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Entrepreneurship is about solving a problem (whether new or existing) in a manner that it generates value.

Execution >> Idea

Some one has already thought of the idea that you have

TEAM defines a Startup

Strong teams can turn around bad ideas to big companies

Solve a Real Problem

It’s only the problem matters and nothing else

Only thing constant is change

You are going to pivot whether you like it or not

Competition is good – embrace it

Worry about a competitor only when they have a superior product

Only focus will enable growth

Opportunistic ≠ Strategic

Fundraising is not even a milestone, leave alone the end-goal

It’s just another thing you need to do to build a company

Prepare for the grind

It’s going to take too much out of you as a founder

Money is just a consequence of your business, never the objective

People always forget about the critical ingredient - luck

You never loose, you either win or you learn

Be kind, you will always get it back

There is no shortcut to successYou have to put in the hard work

Be humble, arrogance only breeds complacence

It’s no point doing it if you are not enjoying it

Life is a marathon, not a sprint

The point is in the journey

The question is not Why Entrepreneurship

It’s one of the few ways in which you can create an impact bigger than you

Why us?

We are some of the best equipped to do something like this

Why now?

Because there is never a better time than now

You either be the change or you stop complaining

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