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DIVISION: Teacher Education

PROGRAM AREA: Reading, Language & Literature

COURSE: RDG 7100, Emergent Literacy

SECTION: 001/27169

TERM/YEAR: Winter 2017


DAY/TIME: Online



Office: 260 College of Education

Cell Phone: 248-808-0157

Office Hours: Tuesday: 3:00-4:30 pm (260 Education)

Tuesday: 7:40-8:10 (260 Education)



E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description

Examination of a variety of theories, organizations and instructional strategies involved in the

beginning stages of literacy and their applications in the classroom.

Course Standards (Michigan Dept. of Ed. Standards/International Reading Assoc. Standards)

and Outcomes

Standard Outcome Assignment/Activ


1. Students will be familiar with and know

how to effectively use in instruction

literature (children’s, young adult, adult)

that reflects the multicultural diversity of

society and the quality of life in an urban

environment; represents a variety of genre

(traditional, informational, poetic, number

books, alphabet books, etc.); meets

accepted standards of good literature; and

facilitates learning to read and write,

because of factors such as content, interest,

style, and language. (,,,,5.3, 10.2)

Design a text set, varying

along lines of genre,

format, cultural focus,

and difficulty, to be used

as part of an integrated

unit. Describe the

characteristics and

appropriateness of each



Literacy Unit

2. In relation to the process of becoming

literate, students will understand and be

able to describe:

-- --

a. the process of becoming literate in first

and second languages including the

Across the semester,

create and refine written



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factors that affect those processes and

strategies for addressing development of

all cueing systems, (,,,,, 3.4.6/3.3, 6.6)

and/or graphical

descriptions of reading

and literacy.

Miscue Analysis

b. the various models of reading and the

instructional materials and methods that

follow from each, (,,

3.1.4, 3.4.4, 3.4.5,,,

1.6, 2.1, 6.1, 6.2)

Create lesson outlines

using research-based




Presentation on



c. the various methods of writing

instruction and their relationship to the

models of reading (2.3, 3.3.4, 3.4.3,, 9.1, 9.2)

Across the semester,

create and refine written

and/or graphical

descriptions of writing

and literacy.



Presentation on



d. the interrelationship among all language

processes, especially reading and

writing, (,,,,, 2.6, 2.13, 5.6)

Across the semester,

create and refine written

and/or graphical

descriptions of literacy.


Literacy Unit

Miscue Analysis

e. the impact of cultural diversity and an

urban environment on language

development, (, 1.7, 3.1,


Describe the multiple

components of culture

and discourse; create

written reflections of the

role of culture in literacy

in multiple readings.

Book Club

f. The impact of technology on language

development. (

Create written reflections

of the role of technology

in literacy in multiple

readings; create written

reflections on your own

use of technology in






3. Students will be able to describe traditional

and alternative evaluation methods and the

differences between them, evaluate

progress of diverse learners in reading and

writing in a variety of ways and

communicate progress to parents.

(,, 4.2.1,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.1,

5.2/2.6, 2.2, 4.1, 4.3, 10.2, 11.4, 11.5)

Review assessment data

(formal and informal) in

order to evaluate the

information that can be

reliably and validly

obtained from them and

create a plan for

additional instruction and


Case Study





Presentation on



4. Students will be able to plan a classroom

that respects the cultural diversity of

Plan a unit to

authentically engage


Literacy Unit

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



students, invites children to become literate

and provides a warm, supportive

environment for diverse learners with

opportunities in all aspects of literacy.

(3.3.1,,,, 5.5.2/2.2,

2.13, 5.4, 7.6, 9.3, 12.1)

diverse learners in all

aspects of literacy.

5. Students will be able to plan instruction

that develops critical thinking skills

through a variety of texts including oral,

written and visual and that develops critical

response using a variety of forms of

communication. (, 3.2.6,,,

Plan a unit to

authentically engage

diverse learners in all

aspects of literacy.


Literacy Unit

6. Students will be able to plan instruction

that takes advantage of an urban

environment and current technology,

respects the cultural diversity of students

and uses that diversity to an advantage and

considers the contextual factors of the

classroom. (, 4.1.2,, 5.3/ 2.9,


Plan a unit to

authentically engage

diverse learners in all

aspects of literacy.


Literacy Unit

7. Students will be able to enlist parents as

partners in literacy development.


Based on assessment

data, create a parent letter

describing student

progress and research-

based activities that

parents and children can

engage in to support




Book Clubs

Case Study

8. For their own professional growth, students

will become reflective teachers. They will

be able to critically consider and evaluate

material they are reading for this course and

various methods and materials for

instruction and apply content to their own

teaching. (, 5.6.4/13.5, 16.2)

Respond in writing to

readings and colleagues

in ways that indicate

application of new ideas

to prior knowledge and


Talking Points

Book Clubs

9. Students will be able to access information

through LUIS, ERIC, Educational Indexes

and other sources.(

Identify appropriate

academic journal articles

through a database search

related to constructs of

literacy and pedagogy.

