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Page 1: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM .......................... *$* ...........................

VOL. 10






THAI HINH, 0412008


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Page 2: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental













THAI BINH, 412008

Page 3: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)


. 1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................... 1 ................................................................................................................ 1 . 1 Introduction I

1.2 Objectives of Environmental protection conlnlitment .............................................. 1 ................................................ 1.3 Contents of Environmental Protection Commitment 2

...................... . 2 LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT 2 ........................................................... 2.1 Basis Environmental Protection Commitment 2

............................................. 2.2. Organization and methodology for the implementation 3

3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 4 3.1 Objectives of project .................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Project area ................................................................................................................ 4

................................................................................................. 3.3 Content of the project 5

.......................... 4 . EXISTING PROJECT AREA AND IMPROVEMENT DEMAND 27 4.1 Natural conditions .................................................................................................... 27

................................................................................. 4.2 Social-economic characteristic 31 ...................................................................... 4.3 Existing water supply and water used 34

........... 4.4 Evaluation of drainage. sanitation conditions and solid waste management 40

5 . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION MEASURES42 5.1 Positive impact ......................................................................................................... 42

................................................. 5.2 Potential negative impact and mitigation measures 43

6 . ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................... 53 6.1 Implementation Organization ................................................................................... 53

................................................................. 6.2 Environmental monitoring and reporting 54

..................................................................... 7 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTATION 62

................................ 8 . CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION CONIMITMENT 62

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)


... . Table I Regulations. guidance from the Government of Vietnam and the World Bank 2

Table 2 . Number and type of used latrines .......................................................................... 7

Table 3 . The capacity of each water treatment plant (second stage) ................................... 8

Table 4 . Technical parameters and feature facilities ...................................................... 1 1

..................................... Table 5 . Location of clearance ground for facilities construction 21

..... Table 6 . Charateristic of tranmission and distribution pipeline and house connection 22

Table 7 . Raw water source for water treatment plant ........................................................ 24

.................... Table 8 . Results of water quality analysis in water resources in sub-project 25

................................................. Table 9 . Structure of economy in project area (Unit: %) 32

Table 10 . Existing drainage system .................................................................................. 40

........................................... Table 1 I . Existing of collection system and waste treatment 40

Table 12 . Existing family latrines ..................................................................................... 41

Table 13 . Household consumption demand ...................................................................... 4.1

...... Table 14 . Number of households which had water connection commitment in 2008 42

..................................... Table 15 . Number of sanitary latrines constructed in communes 43

.................................... Table 16 . Environmental sensitive areas impacted by the project 43

............................................. Table 17 . Summary of the Project's impact to environment 44

Table 18 . Sub-project effect level by land recovery .......................................................... 46

Table 19 . Proposed construction in design ensuring safety labour for raw water facilities

.......................................................................................................... operator 48

Table 20 . Maitimum wastewater in sludge tank in necesarry case are given: ................... 50

Table 21 . Proposed construction in design ensuring safety labour for WTP operator ...... 51

Table 22 . Environmental management plan - EMP (EMP for every sub-project) ............ 56

Enwironmental protection commitment I I

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I )\\ ,y. No. 0 I - . -- -- ~ ~ - -

I I . I . 0 i I

1 3 Out Iillc 01 i)olig blinli C U I ~ I ~ ~ ~ L I I ~ C \\illel ~IC:IIIIICIII [ ) I i l l l l C l ) \ \ ,g . No.

- , - - - - _ -. . --__ - - .- -- ~ I I-oc:~~ion 0 1 r :~ \v ~ L I ~ ~ I I I ~ \1a1io11 in Ng11).cn X:I c o n ~ ~ i i ~ ~ n c I h g . No. 04

- -- -- -. - - -

L,oc:~lic)~~ ol \va(cr ~ ~ c i ~ l n ~ c n t l,li~rlt in N g ~ ~ y e ~ i Xa c o ~ n m u n c I>\\/g. NO. 0 5 -- -- - -.

Out Iillc or Nguyen X;1 C O I T I I I ~ L I I I C \\iItCr t r e ; ~ I ~ ~ ~ c t i t pl:~rit D\\.lg. NO. 06 - -

- I I I 1 trc;llmcnt plan[ in Viet 'l'huan cc,lnliiilnc

1 S 1 Out lilla u l Vict 711~1il11 C ~ I I I I I ~ ~ I I ~ C LV:IICI. ~ I ~ C ~ I [ I ~ I C I ~ I pl:ult

- - 1 Dwg. Nu. OS 1

I 1 10 1 0 u 1 l ina of Rinli Ng~rycrl C O I ~ I ~ I L I I I ~ w:ltal t~-c:~tnlcnt pl:1111 Dwg. No. I0 1

Location ol' raw watel- pumping ctation :~ncl wale1 trcntmcnt

plant in Vu 'l'ay commune Dwg. No. I I

12 Out Iinc 01' Vu 'I':I~ colnlnilnc water tleutmcnt plant - - . -- --- -

Dwg. No. 12 ~

Locatio~i of raw watcl- pumpi~ iz \tation ant1 water tl-catmen[ Ilwg. No. 13 plant in ' P t i ~ ~ y Quynh commune

Out linc oP71'liuy Qi~ynl i comliiLlne M J L I ~ ~ I - t i -cat~l~ent pl:lnt

L2ocation of 1 . a ~ water pumping station ancl water trcatmcnt D \vg No. 15 1 plant in N a n Hang coinmunc ~

-- - a----- I Out linc c)f'N:~rn H o l ~ g conilnunc wntcl. trcatlncnt 1,lant Ilwg. No. I 6

Anncs 2 Result of wilier clu;~l i ~ y

-- --- . . . - - ,- . - - - - . - - - .. . -. - - . -- - - -. - ~ . --

E17~11-onrner~tal pl-otection commitmerit

Page 6: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)


1.1 Introduction

It is a essential condition for improving community health and developing socio- economic condition to supply water adequately and safely. National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy to 2020 approved by Prime Minister aims: Resident in rural areas is supplied water met Vietnam Standard; use sanitation toilet; keep personal hygiene and protect environment. The water supply and sanitation sub-projects in 8 communes of Thai Binh province (second stage) belonging to Red River Delta Water Supply and Sanitation Project loaned by World Bank and inhabitant contribution will support improvement of living standard, poverty reduction and developing rural areas according to the orientation of modernization and industrialization - implementing National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy. The water supply and sanitation project (second stage) cover 8 communes in Thai Binh province including Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan (Vu Thu District), Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen (Kien Xuong District), Tay Phong, Dong Minh (Tien Hai District), Thuy Quynh (Thai Thuy District).

The Project is carried out at commune level and inter-commune including the following components (i) Construction/Rehabilitation of the RWSS Infrastructure (ii) Health and Hygiene behavior change education, health improvement (iii) Capacity building and institutional strengthening for community and local institution for project implementation; (iv) Project monitoring and management. The overall environmental impacts of the Project (including sub-projects) are positive, aiming to improve community health by improving rural water supply and sanitation infrastructure, at the same time, the project will also help rural residents moving from the use of individual polluted water supply solutions to clean piped water systems.

According to Circular 08/2006m-BTNMT dated on September 8Ih 2006 guiding on preparation and appraisal of Strategy Environmental assessment reports, Environmental assessment reports and Environment Protection Commitment for investment projects, RWSS sub-project in Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan (Vu Thu District), Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen (Kien Xuong District), Tay Phong, Dong Minh (Tien Hai District), Thuy Quynh (Thai Thuy District) belongs to small scale project with short time for construction, environmental impacts are insignificant. In order to ensure comprehensive development and sustainability, environmental protection commitment including "Environmental examination and Environmental Management Plan" are developed during Project Preparation period to meet the requirements of both GOV and WB.

1.2 Objectives of Environmental protection commitment

The Environmental protection commitment of the RRD-RWSS is developed to:

- Assess the natural conditions as well as social economic conditions in the sub-project area in Thai Binh province.

- Assess and sciencetifically anticipate positive and negative impacts, direct and indirect impacts, long term and short-term impacts of the subproject to the surrounding environment.

- Elaborate and propose technical, technology and managerial measures to prevent, minimize and alleviate negative impacts during contraction and operation period of the sub- project.

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

- Propose environmental management and supervision program.

- This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental protection to control and manage the Project implementation, at the same time; i t also is an important clocu~ncnt for the project implementers lo strictly follow environmental protection measures.

- Environmental Protection Commitment serves as legal basis and scientific ground for Investors (World Bank) to consider and approve financial support.

1.3 Contents of Environmental Protection Commitment

Environmental protection commitment for Feasibility Study period of the "Red River Delta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project" in 8 communes of Thai Binh province comprises of the following key sections:

- General.

- Project introduction and description: describing project rules and key principles.

- Existing situation of the project area: geographical condition, social economic conditions, and environmental conditions of the project site.

- Environmental Impact Assessment: Identify and assess the project's impacts to environment, analyze negative impact and recommend measures for mitigation.

- Proposed Environmental Management and Monitoring plans for environmental management and supervision at different phase during project implementation period.

- Public consultant

- Conclusions and implementing commitment.


2.1 Basis Environmental Protection Commitment

In Vietnam, the National Environmental Policies are based on the Law on Environmental Protection, adopted by the National Assembly on 29/11/2005. Decree No. 80 CP dated on 09 August 2006 guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental ~rotection.

Environmental Protection Commitment of sub-projects is carried out to ensure that all environmental impact assessment requirements of the Government of Vietnam and safeguard requirements of the World Bank are met.

Table I . Regulations, guidance from the Government of Vietnam and the World Bank

Regulations, guidance from the Government of Vietnam and the World Bank

Law on Environmental Protection dated on 1 9'h ~ o v e m b e r 2005

Law on Water Resource dated on May 20th, 1998

Decree 80/2006/ND-CP dated on 09Ih August 2006 of the Government stipulating detail and guiding on implementation of some clause in the Law on Environmental Protection.

Circular 08/2006m-BTNMT dated on 08Ih September 2006 of the --

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Reg~rlotioris, guidarice fro111 the Co~~c~rrir~ier~t of Vietrlorr~ orid tlie IVorld Bor~k

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, guiding on strategy environmental assessment, environmental impacts

Viet Nam assessment and environmental protection commitment.

Decree 149/ND-CP dated on July 27Ih, 2004 on issuing license for exploration, exploitation and utilization of water resources and water disposal

Circular 02/2005/T-BTNMT dated on June 24, 2005 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, guiding on implementation of Decree 149/ND-CP dated on July 27,2004 on issuing license for exploration, exploitation and utilization of water resources and water disposal

Decree 81/2006/ND-CP dated on 09 August 2006 of the Government on penalization for administrative breach of the Law on Environment Protection


Guidelines on Environmental Assessment OP 4.01 and BP 17.5

Natural Ecosystem (OP/BP 4.04)

World Bank Pesticide Management (OP 4.09)

Culture heritage (draft OP 4.1 1 - OPN 1 1.03)

Involuntary resettlement (OP/BP 4.12)

Ethnic minority (OD 4.20)

Forestry (OP/BP 4.36) -

Technical foundations for preparing the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Rural Water Supply and Environment Infrastructure and Health Improvement project' commune include:

- Pre-Fkasibility Study Report for the project (4 provinces).

- Feasibility Study Report for the sub-project.

2.2. Organization and methodology for the implementation

Project: "Red River Delta Rural Water Suply and Sanitation Project" Sub-project in Communes of Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan (Vu Thu District), Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen (Kien Xuong District), Tay Phong, Dong Minh (Tien Hai District), Thuy Quynh (Thai Thuy District), Thai Binh province


Address: No. 02 1274 Tran Thanh Tong, Thai Binh Province

Phone number: 036 83 1 421 Fax: 036 831 421

Representative: Mr. Vu Ngoc Thai - Director of Project Management Unit.

Association of The Vietnam Water, Sanitation and Environment Joint Stock Company (VIWASE) and Orient Consultant and Investment for Infrastructure Development Joint Stock Company (OCI), Consultant Team are responsible for the preparation of the Envirorlmental

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thar Binh prov~nce (stage 2) -

protection commitment for the sub-projccts in 8 communes of "Rural Water Supply and

Sanitation project". The preparation of the Environmental Report is based on the collected data, information from field surveys, and community consultalion in the project areas in combination with International and Local reference documents.

Tlte followittg ntctltocls are ~rserl:

- Gathering and analyzing information and existing data

- Field surveys collect quantitative information (FGD) and interview 10% of households in the commune.

- Community consultation

- Analyzing and assessing

- Listing and comparing

- Forecasting


3.1 Objectives of project

Resident in the rural areas in general and Thai Binh province in particular is familiar with using of ground water, rain water and river for domestic activities. In recently years, following the development of economic, the rural areas are having in face of pollution in surface water and ground water made negative effect on health and living standard as urban area. On the base of urgent need of environment improvement in rural areas of 8 communes in Thai Binh province, , 7 water supply stations and sanitation facilities (public and household level facilities) are designed and constructed with financial support from the Government of Vietnam, loans from the World Bank.

The main objectives of project include:

- Respond to local people's pressing needs on water for domestic use in terms of both quality and quantity.

- Improve people's health in the project areas by providing improved RWSS services.

- Increase people's awareness on clean water and environmental sanitation. Strengthen capacity on management, operation and maintenance of piped schemes through specialized training, strengthen organizations in locality.

- Create a clean green and beautiful environment for rural areas, contributing to improve rural infrastructure and livelihood for rural population in the province

3.2 Project area

The Red river detal rural water supply and sanitation was carried out a commune as the pilot in stage 1 and is going to implement in 8 communes of Thai Binh province including Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan (Vu Thu District), Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen (Kien Xuong District), Tay Phong, Dong Minh (Tien Hai District), Thuy Quynh (Thai Thuy District). In which, 3 sub- projects will be implemented in 3 communes: Dong Minh, Nguyen Xa, and Viet 'muan.

Project implement following group communes, stage 1 in 07 communes: Dong Minh (Tien Hai district), Nguyen Xa and Viet Thuan (Vu Thu district), Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen commune (Kien Xuong district), Thuy Quynh commune (Thai Thuy district), Na~n Hong

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project m 08 communes in Thai Binh prov~nce (stage 2)

commune (Tien Hai dis~rict). There arc more rhan 52,500 rcsidcn~s in 7 cornrnunes who arc gotten adventives by project.

Area of sub - project locations in Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan (Vu Thu District), Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen (Kien Xuong District), Tay Phong, Dong Minh (Ticn Hai District). Thuy Quynh (Thai Thuy District) are shown in figure I .

3.3 Content of the project

a. Household sanitation

Types of latrines proposed in this project are:

This is an improved type of the traditional double vault latrine and has been well widespread in Vietnam and has proven high effectiveness. Ecological latrines have been supported by Department of Preventive Medicine and SANRES Program (Sweden) and many specialized departments have adopted this type of latrine and slightly adapt it to different localities with different conditions. Ecological latrine is appreciated by Ministry of health and promoted to widespread nationwide. The advantages of ecological latrines are: minimize environmental and water pollution, make use of excreta for agriculture production, low cost, affordable to rural households.

*Polir-push1 Seepage lair-ines,

Seepage latrines have been developed in rural areas of Vietnam since the 1980's in provinces with WATSAN Program. The advantages of this kind of latrines are: clean, no smell, simple treatment, low cost, suitable for areas without drainage system. However, on the other hand, seepage latrines are only appropriate for areas with plentiful source of water, soil with high absorption capacity, no danger of polluting ground water source. This type of latrine is not suitable in clay areas, low land, shortage of water, and high demand to excreta as fertilizer.

*Septic lair-ine

Septic latrines originated from Europe and were introduced into Vietnam by the end of the 19th century. This is the best and most advanced type of latrines with outstanding advantages such as: hygiene, no smell, no flies, easy to clean, convenience, privacy. However, this type of latrine is water consuming, and it requires to have drainage system in the residential area, high cost, therefore they can only be affordable to better off households.

- These sanitation facilities should meet the following requirements:

Not disease transmitted

Not pollute the water sources for drinking and domestic purposes

No flies, mosquitoes or other diseases transmitted insects.

Clean, no smell.

No access for animals

- Technical requirement.

Simple techniques are applied for construction, operation and maintenance.

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Feces arc well treated, no danger of acciclents.

