pedda VenkamaRaju Kalyana Mandapam inPuttaparthi village, from where theywere to come in a procession to Sai

A view of grand function of “Bheema Ratha Santhi 2005” in Sai Kulwant Hall.



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Kulwant Hall, the venue of Bheema RathaSanthi 2005 function. This unique processionof 275 elderly couples in their finest weddinggarments started from the KalyanaMandapam exactly at 8.00 a.m. At the headof the procession were the Veda chantingstudents of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus. Thencame the brass band and Nadaswaramtroupe of the Anantapur Campus of theInstitute. They were followed by a group offolk dancers in their tribal finery, whoenlivened the occasion by their folk dance.This magnificent procession meandered itsway through the main bazaar of Puttaparthi.Huge crowds of villagers came out of theirhouses to see this unique procession. Thisgrand procession entered Sai Kulwant Hallat 8.30 a.m. As the folk dancers took thecentre of the Hall for their performance, theorganisers conducted the couples to theirseats in a very orderly manner. All the while,Bhagavan blissfully stood at the portico ofthe Mandir watching the couples in theirwedding finery and kept showering His divineblessings on them.

The ceremonies for the performance ofspiritual wedding of the couples started withthe worship of Lord Ganesh. As the Vedicpriests chanted the Mantras, the couplesperformed the worship according to theinstructions given by the priests. Each couplewas accompanied by a student of AnantapurCampus to help them in the performance ofthe rituals. The students had receivedinstructions from Bhagavan Himself on theprevious evening regarding their dutiesduring the function. Bhagavan had takencare of such meticulous details so thatthe function had all its traditionalflavour and the ingredients of amarriage function. After the worship

of Lord Ganesh, the sacred ceremony ofRaksha Bandhan (sacred protective thread)was performed in which the couples tied thesacred thread on each other’s wrist amidstchanting of Vedic Mantras. After RakshaBandhan, the couples took the vow to standby each other in attaining the goals of life –Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Usually,in marriage the couples take the vow for thefirst three goals, but in the spiritual marriagethe priests instructed the couples to repeatthe vow for Moksha also as directed byBhagavan. This made everybody realisewhat sacredness was attached to thisspiritual marriage. The next ceremony wasto put jaggery mixed with cumin seeds oneach other’s head with chanting of Mantras.

The sacred moment of tying the MangalSutra by the husband around the neck ofthe wife was drawing near. Ocean ofcompassion that Bhagavan is, He Himselfwent to each and every couple and handedover the Mangal Sutra to the husbands withHis blessings. Before this ceremony of tyingof Mangal Sutra, the couples were instructedto perform Lakshmi Narayana worship, silveridols of which were given to them. Beforetying the Mangal Sutra they chanted thesacred Mantras as instructed by the chiefpriest to worship the Mangal Sutra. Theauspicious moment came at 10.05 a.m.when the husbands tied the Mangal Sutraaround the neck of their wives with theaccompaniment of band and Nadaswarammusic and chanting of Vedic Mantras. Afterthis, the couples poured yellow rice on each

other’s head. Everybody was delighted tosee this ritual. Bhagavan Himself cameto some of the couples and blessedthem by sprinkling Akshatas (sacred


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rice) on them. After this, the couplesexchanged garlands. The grand functionof Bheema Ratha Santhi concluded at10.30 a.m. with chanting of benedictionMantras by the priests.

During the performance of theseceremonies, there was virtually a showerof precious gifts from Bhagavan which theorganisers and senior devotees gave to thecouples. The couples, their relatives andall devotees were offered a sumptuous andgrand wedding feast after the celebrationof the marriage. Dinner on the previousnight was also offered to the couplesearlier.

By far, this was one of the grandest andfinest functions organised at PrasanthiNilayam. No effort was spared by theorganisers to make it a most glorious eventof Bhagavan’s 80th Birthday celebrations.The hearts of the elderly couples wereinundated with gratitude for their BelovedSwami under whose Divine guidance thisunprecedented and unique function wasorganised.

This grand function had some veryspecial features. The main feature of thisfunction was that the Avatar of Kali AgeBhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Himself gaveMangal Sutras to each couple and showeredHis blessings on them to achieve not onlythe goals of Dharma, Artha and Kama butMoksha also. Elsewhere marriages areperformed in a ritualistic manner, but thesespiritual marriages were performed not onlyfor the peace and happiness of the couplesbut for their spiritual growth andredemption also. Another uniquenessof this function was that it wascelebrated for Loka Kalyana (peace

and happiness of the world). It was directedtowards establishing world peace and unityof all religions through collective prayers atthe Lotus Feet of Bhagavan.

The grand finale of this function came inthe afternoon with the Divine Discourse givenby Bhagavan when He explained thesignificance of this function and emphasisedthe need to revere and respect the elders.(Full text of Bhagavan’s Discourse has beengiven in this issue elsewhere.) To add furtherjoy to this occasion, renowned Carnaticmusician Padma Shri Smt. SudhaRaghunathan enthralled the devotees inSai Kulwant Hall with her delightful devotionalmusic. Besides classical Ragas, shepresented soul-stirring Bhajans to the delightof all. Bhagavan blessed the artiste andmaterialised a gold chain with a locket forher. The music programme which started

at 5.20 p.m. after the Divine Discourseof Bhagavan came to a close at 6.05p.m. with offer of Arati to Bhagavan.


An elderly village couple after the performance ofthe ceremonies. There were more than 100

couples from villages who participated in theBheema Ratha Santhi function.

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Embodiments of Love!

HETHER ONE IS A PAUPER ORa millionaire, intake of food isnatural to every human being.

But, having attained the sacred human birth,it is unbecoming of man to spend his entirelife merely for the sake of filling his belly.Why don’t you spend a few moments incontemplation of God instead of spendingyour entire lifetime in pursuit of physicalcomforts? There are, of course, a few peoplein this land of Bharat who sanctify their timein contemplation of God. But a vast majorityof people are wasting their human birth invain pursuits.

Do not Crave for Fleeting Pleasures

Embodiments of Love!

