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  • Botswana
    Gaborone is pronounced Ha-bo-ro-nee
    Has the largest elephant population in Africa
    Largest Producer of diamonds in the world
    Setswana is the language and culture mainly spoken there
    Never actually been colonized
  • Botswana Continued
    . Known for its fantastic scenery
    . National Anthem "fatshe leno la rona"
    . Was made a British Protectorate in 1885
    . Became a full member of the United Nations in the 1960s
    . Borders Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Nambia
  • Lithuania
    . Official name is ''The Republic of Lithuania"
    . Had only 1 king during the royal times
    . First to declare independence from USSR
    . Most popular sport is basketball
    . Joined the European union in 2004
    . Official language is Lithuanian; some speak Russian and English
    . Joined the United Nations in 1991
    . Currency is Citas
    . Last country in Europe to be converted to Christianity
  • Iceland
    . The capital, Reykjavik, means '' Smoke Bay ''
    . Almost 7,250 sq .miles of Iceland is covered with glaciers
    . The Life expectancy is one of the highest in the world
    . Iceland is considered the 4th most productive country in the World
    . The literacy rate is 99.9
    . There are 13 Santa Clauses in Icelandic Christmas folklore
    . It is known as the '' Land of the Sun ''
    . Geysir is Iceland's largest geyser, and where the world ''geyser'' originates
  • Sources
    . Http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idb/country.php
    . Http://thoughtsfrombotswana.blogspotic.com/2009/08/10-facts-about-botswana.html
    . Http://ezinearticles.com/?Fun-Facts-About-Botswana---A Democratic Paradise in the World
    . Http://buzzle.com/articles/fun-facts-about-africa.html
    . Http://infoplease.com/ipa/A0107353.
    . Http://esa.un.org/unpp/p2kodata.asp
    . Http://www.uneca.org/eca-programmes/food-security-and-sustainability/programme-overview/population/fertility/crude-southe.htm
  • Sources Continued
    . Photius.com/rankings/world2050-rank.html
    . nationmaster.com/graph/peo_pro_gro-people-projected-population-growth
    . Statice.is/
    . indexmundi.com/iceland/
    . nationsencyclopedia.com
    . census.gov
    . theodora.com
    . prb.org
    Fun Facts
    . lifestyle.iloveindia.com
    . icelandtotal.com
  • Sources Continued
    . lifestyle.iloveindia.com
    . way2lithuania.com

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