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Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 1

E N J O YY O U R F R E E M O N T H L Y L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N EA C C R A • T E M A • K U M A S I • T A K O R A D I • C A P E C O A S T








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Julie A. AdjomayiMarketing Manager

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Kekeli LogoAdmin

Clementina A. AcquahAssistant Designer

Vicky Murray


Enjoy Magazine is published by Orion Advertising Company Ltd.

Tel:+(233) 030-278 7025 Email:[email protected]

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Moving Onwards and Upwards

GIWC Royal Ascot Race Day



Parents Corner

Total Farewell to Mr Molapo

Events Calendar

Tulip Mirror Ball

Youth Sport's Injuries

ATL Fashion

Useful Numbers












Onga Launches New Shrimp Cube

3rd Jazz Concert At Alliance Française

Farewell H.E.Mr Hurtut

Steve Jobs


32 5124


Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 5

Dear Friends,

It’s been three years since Alliance Française launched their international jazz festival in Accra. In this 63rd issue of your favourite magazine, you will see how this event has grown. From humble beginnings at Alliance Française to events this year at the Golden Tulip, the African Regent and Movenpick hotels as well as at the Swiss Ambassador’s residence. We take a look at the success of this festival and how it has taken Accra by storm. It is our fervent hope that this festival will go national and take jazz to Takoradi, Kumasi and other cities in Ghana.

To continue with this celebration of arts look out for the second TIGA african art exhibition which will be held in early November at the CFAO showroom.

Patience, endurance, and tenacity are virtues that always lead to success in the long term. Our role is to encourage and support positive initiative. Enjoy magazine is a repository of positive information representing advancements in all areas be it cultural, academic, commercial or technological.

That is why we invite you to read the second part of our report on Promasidor as we follow the launch of their new product, the ONGA Shrimp Cube; as well as providing an in-depth interview on their future plans for expansion.

Promasidor’s story represents not only creativity, endurance and initiative but also the all important 'nothing ventured nothing gained spirit'. To Olivier and his dynamic team we say 'ayekoo and well done'.

Enjoy hopes to keep you updated on all the happenings in Ghana. The magazine is for you and with you, it is common property that together we will see grow in strength.

Life is dynamic and there are always movements. We say good luck to all those leaving Ghana or changing jobs and akwaaba to those who have come to join us , welcome to the family.


Don’t forget you can also read the magazine online at: www.enjoyaccra.com

dominique paraviciniEditor

editorialE N J O Y

6 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


“In Ghana, one company that has made tremendous progress in the manufacture of quality seasoning stock and has as a result

become a household name with their seasoning brand ONGA is Promasidor Ghana Limited.”

Ghana Limited Launches

Following the launch of their latest product, the Onga Shrimp tablet, we bring you an interview with two of their change leaders, Olivier Thiry, their young and dynamic Managing Director and Festus Tettey, their affable and result driven Sales and Marketing Manager.

E ating savoury foods is of paramount importance to people from all over

the world. Spice hunters have long sought out the best flavours with which to season foods. Herbs, spices and condiments are each a type of seasoning used to add flavour to food.

The need for spice has been responsible for some of the most important voyages in history. In 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail for the Spice Islands of India on a quest to find seasonings. This quest was so important that his voyage was bankrolled by the Queen of Spain. Many explorers have travelled the world to find seasonings to make their food taste better.

The culinary and medicinal importance of seasonings to the African family cannot be underestimated. In Ghana, one company that has made tremendous progress in the manufacture of quality seasoning stock and has as a result become a household name with their seasoning brand ONGA is Promasidor Ghana Limited.


Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 7

Olivier Thiry, Managing Director

Alain Gbeasor (A.G): Good morning gentlemen and thanks for this opportunity.

Olivier Thiry (OTH): Enjoy Accra is always welcome.

A.G: Olivier, Promasidor Ghana Ltd (PGL) has become a leading name in the manufacturing Industry with an array of products and innovative ideas. How did you achieve this feat?

Olivier Thiry (OTH): Promasidor (Ghana) Ltd has achieved a leading role in the industry due to its desire to set new standards and set a high benchmark. The team is driven by a strong desire to think out of the box, be focused and results oriented. The use of technology to enhance output throughout our value delivery chain has been key in establishing our company and brands as a leader in the industry in Ghana.

A.G: Festus, tell us a bit about Onga and what we are celebrating today?

Festus Tettey (FTE): We launched Onga in 2004 in four exciting flavours, stew, classic, shrimp and chicken. Within a relatively short period the product became a household name. Having achieved this feat and meteoric sales growth due to an overwhelming consumer patronage, Onga today has built a strong bond with its loyal customers and through this bond we have learnt their needs. As a result of this we developed the new Onga shrimp cube which we are launching today. In fact for the Ghanaian woman and for the culinary industry it is the best product since shrimp stock seasoning.

A.G: Promasidor has a pretty aggressive product development cycle, considering the product range that you have… what is the secret?

OTH: It is no big secret really, for us at Promasidor, it is pretty simple. We are very close to our consumers who are the reason for our existence. Our blind passion is to delight them. It is what drives us and we are relentless in this regard. We do not take them for granted and we understand the high standards they have come to expect from us.

A.G: A scan of the market shows stiff brand competition. How are you working around the market pressure? Exclusive Interview

Promasidor Profile

Festus Tettey, Sales & Marketing

8 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

FTE: For starters we respect our regulatory commitments and are HACCP certified by the Food and Drugs Board. This not withstanding total quality management drives very much the processes along our value delivery chain. As much as possible we build quality into our product from our raw materials through to the finished product and beyond. We also stay very close to our public and this enables us to understand and customize products to their needs. This is the reason we involve such key stakeholders as the Ghana Chefs Association and other target womens groups in the product development process.

Mr Festus Tettey, at the office


FTE: The pressures and consumer demand are immense and the competitive situation is quite keen with a lot of multinational brands competing for the same cedi. Our strength is the fact that we develop our product with an understanding of our consumer in mind.

The key here is to anticipate your customer’s expectation and satisfy them better than your peers but ensure that this is mutually beneficial. Understanding the business environment and culture is also critical in this regard.

A.G: What is PGL’s plan for the tablet and dairy industry of Ghana in the near future?

OTH: I believe most people in Ghana have come to the realization that innovation and creativity is synonymous with Promasidor and we have graciously achieved many firsts in Ghana. This is who we are and we do not intend to relinquish this. This will characterize our current and future projects. PGL has in stock many offerings waiting to be introduced at the appropriate time in these two product categories, but you know this is our little trade secret and we like to keep our public in suspense; just let them know "they ain’t seen nothing yet".

A.G: The Ghana Chefs Association and womens groups have been prominent in your launch. What was their role in the new Onga tablet formulation and what processes and standards do you adhere to in your operations?

AG: PGL is growing in Ghana, what are your plans for growth.

OTH: Over the last thirteen years our business has seen considerable growth and we are continuing to expand our facilities. We have just commissioned the construction of a new ultra modern, state of the art factory which should be completed sometime next year. We are committed to continuing to invest in developing and growing the product categories we are in today and our market as a whole.

A.G: Olivier, how long have you been at Promasidor and what is working at PGL like?