It is not only in Srikakulam district but inmany other places all over India that peopleare struggling to eke out their livelihood. Inspite of straining hard, they are unable toattain peace, happiness and comfort. Onlythose who are spending their time incontemplation of God are able to experiencepeace and happiness. People sufferbecause they spend all their time andenergy in mundane pursuits. They arenot able to enjoy mental peace andphysical comforts in full measure. The

body is like a water bubble. It is nothing buta bundle of bones. Mind is like a madmonkey. It is a mistake to strive for thepleasure of the transient body and waveringmind. It is, of course, the duty of everyhuman being to make efforts to keep thebody healthy, so that he is not dependent

on others. But many people spend theirentire life in pursuit of physical comforts and

pleasures. There are only a few whoare centred on eternal peace andhappiness. Human birth is meant to


You struggle hard in life merely for the sake of filling your belly. You acquiremany forms of knowledge from various fields. But you are not able to enjoytotal bliss. So, take refuge in God and contemplate on Him. He will certainlyshow you the right path.

(Telugu Poem)



Namasmarana is the only wealththat lasts forever. Therefore,undertake this Sadhana as a

lifelong activity. Whether your voiceis good or not, continue to sing theglory of God at least in your heart.Thereby, you will acquire merit that

will protect you throughout yourlife. If you do this Sadhana, Godwill always help you in all yourendeavours, be they physical,

moral, worldly, religious or spiritual.

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experience divinity and not to crave forfleeting pleasures. Human body is a divinegift. Instead of making its proper use foradoring God, it is being put to improper use.Do not be under the mistakennotion that body is meant foreating and enjoying physicalpleasures only. Certain dutieshave been assigned to man byperforming which he will be ableto experience happiness at thelevel of the body, mind, sensesand spirit. One should enquirewhat the purpose of human birthis. The goal of man’s life isliberation.

This body is a den of dirt, andprone to diseases; it is subjectto change from time to time; itcannot cross the ocean ofSamsara (worldliness).

(Telugu Poem)

The body should be used asan instrument to rise from thelevel of humanness to divinity.Human life is redeemed onlywhen we experience divinity.There are many people who aremaking efforts in this direction.But only a few are able to realisethe truth and achieve the goal.One may undertake any type ofactivities but one should alwaysaspire to attain peace of mind. Withoutpeace of mind, every endeavour of man willonly add to his restlessness.

Embodiments of Love!

You are really fortunate to havecome here all the way from

Srikakulam in spite of your financialconstraints and various other difficulties.Swami is very well aware that all of you havecome here to experience divine bliss. You

were feeling sad that Swami did not talk toyou even after two days of your stay here.In fact, last night you were all praying

intensely. In response to your sincereprayers, I have decided to addressyou this morning. It is not My intention


Love is the only wealth that does not diminish.It is the property of God. Therefore, cultivatepure and selfless love. God’s love will alwaysfollow you wherever you are and will protect

you at all times. Do not ever consider thatmoney alone constitutes your wealth. In fact,

love is your real wealth. The wealth of lovealways grows; it never diminishes. Only thosewho realise the principle of love will be able to

understand this truth.

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to satisfy you with mere words. I am readyto extend all the help required to fulfil youraspirations (loud applause). Many of you arefacing problems due to shortage of water.Some of you do not have even proper foodto eat. Food and water are very essentialfor everyone. Do not give room to worry andanxiety. God is not stone-hearted. His heartis filled with compassion. He will certainlytake care of your needs. Swami’s concernfor you is hundred times more than that youhave for yourself. You need not worry at all.Develop the feeling that difficulties andsuffering are for your own good. Eveninsurmountable difficulties will vanish like thinmist when you have firm conviction. Hence,do not be unduly perturbed about yourproblems. Difficulties come and go. Not onlypoor people, even a millionaire cannotescape from difficulties. Swami blesses youall that you will be out of your difficultiessoon.

Chant the Divine Name Constantly

Consult the elders of your villages andtake the help of those who are willing tocooperate with you. I will see to it that thereis plenty of water available in themountainous area of Srikakulam district. Donot be depressed or bogged down by smallproblems. Having put on the vesture ofhuman body, one cannot escape fromdifficulties. The physical body may undergodifficulties but you should see to it that yourmind rests in peace. Mind is the basis ofhappiness for everyone. All physical comfortswill be of little use without peace of mind.Only through contemplation of Godcan you attain peace of mind and notby any other means. Hence, chant

the Name of God incessantly unmindful ofthe difficulties that come in your way. It isbecause of contemplation of God’s Namethat you have been able to experience peacein spite of the innumerable difficulties youfaced. God is the refuge of the poor and theforlorn. He is always with them through allthe vicissitudes of life. Do not think that Godis in some distant land. God is by your sidealways. In fact, He is present in the innerrecesses of your heart. Never think that Godis away from you at any point of time. Neitherfriends nor relatives can come to yourrescue. God is your sole refuge. Hewill protect you under all circumstances.In spite of numerous difficulties, the

Bharatiyas never swerved from theGodward path. If Bharat occupiesa pivotal position among all


Even when you are undergoingdifficulties, always think that theyare meant to bring you happiness.

Every human being undergoesdifficulties only to enjoy happinesslater. However, he does not realisethis during the period of suffering.

But in course of time, when sufferingends and happy days arrive, hewould realise the truth. Hence,always remember the truth that

sorrows and difficulties areprecursors of happy days ahead. Infact, real happiness comes out of

difficulties only.

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nations, it is only because of Bharatiyas’unwavering devotion to God. There aremany affluent countries where people leada luxurious life, but they do not have peaceof mind. It is the good fortune of theBharatiyas that they are able to enjoy peaceof mind. Their devotion to God is responsiblefor this. It is the culture of Bharat that hasbeen protecting the Bharatiyas in all respectssince ancient times. The glory and grandeurof this culture is beyond all description. Onewho has peace of mind will have moralstrength. Hence, chant the Divine Nameconstantly.

Yesterday you went round the entirevillage of Puttaparthi singing the glory ofGod; thereafter, you entered the portals ofPrasanthi Nilayam and experienced peace.It is not possible to experience peace by anyother means. Hence, never forget God.Sanctify your time by chanting His Name.Contemplation of God should be man’sconstant endeavour. There may be somejealous people who will try to dissuade youfrom chanting God’s Name. They may say,“What is the use of chanting God’s Name? Itwill not help you to eke out your livelihood.You have to work hard for your survival. So,stop chanting God’s Name.” Do not pay heedto such narrow-minded people. Never forgetGod’s Name. You may not be aware, peopleall over the world are facing hardships.Theyare suffering from physical ailments andmental agitation. Only the Bharatiyas areable to enjoy peace of mind because of theirdevotion to God. There is no happinessgreater than experiencing peace of mind.Difficulties are Precursors of HappyDays Ahead

Mental peace can be obtainedonly by constant contemplation of

God. This cannot be purchased from themarket. It is only by constant contemplationof God that mental worries can be overcome.This is the experience of people all over theworld.

