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Epigenetics and Psychostimulant Addiction

Heath D. Schmidt1, Jacqueline F. McGinty2, Anne E. West3, and Ghazaleh Sadri-Vakili4

1Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191042Department of Neurosciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina 294253Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 277104MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,Massachusetts 02129

Correspondence: [email protected]

Chronic drug exposure alters gene expression in the brain and produces long-term changesin neural networks that underlie compulsive drug taking and seeking. Exactly how drug-induced changes in synaptic plasticity and subsequent gene expression are translated intopersistent neuroadaptations remains unclear. Emerging evidence suggests that complexdrug-induced neuroadaptations in the brain are mediated by highly synchronized anddynamic patterns of gene regulation. Recently, it has become clear that epigenetic mecha-nisms contribute to drug-induced structural, synaptic, and behavioral plasticity by regulatingexpression of gene networks. Here we review how alterations in histone modifications, DNAmethylation, and microRNAs regulate gene expression and contribute to psychostimulantaddiction with a focus on the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate brain-derived neuro-trophic factor (BDNF) expression following chronic cocaine exposure. Identifying epigeneticsignatures that define psychostimulant addiction may lead to novel, efficacious treatments fordrug craving and relapse.

Drug addiction is a chronic, relapsing disor-der that is characterized by compulsive

drug seeking and taking despite adverse conse-quences (Mendelson and Mello 1996). The tran-sition from recreational to chronic drug takingand the persistence of drug addiction are medi-ated, in part, by drug-induced alterations ingene expression profiles within the reward cir-cuitry of the brain (Nestler 2001; Koob and Vol-kow 2010; Maze and Nestler 2011). Therefore,elucidating the molecular mechanisms by whichchronic drug exposure promotes stable changesin gene expression and ultimately drug-seeking

behavior may aid in the development of novelpharmacotherapies for drug addiction. Recentstudies indicate that epigenetic mechanismscontribute to drug-induced structural, synap-tic, and behavioral plasticity by orchestratingexpression of gene networks in discrete brainnuclei (Renthal and Nestler 2008; Russo et al.2010). In this article, we review how chromatinremodeling, DNA methylation, and microRNAsregulate gene networks and contribute to co-caine addiction. A particular emphasis is placedon the epigenetic mechanisms regulating ex-pression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor

Editors: R. Christopher Pierce and Paul J. Kenny

Additional Perspectives on Addiction available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org

Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012047

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(BDNF) in the mesocorticolimbic dopaminesystem following chronic cocaine exposure asa specific example of the general principlesby which chromatin-dependent transcriptionalregulation may contribute to drug addiction.


The definition of epigenetics has evolved to in-clude not only heritable changes in gene expres-sion but also stable changes in gene expressionwithin mature, postmitotic neurons that do notinclude changes in DNA sequence (Bird 2007;Siegmund et al. 2007; Tsankova et al. 2007). Epi-genetic mechanisms transduce environmentalstimuli to promote stable alterations in chroma-tin structure that function to activate or repressgene transcription (Jaenisch and Bird 2003).Posttranslational modifications to histones andchromatin remodeling are dynamic epigeneticmechanisms that alter access of transcriptionalmachinery to promoter regions thereby regulat-ing patterns of gene expression (Cheung et al.2000; Strahl and Allis 2000; Berger 2007). Agrowing body of evidence indicates that chro-matin remodeling, including stable enzymaticmodifications to DNA and histone proteins,is associated with persistent changes in geneexpression that may underlie drug addiction(Renthal and Nestler 2008; Maze and Nestler2011).

Chromatin Structure, Histone Modifications,and Gene Transcription

Chromatin is a highly compact structure thatconsists of DNA wrapped around octamers ofhistone proteins. Access of transcription factorsand basal transcriptional machinery to DNAsequences including promoter regions is reg-ulated by chromatin structure (Berger 2007;Li et al. 2007a). Chromatin exists in two basicstates that are characterized by different levelsof condensation. In general, heterochromatin(condensed chromatin) is associated with inac-tive gene transcription owing to tight packagingof DNA around histone cores, whereas euchro-matin (open chromatin) is associated with ac-

tive gene transcription owing to a more re-laxed chromatin structure and accessible DNAsequences (Berger 2007). Complex combina-tions of posttranslational modifications of his-tones alter the affinity of DNA sequences forhistone proteins, thereby positively or nega-tively regulating gene transcription (Strahl andAllis 2000). Therefore, chromatin remodelingthrough covalent modifications of histone pro-teins is a requisite mechanism of gene transcrip-tion.

The amino-terminal tails of histones containspecific amino acid residues that are sites forseveral posttranslational modifications such asacetylation and methylation. In general, acetyla-tion of lysine residues corresponds with tran-scriptionally active chromatin, whereas methyl-ation of lysine and arginine residues is associatedwith transcriptional repression (Strahl and Allis2000). Other histone modifications that increasegene transcription include phosphorylation andubiquitination (Renthal and Nestler 2008). Inaddition, SUMOylation of histone residues hasbeen shown to be associated with decreased genetranscription (Gareau and Lima 2010). Specificenzymes function to add or remove associatedhistone marks, indicating that these modifica-tions are potentially reversible (Kouzarides2007). The summation of dynamic histone sig-natures at single genes and across the genomeforms a “Histone Code” that regulates gene ex-pression (Strahl and Allis 2000). Thus, one epi-genetic mechanism is the regulation of genetranscription by posttranslational modificationsof histones that alter the affinity of DNA se-quences for histone residues.