Presentation on



Case Study

10. Students will be able to read and respond

critically to assigned and self-selected

material relevant to course content. (2.10,

Respond in writing to

readings and colleagues

in ways that indicate



Book Clubs

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class




application of new ideas

to prior knowledge and



You will need access to appropriate technology to complete this course:

- Microsoft Office Applications: Word and PowerPoint

- A computer with video and audio capabilities (having a headphones with a microphone

helps, but is not required)

- Occasional Access to a scanner

- Regular internet access that does not block sites such as YouTube

In addition, later in the semester you will need access to one reader who is reading below grade

level or having difficulty with reading. This person can be of any age, but MUST be having

difficulties and also a strong enough reader to be reading connected text (at least 2-3 sentences

on a page). Please contact me immediately if you foresee finding a reader as a problem; I will be

happy to help.

Required Text

There is one required textbook for this course:

Wilde, S. (2000). Miscue analysis made easy: Building on student strengths. Portsmouth, NH:


This book is available at the WSU bookstore and through various online retailers. You will also

need to purchase or otherwise obtain one book for our book club assignment, selected from a list

that will be provided for you. All course work for this class is expected to adhere to APA writing

format, per the sixth edition publication manual. You will probably use this style guide a lot as

you work through your course sequence, but whether you choose to purchase the manual or find

the information through another source (I like

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/) is up to you. Please note that not owning

the manual will not be seen as a valid reason for not adhering to APA formatting. All other

materials will be available electronically, thus you will need regular access to the internet.


These references will be provided to you electronically on Blackboard within the

appropriate module. Please note that copyright issues make it necessary for these to be up

for a limited time.

Almasi, J. (1996). A new view of discussion. In L. B. Gambrell & J. Almasi (Eds.), Lively

Discussions! Fostering Engaged Reading (pp. 2-24). Newark, DE: International Reading


Anderson, C. A. (2000). What are all the other students doing? Classroom management in the

writing workshop. In How's it going? A practical guide to conferring with students (pp.

224). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Anderson, C. A. (2005). Linking assessment and instruction: Designing individual learning plans

for students. In Assessing Writers (pp. 141-163). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



Compton-Lilly, C. (2005). Nuances of error: Considerations relevant to African American

Vernacular English and learning to read. Literacy Teaching and Learning, 10, 43-58.

Duke, N. K., Pressley, M., & Hilden, K. (2004). Difficulties with reading comprehension. In C.

A. Stone, E. R. Silliman, B. J. Ehren & K. Apel (Eds.), Handbook of language and

literacy development and disorders (pp. 501-520). New York: Guilford.

Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D. (2008). Strategies. In Making content comprehensible for

English learners: The SIOP model (3rd ed., pp. 94-113). Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn and


Goldenberg, C. (2004). Literacy for all children in the increasingly diverse schools of the United

States. In R. B. Ruddell & N. J. Unrau (Eds.), Theoretical models and processes of

reading (pp. 1636-1666). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Goodman, K. S. (1996). Learning and teaching reading and writing. In On reading: A common-

sense look at the nature of language and the science of reading (pp. 117-146).

Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Krashen, S. (2003). Principles of language acquisition. In Explorations in language acquisition

and use (pp. 1-14). Porstmouth, NH: Heinemann.

McGill-Franzen, A. (2006). Ten minutes that may change a life. In Kindergarten literacy:

Matching assessment and instruction in kindergarten (pp. 35-84). New York: Scholastic.

Pressley, M., Duke, N. K., Gaskins, I. W., Fingeret, L., Halladay, J., Hilden, K., et al. (2008).

Working with struggling readers: Why we must get beyond the Simple View of Reading

and visions of how it might be done. In Gutkin T. & Reynolds C. R. (Eds.), The

Handbook of School Psychology (4th ed., pp. 522-546). New York: Wiley.

Roberts, K. L., & Duke, N. K. (2009). Comprehension in the elementary grades: The research

base. In K. Ganske & D. Fisher (Eds.), A Comprehensive Look at Comprehension (pp.

22-45). Guildford: New York.

Strickland, K., & Strickland, J. (2000). Writing assessment. In Making Assessment Elementary

(pp. 66-91). Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH.

This reference is available online through WSU Libraries (NetLibrary platform).

Blachowicz, C. L. Z. (2000). Vocabulary instruction. In M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, P. D.

Pearson & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of reading research (Vol. III, pp. 503-523).

Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

You can link to the book here http://elibrary.wayne.edu/record=b2832047~S47

These articles are available through WSU’s online periodicals


Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



Please note that I have added the issue number as a convenience to you; this is NOT proper

APA format in most cases. When you cite these sources, please make sure you use the

appropriate APA format.