To be born is a worry, to be on the earthis a worry; world is a cause of worry anddeath too; entire childhood is a worry andso is the old age; life is a worry, failure isa worry; all actions and difficulties causeworry; even happiness too is amysterious worry. (Telugu Poem)

Only contemplation of God will removeall types of worries. This is the royal path forman to achieve freedom from worries.Adopting any other path in place of thissacred and noble path will only land you inworries and troubles. March forward on thisdivine and glorious path. All your actionsshould bring you peace and happiness, nottroubles and tribulations. Even when you areundergoing difficulties, always think that theyare meant to bring you happiness. Everyhuman being undergoes difficulties only toenjoy happiness later. However, he does notrealise this during the period of suffering. Butin course of time, when suffering ends andhappy days arrive, he would realise the truth.Hence, always remember the truth thatsorrows and difficulties are precursors ofhappy days ahead. In fact, real happinesscomes out of difficulties only.

Embodiments of Love!

You are the repository of unlimited love.The more you share it with others, the more

it grows; it never diminishes.Supposing, you go up a hill and singthe glory of God. The divine vibrations


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will spread to a large area and the peoplehearing it even at a distance will feelhappy and peaceful. Children also feelhappy when they listen to music. Musiccasts its charm on animals too. Even theheart of a stone-hearted person will meltby Namasankirtan. The history of India isreplete with instances which establish theefficacy of Namasankirtan as a mean toattain peace and bliss.

Suppose you are digging a pit. When thesoil is taken out from it and stacked by itsside, it forms a mound. The soil that is dugout of the pit and the soil that is piled upnext to the pit are the same. When youredeposit the piled up soil in the pit, it getscovered up. This is what you have torealise today. You need not feel sorry,“Oh! I have fallen into this pit ofsorrows and difficulties. How can I

come out of this? How am I to bear this?”Fill by your devotion to God the soil ofhappiness into the pit of suffering. It is onlyby your devotion that you can overcome yourdifficulties.

Love is your True Wealth

Embodiments of Love!

You have come here because of your loveand devotion to Swami. Go back to your

places with the same feelings of love anddevotion. After reaching home, continue toexperience the same bliss that you haveexperienced in the presence of Swami.Then, you will forget all your difficulties and

worries. Happiness and sorrow comein our life to develop in us the spirit ofequanimity.

Having put on the vesture of thehuman body, one cannot escape from

difficulties. The physical body mayundergo difficulties but you should

see to it that your mind rests inpeace. Mind is the basis of happiness

for everyone. All physical comfortswill be of little use without peace of

mind. Only through contemplation ofGod can you attain peace of mind

and not by any other means. Hence,chant the Name of God incessantly

unmindful of the difficulties thatcome in your way.

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Pleasure and pain, good and bad coexist,none can separate them. You cannot findpleasure or pain, good or bad to theexclusion of the other. Pleasure resultswhen difficulties fructify. (Telugu Poem)

Embodiments of Love!

Love is the only wealth that does notdiminish. It is the property of God. Therefore,cultivate pure and selfless love. God’s lovewill always follow you wherever you are andwill protect you at all times. Do not everconsider that money alone constitutes yourwealth. In fact, love is your real wealth. Thewealth of love always grows; it neverdiminishes. Only those who realise theprinciple of love will be able to understandthis truth. You have given joy to allby the Namasankirtan you have doneyesterday in the streets of Puttaparthi.Continue this Namasankirtan wherever youare throughout your life. Especially, whenyour spirits are down with sorrow, sing full-throated the glory of God. Never feel diffidentto sing the glory of God, thinking that othersmay make fun of you. Irrespective of whatothers may think or say against you, continuethis sacred activity of Namasankirtan. Youwill then be charged with divine power.

Develop Divine Love

Embodiments of Love!

I am very happy that you are allgathered here. I bless you that youalways have joy, happiness, comfort andpeace. Today 5000 devotees from yourplace have come here to share thehappiness of Swami’s proximity. Allof you, please go to the canteenand partake of Swami’s Prasadam

happily. Swami’s Prasadam will becomeAkshaya (inexhaustible) and cause Kshaya(end) of all your sorrows and difficulties.Everything that is granted by Swami issuffused with love. Whatever is granted bySwami is always free. God will never havemonetary considerations. Wherever anyservice activity is associated with money,i t b e c o m e s t a i n t e d . T h e e n t i r eproperty of Swami consists of love only.This divine love should become your verylife-breath. All your past Karmas will bewashed away if only you cultivate this purelove.

Embodiments of Love!

Having come here from such a longdistance, fill your hearts with love. Some timeago, there was a singer by name SaluruRajeswara Rao. He used to visit Swamiregularly. He remained absorbed so muchin music that he would sing while walking instreets, unmindful of what others thought ofhim. Today his son has come here to presentdevotional songs in the presence of Swami.Devotional songs fill the hearts of peoplewith overwhelming joy. Rajeswara Raoused to sing a particular song on Sri Krishnamelodiously “Challagaalilo YamunathatipaiShyama Sundaruni Murali …” (ShyamaSundara is melodiously playing His flute onthe banks of the Yamuna, while the coolbreeze is blowing). His voice as well as hisfeelings were sweet. Both Rajeswara Raoand another devotee Adi Naryana Raoused to come here regularly. They

composed “Sai Katha” and sang thosesongs melodiously. The lives of suchpure-hearted devotees are sanctified,

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wherever they may be. Those who sell theirGod-given talents can never be truly happy.Rajeswara Rao and Adi Narayana nevermade business out of their musical talents.They sang with love and devotion andexperienced bliss. Such devotees, whetherdead or alive, attain eternal glory. There wasanother well-known devotee by nameGhantasala Venkateswara Rao. Heunderwent many difficulties. But he wasalways devoted to Swami. Whenever he wasin a difficult situation, he used to sing,“Oh God! Won’t You pull me out ofthese difficulties?” Even when he was sickand was hospitalised, he used to sing lyingin the hospital bed, “Oh! Lord! How long haveI to suffer this agony! Won’t You relieve meof this pain?” Once I went to the hospital tosee him. I consoled him saying, “My dearGhantasala! Never think of these difficultiesand suffering. These things happen to testyour faith in God. You should come outsuccessful in this test by constantNamasmarana.”

