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Epidemiological outbreaks of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia are not 2

limited to kidney transplant recipients: genotyping confirms common 3

source of transmission in a liver transplantation unit. 4

Guillaume DESOUBEAUX1,2,*, Manon DOMINIQUE1, Florent MORIO3,4, Rose-Anne 5

THEPAULT5, Claire FRANCK-MARTEL1, Anne-Charlotte TELLIER6, Martine 6

FERRANDIÈRE6, Christophe HENNEQUIN7, Louis BERNARD2,8, Ephrem SALAMÉ9, Éric 7


1. CHU de Tours, Service de Parasitologie – Mycologie – Médecine tropicale, Tours - FRANCE 9

2. Université François-Rabelais, CEPR - INSERM U1100 / Équipe 3, Faculté de Médecine, Tours – FRANCE 10

3. CHU de Nantes, Institut de Biologie, Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie, Nantes, FRANCE 11

4. Département de Parasitologie et Mycologie Médicale, Université de Nantes, Nantes Atlantique Universités, EA1155-IICiMed, 12 Faculté de Pharmacie, Nantes, FRANCE 13

5. Université François-Rabelais, Imagerie et Cerveau - INSERM U930 / Équipe 2, Faculté de Médecine, Tours – FRANCE 14

6. CHU de Tours, Service de Réanimation Chirurgicale, Tours - FRANCE 15

7. CHU Saint-Antoine, Laboratoire de Parasitologie & Mycologie, Paris - FRANCE 16

8. CHU de Tours, Service de Médecine Interne & Maladies Infectieuses, Tours - FRANCE 17

9. CHU de Tours, Service de Chirurgie Digestive, Endocrinienne et Transplantation Hépatique, Tours - FRANCE 18


* Corresponding author: [email protected] 20

CHU de Tours, Service de Parasitologie – Mycologie – Médecine tropicale, Hôpital Bretonneau 21

Pôle de Biologie Médicale, Bâtiment B2A – 1er étage 22

2 boulevard Tonnellé, 37044 CHU de TOURS Cedex 9 23

Tel.: +33(0)2-34-37-89-26 24

Fax: +33(0)2-47-47-80-82 25


Short-running title: P. jirovecii pneumonia outbreak in liver recipients 27


Word count: 2,412 ( typographical signs, excluding abstract, titles and references) 29


Figure count: 2 31


JCM Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 2 March 2016J. Clin. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/JCM.00133-16Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

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Table count: 2 33


References: 33 35


Conflicts of interest: the authors have no conflicts of interest to declare 37


Key points 39

Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) is underestimated in liver recipients. 40

MLST is a reliable tool to investigate PCP outbreaks. 41

Inter-individual transmission should be always assumed. 42 43

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Abstract 44

Over a five-month period, four liver transplant patients at a single hospital were diagnosed 45

with Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP). This unusually high incidence was 46

investigated using molecular genotyping. Bronchial-alveolar lavage fluids (BALF) obtained 47

from the four liver recipients diagnosed with PCP were processed for Multi Loci Sequence 48

Typing (MLST) analysis at three loci (SOD, mt26s and CYB). Twenty-four other BALF 49

samples, positive for P. jirovecii and collected from 24 epidemiologically-unrelated patients 50

with clinical signs of PCP were studied in parallel using the same method. Pneumocystis 51

jirovecii isolates from the four liver recipients were all of the same genotype, but different to 52

those of the isolates from all the epidemiologically-unrelated individuals studied. These 53

findings supported the hypothesis of a common source of contamination or even cross-54

transmission of a single P. jirovecii clone between the four liver recipients. Hospitalization 55

mapping showed several possible encounters between these four patients, including outpatient 56

consultations on one particular date when they all have possibly met. This study demonstrates 57

the value of molecular genotyping of P. jirovecii from clinical samples for epidemiological 58

investigation of PCP outbreaks. It is also the first description of a common source of exposure 59

to a single P. jirovecii clone between liver transplant recipients and highlights the importance 60

of prophylactic means in such a population. 61


Keywords: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia; liver transplantation; clonal strain; outbreak; 63

MLST; cluster. 64


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Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) is an opportunistic fungal infection. Interstitial lung 67

disease and febrile cough, with or without sputum, are typically observed (1). PCP 68

epidemiology has substantially evolved for the last past decade: its incidence has been largely 69

reduced in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) after the advent of 70

active antiretroviral therapy (2), whereas it is nowadays of a great concern in non-HIV 71

patients like those with haematological malignancies (3), and those who had undergone solid 72

organ transplantation (SOT). (4). For instance in France, its incidence in such non-HIV 73

individuals has been increased from 0.13 to 0.35 cases /105/year over the 2001-2010 period 74