OTH: I started my career with the Algerian Subsidiary of Promasidor at its incorporation and today we have established that business as the market leader in the food industry in Algeria. I arrived in Ghana at the beginning of 2010 and have been here since. Working for Promasidor is challenging and very rewarding. Especially working with a very young and extremely dynamic team in a great environment. I love the dedication of our co-ordinators and our series of brainstorming sessions that reveal our brands as the leading brands in Ghana. In short working with Promasidor Ghana Ltd is just great.

“As much as possible we build quality into

our product right from our raw materials

through to the finished product and beyond,” Mr. Tettey.

Communication team

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 9

A.G: Festus, what is the success story with the brands and how do you measure your marketing performance and what should your consumers expect from you?

FTE: Well the success story is simply the acceptance of what we have on offer by the consumer and the overwhelming demand we experience for the brands. Our performance measurement besides key performance Indicator measures is our consumer’s delight.

We entreat our consumers to continue making our products number one on their shopping list, to go out to enjoy the new Onga shrimp tablet and to remember that for us at Promasidor Ghana Ltd, our consumer’s satisfaction is key.

“Working in Promasidor is

challenging and very rewarding.

Especially working with a very young and

extremely dynamic team in a great environment.”

Mr. Thiry.

Promasidor Dynamic Team

L-R: Johnson Edusei – Audit Co-ord, Kristof Henot (Logistics and Production Manager), Mark Boampong (I.T. Co-ord), Festus Tettey (Sales and Marketing Manager), Joseph Cobbinah (Production Co-ord.), Olivier Thiry (Managing Director), Kwabena Asamoa (Communications Co-ord.), Leonard Eddico (Warehouse Co-ord.), Jean-Claude Aba (Sales Co-ord Admin)

Rita Afful & Gloria K. Korsah, Admin

Mrs. Emmeline Tagoe Sales & Marketing Administrative Assistant

Promasidor Accounts staff


Promasidor Profile

10 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY Promasidor oNGa

Manufacturing Process Of ONGA Shrimp Cube






he culture of excellence, which is at the heart of the company’s philosophy, permeates every

facet of its operations from the sourcing and storage of raw materials through actual production to warehousing and delivery to customers.


Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 11

12 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY oNGa reciPe


+ 100g Agushie (ground)+ 200g Smoked fish+ 75g Tomatoes+ 2 Stew spoon full palm oil+ 10g Salted fish (Koobi)+ 2 Medium sized + onions (chopped)+ 1 Onga Shrimp cube+ Salt and pepper to taste


1. Put oil on fire and add chopped onions2. Put in salted fish, allow it to cook well and add pepper3. Stir to cook and add tomatoes4. Allow it to cook well, add smoked fish while cooking5. Mix the ground agushie with a little water and salt and add to the sauce6. Crumble in the Onga Shrimp cube to taste.

Agushie stew is a dish that can go with a vast array of meals.

Agushie Stewtasty notestasty notes


Mama's helping hand!

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 13

ENJOY oNGa lauNch

ROMASIDOR Ghana Ltd introduced the newest member of their

product line, the new Onga Shrimp-flavored seasoning tablet, at the Banquet Hall of the State House in Accra.

The colourful and culturally rich ceremony embodied the strong bond between culture and culinary habits that the Onga brand represents. The new Onga shrimp tablet was unveiled with a spectacular display of light effects and pulsating indigenous dances.

ONGA Launches New Shrimp 'CUBE'


This product is a response to the need for a shrimp brand stock cube which would be sanctioned by professional caterers and the Ghana Chefs Association.

Speaking at the launch, the Managing Director of PROMASIDOR, Olivier Thiry emphasized that the PROMASIDOR group was

driven by a passion to understand and satisfy its consumers. He added that the development of the Onga shrimp tablet was the result of a painstaking process aimed at being the very best in the world and meeting the high expectations of the Onga brand's loyal consumers.

According to the Sales and Marketing Manager of PROMASIDOR Ghana, Festus Tettey, the new Onga shrimp tablet delivers great taste whilst giving better value for money with its larger 12-gram size.

Guest were treated to foods cooked by members drawn from the award winning team of the Ghana Chefs Association who had just returned from their participation in the 2011 Bidvest World Chefs Tour Against Hunger in South Africa. This event, which is an initiative of the World Association of Chefs Societies Congress

“The new Onga shrimp tablet delivers

great taste whilst giving better value for money with its

larger 12-gram size.”

Olivier Thiry, Managing Director

Festus Tettey, Sales & Marketing

Introducing The New Onga Shrimp Cube

14 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

(WACS), showcases signature dishes of participating countries to people from all walks of life. The aim is to raise over four million rand which will be used to support the Hunger Project for the next five years. The Ghana Chefs Association

ENJOY oNGa lauNch

The chefs then demonstrated their creative skills with a wide array of foods ranging from roast duck and rabbit to other indigenous delicacies seasoned “A – LA ONGA”.

(GCA), was co-sponsored by Promasidor Ghana Ltd to attend the competition. This followed a previous success which saw them win a gold prize in the continental competition for serving the best meal, which was Gari Fotor.

To show their appreciation, the President of GCA, Cofie Dzilah and his executives presented a plaque to Oliver Thiry for PGL and Onga’s unwavering support.


Mr. Thiry receiving a plaque from the Ghana Chefs Association (GCA)

Moon Songmor (TV3)

Turkey seasoned with Onga

Kristof, Sofie, Olivier, Prisca & Deborah Invited guests

Onga ladiesA sample of the delicious food

Dance display

J. Nii Laryea, S.Boadu, E. Jackson & N. Amenyo of PGL

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 15

oNGa who's who

romasidor Ghana Ltd made a great show of their brand presence, when they decorated the premises of the Legon botanical gardens with their brands.

The event saw the Promasidor team in collaboration with the Ghana Chefs Association serve over 500 families various Ghanaian delicacies prepared and seasoned with the Onga Shrimp Tablet.

The botanical gardens were bubbling with excitement, as competitors from "Ghana's most beautiful pageant" thronged the stands of Onga for culinary lessons as well as to enjoy the great tasty foods on offer.

Cowbell, another prominent brand of the Promasidor Company, mounted bouncy castles for the children to have lots of fun on.

The event was indeed memorable and we say Ayekoo to Promasidor and the organizers Joy Fm.

ONGA Party In The Park



Chef Attipoe serving guest roast turkey

V. Odoom & K. Asamoa (Comm. Coord.)

Gifts presented to a guestFestus Tettey, in an interview with GTV

Guests being served Chef preparing a delicious meal

16 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY oNGa who's who

ollowing the launch of their new product, the Onga Shrimp

tablet. The Promasidor Ghana Ltd sales and marketing team went into various markets to give the women folk and sellers, a taste of this new product that they were instrumental in creating.

Once again the Promasidor team displayed their dedication to their consumers and a few loyal consumers were awarded various prizes for their partcipation.

ONGA In The Market

F“The Promasidor Ghana Ltd sales

and marketing team went into various

markets to give the women folk and sellers, a taste of the new product.”