A devotee who is constantly engaged inNamasmarana under all circumstances willbecome immortal. Namasmarana is the onlywealth that lasts forever. Therefore,undertake this Sadhana as a lifelong activity.Whether your voice is good or not, continueto sing the glory of God at least in your heart.Thereby, you will acquire merit that willprotect you throughout your life. If you dothis Sadhana, God will always help you in allyour endeavours, be they physical, moral,worldly, religious or spiritual. Always pray toGod before eating your food. By doingso, the food will be sanctified and its

essence will be assimilated in your body.Your heart will also be purified. That is why,our ancestors prayed thus before partakingof food:

Brahmarpanam Brahma HavirBrahmagnou BrahmanahutamBrahmaiva Thena GanthavyamBrahma Karma Samadhina.

(Brahman is the ladle as well as the oblation.He is the sacrificial fire as also the sacrificer.And finally, Brahman is the goal of one whois engaged in the act of sacrifice.)

When you pray in this manner before youpartake of your food, God immediatelyresponds thus:

Aham Vaishvanaro BhutvaPraninam DehamasritaPranapana SamayuktaPachamyannam Chaturvidham.

(I am present in all beings in the form ofdigestive fire. United with the Prana(exhalation) and Apana (inhalation), It is Iwho consume the four kinds of food.)

The prayer thus made invokes animmediate response from God. Thatis reaction, reflection and resound.Therefore, constantly engage yourself inNamasmarana which will confer bliss on you.

(Bhagavan concluded His Discourse withthe Bhajan, “Hari Bhajan Bina Sukha SanthiNahin …”)

– From Bhagavan’s Address toSrikakulam devotees in Sai Kulwant

Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam on 23rdAugust 2004.

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A Drama on the Unity of Religions

The Bal Vikas students of Vizianagaramdistrict of Andhra Pradesh presented abeautiful dance drama on the theme of unityof religions in Sai Kulwant Hall, PrasanthiNilayam on the afternoon of 4thFebruary 2005.

As the story unfolds, a sacred mountainis shown symbolically to represent Divinity.The followers of each religion claim it as theirplace of worship and fight among themselvesuntil the revelation comes to them through abeautiful song, “Manava Jati, PremaMatamu, Sai Daivam …” which conveysthe teachings of Bhagavan Sri SathyaSai Baba: There is only one race, therace of humanity; there is only one

religion, the religion of love; there is only oneGod who is omnipresent.

The drama emphasised the truth thatfights between the followers of differentreligions were meaningless as the source ofall of them was one Divinity, though they callit by different names. Beautiful dances and

acting of the children, sweet andappropriate songs contributed tothe successful portrayal of thetheme of unity of faiths. The dramawhich began at 4.00 p.m. in theDivine Presence of Bhagavan cameto a close at 4.30 p.m. At the endof the drama, Bhajan singingstarted. The Bhajans were first ledby Vizianagaram devotees andlater by the Institute students. Theprogramme came to a close withoffer of Arati to Bhagavan.

Chinese New Year Celebrations2005

Chinese (lunar) New Year wascelebrated at Prasanthi Nilayam onthe 9th lunar day which fell onThursday, 17th February 2005. Onthis occasion, a magnificentprogramme of devotional musicwas presented by the Chinese

devotees who had come from Singapore andIndonesia to celebrate this auspicious dayin the Divine Presence of Bhagavan SriSathya Sai Baba. At the outset, a group ofladies devotees highlighted the mainfeatures of Chinese New Year celebrations

which are held for 15 days. On the NewYear Day, children dressed in brightcoloured new clothes pay their

A scene from the drama presented by the Bal Vikasstudents of Vizianagaram district of Andhra Pradesh in

Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam.

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respects to their parents and parents-in-lawand seek their blessings for the New Year.People exchange a pair of oranges for goodluck and prosperity when visiting friends andrelatives. Adults give to children red packets(hong bao) with their good wishes. Besidesnarrating these traditional features of thecelebrations, the devotees enacted thesesacred practices to the delight of all. Chinesechildren in their white dress paid theirobeisance to their Divine Parent BhagavanBaba, offered a pair of oranges to Him andreceived blessings from Him. They alsooffered a basket of oranges and another ofred packets containing sweets to Bhagavanwho graciously blessed these which werelater distributed as Prasadam to all thedevotees.

After performing these traditional rituals,the Chinese devotees started their musicalprogramme. They began with a prayer songpropitiating the god forms of Siva, Vishnu,Narasimha, Lakshmi and Varaha. Next, theysang 17 Chinese songs expressing their loveand devotion to Bhagavan as well as to LordKrishna, Buddha and goddess of mercy. Inthe end, they sang Chinese Bhajans. Thepleasant surprise was their Bhajan in Teluguwhich their lead singer sang and the entiregroup followed line by line. Bhagavan’s lovecan do many miracles, and this was onewhich every devotee witnessed when theentire group sang the Bhajan in chasteTelugu!

After this music programme, Bhagavanblessed two speakers to address thegathering. The first speaker was SriWee Lin who shared with all his

personal experiences of Bhagavan’s Divinity.He also spoke about the Seva activitiesundertaken by him and his team of Saidevotees in North Korea when it was hit bytidal waves. At the end of his speech,Bhagavan delighted everyone when Hematerialised a gold chain with a locket forhim. The second speaker was Sri Anil Kumarwho observed that the word “Sai Ram” wasuniting the entire world and was acting as apanacea for all the ills of man today whenman was miles and miles away from smiles!Bhagavan Baba, he said, will always cometo our support. At this, Bhagavan asked himto repeat what he had said. When Sri AnilKumar repeated his words, BelovedBhagavan said, “Not just support you; Hewill come and literally lift you up.” At the endof Sri Anil Kumar’s speech, Bhagavan againwaved His hand and created a large diamondring. Sri Wee Lin who had received a goldchain a few minutes earlier was againblessed with the ring too. Bhagavan lovinglyslipped the ring onto his finger.

At the conclusion of the function, orangeswere distributed as Prasadam to all thedevotees. Another traditional ChinesePrasadam of red packets containing sweetswas also distributed. Bhajans started afterthe distribution of Prasadam. The functioncame to a happy conclusion with Arati toBhagavan at 5.00 p.m.