(5). Regarding the example of renal transplant recipients in England, the number of PCP 75

increased by +388% during 2006–2010, while the number of renal transplantations increased 76

by only +25% (2). 77

While the exact route of transmission is not fully understood, the results of several studies 78

support an interhuman airborne transmission (1). Thus, whereas PCP used to occur mainly in 79

the form of isolated case, several clusters have been recently reported, mostly in renal 80

transplant wards (6). 81

Pneumocystis jirovecii replication cannot be obtained routinely in culture (7), so PCP 82

diagnosis relies on microscopic observation of respiratory samples, mostly bronchial-alveolar 83

lavage fluid (BALF), or on molecular detection of P. jirovecii DNA by real-time quantitative 84

polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) (1, 8). These techniques are neither suitable to investigate 85

the transmission routes of P. jirovecii (1, 9), nor for epidemiological investigations of a PCP 86

outbreak (10). Thus, alternative molecular tools (9, 10), such as MLST (Multi Locus 87

Sequence Typing) analysis and microsatellite genotyping, or PCR-RFLP (PCR-restriction 88

fragment length polymorphism), have been used to trace strains circulation in hospital 89

contexts (11–13). Microsatellite genotyping may be more appropriate to detect mixed 90

infections (14) and PCR-RFLP of the mitochondrial large-subunit rRNA gene (mtLSU) alone 91

has appeared sufficient for roughly distinguishing between strains (12, 13), but MLST has 92

been shown to be highly reproducible and facilitates comparison of data from different 93

laboratories (11). 94

Here, we report a cluster of four PCP infections that occurred over a five-month period in our 95

liver transplantation unit. Molecular typing demonstrated the genetic similarity of the P. 96

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jirovecii DNA collected from the four liver recipients, and epidemiological investigation 97

revealed ten possible encounter dates. 98



Context of the study 101

Our university hospital has 2,008 beds and includes three main sites dispersed over a few 102

kilometres: the liver transplantation unit is located at the surgical site. The activity of liver 103

transplantation started there on January 1st 2011. Immunosuppressive regimen protocol relied 104

on combination of tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone. Until the time of this 105

present study, only two spaced PCP cases had been previously diagnosed among 285 liver 106

transplant patients, in 2011 and 2012. By contrast, four liver recipients, herein referred as P1 107

to P4, were diagnosed with PCP during a five month-period [06-25-2014 - 11-13-2014]. 108


Biological procedure for routine PCP diagnosis 110

Diagnostic procedure in our lab relies on both direct examination by conventional methods 111

using May Grünwald-Giemsa staining (Millipore Merck Chimie SAS, Fontenay-sous-Bois, 112

France) and Uvitex 2B® fluorescence (Ciba-Geigy, Basel, Switzerland) (visualisation of one 113

cyst is sufficient), and result of a real-time qPCR that targets P. jirovecii mitochondrial large-114

subunit rRNA gene (mtLSU) using the oligonucleotide primers PjF1 5'-115



TCGCACATAGTCTGATTAT-MGB-3’, as described previously (8). The positive cut off 118

value of qPCR was set at 35 Cq (quantitative cycles). Each clinical sample was tested in 119

duplicate. Inhibition was assessed with an exogenous positive internal control (Universal 120

Inhibition Control Cy5®, Diagenode, Seraing-sur-Meuse, Belgium). 121

The final diagnosis of PCP infection was systematically approved by physicians based on 122

clinical examination and medical imaging, supported by the results of the abovementioned 123

biological tests, when at least one of these latter was positive according to the criteria of 124

positivity (15). 125

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Study population and biological samples 127

The BALF specimens of the four liver transplant patients ([P1 to P4]) plus 24 other BALF 128

specimens found positive for P. jirovecii between Jan. 2013 and Apr. 2015 (and 129

corresponding to 24 patients referred [P5 to P28]) were included. Those later samples were 130

collected from individuals with a definitive diagnosis of PCP. They had been hospitalized at 131

different times and in different wards of our institution, and were thought to be 132

epidemiologically unrelated to P1-P4. Cases of colonisation, meaning positive qPCR with 133

negative direct examination and absence of clinical and radiological signs of PCP were not 134

included. 135


Genotyping of P. jirovecii from clinical samples 137

BALF samples were centrifuged (1730g, 10 min) and the pellet was resuspended in 200 µL 138

phosphate-buffered saline. DNA was extracted using the QIAmp DNA Mini Kit ® (Qiagen, 139

Courtaboeuf, France), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA extracts were stored 140

at -20°C until subsequent analysis. PCR was carried out in a 25 µL-final volume using 5µL of 141

Q5 Reaction Buffer 5X® (New England Biolabs France, Evry, France), 0.5 µL dNTP 10mM 142

(Promega, Charbonnieres, France), 0.25µL Taq Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase® 5U/µL 143

(New England Biolabs France, Evry, France) and 5 µL of each DNA extract. As previously 144

reported (16, 17), the oligonucleotide primers were used at a final concentration of 0.5 µM to 145

amplify the following loci: manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD), mitochondrial rRNA 146

(mt26S, also referred to as mtLSU rRNA), and cytochrome b (CYB). A Biometra T3000® 147