Andrade, H., Buff, C., Terry, J., Erano, M., & Paolino, S. (2009). Assessment-driven

improvements in middle school students' writing. Middle School Journal, 40(4), 4-12.

Blachowicz, C. L. Z., & Obrochta, C. (2005). Vocabulary visits: Virtual field trips for content

vocabulary development. Reading Teacher, 59(3), 262-268.

Boyd-Batstone. (2004). Focused anecdotal records assessment: A tool for standards-based

authentic assessment. Reading Teacher, 58(3), 230-239.

Chuang, H.-K., Joshi, R. M., & Dixon, L. Q. (2012). Cross-language transfer of reading ability:

Evidence from Taiwanese ninth-grade adolescents. Journal of Literacy Research, 44(1),

97-119. doi: 10.1177/1086296X11431157

Duffelmeyer, F. A., Kruse, A. E., Merkley, D. J., & Fyfe, S. A. (1994). Further validation and

enhancement of the Names Test. The Reading Teacher, 48(2), 118-128.

Duke, N. K. (2000). 3.6 minutes per day: The scarcity of informational texts in first grade.

Reading Research Quarterly, 35(2), 202-224.

Ehri, L. C., & McCormick, S. (1998). Phases of word learning: Implications for instruction with

delayed and disabled readers. Reading and writing quarterly: Overcoming learning

difficulties, 14(2), 135-163.

Hudson, R. F., Lane, H. B., & Pullen, P. C. (2011). Reading fluency assessment and instruction:

What, why, and how? Reading Teacher, 58, 702-214.

Ivey, G., & Broaddus, K. (2007). A formative experiment investigating literacy engagement

among adolescent Latina/o students just beginning to read, write, and speak English.

Reading Research Quarterly, 42(4), 512-545.

Jordan, G. E., Snow, C. E., & Porche, M. V. (2000). Project EASE: The effect of a family

literacy project on kindergarten students' early literacy skills. Reading Research

Quarterly, 35(4), 524-546.

Kamberelis, G. (1999). Genre development and learning: Children writing stories, science

reports, and poems. Research in the Teaching of English, 33(4), 403-460.

Kuhn, M. R., & Stahl, S. A. (2003). Fluency: A review of developmental and remedial practices.

Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(1), 3-21.

Lenski, S. D., Ehlers-Zavala, F., Daniel, M. C., & Sun-Irminger, X. (2006). Assessing English-

language learners in mainstream classrooms. The Reading Teacher, 60(1), 24-34.

Mays, L. (2008). The cultural divide of discourse: Understanding how English-language learners'

primary Discourse influences acquisition of literacy. Reading Teacher, 61, 415-418.

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



McIntyre, E. (2007). Story discussion in the primary grades: Balancing authenticity and explicit

teaching. The Reading Teacher, 60(7), 610-620.

Neuman, S. B., & Roskos, K. (1992). Literacy objects as cultural tools: Effects on children's

literacy behaviors in play. Reading Research Quarterly, 27, 203-225.

Shanahan, T., Mulhern, M., & Rodriguez-Brown, F. (1995). Project FLAME: Lessons learned

from a family literacy program for linguistic minority families. The Reading Teacher, 48,


Stahl, K. A. D., & Bravo, M. (2010). Contemporary vocabulary assessment for content areas.

Reading Teacher, 63, 566-578.

Teale, W. H. (2008). What counts? Literacy assessment in urban schools. Reading Teacher,

62(4), 358-361.

Whitehurst, G. J., & Lonigan, C. J. (1998). Child development and emergent literacy. Child

Development, 69(3), 848-872.

Zhang, S., & Duke, N. K. (2011). The impact of instruction in the WWWDOT framework on

students' disposition and ability to evaluate web sites as sources of information.

Elementary School Journal, 112, 132-154.

Internet Resource

Wren, S. (2006). Developing research-based resources for the balanced reading teacher: The

Simple View of Reading: R=DxC. Retrieved August 22, 2010, from



Book Clubs

By the first week of class, I will present several books on particular facets of literacy from which

you may choose. You will then form a book club with others who have selected the same book.

On the weeks indicated in this syllabus, you will meet with your group. Your group can decide

whether to meet synchronously via video chat (BlackBoard Collaborate, Skype, Google

Hangouts, or the like) or asynchronously through a blog on BlackBoard. After each meeting,

each group member will be asked to respond to a series of short answer questions as a form of

reflection on your meeting.

