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England Challenges Spain! The first threat to Spain was the English Sea Dogs or Privateers. (Pirates) 1560s John Hawkins 1 st famous English Sea dog Raided Spanish seaports and ships 1577 Francis Drake Attacked ships along Perus coast, then continued to circumnavigate the globe and returned a hero. Queen Elizabeth I crowned Drake a knight. 1588 The English pirates angered Philip II of Spain. He assembled the Spanish Armada to conquer England. (Strongest Navy of the time) Attacked England, but the skill of the English sailors and the help of a strong storm, the smaller, more maneuverable English ships defeated the Spanish Armada changing the course of History forever! Philip IIs Link to England As Spain sank, England rose and held the title of Mistress of the Seas. By the late 1500s, there was no stopping Englands desire to colonize the New World. Although Spain declined as a World power, they did leave a rich heritage behind: Roman Catholicism, Spanish language, and concentrated land owners. England and the New World 1585 After 2 unsuccessful attempts to colonize in the New World, Sir Walter Raleigh sent a group of 100 men to Roanoke Island of the coast of North Carolina. It failed due to hunger and bad relations with the Native Americans. All but 15 men went back to England. Raleigh sent colonists a second time. The 15 men that had stayed behind the 1 st time had been killed by then. John White was appointed the colonys governor. This time, the colonist brought their wives and children. John Whites granddaughter, Virginia Dare was born on August 18, 1587, One month after they arrived in the New World Virginia Dare became the first English baby born in the New World. 1588 White returned to England for supplies and more people. 117 settlers remained in Roanoke Spain attacked England that same year, preventing White from returning to Roanoke until Upon arriving back in Roanoke, there was no sign of the colony. The only evidence was the word Croatoan carved into a tree. Croatoan was the name of a nearby island as well as the name of the Native Americans living in the area. Roanoke became known as the Lost colony, still a mystery today. 1/6/16 Why is Roanoke called the Lost Colony? English King James I gave a single charter to two groups. Charter: official grant of certain rights, powers, or privileges to a certain person or company. Virginia Company of London (London Company) The Plymouth Company What is a Joint Stock company? Both groups were Joint Stock Companies: People bought shares to finance the trip and the profit was shared. The Charter gave the people the same rights as English citizens, among which were the rights set forth by the English Magna Carta in 1215. I. The Virginia Company of London: 1606: 140 Men (12 workers, 128 gentlemen, 0 farmers) set sail to America aboard three ships: Susan Constant Godspeed Discovery 105 survived the trip across the Atlantic Landed in present day Virginia, 35 miles up the James River. Called the settlement Jamestown! Great location for protection, but bad because it was a marsh full of malaria carrying Mosquitoes. By the end of summer, only 32 men were alive. Most started searching for gold rather than working to survive. A practical minded soldier named John Smith appointed himself leader Smith orders the men to: Build shelters Dig wells Cut clearings Plant crops Stock firewood Smith had one rule: No work, No food! Native Americans helped Jamestown too. Chief Powhatan supplied bread and corn. When they didnt help, the settlers helped themselves which lead to the capture of Smith and the legend of Pocahontas saving him. 1609 Smith returns to England and 400 settlers lived in Jamestown. Winter of : The Starving Time With Smith gone, Powhatan decides to cut- off the settlers Supplies run out and the men started to eat whatever they could. By spring, only 60 men are alive. They decide to leave but are met by Lord (Baron) Thomas De La Warr De La Warr brings supplies and people. Many of the new arrivals are females and the rest are from the working class. De La Warr becomes the new Governor of Jamestown. Settlements begin to spread up the James River and the area becomes known as Virginia. Warm-up 1/8 What, NOT WHO, saves Jamestown? 1612 John Rolfe Rolfe introduces Caribbean tobacco to the Virginia Colony, it becomes the CASH CROP. Tobacco saves Jamestown and the Virginia colony ! (Gold growing from the ground!) Jamestown becomes the first permanent English Colony!!! Rolfe marries Pocahontas in 1614 Given English Name: Rebecca 1618 Head right System is set up. Any man paying his way to Virginia gets 50 acres of land Indentures Servants are brought to Virginia, many from Africa. In return for passage, servant agrees to work for 7 years then gains freedom and land Representative Government 1619 The Virginia Company of London gave the colonists of Virginia the right to elect representatives to a colonial legislature called the HOUSE of BURGESSES. (2 men from each settlement) First law making body in the New World Representative Government, meaning the people vote. England is in the New World to stay! 1624 Virginia company goes bankrupt, King takes it over and makes it a Royal Colony with over 1200 settlers and a flourishing tobacco crop. II. The Plymouth Colony Early 1600s A group of Separatists leave England for the Netherlands. (Known as Pilgrims) Separatist: English subjects that didnt follow the Anglican Church. (opposed by the English Government) Missed their English way of life and thought their children were more Dutch than English. Returned to England to ask for a charter to the New World where they could worship freely. Charter was given to start a colony in Virginia. Men, women and children board two ships in Plymouth, England to set sail for the New World. Mayflower Speedwell Speedwell began sinking and all boarded the Mayflower Landed in Cape Cod in November, 1620, far from their mark of the Hudson River. Charter was invalid, outside the boundary, decided to stay anyway. Called the new colony, Plymouth Before going ashore, a new framework of governing was written for both the Pilgrims and non-pilgrims. IN THE name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland king, defender of the faith, etc., having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape- Cod the 11 of November, in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of England, France, and Ireland the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domine 1620. November 11, 1620 Mayflower Compact was written by the 41 male passengers Pledged to unite into a single body politic and have just and equal laws for the good of the colony. The Plymouth Colony Started under the leadership of Myles Standish First winter was harsh and many died Help from Native Americans came in the spring - Samoset introduced the Pilgrims to Massasoit, a local chief - Squanto knew English and taught the Pilgrims how to farm and what to plant. Also taught them how to catch eels. 1621 Late October or early November, Pilgrims held the first Thanksgiving. (lasted 3 days) 1621 1657 William Bradford was elected Governor Plymouth was another example of English self- government Plymouth was also the first colony to establish Religious Freedom or Tolerance The End!

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