(Thermal Gradient Technology, Rochester, NY, US) apparatus was used, with the following 148

conditions: initial denaturation during 30 seconds (sec) at 98°C, then 40 cycles of 149

hybridization / elongation, including 10 sec at 98°C, 30 sec at 60°C, 30 sec at 72°C, and a 150

final elongation step at 72°C for 120 sec, before the unlimited cooling step at 4°C. Nucleotide 151

sequencing was achieved using Big Dye Terminator version 1.1® kit (Life Technologies 152

SAS, Saint-Aubin, France) and the primers indicated above, with a ABI-3130XL® genetic 153

analyzer (Life Technologies SAS, Saint-Aubin, France). Nucleotide sequences were analyzed 154

using CodonCode Aligner 5.1.5® software (CodonCode Corporation, Centerville, MA, US) 155

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(11, 18). NCBI accession numbers of the reference sequences in GenBank were No. 156

AF146753 for SOD, No. M58605 for mt26S, and No. AF320344 for CYB respectively. 157


Phylogenetic relationships 159

Phylogenetic relationships between the P. jirovecii strains were established by MEGA v6.06 160

software (The Biodesign Institute, Tempe, AZ, US) according to the UPGMA method 161

(Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) using 1,000 bootstrap resampling. 162

Pneumocystis murina reference sequences (GenBank accession numbers XM_007875480.1, 163

AB626627.1, and XM_007875288.1 for SOD, mt26S and CYB, respectively) were used as 164

outgroups. 165


Transmission map 167

To study patient movements within the hospital and to identify possible sites of encounter for 168

the four liver-transplant recipients with PCP ([P1-P4]), dates of outpatient visits and 169

hospitalization were extracted from the medical records in the hospital computing database 170

(Dossier Patient Partagé®, Cerner SAS, Paris-La Défense, France). 171


Statistical analysis 173

XLStat 2014® (Addinsoft, Paris, France) for Windows® (Microsoft, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 174

France) was used for statistical analysis. 175


Ethics 177

BALF was stored in the hospital collection, No. DC-20100-1216, approved by the French 178

Ministry of Research. This work was approved by the ethics committee of Tours University 179

Hospital (Espace de Réflexion Ethique, Région Centre, France; approval number 2015 23). 180

The study registration number No. 2015_030 was issued by the Technology and Freedom 181

National Committee (Commission de l’Informatique et des Libertés) on May 27th, 2015. It has 182

been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association 183

(Declaration of Helsinki) and complied with BRISQ guidelines (19). 184

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Study population 187

The four clustered cases of PCP infection ([P1-P4]) occurred at a mean of 113.8 days after 188

liver transplantation (standard deviation SD, 33.3d). The attack rate was estimated at 9.76% 189

over the [06-25-2014 - 11-13-2014] study period, versus 0.82% in the 243 liver recipients of 190

the previous [01-01-2011 – 06-25-2014[ period. All four patients were male above 50 years 191

old. None had been receiving anti-P. jirovecii chemoprophylaxis. Cough was the most 192

prevalent clinical sign. The mean lymphocyte count was below 1.0G/L for each. 193

The control cohort of unrelated patients ([P5-P28]) included HIV-infected individuals, kidney 194

recipients, and patients with autoimmune diseases or cancer. Only three of them were being 195

given anti-P. jirovecii primary chemoprophylaxis when P. jirovecii was isolated (but with no 196

way of ensuring correct compliance for the two prescribed trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole; 197

the other patient was given aerosols of pentamidine isethionate monthly). 198

The demographical characteristics of the 28 patients are summarized in Table I. 199


P. jirovecii genotyping 201

MLST analysis results for each patient ([P1-P4] and [P5-P28]) are reported in Table II. In all, 202

22 clinical samples (78.6%) were successfully analyzed at the SOD locus, 27 (96.4%) at the 203

mt26S locus, and 23 (82.1%) at the CYB locus. P. jirovecii genotyping was thus fully resolved 204

for the four liver transplant recipients [P1-P4], and for 18 of the controls. Some haplotypes at 205

certain positions, in the SOD (T/191), mt26S (4xA/54-57 and C/80), and CYB (C/299, A/348, 206

C/362, G/369, C/547, A/675, C/742 and TT/832-33) were identical in all the samples tested. 207

The mt26S and CYB loci both allowed the identification of five distinct genotypes, while only 208

three were demonstrated at the SOD locus. Heterozygous allelic positions were observed in 209

five clinical samples (17.9%) consistent with mixed P. jirovecii infections. 210

Altogether, MLST analysis evidenced 19 complete multilocus genotypes. The 18 P. jirovecii 211

strains from epidemiologically-unrelated patients each corresponded to different genotypes 212

(referenced B to N). In stark contrast, the P. jirovecii from the four liver recipients all 213

exhibited the same single genotype (named A), supporting either a common source of 214

