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  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    Episode 10 A Brave New World


    Adam B. Levine (AL) Host

    Andreas . Antonopo!los (AA) "o#$ost

    %tep$anie !rp$& (%) "o#$ost

    Andreas Petersson (AP) # 'itcoin!pdate.com

    !stice () Listener w$o 'riel& appears at *+,:-0

    AL: Hello ever&'od& Adam B. Levine $ere. / want to welcome

    &o! to t$is special episode o LetsalBitcoin. 2ecorded at t$e

    ver& end o t$e conerence %tep$anie !rp$& and / were 3oined

    or t$is late ni4$t ro!nd!p '& Andreas Petersson o

    Bitcoin5pdate.com. /n t$is episode we disc!ss o!r avoritet$in4s o!r t$o!4$ts o!r views and o!r $opes. / $ope t$at &o!

    en3o& t$is episode as m!c$ as we en3o&ed main4 it.

    %: 6otta $ave t$e $at w$en &o! wrap !p t$e part&.

    AL: Well /7m tr&in4 to create t$is anac$ronistic vi'e w$ere /7ve

    4ot t$e s!spenders 4oin4 on and /7ve 4ot t$e.. / alwa&s wear

    s!spenders a4ain / $ave t$is idea t$at 3o!rnalism is t$is dead

    art rom a past a4e and i &o! can replicate t$e vi'e &o! can'rin4 it 'ac.

    %: 8o! do and &o!7ve 4ot &o!r 'ad4e on &o!r s$irt 3!st lie an

    old sc$ool. 8o! loo lie &o! stepped o!t o t$e 1907s.

    AP: 8ea$ it7s cra;&. /t7s 4reat.

    AL: Here we 4o one last time.

    AP: /7ll 'e $onest a'o!t it. /t7s oa& i &o! are tired.

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    %: /s Andreas Antonopo!los comin4cited.

    /7m looin4 orward to t$is and t$is and t$is pro3ect. %o

    especiall& t$e... / lie most act!all& Llama %o!p B". $e

    'itcoin A. / t$in t$e& $ave a real practical sol!tion to all

    t$ese inds o pro'lems.

    %: / now t$ose 4!&s. $e& live near me in New Hamps$ire.

    AP: / t$in t$e& $ave a reall& convincin4 stor& to 'rin4 t$is to

    t$e maret. = co!rse on t$e tec$nical side or me practicall&

    t$is was t$e onl& tal / attended. /t was a'o!t H wallets

    $ierarc$ical deterministic wallets. $is is 4oin4 to mae 'itcoin

    reall& more !sea'le once t$is is implemented in t$e wallet

    sotware so /7m looin4 orward to t$at. =$ so H Wallets

    p$&sicall& means t$at &o! don7t $ave to 'ac!p &o!r wallet

    ever& time t$at &o! send a transaction. Beca!se ri4$t now i

    &o!7re !sin4 'itcoin t$e wa& it wors is &o! $ave a e& pool

    and i &o!r e& pool 4ets depleted i &o! do a lot o transactions

    so t$at &o!r pacet 4ets invalid 'eca!se &o!r new e&s are no

    lon4er in t$is 'ac!p an&more.

    AL: %o w$at &o!7re 'asicall& sa&in4 is t$at i / !se @0 let7s sa&

    t$e '!er is @0. =a& so t$e '!er is @0.

    AP: B!er is 100.

    AL: B!er is 100 oa&. %o i t$e '!er is 100 i &o!7re sa&in4

    t$at 'etween t$e time t$at / 'ac!p m& wallet. / / t$en

    4enerate 100 more addresses t$en ater t$at point t$ose areno lon4er act!all& recovera'le !nless &o! reres$ t$e 'ac!p.

    AP: 8ea$ &o! $ave to 'e aware t$at &o! are also 4eneratin4

    addresses w$en sendin4 mone& and receivin4 mone& 'eca!se

    &o! $ave to 4enerate t$e c$an4e addresses.

    AL: %o it7s transactions almost.

    AP: 8ea$ it7s transactions.