Promotions team presenting the New Onga Shrimp Cubes

I. Mohammed presenting a patron with an Onga cloth

V. Odoom preparing a delicious meal

Patron tasting the Onga food

The Market place (Okaishie)

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 17

18 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY rooms

The newly refurbished premier suites at Golden Tulip Hotel Accra offer guests a place to relax in luxury. These spacious well appointed suites include areas for lounging and a meeting space for private discussions. Their location takes advantage of the picturesque view that the hotel has to offer.

Each premier suite is fully equipped with all the comforts of a first class business hotel. Guests are pampered with a fruit basket and bottle of sparkling wine on arrival, and then spoiled with dedicated room attendants and a turndown service among other benefits.


“You Can Expect More”International standards, local flavours

Liberation RoadP.O. Box KA 16033, Accra, Ghana Telephone: +233 (0) 302 213161 Fax: +233 (0) 302 775361 Email: [email protected] www.goldentulipaccrahotel.com

All the comforts of a first class business hotel

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 19

20 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY atl fashioN

Akosombo Textiles Limited (ATL) fabrics on display at the recently

held International Young Creative Entrepreneur Fashion Competition (IYCE) organised by the British Council.

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 21

22 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY atl fashioN

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 23

Reminiscenceato delaquis oko martey nicholas kowalski amarkine amarteifio

An exciting exhibition of new artworks by four renowned Ghanaian artists


Curator- Lily Sefa-Boakye


RSVP 0207 800 460, 0549 589 244, [email protected]



24 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


3rd Jazz Concert At Alliance Française

Now in its 3rd year and in no small part due to its incredible popularity; this year's jazz festival spread its roots from performances at Alliance Francaise to incorporate special performances at different venues in Accra. From the African Regent hotel to the Swiss ambassador's residence. Who knows where we will be listening to great jazz next year!

Mr. Patrice Gilles, MD Alliance Française

Ayekoo Drummers

Thomas Dobler

Thomas DoblerRight: Glory & friends


Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 25

JaZZ rePort

Recently named as one of the best musical artists in the world, Kelvin Sholar and the other members of the trio at African Regent Hotel performed for sponsors of the jazz festival. Guests were treated to a slap up 5 course meal provided by a guest chef.

A Neo Soul Experience in Concert Kelvin Sholar Trio with KG at African Regent

A special evening for guests of the Swiss Ambassador. Perfomances by Kenny Drew Jr. from New York and Thomas Dobler from Zurich and from Ayekoo Drummers.

The Swiss Contribution to the 3rd Jazz & World Music Festival Accra

KG performingKelvin Sholar on the piano & the brand


26 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


Jazz Festival at Movēnpick Ambassador Hotel

Jazz - nice! What could be nicer than Friday night jazz at the Movenpick. Sounds were provided by Kenny Drew Jnr and Thomas Dobler and ambience provided by the Movenpick Hotel. FYI - a great place to grab a drink and catch up with friends and ease yourself into the weekend.

Middle: Nadja Mueller, (Rooms Division MG) Movënpick Hotel & friends Nana Gyaba & Alvin


Sonya & friend

Tracy & Angella

right: Joon K. Stueber, (EAM i/c of F&B) Movënpick Hotel & friends

Thomas Dobler & Kenny Drew Jnr


Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 27

ENJOY health check

ntroducing healthy lifestyle choices at an early age is something I encourage

all parents to do with their children. Teaching them the correct foods to eat, how and when to brush their teeth, not to slouch when they are sitting, and being active in sports are the basic fundamentals of health.

However, there can be a downside to pushing your kids to be the next Michael Essien if you are not well informed on the effect of excessive sport on the developing body. Every year, more than 3.5 million children aged 14 and younger are treated for sport injuries. Another interesting fact is that nearly 50% of all injuries sustained by kids during sports are overuse injuries.

So what are overuse injuries? Overuse injuries are caused by repetitive motions; let’s say from always kicking the football with your right leg or preferring to use a back hand swing during a game of tennis. Overuse injuries are more difficult to diagnose and treat because they are usually very subtle and occur over time. If the PE teacher or parent is not mindful of improper training, techniques, the warning signs could be missed.

Here are a few tips.

• Encourage your child to rest and take a break. Athletes who play sports year-round are more likely than others to experience overuse injuries because they aren’t giving their bodies a chance to rest and recover. Encourage your child to play different sports during the year to avoid using the same muscle groups continuously, which can also lead to overuse injuries.

• Increase training gradually. When deciding when and how much to push your child to the next level, remember the 10% rule: do not increase training activity, weight, mileage, or pace by more than 10% per week. This allows the body ample time to recover.

• Obtain instruction on proper training and technique. Coaches and trainers are there to help teach proper technique and avoid injuries.

• Encourage your child to warm up properly before an activity. Warming up before an activity involves gradually bringing the heart rate up from the resting level by engaging in low-impact exercise such as jogging in place. Athletes should also stretch their muscles to release tension and help prevent injury.

• Be sure your child cools down properly after an activity. Cooling down after an activity allows an athlete’s heart rate to gradually return to a resting level. Once again, stretching may be helpful to avoid injury.

• Have your child wear proper fitting equipment. Make sure for example that running shoes are in good condition and fit properly.

• Have your child receive a pre-participation physical and schedule monthly checkups during sporting seasons. Having an annual pre-participation physical exam allows for the screening, prevention, and treatment of any conditions. Having monthly fitness, muscle imbalance assessments, or wellness checks from your chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist, or sport therapist can help prevent any small issues from developing into more serious ones.

Remember that early identification and proper treatment are the key to successful recovery. By staying informed and being vigilant you can help your child to remain active and healthy as they age and to prevent permanent damage, surgeries, and arthritis later in life.

Sports Injuries in Youth



“Having monthly fitness, muscle imbalance assessments, or wellness checks from your chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist, or sport therapist can help prevent any small issues from developing into more serious ones.”

Contact: +233 307020098 email: [email protected]; www.deyale.com

Dr. Angel Chambers CEO of DeYale Sports Centre


28 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011



World Food Day 2011 (and Food bazaar at AGRIFA)

Brunch@ La Palm Casino this and every Sunday

Concert Jazz- Spanish Guitar Recital Alliance Française - 7:00pm

Art Exhibition till Nov 20th Metamorphose (II) @ Borlabie Art Gallery, Teshie 024 476 8765

Poetry: With the Eha la kasa group Nubuke Foundation - 5PM

Enjoy Sunday Brunch @ Holiday Inn Hotel Airport from 12noon

Mini Golf Course Come meet your friends and enjoy an afternoon of golfing and meet other people with nice food from 1pm-6pm

Brunch@ La Palm Casino this and every Sunday

Soviet Union National DayHoney SuckleHappy Hour ½ Price on Drinks till 7pm Venue: Ring Road opp. Fire Service Time: From 5 pm

Lunch Buffet Labadi Beach Hotel from 11:30am-4pm

Sunday Buffet Lunch @ Alisa Hotel North Ridge from 12noon





Chase Restaurant and Takeaway. Try the pizza! From 6pm Labone

Mojito Mondays @ 6ghc At the Sky Bar Citizen Kofi, Osu @ 12noon

Rockstone's Officerz Venue Behind Police Headquarters, Cant.@ 7pm

Zambia National DayMillionaires Casino Golden Tulip Bingo Nitetime 9-10pm

Happy Hour Cheers Entertainment Centre Venue Ahodjo Kumasi @7pm

Venus Pub/Restaurant Join your friends & enjoy a nice dinner on the terrace Venue: Osu, Behind Total Station Time: From 5 pm

