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The Best English Language School in Ireland

"We help!"

welcome to

English in Dublin


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Message From Director

About Us

Our Teachers

Our Courses

IELTS Preparation Course

Cambridge Preparation Course

Summer Programme

Extra Activities

Our International Food Day

Our Halloween Party

Our Saint Patrick’s Day Party

Our Christmas Party


Living In Dublin - Transportation

Living In Dublin - Renting

Living In Dublin - Host Family

Living In Dublin - Medical Insurance

Living In Dublin - Emergency

Living In Dublin - Airport Transfers

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MESSAGE FROMDIRECTOREstablished in 1986, English in Dublin has grown to become a highly repu-table English language school. Recognised by the Irish Department of Education and Science as an English language school, we provide gener-al English courses (GE) at all main levels from elementary up to advanced level, as well as business English and exam preparation courses.

Our headquarters, a building of Georgian architecture, is located in the elegant and historic setting of Merrion Square, in the heart of Dublin City, minutes from the Natural History Museum, the National Gallery of Ireland, Trinity College and many shops, restaurants, cafes and bars.

We organize a lot of sport as well as high-quality academic courses. We were triple champions in football in 2008, winning the English Language Schools Championship, the SARI Cup and the Ireland League of Nations!

In 2004 English in Dublin’s partner college, the College of Career Ad-vancement (CCA), was set up. CCA provides business and marketing courses, leading to awards from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board.

Our staff are dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals, and we assess and respond to each student’s needs individually.

Our motto is: “We help”. I hope you decide to enrol with English in Dublin, and I look forward to meeting you shortly!

Best Wishes,Denis O’DonoghueDirector

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We are located in the elegant and historic setting of Merrion Square, the heart of Dublin city. An area steeped in history, it contains the very best of Dublin’s 18th Century Georgian architec-ture. Famous former residents of Merrion Square include the writers Oscar Wilde and W.B. Yeats.

The school is also only minutes from the Natural History Museum, the National Gallery of Ireland, Trinity College and many shops, restaurants, cafes and bars.

English in Dublin is open all year, and students can start their course on any Monday. On arrival, students are given a written placement test and a short interview. All class levels are based on the Council of Europe Framework, and each class is named after one of the counties in Ireland, so you can learn about Irish culture and history while you are here.

Class atmosphere is also important, and students are encouraged to participate as much as possible in their lessons, with many stu-dents making new friends along the way...in English, of course!



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All our teachers at English in Dublin are native Eng-lish speakers, well qualified, experienced and highly enthusiastic.

Your teacher will give you a plan of what you will learn each week so that you can keep track of your learning progress. On Fridays, there will be revision of what you have learnt during the week.

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OUR COURSESThe General English Courses are designed to give students maximum exposure to English in a relaxed and pleasant learning environment. The emphasis is on speaking, listening and reading, with grammar, writing and pronunciation also practised.

Students are involved in task-based activities, which help them to improve their actual use of English by doing and solving various tasks and problems.

We use the latest editions of English File, Inside Out, Speak Out, Total English and Headway coursebooks with accompanying DVDs, CDs, workbooks etc. and a library is available for extra materials. Students are provided with the textbook appropriate to their level for use during class time.

Class atmosphere is also important and students are encouraged to participate as much as possible in their lessons with many students making new friends along the way...in English, of course!

General English

English in Dublin currently provides assistance and preparation for the following exams:

:: IELTS (International English Language Testing System, Cambridge ESOL, UK/Australia):: FCE (First Certificate in English, Cambridge ESOL, UK):: CAE (Certificate in Advanced English, Cambridge ESOL, UK):: TIE (Test of Interactive English, ACELS Ireland)

Exam Courses

First Certificate in English (FCE)FCE (First Certificate in English) is an exam for people who are able to use everyday written and spoken English at an upper-intermediate level (B2). It is one of the most popular exams in English as a foreign language. The certifi-cate is widely recognized around the world for both business and study purposes.

Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) is an exam for advanced users of English. This exam is aimed at people who can use written and spoken English for most professional and social purposes. It is widely recognized for work or study purposes.

English in Dublin’s course syllabus covers the main grammar points and vocabulary needed to pass the exam. During the course extensive exam practice is done by using past papers and specialized material.

At the end of the course EID organizes a prac-tice exam which will help students plan their final revision before the exam.