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contamination or a cross-contamination between patients. It should be noted that patients P15, 215

P16, P18 and P21 displayed the same allele for the mt26S locus as P1-P4, but as amplification 216

of SOD and CYB sequences were unsuccessful for these strains, it was not possible to 217

determine whether these strains belonged to the same clone as the one involved in the four 218

liver recipients. 219


Phylogenetic relationship 221

Phylogenetic analysis (Figure 1) indicated that the epidemiologically unrelated P. jirovecii 222

strains were heterogeneously dispersed, whereas the strains from patients P1 to P4 were 223

tightly clustered (supported by bootstrap-values ≥90%). 224


Hospitalization mapping 226

The movements of the four liver recipients [P1-P4] within the university hospital are 227

summarized in Figure 2. This transmission map revealed ten possible encounter dates, 228

including seven dates for visits to the outpatient clinic of the liver transplantation unit (arrows 229

No. 2, 5-10). Patient P1 was first diagnosed positive for PCP 73 days after undergoing liver 230

transplantation. Twenty-four weeks before PCP diagnosis, patient P2 encountered P1 during 231

hospitalization in the liver transplantation unit, while he was in his early post-transplantation 232

period. Patient P3 may have met P1 five times and P2 twice (arrows No. 2, 4-7 and 9) before 233

PCP diagnosis, including fives encounters between days 27 and 119 after transplantation. 234

Patient P4 may have encountered P3 (arrow No. 3) and P2 (arrow No. 8), 76 days and ten 235

days before transplantation, respectively. Then, P4 may also have encountered all of P1, P2 236

and P3 in the outpatient clinic of liver transplantation, 33 days after graft, and also P1, 14 237

days later (arrows No. 9 and 10). 238



Pneumocystis jirovecii is an opportunistic fungus with strict human host specificity. It is 241

responsible for a severe respiratory disease, called Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) (1, 20). 242

One potential route of infection is currently believed to be patient-to-patient transmission 243

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mediated by airborne droplets (1), and the hypothesis related to contamination from 244

environmental source has now been largely rejected (9, 10). 245

Previously reported PCP outbreaks in solid organ transplant (SOT) patients generally 246

occurred in kidney recipients, and later after transplantation (6, 21). In contrast, PCP is 247

thought to be a rare event in liver recipients: in older reports, the overall incidence of PCP 248

was around 1% (4, 22). This observation may be supported by the fact that liver 249

transplantations are overall less commonly practiced than kidney transplantations (for 250

instance, 285 vs. 480 respectively, in our study over the [01-01-2011 - 11-13-2014] period). 251

Interestingly, in the present study, four PCP infections were unusually diagnosed in liver 252

recipients within a five month-period in 2014. We analyzed the reasons of this sudden cluster: 253

the diagnostic procedures and immunosuppressive regimens had remained similar over the 254

past five years, and thus could not explain for this emergence. Except for one patient of the 255

cluster, the individuals with PCP were not more immunocompromised and their respective 256

underlying disease was not more serious than other liver recipients during the same period. It 257

should be noted that our institution did not apply systemic anti-PCP chemoprophylaxis for 258

liver transplant patients because the incidence of this opportunistic infection had always 259

remained lower than 0.01 so far (two cases among 285 patients over four years). Indeed, 260

although it has been shown that the risk of acquiring PCP may increase in SOT recipients not 261

taking effective prophylaxis (6, 23, 24), routine prophylaxis is recommended only for centres 262

with an incidence of PCP of at least 3–5% among transplant recipients (25). In such 263

healthcares, association of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole remains the drug of choice at 264

80-160 / 400-800mg p.o. daily or three times weekly (Grade I), for at least 6–12 months post-265

transplant (Grade III) (26). Some authors also recommend strict hospital segregation of 266

immunocompromised individuals with PCP (patients at risk of PCP should not share a 267

hospital room with a patient with PCP), and the systematic use of facemask filtering to 268

prevent P. jirovecii airborne transmission among infected patients (18). Nevertheless, clinical 269

data to support this recommendation in practice are insufficient (27), and consequently the 270

issue is still the subject of debate. Because the outbreak spontaneously stopped in our hospital 271

by the end of 2014, it was only considered as a sporadic event that should not force to change 272

our clinical practices. Besides, no subsequent PCP case has been reported so far. 273

Nonetheless, we attempted to explain the epidemiology of this PCP cluster. Globally, 274

epidemiology of this disease has always been difficult to study (21, 23, 28, 29), mainly due to 275

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the lack of easy-to-perform methods of culture and because alternative powerful and 276

informative techniques have not been available in all the microbiology laboratories (30). 277

However, Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) is now widely used to investigate 278

nosocomial PCP outbreaks, and is generally considered as the gold standard (6, 10, 11, 18, 279