In your first meeting, you will set a schedule for completing your book study by the 13th week of

class. You will then spend the next four meetings discussing both the content of the book and the

ways in which you are actively working to make sense of it as you read (e.g., notes, highlighting,

graphic organizers, looking up information to clarify, etc.). The last week of class, each group

will creatively (but informally) share key ideas from the book that have influenced the way you

think about literacy and learners. You may use some of your book club time in the weeks leading

up to this to discuss and plan what and how you would like to share, such as by creating a

PowerPoint slides with voice over, a Prezi, or a podcast.

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



As a point of reference, other groups should be able to read/view/listen to this presentation in

about 5 minutes or so. Your grade for this assignment will be based on your preparedness and

evidence of meaningful interaction with the text, which I will gauge via your reflections after

each meeting and depth of thinking evident in your presentation.

Responses to Assigned Reading

At the beginning of the semester, you will choose a week/topic for which you (and possibly one

or two other colleagues) will be the “expert”. That week, you will be responsible for reading the

selections assigned to the full class, as well as one or two additional assigned pieces and a

relevant selection of your choice (one additional article per group that is NOT listed on the

syllabus). The additional article should be a peer-reviewed, research journal article found

through WSUs online journal collection. (Hint: Research articles are rarely less than 15 pages

and typically include standard elements like an introduction, review of the literature, methods,

results, discussion, and conclusion.) On your week, you will be responsible for creating a

presentation on the topic (e.g., phonics)—what it is, how it contributes to overall literacy, what

we know about it in terms of teaching and learning.

This presentation can take a variety of formats, such as PowerPoint (ideally with voice over, but

also could be annotated heavily in the notes section), Prezi, videos of yourselves explaining or

demonstrating things, podcasts, or a combination of several formats. Presentations should be

engaging (i.e., require participants to do more than just watch/listen). This might mean that there

are links to video, activities, or webpages; that you share student work for classmates to analyze;

that you lead them through an activity or game related to the topic; etcetera. Please plan this

well in advance to allow yourselves time to learn both the content and to engage in any

technology tutorials you will need before creating the presentations. You will also be in

charge of hosting on online forum for discussion of the articles the class read, which will involve

both starting the discussion and checking in on a daily basis to respond to your colleagues and

facilitate deepening of the discussion. Your presentation and discussion should guide students to

connect what they have read for the week with their own experiences, but also to the new

information that you share (from the articles that only your group read).

For both the presentation and discussion, you are expected to go beyond summarization and

general evaluation and to make connections to other things you have read and things we have

done in class as well as to your personal life and/or your teaching. You should read from a

critical stance and raise questions about things that you do not understand and/or things on which

you might find yourself in disagreement with the authors. Your discussion should be modeled on

the best practices outlined by Almasi (1996), which you will read before our second class

meeting, though the format will obviously be different, as it will be online and asynchronous.

Due dates are group-specific, as follows:

Three weeks before the first day of your presentation week: Complete the readings assigned to

the full class. Email me (copying all group members) the APA citation and abstract for the

additional article that your group has selected (see full assignment for criteria). I will respond to

you as to whether it is appropriate or you need to select another—please do not begin work on

your presentation before receiving approval. Once your article is approved, all group members

should read and discuss it, as it relates to the other readings for the week and your personal


Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



One week before the first day of your presentation week: Submit your completed presentation

and opening discussion prompts for review. I will give feedback within 48 hours and you will be

expected to revise accordingly.

Two days before the first day of your presentation week: Turn in your final presentation and

discussion prompts. I will post the presentation within the rest of the module and give you

feedback on the revised prompts. Alert me to your needs regarding discussion boards so that I

can set them up for you to use during your week.

The night before the first day of your presentation week: Open your discussion board (which I

will create for you) by posting your prompts.

During your presentation week: ALL group members will monitor the discussion board on a

daily basis, responding to colleagues in ways that deepen thinking. If your presentation required

colleagues to submit or post anything, you will also monitor and respond to those things.

One week after the last day of your presentation week: You will turn in a written reflection on

your experience.

As you can see, you will have a variety of responsibilities in the weeks leading up to and

following your presentation, so you will want to choose your topic based on both interest and the

constraints of your schedule. In the weeks leading up to the presentation, you need to be

checking email on a daily basis for feedback from me and your group members.

On the weeks that you are not presenting, you will be expected to engage in the module created

by me or by your colleagues and me, including engaging in a discussion board based on the

readings. You are expected to both post your own reflections and ideas that clearly link to the

week’s readings, as well as to build substantively on the ideas of your peers. “Substantively”

means that you go beyond general evaluation (e.g., “great idea”, “I hadn’t thought of that”, “I

agree”) and instead respond in ways that show critical thought and invite response (e.g., “I

haven’t asked my students to take the lead in discussions because I know that there are specific

things that I need to cover and they might not bring them up. Almasi’s examples show kids

digging deeper into ideas and doing some great thinking, but how do I balance that with

standards? Have you tried it with your kids?”).