Happy Hour Tops n Tails Pub Spintex Rd Opp Stanchar

Movie Night @SilverBird Cinema Accra Mall Time : 6pm-10pm

Jazz Nite @ Bella Roma Enjoy a glass of wine with Jazz, Osu Time : 8pm-0:00

MonsoonJoin your friends for a nice drink & dinner @ Monsoon time :7pm Osu

Happy Hour Twist Headlines Labone time: 7pm

Animafrik Animation Festival 2011 (till Oct. 29)Alliance Française

Happy HourApo's Spot Osu Time 6:00pm

Exhibition Cultures in confluence @ Alliance Française Thru till Oct 29 opening @ 6:30

Concert Mecredi de la Paillotte - Big Twins Cultural Band Alliance Française - 8:30 PM

Millionaires Casino Golden Tulip Ladies Nite 7-10pm

Happy HourTASTY JERKBarbecue JointVenue: OsuDown Chez Lien AnnexTime: From 5 pm

Republic of China/Taiwan National Day

Thanksgiving (Canada)

Happy Hour Celsbridge Pub Labone Time: from 5pm

Afropollitan Gourmet Buffet Brunch from 11:30am to 4pm- ghc 40 per head @ the Mukyia Resturant, African Regent Hotel,Airport West

Take a trip outsideAccra Kokrobite, White Sands or Ada. Come enjoy!!

Citizen Kofi Wine Pairing fve course food and wine from 7.30pm Book in Advance

Bella Roma Mid Week Salsa Nite Come join your friends and dance some of that stress away with good food.@ 6pm. Osu


7 98


Algeria National Day

DON’s PLACE – Jazz Club Jazz bar with a good crowd on most evenings Venue: Osu @7 pm

Taco Tuesdays Accra Bar At CKE, Osu @ 6pm

Cambodia National Day

Millionaires Casino Golden Tulip Slots Tournament

Salsa Dance Nite @ Coconut Groove Hotel.Come dance the nite away Time:7pm


2Charity Garden Party benefiting the Infanta Malaria Project Australian High Commission residence - 10:30 AM

Table Bay jazz bar@ Allisa hotels, Northridge on Weds, Fri and Sat.



26Iran National Day

GOETHE-INSTITUT @ 50 Reggae Night Tawala Beach - 7:00 PM

Champs Sports Bar Watch live games & sing along @ the Karokee Bar Time 6pm @ RIng Road


There are a lot of activities lined up for you this month. Send your activities for the Events Calendar [email protected] See you when I see you.

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 29

eveNts caleNdar

10Frenchy Vibes Boomerang Club @ 11pm

Golden Tulip Invite your friends and enjoy nice food with music time: 7pm


13 14 15


Concert Jazz- Les Nubians and Blitz the Ambassador Alliance Française - 8:30 PM

Grasscutters Whiskey Tasting Grasscutters

Art exhibition- by The Art Studio. till oct 28 @ African Regent Hotel- Airport West

Anusara Yoga Immersion in Accra venue to be announced - 8am

Kids Concept Workshops for children between the ages of 2.5 yrs - 6 yrs. Timing: 11am-1pm/ 2pm-4pm. For further details email:[email protected]

Turkey National Day Accraexpat.com Halloween & Costume Party 2011 venue to be announced - 9pm

Sangria & Salsa Lessons Venue: Citizen Kofi, Hollywood Lounge, Osu @ 9pm. Come dance the night away with dance DJ Spando

The 2011 Bamako Meetings: African Photography Biennial (till Dec. 5) Various venues in Bamako, Mali -

Special Ghanaian Lunch @Golden Tulip Accra Branche Restaurant from 12.30pm till 3


am-Before 6:00pm

pm-After 6:00pm

All Day




Concert Jazz - Panafrican Orchestra Alliance Française - 8:30 PM

Movenpick Lounge Come enjoy a nice chilled out ambience with good music & food Time 7pm

Outdoor Patio @ Excel Club Happy Hour, Enjoy Mouthwatering BBQ & Drink specials from 4pm, Airport

Thursday Films "Yella" (2007) Goethe-Institut - 6:30 PM

Jazzy VIBE At +233 Jazz Club Time: 8pm Rate: Free

Rhapsody Resturant Bar Accra Mall Time from 6pm

Accra International Motor Fair 2011 (till Oct. 22)Aviation Social Centre - 8am

Ghana Music & Food Festival Venue: Trade Fair Center La-Accra from 28-30th October

Mirror Ball Golden Tulip @10pm dress code; blue jeans & white t-shirt

Hi Friday Night for the grown & beautiful At Club Citizen, Osu from 5pm-11pm

Steak Night In The Wiase Restaurant. Enjoy Liveband Music With Zonzo Khebab at poolside @ 6:30pm venue : Holiday Inn Hotel

Goethe@50 with EHALAKASAN - Spoken Word Poetry Goethe-Institut - 6:00pm


Italian Cultural Week 2011 - Film screenings (till Oct. 29) Goethe-Institut - 8:00 PM

Jazz Bus stop Venue: Ring Road Time: 7pm

International Night at the Canadian High CommissionHigh Commission of Canada - 7:00 PM

Saxophone Night with Big Wellington from 6.30-10pm @ the poolside African Regent hotel thurs

20 21

3 4

28 29

30 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 31

32 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


His Excellency Francis Hurtut, French Ambassador's farewell cocktail

n 6 October, His Excellency Francis Hurtut held a farewell cocktail at his residence in Cantonments. During his three years in Ghana was instrumental in strengthening

relations between France and Ghana through his support of french companies including the chamber of commerce, business club, activities at Alliance Francaise with, the french school to name but a few. He spoke warmly of the friends that he made here and of how much he will miss them on his return to Paris.

Middle: H.E. Mr. Francis Hurtut with reps of the French School & French Embassy

H.E. Mr. Francis Hurtut with Ghana Marianne His Excellency & Dominique His Excellency & Dr Kofi Amoah

O“Mr Hurtut lauded

the gains made in the trade relations between

Ghana and France and commended

Ghana for the steady economic growth.”

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 33

embassy corNer

H.E. Omar Selim Ambassador of Egypt & H.E Eberhard Schanze Ambassador of Germany

Mr Evans, His Excellency & Dr Jemima Agyare

Honourable guests

Mr & Mrs Comazzi, De Simone Ltd

Honourable guests

Mr & Mrs Elie Bachara, Da Viva

Mrs. Guma, His Excellency & H.E Tullio Guma Italian Ambassador

Previously when His Excellency Mr Hurtut paid a farewell courtesy call to President John Evans Attah Mills at the Osu Castle. President Mills thanked him for what he had done for Ghana whilst serving his country. Adding that Ghana intends to enhance bilateral relations and explore investment opportunities. Mr Hurtut lauded the gains made in the trade relations between Ghana and France and commended Ghana for the steady economic growth.