A Scintillating Mridangam Recital

The devotees at Prasanthi Nilayam hada rare treat of Mridangam music when

Mridangam maestro Padma BhushanSri Umayalpuram Sivaraman ofChennai gave a scintil lating


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performance in the DivinePresence of Bhagavan SriSathya Sai Baba on theafternoon of 19th February2005 in Sai Kulwant Hall.The Principal of SathyaSai Mirpuri College ofMusic, Sri R. Krishnamurthysang various Ragas to theaccompaniment of SriSivaraman who gave a soloperformance also. It was athrilling moment for both theartistes when Bhagavanexpressed His appreciationby applauding the emotional finishing of thesong ‘Devadi Deva’ in Sunada Vinodini Raga.The scholarly rendering of Purva KalyaniRaga Kriti ‘Parama Pavana Rama’ also drewovation from the devotees for the briskSwarakalpana and the scintillating TaniAvartam of Sri Sivaraman. The programmewhich started at 3.25 p.m. enthralled theaudience for over half an hour and came toa close at 4.10 p.m. At the end of theprogramme, Bhagavan materialised abeautiful gold bracelet for Sri Sivaraman.Bhagavan also honoured him and SriKrishnamurthy with a silk Dhoti, and gaveclothes to Sri Ajit Prasad, a student of SathyaSai Mirpuri College of Music who very ablysupported Sri Krishnamurthy in vocal.

Thyagenaike Amrutatthwamanasu: ADrama

The students of Brindavan Campus of SriSathya Sai Institute of Higher Learningenacted a beautiful drama on thetheme of sacrifice in Sai Kulwant Hall,Prasanthi Nilayam on 24th February


2005. Taking several episodes from thePuranas and the freedom struggle of India,the drama portrayed how the people ofBharat practised the ideal of sacrifice to setthe highest standards of noble and ideal life.Episodes from the lives of Karna, Bharataand freedom fighter Khudi Ram Bose werepresented in a realistic manner to show theidealism of the Bharatiyas that it was onlysacrifice which could lead man toimmortality. The drama successfullydepicted through these episodes and thetransformation of a young painter how thissacred land of Bharat was Punya Bhumi,Karma Bhumi and Thyaga Bhumi (the landof merit, action and sacrifice). Bhagavan SriSathya Sai Baba sat through the entireperformance and gave the participants thecoveted opportunity of group photo with Himat the end of the drama. The drama whichstarted at 4.15 p.m. came to a conclusion at

5.35 p.m. with Arati to Bhagavan.Prasadam was distributed to all inthe end.

A scene from the drama “Thyagenaike Amrutatthwamanasu”(only sacrifice grants liberation) enacted by the students of

Brindavan Campus of the Institute in Sai Kulwant Hall.

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HE FLOWERS of Bhagavan Baba’sgrace and blessings were in fullbloom as the Overseas Sathya Sai

Organisations continued to respond with loveand compassion to the needs of the victimsof the tsunami disaster.

Sri Lanka

Sri Sathya Sai International MedicalCommittee initiated a disaster relief effort,providing medical treatment and counsellingfor the needy. An eighteen-member team ofdoctors, nurses and volunteers from the USAand Canada under the leadership of Dr.Mahesh Ghayal departed for Sri Lanka on29th January 2005. Upon arrival, they metthe leaders of Sri Lanka Sai Organisationand several villages near Batticoloa wereidentified as areas that were in greatneed of assistance. The team discernedtheir needs and delivered the requiredservices to the stricken communities.Functioning as a unit of Sai selflessworkers, they provided comprehensiveaid in the form of medical treatment,psychological counselling and socio-economic assistance to the survivors ofthe catastrophe. Most importantly, theyprovided Sai love.

The flowers of Swami’s graceappeared in many shapes and hues.Children were comforted and counselled.One mother and father lost four youngdaughters, only one son survived. Theparents were despondent and hadlost their will to live. The teammembers gave them psychological

counselling, Swami’s Vibhuti, love, hope andencouragement. The next day the fatheremerged from his profound depression, themother came for Bhajans and the son whosurvived remembered how to smile.

Dr. Allen Levy conducted a workshop formembers of Sri Lankan Sai Organisation sothat they could continue the uplifting serviceafter the team left. These workshops on reliefand rehabilitation work were interactive andinspirational. The team counselled more than1400 men, women and children. Medicalclinics were conducted in tents and the teamtreated 108 patients.

The team distributed bed sheets, clothes,bicycles, sewing machines, items for

personal hygiene and toys for the children.School uniforms and school supplieswere given to the students. Food wasserved to the people in the nearby Sai


Distribution of bicycles by Sri Sathya Sai SevaOrganisation, Sri Lanka.



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Centre and in addition food packages weredistributed to people in the relief camps withlove and humility, emulating the Grama Sevaperformed by Swami’s students.

Gayatri Mantra was chanted forprotection and purification of the surroundingareas. At the camp sites, children sangBhajans and the National Anthem of SriLanka. All who participated, the servers andthe served ones alike, were spirituallyuplifted.


During the first week of February 2005 atask force from the Sathya Sai Centre ofMedan, Indonesia installed two waterpurification units in an area nearLhoksuemawe, Aceh. These units are verymuch needed to supplement the limitedsupply of water provided by the Government.Sri Sathya Sai Central Council of Indonesiais currently working with the Government ofIndonesia to assist in the rebuilding of Aceh,which was devastated by the earthquake andtsunami. The Sai Centre of Medan is nowengaged in serving the refugees who havebeen housed in shelters by the Governmentin the Lhoksuemawe area.


On 29th December 2004, a team oftwenty-five Sai devotees left the capital forthe South. They travelled in one of theSathya Sai School buses and anothervehicle. The bus went straight to Krabi, oneof the worst hit areas in Thailand, andpreparations were made to open a kitchenfor distribution. Medical supplies,clothing, blankets, water and foodwere taken to the site.

All volunteers met the local people and aplan of action was conceived. The planincluded three areas in which Sai service wasvery much needed. The first was at thePracha Santhi Suk Foundation, which hadbeen converted into an area to receive theremains of hundreds of people who did notsurvive the tsunami. Sister Lorraine Burrowsand other Sai devotees worked from morninguntil night assisting the people who weresearching for their relatives. There was adesperate need for volunteers who couldspeak both English and Thai as well as otherEuropean languages in order to assist thethousands of foreign visitors who werelooking for their loved ones. The second areawas at Krabi hospital. Here also there was agreat need for translation and understandingfor the patients and foreigners in the hospital.

The hospital also served as one of the focalpoints for the distribution of food,medical supplies and clothing. Thethird area was the preparation and

Sai devotees engaged in preparing food. Thedevotees prepared food from morning till

evening for distribution in Thailand

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distribution of food. Devotees worked frommorning till evening preparing food. Morethan one thousand boxes of vegetarian foodwere distributed everyday.