Al>plied c.1-iror-iclsfor- sel~ric.fc~ciliric~s

+ Charaterisitic of septic facilities.

The components of septic latrines:

- Sitting-plates are constructed by brick or cement, and built up continuous with drain- plates. Drain-plates can be made by cement or tile for easy cleaning. Drain-plates are interconnected with fecal matter pipe and created water-button. Water - button is an important criteria of septic latrines. Water-buttons can not only be forbidden odour from fecal matter storage component but also forbidden the development of housefly and dung-fly.

- Fecal matter storage tank is as function of storage and pre-sediment component when fecal matter and water after defecating. In this tank, fecal matter will be disintegrated, fat matters will be resurfaced, waste matter will be sediment into bottom, suspend matters will be discharge into L-opposite pipe.

- Vent pipes: vent pipes are connected with septic tank to discharge odour from disintegration, especially CH4, this air is stink and be burned when meeting fire or too hot weather.

Construction conditions:

- Latrine location should be in high area and un-inundation.

- Convenient for old persons and children.

Managemertt artd maii~tertance of septic latr-iizes for envir-oortnterltal pr-otectioiz If septic latrines are technically built, fecal matter will be disintegrated, as following:

- Bad odour: discharge through vent pipes

- Fat matters resurface, and created solid film in combining with fibrous matters. Solid film effect to anaerobic development and disintegrate organic matters to water and C02

- solid matters will be sediment into the bottom and disintegrate to muddy.

Therefore, good self-disintegration need 2 conditions: fecal matters have to soak into water 3- 7 days and fecal matters storage tank have to be close tight. From operation system, using regulations are given:

+ Before using septic latrines, water will be fully filled.

+ Before defecating, pour water into the top of latrines to make fecal matters not sticky

+ After defecating, also pour water or flushing toilet intermediately (about 7- 10 1 water)

Some notices:

+ Do not put soup into fecal matters storage tank, because soup will be annihilated anaerobic bacterium.

+ Do not put wrap paper into septic latrines because it will be blocked up.

+ When septic latrines block up, use soft stick or steel hook for pull waste matters out, and pour water for discharging small tuff into fecal matters storage tank.

+ Put wastebasket in toilet to collect waste paper, and burn waste paper in the end of each afternoon.

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

+ I f can not flilsh toilet, storage tank for pouring water need lo arrangc in front of the door. 11 will be advantage for pouring water and also remind person pouring water for latrines.

Drtcril tlie clloseti critel.icr trtrcl pt.oposecl tcc*htlology, c~or~tt~ollcrl trcti\'ities, t?~irlit?li:~ t11t~ itljl~retlce of nvuste nlurtet-s crticl rivcr.steitluter f,-on1 Icrtt-itl('.~, see it? tlie cloc~l~t?lt~tit: Inforrrration on choosing water stcpply types artd rrcral sartitatiorz - Mirtistry of Agricrclttcre and Rural Developrrtertt (Irnplernertt rlatiortal strategy on water stcpply and rural sanitation)

See itt\~estmettt project - public sarzitation facilities in 7 corrtrrtrines sub project: Dortg Minh, Tierz Hai district, Viet Thuan, Nguyen Xa, Vu Tltu district, Vu Tay, Birtlz Nguyen cornrnune (Kien Xuong district), Thtry Quyrth cornrrtune (Thai Thuy district), Nam Hong cornrnune (Tien Hai district).

For public sanitation in school, health station and market, technical solutions are also similar as household sanitation. However, with higher using, keeping clean in these place will not ensured as in household. - In Viet Thuan, proposed 5 public stations need to invest and improve sanitation area, such as: A area junior school, B area junior school, secoundary school, Met market, and health station. - In Nguyen Xa, proposed 5 public stations need to invest and improve sanitation area, such as: A area junior school, B area junior school, secoundary school, Lua market, and health station. - In Dong Minh, proposed 3 public stations need to invest and improve sanitation area, such as: Dong Minh A junior school, Dong Minh B junior school, Dong Minh secoundary school. - In Binh Nguyen, proposed 4 public stations need to invest and improve sanitation area, such as: Kidgarden, junior school, secoundary school, and market. - In Vu Tay, proposed 5 public stations need to invest and improve sanitation area, such as: A area kidgarden, junior school, secoundary school, health station and market. - In Thuy Quynh, proposed 4 public stations need to invest and improve sanitation area, such as: junior school, secoundary school, market, and health station. - In Nam Hong, proposed 4 public stations need to invest and improve sanitation area, such as: junior school; secoundary school, Vong market, and health station. Location of these latrines wilI be exactly defined in implementation process.

Table 2. Number and type of used latrines

Commune Lutl-ines (type 1 ) T t r i n e s (type 1 ) 1 T O I T , Viet Thuan

on^ Minh I 1

o 03 i 03 I I


Binh Nguyen 02 02 i 04 Nguyen Xa


Thuy Quynh 02 I 02 I I I

Nam Hong 02 02 I


r- I I

Total i 30


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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

h. I'iped writer systenl

*Diogr-crn~ of ,llcrter- tr+c'atnlerlt

The capacity of each in 3 waler treatment plants is designed basing on waler demand

Table 3. The capacity of each water treatment plan1 (second stage)

2 Nguyen Xa 800

3 Viet Thuan 1,100

NO I Sub-project

Nam Hong 700

Capacity (m3lday)

I Binh Nguyen

Diagram of water treatment scheme of sub-project will include:

Note , 600

Figure 2.1. Diagram of water treatment plant of Dong Minh sub-project


Environmental protection commitment 8
















- +


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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) -

Figure 2.2. Diagram of water treatnicnt plant of Ngi~yen Xa, Viet T t~uan sub-project



Figure 2.3. Diagram of water treatment plant of Binh Nguyen sub-project







-+ PUhll'lNG



Figure 2.4. Diagram of water treatment plant of Vu Tay sub-project











---+ +



El- -/ & FILTER









ON +


Environmen t d protection commitment 9










--b MIXER +

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Figure 2.5. Diagram of water treatment plant of Thuy Quynh sub-project


Figure 2.5. Diagram of water treatment plant of Nam Hong sub-project
















0 N







~nvironmentd protection commitment 1 0






WATER p s '












+ +

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project ~n 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Table 4. Technical parameters and fea~ure facili~ies

a) Technical parameters and feature facilities in Dong Minh commune Para~lletcrs and

Material No Facility dimension of each Nil111 t)er


4 ' Raw water pump

I 1 Vertical sedimentation tank B x L x H = 1

I 02 ; reinforce 1 with centre reaction 4.8m x 4.8m x 7.1 m concrete

1 8 / Stirring in reaction tank 1 reinforce : concrete

i I 1 9 j Rapid filter

10 ! Activated carbon filter Thi6t bbj Dl 800 mm

1 ' coagulation: . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Plastic 1 1 1 Javen vessel

1 Dosing pump Q=0-20 l/h. H = 30m 02 I Alum prepartion:

12 Consume vessel Plastic

Dosing pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 Chemical house . . . . . . . . . .

@ Brick

14 Clean water pump

15 Etrepot pump

16 Backwashing pump

Clean water pumping station 117 ' Area3m x 1 lm

and management house Brick

18 Water tower Volume: W=30m3 reinforce concrete

19 Reservoir Volume: W=250m3 0 1 reinforce concrete

20 Sludge rank AreaF = 411-1 x 7m. H = Brick, .

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

I 2.9m col lc re leFZq

1 2 1 Wastewater pulnp


Q = 20m7/h. H= 7- 1 Om. N=l.lkW

0 1 - - - . -

' s ludge ground AreaF= 5m x 5.5m 02 Brick -.. - - - -

Excavation. internal roads AreaF = 1 540rn2

b) Technical parameters and feature facilities in Nguyen Xa commune Parameters and

Material dirnension of each Number


Raw water pipeline Mixing facility

l 7 i Vertical sedimentation tank B L H = with centre reaction 4.4m x 4.4m x 6.5m l o 2 I reinforce

collcre te

10 Activated carbon filter VolumeW= 1 m' 02 Q=0-20 I/h. H = 30m 02

plastic, in corrosion

AreaF = 4m x 7m.


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Rual water supply and sar~itation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) --

Brick I Wastewater pump

N=l.IkW AreaF = 5rn x I Om 20

Capacity: I00 kVA - - - - - . . - .

AreaF = 1 344m2

Sludge tank --

hang trans former

- .... ..........

Sludge ground ( Concrete I C) Technical parameters and feature icilities in Viet Thuan comr -

Parameters and I No I Facility dimension of each I Number facility

Steel reinforce concrete


1 2 1 Intake hole

Raw water pumping station K.Thlr6c AxB = 3.6m x 3m

DN150 - L=150m

Raw water pump ..........................................................................................................

Raw water pipeline ..............................................

Steel, uPVC Mixing facility


Vertical sedimentation tank Inox or HDPE

reinforce with centre reaction

................................ -. ............................................................................

Stirring in reaction tank concrete ................................


reinforce concrete

..................... ............................

Rapid filter

Activated carbon filter V o l u m e ~ = l m3 Q=0-20 I/h. H = 30m

plastic, corrosion

in I ........................................................................................

Coagulation: Javen vessel Dosing pump

plastic, in corrosion

Alum prepartion: Consume vessel Dosing pump

13 1 Chemical house Brick

14 1 Clean water pump


Volume: w=30m3 I reinforce 16 1 Backwashing pump concrete


reinforce concrete

I Clean water pumping 17 1 station and management Volume: W=200 m3


AreaF = 4m x 7m. H = 2.7m

Brick, Concrete bottoln

Water tower

Q = 20m3/h. H= 7- I Om. Reservoir


Environmental protection commitment 13

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

d) Technical parameters and feature facilities i n Binh Nguyen commune Parameters and

Material No Facility dimension of each Number


1 7 / Mixing facility Inox or plastic HDFF

. . .. .. . . .... . ,. . . , . . . ...... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . , , , . , , , , . . . , ., , .. . . ..

ith centre reaction

0 1

0 1

0 1

AreaF= l l m x 5m

Capacity: I00 KVA

~ r e a ~ = 2500m2




olume W= 1 rn3


t ha] ransfonner Concrele


Wastewater pump - - -- Sludge ground

Clean water pumping Area 2,5rn x 5,5rn

Volume: W= 1501n3 Reinforce, 1 concrete

Environmental protection commitment 14

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Brick, concrete rrTl Area F = 4m x 7m, H = 2,91n 19

Q = IOm3/h, H= 7-lorn

Area F= 5m x 5,5m

Sludge storage tank


Hanging 22 1 Transformer 1 Capacity: 75 ~ V A station

23 Excavated I Area F = 1 .SO0 m2

24 ) Inner WTP road I Area F = 40 m2 Concrete 1 e) Technical parameters and feature facilities in Vu Tay commune

No Facility Parameters

and 1 1 Material dimension of each Number

( facility I I

I 1 I Intake and gravity pipe Steel


Brick ........................................ 1 4 ' 1 Raw water pump


Raw water - pipeline ..................................................................... I Steel, UPVC .................................................

Inox ho!c plastic HDPE

...................................................... 1 6 1 Mixing facility



9 Rapid filter



1 10 1 Javen vessel / Volume W=lm3

I 1 Dosing pump

Alum prepartion:

1 1 Consume vessel

Dosing pump

Volume W=lm3 02

Q=O - 201/h, H = 30m 02


In corrosion

1 12 / Clean water pump

1 3 Etrepot pump I I 1 14 1 Backwashing pump

Environmental protection commitment 15

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 cornmunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Area 2,Sm x 5,5m Brick


Clean water pumping station

Controlling house

Chemical house

Area 3,01n x 5,Om

Area 2,5m x 6,5m - . Brick


Area F = 4m x 7m,


Brick, bottom concrete Sludge tank

H = 2,9m

Q = 10m3/h, H= 7- I Om, N=l 1kW

Area F = 5m x 5,Sm

Wastewater pump

Sludge ground Brick

Hanging station

Hanging station

Transformer Capacity: 75 kVA

Capacity: 35 kVA ..................................................

Area F = 1.500 m2


Area F = 25 m2 I Concrete

f) Technical parameters and feature facilities in Thuy Quynh commune

I Parameters and Material

Facility I dimension of each Number

Steel .......................................



1 Brick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Intake and gravity .......................... pipe ..............................

Raw water pumping station 3 . . . . . . . . . . . ..........................................................................

/ 4 1 Raw water pump

l 5 I Raw water pipeline Steel, uPVC

Inox or plastic HDPE


l 6 I Mixing facility

i 7 1 Vertical sedimentation tank with centre reaction

1 8 ( Stirring in reaction tank



9 N' Ioc ndi ..... ..................................... ................

T6ng Area F=4,61m2, H=5,4m

B x L x H = 1,4m x 1,4m x 4,91n / 10 1 Rapid filter

Coagulation: 1 1

Javen vessel / Volume W=lm3 Plastic

Environmentd protection commitment 16

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 cornnwnes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Q=0-20 I/h, H = 30m

Volume W=lm3 Consume vessel

Q=O - 201/h, H = 30m

Q=37,51n3/h, H=25m,

Volume: W=150m3 REINFORCE

g) Technical parameters and feature facilities in Nam Hong commune

Parameters and 1 1 Material

dimension of each Number

1 3 1 Intake hole AxB = 1,8x3,0m, H = 3,8m.

REINFORCE CONCRETE . . . . . . . .

DN 150, L=50m 1 Steel Raw water pipeline

DN 160, L= 1505m uPVC

Environmental protection commitment 17

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

w I I I I Inox or plastic

DN= 1 SOmm, L=400mm

Vertical sedimentation tank with centre reaction

A xB xH= I,lxl,lx5,8m

B= 0,3 m - - -

B x L x H = 1 o2 1 REINFORCE 1 4,l mx4, I mx7,l m CONCRETE

I I I I Stirring in reaction tank


0 1

F = 12,5 m2, H = 5,4 m o2 1 REINFORCE 1



. Stainless - - steel

1 13 ( Rapid filter

Bd loc than hoat tinh ......................... . " . . - . . .

Disfensition and pre- chlorine:

Thigt bbj Dl650 mm Black steel

Volume W= 10001

Q=0-20 I/h, H = 30m 1 Plastic

Javen vessel

I In corrosion I I Dosing pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 I Alum prepartion:

1 16 1 Alum vessel Volume W= 1 0001 I Plastic

. . . . . . . . . . . Unit

1 18 1 Clean water pump

1 19 1 Transfer pump

Area 4,5mx5,5m 101 I Brick

Clean water pumping station

Area 3m x 6,5m

1 Brick . . . .

Volume: W=180 m3 Reservoir

Sludge tank


Environmental protection commitment 18

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Rual water supply and sanltat~on sub-project ~n 08 communes in Thai Binh prov~nce (stage 2)

30 Excavated, inner WTP road Area F = 2500ni2 - 0 1

For designing suitable intake and raw water pumping station for working high effective and meet fully water demand, cornparison of solulions base on these elements, as following:

- Raw water quality need to meet the raw water quality using for domestic water source TCVN 5942- 1995, and also meet the criteria as given i n 4. I . I.

- Water quantity need to ensure for fully water demand at present and in future.

- Water source near using objectives will be reduced cost for constructing ant1 managening intake, raw water pumping station.

- Do not osbtruct for other water demand

- Do not disturb maritime transportation, follow dyke protection law

- Indundation for raw water pumping station

- Construction, suiable management, decrease cost

- Location of intake need to have stable bank and bottom, advantages arrangmen of other facilities and follow water source protection and sanitation conditions

- Location of taking water has to be in upstream of service area

Solution for choosing water treatment plant location

For choosing WTP location, conparasion of economical, technical criteria has to follow:

- WTP location has to suitable with commune general master plan, ensure for contacting and convenient for commune managemnent.

- Have developed capacity in future, for more constructing other facilities when increasing WTP capacity.

- WTP area has to located in high area, not indundation or sink, ensure stable facilities.

- WTP should located in suitable topography for arranging level of WTP, reducing fill and dig; ensuring area for auxility and service facilities.

- Ensure good sanitation conditions, suitable for water resource, WTP protection and sanitation. WTP should be located far from polluted sources: dumping site, cemetary, wastewater treatment plant, hospital.

- WTP should located in good geography, avoid reinforce foundation to reduce construction cost and stability of facilities.

- WTP should be located near electrical supply to reduce construction cost of electrical supply system and electrical management.