Your responses to the readings will be evaluated based on depth of thought and demonstration of

critical thinking. I have found that many people struggle to move beyond summarization for this

assignment. If you feel that this might be difficult (or if you just prefer this method), you might

want to draft your initial response by thinking about a quote from the readings (or other course

material) that prompted your thought, and then your response to it.

Authentic Literacy Unit

Either individually or working with a partner (this tends to work best with a partner, but in the

event that logistics or topical interests do no not align, you can work alone), you will design and

construct an authentic literacy unit for a particular grade level or levels (authentic literacy will be

introduced in class). The unit will include:

A description of the authentic task or topic and how it is meaningful to your particular

group of students and their community. In other words, why will these kids really feel a

need to participate in this project? What makes it go beyond engaging to authentic?

A collection of resources for the students to use (e.g., texts on multiple levels, multi-

media, people, sites to visit, etc.) and accompanying, annotated reference list in APA

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



format. NOTE: you will need to actually read or view each of these resources in order to

complete this requirement.

A table listing 6 possible authentic activities or lessons, brief descriptions of each, student

objectives, standards (literacy and other content areas—at least one literacy standard for

each lesson is required) explicitly addressed, texts from the text set used, and elements of

the activity/lesson that make it authentic. The full unit may entail more than six, but you

only need to write up six.

A brief (1-2 double-spaced pages) description of how this unit and your facilitation will

engage and support students at multiple levels of literacy. What about it makes it

appropriate and accessible for ALL learners?

Due Dates:

Week 9: Annotated reference list due for peer review

Week 10: Complete reference list section of rubric with comments for the peer whose reference

list you reviewed. Email to me and peer.

Week 11: Presentation of your unit (PowerPoint, Prezi, Video, etc.) due on day one. Peer

completion of presentation section of the rubric due on day four; email to me and peer. Use the

feedback on the presentation (worth fewer points) to revise your final paper (worth more points)

before submitting week 12.

Week 12: Submit full paper, including revised annotated reference list.

When you present in week 11, you are expected to show resources, to the extent possible (e.g., in

most cases, it will likely be impractical for you to show your human resources, but texts, videos,

supplies for some activities, websites, etc. should be represented). These presentations have two

main purposes: (1) to share resources and instructional ideas with colleagues who may find them

useful in their own teaching, and (2) to get valuable feedback on elements of your project (e.g.,

level of authenticity, diversity of resources, inclusion of all required elements) before submitting

the final written product. Both of these purposes require that your written project be essentially

complete (even though you won’t turn it in that week), but that you have also planned time to

make revisions.

Miscue Analysis

As part of learning how to look carefully at individual students as readers, you will be

conducting a full miscue analysis with one student of your choosing (please see me right away if

you need help identifying a student). This assignment will align with our reading of Miscue

Analysis Made Easy (Wilde, 2000). In brief, you will do the following activities:

- Conduct a brief (5 minutes or so) interview with the child’s teacher, which may or may

not be you This can be done over the phone, if necessary, and the purpose is to get a

rough idea of the perceived strengths and needs of the child as a reader, as well as ideas

for appropriate books to use for the miscue analysis. Conducting this interview with the

teacher is ideal, but if it is absolutely not possible, please see me for alternatives.

- Interview the child about reading and his or her interests (more on this in class).

- Locate 3-5 books that you believe will be below, at, and above the child’s instructional

reading level.

- Conduct one or more running record sessions with the child—you need to conduct one

for which the child is reading at the instructional level, so it may take more than one try.

Plan accordingly.

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



- Conduct one or more retellings with the child.

- Analyze and report on the running record(s) and retelling(s).

Please note that there are specific methods for doing many of these things which we will be

reading about and discussing as a class. Working ahead on this project is not to your advantage.

Written Products will include:

- A written summary of the teacher interview (paragraph)

- A written summary of the child interview (paragraph)

- A running record

- Transcript of a retelling

- Full miscue analysis

- Narrative explaining the results of the miscue analysis

- Brief reflection on the experience, linking it to course readings and discussion

Case Study

At the beginning of the course, you will be assigned to a group of 3-5 colleagues “introduced” to

a case study student. The student is a real student in a real classroom. Although you will not meet

the student (he or she will remain anonymous), the student’s classroom teacher will describe him

or her in a video clip, describing the child in general and as a literacy learner. You will also have

access to assessment information and work samples and opportunities to ask the teacher follow-

up questions. Across the semester, as a group, you will discuss what you are learning about the

child’s strengths and needs in relation to the constructs of literacy that we are learning about in

class. By the 14th week of class, you will have produced the following (constructed across the

semester, see due dates on course schedule):

Group Meeting Notes:

- Due periodically across the semester, these are informal notes documenting your

discussion of your case study student as you learn more about both the student and

constructs of literacy.