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    AL: =$ reall& so t$en t$ere7s onl& a '!er o 100 transactions

    'etween 'ac!ps.

    AP: 8ea$ 'ac and ort$ act!all& 'eca!se &o!7re 4eneratin4

    new addresses w$en &o!7re receivin4 somet$in4 i &o! areactivel& doin4 t$at '!t &o! are a!tomaticall& 4eneratin4 new

    addresses w$en &o! are receivin4 c$an4e.

    AL: Well / t$in / need to reres$ m& 'ac!p.

    AP: 8ea$F A'sol!tel&. A'sol!tel&. %o Bitcoin reall& needs

    re4!lar 'ac!ps act!all&. All t$e time. %o HWallets once

    t$at7s implemented &o! can 'ac !p 3!st one seed and t$e wa&

    it wors is it 4enerates new p!'lic e&s and new private e&sand it can act!all& do anc& trics lie creatin4 a new seed rom

    t$e master seed t$at is let7s sa& rom one part o a compan&.

    And eac$ department can !se its own private seed. And t$e

    "E= o t$e compan& can !se t$e master seed to spend all

    department !nds at once. =r somet$in4 lie t$at. %o &o! can


    AL: W$at does t$e H stand orample wit$o!t an& tro!'leon t$is remote mac$ine t$at7s not ver& sec!re. 8o!7re receivin4

    t$e mone& and spendin4 rom &o!r paper 'ac!p w$atever

    &o! need. And t$e Peter W$eeler t$e core developer is worin4

    on t$at. And a lot o pro4rams $ardware vendors also and

    $ope!ll& also t$e 'itcoin card will pic t$at !p and !se it.

    $at7s not a promise '!t / $ope.

    AL: Lie / said we7re talin4 ver& late at ni4$t so tae ever&t$in4at ace val!e $ere. %o %tep$anie &o!7re $ere wit$ 3!st a ton o

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    dierent pro3ects and &o!7ve 'een 4eneratin4 incredi'le content

    and so &o! said &o! did -0 interviews. W$o do &o! t$in was

    &o!r avorite interview< / now it7s lie asin4 to pic &o!r

    c$ildren wit$ t$e people $ere. =a& let7s 3!st do a top -.

    %: 8ea$ oa&. Well 6avin. / taled to 6avin t$at was reall&

    cool. / sort o $ad an in 'eca!se / new $im 'eca!se $e was

    riends... &o! now $e... /7m involved wit$ t$is radio s$ow

    ?reealLive we act!all& 'roadcasted toni4$t $ere rom t$e

    conerence and /an and ar t$e main $osts o ?reealLive $ad

    met 6avin 'ac in 010 or somet$in4 lie t$at and tal a'o!t

    'itcoins and / t$in $e prett& m!c$ lie convinced t$em to 4et

    on 'oard. %o / ind o new $im t$at wa& and $e also lives int$e town w$ere / went to colle4e. %o we inda taled a'o!t t$at

    st! a little 'it '!t we also taled a'o!t a lot o t$eir st! and

    $e said $e7s lie mostl& a li'ertarian and t$at7s cool. / alwa&s

    lie it w$en / 4et people to admit t$at t$e&Dre li'ertarians.

    Beca!se / am.

    AP: / t$in on t$e 'itcoin conerence &o! ind o $ave to sa&

    t$at 'eca!se / 4ot in some $eav& disc!ssions 'eca!se... / wo!ld

    not sa& /7m t$is la'el or t$at la'el. B!t /7m certainl& not strai4$t

    o!t li'ertarian.

    AL: We act!all& taled a'o!t t$is on ?reealLive w$en / was on

    or m& 'rie period o time.

    %: /7m not reerrin4 to t$e li'ertarian part& or an& poetical

    part& or an&t$in4 lie t$at. !st some'od& w$o val!es $!man

    reedom 'asicall&.AL: 8ea$ t$e la'els do 4et con!sin4.

    AP: 8ea$ / t$in la'els are dan4ero!s. La'els p!t &o! into

    corners and limit &o! in &o!r ima4ination.

