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Before we jump into … ...

Let’s take a look at Version Control

Version Control

Version Control

1. What is version control?2. Why should we care?

Version Control

1. What is version control?2. Why should we care?

> What is version control?

➔ << about version control >>:

“records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later”

➔ 講中文:“能夠找回之前的版本”

> What is version control?

Version Control check list:

[ ] record changes over time [ ] recall a specific version

根據定義,可以用以下 check list 判斷是否 version control



> What is version control?

Q: 這樣做有達到 version control 嗎?

A: 有!

> What is version control?

Version Control check list:

[ v ] record changes over time [ v ] recall a specific version\

既然已經是 version control

那還要用 gitlab 幹嘛?

既然已經是 version control

那還要用 gitlab 幹嘛?



1. What is version control?2. Why should we care?

Version Control


➔ 當程式開始長大

➔ 當共同開發的人越來越多

> Why should we care?

➔ 當程式開始長大

● redundant content○ 在 v1 修了一個 bug 變為 v2,可能整份 3000 行的 code

只有一個 3 行的 if ... else 邏輯不一樣

● hard to maintain○ 很難直接從檔名中得到有用資訊: v4、v6、v8 裡面各自

有什麼 feature?

> Why should we care?




➔ 當共同開發的人越來越多

● hard to merge○ 小火龍休假回來,他寫的 v3 跟 皮卡丘 的 v6 要 merge,

必須試著把他自己的 change 加在 皮卡丘 的上面

● message exchange cost○ 傑尼龜 從 皮卡丘 那 fork 出 v2 想開發一個大功能,但因


他的 v3 跟皮卡丘的 v3 完全不一樣

> Why should we care?









皮卡丘 傑尼龜小火龍


3 pain points of filename versioning

● hard to maintain

● redundancy

● difficult to collabortaion


Version Control Systems (VCS)

● Common VCS



○ Git

○ Mercurial

Pros and cons?

Pros and cons

We might spend a whole day to argue with each other on this topic!

Since it’s not our focus right now, let’s move on to the next chpater :D



distributed centralized

Personally I prefer using Git because it is the distributed version control system with the biggest community, i.e., Github.

Then why Gitlab?

Free private repositories !


Singup, of course


$ ssh-keygen

// keep pressing `enter`

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

“ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1…”

// copy the public key and paste to Gitlab


Setup SSH Keys (1/2)


navigate to “SSK Keys”

paste the public key in your computer

Add a simple title, e.g., “my macbook”

Add key

Setup SSH Keys (2/2)

> Go here to create one

> or use + on the navigation bar

Start a new project?

Work on an existing project (1/2)

> Find the existing one

> Copy the ssh link on top of the project

Work on an existing project (2/2)

Clone the entire repository

$ git clone [email protected]:<your-own-project>.git


1. pull the latest version on master branch

2. check out a new branch to start working on some new feature

3. commit your change

4. push to remote branch on gitlab

5. go to Gitlab and create a Merge Request ( = Pull Request on Github)

6. request for code review

7. merge it if everything looks good



1. pull the latest version on master branch

$ git checkout master // switch to master branch

$ git pull origin master // pull the latest change from origin/master to master

workflow (1/7)

2. check out a new branch to start working on some new feature

$ git checkout -b “new-feature” // create a new branch named “new-feature”

work on something cool …

workflow (2/7)

3. commit your change

$ git add <file(s) for the next commit> // staged file(s)

$ git commit -m “some cool feature” // commit with message

workflow (3/7)

4. push to remote branch on gitlab

$ git push origin new-feature // push local branch “new-feature” to origin/new-feature

workflow (4/7)

5. go to Gitlab and create a Merge Request ( = Pull Request on Github)

workflow (5/7)

5. go to Gitlab and create a Merge Request ( = Pull Request on Github)

workflow (5/7)

6. request for code review

7. merge it if everything looks good

workflow (6/7)

7. merge it if everything looks good

workflow (7/7)

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