Histone Acetylation and Psychostimulant-Induced Changes in Gene Transcription

Acetylation of basic lysine residues in histonetails decreases the electrostatic interactions be-tween histone proteins and negatively chargedDNA (Kouzarides 2007). Hyperacetylation ofpromoter regions is associated with increasedgene expression, whereas hypoacetylation is cor-related with decreased gene expression (Kur-distani et al. 2004). Histone acetyltransferases(HATs) are enzymes that catalyze the addition

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of acetyl moieties to histone proteins creatinga more open chromatin configuration that isconducive to gene activation. In contrast, his-tone deacetylases (HDACs) function to removeacetyl moieties from histone proteins, there-by promoting condensation of chromatin andinactivation of gene transcription (Marks etal. 2003). It should also be noted that specifictranscription factors have also been shown tohave HAT activity (Doi et al. 2006). Together,HATs and HDACs function in concert to modi-fy chromatin structure and regulate gene tran-scription.

Increased expression of the immediate earlygenes Fos and Fosb in the nucleus accumbensfollowing acute cocaine administration is asso-ciated with increased histone H4 acetylationat their promoter regions (Kumar et al. 2005;Levine et al. 2005). In addition, global histoneH4 acetylation and H3 phosphoacetylation aretransiently increased in the striatum follow-ing acute cocaine exposure (Brami-Cherrier etal. 2005; Kumar et al. 2005). Furthermore, thetime course of histone acetylation followingacute cocaine is consistent with the inductionkinetics of Fos and Fosb genes (Renthal andNestler 2008). Chronic cocaine exposure alsois associated with increased histone acetylationat distinct promoter regions. For example, re-peated cocaine administration produces stablechanges in Cdk5 and Bdnf messenger RNA(mRNA) expression as well as increased histoneH3 acetylation at their promoters (Kumar et al.2005). Chronic cocaine exposure also decreasesHDAC5 function in the accumbens promotinghistone acetylation and increased expression ofHDAC5 targeted genes (Renthal et al. 2007).Interestingly, chronic cocaine exposure inducesdifferential epigenetic regulation of Bdnf tran-scription and these effects are region specific.Recent studies indicate that cocaine-induced in-creases in BDNF expression are associated withincreased acetylation of histone H3 at the pro-moter encoding Bdnf exon I-containing tran-scripts in the accumbens (Cleck et al. 2008)and VTA (Schmidt et al. 2011). However, his-tone H3 acetylation at Bdnf promoter IV, butnot promoter I, is preferentially increased inthe medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) following

chronic cocaine (Sadri-Vakili et al. 2010). Co-caine-induced alterations in histone H3 acety-lation and corresponding changes in gene ex-pression are stable during periods of drugabstinence (Freeman et al. 2008), which sug-gests that cocaine-induced chromatin remodel-ing produces persistent changes in gene expres-sion that may underlie drug craving and relapse.

Global histone H3 acetylation levels aresignificantly enhanced in mice that develop con-ditioned place preference following repeatedmethamphetamine administration (Shibasakiet al. 2011). Increased acetylation of histoneH3 proteins is associated with genes that regu-late synaptic plasticity in the forebrain (Shi-basaki et al. 2011). Withdrawal from chronicamphetamine exposure also decreases transcrip-tion of the immediate early gene Fos, in part,through mechanisms that recruit HDAC1 tothe Fos promoter (Renthal et al. 2008). Futurestudies are needed to determine the functionalsignificance of amphetamine-induced changesin chromatin structure at gene promoters inthe striatum and limbic forebrain.

Histone Acetylation and Psychostimulant-Induced Behavioral Responses

Histone acetylation and chromatin remodelingare functionally relevant as both pharmaco-logical inhibition and genetic manipulation ofHDACs alter behavioral responses to cocaine.Systemic and intraaccumbens administrationof HDAC inhibitors significantly enhancescocaine-induced locomotor activity and con-ditioned place preference (Kumar et al. 2005;Renthal et al. 2007). Consistent with these re-sults, viral-mediated overexpression of HDACsin the nucleus accumbens decreases histoneacetylation and attenuates cocaine-induced con-ditioned place preference (Renthal et al. 2007).Mice deficient in the HAT cAMP responseelement binding (CREB) protein (CBP) havedecreased histone H4 acetylation and displayreduced sensitivity to cocaine (Levine et al.2005). Taken together, these results indicatethat cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity is me-diated, in part, by increased acetylation of genenetworks.

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Recent studies indicate that the role ofhistone acetylation in cocaine-taking behavioris complex. Inhibition of HDACs promotes dif-ferential behavioral responses in animals self-administering cocaine and these effects arecritically dependent on the timing of HDACinhibitor administration. Systemic administra-tion of an HDAC inhibitor before the initiationof daily cocaine self-administration sessions de-creased the number of cocaine infusions self-administered, suggesting that histone acetyla-tion decreases the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine(Romieu et al. 2008). In contrast, cocaine takingincreases when animals that are stably self-ad-ministering cocaine are pretreated with a HDACinhibitor, which suggests that histone acetyla-tion in these animals, increases the reinforcingefficacy of cocaine (Sun et al. 2008). Adminis-tration of a HDAC inhibitor directly into theaccumbens increases an animal’s motivationto self-administer cocaine as measured by aprogressive-ratio (PR) schedule of reinforce-ment and is associated with increased histoneH3 acetylation in the accumbens (Wang et al.2010). Furthermore, overexpressing HDAC4 inthe nucleus accumbens shell decreases cocaineself-administration on a PR schedule (Wanget al. 2010). Although these results indicatethat increased histone acetylation is one epige-netic mechanism that underlies cocaine-takingbehavior, the exact temporal sequence of his-tone acetylation and gene transcription in rela-tion to cocaine exposure and subsequent behav-ioral outcomes remains to be determined.

Histone acetylation also plays a critical rolein the reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behav-ior. Administration of HDAC inhibitors facili-tates extinction of cocaine-conditioned placepreference and attenuates reinstatement of co-caine-seeking behavior (Malvaez et al. 2010; Ro-mieu et al. 2011). These behavioral effects coin-cide with increased acetylation of histone H3and suggest that chromatin remodeling andaltered gene transcription during drug with-drawal may prevent drug craving and relapse(Malvaez et al. 2010).

