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Page 1: Epilepsy Awareness

Epilepsy Awareness

Chelsie SpencerEnglish IV

Mrs. Kathy Saunders

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Epilepsy• I decided to choose epilepsy because I have this disease and wanted to teach others what epilepsy is

• I am hoping that by doing this it will spread the knowledge to others that could save a life

• This project was a huge stretch for me because there is so much to learn about this disease that so many people, even me, don’t know

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300,000 people have their first convulsion (seizure) every year

120,000 of them are under 18 200,000 people are diagnosed every

year 45,000 of the 200,000 are children

under the age of 15

Males are more likely to develop the disease

70% of cases have no specific cause


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• While researching I learned much more than I even knew there was to learn• A disease that many people don’t know about• Most don’t know what to do during a seizure• There is much more research to find a cure for epilepsy • It is the most common neurological disease


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My Product•The product was to share knowledge with others about the disease•Held a charity bike ride•Helped to raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation of North Carolina

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Product•My product was very helpful in spreading

the word on epilepsy. Me and my mentor, Mrs. Pat Gibson, gave me the opportunity to set up an information booth at a charity bike ride put on by the Buffalo Soldiers of Greensboro telling others about this disease and sold many raffle tickets raising money for the Epilepsy Foundation of North Carolina. An epilepsy walk was also put together to raise money and awareness.

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ProductMy product relates to my paper by spreading

the word and gaining more knowledge for myself to teach others.

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• Mrs. Pat Gibson

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Product/MentorI learned a lot more about the disease Learned more about what causes seizures How to manage my time between my social

life, other classes, and the productI accomplished it with the help of others

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• I have spent many hours on the product nine of which were with my mentor

• It made me feel more comfortable than just going onto a website and finding information

• Being with her made it easier to learn because it was being explained to me one on one

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Obstacles Some of the obstacles to overcome in the

process such as time management and research skills

Many people live with this disease and I am not alone

There is research trying to make a chip that goes into the brain and blocks misfires in the nerves

There are trained dogs to detect seizures and know how to keep someone safe while having a seizure

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• I would like to thank you all for your time• Are there any questions?

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