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Page 1: Endcap assembly update C Buttar UK-SCT-MB RAL 2 nd Sept 04.

Endcap assembly update

C Buttar

UK-SCT-MB RAL 2nd Sept 04

Page 2: Endcap assembly update C Buttar UK-SCT-MB RAL 2 nd Sept 04.

Nikhef disk cylinder assembly tooling

Page 3: Endcap assembly update C Buttar UK-SCT-MB RAL 2 nd Sept 04.

TPPCs 4x32ch PCBs

Thermal plug


Cooling pipes

LMT trays

Service Handling

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Disk insertion tooling

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Diskcylinder tooling

• Shielding foil added to cylinder• Thermal feedthrough prepared• Cylinder and stub wings

assembled onto tooling• 4 disk alignment tools being

made by Manchester delivered to Liverpool

• Disk grabber-design by Nikhef-manufactured by Sheffield/Lancaster; tested with a diskCCDs and lighting now added and tested

• Disk fixations from Nikhef and Liverpool-delivered

• alignmenttarget holders designed (Nikhef) and manufactured (Lancaster)z-alignment tool needs to be finished

Still to do…..

•Qualify disk-grabber and disk alignment

•How to mount and de-mount the central beam

•concept ready, need to test

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• Pre-aligment of rear stub wing mounting point• Rear stub wing mounted onto frame• Cylinder placed over beam and left on table with

foam supports• Cylinder bolted to rear stub-wing• front wing offered up using sling for support and

mounted• Disk placed on disk grabber and cylinder aligned• Disk moved through cylinder• Very useful exercise! - lots of details to be

sorted/have been sorted

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Diskcylinder insertion

• Capture and align a disk•need to consider disk masses

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Service status• LMTs

Testing of UK tapes at GlasgowPreparation of LMTs before assembly into traysJT

• TIsWill be tested as part of LMT-TI harness at GlasgowFirst 100 delivered, full order soon

• ‘String test’ LV/HVtest cableTPPCTILMTPPF0wiggly tapehybrid/module at Liverpool

• FibresLancaster has volunteered to take on reception testingFibres for disk testing (D1+D2) at Liverpool, D9 at the end of Aug (?)

• Cooling pipesNow too late to assemble cooling on cylinder at Liverpool, now retro-fitted at CERN ?Assume no cooling pipes initially and connect direct to disk as for disk testing, then connect at STFT if pipes are delivered

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TPPC string test (J.Voosebeld+P.Dervan)

String testTest cable TPPCTILMT

harnessPPF0wiggly tape hybrid

direct to hybrid String test

TPP-CString-test on single channel test board complete TPP-C ordered, string test on 32 channel pre

prod board (1ch only) completetry and do 2ch test ? (need additional LMT)

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Service handling•Thermal plug ordered and being manufactured in Sheffield (caravans!)

•PPF1 trays for LMTs in production

•PPF1 tray holdersorder placed last week-being modified

•temporary PPF1 for fibresLancaster have volunteered to make this, awaiting design from NikhefAt Liverpool we need to ensure we can connect in the coldroom

Cooling-replicate disk testing system and connect direct to the disk-or similarre-evaluate when cooling pipes/connects start to be available

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Test cable installation • Test Cables for endcap testing installation started—Ray Thompson, Andy Elvin, Richard French

• Basic mapping ready

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Thermal plug

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Status, going forward

• Assembly tooling is ~ready needs to be tested– cylinder mounted and disk moved through on the

beam– Still to do:

• test run of disk alignment, capture and removaldone but need disk masses

• Z-alignment tool• Removal and insertion of the beam• interface to disk holder• floor, bracing and wheels, move in and out of cold room• scaffolding for working on the cylinder

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Status, going forward

• Service handling is progressing– thermal plug being assembled– LMT trays and tray holders in production– Still to do:

• DCS to be investigated• Fibre holder design to be finalised• Cooling, connect direct to disks at Liverpool, otherwise interfaces

must be defined now to allow disk insertion+testing to go forward assume HEX that we connect to disks/pipes at STFT so no longer need cooling pipes in service handling-how to make connections in the cold room-design manifold? replicate disk test system and connect to disks

– Need services (LMTs+Fibres) to start developing methods for putting services on

• what tooling is required• how to make test-fibre connections !

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Status, going forward

• Developing tests for diskcylinder assembly– test cooling on disk with services

– during assembly to check connectionseg LMTs, check thermistors on modules

• Similar tests to those made on populated disks

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DAQ/DCS•PSU system

2 Artysyn power packs / shelves received & installed.Original batch of LV/HV cards installed.Dummy load fabricated to allow testing of each channel. Testing of ~ 6 channels completed.

•Readout and display disk thermal sensors

•DAQ2 Rev E RODs installed.5 hybrids & 1 module mounted on disk 9 in cold room for multi-module readout tests (NB. Convective cooling to ~ 0C room only).

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Cooling plant

• Cooling Plant– Manifold re-located to cold room, re-

connected & tested with 3kW load OK.– Interlock using DCS from cooling pipes being


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