On 23rd January 2005, a medical campwas held in a school in Chengdau, a district80 kms from Chengmai. 262 people wereseen by the medical team and medicineswere given to patients. Bhajans were sungduring the whole session. Clothes, quilts,slippers, eating utensils and toothbrushes

were distributed to 300 people. Food wasserved to 720 people, and all felt uplifted.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says, “Itis not so much that other people need ourservice, but rather we who needopportunities to serve.” We, His children, aregrateful for the opportunities He gives us toserve God in man and help us realise andmanifest our divine nature.

– Prasanthi Council

Andhra Pradesh: Srikakulam districtconducted a veterinary camp inKattula Kaviti village treating 1256

animals and vaccinating 192 calves. It carriedout a free medical camp treating 362patients, conducted Grama Seva in 15villages giving food provisions known asAmritha Kalasams (each containing 5 kg rice,1 kg dhal, 1 kg oil and 1 kg tamarind) to 38selected poor families. These families werealso given cooking vessels, Saris and Dhotis.In one of the villages a drinking water wellwas dug. The district organised Sri SathyaSai Divya Sandesh Maha Sabha in Sankilivillage inviting people from 92 villages. 5230people took part in the meeting held on 23rdJanuary 2005, in which significance of NamaSankirtan, Seva and Bhagavan’s message(full text given elsewhere) given on 23rdAugust 2004 to the devotees of the districtat Prasanthi Nilayam were explained. Thisdistrict opened 2 new Bhajana Mandalis inOndrujola and Ohorlangi villages in January2005.

Hyderabad district conducted a veterinarycamp in Veera Reddy Palli village on 23rdJanuary 2005 treating 150 cattle. It carriedout a free medical camp examining 500patients and giving free medicines andidentified 19 cataract cases to be treated atHyderabad. This district started an extendedschool building at Nagayapalli Thanda builtunder Sri Sathya Sai Gurukula Seva Yajnam.On this occasion, Narayana Seva wascarried out to 1000 people. Notebooks andpens were given to all school children. Theschool children trained by Bal Vikas Gurustook part in the cultural programmesarranged on the day.

Kurnool Samithi conducted a free kidneycheck-up camp and advised 12patients on follow-up treatment on 9thJanuary 2005. This district conducted


Sai volunteers distributing blankets to thevictims of tsunami in Thailand.

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a health check-up of 62 inmates of BharatSeva Asramam; they were also providedtoothbrushes, pastes, tongue cleaners, steelplates and glasses. The district conducted aneurology camp treating 15 patients on 16thJanuary 2005. It carried out Narayana Sevafor 58 people on 23rd January 2005 andprovided drinking water in Burujula villageby digging a borewell on 27th January 2005.

Medak district distributed sweets andfruits to 350 prisoners in the District CentralJail at Sanga Reddy town after conductingBhajan and Satsang. Similarly, 100 prisonersin Siddhipet Jail were given sweets and fruitson 25th December 2004. This districtdistributed blankets to 80 selected poorpersons, did Narayana Seva to 800 peopleand performed two free marriages giving thenecessary material to the couples on 1stJanuary 2005 at Siddipet. This districtconducted a medical camp treating 900persons and giving free medicines. It alsodistributed Sai Protein food to 600 children.

Assam, Manipur and N.E. States: In orderto arouse public awareness about BhagavanBaba’s mission and to spread His messageof love, Tinsukia district of Sri Sathya SaiSeva Organisations of Assam, Manipur andN.E. States and other neighbouring districtsorganised a two-day devotees meet on 4thand 5th of January 2005 at the oil town,Digboi. The programmes included aprocession, Bal Vikas cultural programme,exhibition, public meeting, etc.

The people of the town were thrilled atthe huge rally of around 400 persons startingfrom the old Delhi Public Schoolpremises, the conference venue. Itwent through the main roads of

Digboi with banners of messages ofBhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Around 300devotees attended the conference on boththe days. This unique public functiongenerated unprecedented enthusiasm in thearea and it was a happy augury that the youthand the Seva Dal volunteers shoulderedvarious responsibilities with zest. The culturalprogramme of Bal Vikas students wasappreciated by the large number ofaudience.

Delhi: A short-term winter course on IndianCulture and Spirituality for college studentswas conducted from 25th December to 30thDecember 2004 by Sri Sathya Sai Trust,Delhi and Punjab and Sri Sathya Sai SevaOrganisation, Delhi. One hundred and sixtyfive boys and one hundred and fifty five girlsfrom Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana andChandigarh participated in the programme.Besides topics on Indian Culture andSpirituality, students were also exposed tothe concept of Seva, spiritual games, quizand other value-oriented programmes. Thiscourse was held for the third successiveyear.

Karnataka: Fourth Anniversary of theinauguration of Sri Sathya Sai Institute ofHigher Medical Sciences, Whitefield wascelebrated on 19th January 2005 in thehospital premises. The celebrations to markthis event were simple but touching. The daystarted with Suprabhatam in the granddome area of the hospital, after which theBhajan group led the Nagar Sankirtanaround the hospital and the residential

campus. This was followed by greetingthe residents in the campus byconducting house visits. Later,

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patients in the wards and the CCUs wereindividually greeted with a picture of Swamiand a packet of Vibhuti.

The function started at 10.00 a.m. in thedome area with the chanting from theNarayana Suktam.The Director, Dr.A.N. Safaya, thengave his welcomeaddress and brieflyhighlighted the workdone by the hospitalduring the last fouryears, with Swami’sgrace and blessings.It was satisfactory tonote that the hospitalh a d p e r f o r m e dn e a r l y 1 0 , 0 0 0cardiac and neurosurgeries, an equalnumber of cardiaccath procedures ando v e r 2 , 8 0 , 0 0 0consultations during the last four years sinceits inception. There was a panel discussionon the achievements, uniqueness and visionof the Institute. The participants were Dr.A.S. Hegde (neurosciences department), Dr.P.K. Dash (cardiology department), Dr. AnilKumar Mulpur (ctvs department) and Dr.Geeta Rangan (neurology department). Dr.Hegde spoke about the role played byspirituality in the healing process of patientstreated in this hospital, which he attributedto Bhagavan. Dr. Anil Kumar spoke aboutthe uniqueness exemplified in the five S’s,namely, Bhagavan Sri Sathya SaiBaba, Students, Seva Dal, Staff andSelf-satisfaction.

As the main function ended, the inviteeswere taken to the exhibition in the basementof the hospital. The theme of the exhibitionwas “My Life is My Message”. It depictedthrough pictures, quotations and creativelydesigned posters the entire gamut of service

projects undertaken by Bhagavan. This wasfollowed by the inauguration and saplingplanting of the “Sai Nutrition” garden. Thisinitiative by the Institute would serve inimproving the greenery in the hospitalcampus and also produce fruits andvegetables for the canteen and dietarykitchens. There was a Narayana Sevawherein senior functionaries of theorganisation served food to the Narayanas,who were assembled in the campus for theoccasion. This was followed by lunch for allthe invitees.

