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ENG 101Library Research

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Sources of Information

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Websites VS. Databases

A website is a page on the Internet. Anyone can make a website (entertainment, educational, ???)


A database is a collection of material that is searchable in some format.

Experts or professionals pick and maintain the information that goes into the database. 

Usually, the library has to pay to have access to the information. 

Items in a database are considered legit sources of information.

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Evaluating Sources Authority





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Authority Who wrote the information?

If no author, is publisher or webpage provider reputable? Can you determine the sponsor from the URL?

What are the author’s qualifications? An article written by an M.D. from a reliable medical

research facility vs. someone whose credentials are unknown

Is the source of the information reputable?

How did you find the information?

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Objectivity Is the information biased?

What is the purpose of the information? To inform? Persuade? Explain? Advertise?

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Currency Is the information old/outdated?

Is the publication date indicated?

If links are provided, do they work?

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Coverage Is there enough information?

Is the coverage in-depth?

Does it cover the topic(s) you need? Does it provide the main points or concepts you need?

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Accuracy Are there any spelling/grammar


Where did the information come from?

Is the information reliable?

Are Sources cited?

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Magazines VS. Journals Even though popular magazines can provide

some useful information, they are sometimes unsatisfactory for research topics on serious topics.

For example: You need an article on anorexia

Women’s Day might contain an interesting article, but it will not be as in-depth or authoritative as an article in a scholarly publication such as The International Journal of Eating Disorders

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MLA Citation Style – 7th Edition

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What is MLA?Modern Language Association

A method of citing references in research papers

Parenthetical citations in textWorks Cited page

The Ultimate Source: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers

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What are the benefits? Gives you credibility as a writer!

Proof that you have researched your topic thoroughly!

Protects you from plagiarism!

Further research!

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When do I cite? The rule of thumb to avoid plagiarism is to

provide a citation for any idea that is not your own.

Direct quotation


Summary of another’s idea or research

Specific reference to an obscure fact, phrase, or figure

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In-Text Citations In the body of your paper you acknowledge the

sources you used with a brief (parenthetical citation) that refers to an alphabetical Works Cited list at the end of the paper.

. . . . (Clynes 27).

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Basic Works Cited Entry

Author’s last name, first name. Title of the Book. Location: Publisher, Year. Medium of Publication.

Avery, Elizabeth F. Assessing student learning outcomes for information literacy instruction in academic

institutions. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2003. Print.

Citing and Writing GuidesPurdue Owl

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Don’t Forget! Titles are italicized rather than


Include a medium of publication (Print, Web, Film, DVD, etc.)

For Web publications include a URL only if your professor requires it or if you think a reader would need it order to find citation

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Work Cited Page for Database (MLA 7th Edition)

Stewart, Melissa. "Dolphin: Flipper or Killer?" Science World. 18 Oct. 1999: 2-4. Science Resource Center. Web. 16 Apr. 2009.

Author’s last, First name. “Title of Article.” Database Name. Date of Article. Format. Date


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MLA Overview Alphabetize all citations in Works Cited by

author’s last name. If no author is identified, alphabetize by first word of title, ignoring the initial article (e.g. A, An, The)

Citations should be double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12 font.

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CQ Researcher(Library Database)

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CQ Researcher

Login: Goodwin10

Password: CQEL

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