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EmployeeEmployee FAQs FAQs

SubFinder Overview


Do I have to have touch-tone service to access the SubFinder system?

No, but you do need a telephone that can be switched from pulse to tone. The phone must be set on the ‘tone’ setting anytime you’re communicating with SubFinder


Do I have to register in order to use SubFinder?

Yes. You must call in and register before reporting your first absence.


Do I have to register every time I call in?

No. You only have to register once.


Can I request a particular substitute, and if so, how?

You can request a particular substitute on WebConnect by pulling up the name of the requested substitute from a drop down list. You can request a particular substitute on the telephone if you know the substitute’s 4 digit ID number. If the substitute is unavailable for any reason, the system will notify you at the time of the call and allow you to choose another substitute.


Do I need to remember my Job Number?

Yes. The Job Number is your confirmation that SubFinder has accepted your absence. You will also need this number if you need to cancel the absence.


Will I have the same Job Number for all my absences?

No. Every new absence reported receives its own job number.


If I’m going to be absent for several days in a row, do I have to enter a new absence for each day?

No. From your Main Menu select Option 1, To Report an Absence and then select Option 3, To Enter Specific Dates & Times.


If I have multiple positions, and the system only keeps track of two how will my substitute know about the others?

When you record your name, include your positions. For example, “Jane Doe, I teach 3 PE classes and 2 Health classes. I also supervise the Drill Team.” You may also use the Special Instructions to provide this information, giving greater detail.


Should I continue to fill out an absence form?

District Policy……….


Employee RegistrationEmployee Registration

Using a touch-tone phone, call SubFinder at 562-469-6544. SubFinder will identify itself and ask you to enter your PIN

(your social security number.) Enter your PIN using the touch pad of your telephone.

Once you’ve entered your PIN and pressed the # key, SubFinder will acknowledge that this is the first time you’ve called and ask you to voice your name. Please say your name clearly, as you want it to be heard by other people using the system. When you’re done speaking, press the # key. SubFinder will play back your recorded name to you for verification. If it is correct, press 1. If you want to re-record your name, press 2 and repeat the steps again.

Employee RegistrationEmployee Registration

Once you’ve recorded your name and accepted it, SubFinder will play your Main Menu. Please choose Option 4, To Review Personal Information. If any of the information is incorrect, contact Linda Corey at 562-469-6544.

Congratulations, you’re now registered! Please note: You must use a touch-tone phone

to access the SubFinder system.

Employee Employee Telephone Training Telephone Training

for SubFinderfor SubFinder

What is SubFinder?What is SubFinder?

A system using interactive voice response (IVR), similar to those used by banks and airlines, with easy to follow instructions.

Absences are reported via touch-tone phone or the web.

SubFinder will use a variety of methods, including position matching, to fill jobs.

How will SubFinder Benefit Me?How will SubFinder Benefit Me?

Absences can be reported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You don’t need to wait until the school opens to report a same-day illness.

Specific instructions can be left for the substitute, such as lesson plans, emergency contacts, etc. These are referred to as Special Instructions.

Absences can and should be reported in advance. You district administration will tell you how far in advance you may report.

You can monitor your absence to see if it has been filled and, if so, who’s filling it.

What About Registration?What About Registration?

Registration, via touch-tone phone, is quick and simple! It only takes a few minutes.

You call SubFinder and identify yourself using your PIN (your Social Security Number.)

When you register you will: Review Your Personal Information

Home Site Position Work Hours

It is highly recommended the you register before reporting your first absence.

What are Job Numbers?What are Job Numbers?

Each absence successfully reported by an employee or administrator is assigned a Job Number.

The substitute will receive the same Job Number when they successfully accept the job.

Many of SubFinder’s reports use the Job Number as a reference.

Job Numbers must be used when an accessing an existing job for review or cancellation.

Any time you report an absence, make sure you take note of your Job Number.

What are My Menu Options?What are My Menu Options?

Reporting an Absence 1 All day today All day the next work day Specific Dates & Times (future absences, multiple

day absences, etc.) Reviewing an Absence 2

Add or change your special instructions for the substitute

Find out who will be substituting for you

What are My Menu Options?What are My Menu Options?

Canceling an absence 3 You must know the specific Job Number You must cancel prior to the deadline established by your

district administration Reviewing Personal Information 4

SubFinder will provide your home site, your standard work times, your primary job position, your SubFinder assigned ID number (this is used only when your administrator needs to create an absence for you), and your name as recorded

You will be presented with other options, including the option to re-record your name

Leaving SubFinder 9

Some Points to RememberSome Points to Remember

SubFinder must be accessed using a touch-tone phone

Take your time and follow the narration When reporting an absence, ALWAYS wait for the Job

Number before leaving the system You should report your absences as early as possible.

If you’re reporting at the last minute, you must do so at least ____ before the scheduled start time. If you try to cancel within ______of the scheduled start time, you’ll be instructed to call your administrator.

Register as soon as possible!!

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