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Emerging from the BlenderLessons Learned from Mixing Traditional and Social Media Around the Globe

Alexandra Lawrenz @TuneUp4WindowsAlexandra Lawrenz  @TuneUp4WindowsCommunication Manager at TuneUp

Alexandra Lawrenz, July 16, 2010 Emerging from the Blender Twitter: #sic2010

July 16, 2010

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Traditional vs. Social? The Changing Media Environment

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Source: http://www.ethority.de/weblog/social‐media‐prisma/

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C S d T UCase Study: TuneUp

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TuneUp’s Global PR Activity Timeline

Traditional, product‐driven PR programs

2008 2009 20102007 2008 2009 20102007

Social Media Activities

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TuneUp’s Social Media Activities US

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TuneUp goes Japan – Release Candidate Campaign

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L L dLessons Learned

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Step 1: Know Your Audience – Listen, Listen, Listen

Traditional Media Social Media

WHO is your target audience?

WHAT are they talking about?

WHERE do they get their information?

HOW d th f t i t ?HOW do they prefer to communicate?

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Step 2: Design Your Strategy with Step 1 in Mind 

Traditional Media Social Media

Define your overall GOALS.


Determine who are your audience’s INFLUENCERS.

Map your TACTICSMap your TACTICS.

Figure out your METRICS.

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Step 3: Kick Off Your Program – and Remain ActiveTraditional Media Social Media

Share your KNOWLEGDE.• Content more specific to your company and  • Wide range of shared knowledge; more 

products• Spread through newswires and direct 

outreach with journalists

issues‐based when it comes to your expertise• Spread virally and organically through 

conversations with your community

Build RELATIONSHIPS.• Press rule the content

Off h• Readers rule the content

i h h d h li i• Offer your support as a resource to them• Indirect communication with customers 

(1 to many)

• Interact with them and show you are listening• Direct communication with customers 

(1 to 1)

Get RESULTS.• Improve your reach and reputation through 

third parties• Improve your reach and reputation by actively 

engaging with your customer base

Alexandra Lawrenz, July 16, 2010 Emerging from the Blender Twitter: #sic2010 9

third parties• Increase your customers’ loyalty

engaging with your customer base• Increase your customers’ loyalty

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Conclusion – Emerging from the Blender

“We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media the question isWe don t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it.” –Eric Qualman

• To be most effective, it’s really about mixing traditional WITH         social media

Blend Traditional and Social M di i t ll PR social media

• Neither traditional nor social media should be thought of as         

Media into your overall PR Strategy

short‐term activities• Be aware of undervaluing the 

l it f i l di Pace yourself!

complexity of social media • Experiment, some activities will 

work some will not

Alexandra Lawrenz, July 16, 2010 Emerging from the Blender Twitter: #sic2010

work, some will not


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Alexandra Lawrenz

Thank You – Any Questions – Want to contribute?TuneUp Blog about WindowsAlexandra Lawrenz

Communication ManagerTuneUp

TuneUp Blog about Windows



Phone: +49 6151 50074 351Email: a lawrenz@tune‐up com

http://facebook.com/TuneUp4WindowsEmail: a.lawrenz@tune‐up.com

Website: http://www.tune‐up.com http://blog.tune‐up.com/feed/

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A diAppendix

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Social Media Case Studies – Best Practices Example

BlendtecBlendtec• “Will it Blend” viral campaign (http://www.blendtec.com/willitblend/)• Series of infomercials b Blendtec’s fo nder blending items (e g cell• Series of infomercials by Blendtec’s founder blending items (e.g. cell 

phones, gold balls, credit cards)ResultsResults• Nominated for the 2007 YouTube Award for Best Series

b k• 35,239 Facebook Fans• 3468 Twitter Followers• User‐generated contents led to more than 40,000 videos at YouTube 

with billions of views

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Social Media Case Studies – Worst Practices Example

KryptoniteKryptonite • Users figured out that the company’s bicycle locks could be easily 

opened using a pen (http://www kryptonitelock com/)opened using a pen (http://www.kryptonitelock.com/) • Kryptonite did not react at all when users informed the company about 

the issuethe issue Results• In 2004 a video circulated on the Internet that demonstrated these• In 2004, a video circulated on the Internet that demonstrated these 

vulnerabilities• Other important media picked it up – the viral wave started• Other important media picked it up  the viral wave started• Kryptonite’s response came too late – it became a disaster for the 


Alexandra Lawrenz, July 16, 2010 Emerging from the Blender Twitter: #sic2010



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Social Media Tools 

• Yoono.com/ – track communication in your multiple social networks • Twitter Grader – check users’ 

influence levels on Twitter• Tweet Deck – track multiple feeds 

and keywords, and participate easily in Twitter discussions

influence levels on Twitter

• Tweet Effect – monitor which tweets gained followers and which 

• Socialmention.com – get real‐time social media search and analysis:

lost them• Tweet Reach – shows people who 

h d d• Yahoo Pipes – aggregate content from around the web

• Feedburner – provide content via RSS

have retweeted your content and how influential they are

• Tweet Stats – shows how active a• Feedburner – provide content via RSS• Google Alerts and Google Analytics –

monitor and measure your ROI

• Tweet Stats – shows how active a person is on Twitter and the people they reply to

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Good ResourcesFor news and guides:

Interesting reads:

• http://mashable.com/• http://www.socialmedia.biz/

Secrets of Social Media Marketing – Paul Gillinp // /

• http://twittercism.com/

• http://www.ereleases.com/The Social Media Marketing Book – Dan Zarellap // /

• http://mindsproutmarketing.com/• http://jeffbullas.com/

Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way http://jeffbullas.com/

• http://marketingprofs.com

f yWe Live and Do Business –Erik Qualman

The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success – Lon 

Alexandra Lawrenz, July 16, 2010 Emerging from the Blender Twitter: #sic2010 16


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