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8/8/2019 enviornment presentation123

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Topic:Topic:Limits to growthLimits to growth


ic:Topic:Limits to growthLimits to growth


1st M.B.A1st M.B.A

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Limits to growth or alimit on growth

What is growth?It refers to an increase in some quantity

over the time. The quantity can be physical,


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Economic growth

Economic growth is the increase of per-

capita gross domestic product (GDP) or

other measures of aggregate income.

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Why limit on growth?

Growth is needed, but thinks aboutuncontrolled growth. For example think aboutcancer or tumor, what is happening thereuncontrolled growth of any part of our body. Itcause problems, it cause death of people. Souncontrolled growth is harmful. Growth must

be under control. Go through followingobservations,

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World¶s population is rapidly growing. From

year 1990-2020 the population is expected to

increase by 50%or more, industrial outputs by

85%and the use of non-renewable resources

will double.

The earth¶s carrying capacity is not increasing

and we are close to practical limits.

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The world rather every country is trying tobring all its people or what ever resources theyhave to the industrial growth.

Though the world tries to reduce thepopulation rate they try to make a boom inagricultural field to get maximum yield on an

unhealthy way by using heavy toxic chemicals.

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The chemicals which is using in agricultural

sector pollutes environment, also this sector

requires the use of non renewable resources on

a high level.

After 2000 these pollutants rises high enough

and begins to affect the fertility of the land


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Problems of growth.Over population.

Global warming.

Climate change.Nuclear radiations.

Global water crisis.

Scarcity of non-renewable fuels.

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Food safety and chemical contamination.Infrared and ultraviolet radiations

(green house effect).

Emerging of new or highly resistant

viruses and bacteria.

Different species are dying out (if it go

like this 50%of species on the earth

which we can see today will not be there

at the end of this century).

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Potential Impact of ClimateChange on Wheat Production in











2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070


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Measures taken by UNO,governments etc..KYOTO climate summit by environmental

scientists and 58 scientific academies (which

will end in 2012).

Copenhagen climate summit.

Ban on polythene covers.

Initiations to invest on natural capital.

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What we can do? Invest on natural capital.

Reduce, re use, and recycle.

Drive less, drive smart.

Use energy efficient lamps.

Reduce the demand (use the off switch).

Plant trees (do forestations).

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We only can save our environment. Smallthings can do miracles. Small activities which we docan save resources for future generations. Every onehas to contribute on this by saving something. Thusevery one has to join together,

´Then we together can make a better tomorrowµ.

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