31). Recently, Maitte et al. showed that a simple scheme relying on three loci, SOD, mt26S 280

and CYB, provides sufficient discrimination to be reliably used for epidemiological 281

investigations of PCP outbreaks (11). Our MLST analysis based on this approach indeed 282

highlighted substantial nucleotide polymorphism in the P. jirovecii genome and evidenced 283

several mixed P. jirovecii infections, involving more than one strain (11, 18, 31, 32). Besides, 284

our findings clearly support the conclusions that liver transplant patients P1 to P4 had all been 285

infected by a single genotype of P. jirovecii. This conclusion seems robust because, as shown 286

by the phylogenetic tree, data for the three loci combined were sufficient to discriminate 287

between 22 unrelated P. jirovecii isolates (10). To our knowledge, this is the first genotypic 288

demonstration of clustered PCP limited only to liver transplant patients (24), whereas 289

numerous studies have reported similar findings in kidney recipients (6, 10, 18), especially in 290

France (10). Thus, in accordance with recent works regarding SOT (26), our study suggests 291

that the use of prophylaxis should be also thoroughly considered in liver recipients, like it is 292

nowadays widely practiced in most centers of kidney transplantation (22, 26). 293

Our mapping of patient movements in the hospital also supports the hypothesis of nosocomial 294

acquisition and patient-to-patient transmission of P. jirovecii among liver-transplant patients, 295

at least for patients P2 , 3 and 4 (6, 10, 18). Indeed, cross-transmission may have been 296

facilitated in our institution due to the distance between the different wards in charge of those 297

patients leading to multiple transfers and the frequentation of diverse waiting areas of 298

outpatient clinics. The demonstration of inter-patient transmission is however hampered (9), 299

because the exact incubation time of PCP remains unknown, as the time of P. jirovecii 300

excretion in the environmental air (8). In addition, colonized patients without symptoms of 301

PCP may also have played a role in this transmission while their pulmonary fungal burden is 302

known to be lower (8). Here, the time periods from encounter with a proven index-case to 303

PCP diagnosis were between four and 172 days. Due to the retrospective design of this study, 304

we cannot exclude the possibility that the transmission of P. jirovecii may have involved 305

asymptomatic subjects, such as transiently-colonized nurses and doctors (33). Very few 306

studies have been able to provide molecular evidence that colonized individuals may serve as 307

infectious sources of P. jirovecii (10). In contrast, there was no way to assume a common 308

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source of contamination by an inert material like bronchoscope, since the bronchial-alveolar 309

lavages for the four patients were not realized in the same healthcare department and were 310

performed on different days (our sterilizing procedures are daily-scheduled). 311



Our study showed that PCP remains a public health issue, and that effective preventive 314

measures are required for immunocompromised patients, especially for liver transplant 315

recipients. We also demonstrate the clinical and epidemiological value of P. jirovecii 316

genotyping by a simple MLST scheme for investigations of nosocomial outbreaks. 317


A professional scientific editing and translation company (Alex Edelman & Associates) was 321

involved the translation of this manuscript from French into English. 322

The authors would like to thank Carole Le Goas for her personal contribution. 323



The authors did not receive any research funding specifically for this study. 326

Research Funds: None 327

Employment Funds: None 328

Personal Financial Interests: None 329

The data was obtained as part of routine work at the University Hospital in Tours, France. 330

The authors of this manuscript have no conflicts of interest to disclose. 331



G. Desoubeaux, M. Dominique, F. Morio, R-A. Thépault, C. Franck-Martel, A-C. Tellier, M. 334

Ferrandière, Ch. Hennequin, L. Bernard, E. Salamé, É. Bailly, and J. Chandenier were 335

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involved in the conception and design of the study, acquisition of data, analysis and 336

interpretation of data; 337

G. Desoubeaux, M. Dominique, F. Morio, R-A. Thépault, C. Franck-Martel, A-C. Tellier, M. 338

Ferrandière, Ch. Hennequin, L. Bernard, E. Salamé, É. Bailly, and J. Chandenier were 339

involved in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 340

G. Desoubeaux, M. Dominique, F. Morio, R-A. Thépault, C. Franck-Martel, A-C. Tellier, M. 341

Ferrandière, Ch. Hennequin, L. Bernard, E. Salamé, É. Bailly, and J. Chandenier were 342

involved in the final approval of the version to be submitted. 343



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14. Parobek CM, Jiang LY, Patel JC, Alvarez-Martínez MJ, Miro JM, Worodria W, 392 Andama A, Fong S, Huang L, Meshnick SR, Taylor SM, Juliano JJ. 2014. 393 Multilocus microsatellite genotyping array for investigation of genetic epidemiology of 394 Pneumocystis jirovecii. J Clin Microbiol 52:1391–1399. 395

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16. Esteves F, Gaspar J, Marques T, Leite R, Antunes F, Mansinho K, Matos O. 2010. 398 Identification of relevant single-nucleotide polymorphisms in Pneumocystis jirovecii: 399 relationship with clinical data. Clin Microbiol Infect Off Publ Eur Soc Clin Microbiol 400 Infect Dis 16:878–884. 401