Case Study Analytic Report:

- Two areas of academic strength and/or interest: You will write one paragraph for each,

which should include citations and/or specific reference to evidence of the strength or

interest (e.g., work samples, particular pieces of an assessment, excerpts from teacher

email or other communication) and research-based (include citations) activities, lessons,

or instructional techniques that the teacher might employ to build on it.

- Two areas of academic need: You will write one paragraph for each, which should

include citations and/or specific reference to evidence of the need and research-based

(include citations) activities, lessons, or instructional techniques that the teacher might

employ to strengthen it.

- Two areas for which you have remaining questions: You will write one paragraph for

each, detailing what prompted the curiosity or concern (e.g., work samples, particular

pieces of an assessment, excerpts from teacher email or other communication), and

description of a research-based (include at least one citation) form of assessment that

could be used to learn more.

*This report will be shared with the classroom teachers, so write accordingly*

Parent Letter and Rationale:

- A one-page (double spaced) parent letter that describes, in a professional and accessible

way the strengths, interests, and needs of the student and at least three activities that the

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



family could engage in at home to build related literacy skills.

- One to three paragraphs describing the research base for each of the three suggested


Supplementary Activity Log:

- A log of any group discussions that did not occur on the discussion forum created for this

assignment, so that I can gauge additional contributions of each group member. This

should include when you met (date and time frame), how you met, and who did or said

what (briefly, not verbatim).

Class Policies

This is a graduate level class, and as such (per WSU policy) you should expect to spend, on

average, 2:45 “in class” (doing things like viewing powerPoints and completing activities) and 3

hours “outside” of class on course activities (readings, responses, assignments, etc.) for every

one credit hour that the course is worth—this course is worth three. This means that, in total, you

should expect to spend 12 hours or so per week on this course, though some weeks might be

slightly less and some slightly more, depending on assignments. People handle this in a variety

of ways. Some people designate two-three hours per day for studying, while others prefer larger

blocks of time on fewer days. How you choose to organize your time is, of course, your decision,

but it is wise to plan ahead. Please be sure to check assignment due dates on the introductory

page for each module—you cannot typically save all of the work until the last day or two of the

module because many involve responding to each other, as classmates. You should plan on

logging in at least every other day.

You are expected to complete all modules and are responsible for material covered in each.

During each module, you will be engaged in a variety of activities that require you to learn in a

collaborative manner; therefore, your participation and preparedness are necessary. The modules

are planned to happen in order and rely on peer interaction, so please do not work ahead. Non-

graded responses that are incomplete will be recorded and will contribute to your total

participation grade. Because others will not likely benefit from (or see) late contributions to

ungraded assignments, you will not be given credit for ungraded work submitted after the due


Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism:

The College of Education has a “zero tolerance” approach to plagiarism and other forms of

academic dishonesty. (See Student Code of Conduct http://doso.wayne.edu/assets/student-code-

of-conduct-brochure.pdf). Plagiarism includes copying material (any more than 5 consecutive

words) from outside texts or presenting outside information as if it were your own by not

crediting authors through citations. It can be deliberate or unintended. Specific examples of

academic dishonesty, including what constitutes plagiarism, can be found in the University’s

Undergraduate Bulletin (http://bulletins.wayne.edu/ubk-output/index.html) and Graduate Catalog

(http://www.bulletins.wayne.edu/gbk-output/index.html) under the heading “Student Ethics.”

These university policies are also included as a link on Blackboard within each course in which

students are enrolled. It is every student’s responsibility to read these documents to be aware

which actions are defined as plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Sanctions could include failure

in the course involved, probation and expulsion, so students are advised to think carefully and

thoroughly, ask for help from instructors if it is needed, and make smart decisions about their

academic work. To enforce this policy, all outside references must be submitted with

assignments (see APA, 6th Edition for guidance on in-text citations and reference lists). If you are

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



unsure as to whether you may be plagiarizing, please see me in advance and I will be happy to

help you sort things out. General Note on Grading

The College of Education faculty members strive to implement assessment measures that

reflect a variety of strategies in order to evaluate a student's performance in a course. For

undergraduates and post-degree students C grades will be awarded for satisfactory work that

satisfies all course requirements; B grades will be awarded for very good work, and A grades

will be reserved for outstanding performance. [For graduate students B grades will be awarded

for satisfactory work that satisfies all course requirements; B+ grades will be awarded for very

good work, and A grades will be reserved for outstanding performance.] Please note that there is

a distribution of grades from A-F within the College of Education and that plusses and minuses

are recorded and distinguish distinct grade point averages.


All assignments are due by midnight on the date listed. All components of your “Response to

Assigned Reading” presentation will be emailed directly to me; all other assignments will be

posted (i.e., on discussion forums) or submitted to dropboxes on our BlackBoard site.

Assignments will be lowered one letter grade for each week or partial week that they are late.