- WTP should be convenient tranportation for carrying material, equipments, machines in construction stage and WTP management.

Solution for choosi~zg water tower ---

Environmental protection commitment 19

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Base on ;~bovc c~.itel.ia, clioosing \s.atcr towc~. location is ill Ii~ncl N o 3-17,. sixth Inap in Iltr~lg Minh comlliunc. I'roposctl area is SxS=64ni2.

- Location or raw water pumping sti\tit)n ant1 WTI' i l l D o ~ i g Minh commune (see Dn'g.02)

- I'lan of CVTP in il l Dong Minli collimune (see l)npg.03).

Ngrt!~c.tr X ~ I c~onrtt~ittrc~: base oli tlic cl-itcria abovc, cl iossi t i~ intakc ant1 raw \v;~tr:r I ) L I J I I ~ ~ I I ~

station in tIong river bank is in lantl CNItI 901-1590. I t is suit;\blc soluction ;111tl cl'l'c~ctivc

cconr)rii y.

Rase on clioscn water r.esource ant1 c~-itesi;~ :tbo\~e. loc~~l ion ol' \Y7'P is in land :?L 105/5-170. Asca of WTP is prol7osecl 1.200 1112.

- Location or raw water pu~iiping station ant1 WTP in Nguycn Xa cornliiunc (see I)urg.Ol, 05)

- I'lan of W'I'P in in Ngi~ycn Xu commune (see I)\vg.06).

V i c ~ T / I I / L I I I ( .~ t l~ t i rr~tre: base on Ilic cs i~e~. ia above, clio\\ing intahe illitl raw water pumping

\tation is in i~nocuppictl luncl near Thai tlac culvert, tar I'som I long river h;~lih 20-251n. It is si~itahle ancl eflkctivc economy solution.

B L L S ~ 011 cliosen \vi~tcr I-esoul-ce ant1 el-itcria above, locario~i of' W7fl' is in ficlcl No 105, 166, 167. 168, 169, 170. 17 I , 172 in 'I'liai I-Iac hamlct. Area of W'TP i4 171-oposed 1,200 1n2.

- 1,oc:ttion of saw water pumping station ancl WTP i ~ i Viet Tliuan comrnulic (see Dufg.07)

- Plan of W'I'P in in Viet 'T'huan commune (see 1)wg.Oti).

Ilitrlr ; \ ' g r ~ ~ c > t l c.oi1ri7111ir~: ~);ISC 0 1 1 the el-itel-ia above, chossilig intake alitl 1 . a ~ w;~tcr puliil,ing statiorl is in Lu l-ivcs I,ank in lalicl No 273311720 aricl 273412345 in Tho C;~cli lia~nlct. 1 1 is suitable and cl'fective economy solution.

- I,ocation of 1 . a ~ \v;~tel. pumping station nrirl WTP in Rinli Nguyen commllnc (see D~vg.09)

Base on cliosen watcl- I-esoul-cc ant1 cr-ile~-i,t above, locatio~i ol' W'TP is 111 lalit1 No 2-101/I96.5 ancl 2100/3425 in Do~lg Lay lia~nlct. Ascu ol' W'TP is psoposctl 1.500 m2.

- Plan ol'W1'1' in in Bi~lh Nguycr~ comrnu~lc (see Dwg.10).

Page 26: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

- PI~I I I of WTI' in itr 'flliry Quyllh cc)nimilne (scc Ihvg.14).

Ncrrrr llorl,q (.uturri1111~: bast' 011 the cl.itcl.i;~ above, chossing int;th;c, sto~.agc lahe, pre- scclinient:~tic)l~ :~r l c l raw \valet- pulnping .\[;~rion i.\ i l l 13ien I lua river hank i n lancl N o IJM 165. I t is suirable ~ ~ n t l cSfec~i\/c economy \oliltior~.

Base on cho\cn M ~ ; I ~ C I . ~CSOLII -ee ; I I I ~ clitcri;~ abi7ve. location o f WI'P is In lancl No 4556. Area of W'TP is pl-oposcd 1,400 m2.

- Plan of W7.P ill in N : I ~ I tlong comlnilnc (scc D\\zg.16).

T;thle 5. Loc:~rio!~ of clc;~~.ance ground for f;~cilitics coristr~~ction

1 Dong Mi1111 Irl[ukc

Watcr trc;~tlncnt

W:~lcr lower

Nguycn Xa

Watcr trcalment -

Vict pl'liuan -

W;I[CI ~ r c a l ~ n c n t I496

Binh Nguycn Tnt~ikc f i lc i l i~~cs - - --. - -- - I 300

-- - -- . -. - - - . - -- -- -

_ - - -- -- .- - - _ Environmental protection commttnlent 7 1

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

1 Intake Facilities 1 6500 1


I Water treatment I 2000

1 I Total 1 15050 I

Are:] of clearcncc ground



2 O O O r i



* Trunsmission and distribution pipeline

Transmission and distribution pipelines are ensured technical standards. Project will make sure that households need to use clean water can be assessted with clean water source.


Thuy Quynh

Table 6. Charateristic of tranmission and distribution pipeline and house connection


Pumping station

Water treatment

1 NO ( Pipeline 1 Dong Minh I Nguyen Xa Viet Thuan

DN160mm - uPVC DN 1 1 Omm - uPVC DN90mm - HDPE DN75mm - HDPE DN63mm - HDPE

1 Transmission and distribution pipeline

Service pipeline DN32mm-50mm - HDPE

household household household 2,627 2,140 2,730 household household household


12,312 m


25,779 I 257397

House connection: 2008 20 15 (proposed)




4,897 m


Environmental protection commitment 22

9.,583 m 1


Transmission and distribution pipeline

DN 160mm - uPVC DN 1 l Omm - uPVC DN90mm - HDPE DN75mm - HDPE DN63mm - HDPE

Service pipeline DN32mm-50mm -

Binh Vu Tay


4,897 8,755 5,150 10,642

19,847 20,54 1 25,87 1 1 32,430

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

I House connection: 2008 1 I , 166 IIQ 1 2.072 hQ 1 1,639 hQ

G~-olrt~cl wuter. r.eso~rr-ce: Ground water investigation for hydrogeology map was carried out in

Thai Binh in 1988-1995 by No 58 geological association (Vietnam geological department). Acorrding to petrography components and aquifer, ground water is highly infected of salt (Chlorine content > 700mgll), over acceptable standards. Other hand, ground water quantity exploration is low, and does not meet the scale of gather water supply system. Hence, using ground water as water source for gather water supply facilities is not feasible.


Slrrface M7ater I-esource: is water source proposed to use.

+ Kien Giang river: is irrigation river with 52km length and recieve water from Hong river (

in Kem culvert, An Binh commune, Kien Xuong district) and from Tra Ly ( in Duc Duong culvert, Tra Giang commune). Kien Giang river is upstream of Lan river in Dong Lam commune with 75-80m width. Observation of river water level in commune is given:

20 15 (proposed 2 . 0 9 6 h Q 12,925 hO 1 2.140h0 1 1.921 h e I

Maximum (in rainny season): +2.8 m

Minimum: +0.6 m

+ Hong river: Hong river is started to flow into Thai Binh province from Luoc river gate, and

discharge to the sea in Ba Lat gate, water flow: 4000 m3/s in rainny season, 1000 m3/s in dry season. In Nguyen Xa commune, Hong river flow into Western commune, with direction North West - South East.

Irrigation source of commune is mainly from Hong river with high water quality, high sediment, give favourable condition for agricultural production.

Accrording to site survey in Nguyen Xa commune, Hong river is 135-150m width. Observation of river water level in commune is given:

Maximum (in rainny season): +4.17 m

Minimum: +0.14 m

+ Lu river: originated from Tra Ly river, flows along Eastern boundary line. Section flow into commune is 2.2 km length, 10-15m width. Water flow is 300 m3/sin flood season and 100 m3/s in dry season. River water level in Dong Lau hamlet (as local data):

- Maximum water level elevation (in flood season): + 1 .O m

- Minimum water level elevation: + 0.2 m

- Bottom river elevation : - 0.5 m

Lu river water quality is quite good and stable with average turbidity as investigation and pre- evaluation. At present, Lu river water source does not have trace of pollution.

+ Tra Ly river: according to data on Natural resouces and Environment department in Thai Binh, Tra Ly is part of Hong river, originates from Pham Lo gate (Hong Ly commune-Vu Thu), flow in middle of province, through Thai Binh city and discharge to East sea in Tra Ly gate. River is 63 km length with water flow 1480 m3/s in flood season, 542 m3/s in dry season, slope of bottom river is 0.01 %, river catchment 1500-1600 m2 area. Section flow through Thai Binh city is 5km length, with hydrogology as given:

Environmentd protection commitment 2 3

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

- Average of maximum warer levcl: I .6 111

- Maximum water level: 5.75 rn

- Miniimu~n water level: - 0.35 rn

- Maximum water flow: 6000m 31s

- Average water flow: 896 m3/s

Tra Ly river hydrogology is influence on area climate conditions, dry season is 6 months: from October to May, the driest period is on January, February, March (water flow is only eaqual 5.6-7.8% water fow whole year). Flood season from June to October.

Tra Ly river section flow into Vu Tay commune flow along North West- South East direction with 200-250 m width and 1.8km length.

Tra Ly river water quality is quite good and stable with average turbidity as investigation and pre-evaluation. At present, Tra Ly river water source does not have trace of pollution.

Tra Ly river has high water flow. According to actual investigation, this is main water supply for Thai Binh city WTP and domestic water source of many communes.

+ Bien Hoa river: located in Southern Nam Hong commune, next to Hong river. Bien Hoa river has high water quantity, however, there are 3 months in year (November, December and January), water is sanility, can not use as raw water sources.

Bien Hoa river section fow through Nam Hong commune with 20-30m width and water level:

- Maximum water level: +1.5 m

- Average water level: +1.2 m

- Miniimum water level: +0.7 m

Bien Hoa river water quality in section flow through Nam Hong commune is quite good and stable with average turbidity. However, in some recents in year, Bien Hoa river water sources has trace of pollution and sanility, esspecially in dry season.

According to actual investigation, this is main water supply for domestic and production use of some cominunes.

Table 7. Raw water source for water treatment plant

I I I 1 1 Dong Minh / Kien Giang river

No Su b-project





Environmental protection commitment 24

Raw water source

Nguyen Xa

Viet Thuan

Binh Nguyen


Remark 1 Hong river

Hong river

Lu river

Vu Tay


Tra Ly river

Nam Hong

I Bien Hoa river

Page 30: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 comrnunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) -- ---

Based on raw water investigation for water treatnicnr plant in 1212006 by Victna~n Watcr, Sanitation and Environment Joinr Stock Conlpany, results of waler qualily in Kien Giang and Hong river are given.










1 1









Strr rr durd 1329/2002/ll YTlQ f)

7 6.5+8.5

No strange tasle

No strange odour ~ 15












quality analysis in water resources in of water

~ ~ ~ [ ~ ~ i ~ tnelfrod

TCVN 6492:99



TCVN 61 85- 96

TCVN 6 184: 1996

TCVN 4560:88

TCVN 5370:91

TCVN 6503:95

SMEWW 2320-B:95

SMEWW 2340:95

TCXD 81: 81

TCVN 6224:96

TCVN 2658:78

TCVN 2657:78

TCVN 6179- 1 :96

SMEWW 4500-P:95

TCVN 6 194:96










Total suspended solid

Oxygen KMnO,

Total dissolved solid

Total alkali

Total hardness








Total Fe


A~lalysis resrril



No strange taste

No strange odour

3 5














0.83 )

8. Results

Urr it




mgil O2















No strange taste

No strange odour






1 130












No strange taste

No strange odour

3 2


5 7













Page 31: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Solrr-ce: Vietnam Water Sanitation and Environn~ent ( 1 112006).

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

M1: Analysis result of some parameters in Kien Giang river in Dong Lam commune.

M2: Analysis result of some parameters in Hong river i n Nguyen Xa commune.

M3: Analysis result of some parameters in Hong river in Viet Thuan commune.

~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ i ~


6 177:96

TCVN 6002:95

TCVN 6187- 1 :96

A~uIysis resrrlf ~futr~. lc ld

Raw water will be treated meet the applied standards which given as below (Figure 2.1, 2.2 - Diagram of water treatment technology)



MPN/100m I




Environmental protection commitment 26


Total Mn

E. Coli

M3 132912002lH YTlQ f)

0.32 0.5

12 0

A l l






Page 32: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) pp

Source: Vietnam Water Sanitation and Environment (1 112006).

MI: Analysis result of some parameters in Lu river in Binh Nguyen commune.

M2: Analysis result of some parameters in Tra Ly river in Vu Tay commune.

M3: Analysis result of some parameters in Tra Ly river in Thuy Quynh commune.

M4: Analysis result of some parameters in Tra Hong river in Nam Hong commune.

Raw water will be treated meet the applied standards which given as below (Figure 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - Diagram of water treatment technology)


4.1 Natural conditions.

a) Dong Minh commune

+ Geography: Dong Minh commune is coastal commune in Eastern Tien Hai District, 30 km far from Thai Binh city.

Dong Minh commune is located in 39B road from Thai Binh to Dong Chau resort, create good conditions for economic, cultural exchange with other area, especially Thai Binh city.

Dong Minh commune has 834ha natural area, including: agricultural land: 480,6 ha, aquiculture land: 277,7 ha, unoccupied land: 75,7 ha. In administration, comlnune is divided into 5 hamlets.

+ Topography:

Dong Minh has gentle topography from North to South-East, average ground level is 1-2m (compare with sea level).

Dong Minh has good dyke system, so that there is no flooding in recent year. Normally, inundation time is from June to August, inundation time is depended on annual rainfall and pumping station operation.

Environmental protection commitment 2 7

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project I ~ I 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

+ Climate: Dong Minh commune is in monsoon area. Avcrage ternpc~-~~~ur-c is 20°C, maximurn 38°C (from May to October), and minimum 10°C (from Nove~nber to April).

Annual average humidity is 85%.

Annual rainfall: 1400mm-1800mm in rainy season (from Noveniber to April).

A sunshine hour in year is 1600- 1800 hours.

+ Hydrography: the main rivers are Ca river and Lan river in Dong Minh commune.

Ca river with 1.5km length, 17-18m width flows into commune, originated from Tra Ly river. Ca river flow along Western commune to Lan river and discharge to the sea.

Lan river with 4.5km length, 66m width flow into commune, originated from Kien Giang river. Lan river flow along Western and Southern commune and discharge to the sea.

b) Nguyen Xa commune

+ Geography: Nguyen Xa commune with 628ha area is lowland area in downstream of Hong river Delta in Vu Thu district. Nguyen Xa commune is located far from centre of Vu Thu district 5km and Thai Binh city 8km.

+ Topography: Nguyen Xa had gentle topography; average ground level is 0.9-2.7m (compare with sea level). Normally, inundation time is from June to August.

+ Climate: Nguyen Xa commune is in monsoon area with 2 main seasons in year.

Hot season is from May to October, average temperature 23 "C-24 "C (rainfall make up 80% yearly rainfall).

Cold season and dry season are from November to April. Average temperature is 2OC, minimum 4.1 "C, (rainfall make up 20% yearly rainfall).

Sun radiation is 83000°C +- 85000°C with rainfall from 1400- 1800mm.

Number of average sunny hours: 1600 t 1700 hours in year.

Humidity is 85 + 90%.

Evaporation is 723mmlyear.

+ Hydrography: Nguyen Xa commune has Hong river in the South, Kien Giang river in the North. Therefore, hydrography of small canals is influence on hydrography of Kien Giang river.

c) Viet Thuan commune

+ Geography: Viet Thuan commune with 831.6766ha area is lowland area in downstream of Hong river Delta in Vu Thu district. Viet Thuan commune is located far from centre of Vu Thu district 7km and Thai Binh city 8km.

+ Topography: Viet Thuan had gentle topography; average ground level is 1.5-21n (compare with sea level). No~mally , inundation time is froin June to August. Inundation time depend on yearly rainfall and pumping statiton operation.

+ Climate: Viet Thuan commune is in monsoon area with 2 main seasons in year.

Environmental protection commitment 28

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes rn Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Hot scason is from May to October, avcsagc tcmpcralure 23 "C-24 "C ( r ~ ~ i n f a l l make up 80% yearly rainfall).