17. Wakefield AE, Pixley FJ, Banerji S, Sinclair K, Miller RF, Moxon ER, Hopkin JM. 402 1990. Detection of Pneumocystis carinii with DNA amplification. Lancet Lond Engl 403 336:451–453. 404

18. Schmoldt S, Schuhegger R, Wendler T, Huber I, Söllner H, Hogardt M, Arbogast 405 H, Heesemann J, Bader L, Sing A. 2008. Molecular evidence of nosocomial 406 Pneumocystis jirovecii transmission among 16 patients after kidney transplantation. J 407 Clin Microbiol 46:966–971. 408

19. Moore HM, Kelly AB, Jewell SD, McShane LM, Clark DP, Greenspan R, Hayes 409 DF, Hainaut P, Kim P, Mansfield EA, Potapova O, Riegman P, Rubinstein Y, Seijo 410 E, Somiari S, Watson P, Weier H-U, Zhu C, Vaught J. 2011. Biospecimen reporting 411 for improved study quality (BRISQ). Cancer Cytopathol 119:92–102. 412

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32. Esteves F, Gaspar J, Tavares A, Moser I, Antunes F, Mansinho K, Matos O. 2010. 450 Population structure of Pneumocystis jirovecii isolated from immunodeficiency virus-451 positive patients. Infect Genet Evol J Mol Epidemiol Evol Genet Infect Dis 10:192–199. 452

33. Miller RF, Ambrose HE, Wakefield AE. 2001. Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. hominis 453 DNA in immunocompetent health care workers in contact with patients with P. carinii 454 pneumonia. J Clin Microbiol 39:3877–3882. 455


Table legends 457

Figure 1: Phylogenetic tree of P. jirovecii strains based on the nucleotide sequences of 458

their SOD, mt26S and CYB regions, according to UPGMA method. The four clustered 459

cases of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia [P1-P4] which occurred concomitantly in liver 460

recipients are underlined. All samples with mixed genotypes and those with amplification 461

failures were excluded from this representation. The outgroup sequences are from 462

Pneumocystis murina, referenced with the following NCBI accession numbers: GenBank 463

XM_007875480.1 (SOD), AB626627.1 (mt26S), and XM_007875288.1 (CYB). The UPGMA 464

method enables matching of strains with the most similar sequences to each other, regardless 465

of the rate of evolution. Minimum bootstrap values were set at 1,000. High bootstrap scores 466

demonstrate the reliability of embranchment. 467

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Figure 2: Transmission mapping of P. jirovecii among liver transplant recipients. x-axis, 469

date (month-year); y-axis, patient codes (No.). The four clustered cases of Pneumocystis 470

jirovecii pneumonia [P1-P4] which occurred concomitantly in liver recipients are underlined. 471

They were all due to strains with no mutation in the DiHydroPteorate Synthetase (DHPS) 472

gene which is debated to be involved in resistance to trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole. Light 473

numbered arrows denote the ten encounter dates compatible with inter-individual P. jirovecii 474

transmission. Arrow No. 9 indicates possible contact for all the four liver transplant patients 475

(09-18-2014) in the outpatient clinic of liver transplantation. Other arrows point to dates of 476

possible one-one encounters. Abbreviations: BALF, bronchial-alveolar lavage fluid; DH, day 477

hospitalization; ENT, Ear-Nose-Throat; FH, full hospitalization; GI, gastrointestinal; med., 478

medical; MICU, medical intensive care unit; SICU, surgical intensive care unit; Surg., 479

surgery; Transplant., transplantation; WH, week hospitalization. 480


Table I: Characteristics of the included patients. Abbreviations: 95%CI, 95% confidence 482

interval; d, days; G/L, Giga per liter (109 cells/L); HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; N, 483

number; SD, standard deviation; TMP/SMX, trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole; y, years; ¥ no 484

way to attest the correct compliance; associations are possible; * one patient was lost to 485

follow-up; /, 0 (0.0%), [0.0 – 0.0%]. 486


Table II: Allelic profiles of the SOD, mt26S and CYP regions in all the P. jirovecii 488

strains. The four clustered cases of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia [P1-P4] which in liver 489

transplant recipients are underlined. Abbreviations: A, adenine; CYB, cytochrome B; C, 490

cytosine; -, nucleotide deletion; /, sequencing failure; G, guanine ; mt26S, mitochondrial 491

rRNA; NA, not available; ND, unspecified; nt, nucleotide; SOD, manganese superoxide 492

dismutase; T, thymine; * SOD reference sequence (GenBank No. AF146753); ** mt26S 493

reference sequence (GenBank No. M58605); *** CYB reference sequence (GenBank No. 494

AF320344); ¤ the multilocus genotype was determined according the combination of the three 495

loci, considered together. Two multilocus genotypes were similar if the combination of the 496

three alleles were the same; ¥ mixed, more than one P. jirovecii genotype (for each patient 497

sample displaying a mixed genotype, the putative combination of genotypes is given, based 498

