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The name of this ENGLCOM portfolio is Unintended

Lullabies. Included in this portfolio are the two reflective

essays, extended definition and argumentative essays of

the author. This author hopes that by reading her

unintended lullabies, the reader will get a glimpse of what

is inside the mind of the author. This author hopes that

the reader will enjoy what he/she will be reading and if

criticisms will be given then the author will accept it

whole-heartedly. Enjoy reading!

About the Author

Gianna Maree D.

Peñalosa is the name of the author of

Unintended Lullabies. She is an 18 year old, first year

college student in the De La Salle University with a

degree in Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Major in

Legal Management. She enjoys reading novels,

listening to music, going out with friends and family, writing in her journal/planner, eating and

sometimes studying. The usual first impression of her is that she is snobby, authoritative and

quiet but once you get to know her, those first impressions will most likely change. She has a

loud mouth and sometimes, she gets into trouble because of it but one thing that no one will

ever know unless you become a close friend of hers is that she thinks a lot. She has many

thoughts in her head and most of the time she finds it hard to express those feelings. There are

times that she is hard-headed especially if it is something that she really wants or believes in

but she knows when to listen. Despite her hard-headedness, she still knows how to be open-

minded. Her dream is to become a lawyer and she will not allow anything to get in the way of

fulfilling that dream. Seemingly uptight, she knows when to loosen up and have fun that is why

whenever there is a chance to have fun, she’ll be one of those people who will pull you into the

crowd and forget all the worries even if it is just for a few hours on the dance floor.

Reflective Essay # 1

I am a student who is fond of reading novels and long stories. Since I was a little girl,

reading has become a part of me. I gain so much knowledge from it and my reading skills

improve every time I finish a book. My imagination became broader and there were times that I

wrote down my own short stories. From writing short stories, I wrote in my journal. My journals

are always filled up because I have a lot of things in mind and I would rather express my

thoughts in writing than saying it out loud.

I might be fond of reading and writing but I still have things to improve on. I sometimes

forget what prepositions or conjunctions are appropriate to use that’s why my sentences end

up wrong. In writing an essay in English, I commit the common mistakes like forgetting the

indention before starting a paragraph and wrong punctuation marks. I tend to forget that there

are mechanics to follow in writing a good essay because I am very concentrated on what I am

writing at the moment.

I only have one expectation in this ENGLCOM course and that is that this course will help

me to greatly improve on my reading and writing skills and also add knowledge to what I have

now. In my chosen profession, knowledge in the English language is very important. If I have to

defend people in court, I have to have and know the appropriate words to say. I can’t just say

something in front of many people without understanding what I am saying. They say that

actions speak louder than words but words can hit anyone in a place where he/she is most

vulnerable. English is the universal language today and up to now, it continues to evolve and

improve. I would like to be given a chance to help in improving this language even though I am

a Filipino.

I believe that this course will surely help me in achieving my goals in life. I also believe

that with this knowledge, I would be able to share what I have to other people. ENGLCOM will

be a way for me to become a Lasallian achiever for God and country.

Extended Definition Essay

Let’s Talk LawThere are many professions in the world that people venture into. Some individuals

want to be part of the business world that is why they are studying business courses. Others

prefer to have a profession in Science, Engineering, Computer Studies and Liberal Arts.

Individuals who are interested to become a lawyer or judge choose to make law their

profession. Law is a very broad topic and it is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a

binding custom or practice of a community; a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally

recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. Law is not just about the rules of

conduct governing a sovereign. There is more to law than just the mere definition of it. Law in

general shapes politics, economics and society. In order to understand law, one must dwell

deeper into its meaning. One must know why the law is such. Law is not just a profession or

subject to be taken lightly. It is a rough road to pass but once a law student graduates from law

school, that is where reality kicks in and all the efforts done before will be rewarded in due

time. A student of law is able to define the law by looking at its history, providing its intricate

details and examining its effects to those who are under it.

The history of law is a long one for there was never a time in our human history that law

did not exist. The word “law” first appeared in English around the year 1000 but the root of the

word came from Old Norse. It can be deduced that the word is from Old English but in fact, the

Anglo-Saxons have spoken a word that had a similar meaning. The Norse root is lagu while the

Old Norse word is lag, which was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root legh-meaning to

lie, to lay. Law was first applied by recognizing its existence. When human society recognized

the law’s existence, society became dependent on it. Proper conduct was defined and the rights

and wrongs of society’s actions were put to light. It is because of law that society developed to

what it is now: less barbaric, more civilized.

One of the few keypoints as to why the law is unique is that it has many intricate details.

