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  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Employee Engagement:Its the Little Things That

    Matter The Most

    Patricia DiNucci, SPHR

    Director, Human Resources & Risk Management

    Morrison Child & Family Services

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Employee Engagement

    What is Employee Engagement?

    Lets start with what its not

    Employee engagement does not mean

    employee happiness or satisfaction.

    Someone might be happy at work, satisfied

    with thier job and their pay, but that doesnt

    necessarily mean they are workingproductively on behalf of the organization

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Definition of Employee Engagement

    Employee engagement is the emotional

    commitment the employee has to the

    organization and its goals.

    This emotional commitment means engaged

    employees actuallycare about their work and

    their company

    They work on behalf of the organizations


  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Being An Engaged Employee

    When employees carewhen they are

    engagedthey use discretionary effort

    Give 110% Go the extra mile

    Take personal responsibility/accountability

    Hold themselves to a higher standard

    Take pride in the quality of their work Feel that what they contribute matters to the

    success of the organization

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Why Does It Matter?

    To win in the marketplace

    you must first win in theworkplace.

    ~ Former Campbells Soup CEO, Doug Conant

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    What Do Employees Want?

    To know what is expected of them

    The tools and equipment to be successful in their job

    The opportunity to do what they do best

    Feedback, praise & recognition To know that they are cared about

    To know that they matter and make a difference

    The opportunity to progress, learn new things

    To be treated fairly


  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    What Do Employees Want MOST?



    Trust is a function of two things:

    Characterwhich includes integrity, motive, and


    Competencewhich includes capabilities, skills,

    results, and track record

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci



    There is nothing that inspires a person morethan having trust extended to them

    He saw something in me that no one else


    She believed in me when no one else did

    People are powerfully influenced by, respond to,and reflect on that trust

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci



    By extending trust, you empower people

    You leverage your leadership

    You create a high-trust culture that brings out

    the best in people

    You create high-level synergy

    You maximize the potential of the

    organization to accomplish its goals

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci



    Employees MOST often leave their Supervisor, notthe company

    Train your Supervisors around the expectations ofhow your employees should be treated.

    Just because you hire an experienced supervisor,that does not mean that their previous employer hadthe same expectations as your company

    No one is born knowing how to motivate or engagepeople, its a learned skill. And like most anything,some are going to have natural talents in that areaand some are not.

    Supervisors must model the behavior they hope tosee in others

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Simple Strategy: How to Get There


    YOU approach them - dont wait for them to

    approach you

    Walk to where they are to say Good Morningto each person on your team everyday

    Walk to where they are to say Good Night toeach person on your team everyday

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Its The Little Things


    Thank you for your hard work today

    I noticed that you stayed behind to get that projectfinishedyour dedication is not going unnoticed

    Im impressed! I got some great feedback about you today

    Im excited for you

    Thats the outfit you had on the day we interviewed you

    I trust you to do it take the lead on this Its your idea, so why dont you write up a proposal of

    how you see it being implemented

    I am always in your corner

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Its The Little Things


    A sticky note at their desk saying thanks for going above &beyond

    A miniature candy bar on a keyboard

    Empowering an employee in front of others

    A thank you or congratulatory email with clip art Spotlighting an employees specific contributions

    Thank you, congratulations card

    Call from the drive-thru at the coffee shop--- what can I bringyou?

    I brought you in some browniesthis half does not havenuts, I know youre allergic

    Why dont you head out early I know youre sister iscoming into town tonight

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Its The Little Things


    Regardless of Hierarchy - Dont Forget the Courtesy

    I havent forgotten about you Ill be just a couple minutes late

    Im sorry I kept you waiting

    I know that youre very busy (your time is valuable)

    Thank you for allowing me to interrupt I apologize for the delay in responding to this email

    Dont forget vegetarian, vegan & gluten-free options atcelebrations

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Its The Little Things


    On an employees first day, have a Welcome tothe Team sign or card that your team has signedwaiting for them

    When an employee goes on vacation, have aWelcome Back sign waiting for them when theyreturn

    Remember birthdays and employment

    anniversaries Wedding showers, baby showers

    Potlucks, contests, drawings, prizes

    Team meetings, appreciation days

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Its The Little Things


    Notice things & remember things

    Share a bit of yourselfopen up so that you can berelatable

    Use your spouses name, your pets name, talk aboutcommon experiences

    Remember names of employees children, spouses,partners, grandchildren, pets

    Ask about significant events (how did your brothers weddinggo this weekend?)

    Know their favorite coffee drink or candy bar Are they a dog person or a cat person

    Encourage work-life balance Its been a while sinceyouve take a day for yourself

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    How Do You Measure Engagement?

    Gut feeling (mood/vibe)

    Laughter, conversation, coaching, helpful to others

    Volume and/or accuracy of work

    ObservationEmployees watching the clock ortaking pride in getting the job done on time

    The type of questions that are being asked:

    Probing to learn more?

    How does what they are doing fit into the big picture? Asking about next steps?

    Showing proactive indicators?

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Engagement Surveys

    Gallup Q-12

    A group of 12 strategic questions that yield

    a variety of measurable outcomes

    Use consistently to accurately measure

    increasing or decreasing engagement

    Well liked by Supervisors, easy to interpret

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Gallup Q12 Survey Questions Measure of Employee Engagement

    The Meaning & Measure of the Quest ions

    SUMMITCamp 3is where an employee feels loyal, productive and fully engaged. They

    are fully satisfied with their contributions to the team, may be ready to break out intoCamp 3 a more fulfilling role, take on new challenges and/or responsibilities.Secure in

    Q. 11 & 12 their decision to stay, they are aligned with company goals and ready for success.

    Camp 2 Camp 2is where employees perspective widens- do I belong here? Do my co-

    Questions workers share my ethics & values? Am I part of a contributing team? Am I7, 8, 9 & 10 challenged, acknowledged, rewarded? Am I making a difference?

    Camp 1 Camp 1is where employees start to feel settled- their basic needs are met.

    Questions 3, 4, 5 & 6 Do I fit in? What do people around me think of my work? Am I dong a good

    job or do I need help? Can I go to my supervisor for advice and coaching?

    Base Camp Base Campcan be described as the base of the mountain. Where you are when

    Questions 1 & 2 you start a new job or take on a new role within the same company. An

    Employees focus at this point focus is on basic needs; What will I earn, when

    do I have insurance, will I have an office What do I get?

    Employee is at the Base of the MountainStarting aNew Job in a New Company


    Starting a Different Job in the Same Company

  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Employee Evaluations

    Common Mistakes:


    Not being direct about areas that need

    improvementAvoiding conflict

    Not being specific enough

    Not paying attention to the whole message

    Dont focus only on recent history Get feedback from internal & external


  • 8/14/2019 Employee Engagement - Little Things That Make the Biggest Difference-Patricia DiNucci


    Wrapping Up

    Q & A

    Share Ideas

    What has worked?

    What has backfired?


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