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on the hypothesis that P. jirovecii genome is haploid); $ since only mt26S (SOD and CYB are 499

single-copy genes) was successfully amplified for each, it was impossible to determine 500

whether the multilocus genotype was or was not the same as that of P1-P4. However, identity 501

with the sequences of P1-P4 was in no case total (99%) and there was one additional 502

nucleotide gap. The four concerned patients (P15, P16, P18 and P21) were all kidney 503

recipients, and PCP occurred over a 3-months period for them. They were not hosted in the 504

same geographical site of our hospital as the four liver recipients with PCP ([P15, P16, P18 505

and P21]), and consequently never met them. 506

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Mean (± SD) or N (%), 95%CI

Study population (N=28) Cases (N=4) Controls (N=24)

Age (years) 55.5 (±5.0), [45.2 – 65.8] 57.5 (±13.9), [49.5 – 63.3]

Gender (male) 4 (100.0%), [100.0 – 100.0%] 18 (75.0%), [57.7 – 92.3%]

Lymphocyte count (G/L)

- CD4+ T-cell count (G/L)

0.38 (±0.17), [0.00 – 0.79]

0.19 (±0.20), [0.00 – 1.97]

0.56 (±0.32), [0.34 – 0.78]

0.11 (±0.07), [0.07 – 0.15]

Underlying diseases

- Solid tumours

- Haematological malignancies

- Solid organ transplants

o Liver transplantation

o Kidney transplantation


- Autoimmune diseases

- Miscellaneous other diseases



4 (100.0%), [100.0 – 100.0%]

4 (100.0%), [100.0 – 100.0%]





4 (16.7%), [1.8 – 31.6%]

1 (4.2%), [0.0 – 12.2%]

4 (16.7%), [1.8 – 37.6%]


4 (16.7%), [1.8 – 31.6%]

11 (45.8%), [25.9 – 65.8%]

3 (12.5%), [0.0 – 25.7%]

1 (4.2%), [0.0 – 12.2%]

Clinical course

- Fever (≥38°C)

- Cough

- Sputum

- Dyspnoea

- Chest pain

- Asthenia

- Headaches

2 (50.0%), [1.0 – 99.0%]

4 (100.0%), [100.0 – 100.0%]

2 (50.0%), [1.0 – 99.0%]

2 (50.0%), [1.0 – 99.0%]


3 (75.0%), [32.6 – 100.0%]

1 (25.0%), [0.0 – 67.4%]

17 (70.8%), [52.6 – 89.0%]

19 (79.2%), [62.9 – 95.4%]

6 (25.0%), [7.7 – 42.3%]

19 (79.2%), [62.9 – 95.4%]

2 (8.3%), [0.0 – 19.4%]

19 (79.2%), [62.9 – 95.4%]

1 (4.2%), [0.0 – 12.2%]

Radiological findings

- Interstitial lung disease

- Alveolar consolidation

- Micronodules

4 (100.0%), [100.0 – 100.0%]



19 (79.2%), [62.9 – 95.4%]

2 (8.3%), [0.0 – 19.4%]

4 (16.7%), [1.8 – 31.6%]

Anti-P. jirovecii primary chemoprophylaxis¥ 0 (0.0%), [0.0 – 0.0%] 3 (12.5%), [0.0 – 25.7%]

Anti-P. jirovecii curative therapy


- Atovaquone

- Pentamidine isethionate

Total duration (days)

4 (100.0%), [100.0 – 100.0%]

1 (75.0%), [32.6 – 100.0%]


21.0 (±0.0), [21.0 – 21.0]

23 (95.8%), [87.8 – 100.0%]

7 (29.2%), [11.0 – 47.4%]

1 (4.2%), [0.0 – 12.2%]

23.1 (±4.4), [20.3 – 26.0]

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Table I: Overall characteristics of the included patients.

Abbreviations: 95%CI, 95% confidence interval; d, days; G/L, Giga per liter (109 cells/L); HIV, human

immunodeficiency virus; N, number; SD, standard deviation; TMP/SMX, trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole; y, years; /,

0 (0.0%), [0.0 – 0.0%].

¥ no way to determine whether compliance was satisfactory

associations are possible

* one patient was lost to follow up

Clinical outcome (survival) 2 (50.0%), [1.0 – 99.0%] 19* (82.6%), [67.2 – 98.1%]

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Table II: Allelic profiles of P. jirovecii at three polymorphic loci (SOD, mt26S and CYB). The four clustered cases of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia [P1-P4] in liver recipients are underlined.

Patient No.

