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Page 1: Ep preparation booklet

Welcome dear EP!

Page 2: Ep preparation booklet
Page 3: Ep preparation booklet

Va rugam sa modificati earliest internship date daca a trecut de data in care vreti sa plecati!

Orice modificare o faceti va rog mult sa anuntati EP managerul pentru a fi mutat de pe on hold

pe available!

Modificati CVurile si personalizati-le daca sunt europass! Daca nu va descurcati va stam la

dispozitie si sa fie pus in format pdf pe platforma.

Inainte de interviu daca ai nevoie de repetitii ne poti contacta.

Aplicarile ni le poti da la feedback.

Verifica asteptarile.

In fiecare sambata intre 14:00-18:00 va fi un membru AIESEC in sediu de la Gazeta de Sud

pentru a te ajuta cu aplicarile, CV sau interviuri. Anunta cu minim o zi inainte ca vrei sa vii!

Canal de comunicare: Facebook! Sa il verificati cat puteti de des!

Puncte importante din pregatire:

Page 4: Ep preparation booklet

1. Termeni AIESEC

2. Asteptari

3. Pasii unui internship (EP flow)

4. Matchability notifications

5. Documente importante

6. Regulament program

7. Tips&tricks interviu

8. Contacte

Ce gasesti in acest document:

Page 5: Ep preparation booklet

1. Termeni AIESEC

OGP –OutGoingPrograms –the area that in AIESEC sends EPs abroadEP –Exchange Participants –the student that is on our platform to go in an internshipTN –Trainee Nominee –The JD/ Opportunity/ Project from the platformGCDP –Global Community Development Program –Volunteering InternshipsGIP –Global Internships Program –Professional InternshipsAN –Acceptance Note –The document that the EP and TN are sending to each other when they both agree to matchMatch –Finding the suitable opportunityChecklist–after getting matched (accepted) with one opportunity together with the EP manager you will make a to do list that you will check constantly with what you have to do before you go in an internshipRealized –the moment when you are in the internship

Page 6: Ep preparation booklet

2. Asteptari

1. Suntem aici sa va ajutam (profitati de noi!)

2. Cu o aplicare nu se face internship

3. Completati ce va rugam

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3. EP flow

Page 8: Ep preparation booklet

Pentru mai multe detalii si ajutor fiecarui EP i se

ofera un EP manager!

Daca nu ai un EP manager te rugam sa o

contactezi pe Dudy: [email protected]

Page 9: Ep preparation booklet

4. Matchability notificationsCu acest buton poti gasi ce internship-uri ti se potrivesc

cel mai bine!

Page 10: Ep preparation booklet

Un pop-up va aparea, dai click pe matchability notifications si

selectezi EP forms. Automat vor aparea internshipurile potrivite

pentru tine conform criteriilor ce le indeplinesti!

Pentru a arata interes fata de un TN poti da “Ask a question”.

Page 12: Ep preparation booklet

1. Ce e XPP?

In acest document gasesti reglementarile si

regulile programului nostru.

2. Link descarcare document aici!

6. Regulament program sau XPP – eXchange Program Policies

Page 13: Ep preparation booklet

-zambeste, insa natural!

-cei 3 P (pregateste-te x 3) – ce face compania, despre tara, citeste TNul

-exista intrebari standard (google it)

-fii tu!

-asculta si raspunde concret

-noteaza-ti intrebarile si/sau raspunsurile

-lasa emotiile

7. Tips and tricks

Page 14: Ep preparation booklet

Adresele noastre de mail:[email protected] [email protected]

Thanks for reading

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