In the afternoon, there were threeprogrammes: The first was a magicshow for the patients held in one of

Fourth anniversary celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of HigherMedical Sciences, Whitefield (Bangalore) held on 19th January 2005.

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the wards. The second programme wasfelicitation of all the support staff, the silentworkers and the pride of the hospital, whowork round the clock to ensure that thehospital runs smoothly and efficiently, andis maintained spick and span. Three: therewere two friendly volleyball matches whereinstaff displayed their athletic prowess for allto see!

In the evening, there was a culturalprogramme, which began with the groupsong, “Hum ko Tumse Pyar Kitna…” sungby the ladies staff. This was followed by aNataraja dance programme and a skit titled“No Service is Small”, both performed by theBal Vikas children of the hospital. After theevents, the Director distributed tokens oflove and appreciation to all these children,who had put in a lot of effort to make theevening programme a grand success. Thiswas followed by a music programme, whichwas a bouquet of devotionalsongs offered at the Lotus Feetof Bhagavan by some gifteddoctors and staff, who excelled,not only in their area of expertisebut also in the field of music. Thelanguage mix of the songs wasdiverse, from Bengali to Tamiland Oriya to Hindi. The visualprojections of the meaning of thesongs along with appropriateslides served well to heighten the experienceof the event. The fourth anniversary endedwith Arati. In the heart of hearts, everyoneexpressed their gratitude to Bhagavan formaking them a part of His Divine Missionand silently rededicated their lives forthe furtherance of His Mission.

Maharashtra and Goa: Sri Sathya Sai SevaOrganisation, Maharashtra and Goa madea magnificent start of 80th Birthdaycelebrations of Bhagavan Sri Sathya SaiBaba by holding a grand and holy functionentitled “Sri Sathya Sai Namasmarana – ASpiritual Renaissance” at Andheri SportsComplex, Mumbai on 29th January 2005.The programme was inspired by theteachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Babaon the importance of Namasmarana for theredemption of mankind in the Age of Kali andto usher in an era of peace and divinity inthe world. It was presented by Pandit ShivKumar Sharma, a renowned santoormaestro.

Besides Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma,several leading artistes including Sri SureshWadkar, Sri Anup Jalota, Smt. KavitaKrishnamurthy, Smt. Richa Sharma, Smt.Padmaja Phenany Joglekar and Begum

Parveen Sultana (all devotees of Bhagavan)rendered Namasmarana Bhajans in thefunction. The uniqueness lay in the fact thatthey did not sing individual Bhajans but

rendered Namavalis, which arethe hallmark of Sri Sathya SaiNamasmarana Movement.

Leading artistes rendering Namavalis at the Andheri SportsComplex, Mumbai in the function organised by Sri Sathya

Sai Seva Organisation, Maharashtra and Goa.

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The stadium was full to capacity with30,000 people, who sat in rapt attentionlistening to the melodious Namavalis beingsung by all the artistes. The laser show onSarva Dharma Message of Bhagavan wasthe highlight of the presentation, followed byan Audiovisual show on the majorachievements of Bhagavan in the realm ofsocial service. The entire audience of 30,000sat through the entire show which started at6.30 p.m. and concluded at 11.30 p.m.Several celebrities including the Governorof Maharashtra attended the function.

The stage was very magnificently createdby way of a three dimensional set ofPrasanthi Nilayam and the same was lookinggorgeous, creating a feeling for the audienceas if the artistes and the audience wereactually seated in Sai Kulwant Hall atPrasanthi Nilayam. Before the showconcluded with Arati, all the artistes andcelebrities were called on the stage to singtogether, the Namavali dear to Bhagavan,viz., “Mandir Mein Tum Ram Ho Sai, MasjidMein Noor Mohammed…”. This was reallyunique. Indeed Bhagavan’s Divine Presencewas felt by one and all during the entire show.All the artistes were felicitated by a mementoof crystal glass carrying the logo of 80thBirthday celebrations of Bhagavan. Theentire show was covered by ten cameras.Orissa: In the Annual Car Festival at Puri,300 Sai workers and Seva Dal volunteersundertook Seva activities which included firstaid, canteen and food supply, mobile supplyof drinking water, stretcher service, removalof debris and sanitation and cremation ofunclaimed bodies.

Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi,Dharmagarh in Kalahandi districtundertook a project to construct two

kilometre long road for the adopted villageBirmal. The work started on 10th September2004 with 150 Seva Dal volunteers ofDharmagarh Samithi and its BhajanMandalis. The construction work is beingdone on every Sunday and it is to becompleted before the 80th Birthday ofBhagavan Baba.

Sri Sathya Sai Rural Community Centrecum Cyclone Shelter which startedfunctioning on 6th January 2001 has so farprovided free treatment to nearly one lakhpersons.

A district level Bal Vikas rally of Keonjhardistrict was held at Joda from 15th to 17thOctober 2004, in which 201 students and40 Gurus took part. The programme startedat 6.30 p.m. on 15th October 2004 withBhajan and cultural show. Indoor andoutdoor competitions were held on thisoccasion on 16th October 2004, a discussionon the theme “Sai Education and BuildingPersonality” was organised which wasfollowed by a cultural programme. On 17thOctober 2004, a grand rally was organisedwhich covered important areas of the town.In the valedictory session, the participantswere awarded certificates and prizes.Rajasthan: The central objective of SaiMission is “Love All Serve All”. Sai devoteesof Rajasthan have adopted a more effectiveway to spread this basic message to thepeople at all levels through organising “SriSathya Sai Prem Seva Sandesh Vahini”. Itis Rajasthan Parikrama Programme (achariot built on a car depicting Sai activitiesthrough colourful exhibits displayed allaround this chariot). The Vahini glides along

with 400 students from 2-3 schools inbusy market places and thicklypopulated streets.The students

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carry placards bearing Bhagavan Baba’ssayings.