34 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY embassy corNer

Left: Business Club, middle: His Excellency, Francis Hurtut, right: Foreign Trade

Alliance Francaise, His Excellency, Mama Lise, Mr. Gilles, AF & French School

H.E Francis Hurtut, crocodile with a goodbye french kiss

His Excellency, Julie & Thierno

His Excellency & Karen

Carole & His Excellency

This evening was an opportunity to say goodbye to friends and to collect a few nice souvenirs to remind him of his stay in Ghana. `Au revoir Mr Ambassador. e

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 35

36 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY embassy corNer

he German Ambassador, His Excellency, Eberhard Schanze, and the staff of

the embassy in Accra hosted a special cocktail to celebrate the Tag der Deutschen Einheit (the Day of German Unity).

Celebrated on 3rd October it is a public holiday in Germany. It commemorates the anniversary of German reunification in 1990.

We bring you a few photos of the occasion.

German embassy in Ghana Commemorates German Unity Day


H.E. Mr. & Mrs. Eberhard Schanze, German Ambassador H.E. Mr. Eberhard Schanze

Distinguished guestsMr. Kwesi Ahwoi, Minister

of Agriculture

Iman and team of German school

Distinguished guests

Mr. Yannick Aplogan, GM Lufthansa & Mr. & Mrs. Lars Hohnheit,

First Secretary Germany


Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 37


total Petroleum Ghana LTD

Farewell Cocktail In Honour ofmr. Jonathan molapo

Mr Stanislas Mittelman, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr Jonathan Molapo, former MD of TPGL & Mr Guillaume Larroque, New Managing Director of TPGL

right: Mr. Alex Mould (Acting CEO of NPA) & honourable guestsExecutives of TPGL

Mr Jonathan Malopo former MD of TPGL & honourable guests Distinguished guests

Mrs. Marina Perez Marketing Manager Total & guest

fter a successful tenure in Ghana as the managing director of Total Petroleum Ghana, Jonathan Molapo said his

goodbyes at a cocktail held at the Movenpick Hotel on September 13.

This event also provided an opportunity to introduce the new managing director, Guillaume Larroque. In attendance were customers and business associates of Total Petroleum Ghana Ltd.

“Enjoy Accra says good luck to Mr Molapo

and Akwaaba to Mr Larroque.”


ENJOY total farewell

38 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY tiGa's iNsiGht

Samuel is an up and coming ghanaian painter who is best known for his use of colour which he refers to as his "land of colours”. He uses warm and cool colours wonderfully

together to harness vim, vigour and vitality. He creates abstract, realistic and surrealistic works. Samuel draws inspiration from proverbs, wise sayings, daily activities and dreams. Samuel studied integrated rural art and industry at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 2003. He did not study painting but to prove his versatility Samuel took painting as a hobby. He is now considered one of the best up and coming painters in Ghana. He has participated in exhibitions both in Ghana and abroad. His work can be seen both in the top galleries in Ghana and in private collections.

Samuel, whose brush name is ‘PROPHASK’ , aspires to become one of the most wonderful painters the world has ever seen. He wants to create his own world, a land that would be named THE LAND OF COLOURS.”



For more of the artworks; call Lilly Sefa-Boakye 0207800460, 0549589244, Website: www.tigaafricanart.com

email: [email protected]

: Reflections of success

: Symphony orchestra

: Melodic fantasy I

: 2nd station

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 39

40 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


he Ghana International Women’s Club (GIWC) is an organization committed

to improving the lives of the less privileged in Ghana. The club supports numerous projects benefitting women and children. This year as part of their fundraising activities to support the Ridge hospital maternity ward the GIWC organized a special Accra Royal Ascot Race.

There are few sporting venues that can match the rich heritage and history of the Ascot Racecourse. For almost 250 years, Royal Ascot has established itself as a national institution and a centerpiece of the British social calendar as well as being the ultimate stage for the best racehorses in the world.

G.I.W.C Organizes a Royal Ascot Race

At The Polo Courtm


“This year as part of their fund raising activity to support the Ridge Hospital maternity ward; the GIWC organized a special Accra Royal Ascot Race.”

Florence Frempong, Proj Chairman Naamen, MemberNagwa Kattah, President

of GIWC & Muna Ilogu

Shamila, Member & Rashma, Social Sec.

Rita Kapoor, Projects & Naomi, Prog Co-ord

H.E Naomi Suzuki Mochizuki & Katum Jispeerd Guests

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 41

who's who

Tradition, pageantry, fashion and style all meet in a glorious setting at one of the most beautiful racecourses in the country. The quality of the horseracing at Royal Ascot is simply outstanding, with nearly £4 million in prize money on offer and a total of eighteen ‘Group’ races over the five days. Average attendance over the five day event has been pegged at over 300,000 people.

On Friday 7th October, the women of the GIWC and their guests attended a lunch at the trendy Il Cavaliere Pazzo restaurant at the Polo Club. Their aim was to raise funds to finish construction projects that they are currently undertaking at the Ridge hospital maternity ward. Glamorous outfits topped by an obligatory hat were the order of the day

The day ended with a special Accra – Ascot race at the Polo grounds. e

Sonya & friends

Mehek & Mother

Ascot race is on The winning horsesSally, Il Cavaliere Pazzo restaurant

GIWC members and guests in a group photo

42 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 43





g W





Preheat a grill to high. Mix 2 tablespoons apple jelly with the thyme. Season the pork chops with salt and pepper and brush with olive oil on both sides. Grill the chops until marked, about 3 minutes per side. Brush with the jelly-thyme mixture and continue to grill until the chops are cooked through, about 2 more minutes. Set aside to cool.

Soak the diced onion in a bowl of cold water, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk the mustard, vinegar and the remaining 1 tablespoon apple jelly in a large bowl and season with salt and pepper. Slowly add 1/2 cup olive oil, whisking until smooth.

Cut the pork into bite-size pieces and drain the onion. Add the lettuce, apple, turnip, pork, onion and blue cheese to the bowl with the dressing and toss. Top with parsley, if desired.

Cranberry Champagne Cocktail

Pork and Apple Salad


» 3 tablespoons apple jelly» 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme» 3 boneless centre-cut pork chops (about 11/4 pounds)» Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper» 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing» 1/2 small red onion, finely diced» 3 tablespoons whole-grain mustard» 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar» 2 heads Boston or Bibb lettuce, torn» 1 Fuji or Gala apple, diced» 1 small turnip, peeled and diced» 3/4 cup crumbled blue cheese» Chopped fresh parsley, for topping (optional)

5min 2




In a chilled champagne flute add 1-ounce cranberry juice (sweetened) and a squeeze of 1 wedge lime. Top off the glass with champagne or sparkling wine. Garnish with 3 or 4 Cranberries (frozen)

45min 4



44 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011




Others tend to look for a commitment from you this month, dear Aries. Whether you solidify a partnership or decide that a relationship is not living up to its potential, relationships are serious in October! Your mood, however, is romantic but playful. The Full Moon on the 11th can bring a long-standing problem to light. Career and finances are strong in October. It's a time for proving your worth, displaying your innate leadership abilities, and making important decisions. Be as aboveboard and professional as you can � others are taking note! Late October is favorable for taking out loans or refinancing, if necessary.