Cold season and dry season are from November to April. Avcrage temperature is 20"C, minimum 4.1 "C, (rainfall make up 20% yearly rainfall).

Sun radiation is 83000°C t 85000°C with rainfall from 1400- 18001iim.

Number of average sunny hours: 1.600 + 1.700 hours in year.

Humidity is S5 t 90%.

Evaporation is 723mmlyear.

+ Hydrography: Viet Thuan commune has Hong river in the South, Kien Giarlg river in the North. Therefore, hydrography of small canals is influence on hydrography of Kien Giang river.

d) Binh Nguyen commune

+ Geography: Binh Nguyen Commune located in Nothern of Kien Xuong district with natural area: 669.7 1 ha.

Boundary of Binh Nguyen commune as given:

- East side next to Quyet Tien commune

- West side next to An Binh, Vu Tay and Vu Le commune

- South side next to Thanh Tan commune

- North side next to Quoc Tuan commune

+ Topography: Binh Nguyen had gentle topography, elevation is from 0.7 to 1.25 m

(comparing with sea level).

+ Climate:

- Binh Nguyen commune is in monsoon area with 2 main seasons in year

- Hot season is from May to October, average temperature 23 oC-24 oC (rainfall make up 80% yearly rainfall).

- Cold season and dry season are from November to April. Average temperature is 20oC, minimum 4.1 oC, (rainfall make up 20% yearly rainfall).

- Sun radiation is 83000oC + 85000oC with rainfall from 1400-1800mm.

- Number of average sunny hours: 1.600 + 1.700 hours in year.

- Humidity is 85 t 90%.

- Evaporation is 723mmlyear

+ Hydrography: Binh Nguyen commune is in lowland of Tra Ly river in the North. Therefore, hydrography of small canals is influence on hydrography of this river.

e) Vu Tay commune

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+ Geography: Vu Tay commune is locatcd i n Nothcrn Kien Xuonz, 9krn fi~r from Thai Binh

city with natural area 678 ha.

Boundary of V u Tay commune as given:

- East side next to An Binh, Binh Nguyen commune

- West side next to Vu Dong commune

- South side next to V u Son, Vu Le commune

- North side next to Tra Ly river

+ Topography: Vu Tay had gentle topography.

+ Climate:

- Vu Tay commune is in monsoon area with 2 main seasons in year.

- Hot season is from May to October, average temperature 23 oC-24 oC (rainfall make up 80% yearly rainfall).

- Cold season and dry season are from November to April. Average temperature is 200C, minimum 4.1 oC, (rainfall make up 20% yearly rainfall).

- Sun radiation is 83000oC t 85000oC with rainfall from 1400-1800mm.

- Number of average sunny hours: 1.600 t 1.700 hours in year.

- Humidity is 85 t 90%.

- Evaporation is 723mmlyear.

+ Hydrography: Vu Tay commune is in lowland of Tra Ly river in the Norlh. Therefore, hydrography 'of small canals is influence on hydrography of this river.

e) Thuy Quynh commune

+ Geography: Thuy Quynh commune is located in Nothern Thai Thuy district, with natural area 664 ha.

Boundary of Thuy Quynh commune as given:

- East side next to Thuy Hong, Thuy Trinh commune

- West side next to Thuy Binh colnmune

- South side next to Thuy Trinh commune

- North side next to Nam Hong commune

+ Topography: Thuy Quynh had gentle topography.


- Thuy Quynh commune is in monsoon area with 2 main seasons in year.

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- Hot season is from May to October, average te~npcrature 23 oC-24 oC (rainfall m:ke

up 80% yearly rainfall).

- Cold season and dry season are from November to April. Average tclnpcraturc is

200C, minimum 4. I oC, (rainfall make up 20% yearly raintall).

- Sun radiation is 83000oC + 85000oC with rainfall from 1400- 1800mm.

- Number of average sunny hours: 1.600 + 1.700 hours i n year

- Humidity is 85 + 90%.

- Evaporation is 723mmlyear.

+ Hydrography: is in lowland, has Hong river in the South, Kien Giang river in the North. Therefore, hydrography of small canals is influence on hydrography of these rivers.

g) Narn Hong commune

+ Geography: Narn Hong commune is located in Southern of Tien Hai district, with natural

area 830.6 1 ha.

Boundary of Narn Hong commune as given:

- East side next to Narn Trung, Narn Hung commune

- West side next to Narn Hai commune

- South side next to Hong river

- North side next to Narn Ha, Narn Chinh commune

+ Topography: Narn Hong had gentle topography.


- Nam Hong commune is in monsoon area with 2 main seasons in year.

- Hot season is from May to October, average temperature 23 oC-24 oC (rainfall make up 80% yearly rainfall).

- Cold season and dry season are from November to April. Average temperature is 200C, minimum 4.1 oC, (rainfall make up 20% yearly rainfall).

- Sun radiation is 83000oC + 85000oC with rainfall from 1400-1800mm.

- Number of average sunny hours: 1.600 + 1.700 hours in year.

- Humidity is 85 t 90%.

- Evaporation is 723mmlyear.

+ Hydrography: is in lowland, has Hong river in the South, Bien Hoa river in the North. Therefore, hydrography of small canals is influence on hydrography of these rivers.

4.2 Social-economic characteristic

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Rual water supply and sanitalion sub-project in 08 communes in Tlmi Binh province (stage 2) -- - -

4.2. I Occupation and iriconie

According to the data in the end of 2006, population of Dong Minh commune is 8410 persons (2345 households), Nguyen Xa commune is 7326 persons (I962 households), Viet Thuan commune is 10816 persons (2445 households), Binh Nguyen commune is 7,950 persons (2070 households), Vu Tay commune is 9591 persons (2582 households), Thuy Quyrih commune is 7849 pesons (21 13 households), Nam Hong commune is 9983 persons (2273 households). Each household has 3-5 persons in average.

The rate of labour in agriculture is high.

Table 9. Structure of economy in project area (Utlit: %)

Commune P

Occupation Dong Nguyen Viet Binh Thuy Nam Vu Tay 1 Minh 1 Xa 1 Thuan 1 Nguyen 1 Quynh Hong 1

(aquaculture) 1 I I I I I I I

Small scale industry 53.3


Agriculture 1 25.3 I 49.5 1 58 56.5 1 80 1 70 52.8 1


In general, average income per person of commune in project area is quite good in comparation with Thai Binh province. According to the statistical data from social-economic investigation, average income of each commune in project area is given.



+In Dong Minh commune, income is 7.8 million/person/year, in there, the households with average income < 500000 VND/ month make up 11% of total households in commune; the households with average income from 500000 to < 800000 VNDImonth make up 46%; 43% remained households are quite rich household with average income > 800000 VNDImonth.

2 2

+ In Nguyen Xa commune, income is 4.6 million/person/year, in there, the households with average income < 300000 VND/ month make up 9% of total households in commune; the average households with average income from 300000 to < 500000 VND/month make up 51%; 40% remained households are quite rich household with average income > 500000 VNDImonth

2 1.4


+ In Viet Thuan commune, income is 6.7 million/person/year, in there, the households with average income < 400000 VND/ month make up 6% of total households in commune; the average households with average income from 400000 to < 700000 VNDImonth make up 42%; 52% remained households are quite rich household with average income 7 700000 VND/month.


+ In Binh Nguyen commune: according to public analysis, average income is under 250,000 VND/month and this rate is higher 13% than report. Average households makes up 37% with income from 250,000 - <500,000 VNDImonth. Remained 50% is rich households with incom > 500,000 VND/month.

+ In Vu Tay commune: according to public analysis, average income is under 400,000 VNDImonth and this rate is higher 18% than report. Average households makes up 41% with


9.5 20

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100 100

2 2




100 100

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

income from 400,000 - <750,000 VND/month. Remained 4 l O/o is rich households with incom > 750,000 VND/rnonth.

+ In Thuy Quynh commune: according to public analysis, average income is under 450,000 VND/month and this rate is higher 10940 than report. Averqe households makes irp 50% with income from 450,000 - <800,000 VND/nionth. Remained 40% is rich households with incom > 800,000 VND/month.

+ In Nam Hong commune: according to public analysis, average income is under 250,000 VND/month and this rate is higher 21 % than report. Average households makes up 47% with income from 250,000 - <500,000 VND/month. Remained 32% is rich householJs with incom > 500,000 VNDImonth.

4.2.2 Public health

Trachoma, diarrhea, gynecological disease, itch are usually occurred because of water resource pollution, solid waste pollution, muddy roads. Besides, public health conditions in these communes are poor, underdeveloped, lack of infrastructure, so that i t is difficult to control and treat diseases when spreading epidemic.

Therefore, bad sanitation and environmental conditions are main causes of diseases (mention as below), such as:

+ Dong Minh commune: 36.6% eye diseases, 17.9% itch, allergic, 6.3% diarrhea, 5.8% gynecological diseases.

+ Nguyen Xa commune: 60% diarrhea, 58.5% eye diseases, 54.9% breathing diseases, 37.3% skin diseases, 23.8% gynecological diseases.

+ Viet Thuan commune: 57.6% itch, allergic, 56.6% eye diseases, 31.4% diarrhea, 28.3% dysentery, 22.8% gynecological diseases.

+ Binh Nguyen commune: 67.7% diarrhea, 67.1% breathing diseases, 66.5% eye diseases, 43.9% skin diseases, 13.9% diseases.

+ Vu Tay commune: 18.6% itch, allergic, 17.5% eye diseases, 6.8% diarrhea, 1.9% dysentery, 22.8% gynecb~ogica~ diseases.

+ Thuy Quynh commune: 8.1% itch, allergic, 18.9% eye diseases, 22.1% diarrhea, 1.9% dysentery, 2.7% gynecological diseases.

+ Nam Hong commune: 46.6% diarrhea, 41.7% breathing diseases, 37.2% eye diseases, 30.8% skin diseases, 22.3% gynecological diseases.

According to the idea from residents, 44.3 % residents thought that disease causes is.come from water resource pollution. 13.7% residents thought that disease causes is come from pesticides, chemical, muddy roads ... Therefore, it is necessary to have specific solutions to develop rural health, sanitation conditions for improving public health. These actions will be effectively helped eliminate hunger and reduce poverty program i n these communes (in specific) and province (in general).

4.2.3 Existing roads

Almost roads with 5-7m width in these communes are concrete; some small alleys with 2-3m widlh which are still pathway, stone roads, will be having planned to improve.

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) -. -

4.3 Existing \v:rter supply ;~t i t l w:~tcr r~sed

+ Dong Minh commune: Only 9.2% households, 141ho interviewed, need to use 01 water resource; 80.9% households need to use02 water resources and 9.8% householcls need to use 03 water resources. Almost households in Dong Minh cornmurie use 02 water resources for domestic demand, such as: rainy water, shallow well and some households still use pond water for cleaning hand and washing clothes.

100% household, who interviewed, use rainy water for drinking demand. Water quality of 02 water resources: shallow-well, drill-well are even not guaranteed but households still use them for drinking demand, 5.5% households use shallow-well, 6.7% household use drill-water.

Among 224 investigated sample, there are 12 households buy water from private service and this water is use for domestic use and drinking demand (66.7%) and washing, bathing (83.3%).

Shallow-well and drill-well resources are mainly used for bathing and washing. There is little households used them for drinking demand.

In investigated sample, there are 79 households mainly use water from pond, river, lake for washing and bathing demand because of no alternative water resources. Besides, some households still use these water sources when washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, washing clothes ... and use water from rainy and drill-well for the last cleaning process.

Water quality of using water sources are not had high evaluation by residents. Almost ideas are concentrated in shallow-well, deep-well criteria evaluation "Clear but still smell". 0.8% households using shallow-well thought that their water source has high quality and 99.2% remaining households thought that their water source has bad quality. However, 97.9% households using rainy water though that their water source is very clear and clean.

Pond water used by households is polluted. However, 66.7% households using pond water thought that this water source is "Clear but still smell", besides 50% households using river, lake water has similar ideas. Pond, lake, river sources are used for bathing and washing demand, so that it can be reasoned that using pond water for bathing and washing can be acceptable.

+ Nguyen Xa commune: has not gather water supply system. Water sources: drill-well, dig- well, rainy water, pond, lake are used for domestic demand.

Like other rural areas in Northern Vietnam, rainy water with highest quality is used for drinking demand. There is 96% households using rainy water for drinking demand and 4% households using shallow-well for dinking demand.

Only 1.6% households, who interviewed, need to use 01 water resource; 93.8% households need to use 02 water resources and 4.7% households need to use 03 water resources. Almost households in Nguyen Xa commune use 02 water resources for domestic demand, such as: rainy water, shallow well and some households still use pond water for cleaning hand and washing clothes.

Among 290 investigated sample, there is no households buy water from private service as other communes.

Shallow-well and drill-well sources are used for bathing and washing. Because of insufficient ground water resource, there is no households interviewed use drill-well.

In investigated samples, there are 24 households using pondlriver for bathing and washing. Some households still use these water sources when washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, washing clothes ... and use water from rainy and drill-well for the last cleaning process.

Water quality is fearful for households. Water quality of using water sources are not had high evaluation by residents. Almost ideas are concentrated in shallow-well, deep-well criteria

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

cvalua~ion "Clear but still smcll". 13.2% houscholcls using shirllow-well thought t h a ~ thcir water source has high quality and 86.8% remaining households ~hought that their water source has bat1 quality. However, 80% houscholds using rainy wurcr though that thcir Lvatcr sourcc is vcry clcar and clean.

Pond water used by households is polluted. Pond, lake, river sources are used for bathing and washing demand, so that it can be reasoned that using pond watcr for bathing and washing can be acceptable.

Surface water (river, pond) is polluted by:

- Waste matter from domestic animals and toilets

- Waste matter from agriculture, such: pesticide.

+ Viet Thuan commune : has not gather water supply system. Water sources: drill-well, dig- well, rainy water, pond, lake are used for domestic demand.

Like other rural areas in Northern Vietnam, rainy water with highest quality is used for drinking demand. There is 96% households using rainy water for drinking demand and 4% households using shallow-well for dinking demand.

Only 2.1% households, who interviewed, need to use 01 water resource; 84.5% households need to use 02 water resources and 13.4% households need to use 03 water resources. Almost households in Viet Thuan commune use 02 water resources for domestic demand, such as: rainy water, shallow well and some households still use pond water for cleaning hand and washing clothes.

Among 290 investigated sample, there is no households buy water from private service as other communes.

Shallow-well and drill-well sources are used for bathing and washing. Because of insufficient ground water resource, there is no households interviewed use drill-well.

In investigated samples, there are 24 households using pondlriver for bathing and washing. Some households still use these water sources when washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, washing clothes ... and use water from rainy and drill-well for the last cleaning process.

Water quality is fearful for households. Water quality of using water sources are not had high evaluation by residents. Almost ideas are concentrated in shallow-well, deep-well criteria evaluation "Clear but still smell". 9.3% households using shallow-well thought that their water source has high quality and 80.7% remaining households thought that their water source has bad quality. However, nearly 100% households using rainy water though that their water source is very clear and clean.

Pond water used by households is polluted. However, 70.8% households using pond.water thought that this water source is "Clear but still smell", besides 25% households using river, lake water has similar ideas. Pond, lake, river sources are used for bathing and washing demand, so that it can be reasoned that using pond water for bathing and washing can be acceptable.

Surface water (river, pond) is polluted by:

- Waste matter from domestic animals and toilets

- Waste matter from agriculture, such: pesticide.

+ Binh Nguyen commune:


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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 commllnes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

At present, Binh Nguyen has not gather watcr supply system. Water sources: tlr-ill-well. dig- well, rainy water, pond, lake are used for domestic dcl-nand.

Like other rural areas in Northern Vietnam, rainy water with highest cluality is uscd for drinking demand. There is 100% households using rainy water for drinking der-niind.

Only 2.5% houscholds, who interviewed, need to use 01 water resource; 9 1.7% households need to use 02 water resources and 5.8% households need to use 03 water resources. Allnost households in Binh Nguyen commune use 02 water resources for domestic demand, such as: rainy water, shallow well and some households still use pond water for cleaning hand and washing clothes.

Among 248 investigated sample, there is no households buy water from private service as other communes.