    %: 8ea$ '!t w$at do &o! call &o!rsel to s!ccinctl& descri'e

    &o!r viewstent. 8o!7re o!t t$erew$erever &o! live in t$e world and &o!7re ind o alone 'eca!se

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    t$ere aren7t tons o people aro!nd &o!. a&'e &o! can 4o to

    meet!ps and st! '!t t$ere aren7t a ton o people aro!nd &o!

    w$o reall& s$are &o!r interests on a deep level and w$en &o!

    4o to a conerence it7s ind o lie a little cit& 4ets created #

    almost lie '!rnin4 man / 4!ess &o! co!ld sa& or a weeend or

    $owever lon4. And &o!7re s!ddenl& amon4 a '!nc$ o people

    w$o are real visionaries and l!minaries w$o totall& s$are &o!r

    interest. 2eall& cool connections.

    AL: =ne o t$e reall& cool t$in4s was to see all t$ese people w$o

    are !nctionin4 lie "&p$erp!ns w$ic$ is t$is concept o people

    w$o !se cr&pto4rap$& as a wa& to do st!. ac 4ive me a

    'etter deinition t$an t$at.

    AP: / wo!ld sa& a "&p$erp!n is someone w$o 'elieves t$e&

    can c$an4e a societ& '& !sin4 cr&ptoo4rap$& and

    AL: $at7s a 'etter deinition.

    AP: %o essentiall& t$e !se o cr&pto4rap$& is ver& central to


    AL: %o some o t$e people $ere w$o ind o most all into t$atcate4or& are total cele'rities $ere. And it7s lie t$is cool t$in4.

    8o! see t$e tals t$at are reall& sparsel& pop!lated t$e&7re t$e

    ones t$at are talin4 a'o!t t$e re4!lator& # not t$e re4!lator&

    t$e re4!lator& act!all& was ver& ver& crowded. $ere7s a lot o

    people reall& concerned a'o!t t$at. B!t some o t$e tals t$at

    are a'o!t more mainstream topics / can7t t$in o an& o t$e

    top o m& $ead. We7re not t$at well attended '!t t$en on t$e

    lip side o it we7ve 4ot people w$o t$ere7s a 4!& w$o createde#mone& w$o was $ere and speain4. /t was act!all& w$ile /

    was o!tside d!rin4 one o &o!r panels %tep$anie t$ere was a

    4ro!p o pro'a'l& @0 or 0 people w$o $ad 3!st s!rro!nded $im

    and mo''ed $im and it lasted or lie a $al $o!r. And t$ere

    were people wit$ cameras $oldin4 !p. 8o! now it was lie a

    cele'rit& and it was 3!st lie wow t$is is s!c$ a contrar& t$in4.

    We7re in t$is real world place '!t it7s so not t$e real world

    we7ve taen it over and it7s 3!st people lie !s.

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    AP: 2eerrin4 to t$at %o!t$ selection &o! previo!sl& mentioned.

    / t$in t$atDs a ver& $ard pat$ to act!all& ollow. 8o! $ave to

    now a lot a'o!t a n!m'er o topics to 'e reall& ent$!siastic

    a'o!t 'itcoin and most people 4ive !p $al t$e wa& and sa& o$

    t$at7s some cra;& internet t$in4&... act!all& it7s not so m!c$ t$e

    &o!n4 people. 8ea$ ed!cated people also.

    AL: Well it depends on &o!r deinition o &o!n4 is. We were

    talin4 a'o!t t$is all t$ro!4$o!t t$e conerence. $at t$e a4e

    4ro!p t$at is $ere t$at is most impact!l is pro'a'l& t$e a4e

    4ro!p 'etween a'o!t @ lie -@#+0 on t$e !pper end. And

    t$en 'e&ond t$at &o! certainl& $ave o!tliers /7m not sa&in4

    t$at ever&'od& was 'etween t$ose '!t t$e people t$at aredoin4 t$e cra;iest st! are ind o in t$at ran4e. And / t$in

    t$at7s reall& interestin4.

    AP: 8ea$ t$e &o!n4 people act!all&...

    AL: on7t !nderstand it.