Work commitments may be hefty this month, dear Taurus, and you should watch for taking on more than your share. Frustration can come to a head around the 11th. October is one of the strongest months for you in 2011 for relationships, particularly towards the end of the month. You are taking the lead, taking action, and romantic interests are never short in supply. All signs point to you moving forward. Family life is animated and perhaps restless at times. Recently, you have been getting rid of the non-essential things in your life, and you could find that your attitude towards moving forward has improved as you rid yourself of excess baggage - the literal has led to the figurative.

Famous Libra: Serena WilliamsBORN: SEPTEMBER 26, 1981 - SAGINAW, MICHIGAN, USA

Tennis superstar Serena really embodies the typical Libras traits - she's sociable, charming, and every bit the extrovert! Her manager-dad claims that his youngest was literally born to play tennis, and who can really argue?! With 22 slam titles in both singles and doubles, and numerous acting, writing, and designing gigs under her belt, Serena seems to be an unstoppable Libran force both on and off the court!


Having conquered music, television, and film, Will Smith has proven himself to be an extremely versatile performer. He has a knack for delivering smart performances with wit and style, as well as delivering box-office millions from film after film. Chalk that up to his Sun in Libra, which conveys charm, and an army of planets in Virgo, the sign of intelligence. Savvy Will is able to impress his audience without alienating it. This is a rare talent that will afford him great longevity in the entertainment business.


Purely superficial elements of partnering are no longer tolerated, and a relationship can deepen, perhaps due to resolution of a long-standing problem, in October, dear Gemini. Getting serious about a romance or a creative project can figure strongly. Some of you may enter a business partnership. This is a favorable time for turning a creative undertaking into a profitable hobby. Job opportunities can emerge towards the end of the month. More determination and motivation will aid any new fitness or nutrition program started now. Watch for hurried speech and impulsiveness all month.

Your StarSthis Month Libra

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 45





Issues surrounding family and career capture much of your attention this month, dear Cancer. A job offer may be hard to refuse around the 11th or a career matter reaches a head. Opportunities to strengthen a partnership this month are especially strong. Some of you may take a friendship into unexplored romantic territory, or meet a significant person through a friend or group association. You are also more focused and ambitious when it comes to your work, health, fitness, and self-care programs in October. You feel inspired and motivated to take better care of yourself.

Demonstrating the perfect balance of self-assertion and cooperation is your challenge this month, dear Leo. You can be impatient at times. A travel or education matter culminates around the 11th. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise. The people that you meet tend to stir you into new ways of thinking. You can take an idea to the bank this month, or a project can come to a satisfying conclusion. Decisions need to be made, but stressing over them won't help. Love can be found very close to home, perhaps even in the neighborhood.

You've been worrying about money much of the year, dear Virgo, and now is an excellent time to take charge of your finances. Yes, you need to buckle down, but it feels good to do so as you get your priorities straight. Romantic opportunities might come from people of an entirely different background or culture, or possibly through education and travel, in October. Relationships with siblings and neighbors improve and are a source of happiness. Many of you are enjoying more success in your studies. Nevertheless, energy levels are low or they fluctuate. Get extra rest to prepare for an especially busy Fall.

You are accustomed to making everyone else in your life happy, dear Libra, but this month you can tend to your own needs without guilt. It's a time for pushing your own personal projects and interests ahead. Surprises are in store in a close relationship around the Full Moon on the 11th. Clashes in values or conflicts over money with a friend can be irksome around the 26th, but money matters improve overall in the last week of October. It's a strong time to make an investment or to clear some debt.

Conversations open up this month, dear Scorpio, and you stand to either make a new connection that lasts in the long term, or to enhance the bond of an existing one. Nevertheless, you can be rather withdrawn until mid-month as you prepare for a new astrological year and build up your energy reserves. Career matters are fast-paced, stimulating, and sometimes rocky this month, as bosses can be demanding. You may need to watch what you say around the 26-27th. Personal charisma runs high, however, and love matters are strong.

While the desire to be with friends is strong this month, be careful that you don't over-commit in the process, dear Sagittarius, as you're likely to feel the weight of your obligations if you do. Be helpful and involved, but avoid the tendency to forget your own needs in the process. Increased clarity about a love affair or creative matter comes around the 11th, when a new relationship may begin for some of you. Recognition and possibly increased remuneration for your work is very possible in the last week of October. It's a time to shine your light. Be humble, but don't hide your abilities.

October is a strong month for creative pursuits and love matters, dear Capricorn. Your ambition is heightened this month, but you also enjoy contributing to a team or group effort, where you can shine right now. Your support is rewarded, as others can come to your aid or inform you of an opportunity for personal advancement in the last week of the month. With your strong involvement with friends, associates, and career, you will need to find a balance when it comes to attention to family, who will remind you of this around the 11th.

Developments in your career are favorable this month, dear Aquarius. You experience more motivation to realize your business goals and to improve your income from business. You could form alliances that further your professional goals or you might make friends through professional interests and contacts. While it's a generally good time for education, you might feel somewhat bogged down with responsibilities, so be careful not to take on more than you can handle. Partners can be demanding or cranky this month. Resolve to manage problems as they come up.

Financial matters need careful handling this month, dear Pisces, and you have all of the necessary tools at your disposal to make important changes to your spending and borrowing habits. Work can be demanding but also motivating in October. Conflicts with co-workers may arise, but if you tame impatience and attempt to work independently at your own pace, their likelihood decreases. Opportunities to break out of your normal routine abound and excite later in the month. It's also a time to shine on the level of communications. You can be recognized for your ability to express yourself.








Your StarSthis Month Libra

46 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

emember when, as a child, you were playing outside. Suddenly, your mother announced dinner was ready, but you

were not hungry at all. The passion of play took all your attention. You played all day and wanted to play all night.

Sometimes we are fed not by food but by other forms of energy in our lives. If it is true, ‘that man does not live by bread alone.’ How can we multiply the ‘non-food’ nourishment that is, if not more essential than ‘food’?

Joshua Rosenthal calls it primary food. What is primary food? It is the releasing of energy, positive, overjoyed, redeeming, nurturing, loving, caring, affectionate energy. This energy is released and transmitted by many human interactions: a loving relationship; healthy movement or exercise; or loving your career or job. Any act of kindness, helping a stranger, performing an altruistic deed without being known, a pleasant smile, plenty of laughter and pleasant company.

In modern science, years of research have found that endorphins play a significant role as primary food sources. Endorphins are created to give you a ‘boost’ of essential energy. The more you play, exercise, and laugh, the more they are released. Can you imagine all day laughter and

Primary Food

PareNts corNerENJOY

R play? Sure you can when you were in primary school you ate lots of primary food.

Food from the ground provides minerals, amino acids, proteins, water, sugars, and vitamins. When certain foods are consumed, they give us a special feeling. Primary foods give us that special feeling as well, without the adverse side effects.

Have you ever wanted to eat pints of ice cream after a breakup or a fight with a loved one? On the other hand, had cravings for coffee to get you through the rest of a boring day at work? The trouble is that if you are not getting the primary food you need then eating all the food in the world will not satisfy your true hunger.

Is your primary food filling enough for you, or could you use a little pick-me-up in a certain area of your life to bring that smile back?

