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Dead Poets Society / Film Review / ★★★★“Carpe diem. Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.”

I liked the movie because of two things, even though it had loads of continuity mistakes, the story was rich of interesting characters and cinematography. Robin Williams

(portrayed John Keating in DPS) usually plays in (dark) comedies. I am not a big fan of his past work, but I genuinely think he played his part great in this film. Because of Robin

playing in this movie, I expected cliches throughout the whole thing and surprisingly, there weren’t so many. A brief plot summary: A group of boys  go to boarding school.

One is set under pressure by his own father, another is a great poet but immensely shy. All these boys meet professor Keating,  their new English teacher. Unlike other methods professors use in their school named Welton, sometimes called Hell-ton by its students,

he goes to what poetry is and  he wants the students to experience poetry. He encourages the boys to set up a group, ‘the Dead Poets Society’, which goes completely

against every rule set in Welton. They meet at night in the woods, read poetry to each other, make poetry and even transform poetry into tunes.

     The boy who was set under pressure commits suicide at some point. He tried out for a local play based on Shakespeare’s ‘Midsummer night’. He gets the main part and,

without informing his dad, plays at the opening weekend of the play. His dad found out and came to the theatre to see his son doing these artistic things, not what he expected

him to do. The other members of the DPS and Mr. Keating are present as well. Whilst the father drags his son after the play to the car, the boys and Keating congratulate him

on his excellent acting work. The father confronts Mr. Keating and gives him indirectly the blame for his behaviour. I liked everything about this scene. It worked, all the

characters did their part and it was a perfect

Lost In Translation / film review / ★★★★★“Sometimes you have to halfway around the world to come full circle”

One of Sofia Coppola’s best films, in my opinion. It deserved its many awards, including some of the Academy. The story follows two Americans both in the same hotel stranded in Tokyo, Japan. Charlotte (portrayed by Scarlett Johanson) is a newlywed and she followed her husband, a self-proclaimed outstanding photographer. She’s stuck in the hotel and very seldom leaves for the lobby. Bob (portrayed by the amazing Bill Murray) is an actor and shoots a whisky commercial whilst he could be doing actual movies.

I love this movies because of various reasons: first reason being the amazing soundtrack. It puts you in a state between sleeping and walking through city streets. Second reason, the subtle humour that makes this film different from all other films. Third reason is more something for cinephiles, but the cinematography is amazing as well. Everything fits in this film which is just amazing I can’t even type down exactly how much I love this film.

What I’ve told you so far about the storyline this film follow is all I’m going to reveal. You should watch it and not expect anything, except maybe a story that could actually happen. You should watch it past midnight. When you’re a bit sleepy and prefer to sleep rather than watch a film.Other films by Sofia Coppola: The Virgin Suicides, Somewhere, Marie Antoinette (and soon ‘The Bling Ring’)


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{ currently airing }

New Girl S1“Who’s that girl? It’s Jess!” “Dude, did she just make a theme song for herself?” Jess Dunston is physically and emotionally not right when her current boyfriend cheats on her. A new apartment was necessary and the three buddies Nick, Winston and Schmidt were looking for a flatmate. Jess her unusual habit is to watch Dirty Dancing over and over whenever she’s flooded in emotions again and this works very repulsive towards the three. They eventually give in when they hear most of her friends work as models. Final judgement: New Girl is as cliche as the American TV usually is, but the heart of the show and the bromance between the three man is honest and it makes all the bad jokes in between OK.With: Zooey Deschanel, Joel Courtney.

Miranda S2She is a 40 year old and claims to be a professional spinster. Miranda Hart inherited money and bought a Gift Shop from it. She’s currently maintaining that shop with her best friend Stevie in the heart of London. Spending time with fruit dressed like her future boyfriend, listening to her mother complaining about, what she calls, the “dating” she doesn’t do (that’s how everybody calls it!) and singing at inapproppriate times are things Miranda does on daily base. Stevie and

Miranda decided to do karaoke while the perfect man is nowhere to be found- at least not for Miranda. Tiny Stevie has approximately more ‘allure’, but Miranda will take everybody's doubts away with her ‘curves’. Final judgment: Miranda is the most honest and hilarious show currently airing at the BBC made with such a low-budget.With: Miranda Hart, Patricia Hodge, Sarah Hadland and Tom Ellis.