These details need to be discussed separately for tackling it in one session is like putting one’s

self in misery. Another unique characteristic of law is that it won’t change unless it has to be

done. The law does not “go with the flow.” It remains strict and the laws that the world have

right now have been present since before. The laws don’t chance even if time passes by. The

last unique characteristic of law is that it is universally recognized. It cannot be ignored and as

the saying goes: “Ignorance of the law excuses no one.” There are two general divisions of law

according to Hector De Leon and they are law in a strict legal sense and law in a non-legal

sense. The focus of the first general division of law is state law. State law as defined in De

Leon’s book is a law or body of laws promulgated by the state. The second general division of

law, law in a non-legal sense, consists of four types of laws. These types of laws are: divine law,

moral law, natural law and physical law. Divine law is believed to come directly from God

himself and divine law is interpreted to the people by the church. Moral law is defined as rules

of behavior that a person follows because it comes out of personal conscience. Moral law could

have sprung out of divine law because divine law also tells us what God thinks as right or

wrong. Divine law and moral law have in a way affected the way our state is written right now.

Natural law is law or body of laws that is derived from nature. Natural law is essential to human

society and there is only one natural law in this world. “Thou shall now kill”, one of God’s Ten

Commandments is the only natural law. Physical law or scientific law is based on observed

physical phenomena. A physical law is true if it is within its regime/term of validity. One

example of a physical law is the law of conservation of energy. The physical law should not be

confused with natural law and one should remember that it is distinct from divine law and state

law. The sources of law can be classified into two and they are legal sources and historical

sources. Legal sources such as the constitution, executive orders, judicial decisions and treaties

are recognized by law itself and historical sources lack the recognition of law. Historical sources

influence legal development but it does not have the same authoritative effect like legal


The positive effect of law is that it provides order. It assures the people who are under

its protection that once a wrong deed has been committed, it will not go unpunished. Another

positive effect of law is its purpose to protect the innocent and punish the wrong-doers. The

intentions of law are pure and one should remember that the law is made by the people to

protect the people. The negative effect of law is that it can by contradicted by another law. It

makes understanding the law all the more confusing and it can also be easily manipulated by

the people and lawyers to their own advantage. Benjamin Franklin said that “the strictest law

sometimes becomes the severest injustice” and that is a fact. It is another effect of law because

it can hinder a nation’s or people’s progress. Some laws can be so harsh that it can disregard

human rights and degrade the dignity of people. Situations like that must be avoided and law

must remain unbiased in order for it to remain functional. To sum it all up, law brings up

positive and negative effects to those who are affected by it. The effects of law may vary in one

place and another.



De Leon, H.2008.The Law on Obligations and Contracts.

Internet websites:






Argumentative Essay

Fighting Temptation: Strong Implementation of RA 1224 in DLSU

The Republic Act No. 1224 is an act amending section one of Republic Act No. 938. It is

stated here that “the municipal or city board or council of each chartered city and the municipal

council of each municipality and municipal district shall have the power to regulate or prohibit

by ordinance the establishment, maintenance and operation of night clubs, cabarets, dancing

schools, pavilions, cockpits, bars, saloons, bowling alleys, billiard pools, and other similar places

of amusement within its territorial jurisdiction: Provided, however, That no such places of

amusement mentioned herein shall be established, maintained and/or operated within a radius

of two hundred lineal meters in the case of night clubs, cabarets, pavilions, or other similar

places, and fifty lineal meters in the case of dancing schools, bars, saloons, billiard pools,

bowling alleys, or other similar places, except cockpits, the distance of which shall be left to the

discretion of the municipal or city board or council, from any public building, schools, hospitals

and churches.” In support of this republic act, a Manila City ordinance has also been passed and

that is Manila Ordinance No. 3358. The said ordinance fixes a wider distance of 200 meters. It

has been explained that in the city of Manila, it follows the 50-meter radial distance set by RA

1224 but in some cases, the 200-meter radial distance that has been provided in the city

ordinance is followed.

The places of amusement that are stated in the Republic Act No. 1224 are as follows:

night clubs, cabarets, dancing schools, pavilions, cockpits, bars, saloons, bowling alleys and

billiard places. These places are prohibited to be operated within a certain distance from public

buildings, schools, hospitals and churches. De La Salle University is one of the many universities

that are located in the city of Manila. Unlike other universities such as University of Santo

Tomas, Adamson, Far Eastern University and the like, the one thing that the university does not

really have is space. The campus is small in terms of space but it caters to many students that

are increasing in number every after academic year. It is situated in Taft Avenue where there

are a lot of different establishments that are being operated. Internet cafes, arcade places,

restaurants, KTV rooms and even drinking establishments are a walking distance from the

university. When it comes to drinking establishments, there are only three places that students

will normally mention and they are Rooftop, Beach House and Green Place. These

establishments are located at the back of the university where the Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall

and Enrique Razon Sports Complex are located. Students frequent these places during their

long breaks and after school hours stay there as late as they can especially on Thursdays.

Instead of spending more time resting at home after a hard day in school or studying for an

upcoming exam, the students prefer to spend time and money in these places that don’t really

benefit them permanently. With this in mind, the 200 meter rule regarding drinking

establishments is beneficial in terms of promoting proper learning environment, preventing

indecent actions by the patrons and becoming Lasallian achievers for God and country,

therefore De La Salle University should strongly implement this rule.