Primary food sources: a loving relationship; healthy movement or exercise or loving your career or job; acts of kindness, helping a stranger, performing an altruistic deed without being known, a pleasant smile, plenty of laughter and pleasant company.

JABARI AKIL A.K.A. The Love DoctorIs a counsellor, parent trainer, educational consultant and leadership specialist. You may reach him at 0302-915-503; or email: [email protected] Blog : ecohue.blogspot.com

“In modern science, years of research have found that endorphins play a significant role as primary food sources.”


Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 47


Solutions for September

Solutions for September

Solutions for September











48 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY who's who

P I C C A D I L L yC A S I N O ' S

official opening

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 49

50 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

ENJOY who's who

Golden Tulip launches “ Tulip Mirror Ball”

A great night was had by all when Golden Tulip Hotel launched its Tulip Mirror Ball. Organised in collaboration with Drum and Gong Ltd, DJ Blow and Karl Aubyn Multimedia this dance fest will in future be held on the last Friday of every month and will provide an opportunity for the more mature among us to "get down" and hopefully get up again!

At the inauguaral event held on 30th September guests were treated to a welcome cocktail and then very classy entertainment. The evening ended for some with breakfast in the hotel the next morning.

Once a month the movers and shakers of Accra will be able to move and shake to the tunes of yesteryear and each month will be a different theme.

In an interview, Mrs Bertha de Graft, Sales and Marketing manager, Golden Tulip Accra said "each month we wil have a themed event for instance Paris in Accra or New York. We aim at giving patrons a unique and unforgettable experience each month"

The event has been created out of a need since there is clearly a demand for a secure and classy entertainment atmosphere amongst the 40+ age group said Mr William Nanka Bruce, aka DJ Blow

The next version of the Tulip Mirror Ball will take place on October 28th. Join DJ Blow for a blow out and perhaps think about it when planning your Christmas office party celebrations. e

“The event has been created out of a need since there is clearly a demand for a secure and classy entertainment atmosphere amongst the 40+ age group.”

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 51

ENJOY Profile

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become, everything else is secondary”.– Steve Jobs

52 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 53

Moving Onwards & Upwards

]Former Alliance Francaise MD, Mr Jean Michel GARCIA

New Alliance Francaise MD, Mr Patrice GILLES


New CFAO Manager, Takoradi Branch Mr Angelo OUIKOTAN

Former TOTAL MD, Mr Jonathan MOLAPO

Former British High Commissioner Nick WESTCOTT

New British High Commissioner Peter JONES

Mr. Francis DEYEGBE moves to Golden Tulip Accra, as Guest Services Manager

Xavier moves to Golden Tulip Kumasi, as General Manager

Steven Husbands becomes Group VP, Finance & Operations Golden Tulip, West Africa

New Novotel MD, Mr Marc FRÈRE

Former Novotel MD, Mr Jean DROUHET

ENJOY who's who

54 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


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Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 55


Afrikiko (030) 222 9997Asake Local (030) 278 6328Buka (030) 278 2953Ethiopian rest. (024) 306 8165red Chilli (024) 790 2809 Tante Marie (030) 277 8914Home Touch (030) 277 7662

rest. Xango (030) 278 7822/ At Citizen Kofi (030) 278 7811The Grill (024) 966 6333Le Tandem (030) 276 2959Frankie’s (030) 277 3567Livingstone (030) 276 7740 Au Grand Ecuyer (030) 276 8643Captain Hook (030) 276 2228La Chaumière (030) 277 2408Le Bouquet (030) 277 2417 Landing rest. (030) 276 0775Le Magellan (030) 277 7629 Mama Mia(delivery) (024) 426 4151Monsoon (030) 278 2307Zanzibar (030) 278 6099

Bali Hai (030) 277 1700Chez Lien (030) 277 5356China House (030) 276 0284City Garden Rest. (030) 222 1710/29Dragon House (030) 276 2988Dynasty (030) 277 5496Noble House (030) 278 5151Hinlone (030) 277 2782Kohinoor (030) 277 1999Pearl Chinese (024) 440 6748Heritage (030) 278 5252Zanzibar (024) 489 0990

Arlecchino (024) 541 0403 Cuppa Cappuccino (024) 820 4441bella roma (024) 747 4007Sunshine (030) 278 0599Sunshine Café (021) 278 5733Akroma Plaza (031) 202 5513LA GALETTE (024) 675 2429 Foodies (030) 266 1858Fali’s Hot Pot (030) 225 8473Stellar Catering (024) 477 3403





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56 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


Accra Bar (030) 278 7811/ (030) 278 7822 Bywel Bar (030) 276 7793Bus Stop (030) 222 0930Ryan’s Irish Pub (030) 276 2334

FIRST ChOICE SALOnTel:+(233)-030 268 2997 / 24 437 [email protected]

SALON CITY SPA Tel: +(233)-030 276 8751 [email protected]

LADY PAM SALON Tel: +(233)-030 277 6952

HOLY TRINITY SPATel: +(233)-0362091334

LAJEn UnISEX SALOn Tel: (020) 871 4892/ 0302 777 837 [email protected]

L'eden Afro-European Unisex Salon Tel: (024) 426 5179

Lapalm Casino (030) 278 5421

Millionaires Accra (030) 277 4339 [email protected]

Millionaires Kumasi (032) 204 9868 [email protected]

VRS (030) 277 9387Cole Consult (024) 4035856Atlas Rent-A-Car (024) 427 7871

Alliance Française (030) 277 3134British Council (030) 268 3068Goethe Institute (030) 277 6764Nebuke Foundation (028) 910 2163

DHL (030) 223 0516 Fedex Ground (030) 266 6659 Sky Net (030) 223 0516 (024) 205 0501 TNT Express (030) 276 6518



LA PALM ROYAL BEACh hOTEL Tel: +(233) 030-277 [email protected]

LABADI BEACh hOTEL (ACCRA)Tel: +(233) 030-277 [email protected]

ALISA HOTELTel:+(233) 030-214 233/232 [email protected]

FRAnKIE’S hOTELTel:+(233) 030-277 [email protected]

NOVOTEL HOTELTEL: +(233) 030-266 [email protected]

MARISET PLAZA Tel: +(233) 030-277 4542 / 277 [email protected]

DUTCH HOTELTel:+(233) 030-271 [email protected]

GOLDEn TULIPTel: (030) 221 [email protected]

FIESTA ROYALETEL: +(233)-030 274 [email protected]




Express Delivery Services

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HOLIDAY HOTEL Tel:+(233) 030 277 3660/[email protected]

NOVA HOTELTel: +(233) 030 277 5579

HOLIDAY INN HOTELTel :+(233) 030 274 0930

CHEZ LIENTEL:+(233) 030 277 [email protected]

BEST WESTERN PREMIERTEL:+(233) 0302 216 570/766 902www.bestwesternpremier.com.gh

AFRICAN REGENT HOTELTEL:+(233) 0302 765 180-2 [email protected]

Looking for a male siamese catI am a cute female siamese cat looking for a handsome male siamese cat to have nice babies with blue eyes.Tel: 024 096 9911

Puppies For SalePick Me. Which one would you like?