Thus if your assignments earns a grade of B+ but is one week (or part of a week) late, the grade

is lowered to a B. Assignments that are more than two weeks late will not be accepted.

All assignments will be evaluated as follows:

Responses to Assigned Reading (Presentations/Discussions) 20%

Authentic Literacy Unit 20%

Book Clubs 10%

Miscue Analysis 20%

Case Study 10%

Participation 20%

Total 100%

Rubrics for each assignment are available on Blackboard under the “Assignments” tab. The

grading scale is as follows:

A = 96-100 (3.9-4.00)

A- = 90-95 (3.7-3.8)

B+ = 87-89 (3.4-3.6)

B = 84-86 (3.0-3.3)

B- = 80-83 (2.8-2.9)

C+ = 77-79 (2.5-2.7)

C = 74-76 (2.00)

F = <74

Enrollment/Withdrawal Policy

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



Beginning in Fall 2011, students must add classes no later than the end of the first week of

classes. This includes online classes. Students may continue to drop classes (with full

tuition cancellation) through the first two weeks of the term.

Students who withdraw from a course after the end of the 4th week of class will receive a grade

of WP, WF, or WN.

o WP will be awarded if the student is passing the course (based on work due to

date) at the time the withdrawal is requested

o WF will be awarded if the student is failing the course (based on work due to

date) at the time the withdrawal is requested

o WN will be awarded if no materials have been submitted, and so there is no basis

for a grade

Students must submit their withdrawal request on-line through Pipeline. The faculty member

must approve the withdrawal request before it becomes final, and students should continue to

attend class until they receive notification via email that the withdrawal has been approved.

Beginning in Fall 2011, the last day to withdraw will be at the end of the 10th full week of

classes. The withdrawal date for courses longer or shorter than the full 15-week terms will be

adjusted proportionately.

Attention Students with Disabilities:

If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations, you will need to register with

Student Disability Services (SDS) for coordination of your academic accommodations. The

Student Disability Services (SDS) office is located at 1600 David Adamany Undergraduate

Library in the Student Academic Success Services department. SDS telephone number is 313-

577-1851 or 313-577-3365 (TDD only). Once you have your accommodations in place, I will be

glad to meet with you privately during my office hours to discuss your special needs. Student

Disability Services’ mission is to assist the university in creating an accessible community where

students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in their educational

experience at Wayne State University.

Please be aware that a delay in getting SDS accommodation letters for the current semester may

hinder the availability or facilitation of those accommodations in a timely manner. Therefore, it

is in your best interest to get your accommodation letters as early in the semester as possible.

Religious Observance Policy:

Because of the extraordinary variety of religious affiliations represented in the University student

body and staff, the Wayne State University calendar makes no provision for religious holidays. It

is University policy, however, to respect the faith and religious obligations of the individual.

Students who find that their classes or examinations involve conflicts with their religious

observances are expected to notify their instructors well in advance so that alternative

arrangements as suitable as possible may be worked out.

Wayne State University Writing Center:

Wayne State University Writing Center:

The Writing Center (2nd floor, UGL) provides individual tutoring consultations free of charge for

students at Wayne State University. While the center serves both graduate and undergraduate

students, undergraduate students in General Education courses, including composition courses, receive

priority for tutoring appointments. The Writing Center serves as a resource for writers, providing

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



tutoring sessions on the range of activities in the writing process – considering the audience, analyzing

the assignment or genre, brainstorming, researching, writing drafts, revising, editing, and preparing

documentation. The Writing Center is not an editing or proofreading service; rather, students are

guided as they engage collaboratively in the process of academic writing, from developing an idea to

correctly citing sources. To make an appointment, consult the Writing Center website:


To submit material for online tutoring, consult the Writing Center HOOT website (Hypertext One-on-

One Tutoring) http://www.clas.wayne.edu/unit-inner.asp?WebPageID=1330.

Teacher Education Policy Statement on Graduate Student Dispositions and Academic Progress


Students admitted to a graduate program within the Division of Teacher Education are expected

to conduct themselves professionally. The graduate student must exhibit personal and

professional behaviors, including but not limited to integrity, honesty, and respect for others.

Individuals must use practical judgment to determine how to behave in a variety of situations. In

classes, students are expected to give and accept constructive feedback. In addition, they are

expected to take an active role in their learning and contribute to the learning of their peers.

Professional Expectations:

Developing professionalism is one of the skills that the division emphasizes. The degree of

professionalism that students develop in all of their interactions in the Wayne State University

community will impact their ability to achieve their goals both in Teacher Education and in their


* The teacher takes initiative to grow and develop with colleagues through interactions that

enhance practice and support student learning.

* The teacher understands the expectations of the profession including codes of ethics,

professional standards of practice, and relevant law and policy.

