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Page 1: English Survival Skills

English Survival SkillsCan you speak more slowly please?

Page 2: English Survival Skills


I went to the baseball game last night but it was raining so the game was cancelled.


There is a robbery in the bank at the univer-sity! We should run and hide!

Can you speak more slowly please?

Page 3: English Survival Skills


I just saw a giant monster chicken attacking the city.

Page 4: English Survival Skills

Active and Passive Voice

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Subject + Verb + Object SVO

Active Voice

Jenny kicked the teacher. ObjectSubject Verb

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The chicken ate the child.

The child was eaten by the chicken.

Can you tell me what the dif -ference is between these two sentences?

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Object + (to be) Verb + (by) SubjectOVS

Passive Voice

The teacherwas kicked

by Jenny. (by) Sub-ject

Object (to be) Verb

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When the object is more important than the subject.

The diamond was stolen by someone.

When the subject does not want to be known.

Mistakes were made. (by me)

When do we use passive voice?

Page 9: English Survival Skills

Past ParticiplesPresentWalkKickRunSingRideStealWear


Past ParticipleWalkedKickedRunSungRiddenStolenWorn

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The cat wore a hel-met.

The helmet was worn by the cat.

Change the active voice to pas-sive voice.

Page 11: English Survival Skills

The lion chased the zebra. The zebra was chased by the lion.

Change the active voice to pas-sive voice.

Page 12: English Survival Skills

John lost his wheels. The wheels were lost by John.

Change the active voice to pas-sive voice.

Page 13: English Survival Skills

The car will hit the boat.

Switch to passive voice.

The boat will be hit by the car.

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The crazy man kicked the baseball player.

Switch to passive voice.

The baseball player was kicked by the crazy man.

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The monkey loves the bird. (present tense)

Switch to passive voice.

The bird is loved by the monkey.

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On Tuesday, my wife smashed the computer.

Switch to passive voice.

On Tuesday, the computer was smashed by my wife.

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