6 lovely healthy strong puppies and future guard dogs for sale. for more info call tel: 027 941 2047

Enjoy October 2011 www.enjoyaccra.com 57

REDROW DEVELOPMENTS LTDTel: + 233 244 20 [email protected]

A&C DEVELOPMENTTel: +233 030 251 [email protected]

ARABELLA RESIDENCYTel:+233 030 222 1742/24 966 [email protected]

Express Property Management LtdTel: +233 030 2768 886 Fax: +233 030 2784 210 [email protected]

Lou Moon Lodge (020) 824 1549New Coco Beach (030) 271 7235 Dutch Hotel (030) 271 1111Elmina Beach (033) 234 00102Busua Beach (020) 638 8029 Busua Inn (207) 373 579Ramada Resort (030) 271 7235-7 hillburi Aburi (024) 438 5008

Amadeus Ghana (030) 276 5590Antrak Travel (030) 277 7134Global Village Travel (030) 276 9273 Stellar Travel (030) 276 4557-8 024 288 2009NomadAfrica (030) 701 1234 Travel Bureau (030) 282 3004/5

X O WINE SHOPTel: (024)-664 3208

BACCHUS WINE SHOPTel:+(233)-244 142 026 / +(233)-243 308 737

CAPE TRADING COMPANY LTDTel: +(233) 30 277 6705 / 276 [email protected]

SAY CHEERS (WINES & SPIRITS)Tel: +(233) 30 281 1407






CROWN APARTMENTOTel:+(233) 030-277 [email protected]

PALOMA HOTELTel:+(233) 030-222 [email protected]

HILLTOP HOTELTel:+(233) 030-224 [email protected]

GOLDEn TULIP+(233)-032-208 [email protected]

ROYAL BASIN RESORT Tel :+(233)-032 20 60144 / 20 60169 [email protected]

GOLDEN GATE HOTEL Tel: +(233)-032 20 37073 / 20 37074

MIKLIN HOTEL Tel: +(233)-032 20 39121 / 20 39122 / 39 123

PAPARAZZI HOTELTel: +(233)-032 20 92026 / 20 91986

ACCADIA CAFE & RESTAURANT Tel: +(233)-24 393 3399

CEDAR CRESCENT HOTEL Tel: +(233)-032 20 27238 / 248-641 357 [email protected]

RAYBOW InT hOTELTel +(233) 031- 202 2072, 202 [email protected]

AKROMA PLAZATel: +233 31 202 3745 / 202 3790

STELLAR LODGETel: +(233) 031 269 98

Club Citizen (030) 278 7811/ (030) 278 7822Aphrodisiac (030) 276 6734

Accra Mall (030) 282 3040/1 Greet (030) 277 2955 Kids Concept 024 095 4262






58 www.enjoyaccra.com Enjoy October 2011


ALGERIA (030)-277 6719AUSTRALIA (030)-221 6400AUSTRIA (030)-278 3368BELGIUM (030)-277 6561BENIN (030)-277 4860BRAZIL (030)-277 4908BULGARIA (030)-277 2404BURKINA FASO (030)-222 1988CANADA (030)-277 3791CHINA (030)-277 7073CÔTE D’LVOIRE (030)-277 2611DENMARK (030)-222 6972ETHIOPIA (030)-276 5682FINLAND (030)-277 7500FRANCE (030)-221 4550GAMBIA (030)-231 5840GERMANY (030)-222 1311GUINEA (030)-277 7921HUNGARY (030)-240 0770INDIA (030)-277 5601IRAN (030)-276 0521IRELAND (030)-251 8112ITALY (030)-277 5621KOREA (030)-277 7533JAPAN (030)-276 5060LEBANON (030)-277 6727LIBERIA (030)-277 5641MALI (030)-266 3276MOROCCO (030)-277 5669NETHERLANDS (030)-278 5487NIGER (030)-222 4962NIGERIA (030)-277 6158NORWAY (030)-222 0101PHILIPPINES (030)-251 6442POLAND (030)-250 2829SPAIN (030)-277 4004RUSSIA (030)-277 5611RWANDA (030)-225 1894CZECH REP. (030)-222 3540SENEGAL (030)-277 0285TOGO (030)-277 7950CONGO (030)-224 5977TURKEY (030)-276 8567U.K. (030)-222 1665U.S.A. (030)-277 5347SWITZERLAND (030)-222 8125





KOTOKA AIRPORT (030)-277 6171AERO CONTRACTOR (030)-268 1978/9AEROGEM AVIATION (030)-276 9298AMERICAN AIRLINES (030)-268 8804ASKY AIRLINE (030)-224 0442/3AIR GHANA (030)-277 4007AIR IVOIRE (030)-224 2056AIR SENEGAL INT. (030)-278 0567ANTRACK AIR (030)-276 5377 ALITALIA (030)-278 3319/21

BELVIEW AIRLINES (030)-223 0329BRITISH AIRLINES (030)-221 4996BRUSSELS AIRLINES (030)-224 3893CATHAY PACIFIC (208)-213 8270 CITY LINK AIR LTD (030)-277 0445DELTA AIRLINES (030)-276 5262 (030)-277 7756EGYPT AIR (030)-277 3528EMIRATE AIRLINES (030)-223 0319GHANA INT. (030)-221 3555

KENYA AIRWAYS (030)-224 1560KLM (030)-221 4700 LUFTHANSA (030)-224 3893MIDDLE EAST (030)-223 0867NORTH AMERICAN (030)-291 1087ROYAL AIR MAROC (030)-276 6333ROYAL DUTCH (030)-277 6509SLOCK AIR INT. (030)-276 6740SOUTH AFRICAN AIR (030)-278 3676UNMIL (030)-277 3890VIRGIN NIGERIA (030)-291 1721


TRUST HOSPITAL (030)-277 6787NYAHO CLINIC (030)-277 5341


ACCESS BANK (030)-278 4143 AGRI. DEV.BANK (030)-266 2640BANK OF GHANA (030)-266 6902BARCLAYS BANK (030)-278 4049CAL BANK LTD (030)-268 0061CDH SECURITIES LTD (030)-266 7425CREDIT REFERENCES (030)-278 2581DATABANK GROUP (030)-266 9421ECOBANK (030)-268 1147NIB (030)-266 1701SG-SSB (030)-220 2020


HEADQUARTERS (030)-277 2446CANTONMENTS (030)-266 6576CENTRAL (MAKOLA) (030)-277 9635INDUSTRIAL AREA (030)-222 3169DANSOMAN (030)-231 0903MADINA (030)-250 1744AVIATION (030)-277 3285TRADE FARE (030)-277 3949


AKAI HOUSE CLINIC (030)-278 4772AKAI HOUSE (OSU) (030)-276 382137 MILITARY HOSPITAL (030)-277 6111KORLE-BU (030)-266 5401 LISTER HOSPITAL (030)-281 2325/6

NYAHO CLINIC (030)-277 5341PRINCESS MARIE LOUISE (030)-266 4137WEST AFRICAN RESCUE (030)-278 1258


EMERGENCY 191REGIONALHEADQUARTERS (030)-266 4611MOBILE FORCE (030)-276 0273ACCRA CENTRAL (030)-266 3625ACHIMOTA (030)-240 1999ADABRAKA (030)-222 1368AIRPORT (030)-277 7592

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