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Engineering Process Transformationto Manage (In)consistency

in Complex Systems

Istvan David, Joachim Denil, Hans Vangheluwe

Tallinn, 16.06.2016.


To engineer complex systems

…correctly …efficiently== product satisfies required properties

== minimize the cost of the development process

Engineering Systems is Hard!


Increased complexity

Interplay between disparate domains


Engineering Systems is Hard!


Increased complexity

Interplay between disparate domains



An inconsistency is present if two or more statements are made that are not jointly satisfiable [such as a] failure of an equivalence test, non-conformance to a standard or constraint and the violation of physical or mathematical principles (Herzig)

Rather than thinking about removing inconsistency we needto think about “managing consistency” – Finkelstein

Rather than “managing consistency”, we needto think about ”managing inconsistency” – Our approach


Detection Tolerance Resolution Analysis

How to deal with them?



The faster the better?


Explicitly modeled processes

in conjunction with properties

Model the process

Characterize inconsistencies

Transform the process

Goal 1: Managepotential inconsistencies

Goal 2: Minimize costs

Weave in management patterns into the process

Quantify optimality

Apply optimization patterns on the process

Explicitly modeled processes

• Appropriate process modeling formalism?• FTG+PM

• We need properties there as well!• Relate activities to (semantic) properties

Model the process

Characterize inconsistencies

Transform the process

L. Lúcio, S. Mustafiz, J. Denil, H. Vangheluwe, and M. Jukss. FTG+PM: An Integrated Framework for Investigating Model Transformation Chains. In SDL 2013: Model-Driven Dependability Engineering, volume 7916 of LNCS, pp 182–202. Springer, 2013




Control flow

TypingFTG PM



Typing Intent

Intent: The purpose of activity of enhancing the system, w.r.t. a property or a set of properties.



Data flow

Characterization of inconsistencies

Model the process

Characterize inconsistencies

Transform the process

Typical inconsistency pattern:1. Activity a1 reads property p12. Activity a2 modifies property p23. p2 influences p1 (due to dependencies in the semantic domain)

Influence relationships are transitive

Relationship directions:• Directed• Undirected

Property relationships are present due to dependencies…both on the linguistic level and in the semantic domain

BatteryMass + MotorMass = TotalMass

BatteryCapacity ≥ ∫ CurrentDrawn d(t)

…or a-causal?

Always directed and causal!

Process transformation

Model the process

Characterize inconsistencies

Transform the process

Inconsistencies Managementtechniques

We have now: characterization of inconsistencies

We still need: management patterns

Rule-based multi-objectivedesign space exploration (DSE)

Transform the process so that…• as many as possible inconsistencies are managed• the process is the most efficient one in terms of costs

Managing inconsistencies

Model the process

Characterize inconsistencies

Transform the process

• Stochastic simulations: event queueing networks (EQN)

Inconsistencies Managementtechniques

Applying a management pattern==

executing a model transformation

(ideally) 0 matching graph patterns

Minimal cost

• Deterministic simulations: fixed loop iterations

Graph queries

Rewrite rules



Optimization rules


DSM formalism extended by semantic dependencies

Eclipse-based toolingGraphical modeler: SiriusMT, DSE: VIATRA

Inconsistency catalogue andmanagement catalogue


Missing pieces

• Cost model refinement• Multiple dimensions/types of costs

• Evolving costs as the process proceeds

• The notion of resources• Automated, human – both have costs and can be constrained

• Optimization extended by job scheduling aspects

• Resolution scheduling

• Intrinsic inconsistencies• Missing property relationships, missing intents, superfluous elements, etc

• Via ontological reasoning

Engineering Process Transformation to Manage (In)consistency in Complex Systems

[email protected]

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