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Smoking refers to the inhalation and exhalation of fumes from burning tobacco in cigars, cigarettes and pipes.

What is smoking?

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So, What’s in a cigarette?

4000 Chemicals50 of those chemicals are known to cause cancer.

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How Does Smoking Hurt Us?

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Makes you cough!

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Makes you tired!

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Affects your sense of taste and smell.

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It makes your breath and clothes smell bad!

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The people who are smokers, these people are high risk of heart attack and stoke.

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Bad Lung Good Lung

It’s not good for your lungs!

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The Health Effects!Affects EVERY part of your body

Hair Brain Eyes Mouth – breath and teeth Yellow skin and wrinkles Difficulty in breathing Serious Diseases

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Smoking prevalence; females (% of adults) in Bangladesh

Source: http://www.tradingeconomics.com

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Smoking prevalence; males (% of adults) in Bangladesh

Source: http://www.tradingeconomics.com

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Reasons to Quit Health Stinks, bad breath, yellow

skin Family/Friends Too much money! Peer pressure (fewer smokers) Fewer places to smoke Don’t like it anymore sick of it Others…

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So how do I quit? Form a plan – decide on the best

approach for you.

Two ways to quit1. All at once2. Cutting back

Based on the way you want to quit there are a lot of tools out there to help you.

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Programs & Supports

Patch and Gum Nicotine Inhaler Smokers’ Helpline Internet Resources

Teacher, School Counselor, Nurse, Doctor, Friend/Family



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… when you can’t breathe nothing else matters!

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So, Saying “NO” to Smoking.

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