Test of Interactive English (TIE)English in Dublin is a registered centre for TIE Examinations.The TIE test is in two parts - a speaking test (OTIE) and a written test (WTIE). In the oral test you present your project, talk about either your book or news story and talk to your partner to reach a decision based on some material the examiner will give you. In the writing test you are required to produce two pieces of writing. You write about either your book or news story for the first task and for the second you write something which you have not prepared.Key points about TIE :

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IELTS, the international English Language Testing System, is recognised by more than 6000 institutions across 120 countries. Over 1.4 million candidates take the test each year to start their journeys into international educa-tion and employment.

The tests are available in more than 120 cuntries in over 500 locations, with test dates available up to eight times a month.

IELTS is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English in sused as the language of communication. IELTS is required for en-try to university in Ireland, the UK and other countries.

WHO IS IT FOR?IELTS is recognised by universities and employers in many countries, including Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. It is also recognised by professional bodies, immigration au-thorities and other government agencies.

WHAT IS THE IELTS TEST LIKE?The test has four sections:Listening - 4 section, 40 questions, 30 minutesSpeaking - interview, 15 minutesReading - different for Academic or Gen-eral Training - 3 sections, 40 questions, 60 minutesWriting - different for Academic or Gener-al Training - 2 pieces of writing, 60 minutes

The total test time is around 2 hours 45 minutes. The first three tests - Listening, Reading and Writing - must be completed in one day. The speaking test may be taken, at the discretion of the test centre, in the period seven days before or after the other tests.

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FCE is at Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) — an internationally recognised ench-mark of language ability. The framework uses six levels to describe language ability from A1 to C2. ‘Can Do’ statements have been used to describe these levels in terms of real skills with language.

For example, at B2 level, typical users can be expected to:

• understand the main ideas of complex pieces of writing• keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics, expressing opinions and pre-senting arguments• produce clear, detailed writing, expressing opinions and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of different points of view.

Your preparation for FCE will give you these kinds of practical language skills.

Is FCE for you?• understand texts from a wide variety of sources?• use English to make notes while some-one is speaking in English? • talk to people about a wide variety of topics? • understand people talking in English on radio or television programmes?

If this describes your skills now, or describes the level of skills you are working towards, then FCE is the right exam for you.

What will FCE do for you?• an FCE certificate is valid for life • FCE is truly international, recognised around the world for business and study purposes • thousands of employers, universities and government departments officially recognise FCE as a qualification in upper-intermediate English. • FCE gives you a pathway to higher qualifications such as the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) and Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)• FCE’s ‘Can Do’ skills give you the confi-dence to use English in real situations.

What does FCE involve?FCE has five papers:

Reading: 1 hourYou will need to be able to understand in-formation in fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines.

Writing: 1 hour 20 minutesYou will have to show you can produce two different pieces of writing such as a short story, a letter, an article, a report, a review or an essay.

Use of English: 45 minutesYour use of English will be tested by tasks which show how well you control your grammar and vocabulary.

Listening: 40 minutesYou need to show you can understand the meaning of a range of spoken mate-rial, including news programmes, speech-es, stories and anecdotes and public announcements.

Speaking: 14 minutesYou will take the Speaking test with anoth-er candidate or in a group of three, and you will be tested on your ability to take part in different types of interaction: with the examiner, with the other candidates and by yourself.

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English in Dublin has a long tradition of welcoming students to Dublin during the summer months for its Summer school in July and August.

all Summer Packages include:

• 15 hours’ tuition per week• Full-board host family accommodation• Sport activities and trips from Monday to Sunday• 1 full-day excursion on Sunday (outside of Dublin)• 1 evening activity• Multinational classes• Use of course books and materials• Travel expenses and airport transfers• Football coaching by Brazilians• Horse-riding, golf & sailing (optional extras)• other options considered

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Extra Activties

English in Dublin offers an extensive variety of cul-tural activities as well as sports and social events, all year round. Students can visit the most popular attractions in Dublin, and each visit will be made even more interesting and educational through tailor-made worksheets created to suit the stu-dent’s level.

English n Dublin’s students also enjoy a wide range of sporting activities such as horse-riding, golf, sailing, hiking, volleyball - not to mention a very successful football programme.

Sport, Clubs and Societies

English in Dublin has a very suc-cessful football team that has won many cups and trophies in Dublin. Teachers and students also regu-larly go to the pub for a pint or 2 and a chat.

