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Page 1: English Paper1 2014

Year 6 English TestPaper 1

Name: __________________________ ( ) 100%

Class: 4 ______


Questions 1-4. Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1. My pencil is blunt. May I borrow your_____________?

A. sharpenerB. scissorsC. eraserD. ruler

2. The little boy is wearing his__________________.

A. shirtB. pyjamasC. pinaforeD. jacket

3. Kumar went to the ____________ to check his teeth.

A. nurseB. doctorC. dentistD. surgeon

4. My sister is a vegetarian. She does not eat______________.

A. vegetablesB. fruitsC. breadD. meat

Questions -7. Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

Yesterday I followed my father to the supermarket. We bought___(5)___ flour

,___(6)____ bananas and_____(7)____ biscuits .

5. A. a box of B. a tin of C. a can of D. a packet of

6. A. a comb of B. a tin of C. a packet of D. a bouquet of

7. A. a can of B. a tin of C. a bottle of D. a packet of

Questions 8-10 Study the pictures carefully. Then, choose the best answer.

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A. The blind man is helping the boy to cross the road.

B. The boy is helping the blind man to cross the road.

C. They are walking along the road.

D. The boy is reading a book.


A. They are playing netball at the park.

B. They are playing badminton in the hall.

C. They are playing football at the school field.

D. They are playing volleyball at the school.


A. Azizah is bandaging her knee.

B. Azizah is pouring water on her knee.

C. Azizah is applying some medicine to the cut on her knee.

D. Azizah is checking his knee.


Questions 11-15. Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the picture.

11. A. See you later.B. I am busy now.C. Please don’t bother me.D. Here is the medicine for you.

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Questions 16-21. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

16. I went to his office ______________ Saturday.

A acrossB nearC onD at

17. Listen! Someone is ______________ for help.

A shoutingB shoutC shouted

D shouts

A. Where are your dirty clothes?B. Who took away your dirty clothes?C. What has happened to your dirty clothes?D. Please choose quickly.

A. How do you do?B. What do you want?C. Here is your change.D. Please choose quickly.

A. I need a haircut.B. Look at my messy hair.

C. What do you think of my hairstyle?

D. How much does it cost to cut hair?

A. Is this your study room?B. The room is in a mess.C. I don’t have a broom.D. I wonder who did this.

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18. Razak is a fat boy. He is the __________boy in my class.

A. fatB. fattestC. fatterD. as fat as

19. My father rides his _____________ to the office every day.A. motorcycleB. carC. busD. lorry

20. Shall we go camping ___________ stay at home?

A. butB. orC. becauseD. if

Question 21 Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the underlined word.

21. You should speak to someone about your problems.

A. seeB. talkC. tellD. sing

Questions 22-23. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

22. 23.

Questions 24-25. Choose the option with the correct spelling.A. “I am sorry,” said rahimahB. “I am sorry,” said Rahimah.C. “i am sorry,” said RahimahD. “I am sorry” said Rahimah

A. Pak Ahmad is a kind, friendly and hardworking man.

B. pak ahmad is a kind , friendly and hardworking man.

C. Pak Ahmad is a kind friendly and hardworking man.

D.Pak Samad is, kind, friendly and hardworking man

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24. The ____________ has a trunk and big ears.

A. elepfantB. elaphantC. alephantD. elephant

25. A hibiscus has five_______________.

A. patelsB. petalsC. pitalsD. pethals


Questions 26-30 Look at the picture carefully .Based on the picture and the passage given, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

This is Encik Karim’s family. They _____(26)_____ two daughters and a son. Salina,

the eldest, is 140 cm _______(27)______. Lokman, ______(28)______ only boy, is the

youngest. ________(29)_______ is quite thin. Salbiah, the second _______(30)______ the

family, is seven years old.

26. A. have B. has C. having D. has been27. A. tall B. tallest C. taller D. -28. A. a B. is C. the D. was 29. A. She B. He C. They D. We 30. A. under B. on C. in D. below


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Questions 31-35. Read the electronic mail below and answer the questions that follow.

31. Who wrote this email?A. LimB. RaniC. RathiD. Good buys

32. Who is celebrating Hari Raya?A. Lim and RaniB. Rathi and SaidC. Ramlah and RaniD. Ramlah and Said

33. Whose house do they plan to go first?A. Said’s houseB. Lim’s houseC. Rathi’s houseD. Ramlah’s house

34. Who will take them to Said’s house?

A. Lim’s motherB. Said’s motherC. Rani’s motherD. Rathi’s mother

35. What time do they plan to return home?

A. 12 p.m.B. 3 p.m.C. 5 p.m.D. 7 p.m.

Questions 36-40. Study the advertisement below. Then choose the best answers.

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A. a page from a diaryB. an essay in a magazineC. a story told by a friendD. an advertisement

37. The sale will be held for

A. 10 hoursB. 12 hoursC. 24 hoursD. 18 hours

38. What can you see at 8.00 p.m.?

A. A variety showB. A fashion showC. A grand saleD. A cinema show

39. Which of this is not mentioned in the passage?

A. StationaryB. ClothingC. FootwearD. Household

40. The word ‘bargains’ in the last line means

A. Attractive itemsB. Expensive goodsC. Discount pricesD. Good buys

*End of question paper*Parent’s signature

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