Shallow-well and drill-well sources are used for bathing and washing.

In investigated samples, there are 2 1 households using pondlriver for bathing and washing and 02 households using pound for drinking, this is not safe in drinking but because of no related water sources, these households have to use existing water sources. Some houseliolds still use these water sources when washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, washing clothes ... and use water from rainy and drill-well for the last cleaning process.

Wafer qualify.

Inhabitants ideas about water quality expresses their knowledge in existing used water resources. Water quality of using water sources are not had high evaluation by residents. Almost ideas are concentrated in shallow-well, deep-well criteria evaluation "Clear but still smell". 5.6% households using shallow-well thought that their water source has high quality and 94.6% remaining households thought that their water source has bad quality. 81.7% households thought their rainy water source is very clean and clear, 18.3% households thought their rainy water source has trace of dust pollution.

Pond water used by households is polluted. Pond, lake, river sources are used for bathing and washing demand, so that it can be reasoned that using pond water for bathing and washing can be acceptable.

Surface water (river, pond) is polluted by:

- Waste matter from domestic animals and toilets

- Waste matter from agriculture, such: pesticide.

M o ~ ~ f h l y water use:

Average water use1 householdlmonth is estimated approximate 5.8 m3/person/month. So water consumption of I personlday is approximate 193 llday (including daily water use).

Tnvestigation results also show that average water consumption/person (household) is increased following the increasing from poor household to rich household.

Actually, this is suitable demand because water demand and bathing demand of rich households are higher. With rich household, they have enough storage water with big volume so they do not to save water demand.

In general, investigated households almost give their idea that monthly water consumption is

enough (85.470). 14.6% household thought that their monthly water consumption is not enough and 25 m3/month/household is enough monthly water consumption.

+ Vu Tay commune: pp~p

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Rual water supply and san~tation sub-project in 08 conlmunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

At present, Vu Tay has not gather water supply system. Water sources: drill-well, dig-well, rainy water, pond, lakc are used for dornestic dc~nantl.

Like other rural areas i n Northern Vietnam, rainy water with highest quality is used for drinking demand. There is 100% households using rainy water for drinking clcrnand.

Only 0.4% households, who interviewed, need to use 01 water resource; 98.5% households need to use 02 water resources and 1. I % households need to use 03 water resources. Almost households in Vu Tay commune use 02 water resources for domestic demand, such as: rainy water, shallow well and some households still use pond water for cleaning hand and washing clothes.

Among 263 investigated sample, there is no households buy water from private service as other communes.

Shallow-well and drill-well sources are used for bathing and washing.

In investigated samples, there are 05 households using pondlriver for bathing and washing. Some households still use these water sources when washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, washing clothes ... and use water from rainy and drill-well for the last cleaning process.

Water quality.

Inhabitants ideas about water quality expresses their knowledge in existing used water resources. Water quality of using water sources are not had high evaluation by residents. Almost ideas are concentrated in shallow-well, deep-well criteria evaluation "Clear but still smell". 100% households thought that their water source has bad quality. However, nearly 100% households using rainy water though that their water source is very clear and clean.

Pond water used by households is polluted. However, 60% households using pond water thought that this water source is not clear and smell and 40% households though that this water source is "Clear but still smell". Pond, lake, river sources are used for bathing and washing demand, so that it can be reasoned that using pond water for bathing and washing can be acceptable.

Surface wate; (river, pond) is polluted by:

- Waste matter from domestic animals and toilets

- Waste matter from agriculture, such: pesticide.

Mo~ttltly water use:

Average water use/ household/month is estimated approximate 3.8 m3/person/month. So water consumption of 1 personlday is approximate 127 l/day (including daily water use).

Investigation results also show that average water consumption/person (household) is increased following the increasing from poor household to rich household.

Actually, this is suitable demand because water demand and bathing demand of rich households are higher. With rich household, they have enough storage water with big volume so they do not to save water demand.

In general, investigated households almost give their idea that monthly water consumption is enough (99.6%). Only 1 household though their monthly water consumption is not enough and 12 m3/month/household is enough monthly water consumption.

+ Thuy Quynh commune:

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (shge 2)

At present, Thuy Quynh has not gather water supply system. Water sources: clrill-well, dig- well, rainy water, pond, lake are used for domestic dernand.

Like other rural areas in Northern Vietnam, rainy water with highest quality is used for drinking demand. There is 98.6% households using rainy water for drinking demand.

Only 1.4% households, who interviewed, need to use 01 water resource; 90.5% households need to use 02 water resources and 8. I% households need to use 03 water resources. Almost households in Thuy Quynh commune use 02 water resources for domestic de~nand, such as: rainy water, shallow well and some households still use pond water for cleaning hand and washing clothes.

Among 222 investigated sample, there is no households buy water from private service as other communes.

Shallow-well and drill-well sources are used for bathing and washing.

In investigated samples, there are 16 households using pondlriver for bathing and washing and 02 households using pound for drinking, this is not safe in drinking but because of no related water sources, these households have to use existing water sources . Some households still use these water sources when washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, washing clothes ... and use water from rainy and drill-well for the last cleaning process.

Wafer qualify.

Inhabitants ideas about water quality expresses their knowledge in existing used water resources. Water quality of using water sources are not had high evaluation by residents. Almost ideas are concentrated in shallow-well, deep-well criteria evaluation "Clear but still smell". 29.5% households using shallow-well thought that their water source has high quality and 70.5% remaining households thought that their water source has bad quality. 90% households thought their rainy water source is very clean and clear.

Pond water used by households is polluted. However, 62.5% households using pond water thought that this water source is not clear and smell and 31.3% households though that this water source. is "Clear but still smell". Pond, lake, river sources are used for bathing and washing demand, so that it can be reasoned that using pond water for bathing and washing can be acceptable.

Surface water (river, pond) is polluted by:

- Waste matter from domestic animals and toilets - Waste matter from agriculture, such: pesticide.

Motltllly M1atet- use

Average water use/ household/month is estimated approximate 3.2 m3/person/month. So water consulnption of 1 person/day is approximate 106.7 l/day (including daily water use).

Investigation results also show that average water consumption/person (household) is increased following the increasing from poor household to rich household.

Actually, this is suitable demand because water demand and bathing demand of rich households are higher. With rich household, they have enough storage water with big volume so they do not to save water demand.

-~ --

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 cornmunes in Thai Binh province (stm3ge 2)

In general, investigated householtls allnost give their idea that monthly water consumption is enough (91.9%). 8.1 % households though their monthly water consunlption is not enough and

17.6 m3/month/household is enough monthly water consumption.

+ Nam Hong commune:

At present, Nam Hong has not gather water supply system. Watcr sources: drill-well, dig-well, rainy water, pond, lake are used for domcstic demand.

Like other rural areas in Northern Vietnam, rainy water with highest quality is used for drinking demand. There is 100% households using rainy water for drinking demand.

Only 8.1 % households, who interviewed, need to use 01 water resource; 76.6% households need to use 02 water resources and 15.3% households need to use 03 water resources. Almost households in Nam Hong commune use 02 water resources for domestic demand, such as: rainy water, shallow well and some households still use pond water for cleaning hand and washing clothes.

Among 248 investigated sample, there is no households buy water from private service as other communes.

Shallow-well and drill-well sources are used for bathing and washing.

In investigated samples, there are 21 households using pondlriver for bathing and washing and 02 households using pound for drinking, this is not safe in drinking but because of no related water sources, these households have to use existing water sources . Some households still use these water sources when washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, washing clothes ... and use water from rainy and dri ll-well for the last cleaning process.

Water qlraliry.

Inhabitants ideas about water quality expresses their knowledge in existing used water resources. Water quality of using water sources are not had high evaluation by residents. Almost ideas are concentrated in shallow-well, deep-well criteria evaluation "Clear but still smell". 24.4% households using shallow-well thought that their water source has high quality and 75.6% remaining households thought that their water source has bad quality. 99% households thought their rainy water source is very clean and clear.

Pond water used by households is polluted. Pond, lake, river sources are used for bathing and washing demand, so that it can be reasoned that using pond water for bathing and washing can be acceptable.

Surface water (river, pond) is polluted by:

- Waste matter from domestic animals and toilets

- Waste matter from agriculture, such: pesticide.

M o ~ ~ t h l y water use:

Average water use/ household/month is estimated approximate 6 m3/person/month. So water consumption of 1 personlday is approximate 200 ]/day (including daily water use).

Investigation results also show [hat average water consumption/person (household) is

increased following the increasing from poor household to rich household.

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project 111 08 co~nmunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Aclually, [his is suitable demand because \t1atcr dcmand ancl b~i~hing dclnand of rich households are higher. With rich household, [hey have enough storage waler wnth big volun~e

so hey do not to save water demand.

In general, investigated households almost give [heir idea that monthly water consumption is enough (70.8%). 29.2% households though their lnonthly water consumption is not enough and 28.8 m3/month/household is enough monthly water consumption.

4.4 Evaluation of drainage, sanitation conditions and solid waste management

Drainage systems which built by brick and concrete are lirtle. According to evaluation, 56.3% drainage system in hamlet is absorbed into land and 37.9%-51.3% ideas though that there is no drainage system in commune.

Table 10. Existing drainage system

Dong Minh, Viet Thuan, Nguyen Xa commune

Table 1 1. Existing of collection system and waste treatment







Dong Minh, Viet Thuan, Nguyen Xa commune I I I I I v I No I Form 1 Dong Minh 1 Nguyen Xa 1 Viet Thuan 1




Dig ditch (without construction)

Deep dig, built by brick, concrete

Absorb into land

No drainage system


Binh Nguyen, Vu Tay, Thuy Quynh, Nam Hong commune

Dong Minh





1 1 Brunlbury in the garden

3 1 Spill to the garden .-

12.5% 21.8% 2.4% . 1


1 2 Public dumping ground 19.2%

Environmental protection commitment 30

Nguyen Xa


Binh Nguyen


I I I I 85.3%

1% 1 40.3% I

Viet Thuan





4 -



1.6% 1, 2.1 %



1% 0.7%

Vu Tay

Dig ditch construction)

Thuy Quynh

Deep dig, built by brick, concrete

Absorb into land

No Other

Nam Hong







41,4% --








44.3% 3 0.0%

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

I 4 5

Binh Nguyen, Vu Tay, Thuy Quynh, Nam Hong commune

5.470 S p i l l to \he breeding lacilitcs


Spi I I to fi lcd/river/pond/canaI


Collect everyday. every week by sevice group

I No

1 3 ( Spill to the garden 1 19.2% 1 12.5% 18.4% 1 20.6% ~ I I I I

5.2% 1 15.3%



4 ( p S i l l to the breedin g facilites 1 1 6 . 7 % 1 2.7% 1 17% 1 36.4% 1 , I I I I I

8.3% 4.1 6 1 7.6%


1 5 Spill to filed/river/pond/canal ( 0% 0.4% 6. I % 0.4% 1 1 1 I

Brunhury in the garden

Public dumping ground

0 9'0

Binh Nguyen

Existing household's toilets:


72.1 %



Using septic latrines rate in commune is higher than other communes (31.7%), but i t is only concentration in households with average and good economical conditions. Households using double vault latrines rate is the highest rate among using latrines (40.6%), the number of households using single and double vault latrines are household with low income. Therefore, 37.1% households with septic latrines evaluate that their using latrines are clean and sanitation.

Table 12. Existing family latrines

Vu Tay rrhuy 1 Nam Hung 1 Q ~ Y nh



Collect everyday, every week by sevice group

Table 13. Household consumption demand

Type of latrines

Septic latrines

Seepage latrines

Single vault latrines

Double vault latrines






D o n g N t i Y ~ e n V i e t B i n h T h u y N a m 1 Minh , Xa Thuan Nguyen Vu Tay

Quynh Hong.



Investigator clarify economy of interviewer households (%)

Environmentai protection commitment 4 1

74. 1% 0.5% j 22.3%

V" Tay






Binh Nguyen




3 1


Dong Minh






Thuy Quynh



Nguyen Xa






Nam Hong



Viet Thuan








0.5 9.7

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-prolect ln 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Household estimate their domestic demand by themselves. However, this estimation might be not correct because of the difficulty from other sources: well, water tank, rainy tank. Domestic demand is quite high now; the residents do not save water because they do not have to pay for it. According experience from rural water supply sub-project in stage 1 and rural water supply facilities in National Strategy Program, rural household, especially average and poor households, use less clean water because they want to save water monthly fee (average 3m3- 5m3/household/month). Besides, they also continue using existing water resources such as: rainy water for drinking demand or well water for washing and bathing.


Total m ' wa~er/month/househ


Average water /person/household/m onth

5.1 Positive impact

In general, the overall impacts of the Rural water supply and sanitation infrastructure and health improvement project will be positive and play an important role in improving the rural water supply and sanitation situation in the project area (Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan (Vu Thu District), Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen (Kien Xuong District), Tay Phong, Dong Minh (Tien Hai District), Thuy Quynh (Thai Thuy District)). The key positive impacts are:

2 1.5




- Provide a piped water system for local resident. Once the project is in operation, i t will address the urgent need of local community, that's having access to clean water supply source. Result of household's water connection survey done with 100% of households in 7communes 'show that proportion of household which expect to connect to water supply system (2008) is high (approximate 80% of total of household)



2 2




Table 14. Number of households which had water connection commitment in 2008



Dong Minh, Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan commune

Environmentai protection commitment


HHs had water commitment

Dong Minh



v i e Thup%) . 1 number

1964 80.2%



Nguyen Xa





Page 48: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitatior~ sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Binh Nguyen, Vu Tay , Thuy Quynh. Nam Hong commune

Improve environmental sanitation by constructing sanitary latrines and health improvement for local community. There are some sanitary latrines constructed in school, medical centre .... to keep clean environment.

Binh Nguyen


HHs had water commitment

Table 15. Number of sanitary latrines constructed in communes

Vu Tay

Significantly, the sub-projects contribute to improve rural water supply and environmental conditions in 7 communes. Some unhygenic water source will not be used after water supply system and sanitation latrines are completed. It is good to avoid water related diseases such as skin, digestion .... happening to women and chillrent.

numb e r

1 166

Social and economic aspects: Living conditions of people in project area is significantly improved, creating momentum for other development activities in the locality.

'Thuy Quynh



5.2 Potential negative impact and mitigation measures

Nam klong

numb e r


Vu Tay



Number of sanitation atrines

Beside the aforementioned possitive impacts, there are potential negative impacts to natural and social environment during construction and operation of piped water system though they are insignificant:



Viet Thuan


Table 16. Environmental sensitive areas impacted by the project

nurnbc (%)

1.452 66.1%

nu~nbe r


Binh Nguyen


Dong Minh


Thuy Quynh




Nguyen Xa


Nam Hong


I WTP-Water tower 1 Plastic road, madacam-1



1 1 1 1 road, river bank 1 I

2 Nguyen Xa ~ i G x i F -



I I I WTP-water tower I I


Intake facilities-WTP

I I 4 1 Binh Nguyen I Intake facilities-WTP 1 Cross river hank 7'

Through area

CI.OSS river bank -i


road, river bank I

Viet Thuan

I I --

Environment& protection commitment 43

WTP-Water tower 1 Plastic road, lnadaca~n-1

Intake facilities-WTP

WTP-Water tower

Along land road, dyke

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes ir? Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Environmental protection commitment 44

Along land road, dykc, rivcr bank


Along land road, dyke 7

Along land road, dyke





Thuy Quynh

Nam Hong

Table 17. Summary of the Project's impact to environment.

3 Intake faciliries-WTP

WTP-Water rower

Intake facilities-WTP

WTP-Water tower

Intake facilities-WTP

WTP-Water tower

Environmental impact No Activities






Environmental impacts in recovery land (site clearance) period

Land compensation and recovery.

- Change purposes of land use

- Direct impacts to users living in project areas


cross to dyke.

7 - Impact to people's life, social and economic production

Environmental impacts in construction period

- Influence on safe dyke when constructing raw water pipeline

- Some produce activities in area near intake (Shipping factory - Sub-project Thai Thinh commune) can be influence on raw water quality in case of breakdown occurred.

water intake, pumping station I - Gathering workers can be influence on social situation, such as:

order and security because of different life style, difficult population management for local administration ....

- Dust, noise from constructed equipments in construction period

- Polutted surface water and ground water in construction period.

