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Epic Hero Cycle

Elements of the EPIC HERO CYCLE

THE CALL TO ADVENTUREThe cycle begins with a conflict or adventure the

hero is compelled to pursue or resolve

This is where the hero is enticed to leave the ordinary world.

Example: In The Matrix, Trinity tells Neo he is really searching for the Matrix


Wise and often strange beings who help/teach/guide the hero

Example: In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy’s helpers are Toto, Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Cowardly Lion

Supernatural Aid

Helps the hero resolve conflict (special weapons, skills, magic, information)

Often provided by the Helper

Example: In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda teaches Luke the ways of the Force

Crossing the ThresholdDeparture

The threshold is a gateway to a new world the hero must enter to change and grow

Example: In Gladiator, Maximus is bought asa slave and enters the world of gladiators

Descent and ChallengesChallenges the hero will face when trying to

conquer the adventure/conflict

Example: In Finding Nemo, Nemo and Dory encounter Bruce, the shark.

Underworld & Final Battle

Climax of journey, all will be won or lost and the hero will encounter fear or death

Example: In 300, The Battle of Thermopylae

Meeting with GoddessHero will often meet a woman after the

final battle, may be a mother figure

Example: The Lord of the

Rings: The Two Towers,

Arwen and Aragorn

have an encounter

Atonement and Recognition by Father

Hero reconciles with father figure

Not always a literal father, may be represented by a spiritual figure

Example: In Star Wars, Luke confronts Darth Vader and then finds that Vader is his father.

The Ultimate BoonSomething a hero must bring back to society

to restore peace

Example: In Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones gains the Ark of the Covenant

ReturnThe way the hero is received upon his return

The hero returns to home turf, where he is safe from further pursuit

Example: The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy clicks her heels and returns home

Master of Two Worlds

Once the hero returns from the journey, he/she is a better

person and affects their world in a positive way

Example: Lance Armstrong as an inspiration to those battling


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