    AP: 8ea$ comin4 to t$e conerence is a 'i4 $!rdle or man&. /

    mean 4ettin4 in a plane and leavin4...&o! $ave to 'e alie...

    an& wor lie.. a&a$.

    %: o &o! t$in t$ere were an&'od& w$o didn7t come 'eca!se

    t$e& don7t want to 'e p!'lic essentiall&< Almost lie %atos$icitin4. $e ot$er t$in4 t$at

    3!mped o!t to me is t$at it was so m!c$ less a'o!t t$e tals

    and so m!c$ more a'o!t t$e attendees. Nearl& ever& sin4le

    person t$at / taled to and reall& towards t$e end o it /

    reali;ed t$at / was missin4 o!t '& not introd!cin4 m&sel to

    ever& sin4le person t$at / saw 'eca!se ever&'od& $as a

    pro3ect even t$e people w$o were $ere as attendees were

    !nctionall& not attendees t$e& s$o!ld7ve 'een speaers.

    AP: A'sol!tel& &ea$. %o people came to o!r 'oot$J almost

    ever&one co!ld mae a speec$ o t$eir own a'o!t w$at t$e& are

    doin4 in t$e 'itcoin space and / t$in t$ere were onl& one or

    two people w$o 3!st said well /7m interested in t$e w$ole

    t$in4I '!t a $!ndred people#

    %: / t$in t$at7s it it attracts c!rio!s active#minded people

    and t$e& all t$en as a res!lt once t$e& !nderstand eno!4$

    want to $ave t$eir own pro3ects and t$e& do 'eca!se not$in47s

    stoppin4 t$em 'eca!se it7s so eas& to 3!st start one o &o!r


    AL: And t$ere7s so m!c$ to doF 8o! can loo at t$is rom so

    man& dierent an4les and ever&'od& loos at it and sees

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    somet$in4 a little 'it dierent 'eca!se comin4 rom o!r own

    conte>t &o!7re a'le to 3!st appl& it to w$atever t$e $ec &o!7re

    alread& doin4 and see t$e wa&s it maes it easier or 'etter or

    more eicientJ it 3!st c$an4es t$in4s and it7s reall& power!l.

    %: Anot$er t$in4 t$is is 4onna 'e ind o meta 'eca!se

    we7re doin4 a podcast a'o!t t$e podcast '!t 3!st to toot o!r

    own $orn a little 'it / was st!nned at t$e n!m'er o people #

    we7ve onl& 'een pod castin4 or a mont$ Adam #

    AL: 8ea$ 3!st a mont$.

    %: #and / was st!nned at t$e n!m'er o people w$o a) $ad

    $eard o o!r s$ow ') $ad listened to o!r s$ow c) reco4ni;edme wit$o!t me nowin4 w$o t$e& wereF id &o! $ave t$e same

    e>perienceactl& $ow it wors '!t it7s lie a dollarJ &o!

    don7t need to !nderstand $ow a dollar wors in order to now

    t$at it7s !se!l in order to now its p!rpose. %o t$at side o it

    was reall& e>citin4 4ettin4 to tal to t$ese people and t$en on

    t$e ot$er side o it $avin4 people come !p to me and sa& /7m

    $ere 'eca!se o &o! / came to t$is s$ow 'eca!se o &o!r s$ow

    and t$e ideas t$at it spared in m& $eadI # 'eca!se t$at7s lie

    m& dream. & dream is to $elp people $ave ideas a'o!t t$is

    'eca!se / $ave so man& ideas a'o!t t$is and / now t$at /7m

    not t$e onl& one and t$at7s ver& e>citin4 to me. %o ot$er

    people w$o we met... act!all& /7m not even 4onna tr& to list

    t$em t$ere7s too man& to list.

    %: 8ea$ t$ere are too man& to list.

    AL: oo man& / don7t wanna leave an&'od& o.

    %: %o man& o t$em were reall& ama;in4. / elt lie startin4 at

    o!r meet!p on ?rida& w$en we $ad listeners come and meet

    !s / reall& connected wit$ a lot o people t$ere and t$en

    ollowin4 t$at at t$e conerence K/ met a lot o cool people

    t$at / elt lie / $ad a lot in common wit$ so t$at was awesome.