- Dust pollution: due to soil, sand, gravel while digging and leveling the ground.

- Air pollution, vibration, noise from vehicles running around at construction sites and along the road.

Construction of - Change mechanical and physical characteristics of the ground treatment plant in the project site.

- Impacts to the transportation system in the project site.

- Surface water pollution: due to wastewater from construction and human waste during construction period.

- Human waste from workers

Construction of - Air, smoke, dust pollution and shaking from various types of transmission and vehicles in the site;

pipe - Scattering of the construction material and excavated soil line around the construction and along the transportation routes.cause

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in T l~a i Binh province (stage 2) -- - --

- Dust pollution: because of land, sand, stone in excavating and filling up period.


- Air and noise polluted: activities of constructed equipments in this area and along road which transported land, stone and materials.


I I I - Influence on residents' activities. I

Environ~llental impact

inconvenience, unpleasant odor and air pollution.

Construction of public latrines and household's latrines

- Gathering workers can be influence on social situation, such as: order and security because of different life style, difficult population management for local administration ....

- Obstruct the traffic from material transport vehicle.

- Temporary approproate area around construction site for gathering materials.

- Dust from drying and transporting mud coming from the sedimentation of silt in the treatment plant.


Operation I I and 1 - Risks from mechanical leakage and accidents.

mana~ement of

Environmental impacts in the operation period

- Noise coming from operation of water water pumping station.

1 the schemes 1 - Migration brings in social evils I - Even though capacity of water treatment plant (WTP)is not high, activities of WTP are also directly influence on water flow of rivers, indirectly influence on agriculture water source,

Activities of public and household toilet construction will not make significant impacts to environment. The project environment impact assessment is in focus on considering activities of water system construction.

a. Environmental impacts in recovery land (site clearance) period

In project preparation, the activities of recovered land will make impacts to residential life and their production. The purposes of land use are changed that could have impacts to the flora area (rice). Howerver, it is insignificant.

-- --

Environmental protection commitment 45

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) -

Tablc 18. Sub-project erkct lcvcl by land recovery

Su b-project

Dong Minh commune-

Tien Hai District

I Construct ion


Water intake

Water Treatment


Water Tower

I Area of l a n d 1 Effcctivc l a n d 7 recovery (m2) I I

1752 Agricultural land 1 Public land

225 1 Agricultural land 1 1 2 1 Nguyen Xa commune- I Pumping Station 1 200 1 Agricultural land I

Vu Thu District Water Treatment

Plant Agricultural land

1 3 1 Viet Thuan commune- 1 Pumping Station I 150 1 Agricultural land 1 Vu Thu District

Water Treatment

Plant Agricultural land I

Water Treatment

Plant I 4 F-1 Agricultural land

Vu Tay Pumping Station 250 Public l a n d '

Binh Nguyen

Water Treatment 2000 1 Agricultural land

PI ant

Pumping Station 200 Public 1 ; l n d I

Pumping Station

Water Treatment 2000 Agricultural land

Plant 1 Narn Hong



Pumping Station,



Public l a n d 1

Agricultural land

Water Treatment

Plant Agricultural land

All of project affected households by recovered land for construction of pumping station, water treatment plant, water tower are also to get benefit form project. In initial survey, the affected HH are ready to hand over after receiving compensation.

Mitigation measures:

The effects by land recovery have been limited from chosing locations of water pumping station and water treatment plant. The best options of technical design have been considered to minimize area of recovered land. The proposed area of recovered lalid in a commune is 2000-2500m2

Environmentd protection commitment 46

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

I t is showed from fied survey rcsi~lts that interviewccl householtls assurnecl that constr~~c~iot~ of piped water system would not affect their land. If this is the case (impact to their land use. crops, business,etc.), they accepted to be compensated by cash.

Technical designs will try to minimize impacts to migration and rescttlemenl. In case, thcrc are affected households, they will be compensafed and supported at reasonable level to ensure the same or even better living standard (Please refer to the Resettlement Plan).

Affected households resulting froin lancl requisition has been informed and participated in site clearance period.

b. Envirottntetitnl Itttpact Assesstnetit during co~tstrzcctiot~ pltase.

Impact A.ssessn1c~nt.

Intake and raw water pumping station are located outside dyke, near raw water source. Therefore, construction of pipeline cross dyke for collecting raw water to water treatment plant will be influence on safe dyke, speciaI in rainy season. However, because of small pipeline diameter, short construction time, so that influence on safe dyke can be controlled.

Environmental pollution is caused mainly due to operation of machines and equipment and vehicle during construction period (excavating, leveling, etc.). Dust and smoke will pollute the construction site and have direct impact to workers. Residents living 300-400 m from the project sites and those who live along the road to the project site will also be impacted by the construction, though these impacts are insignificant.

Dust from landlsand transportation car, construction waste, for this project, waste landlstone are mainIy from these activities:

- Construction of water supply system

- Excavating foundation for construction raw water pumping station and WTP,

Moving of transportation will be created dust pollution, as given:

- Land in truck wheel will be dropped in succession alleys and wind will transmit dust.

- Land and sand (as dust) will be scatter by transportation means;

- Wheel also can create dust in roads when running

- Dust from smoke of transportation means.

Dust from these sources above make indisposed for surrounding habitants, because it easily transmits in transportation means activities. Hence, dust from these sources always make indisposed for habitants living along roads which construct water supply pipeline, and WTP.

During construction period, different types of machines, equipments and vehicles are operating at the same time; this will also cause noise and vibration. However, the project site is far away from residential areas, these impacts are minor.

Also during this period, a volume of solid waste, construction materials, oil and lubricants from vehicles and equipment will also be spread out in the project site. This is not much and will be collected and treated.

Domestic waste disposed by workers including solid waste and containers, plastic bags, emptied bottle, etc. these should be collected daily.

Destroy surface road if returning existing suiface road is not good: Project will use some surrounding roads in chosen area for construction. These roads will increase attrition and broken because of project activities.

Environmental protection commitment 37

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Moreover, gathering workers can bu inflilcncc on social sitiration, s~lch :is: ortler ancl security because of different life style, difficult population rnnnagerncnt for local administration ....

Construction of intake, water treatment facilities can change water quality in point of taking sample, such as: increase turbidity, suspended solid. Because facilities are near choice raw water source such as Kien Giang river (Dong Minh Commune), Hong river (Nguyen Xa commune, Viet Thuan commune) ..., this is also main source receive main polluted resource from below activities and worker activities. For other surface sources: pond, well1 ..., they are also influence on transport materials. However, because of construction site o~ltside crowed population area, this impact is very small and short time.

Raw water sources in Thai Rinh province are surface water from river crossing to the commune. These water resources are not only using for agriculture production, but also usong for navigation. Construction of intake facilities can be influence on boat activities in this area.

Flooding in rainy season, oudour pollution in public latrines need to mitigate when chosing construction location and proposing technical design.

When desgning and constructing, implement as technology, construction instruction and WTP management need to be carried out. Strengthen technical supervisor in constructing facilities.

a. Applied solutions for feasibility study consultant/ designing :

Facilities location have to be chosen to meet safe distance, dyke protection fence ( far from 20-25m dyke). Time for constructing pipeline cross to dyke should be avoided flooding time, rainy time and ensure to return facilities accordance with regulations.

Table 19. Proposed construction in design ensuring safety labour for raw water facilities operator

1 Pump 1 I mechanical, gas . . I

Lighting inside and outside enough for activities

Operators have to clean the sediment without any danger

I . Surface water intake

2. Raw water

Ensure turn off electricity when maintaining equipments

Lighting ,

Safety for operator

I I Safety for facilities I

( Road to pump has to lock (raw water pumping station)

Safety for installation Safety for operator

I Safety for operator 1 3. Raw water 1 Protect operators and other officers avoid electricity, 1

Persons without responsibility can not enter Protect operators and other officers

pumping station

1 I 1 about danger 1 Notice sign

b. Solutions apply in construction stage (these solutions will be add in construct article and construction tenders have to implement)

Safety for facilities enter Express name of owner, basic information

Environmental protection commitment 38

mechanical, gas Facilities have to lock, Persons without

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) . - --

lnsti~l l warning systcrn and milk~ plan to divide sllip, boat which transporting in wiircr suppy pipeline cross to river consrruction area.

Construct fence around construction area. pour watcr to reduce dust, use model equipments, consrruct in suitable time (day time, avoid rest time) to minimize impacts from dust, noise and waste air.

lmpacts such as dust, noise and disposal can be reduced by careful planning and preparation before carrying out the project such as: insralling fence around the pro~ect site, water in the project field so as to reduce dust, use modem equipment to minimize noise, operating machines during working hours, avoid bed time, etc.

When designing and constructing, Technical regulations, constructed introductions and WTP operation need to implement. Supervision technical aspects for facilities in construction period need to pay attention.

Pouring water for construction site, stone and sand need to be considered when filling up and moving out. Materials, equipments storage long time need to be covered, mitigate dust.

Materials, construction equipments are managed, avoid spilling materials when transporting, covering, constructed storage (if necessary), build fence to protect this area.

When transporting construction material, they need to be cover so as to minimize dust.

Request driver not impose on car whistle and not keep transports blow up too long without any activities.

Collect solid waste daily and throw at right place. Solid waste like cement package, emptied bottle, crushed wood and iron, construction materials should be collected, classified for recycle or reuse in other industry.

Wastewater from the construction including domestic waste water and disposed water from washing construction materials should be collected and treated for recycle. Mitigation of discharging wastewater to sewer and river for creating good conditions in construction period and mitigation the quantity of wastewater and also avoid overflow. Moreover, temporary collection and treatment of wastewater are applied in construction period.

Using local worker for suitable works will be decreased the change suddenly workers in construction period. Dissemination of regulation for worker when livings in region, co-operation with local police manage number of worker, protect construction equipments and other poverties.

Pay attention to labor safety during construction period. Strictly follow labor safety measures, ensure clean sanitation and environment protection for the project areas. Workers need to be well trained on labor safety and equipped with labor devices such as: safety helmets, gloves, safety belt and appropriate measures should be applied to minimize noise and shaking for the surrounding areas.

Develop instruction and signal boards at the site to warn people and minimize accidents. Machines, equipments and vehicles need to be checked up regularly.

In case the construction site is near to the dyke, i t is important to strictly obey the dyke protection regulations. The advised safety distance from the dyke to construction site is about 25m, if direct impacts to the dyke systems, local authorities should be informed and agreements should be reached.

Install signboard and prepare plan for regulating transportation current in construction site near river.

Environmenfal profection commitment 49

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 co~nmunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) -- --

Destroying land can happen in prcpara~ion s i t ~ slage or diging, filling land bccausc of rain or storm. Transporting land, sand is also sediment. fill the tlrainiige cnnnels or increase turbidity in pond, lake to inlluence on water ecosystem. Minimize methocls can Ix applicd, as given:

Minimize in transporting materials, land, sand:

- Chose the material location in little wind

- Cover material, land and facilities constructing

- Not f i l l or dig in heavy rain period

- Step by step construction to minimize time keeping constructed materials, land, stone.

- Return plant in place not have cement in WTP.

- Cover the foundation which having upstairs or road in steep topography

Minimize influence factors with water resource

- When constructing in the river bank, technical construction is applied such as retaining wall

- Install pipeline directly through pond, lake, river, stream to avoid construction, filling works.

c. Environmental Itnpact Assessmertt during operation period

Locations of water pumping station and water treatment plant are near to river, so these Units may have certain impact to the dyke system crossing the commune.

Change the form of provision of water (e.g: quantity of water supply for irrigation)

Arise washing water and sedimentation from water treatment plant.

Water treatment plant will discharge quite big wastewater from filter and sedimentation tank. This is backwashing water and clean sediment water in sedimentation tank. This water will be collected in to sludge tank, remaining time here is equal 2 times of backwashing time. After that water in'collected hole will be discharged into drainage sewer. The remaining sediment will be pump into sludge ground and make up 1/3 tank. When sludge become full, it will be transmit into solid waste treatment

Table 20. Maximum wastewater in sludge tank in necesarry case are given:


Environments! protection commitment SO

Clean rapid i filter tank


Discharge vertical sedimentation

Dong Minh



Nguyen Xa



1 (mi)

Total (m7) I

Viet Thuan



Binh Nguyen







I 47.5 50.5

T ~ U Y




40.5 30.8 36.7

Nam . Hong




29 42.06

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Dust from drying and transporting ~ n u d coming from lhc sctli~ncnlation of silt i n the trcatme~lt plant.

Burning i n operation

Risks from mechanical leakage and accidents.

Increase Wastewater form household

* Feasibilty study/ design stage

I n case the construction site is near to the dyke, i t is iniportant to strictly obey the dyke protection regulations. The advised safety distance from the dyke to construction site is about 20m (to river direction) and 25m (to field direction).

The study on water source of quality, quantity and without conflict of water provision had been carried out in begins of the project.

Table 21. Proposed construction in design ensuring safety labour for WTP operator

1. Plan of WTP

mechanical, gas Ensure turn off electricity when maintaining equipments

2. WTP

/ Notice sign 1 Express name of owner, basic information 0-1


Notice sign

Lighting inside and outside enough for carrying out daily activities Express name of owner, basic information of facilities, warning

Safety for operator

I I I enter I

about danger Protect operators and other officers avoid electricity,

Safety for installation about danger Facilities have to lock, Persons without responsibility can not

I I I Ensure turn off electricity when maintaining equiprnents 1

3. Rapid by gravity


Notice sign I Express name of owner, basic information of facilities, warning

, Safety for operator Protect operators and other officers avoid electricity, mechanical, gas 7

Safety for installation about danger Facilities have to lock, Persons without responsibility can not

4. Clean water reservoir

Safety for operator

Notice sign

I water pump I ( mechanical, gas I

enter Protect operators and other officers mechanical, gas

Safety for installation enter

Express name of owner, basic information of facilities, warning


I Ensure turn off electricity when maintaining Safety for installation i Road to ~ u m n has to lock

Facilities have to lock, Persons without

6 rlPnn / Safety for operator 1 Protect operators and other officers avoid electricity, 1

Safety for operator

Environmental protection commitment 5 1

about danger Protect operators and other officers avoid electricily,

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Rual waler supply and sanitation sub-projecl in 08 conlmunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) --

\varer pumping srarion and managerncnr roc) m

7. Chemical house

8. Sludge sedimentation lake


Ensure rurn ol'f clcclricity when

Safcry for insrallarion Facilities havc ro lock, I enler; all \vindo\vs have prolecred stick I I

Norice sign 1 Express name of owner. basic inform:~rion ol' I:riliries. warning

I mechanical. gas I Safery for operator

I Ensure turn off eleclricity when maintaining equipments, install 1

abour danger Prorecr operalors and other officcrs

Safety for insrallation

emergency shower for operators Facilities have ro lock, Persons withour rcsponsibiliry can not

Warning sign

enter Install dangerous warning sign for each used chemicals in I

Notice sign

convenient places Express name of owner, basic information of facilities, warning

Safety for operator Safety for installation

1 about danger Protect operators and other avoid normal accidents If possible, Persons without responsibility can not enter

Warning sign Express name of

Safety for operator Protect operators and other officers mechanical, gas


* Construction stage

Warning sign

Construct pro'tect fence and trees around WTP.

Safety for installation enter; all windows have protected stick Express name of owner, basic information of facilities

* Operation stage

Facilities have to lock, Persons without

Workers should go through medical checked regularly to discover occupational diseases (once every 6 months).

Organize awareness-raising movement on strictly wearing labor safety devices (labor safety clothes, helmet, gloves, belt, etc.) for workers.

Install safety meters and fence, and plant trees around the water treatment plant;

Install signboard and guiding board at critical points with high danger such as: chemical storage, ivater tank, water tower, etc.

Mud will be dried at specialized areas for each Plant.

Apart from the mitigation measures mentioned, additional mitigation measures can be applied are in operation period:

Carry out awareness raising activities for local co~nmunity in the Project area, especially for those who live near the water source; Encourage community to minimize direct disposal of wastewater and domestic waste to rivers; Ban on the use of pesticide and

Environmental protection commitment 5 2

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 cornrnunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) - --

chemical ferlilizer as well as developrnenl of tn:inuf'acturing units that p l l ~ ~ t e the water supply source for the Plant.