Academic Standards and Requirements:

Graduate students must make consistent and adequate progress toward degrees, endorsements,

and/or certifications in their programs. In an effort to ensure program integrity in the Teacher

Education Division, students must adhere to professional expectations and meet the following

standards and requirements:

* Students who receive 2 grades of C+ or below will not be permitted to complete the program.

* Repeating courses to improve grades is only permitted once.

* Grade Point Averages must be 3.0 or higher for the coursework that is on the Plan of Work.

* Plans of Work must be completed in the first semester after being admitted into the program

for Master level students and before 18 credits for Doctoral level students.

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



* Students must meet with academic faculty advisors on a regular basis. Doctoral students must

complete an annual reviews and an IDP.

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF MODULES (Adjustments may be made as the course evolves)

Modules run Sunday-Saturday. Please be sure to log in on day one or two of the module to check

due dates for the module—there will typically be multiple due dates, particularly for posting and

responding to discussion board posts)


Module Topic Readings Assignments*





Course Expectations

and assignments

Book Clubs

Library Resources

Literacy Beliefs –


“The Reading Wars”-

Skills-Based v. Phonics

v. Whole Language

Michigan Standards for

Reading Teachers/Specialists

Sign up for presentations

Choose book club books

Complete Welcome Survey






discussion based

models v. IRE

How to read a research


Almasi (1996) (BB)

McIntyre (2007)

Course Documents

Carefully read course

documents and post any

questions to the provided





Emergent Literacy

The “Simple View” of



Authentic Literacy &

AL assignment




Pressley, et. al (2008) (BB)

Presenter Text:

Whitehurst & Lonigan (1998)

Book Club (set schedule)




Literacy Assessment-


Running Records

Discuss Case Study

Lenski, Ehlers-Zavala,

Daniel, Sun-Irminger (2006)

Teale (2008)

Submit topic and

description for authentic

literacy unit

Case Study: Group Meeting





Emergent Writing* and

writing assessment*

Creating Writing


Running Records

Anderson (2005) (BB)

Miscue Analysis Chapters 3,

4, 5

Presenter Texts:

Andrade et al. (2009)

Strickland & Strickland

Book Club

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class



(2000) (BB)




Reading as Situated




Vocabulary Field Trips

Running Records

Goodman (1996) (BB)

Miscue Analysis Chapters 6,

7, Appendices A & I

Presenter Texts:

Stahl & Bravo (2010)

Blachowicz (2000)-

Electronic version through

WSU library

Select a student for your

miscue analysis work

Case Study: Group Meeting










Running Records

Hudson, Lane, & Pullen


Miscue Analysis Chapters 8,

9, Appendices C, D, & E

Presenter Text:

Ehri & McCormick (1998)

Roberts & Duke (2009)

Miscue Analysis—write up

of teacher and student


Submit annotated

text/resource lists for

authentic literacy unit to for

peer review

Book Club








PHONICS (incl. stages

of spelling)*

Known Words &

Dictation Assessments

Running Records

Duffelmeyer, Kruse, Merkley

& Fyfe (1994)

Miscue Analysis Chapters 10,

11, Appendices F & G

Presenter Text:

McGill-Franzen (2006) (BB)

Miscue Analysis—Have

completed running record

ready for analysis

Book Club




Literacy and Diversity

Adichie (2009) (video link

posted on Blackboard)

Compton-Lilly (2005) (BB)

Miscue Analysis Chapters 10,


Authentic Literacy Unit


Authentic Literacy Unit full

draft of unit due for peer


Case Study: Group Meeting


WSU Spring Break 3/13-3/19






the optimize learning*

Anderson (2000) (BB)

Echevarria, Vogt, & Short

(2008) (BB)

Presenter Text:

Neuman & Roskos (1992)

Miscue Analysis report due

(full analysis of miscue

analysis, transcript of

retelling, narrative

explanation, reflection)

(11) Authentic Literacy Book Club

Please note that this is a DRAFT and all information is subject to change before classes begin and as the class





Motivation and

Attitudes toward


Authentic Literacy Unit

feedback due to peers




Family Literacy

Jordan, Snow & Porche


Shanahan, Mulhern, &

Rodriguez-Brown (1995)

Written Authentic Literacy

Unit Due

Case Study: Group Meeting





English Language


Krashen (2003) (BB)

Mays (2008)

Presenter Text:

Chuang, Joshi, & Dixon


Case Study: Analytic





Critical Review of Web


Zhang & Duke (2011)

Case Study: Teacher Letter

and Rationale;

Supplementary Activity Log




Course Wrap-Up (note

that this is a shorter

module due to the

semester end date)

Book Club (sharing of

learning and experiences)

(all work must be turned in

by midnight, 4/27)

*Discussion board posts and responses to prompts/activities within each module are expected

each week in addition to these formal assignments.

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