Recent studies also show a role for histoneacetylation in amphetamine-induced behavio-ral responses. Histone acetylation plays a critical

role in behavioral sensitization to the locomo-tor-activating effects of amphetamine (Kaldaet al. 2007; Shen et al. 2008). Chronic amphet-amine exposure is associated with increasedstriatal histone H4 acetylation at the level ofthe Fosb promoter and increased phosphoryla-tion of CREB (Shen et al. 2008). Furthermore,repeated methamphetamine administration in-creases histone H3 acetylation at unique genepromoters in the limbic forebrain (Shibasakiet al. 2011). Taken together, these results suggestthat amphetamine-induced behavioral plastici-ty is regulated, in part, by changes in chromatinstructure within the striatum that facilitate bind-ing of transcription factors including CREB topromoter sequences to facilitate gene transcrip-tion.

Histone Methylation andPsychostimulant-Induced Changesin Gene Transcription

Addition of methyl groups to histone proteinsdoes not change the charge of targeted aminoacid residues and these modifications are rela-tively stable compared to histone acetylation(Rice and Allis 2001). Methylation of lysineand arginine residues on histone tails is com-plex and can occur in mono-(me), di-(me2),or trimethylated (me3) states with each meth-ylation event having distinct, and often oppo-site, effects on gene transcription (Rice and Allis2001). Histone methylation at gene promoterseither promotes or represses gene transcrip-tion depending on the exact amino acid res-idues that are methylated and the valence ofmethylation at these residues (Maze and Nes-tler 2011); for example, di- and trimethylationof histone H3 lysine residues 9 (H3K9me2/3)and 27 (H3K27me2/3) recruit corepressor pro-teins that may function to increase chromatincondensation and thereby decrease gene tran-scription (Rice and Allis 2001). In contrast,trimethylation of histone H3 lysine residues 4(H3K4me3) and 36 (H3K36me3) correlate withincreased levels of gene transcription (Rice andAllis 2001).

Recent evidence indicates that psychostimu-lant exposure alters gene expression, in part,

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through changes in histone methylation. His-tone H3 methylation is decreased in the mPFCof adult rats that were exposed to cocaine duringadolescence and these epigenetic marks coin-cide with altered gene expression in adulthood(Black et al. 2006). These findings suggest thatcocaine exposure during adolescence produceslong-lasting changes in gene expression that aremediated by chromatin remodeling. Repeatedadministration of cocaine in adult mice alsoreduces histone methylation in the brain andthis epigenetic mechanism is associated withdecreased expression of the methyltransferaseG9a (Maze et al. 2010). Consistent with thesefindings, expression of G9a target genes is in-creased in the nucleus accumbens following re-peated cocaine administration and viral-me-diated knockdown of G9a expression, whichmimics the effects of chronic cocaine exposureand facilitates cocaine-induced synaptic andbehavioral plasticity (Maze et al. 2010). More-over, repeated cocaine alters heterochromatichistone H3 methylation in the accumbens andproduces long-lasting decreases in heterochro-matin, which suggests that cocaine-induced al-terations in histone methylation and hetero-chromatin formation are also an importantmechanism in the long-term actions of cocaine(Maze et al. 2011). Amphetamine abstinence isalso associated with changes in histone H3methylation. Histone H3 methylation is in-creased at the Fos promoter in the striatum fol-lowing repeated amphetamine exposure and isassociated with decreased transcription of thisimmediate early gene (Renthal et al. 2008).Consistent with these results, expression of thehistone H3 methyltransferase KMT1A is in-creased in the striatum following chronic am-phetamine exposure (Renthal et al. 2008).

Histone Methylation and Psychostimulant-Induced Behavioral Responses

Adolescent rats exposed to chronic cocaine de-velop cognitive impairments in adulthood thatare associated with altered histone methylationand gene transcription in the mPFC (Black et al.2006). Chronic cocaine exposure in adult ratsrepresses G9a expression thereby decreasing

global histone methylation in the nucleus ac-cumbens and enhancing cocaine-induced be-havioral responses (Maze et al. 2010). The in-ability of G9a to regulate gene transcriptionfollowing repeated cocaine results in aberrantsynaptic plasticity in the accumbens (Mazeet al. 2010) and may correlate with long-termpsychostimulant-induced changes in structuralplasticity (Robinson and Kolb 1997). G9a reg-ulation of histone methylation in the accum-bens also plays a critical role in drug-inducedvulnerability to stress (Covington et al. 2011).Taken together, these results suggest that chron-ic cocaine exposure in adolescence and adult-hood regulates expression of gene networks toalter structural plasticity in the brain that, inturn, may contribute to drug-induced behav-ioral plasticity. The role of histone methylationin regulating distinct gene networks to promoteamphetamine-induced behavioral plasticity re-mains to be determined.

Histone Phosphorylation andPsychostimulant-Induced Changesin Gene Transcription

Histone phosphorylation is another posttrans-lational modification that is associated withincreased gene transcription (Brami-Cherrieret al. 2009). Phosphorylation of serine 10 onhistone H3 promotes HAT activity, phosphoa-cetylation of neighboring amino acid residues,and inhibits repressive methylation marks onH3 (Kouzarides 2007). Acute amphetamine ad-ministration transiently increases histone H3phosphorylation (Rotllant and Armario 2012).Moreover, cocaine administration increases his-tone H3 phosphorylation and phosphoacetyla-tion at the Fos promoter in the striatum, effectsthat are mediated by mitogen- and stress-acti-vated protein kinase 1 (MSK1) (Brami-Cherrieret al. 2005; Brami-Cherrier et al. 2009). Consti-tutive knockdown of MSK1 blocks cocaine-induced increases in histone H3 phosphoryl-ation and Fos expression and alters cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity (Brami-Cherr-ier et al. 2005). Although histone acetylationand phosphorylation are both associated withincreased gene transcription, these epigenetic

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mechanisms can act in concert or independent-ly to regulate gene expression (Brami-Cherrieret al. 2007). The role of histone phosphoryla-tion in psychostimulant-induced behavioral re-sponses remains to be determined.

