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Epal Project United States vs Portugal

Epal ProjectUnited States vs PortugalMarcus CViolet G

IntroductionFor seven months we have participated in a world wide system of communication, the Epal project. Our class spent this time speaking to people from Portugal. We compared and shared stories of our lives in the different countries. There were many similarities between the countries, but there were also many customs that were different. Life for a teenager isnt to different no matter where you live, but few realize that.

Geography-Virginia Beach-The beach-Tourists-Busy-Boardwalk-Sandbridge


Geography-Portugalliving in Portugal is fun and very good, is a beautiful country

-Almost always cold and rainy in the North-Sunny and dry in the South-Mountains in the North-Plains in the South

Geography-SimilaritiesVirginia beach is similar to the southern part of Portugal terrain wise, but isnt a set weather like Portugal.

Government-United States-Democracy

-City and State

Government-Portugal-President-Assembly of the Republic-Constitution-The Prime Minister


Schooling-Virginia Beach-Pre-School-Elementary School-Middle SchoolHigh School-College

Schooling-Portugal-Two Programs of Schooling-Basic school-Secondary School-Higher Education

I'm in 10th grade. I am attend a school called escola secundaria camilo castelo branco, which I go to for Visual Arts. I spend my mornings at school,i have portuguese,math B ,drawing,geometria,philosophy, English... Schooling-Similar-School up until 18-College-Same basic Structure

Family-Virginia Beach-Households-Children-Parents


My family is very important to me; they allow me to really enjoy life. I'm grateful for my parents, my brother Family-Similar-Size-Major difference in married couples

Customs/traditions-Virginia Beach-Culture-Light Shows-Festivals


I celebrate holidays with my family or sometimes with my friendsIn Portugal we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. We celebrate the first of November, which is called All Saints Day. I normally celebrate with my parents, and my brother. Every year, on this day, I go to the cemetery with my parents to visit my relatives who died. It's a tradition in Portugal.Customs/Traditions-similar-Diverse between region

Carnival is a party where people dress with fancy clothes, paint themselves, use different masks and costumers. the carnival is celebrated throughout the country. And it's very funny. there's a lot of masks parties where we go with our friends. Do you have Carnival there?Current Events-Virginia beach-Tornados-Government

Current Events-Portugal-Government nearly shut down-Environment/lifestyle

Current Events-similar-Government

ConclusionThough many miles and customs separate our two worlds, Portugal and Virginia Beach share many qualities. Both have suffered recently and both are trying to bring themselves back to the height at which they once were. Through talking with our ePals, we got to see into a different lifestyle and got a sense of the world around us

Works Cited-http://fits.depauw.edu/mkfinney/culturaleresumes/portugal/traditions.htm-http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/5060.pdf-http://virginiabeach.areaconnect.com/statistics.htm-http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42625977/ns/weather/-http://www.newscast.in/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3985&Itemid=71-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portugal

*all pictures from google*

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