When one is under the influence of alcohol, it cannot be helped that inappropriate

actions will be committed. Inappropriate actions such as brawls and public display of physical

intimacy are usually happening in establishments that sell liquor. The headline of one article

published in The Lasallian last February that supports this argument is “What happens on happy

Thursdays: Sex and drugs at DLSU.” Indecent actions are done in these drinking establishments

and students have more access to using drugs in these establishments. The presence of drinking

establishments near the university make the students think that it is acceptable and normal to

go a little bit “wild” especially after a rough day in school or on Thursdays. In this article, it says

that in the drinking establishments, students play games, such as truth or dare, and bottle

spinning, which invoke sexual dares and foreplay. This leads to the actual intercourse, which is

usually done in the restrooms of the drinking establishments, as well as nearby condominiums.

These drinking establishments encourage its patrons to run free and do whatever they like

since it is outside campus and the campus has no power over these establishments because the

business is not illegal in terms of permits and the like. The RA 1224 must be applied in order to

prevent indecent actions by the patrons or in this case, students.

The ideal leader for our country is a law-abiding citizen who is not easily tempted to do

wayward things. The presence of drinking establishments does not help in honing Lasallian

achievers for the country. These establishments encourage the students to become wayward

and not serious people it does not help in instilling in the students social awareness and social


Students are enrolled in schools for the purpose of learning. A school or university

cannot properly serve its purpose if establishments such as bars and arcades are in close

proximity. It cannot properly promote a proper learning environment if temptations are just a

few meters away. De La Salle University gives its enrolled students the freedom to choose their

desired class schedule. An average student would want to have breaks during the day especially

if the subjects for that day are tough. During long breaks, students would find ways to keep

themselves busy. Some would prefer to just stay in the library in order for them to have some

peace and quiet. Others would go out of campus and eat in some nearby restaurants. Those

students who go out of campus are most likely tempted to go to Sherwood Place to go grab a

few drinks. Others might head to Rooftop or Beach House or GP (Green Place) to have a little

fun. These places are very close to the Bro. Andrew Gonzalez building that is located almost

near Quirino. These places are jam-packed by students especially on Thursdays because for

almost all students, Thursday is the last school day of the week. These three establishments do

not help promote the proper learning environment that the University wants to achieve. These

places tempt the students to not do their best in their studies. The close proximity of these

places is a threat to the values that the University wants to instill in the students.

How can one say that these establishments prevent students to become Lasallian

achievers for God and country? Not all students go to these establishments every week because

there are those that have better things to do. De La Salle University has produced some of the

most notable names in the industries that we have today. Students should not always immerse

themselves with only their students. College should also be enjoyed because it is one of those

once in a lifetime experiences. It is true that these establishments are a distraction but these

are only temporary distractions and the presence of these establishments should not always be

treated as hindrances to the students because its presence can also serve as a test. There are

many temptations in the real world and college students are already being exposed to the

realities of this world through the presence of amusement establishments. One can still be an

achiever even if there is the presence of temptations.

As stated before, there is nothing illegal in establishing, maintaining and operating a

business such as bars and the like if all the legalities are settled; however operating a bar near a

university is not advisable since the reason why students are in school in the first place is for

them to learn. It does not help the students to develop their full potential if they spend their

time drinking alcohol and getting wasted. Republic Act No. 1224 is implemented to preserve the

importance of some of the institutions that are situated in a certain place.


Gamboa, M. & Ladisla, M. (2010, December 15). City Hall officials raid bars near UST Campus. The Varsitarian.

Mendoza, J. & Pagulayan, D. (2011, February 17).What happens on happy Thursdays: Sex and drugs at DLSU. The Lasallian, p.2

Robles, C. (n.d.) Republic Act No. 1224. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from http://www.chanrobles.com/republicacts/republicactno1224.html

Reflective Essay # 2

ENGLCOM… After Three MonthsI enrolled in the ENGLCOM course knowing that the English skills that I acquired in my

whole stay in grade school and high school will be tested. True enough, the skills that I learned

were tested and proven adequate to meet the requirements of this course. There were times

that I forgot what skills to use in reading and writing but I remembered them easily after our

professor guides us in what to do. What I have learned in the reading and writing component of

this course is that the essays that I have written before can be improved and classified. I was

able to improve on the writing skills that I have and I was also made to keep in mind that my

essays should be organized. There were times that my thoughts were all over the place and I

didn’t know where to start with my paper but through this course, my scattered thoughts were

replaced with organized thoughts and ideas. It is through ENGLCOM that I was able to write and

read better.

Looking back at my first reflective essay, I have written expectations about this course

and I can say that these expectations were met. I was not disappointed with this course even if

there were times that I said that this course is such a drag. Although this is not one of my major

courses, it helped me get a head start with what I will be doing in the near future.

ENGLCOM helped me in achieving my goals this term because I believe that I was able to

write better and I was also able to let myself tackle more mature issues or ideas in my essays.

Comparing what I have written now and what I have written in my early years is easy now

because I have a basis for my comparison. I have seen myself grow in my writing and I’m happy

with what I have now. There might be times that I will forget what I am supposed to do but

with the skills that I acquired in this course, I will be able to get by. I am thankful to have

enrolled in ENGLCOM even though I had to wake up early and get to school on time just to

attend the class it is all worth it in the end.

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