DNA Methylation and Psychostimulant-Induced Changes in Gene Transcription

In addition to posttranslational histone modi-fications, enzymatic modifications to DNA se-quences also translate environmental stimulisuch as drug exposure into altered patterns ofgene expression and enduring behavioral phe-notypes. DNA methylation involves the addi-tion of methyl groups to cytosine-guanine di-nucleotides (CpG) in the genome by DNAmethyltransferases (DNMTs) (Suzuki and Bird2008). Methylation of CpG islands interfereswith transcription factor binding to targetDNA sequences through the recruitment of co-repressor complexes (Jaenisch and Bird 2003).Methyl-binding domain-containing proteinsbind methylated DNA regions and recruit core-pressors such as HDACs and methyltransferasesto gene promoters. Therefore, it is important tonote that DNA methylation and histone modi-fications are not mutually exclusive. Althoughoriginally thought to repress or inhibit genetranscription, DNA methylation is a dynamicprocess that functions to either promote or re-press gene expression (Suzuki and Bird 2008).

Emerging evidence suggests that psycho-stimulant-induced changes in gene expressionare regulated by DNA methylation. The hippo-campi of rats exposed to cocaine in utero arecharacterized by altered global patterns of DNAmethylation and corresponding changes in genetranscription (Novikova et al. 2008). Changesin gene expression following cocaine self-ad-ministration also correlate with increased ex-pression of the methyl-CpG-binding proteinMeCP2 (Host et al. 2011). Further evidencefor a role of DNA methylation in cocaine-in-duced synaptic and behavioral plasticity comesfrom studies of DNMTs. Acute cocaine admin-istration increases DNA methylation as well asthe expression of DNMT3A and DNMT3B inthe nucleus accumbens (Anier et al. 2010). In-

creased DNA methylation following acute co-caine is associated with enhanced binding ofMeCP2 to specific gene promoters and corre-sponding decreases in gene transcription (Anieret al. 2010). Furthermore, pharmacological in-hibition of DNMT decreases cocaine-inducedDNA hypermethylation and attenuates drug-in-duced down-regulation of gene expression inthe accumbens (Carouge et al. 2010). DNMT3aexpression is increased during protracted pe-riods of drug abstinence in cocaine-experiencedanimals (LaPlant et al. 2010). DNMT3a alsoplays a critical role in cocaine-induced in-creases in dendritic spine density, which suggeststhat DNA methylation is an important epigenet-ic mechanism in regulating cocaine-inducedstructural plasticity (LaPlant et al. 2010). Acuteand subchronic methamphetamine administra-tion has differential effects on DNMT1 mRNAexpression that are brain region specific, suggest-ing that drug-induced changes in gene transcrip-tion are mediated, in part, by DNA methylation(Numachi et al. 2007). However, future studiesare required to determine whether chronicmethamphetamine increases DNMT1 proteinand the functional significance of altered DNAmethylation on drug-induced behavioral re-sponses.

DNA Methylation and Psychostimulant-Induced Behavioral Responses

Dynamic changes in DNA methylation may un-derlie cocaine-induced behavioral responses.Sensitization to the locomotor-activating ef-fects of cocaine is delayed in animals treatedwith a DNMT inhibitor and coincides with al-tered DNA methylation at gene promoters(Anier et al. 2010). Decreased DNMT3a func-tion enhances the behavioral response to co-caine supporting the hypothesis that decreasedDNA methylation promotes increased genetranscription following repeated cocaine expo-sure and contributes to drug-induced behav-ioral plasticity (LaPlant et al. 2010). Together,these results suggest that dynamic changes ofDNA methylation may be an important epige-netic mechanism underlying cocaine-inducedbehavioral effects.

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Drug-induced histone modifications can beidentified and characterized across the genomeusing microarrays and next-generation sequenc-ing methods. Precise genomic loci that areassociated with histones modified by drug ex-posure are identified using genome-wide pro-moter arrays (ChIP-chip) or massively parallelDNA sequencing platforms (ChIP-Seq) (Rent-hal et al. 2009; Maze et al. 2011; Zhou et al.2011). These high-throughput methods charac-terize complex drug-induced signatures of epi-genetic regulation including multifaceted his-tone modifications that regulate transcriptionof gene networks and may underlie drug-in-duced behavioral plasticity. ChIP-chip analysesof nucleus accumbens lysates reveals that chron-ic cocaine exposure regulates gene transcriptionby either increasing histone H3 or H4 acetyla-tion (to elevate mRNA levels), or by increasinghistone H3 dimethyl-K9/27 (to reduce mRNAexpression) (Renthal et al. 2009). Chronic co-caine exposure also decreases repressive his-tone methylation (H3K9me3) in the accumbensand ChIP-Seq reveals that these histone marksare associated with intergenic genomic regions(Maze et al. 2011). These results suggest thatcocaine-induced histone methylation producesheterochromatic derepression and increasesexpression of retrotransposable elements thatin turn regulate gene transcription (Maze et al.2011). A recent study used whole genome se-quencing of mRNA transcripts (RNA-Seq) andChIP-Seq to characterize histone methylationand gene expression in postmortem hippo-campal tissue from cocaine-dependent subjects(Zhou et al. 2011). Interestingly, cocaine-in-duced changes in histone methylation did notcorrelate with corresponding changes in geneexpression in the hippocampus, which suggeststhat complex epigenetic pathways act in concertto regulate gene transcription (Zhou et al. 2011).Taken together, these studies show that cocaineacts to alter patterns of gene expression in thenucleus accumbens and hippocampus throughepigenetic mechanisms (i.e., histone acetylation

and methylation) that promote stable, persistentchanges in gene expression. Thus, genome-widestudies identify dynamic chromatin signaturesfollowing chronic cocaine exposure and revealnovel gene targets and molecular regulatorypathways that may play critical roles in drug tak-ing and seeking. It is not clear whether otherpsychostimulants and drugs of abuse exert theirbehavioral effects through similar or divergentepigenetic regulation of gene networks.