Date of diagnosis


SOD locus mt26S locus CYB locus

Multilocus genotype¤

nt position* SOD genotype (1,2)

nt position** mt26S genotype (1,3)

nt position*** CYB genotype (1,2) 110 191 215 54-57 80 85 248 288 279 299 348 362 369 516 547 566 675 742 832-833 838

P1 06-25-14 C T T SOD1 4xA C C T A Allele 3 C C A C G C C C A C TT T CYB2 A

P2 08-08-14 C T T SOD1 4xA C C T A Allele 3 C C A C G C C C A C TT T CYB2 A

P3 09-22-14 C T T SOD1 4xA C C T A Allele 3 C C A C G C C C A C TT T CYB2 A

P4 11-13-14 C T T SOD1 4xA C C T A Allele 3 C C A C G C C C A C TT T CYB2 A

P5 01-09-13 C T T SOD1 4xA C T C A Allele 8 T C A C G T C C A C TT C CYB5 B

P6 01-17-13 C T T/C Mixed (SOD1/SOD4) 4xA C C/T C A

Mixed (Allele 2/8)

T C A C G T C C A C TT C CYB5 Mixed¥

P7 03-08-13 C T C SOD4 4xA C C T A Allele 3 T C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB8 C

P8 04-10-13 T T C SOD2 4xA C C C G Allele 1 C C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB1 D

P9 04-23-13 T/C T C/T Mixed

(SOD2/SOD1) 4xA C A/T C A

Mixed (Allele 7/8)

C C A C G C/T C C A C TT C Mixed (CYB1/CYB6) Mixed¥

P10 05-10-13 C T T SOD1 4xA C C T A Allele 3 C C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB1 E

P11 07-17-13 C T T SOD1 4xA C A C A Allele 7 T C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB8 F

P12 07-29-13 T T C SOD2 4xA C C C A Allele 2 T C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB8 G

P13 09-12-13 / / / ND / / / / / ND / / / / / / / / / / / / ND ND

P14 09-12-13 C T T SOD1 4xA C C C A Allele 2 C C A C G C C C A C TT T CYB2 H

P15 02-12-14 / / / ND 4xA C C T A Allele 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / ND ND$

P16 04-18-14 / / / ND 4xA C C T A Allele 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / ND ND$

P17 03-25-14 C/T T T/C Mixed (SOD1/SOD2) 4xA C C/T T/C A

Mixed (Allele 3/8)

T/C C A C G C/T C C A C TT C Mixed (CYB8/CYB6) Mixed¥

P18 03-25-14 / / / ND 4xA C C T A Allele 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / ND ND$

P19 03-27-14 / / / ND 4xA C C T A Allele 3 C C A C G T C C A C TT C CYB6 ND

P20 05-05-14 T/C T C/T Mixed (SOD2/SOD1) 4xA C T C A Allele 8 C C A C G C/T C C A C TT C Mixed

(CYB1/CYB6) Mixed¥

P21 05-15-14 / / / ND 4xA C C T A Allele 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / ND ND$

P22 10-07-14 C T T SOD1 4xA C T C A Allele 8 C C A C G T C C A C TT C CYB6 I

P23 10-21-14 C T T SOD1 4xA C T C A Allele 8 T C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB8 J

P24 01-06-15 C T T SOD1 4xA C A C A Allele 7 T C A C G T C C A C TT C CYB5 K

P25 01-06-15 T T C SOD2 4xA C C T A Allele 3 C C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB1 L

P26 03-16-15 T T C SOD2 4xA C C T A Allele 3 T C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB8 M

P27 03-23-15 C T T SOD1 4xA C A C A Allele 7 C C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB1 N

P28 04-08-15 C/T T T/C Mixed (SOD1/SOD2) 4xA C C/T T/C A

Mixed (Allele 3/8)

C C A C G C C C A C TT C CYB1 Mixed¥

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Abbreviations: A, adenine; CYB, cytochrome B; C, cytosine; -, nucleotide deletion; /, sequencing failure; G, guanine ; mt26S, mitochondrial rRNA; NA, not available; ND, unspecified; nt, nucleotide; SOD, manganese superoxide dismutase; T, thymine. * SOD reference sequence (GenBank No. AF146753) ** mt26S reference sequence (GenBank No. M58605) *** CYB reference sequence (GenBank No. AF320344) ¤ the multilocus genotype was determined from the combination of the three loci, considered together. Two multilocus genotypes were similar if the combinations of the three alleles were the same. ¥ mixed, more than one P. jirovecii genotype (for each patient sample displaying a mixed genotype, the putative combination of genotypes is given, based on the hypothesis that P. jirovecii genome is haploid). $ since only mt26S (SOD and CYB are single-copy genes) was successfully amplified for each, it was impossible to determine whether the multilocus genotype was or was not the same as that of P1-P4. However, identity with the sequences of P1-P4 was in no case total (99%) and there was one additional nucleotide gap. The four concerned patients (P15, P16, P18 and P21) were all kidney recipients, and PCP occurred over a 3-months period for them. They were not hosted in the same geographical site of our hospital as the four liver recipients with PCP ([P15, P16, P18 and P21]), and consequently never met them.

on February 6, 2018 by guest



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