Doctor Who S5/S6A science-fiction show about a 900-year old alien from Gallifrey traveling in a blue police box. As odd as this may sound, this show is probably one of the best series currently airing. The main character, the Doctor (Eleven), landed in the backyard of young, Scottish Amelia pond. Amelia isn’t afraid of


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anything, not even strange man in blue police boxes. When Amelia tells the Doctor she doesn’t like her current place, the Doctor promises to take her away to travel around the universe. While Amelia waits, the Doctor goes to fix his Tardis (the blue police box for non-Whovians). The Doctor returns and what was supposed to be 5 minutes ended up being 12 years. Amelia is now Amy and loads of things have changed since the time has past, including Amy. There only was one thing she never forgot: her imaginary, raggedy Doctor who was going to take her away. He kept his promise, not knowing Amy will marry the very next day. Final judgement: This Doctor is not the first. In fact, he’s Doctor Eleven. When Doctor Ten left, Steven Moffat began to take the main role in writing the script. Season 5/6 is not only more exciting, presented with more breathtaking scenery and incredibly tensive, the storylines are outstandingly good woven. With: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston.

Modern Family S3The average family of nowadays in America is not a dad, a mother and two children plus a dog. The family Pritchettt is though, but the father of Mrs. Pritchett is a 60 year old divorced man who recently started a relationship with the 30 year old Gloria from Brazil. Jay, the 60 year old father, has two children. The already mentioned Claire Dunphy, married to the ‘all male’ Phil Dunphy, and his son Mitchel Pritchett, currently in relationship what Cameron Tucket. Claire and Phil have three children to look after, all in their deepest adolescence, whereas Mitchel and Cameron are gay and decided to adopt a Chinese baby. The new seasons has new features, such as guest acts. Final judgement: What seems to be another mainstream sitcom turns out to be an amazingly written comedy with actual content.

{ coming soon}

Elementary S1Everybody knows BBC's epic modern take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, but how would the americans do it? NBS gives us 'Elementary': the modern day Sherlock in Manhattan with Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock and Lucy Liu as the gender-swapped Joan Watson. NBS already released a 4-minute preview (which can be found on Youtube) and judging from that, Elementary will justify BBC's Sherlock.Use the keywords "Elementary 2012 - Fall Preview" for the preview and

"Elementary Trailer Season 1" for the 4-minute preview.


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Sightseeing in Gouda

I haven’t got any particular favourite places in Gouda. It isn’t after all that exciting, compared to other Dutch cities. There’s a lot of common tourist sightseeing but where it gets really interesting is at the Filmhuis Gouda, which is Gouda’s cinema with arthouse/drama films only. We do have a normal cinema, which shows all the regular films, but I tend to watch more arthouse/drama films.. Filmhuis Gouda sometimes shows recently released films but they also show the golden oldies. I went to Third Man last week, the best thriller the British ever made, released in the 50’s. It’s all very small and old-fashioned and seeing films on a wide screen in a room full of strangers just gives you a different (in my opinion better) vibe than watching it home alone on your laptop.My picks from the current agenda: Intouchables, The Help, Salmon Fishing In the Yemen, Martha Marcy May Marlene, On The Road, Moonrise Kingdom.

I almost forgot to write a title- but this is about Paris.

I’ve been to Paris twice in my lifetime, until last week. My mother had a spontaneous moment and she decided to take me in the middle of a school term to Paris. The first time was basically a trip to Disneyland and some tourist spots. The second time was outstanding, almost film worthy. My uncle deals in expensive bags, such as Hermés and Chanel. These fashion houses are ego as hell and they don’t ship worldwide. You need to pick them up. My uncle travelled from Jakarta to Paris and invited us to come with him. The third trip, the most recent one, had no plan whatsoever. We went there, walked and shopped. Made lots of photographs and all iin 6 hours. Some people say it’s nuts to, leave in 1 in the morning, go to see Paris in 6 hours and then leave to arrive in Holland at 3 midnight. But well, it think it was worth it.

Wintery  streetsLondon in the winter is the most charming, superb, fabulous and other adjectives commercials frequently use, thing to see and experience. The perfect excuse to go to London during the Christmas break, even though I mainly wanted to go because of the architecture and the end-of-the-year sale’s in Oxford Street (and basically every other street in London). I had a warm welcome by an old man passing me by on the street: “For heaven’s sake, get out of the way! Bloody tourists”. I was standing there on the sidewalk, not even blocking the way, but I mentally forgave him after he hobbled away. His accent was thoroughly British and it was a refreshing thing to hear after all those Dutch accents. Sadly, and against the things my brochure promised me, it didn’t snow while I visited London.


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