At English in Dublin, we believe clubs and activities are important. They give students an opportu-nity to interact with each other and have fun while also learning something new and speaking English. These clubs and societies are free to join and are open to all students.

Here are some of the clubs, so-cieties and events that English in Dublin offers:

• Cineclub• Scrabble Club• Historical Society• CV Clinic• Interview Techniques

Workshop• School Parties• Cultural Events• Football• Horse-riding• Badmington

Denis, our director, and some of our football players were lucky enough to meet the world-famous Pele in Dublin

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We have students from all over the world here and International Food Day is a chance for our students to taste food from all over the world.

On this day, students prepare typical food from their country and then every-body presents their food. We all then meet and taste food from all over the world. It’s a great way to find out about other cultures and to try food we have never had before!

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OUR HALLOWEENPARTYHalloween takes place every year on 31 October. Many scholars believe that Halloween has its origins in the Gaelic festival, Samhain. Samhain was a festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.

Here at English in Dublin we celebrate Halloween every year by inviting all of our students to a big fancy dress party at a pub in town. Students and teachers attend and we have prizes for the best costumes. You can see the photos on our Facebook page and the EID website, so check them out!

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Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. St Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. Saint Patrick is most known for driving the snakes from Ireland and it is true there are no snakes in Ireland.

Saint Patrick’s Day is on 17th March. It is a bank holiday in Ireland so we usually have our party the day before. In school, students and teachers learn some Irish dancing together and then we have a Ceili. A Ceili is the Irish word for a group of people who dance together to Irish music. The festival is for 3 days in Dublin so there are lots of op-portunities to celebrate when you are here!

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In December, we always have a huge Christmas party, the biggest of the year. Students, teachers, friends, and partners all get together to celebrate. We dance, drink (non-alcoholic beverages!), have competitions and gen-erally have a good time. Christmas is when EID also has its famous Christmas quiz, with great prizes for the winning team!

Of course, our students take many fantastic photos to show everyone back home, and many end up on Face-book or in students’ photo albums. This is a great way to remember their time at EID and always brings back warm memories of their Christmas in Dublin!

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English in Dublin has a library of textbooks, DVDs and other re-sources, providing a range of additional study material for students to access by themselves.

The school is equipped with the most up-to-date modern technology available. This includes:

• Laptops• Free Wi-Fi• Full colour projectors• Each classroom has a DVD player• Each classroom has a CD player• PowerPoint presentation facilities in every


Snacks and drinks are available, and there is also a small kitchen with a microwave and tea/coffee-making facilities if students want to have a bite to eat during the short break between classes.

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DUBLIN• Transportation• Renting• Host Family• Medical Insurance• Emergency

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LUAS (tram): www.luas.ie

D.A.R.T (train): www.irishrail.ie

Dublin Bikes: http://www.dublinbikes.ie

RentingIf you want to rent a place to live or share a house with your friends there are many websites that help to find the ideal room for you. www.daft.ie is one of the biggest online property websites in Ireland. Just click and start searching.


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Dublin Bus

Accommodation for students is arranged by the Ac-commodation Officer.

Our foreign students are placed with their Irish host families and are integrated as much as possible into the daily routine of that family.

All of the families have experience of hosting foreign language students before so they are better able to care for them and help them to settle into Irish life.

Host Family

Medical Insurance


Students should obtain medical and/or travel insurance in their own country prior to departure. EU students should bring their European Health Insurance Card (the old E111 form) with them. It is obligatory for non-EU students who require a visa to have full private medical insurance. This can be arranged very cheaply by Eng-lish in Dublin and can be included in the fee structure. Students can collect their insurance details on their first day at school.

A 24-hour emergency telephone number is provided to all host families in case a problem of a serious nature arises. The school can also call on hospitals, doctors and dentists if a student requires attention. Where the student does not have adequate English, a translator will be made available.

Airport Transfers

Airport transfers can be arranged by English in Dublin. A school representive will meet students at the airport and bring them to their host family. All right details need to be given at least 10 days prior to arrival. If a transfer is not required, student qmay take a taxi or bus from the airport.

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contact usWeb: www.englishindublin.ieEmail: [email protected]: +353 (0)87 2310686 / +353 (0)1 6614791Fax: +353 (0) 1 6615200Address: No. 54, Merrion Square South, Dublin 2, Ireland

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