In the valedictory function, the studentswere provided with Sai Prasadam andSai literature specially designed andpublished for this purpose as gift whichreached the parents developing theirawareness about Sai Mission. Also colourfulpamphlets containing short profiles of thelife and mission of Bhagavan Sri SathyaSai Baba were distributed to general public.The programme from 9th September2004 to 25th December2004 had covered 10cities, viz., Bhilwara,Chittorgarh, Ajmer,J a i p u r , U d a i p u r ,J o d h p u r , B i k a n e r ,Padampur, Bhadra andKota. Cooperation ofschool managementand teachers wasconspicuously observedin this programme.Devotees experiencedBhagavan ’s Lee lasduring the organisationof th is p rogrammew h i l e c o v e r i n g 1 1villages for door-to-door Narayana Seva.In these programmes, about 3,500 studentsactively participated and 40,000 peopleobserved these programmes duringVahini’s 95 km Parikrama in cities, towns andvillages of Rajasthan.

An 80-hour Akhanda Bhajan wasorganised by Bhilwara Samithi from 14thJanuary 2005 to 17th January 2005.Devotees from other adjoiningSamithis also participated.

State Conference – 2005 of SaiOrganisation was held on 6th February2005 in Sri Sathya Sai College forWomen, Jaipur. 99 devotees attended anddeliberated on three years action plan inconnection with Bhagavan’s 80th Birthdaycelebrations and other Sai activities.Tamil Nadu: As part of 80th Birthdaycelebrations of Bhagavan Sri Sathya SaiBaba, Sri Sathya Sai Organisation of TamilNadu organised a function at Sundaram on20th February 2005 to honour octogenarian

couples. Significantly, this unique functionwas organised in the Silver Jubilee year ofSundaram. 147 couples of all faiths, includingChristians and Muslims, participated in thisfunction, which was presided over byProf. Rangabashyam, a renowned surgeonand was addressed by a Muslim priest and

a Christian priest. One of thespeakers was Maj. Gen. Aban Naiduwho narrated his experiences of

88 March 2005

147 elderly couples were honoured by Sri Sathya Sai SevaOrganisation, Tamil Nadu at Sundaram on 20th February 2005.

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Bhagavan’s Divinity since the year 1958.Another speaker, Sri Ramamurthy,recollected his student days with Bhagavanat Kamalapuram where Sri Mehboob Khanwas the teacher who had special love forBhagavan. A Bal Vikas student spoke aboutthe glory of Bhagavan. To add joy to theoccasion, mandolin maestro Sri Rajeshgave a performance for half an hour inhonour of the couples. Special care wastaken to prepare food for the couples.Besides wedding clothes, the couples weregiven various other gifts with love andreverence.

A Conference of ex-Bal Vikas students ofTamil Nadu was held at N.K.T. National GirlsHigh School Auditorium, Chennai on 19thDecember 2004. A total of 744 students(338 boys and 406 girls) and 108Gurus participated in this Conference. AllIndia President, Sri Sathya Sai SevaOrganisation, Sri V. Srinivasan deliveredthe inaugural address. The speakers at

An Appeal to DevoteesEveryday, a large number of letters from devotees all over the world arecoming to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Due to His immense love for Hisdevotees, He personally opens and reads every letter, spending much ofHis valuable time. It is but natural for devotees to relate their problems toBhagavan and pray for His grace for their redressal. However, it may notbe necessary to write lengthy letters to Bhagavan relating their problemsand difficulties as though the Omniscient Bhagavan is not aware of theproblems of His devotees. The devotees are, therefore, requested to ensure thattheir letters to Bhagavan are as brief as possible and to the point, confining to notmore than two or three sentences.


March 2005 89

the Conference highlighted the importanceof Bal Vikas in developing values inchildren and making them role models fora new social order. The participantsr e s p o n d e d w i t h o v e r w h e l m i n genthusiasm to the inspiring speeches ofthe learned speakers. This was reflectedin the scintil lating speeches of sixspeakers, both ladies and gents, fromthe alumni. The group discussions thatf o l l o w e d a n d t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n sby group leaders highlighted their deepsense of gratitude to Bhagavan Sri SathyaSai Baba for giving to society this illuminatingmovement for its uplift and well being. Allthe participants expressed their resolve towork for the spread of this movement andserve Bhagavan Baba. At the end of thedeliberations, an action plan was drawn up.The Conference concluded with Mangalaratito Bhagavan in which all the participantsjoined with lighted candles.

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NCE MAHARSHI AGASTYAmet a farmer. Though a man ofvirtues, the farmer was undergoing

a lot of suffering as he was mired in theproblems of worldly life. Maharshi’s heartmelted at the suffering of the farmer, andhe proposed to him, “My dear! Come, I willtake you to Vaikuntha (heaven).” Withoutdenying the offer of going to heaven, thefarmer said, “Swami, my sons are veryyoung. I will definitely go with you after tenyears.”

After ten years, the Maharshi went to himand said, “My dear! The period of ten yearsasked for by you was over yesterday. Nowcome with me to heaven.” The farmer said,“Swami! During this period, my elder songot married. I will go with you after seeingmy grandson.” After the passage of anotherten years, the Maharshi went to the farmer’shouse and stood before it. The farmer wasnowhere to be found. Maharshi saw a dognear the courtyard of the house. By his yogicpower, the Maharshi recognised that it wasthe farmer who had taken birth as dog afterhis death. Giving knowledge to the dog withhis power, the Maharshi asked, “Will you gowith me now?” But the dog said, “My younggrandsons do not know that these aredifficult times as thieves frequent this placeat night. I have to guard this house. I willcome to heaven after ten years.”

After ten years, Maharshi Agastya wentto that house again. There was no dog. Theentire house had undergone change. By hisyogic power, the Maharshi came to know thatthe farmer had taken birth as a snake and itwas living in a hole at the back of thehouse. Below the hole was the moneyhidden in the ground by the farmer.The snake was protecting that money.

The Maharshi decided that this personshould somehow be granted liberation thistime. He called the inmates of the house andtold them, “There is a lot of money underthe hole at the back of your house. But first

you should kill the snake which is holed upthere.” All the inmates of the house joinedtogether and started breaking the hole withiron rods.The snake was forced to comeout. The grandsons of the farmer killed thatsnake with iron rods. The very persons, forthe protection of whose money the farmertook birth as a snake, became the cause ofhis death. From that day, his attachment tolife came to an end. That was the end ofMoha (attachment). Did it bring Moksha(liberation)?

What is the lesson we learn from thisstory? The fundamental cause of man takingbirth again and again are his desires andhis actions with attachment. In spite of being

shown the path of liberation, the farmerin this story did not make use of it.Why? The iron chains of attachmentpulled him down!

Chinna Katha

OEndless Cycle of Birth and DeathEndless Cycle of Birth and Death

By his yogic power, the Maharshi recognised thatit was the farmer who had taken birth as dog.

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92 March 2005

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