Posttranscriptional regulation of gene expres-sion following chronic drug exposure has alsobeen shown to influence drug taking and seek-ing in laboratory animals (Pietrzykowski 2010;Li and van der Vaart 2011). Specifically, micro-RNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as a new class ofepigenetic regulators that are capable of alteringsynaptic plasticity and behavior (Guarnieri andDiLeone 2008). miRNAs are a class of nonpro-tein coding RNA transcripts (�19–24 nucleo-tides) that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level (Ambros 2004). It ispredicted that there are .800 unique miRNAspecies in humans (Bentwich et al. 2005; Berezi-kov et al. 2006), many of which are highly ex-pressed in the brain (Sempere et al. 2004; Lugliet al. 2008). More than 33% of the mammaliangenome is subject to miRNA regulation and eachmiRNA targets on average 200 mRNA transcripts(Lewis et al. 2005; Friedman et al. 2009b). Agrowing literature indicates that miRNAs havediverse effects on gene expression includingmRNA degradation, increased mRNA transla-tion, chromatin remodeling, and DNA methyla-tion.

Initially, miRNAs were thought to be locat-ed within intergenic clusters within the genomeand regulated by their own promoter regions(Lagos-Quintana et al. 2001; Lau et al. 2001).However, it was determined recently that at least50% of mammalian miRNAs are located withinintrons of protein-coding genes, which suggeststhat concurrent expression of miRNAs and theirhost genes is regulated by common promoterregions and transcriptional machinery (Rodri-guez et al. 2004; Ason et al. 2006; Berezikov et al.

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2007; Li et al. 2007b; Okamura et al. 2007; Sainiet al. 2007). miRNA genes are transcribed byRNA polymerases to produce immature tran-scripts (Lee et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2004; Borchertet al. 2006). These immature transcripts arespliced, similar to mRNA, to produce double-stranded, hairpin-loop structures that are sever-al hundred base pairs in length called primarymiRNAs (pri-miRNAs) (Lee et al. 2002). Pri-miRNAs are further cleaved in the nucleusby the enzyme Drosha, as part of a protein com-plex called the microProcessor (Lee et al. 2003;Denli et al. 2004; Gregory et al. 2004; Yeom et al.2006). The cleaved product is a double-strandedRNA fragment, called precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA), which is �70 nucleotides in lengthand contains a two-nucleotide overhang atthe 30 end. The nuclear membrane proteinExportin 5 binds to the 30 overhang of pre-miRNAs and transports them from the nucleusinto the cytoplasm (Yi et al. 2003; Bohnsacket al. 2004; Lund et al. 2004). Following its trans-location into the cytoplasm, pre-miRNA iscleaved by the enzyme Dicer to form an �20–25 nucleotide duplex consisting of a maturemiRNA strand and its opposite, complementa-ry (“passenger”) strand, miRNA� (Bernsteinet al. 2001; Hutvagner et al. 2001). Dicer-medi-ated cleavage of pre-miRNAs is thought to co-incide with unwinding of the duplex to producesingle-stranded, active miRNAs (MacRae et al.2008). Single-stranded miRNAs are preferen-tially loaded into the microRNA-induced si-lencing complex (miRISC) (Hutvagner and Za-more 2002). The main protein constituentsassociated with miRISC complexes are Argo-naute (AGO) proteins that bind miRNAs andfacilitate cleavage of targeted mRNA transcripts(Baumberger and Baulcombe 2005; Peters andMeister 2007). It is thought that one miRNA issufficient to direct miRISC to target mRNAs tocleave or silence these transcripts.

miRNAs regulate gene expression by de-grading mRNA transcripts, repressing mRNAtranslation, or both (Jackson and Standart2007; Pillai et al. 2007). Target specificity isimparted through miRNA recognition andbinding to complementary sequences (�2–7nucleotides), or “seed regions,” in the 30-UTR

(untranslated region) of mRNA (Lewis et al.2003; Grimson et al. 2007; Bartel 2009). Origi-nally thought to be nonfunctional by-productsof pre-miRNA cleavage (Matranga et al. 2005),miRNA� strands also act at distinct binding sitesto regulate gene expression (Tyler et al. 2008;Okamura et al. 2009; Ghildiyal et al. 2010).Emerging evidence indicates that molecular reg-ulation of gene expression by miRNAs is morecomplex than originally thought. In addition torepressing protein synthesis and directing se-quence-specific degradation of complementarymRNA, the miRNA/miRISC complex has alsobeen shown to induce gene expression by acti-vating mRNA translation (Vasudevan et al.2007; Place et al. 2008; Steitz and Vasudevan2009). miRNAs also remodel chromatin struc-ture and increase DNA methylation thereby al-tering expression of target genes (Tan et al.2009) and, in some cases, inducing gene activa-tion (Place et al. 2008).