Provide instruments and water quality testing ecluipment to tlo the on-$ire rest with quick results to timely identify problems and solution for better operation and maintenance of the system; train on awareness rising for managers and operators.

Applied methods of fighting fire, as following:

- Storage burning malerials in location far from burning sources or can be burned in large area: far from doors, fan. . . .

- Fighting fire equipments need to check annually

- Put easy burn sign and avoid sign such as: no smoking, no mobil phone.. .

- Give exercise for worked about fighting fire

Avoid accidents because of chemical and non-resistant or oxygen elements: non-resistant and other poison chemical have to be controlled as ease burning materials. However, chemical also can be danger if mixing with other chemicals. Therefore, management chemical methods should be applied.

- Keep chemical separate and far from easy burning materials

- Chemical components have to storage in safe tank, chemical room has to fully ventilate

- Workers have to use fully protect clothes such as: coats, hats, shoes.. ..

- WTP has to have sink, shower use when operating

Local government organizes clean and green environment movements regularly including protection of water supply source, proper use, collection and treatment of excreta, waste and wastewater.

During operation period, people's comments and opinion about the water supply system need to be taken into consideration and resolved timely


According to the Vietnamese regulation on Environmental Protection and the World Bank's Environmental policies, the winning Contractors (for construction and operation) together with the Project Management Unit and other related agencies have to carry out the Environmental Management Plan.

The objective of Environmental management plan is to provide guidelines on the Project's environmental issues so as to ensure that environment related issues would be well dealt with. Environmental Management Plan includes monitoring and reporting program for environmental impacts mitigation; implementation organization and countermeasures in case of emergencies.

6.1 Implementation Organization

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is prepared that base on regulations of Viet Nam and Worldbank. Environmental Management Plan will be implemented by the following agencies:


Environmental protection commitment 5 3

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 comniunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) -- --- --

The Project Management Unit will be in coll:tbol;ttion with relevant agcncics ancl othcr functional bodies at Provincial, District and Comrn~lne level to implement the EMP. The Projcct Management Unit will nominate a full tirnc cnvironmcntal cxpcrt to monilor, nianage ancl carry out the assigned tasks.

Winning contractors for construction and operation are scsponsible to monitor environmental quality in different project periods to strictly follow rhe mitigation measures, agreements and comlnitment as stated in the assigned contract.

Communities in the project areas are participated actively in project activities inclucling environmental management plan.

There will also have the involvement of the Environmental specialists who are responsible for capacity building and training for organizations and individuals who will involve in the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan.

6.2 Environmental monitoring and reporting

The purpose of the Environmental Monitoring and Reporting of the sub-project on Rural Water Supply and Sanitation is to regularly collect information on environmental impacts while implementing the project, at the same time to timely discover negative impacts so as to have prevention and mitigation measures to minimize pollution. Moreover, Environmental Monitoring also aims to closely control the environmental quality to ensure safe operation of the Project.

Content of environmental management plan includes environmental impacts monitoring and mitigation measure implementation.

Environmental impacts monitoring is to identify the impacts arising at all project sites.

To monitor the mitigation measure implementation is to assess how effective proposed mitigation measures in EMP

a. Project Preparation period

Land compensation and Site clearance activities are monitored and assessed periodically (once a month or even 3 months) at recovered areas for treatment plant, pumping station and pipeline network. The Project Management Unit will be in cooperation with functional body at local level for disseminating project information to resident, monitoring environment and reporting. Related agencies should update information about the project to solve petitions timely.

h. Construction period

It is expected that it takes about 8 to 12 months for second stage project construction in Thai Binh. Monitoring criteria include:

Dust and noise arising during construction period at the Project site will be periodically checked at the treatment plants, the transmission pipelines and distribution pipelines every there months.

Solid waste from construction site and human waste from workers need to be collected and safely treated.

Regularly check the application of labor safety measures during construction period to identify and prevent risks.

c. Management and operation period

Noise caused by operating schemes is controlled and checked once every 6 months.

Raw water and treated water will be tested monthly (for basic parameters of Ciroup. A) and annually (for basic parameters of Group B) based on the standard No. 1329/2002/BYT/QD of

Environmental protection commitment 54

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 cornmunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

MOH. Sample raw water for testing is taken bcfolr water is taken into tr-c;~tliicnt plmt. Sarnplc treated water for testing is taken from households' tap.

Waste during operation period including washing water and sctlimetitation from treatnicrlt plants have to be treatcd and managed. These needs to be checked quarter-ly or every 6 months.

Monthly check and identify urgent solutions for treatment plants, chemical house, transmission pipe lines, and distribution pipe lines in case there are problcms on chemical leakage, water source, etc.

Environmental monitoring reports during operation period is prepared by the water supply Operators and submitted to local environment management agencies annually or upon request at specific period.


Environmental protection commitment 5 5

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Rual water supply and saqitgtion sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) , a

Table 22. Environmental management plan - EMP (EMP for every sub-project)

Environment impact Mitigation measure

Environmental protection commitment 5 6

Project preperation

Estimated cost: 10.OOO'OOO VND

DPs will be compensated and supported at reasonable level to ensure the same or even better living standard

A6fected households resulting from land requisition has been informed and participated in site clearance period.

Monitoring compensation and land acquisition Periodical monitoring and evaluation (every 3 month for compensation and resettlement )

Change purposes of land use

Destroy the flora (paddy field, cash crop)

Direct impacts to users living in project areas

Impact to people's life 9

social and economic production activities

I Provinclal project management u n i t (PPMU) i n cooperation with local authorities.


Observing, 1 1 - 3 l l l l ) l l l l l s , consulting benefitcial and affected people

Page 62: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sa~itgt ion swb-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) . .

Environment impact Mitigation measure Itzstitutional resuo~zsibilitv

Air pollution, shaking, noise from vehicles running around at construction sites and along the road

R1 onitoritzg ~ze thod

Constructio period


Installing fence around the project site, water in the project field so as to reduce dust, use modem equipment to minimize noise, operating machines during working hours, avoid bed time, etc.

Estimated cost:

Mitigation of discharging wastewater to sewer and river for creating good conditions in construction period and mitigation the quantity of wastewater and also avoid overflow. Moreover, temporary collection and treatment of wastewater are applied in construction period.


Dust and smoke will pollute the construction site and have direct impact to workers. Residents living 300-400 m from

15.~00.000 VND

Environmental protection commitment 5 7

when transporting material, vehicles need to be cover so as to minimize dust.

Request driver not impose on car whistle

the project sites and those who live along the road to the project site will also be impacted by the

Do not keep transportation blow up too long without any activities

construction, though these impacts are insignificant.

Surface water pollution

Wastewater from the construction including domestic waste water and disposed water from washing construction materials should be collected and treated for recycle.

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Rual water supply and sanitqtion sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) , I

Also during this period, a volume of solid waste: construction materials, oil and lubricants from vehicles and equipment will also be spread oul in the project site.

Environmeizt impact

Collect solid and domestic waste daily. Solid waste like cement package. Emptied bottle, crushed wood and iron, construction materials should be collected, classified for recycle or reuse in other industry.

Mitigation measure

Domestic waste disposed by workers including solid waste and containers, plastic bags, emptied bottle, etc. these should be collected daily.

wastewater from the construction including domestic waste water and disposed water from washing construction materials should be collected and treated for recycle.

Institutioizal respoitsibility

Pay attention to labor safety and risk reduction during construction period.

and equipped with labor devices such as: safety helmets, gloves, safety belt and appropriate measures should be applied to minimize noise and shaking for the surrounding areas.

Labour safety code need to be warned.

a Develop instruction and signal boards at the site to warn people and minimize accidents. Machines, equipments and vehicles need to be checked up regularly.

Strictly follow labor safety measures, ensure clean sanitation and environment protection for the project areas. Workers need to be well trained on labor safety

a The project design, construction and operation have to base on guideline; strengthen the technical monitoring activities in construction period.

Freqtrence L Daily I

1 1 I


Environmental protection commitment 5 8

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Rual water supply and sanitqtion sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) . . I Environmerlt impact Mitigation measure

1 Risk in accidents for people

and transportation in construction site

w Arrangement of transportation guilder when vehicles gather materials

' W Ensure that tigh body of vehicles will be keep material not spill along the road.

I 1 w Clearance land and sand around material site I Obstruction on road

transportation, residential roads, business because of dig pipeline.

Pumping station and treatment plant are located near the river, it is likely that this may have certain impact to the river's dyke s)stem crossing the commune

Announce to administration and BHAs for preparation and cooperation .

In case the construction site is near to the dyke, i t is important to strictly obey the dyke protection regulations. The advised safety distance from the dyke to construction site is about 25m, if direct impacts to the dyke systems, local authorities should be informed and agreements should be reached.

Change the of provision of water (e.g: quantity of water supply for irrigation).

w Build up and implement the regulation on construction site, keep clean in construction site to avoid diseases.

w These impacts should be limited right at the beginning when selecting the water supply source, project sites

- - - - Workers may cause social

and security impacts in local area

Environmental protection commitment 59

w Using local worker for suitable works

Dissemination of regulation for worker when livings in region, co-operation with local police manage number of worker, protect construction equipments and other poverties.

Page 65: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

transporting mud coming from the sedimentation of silt in the treatment plant.

Rual water supply and sanjt?t~on s61b-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)

Wastewater form washing filtration material and sedimentation from filtration tank.

Washing water and sedimentation from treatment plant: once 6 months


6 Illonills -

Organize awareness-raising movement on strictly wearing labor safety devices (labor safety clothes, helmet, gloves, belt, etc.) for workers; establish the equipped controlling units; and install safety meters and

1 fence, and plant trees around the pumping station.

klonitorirlg method

Observing and

Institutional resportsibility

Operating and managing agencies

Environment impact

. Nosie of water treatment plant and water pumping station

Dust from drying and

I cost: 18.000.000 1 YNUlyear

Mitigation measure

Noise caused by operating schemes is controlled and checked Once every

Mud will be dried at specialized areas for each scheme

from leakage and accidents.

Estimated water tower, etc.

Urgent measures in case there are problems on chemical leakage or water source: Every month

Install signboard and guiding board at critical points with high danger such as: chemical storage, water tank,

Workers should go through medical checked regularly to discover occupational diseases (once every 6 months).

Water related diseases

Increase wastewater from household

Environmental protection commitment 60

Monotoring water quality: Raw water and treated water will be tested monthly (for basic parameters of Group A) and annually (for basic parameters of Group B) based on the standard No. 1329/2002/BYT/QD of MOH

It is proposed that households using pipe water should minimize the disposed waste at households level by recycling, building household dust-hole, etc

Observing and sampling

Monthly1 annual



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Rual water supply and sariitqtion scr;b-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) . .

Environment impact L Capacity building


Operating and managing

Mitigation measure

Equip some devices and equipments for quickly monitor activities (parameters such as Suspended solid, pH, excess chlorine..), at water treatment plant

32'000'000 VND

Once A

Training for operators (2 persons)

Operating and managing agencies

Institutiortal responsibility

A: irrc.1lrc.s cr.iter.ia tllut will he I-egulal.ly tested witlr fr-eqlrellcy of 0rrc.e a week (for- water- supply factory) 01- orrce a nrorrtll (b), Pr.or~irrc.ict1 Heultlr irlstitrttiorrsl Tlrese triter-ia are ujfected by weatller. clrarlges, water- quality testirlg call be car-I-ied ollt water- spplier-s or- Pr.ovirrcia1 Pr.e\,errti\+r n~c.tlic.irre. Morritor.irr$ nttrtcr. cl~mlity by tllese irldicator-s is Irelpfill irl iderlti'irlg pr.oblems wit11 treatnlerlt plarlrs to timely wor-k out solllriorrs accor.dirrgly.

B: irrclrrdes cr-itel-ia tlrat r.cclrri~-e e,tperlsive ecllliprnerrt arld urlder- stuble weatller-. These ci.iter.ia treed to be tested befo1.r tlre sc.lrc)n~rs ur-r oprr~utiorltrlisctl trrrtl

orrcc. tr year- (or. ~r~lren I-eq~tir-ed); ulld at tile same time wit11 testirrg crirer-ia nlerltiorled iir A ubove by local or- I-egiorral lrealtlr

Mortitorirtg rnetlr od

Environmental protection commitment 6 1


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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes ~n Thai Binh province (stage 2) -. ----


Local authorities, relevant agencies and community participated in different stage of the Project from preparing environmental impact assessment to environmental management and monitoring.

Method of information dessiminstion and community consultation could be included: Rapid participatation assessment, HH visiting, public meeting and socio-economic survey.

Right at the beginning during project preparation phase, local authorities and leaders at different levels in the project province have been informed about the project, it's objectives and activities. Department of Natural Resource and Environment are consulted and they have actively participated in discussions on various activities related to environment in their localities. The feedbacks on advantages and disadvantages of the project and the proposed mitigation by local authority as well as environmental impacts have been considered to choose technical solution.

Local residents in communes also involved in environmental impact assessment through community meetings when they are informed about the project, project objectives, project activities, positive and potential negative environmental impacts to their commune. People's comments and opinions from these meetings have been taken into consideration and incorporated into environment reports.

Minutes of community meetings with feedback on envirornment issues and mitigation from Community consultation are attached as annex of this report. Community opinions focus on:

- Effected agrcultural products by land acquisition in preparation and construction

- Traffic is at a standstill

- Impact from noise and air pollution in construction

- Chemical leakage when operation and transportation.

All environment impact and mitigation measure given in this report got local authority and community's agreement. They are ready to participate in environment monitoring activities in different project periods.

The Envirornmental protection commitment is finalized after community meeting. All environment impact given by communiy that alose mention in this report and to be limited by mitigation measure in preparation, construction and operation project. Environmental proyection commitment is one of the pre-conditions for project appraisal.


Outcomes from the Enviromental Assessment of the Rural water supply and sanitation infrastructure and health improvement sub-project in 8 communes in Thai Binh Province have confirmed that:

- In general, the overall impacts of the sub-project will be positive and play an impostant role in impsovi ng the rural water supply and sanitation situation in the project area.

Environmental protection commitment 62

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh prov~nce (stage 2) -- - --

- Provide a pipcd water systern for local resitlcnt. Once the project is in operation. I t w~ll address the urgent need of local colnmunity, that's having access to clean water supl>ly source.

- Significantly contribute to improve rural water supply ant1 environmental conditions in project areas, avoid water related diseases.

Social and economic aspects: Living conditions of people in project area is significantly improved, creating momentum for other development activities in the locality.

The project environmental impacts are at the site and cover local area (commune level). The affected project people are also gotten benefit by project. The imposive impact will be limited by technical solutions, management and monitoring activities.

Thai Binh rural water supply and sanitation project unit management-Investor of rural water supply and sanitation in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) commit to carry out all mitigation negative impacts in project implement according to proposed solution in environmental protection commitment.

Environmenta! protection commitment 63

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)


-. -.

Environmental protection commitment

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Page 86: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Binh province (stage 2) - -- .. .-


Evaluation criteria for the project area and the water treatment plan location

I I Is the subproject area in protected area (national parks. forest


I reserves or nature tourism)? I I I Does the sub-project involve a signification conversion or degradation of critical natural habitat?

Criteria Environmental Impact

Yes No

-Do the overall benefits of the subproject substantially overweigh

the environmental cost?

3 If the sub-project involve a signification conversion or degradation of critical natural habitat

-Are there any other feasible alternatives for siting?

I 1 not feasible or cost-effective)? I I I



I 4 Are there special areas of cultural property at the sub-project?


Evaluation criteria for the water source !


1 7 1 Is there insufficient quantity because of conflicting water uses or I x 1

Does the sub-project impacts on the displaced population are

major (more than 200 people are displace)?

Is the project in a flood plain (if flood prevention measures are

I I / other (e.g. meteorological, hydro geological) conditions? 1 I



8 Will water source be treated to meed the drinking water x 1 I / standard? 1 1 I

If the quality of the water source deal possible higher (or uncertain) concentrationss off Arsenic or pest contaiminated groundwater:

-Are there other possible alternative source?

- Are there extensive water quality testing of all new wells?