MicroRNAs and Psychostimulant Addiction

miRNAs coordinate the expression of networksof related genes involved in synaptic plasticity(Kosik 2006; Schratt et al. 2006). Furthermore,miRNAs have been identified in dendrites,which suggests that miRNAs function, in part,to rapidly translate cellular signals into regula-tion of local mRNA transcripts (Ashraf andKunes 2006; Hobert 2008). Chronic drug expo-sure induces maladaptive changes in neural net-works including aberrant synaptic plasticity inthe mesocorticolimbic dopamine system (Kali-vas et al. 2005; Kauerand Malenka 2007; Thomaset al. 2008; Russo et al. 2010). Given the potentialrole of drug-evoked synaptic plasticity in the de-velopment and persistence of compulsive drug-taking behavior (Hyman et al. 2006; Luscher andMalenka 2011; Mameli and Luscher 2011), it isnot surprising that miRNAs play a critical role indrug addiction (Dreyer 2010; Pietrzykowski2010; Li and van der Vaart 2011).

Recent studies indicate that compulsive co-caine consumption is mediated, in part, bymiRNAs. Cocaine self-administration increasesexpression of miR-212 in the dorsal striatum(Hollander et al. 2010). Furthermore, increased

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miR-212 expression in the striatum is associatedwith decreased cocaine self-administration andsuggests that up-regulation of striatal miR-212is a compensatory mechanism that decrease’sthe motivational properties of cocaine (Hol-lander et al. 2010). In contrast, the transcrip-tional repressor MeCP2 plays a critical rolein regulating increased cocaine consumption(Im et al. 2010). MeCP2 attenuates cocaine-in-duced up-regulation of miR-212 expression inthe striatum, whereas miR-212 inhibits MeCP2expression (Im et al. 2010). Thus, a pivotal bal-ance between MeCP2 and miR-212 levels in thestriatum regulates compulsive drug-taking be-havior.

Chronic cocaine exposure also increases ex-pression of miR-181a and decreases expressionof miR-124 and let-7d in the mesocorticolimbicdopamine system (Chandrasekar and Dreyer2009). Although increased expression of miR-124 and let-7d in the nucleus accumbens atten-uates cocaine-induced conditioned place pref-erence (CPP), increased expression of miR-181ain the accumbens enhances cocaine CPP (Chan-drasekar and Dreyer 2011). Differential behav-ioral effects of miR-124, let-7d, and miR-181aare associated with distinct changes in gene ex-pression in the nucleus accumbens (Chandra-sekar and Dreyer 2011). Taken together, theseresults suggest that complex miRNA regulatorypathways modulate cocaine-induced behavioralplasticity by directing expression of gene net-works. It remains to be determined whetherother psychostimulants exert similar effects onmiRNA expression.

Thus, miRNAs are epigenetic regulators thatplay a critical role in translating drug-inducedchanges in synaptic plasticity into persistentneuroadaptations associated with drug addic-tion. By targeting hundreds of mRNA tran-scripts, a single miRNA coordinates expressionof gene networks that regulate neuronal plastic-ity and behavior. Although miRNAs may rep-resent promising new targets in the develop-ment of novel therapies to treat drug cravingand relapse, future studies are needed to deter-mine the precise role of miRNAs and their tar-gets in the molecular mechanisms underlyingdrug addiction.


BDNF is a member of the neurotrophin fami-ly that includes nerve growth factor, neuro-trophin-3, and neurotrophin 4/5 (Thoenen1995). BDNF is synthesized as a propeptide(32 KDa) that is proteolytically processed intoa smaller (13 KDa), mature form that bindsto and activates tropomyosin receptor kinaseB (TrkB) receptors (Bibel and Barde 2000).TrkB stimulation results in receptor dimeriza-tion and tyrosine phosphorylation that providesdocking sites for adapter molecules, interna-lization, and intracellular signaling leading tochanges in gene expression and synaptic plas-ticity (Sommerfeld et al. 2000; Patapoutianand Reichardt 2001; Lu 2003; Nagappan andLu 2005). Stimuli that induce neuronal activityin a calcium-dependent manner increase BdnfmRNA and BDNF protein expression (Shieh etal. 1998). Following transcription, Bdnf mRNAis trafficked to active synapses (Tongiorgi et al.1997) where long 30 UTR mRNA transcripts arepreferentially localized and translated (An et al.2008). Synaptic secretion of BDNF and subse-quent TrkB receptor activation are associatedwith increased glutamatergic activity (Jovanovicet al. 2000; Hartmann et al. 2001; Balkowiec andKatz 2002). Furthermore, BDNF promotes bothearly and late-phase long-term potentiation(LTP), dendritic protein synthesis, and dendriticspine formation (Bramham et al. 1996). BDNFregulates dendritic spine formation and synap-tic plasticity by inhibiting miR-134, a miRNAthat negatively regulates dendritic spine devel-opment and maturation (Schratt et al. 2006).BDNF-mediated inhibition of miR-134 pro-motes translation of Lim kinase 1, an enzymethat regulates actin filament activity and synap-tic plasticity (Schratt et al. 2006).

Many cocaine-induced neuroadaptationsthat are thought to underlie cocaine seekingare manifested by alterations in the plasticityof mesocorticolimbic circuitry (Schmidt andPierce 2010). Bdnf mRNA is expressed abun-dantly in cortical as well as midbrain dopamineneurons and at much lower levels in striatalneurons (Altar et al. 1997; Lipska et al. 2001).In fact, cortical pyramidal neurons are thought

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to supply �80% and dopamine neurons �20%of BDNF protein within the striatum (Altaret al. 1997). Endogenous Bdnf mRNA and pro-tein are differentially regulated in mesolimbicand cortical neurons in response to acute andrepeated administration of psychostimulantsor during extended periods of drug abstinence(Meredith et al. 2002; Le Foll et al. 2005; Filipet al. 2006; Liu et al. 2006; Fumagalli et al. 2007;Saylor and McGinty 2008; Fumagalli et al.2009). In addition, a persistent BDNF proteinresponse develops in mesolimbic, striatal, andcortical structures and lasts for extended du-rations during abstinence from cocaine self-administration (Grimm et al. 2003; Im et al.2010; McGinty et al. 2010). Altered expressionof BDNF in this network of reciprocally in-terconnected structures following cocaine ex-posure and/or drug abstinence suggests thatBDNF may constitute a critical component ofcocaine-induced plasticity.

The effects of exogenous BDNF infusion oncocaine seeking are brain region specific andtime dependent. Infusion of BDNF into sub-cortical structures, like the nucleus accumbensand VTA, enhances cocaine-seeking behavior(Lu et al. 2004; Graham et al. 2007). These stud-ies implicate VTA and nucleus accumbensBDNF activity in long-term modulation of co-caine-induced behavior. In contrast, BDNF in-fusion into the dorsomedial PFC immediatelyfollowing a final session of cocaine self-admin-istration attenuates the reinstatement of cocaineseeking by normalizing cocaine-induced alter-ations in phospho-ERK and phospho-CREB ex-pression in the PFC and glutamate transmissionin the nucleus accumbens (Berglind et al. 2007;Berglind et al. 2009; Whitfield et al. 2011). Insupport of the cocaine-suppressing effects ofBDNF, knockdown of BDNF in the mPFC aug-ments the intake of cocaine in rats self-admin-istering cocaine (Sadri-Vakili et al. 2010). Incontrast, overexpression of BDNF in the dorsalstriatum has been implicated in the accelerationof, and loss of control over, compulsive cocainetaking (Im et al. 2010). Moreover, suppressionof endogenous BDNF signaling, by infusing aneutralizing antibody to BDNF in the dorsalstriatum, decreases cocaine intake (Im et al.

2010). Thus, exogenous infusion or manipula-tion of endogenous BDNF levels has a selectivefunctional impact in different target areas thatare critical to mediating or preventing cocaine-induced dysfunctional neuroadaptations.


A growing body of evidence suggests that epige-netic mechanisms of regulation are importantfor the modulation of drug-induced Bdnf tran-scription (Fig. 1). The Bdnf gene is comprisedof nine exons with at least eight alternativepromoters that are differentially responsive tococaine-activated signaling cascades (Liu et al.2006; Aid et al. 2007). Cocaine-induced in-creases in Bdnf transcription are associatedwith increased histone acetylation at severalBdnf promoters (Kumar et al. 2005; Schroederet al. 2008; Sadri-Vakili et al. 2010; Schmidt et al.2011). Histone acetylation at specific Bdnf pro-moters is associated with binding of the histoneacetyltransferase CBP (Schmidt et al. 2011), andthe histone deacetylases HDAC1 and HDAC2(Guan et al. 2009) to these promoter regions.

Reduced DNA methylation of various re-gions across the Bdnf locus has been detectedfollowing many stimuli that increase BDNFexpression (Lubin et al. 2008; Ma et al. 2009).However, it remains to be determined whethercocaine modulates DNA methylation of theBdnf gene. Induction of Bdnf transcriptionin the PFC is correlated with the dissociationof MeCP2 from BDNF promoter IV, consistentwith a potential reduction in DNA methyla-tion under these conditions (Sadri-Vakili et al.2010). Evidence for the functional importanceof DNA methylation in the regulation of Bdnftranscription comes largely from studies inwhich MeCP2 expression has been disrupted.Although MeCP2 is bound widely to DNAacross the genome (Skene et al. 2010), decreasedMeCP2 expression is associated with surpris-ingly subtle changes in the expression of a subsetof genes (Tudor et al. 2002; Chahrour et al. 2008;Skene et al. 2010). Nonetheless, levels of Bdnfare consistently reduced in the brains of Mecp2knockout mice (Chang et al. 2006; Fyffe et al.

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2008). Interestingly, MeCP2 is a target of regu-lation by psychostimulant-activated signalingcascades (Deng et al. 2010; Im et al. 2010). Phos-phorylation of MeCP2 at Ser421 is induced rap-idly and robustly by acute and repeated admin-istration of cocaine or amphetamine, and thisphosphorylation is selective for specific popula-tions of neurons in the PFC and nucleus accum-bens (Deng et al. 2010). Although the conse-quences of Ser421 phosphorylation for MeCP2function are not known, this regulation sug-gests a mechanism to couple MeCP2-dependenttranscription of Bdnf and other genes with psy-

chostimulant exposure. In addition, expressionof MeCP2 is up-regulated following chronic co-caine self-administration in the dorsal striatumof rats where knockdown of MeCP2 expressionis associated with impaired cocaine-dependentup-regulation of BDNF protein (Im et al. 2010;Host et al. 2011). However, it is unclear whetherincreased MeCP2 expression is directly actingunder these conditions to alter transcriptionalregulation of Bdnf.

miRNAs represent a third epigenetic mech-anism that may contribute to psychostimu-lant-induced expression of BDNF. Although a




= Nucleosome




= Transcriptional start site






Bdnf Ex IV

Bdnf Ex I







Me Me Me Me





Figure 1. Differential cocaine-induced effects at specific Bdnf promoters are mediated by distinct epigeneticmechanisms in the mPFC and VTA. (A) Cocaine selectively increases Bdnf exon IV–containing transcript levelsin the mPFC. Cocaine-induced increases in mPFC Bdnf transcription are associated with increased CREBphosphorylation and histone H3 acetylation at Bdnf exon IV promoters. Furthermore, MeCP2 binding toBdnf exon IV promoter regions is decreased following cocaine self-administration. (B) In contrast, cocaineselectively increases Bdnf exon I–containing transcript levels in the VTA. Cocaine-induced increases in VTABdnf transcription are associated with recruitment of CBP, an enzyme that catalyzes the addition of acetyl groupsto histone proteins, and increased histone H3 acetylation at exon I–containing promoter regions. AC, acetylgroup; Bdnf, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CBP, CREB-binding protein; CRE, cAMP response element;CREB, cAMP response element binding protein; Ex IV, exon IV; Ex I, exon I; HAT, histone acetyltransferase; Me,methyl group; MeCP2: methyl-CpG-binding protein 2; P, phosphate group.