- Are there allocation of a special budget for possible new well or additional \\.ater treament facilities after water testing of the

1 actual complete wells



Envilronmental protection commitment

10 Environinent consultant recommend that Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan, Vu Tay, Binh Nguyen, Tay phong, Nam Hong, Dong Minh, Thuy Quynh communes in Thai Binh province are eligible to participate in the Prqject -- I

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Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 corrlmunes in Thai Binh province (stage 2)


--.- ppp-p

EnviJonmental protection commitment

Page 88: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental


PHONG T H ~ NGHIEM VA C6NG N G H ~ XOLY NU& (LAS-XD35) IS0 dM1:2000 Dja chi: S6 5 Duirng ThAnh - HA Nci Tel: 04 8281626 Fax: 04 82

~ h ' QUA PHAN TJCH CHAT LlfQNG N D m vi gui mBu : Trung t8m NC & UDKHCNCT'N - VIWASE Ten m%u : MBu nudc s6ng Ki6n Giang - XFi DBng Minh- Huytn Ti6n Hii - Thai Binh Nghy nhan mBu : Nghy 06 thing 07 nam 2007


KET LUAN: Mau nudc co c ic chi tiCu phiin tich: do mau, do duc, do 6xy hoa KMnO,, Fe tBng v h E.Coli khBng dat Tieu chudn vf: sinh nu& Bn u6ng vB sinh hoat the0 Quye"t d k h sB 1329/2002/BYT/QD cha Bo Y te. Ket qu8 xac djnh chi c6 g i i tri trCn miu thir do khich hhng mang dgn.

$ . U L O ~


Page 89: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental


PHONG T H ~ NGHIEM VA CONG NGHE XO L'? N U ~ C (LAS-XD IS0 9001:2000 Dja chi: Sd 5 Duong Thanh - Ha Noi Tel: 04 8281626 , Fax:>, -*:,: 3 [email protected]

KR QUA PHAN TICH CHAT L U ~ G 1wB 3 5 Don vi gai mAu : Trung tarn Nghien ciru v i hg dung Khoa hoc C6n . %p thoat Nuac Ten m5u : MBu nuac song Hdng tai NguyCn X i - Vij Thu - Thai ~ n h Nghy nhgn m8u : Ngiy 24 thing 10 nam 2007

KJ?T L U ~ N : MBu nu& c6 ciic chi ti&u ph8n tich: do miu, d c duc vB E.Coli kh6ilg dat Tieu chudil ;c sinh nu6c an uong v B sinh I~oat theo Quygt ddjnh sb 1329/2002/BYT/QD c i ~ a BQ Y tC. Kgt qud xric d/nh chi co g i i trj tren mau th~i. do khich hing mang den.

Page 90: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

CONG PI c6 PHAN N U ~ C VA M ~ I TRLI~NG VIET NAM (VIWASE) PHONG THI' NGHIEM VA CONG NGHE XU LY NU& (LAS-XD35) Dja chi: S65 Duhg Thanh - Ha NQi Tel: 04 8281626 Fax: 04 8284760 E-Mail: [email protected]

Dun vj gui m i u : o n g Chucmg - Trung tam NC & UDKHCNCTN Ten m i u : M i u nudc s8ng Hdng tai khu vuc xi4 NguyCn Xd/Viet Thuan - Vii Thu - Thdi Binh Ngiy nh+n m i u : Ngiy 30 thdng 6 nam 2007

KBT LUAN: MLu n d c cc6 cdc chi tieu phan tich: do mPu, d o duc, do 6xy h o i KMnO,, Fe t6ng vP E.Coli kh8ng dat TiCu chudn ve sinh nudc an uong va sinh hoat the0 Quygt d!nh sd 1329/2002/BYT/QD clia Bg Y t$. Ke't qu8 xac d/nh chi c6 gid tri trCn mAu thir do khdch hang mang den.


guyi in Viin Thanh

Page 91: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental


PHONG TH/ N G H I ~ M VA CONG NGHC XO LV NU& (LAS-XD35) IS0 9001:2000 Dia chi: Sd 5 Dudng Thanh - Ha Noi Tel: 04 8281626 Fax: 04 8284760 E-Mail: [email protected]

D m v / ghi rniu : Trung cam Nghien cuu vB ong dung Khoa hoc CBng nght C$p crho6t Nuuc TEn mBu : MBu nu& sang Lu - X3 Binh Nguyen - HuyGn Kie'n Sumg - Thii Binh Ngiy l6y rniu : Ngiy 29 thing 1 1 nam 2007

ICET L U ~ N : MIlu nu6c c6 c i c chi tieu phAn rich: 66 dyc v i E.Coli khdng dat Tieu chudn vC sinh nu& an udng v i sinh hoat theo Quy6t djnh s6 1329/2002/BYT/QO c i a Bg Y d. Ke't quA xAc d/nh chi c6 gib trj trEn m'?u thir do khich hang mang dgn.


-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Kkt clu; phiin tic11

7,84 Khdng c6 v/ la

Kh6ng c6 mbi la 10 64 40

1 1 2

TiCu chu6n 132912002lBYTiQD

-6,5+8,5 Khang co vi la

KhBng c6 mhi la 15 2


Chi Lieu phan lich

PH W j blhi 06 m i u DQduc Tdng chgt r i n la l h g D8 6x y hoi KMnO TBng chdt riin hba tan Do kikm toin phdn D6 cimg toin phdn ca2+ Mg2+ . NO; NO,' NH,+ ~ 0 , ~ - C1' Fe tdng Mn t6ng E. Coli

Dan vj


mg/l 0, mg/l

mg/lCaCO, mg/lCaCO,

mg/l mgll mg/l mg/l mg/l mgfl mg/l mg/l mgll


137 115 105 28,3 8,3

0,05 1,05 0,12 0,07 7,1

0,46 0.09


Phu'o'ng ph5p 11IiAn tich

TCVN 6492:99 CAm quan CAm quan

TCVN 6185-96 TCVN 6 184: 1996

TCVN 4560:88 TCVN 5370:91 TCVN 6503:95

SMEWW 2320-B:95 SMEWW 2340:95

TCXD 81: 81 TCVN 6224:96 TCVN 2658:78 ' TCVN 2657:78

TCVN 6 179- 1 :96 SMEWW 4500-P:95

TCVN 6194:96 TCVN 6177:96 TCVN 6002:95

TCVN 61 87- 1 :96



3 50 1,5

250 0 5 0,5 0

Page 92: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

C6NG TY ~6 P H ~ N NU& VA M ~ I T R U ~ N G Vl€T NAM (VIWASE)

PHONG THI' NGHIEM VA CONG ~ G H E XO Lv N U ~ C (LAS-XD35) IS0 9001:2000 Dja chi: So' 5 Dudng Thanh - Ha NQi Tel: 04 8281626 Fax: 04 8284760 E-Mail: [email protected]

Don v j gui m%u : Trung tam NghiCn ciru vh dung Khoa hoc CGng nghe CAp tI108t Nu& Ten mAu : M%u IIUUC s6ng Trh Ly - XB VCi Tay - Huyen KiCn Sumg - Thdi Binh Ngiy Idy miu : Nghy 30 thing 11 nam 2007

I < ~ T LUAN: M6u nudc c6 cbc chi tieu phan tich: d6 dyc vh E.Coli khdng dat Tieu chudn ve sinh nudc an ~ibng v i sinh hoar theo Quye't dinh s8' 1329/2002/BYT/QD cba Be Y tE. K6t qui x6c d /nh chi c6 gii tri tr&n m%u thir do khich hang mang dgn.


, I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 -

K6t qu6 p h a n tich

7,82 KIiGng c6 vj la

Khbng c6 mhi la 5 30 16 1,8 164 110 107 29 8 3

0,02 0.35 0,19 0,09 3 5 s . 0.37 0,lO


Ti&u chuin 1329/2002/BYTIQD ' ' 6,5+8,5 Kh6ng c6 vi la

KhGng c6 miji la 15 2

2 1000



3 5 0 1,5

250 0,5 0,5 0

Chi tieu phan t i c h

PH Vi MGi D8mau DQduc Tdngch$tranlalirng D6 6xy hoa KMnO, Tdng chgt rdn hba tan Da ki&m toin phAn DQ cirng toin p h h Ca2+ MgZ+ , NO; NO,' NH,+ PO,'. CI- Fe tdng Mn tdng E. Coli

Don vj

TCU NTU mg/l

mgll 0, mg/l

mgIlCaC0, mg/lCaCO,

mgll mgll mg/l m g/l m g/l mg/l mgll mg/l m g/l


Phu'o'ng ph5p phfin tic11

TCVN 6492:99 C6m quan Cim quan

TCVN 6 185-96 TCVN 6 1 84: 1996 TCVN 4560:88 TCVN 5370:9 1 TCVN 6503:95

SMEWW 2320-B:95 SMEWW 2340:95

TCXD 81: 81 TCVN 6224:96 TCVN 2658:78 TCVN 2657:78

TCVN 6179-1:96 SMEWW 4500-P:95

TCVN 6194:96 TCVN 61 77:96 TCVN 6002.95

TCVN 6187-1:96

Page 93: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental


PHONG TH/ NGHleM VA C ~ N G NGHE XO L? NUOC (LAS-XD35) IS0 9001:2000 Dja chi: Sd 5 Dubng Thanh - Ha Nai Tel: 04 8281626 Fax: 04 8284760 E-Mail: [email protected]

D m vl giri rniu : a n g Chuong - Trung tarn NC & UDKHCNCTN Ten rnau : MBu nudc sdng Hoi tai khu vuc xB Thuy Qujlnh - Thii Thuy - Thii Binh Ngay nhan rniu : Ngay 30 thing 6 nam 2007

KET LUAN: MBu nndc c6 c L chi lieu phan tich: do mhu, do dyc, do dxy ho6 KMnO,, Fe t6ng v i E.Coli kh8ng dat Tieu chudn ve sinh nudc an udng vh sinh hoat theo Quye't djnh sd 1329/2002/BYT/QD cia Bo Y tb K& qua x i c d/nh chi c6 giri tr/ tren rnHu thu do khich hang mang d6n.


Page 94: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental


PHONG THI' NGHlcM VA CONG NGHE XOLY NU& (US-XD Dja chi: Sb 5 Dudng Thanh - Ha NQi Tel: 04 8281626 Fax: 04 828

~a OUA PHAN T ~ C H CHAT LugNG Dun vi g3i rn5u : Trung tam Nghien ciru vh ong dung Khoa hoc C6n Ten m3u : Mdu nu& song Bien HOB - XB Nam HBng - Huyen Thiri gian lay mfiu : 1 lhOO nghy 11 thing 01 nam 2008

KCT LUAN: MBu nu& c6 cic chi tieu phan tich: do duc vB E.Coli khdng dat TiOu chudn ve sinh nu6c an uong vit sinh hoat the0 Quy6t djnh s6 1329/2002/BYT/QD cfia Ba Y t6. Kgt qu8 x6c djnh chi c6 g i i trj tren m8u thu do khich hang rnang den.



Page 95: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes in Thai Bi17h province (stage 2) - - --



Name of project: Rural Water supply and Sanitation in OX corrimunes in Thai Iiinh

province (stage 2)

Name of facility:


Starting date: Proposed ending date:

Date report: ........ / ........ / ........


Report preparatory (Sign)

Environments! protection commitment

Page 96: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rnal water si~pply and santtatlon sub-project ~n 08 co~n~nunes 117 Tha~ Birlh province (stage 2) - -- - --

ANNEX 4 kIINLlrI'E {IF ENV'II<OXhII<N'I'AL C 0 Y S L ~ I ~ ~ l ' : ~ ~ l ' I O N h3IEE'I'1X(;

Province : Thai Binh Project Objective: Itnprove rural water supply and sanitation services. Main component of the sub-projects: The Project is carriecl out at commune level

MI.. V; Ngoc T l l ~ ~ i . Positioli: Dircctor.ol'Tl~ai Bin11 PkIU lL11.. Pllung Ngoc Quang. Position: OCI Uil.cclor, Tcaln- Ic;ltlcr. - Consul~;~nr lc:r~n Mr. Nguycn Tlla~lh Chuong - V[W/\SE stal'l' liepr-esen~aiivc of Dong ,Vlinh Commune Peoplc's Curnrni~~cc. Repr.csenta~ivc 01' local unior~s. Represcnralivc 01' ho~~scholds. PMU Sti~fls and Consultants

including the following components (i) Constl-uction, rehitbilitation of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure (ii) Health and Hygiene behavior change eclucation, health improve~nent (iii) Capacity building and institutional strengthening for community and local institution for project implementation: (iv) Project mionitoring and management. Total investment:


71'liu~rn. Nyuycn >(a, Vu Tay . Cilih Ng~~ycn, N ; I I ~ f lung. 7':1y Pholig. Dong Mill h ancl 7'Iluy Quynh coinmunc

1 Commune 1 Capacity of the treatment plant: I Serviced population I

Content of Discussion 1 . Project Descriptio~l Name of the Projcc~: Red river dclta rural water supply ancl sani~ation-s~rbproject: Viet TI~uan, Nguyen Xa, V u Tay, Binh Nguyen, Nam tlong, Tay Phong, Dons Minh and Thuy Q~rynh Environmental Classification: B 'Location:

1 Dong Minh I 960 m3/day 9555 people (20 15) 1

I Binh Nguyen 1 600 rn-'/day 1 847 1 people (20 15) 1


Nguyen Xa I 800 m3/day 7930 people (20 15)

I Thuy Quynh I I VuTay

600 m.'/day 1 8357 people (2015) ,

I Naln Hong 1 700 m3/day 1 10883 people (20 15) 1

750 m'lday

- - -

Water source: Kien Giang river Treatment technology: Surface water + raw water pumping station + mixer 3 sediment tank + 1st filter tank + 2nd filler lank storaoe tank

10868 people (20 15) 1

2. En~.ir.orzment impacts and issue( irzcludining opinions of pnrticipnnts)

I Environ~nent impacts Possible mitigation measures I

- -

Env;ironmental p~otection commitment

Page 97: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental
Page 98: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental
Page 99: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

Rual water supply and sanitation sub-project in 08 communes 111 Thai Binh p rov i~~ce (stage 2) --


1. Environmental protection law on 2911 112003

2. Guideline on Environmental Impact of World Bank.

3. Water resources law on 20/5/1998.

4. Decree 80/2006/ND-CP on 9-8-2006 introduce implement environmental protection law.

5. Circular 08/2006m-BTNMT on 8/9/2006 of Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment about evaluation of environmental strategies, environmental impacts and environmental protection commitment.

6. Decree 149/ND-CP on 27/7/2004 stipulate on exploited permission, using water resource and discharge into water resource

7. Decision 13/2006/QD-BTNMT on 8/9/2006 promulgate about organization regulation and activities on Appraised environmental strategy Report Council, Appraised environmental impact assessment Report Council.

8. Decree 8 1 /2006/ND-CP of Government on 9/8/2006 regulate administration penalty on environmental protection

9. National environmental standards which issued by Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 (TCVN 5937, 5944, 5945, 5949,6860,6438 ...).

10. Decision of Thai Binh province People Committee about responsibility and right of organization, private and governmental management on environmental protection.

I I . People Health Protection law (1992) enclose resolution of Minister Council No 23 - HDBT- 1991.

12. Guideline on environmelltal impacts "Rural water supply and sanitation in Hong river delta" - Vietnam Water Sanitation and Environment Corporation and COWI - 10/2004.

13. Feasibility study report "Rural water supply and sanitation in Hong river delta" - Vietnam Water Sanitation and Environment Corporation and COWI - 1012004.

14. ~ e a s i b i l i t ~ study report "Rural water supply and sanitation in Hong river delta" - Vietnam Water Sanitation and Environment Corporation and COWI - 11/2004

15. Water supply investment report "Rural water supply and sanitation in Dong Minh commune, Nguyen Xa commune, Viet Thuan commune, Binh Nguyen, Vu Tay, Thuy Quynh, Nan1 Hong commune - Vietnam Water Sanitation and Environment Joint Stock Company.

16. Investment project report in sub projects about public sanitation facilities in 7 communes: Dong Minh, Nguyen Xa, Viet Thuan commune, Binh Nguyen, Vu Tay, Thuy Quynh, NamHong commune - Vietnam Water Sanitation and Environment Joint Stock Company.

- Environmental protection commitment

Page 100: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITMENT€¦ · - This Environmental Protection Commitment serves as a scientific ground for the national and provincial functional bodies on environmental

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