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number of miRNAs can bind directly to the 30-UTR of Bdnf (Mellios et al. 2008; Friedman et al.2009a; Muinos-Gimeno et al. 2011), the rele-vance of this epigenetic mechanism for the invivo regulation of BDNF levels remains to bedetermined. However, miRNAs may impact co-caine-induced BDNF expression indirectly viaregulation of MeCP2 expression and CREB ac-tivation. Cocaine self-administration is associ-ated with increased expression of miR-132 andmiR-212 in the dorsal striatum, both of whichcan repress the expression of MeCP2 (Klein et al.2007; Hollander et al. 2010; Im et al. 2010).MeCP2 appears to exert a complementary re-pression of miR-132 and miR-212, suggestingthat these transcriptional regulators are engagedin a homeostatic feedback loop (Klein et al.2007; Im et al. 2010). Overexpression of miR-212 in the dorsal striatum attenuates cocaine-induced up-regulation of MeCP2 expressionand inhibits cocaine-induced up-regulation ofBDNF protein (Im et al. 2010). Interestingly,in addition to its effects on MeCP2 expression,miR-212 has been shown to amplify CREBsignaling and to increase cocaine-induced ex-pression of CREB-target genes including Fos(Hollander et al. 2010; Im et al. 2010). Bdnftranscription is also regulated by CREB as wellas MeCP2 (Shieh et al. 1998; Tao et al. 1998) andit remains to be determined why the effectsof miR-212 overexpression on MeCP2 appearto dominate with respect to BDNF regulationover the effects on CREB. These observationshighlight the challenges of interpreting the ef-fects of disrupting single regulatory factorswithin the context of an interconnected tran-scriptional network, and suggest that there is arich world of complexity contributing to thetight spatial and temporal control of BDNF ex-pression that remains to be explored.


Increasing evidence suggests that epigeneticmechanisms including histone modifications,DNA methylation, and miRNAs regulate psy-chostimulant-induced gene expression profilesin discrete brain regions. Many changes in chro-matin regulation following chronic psycho-

stimulant exposure correlate in time with theexpression of maladaptive behaviors includingdrug taking and seeking. However, moleculargenetic studies have also implicated some ofthe transcriptional regulatory factors discussedin this review (i.e., miR-212, MeCP2, HDAC5,and BDNF in the mPFC) in the induction ofadaptive forms of neuroplasticity that appearto repress or inhibit drug self-administration.Further characterizing the molecular substratesthat regulate chromatin remodeling and genetranscription following chronic drug exposuremay identify novel drug targets for drug crav-ing and relapse. Given the evidence that BDNFexpression in different brain regions has bothessential and distinct effects on drug-taking be-havior, understanding the transcriptional regu-lation of this single gene offers an opportunityto discover insights into the role of epigeneticmechanisms of chromatin regulation in drugaddiction. However, future studies that morebroadly elucidate the epigenetic processes thatmediate long-lasting changes in gene expressionnetworks throughout the brain will substan-tially enhance our understanding of how persis-tent changes in gene transcription contribute tothe development and expression of compulsivedrug-taking behaviors.


H.D.S. is supported by an individual K01 award(DA030445). J.F.M. is supported by P50-DA15369 and R01-DA03982. A.E.W is support-ed by R01-DA022202. G.S-V. is supported byNS063953 and DA022339.


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January 28, 20132013; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012047 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Heath D. Schmidt, Jacqueline F. McGinty, Anne E. West and Ghazaleh Sadri-Vakili Epigenetics and Psychostimulant Addiction

Subject Collection Addiction

the Central Nervous System-Tetrahydrocannabinol in9∆Synaptic Targets of

Alexander F. Hoffman and Carl R. Lupica

Opioid Pharmacogenetics of Alcohol AddictionWade Berrettini

Role of GABA and GlutamateThe ''Stop'' and ''Go'' of Nicotine Dependence:

Manoranjan S. D'Souza and Athina Markou WithdrawalHabenulo-Interpeduncular Pathways in Nicotine Mesolimbic Dopamine and

John A. Dani and Mariella De BiasiSystems Level Neuroplasticity in Drug Addiction

Matthew W. Feltenstein and Ronald E. See Transmission in the Ventral Tegmental AreaCocaine-Evoked Synaptic Plasticity of Excitatory

Christian Lüscher

TerminalisReceptors in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria

-Methyl-d-AspartateNEthanol Effects on

Tiffany A. Wills and Danny G. Winder

Animal Studies of Addictive BehaviorLouk J.M.J. Vanderschuren and Serge H. Ahmed

Translational Research in Nicotine DependenceJill R. Turner, Allison Gold, Robert Schnoll, et al.

Epigenetics and Psychostimulant Addiction

West, et al.Heath D. Schmidt, Jacqueline F. McGinty, Anne E.

TransmissionNucleus Accumbens AMPA Receptor Psychostimulant-Induced Neuroadaptations in

R. Christopher Pierce and Marina E. Wolf

Dynorphin in Dysregulation of MotivationRoles of Nucleus Accumbens CREB and

John W. Muschamp and William A. Carlezon, Jr.

Related to Nicotine AddictionMolecular Mechanisms Underlying Behaviors

Marina R. Picciotto and Paul J. Kenny

Medications Development for Opioid AbuseS. Stevens Negus and Matthew L. Banks

Neuropeptides-Aminobutyric Acid, Glutamate, and

γThe Central Amygdala and Alcohol: Role of

SigginsMarisa Roberto, Nicholas W. Gilpin and George R.

Cortex Neuronal Network FunctionExposure during Adolescence for Prefrontal Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Nicotine

Natalia A. Goriounova and Huibert D. Mansvelder

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