    AL: $is was an incredi'le e>perience and / do not travel. $atis not somet$in4 t$at / en3o& doin4. / didn7t $ave to travel

    an&w$ere near as ar as most people t$at7s t$e onl& reason

    w$& / came '!t ater t$is e>perience i t$is is w$at 'itcoin

    conerences are 4onna 'e lie t$en /7m 4onna 4et on a plane

    and /7m 4onna l& w$erever t$e $ec we need to 4o ne>t time

    somet$in4 lie t$is $appens.

    AP: %o t$en &o! s$o!ld come to Oienna.

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    AL: / now / now / don7t wanna 4o to 6erman& / don7t wanna

    4o to E!rope...

    %: Well &o! don7t $ave to 4o to 6erman& 'eca!se Oienna7s in


    AL: / don7t wanna 4o to E52=PEF B!t it7s =G m& wie7s 4onna

    wor at (incomprehensible) or a w$ile so we mi4$t ind

    o!rselves t$ere. We mi4$t ind o!rselves in New 8or too /7m

    indin4 t$at / wanna 4o to t$at so we can $it t$at to4et$er.

    $at7ll 'e !n.

    %: "ool.

    AA: ?rom 1stto -rdNovem'er t$ere will 'e t$e !ns&stem.net /

    t$in t$e oc!s will 'e more political aspects o 'itcoin and

    anarc$ism - printin4 and#

    AL: Well t$e - printin4 /7m interested in '!t it7s t$e

    tec$nolo4& / t$in and t$e pro3ects t$at are 'ased aro!nd

    K'itcoin t$e politics $onestl& / eel lie t$e more we oc!s on

    t$at t$e less !se!l it is 'eca!se it draws s!c$ ne4ative

    attention to t$e w$ole t$in4.

    AA: 8ea$ t$at7s tr!e. / wo!ld lie more '!siness#oriented st!

    '!t w$o nows it7s 4oin4 to 'e a lon4 time !ntil Novem'er

    we7ll see $ow t$at develops.

    AL: Well a4ain t$ere are ot$er s$ows t$ere are ot$er

    conerences t$at are 4onna 'e startin4 !p 'eore t$at so / t$in

    t$ere7s at least one or two 'eore Oienna. %o t$e 'itcoin

    conerence ecos&stem t$is was reall& a proo o concept t$atnow is t$e time and t$e people are $ere and t$e colla'orations

    are $ere m& 4od t$e colla'orations. / 4ave a tal on content

    moneti;ation and it was not to a terri'l& lar4e room '!t / $ad

    pro'a'l& 1@ people ollow me o!t and + o t$em wanted to

    '!ild t$e services t$at / was sa&in4 we s$o!ld '!ild.

    %: =$ lie w$at

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    AL: Well a4ain m& oc!s $as 'een on a co!ple o t$in4s. =ne

    t$in4 we7ve done wit$ t$e s$ow is t$at we $ave t$ese tip

    wid4ets. $e pro'lem is t$at t$e tip wid4ets are ind o 'roen

    t$e& don7t reall& wor or ever&'od& and even or t$e people

    t$e& do wor or t$e& co!ld 'e improved in a n!m'er o wa&s

    lie main4 it so t$at we co!ld $ave dierent addresses on eac$

    o t$e sites t$at t$e s$ow is posted to and t$en w$en donations

    come in we7re a'le to see t$ose. We can do t$at now '!t o!r

    pro'lem is t$at o!r wid4et onl& displa&s one address at a time

    so we need a wa& or it to tae m!ltiple addresses s!m t$em

    to4et$er and displa& t$e total or t$e s$ow '!t still 'e a'le to

    4ive !s inormation a'o!t w$ere t$e tips are comin4 rom.

    AP: $at so!nds lie a 4reat implementation or H wallets


    %: =$ ri4$t &ea$.

    AP: 8o! can do t$at wit$o!t H wallets as well.

    %: B!t &o! $ad someone oer to '!ild t$at.

    AL: We $ad someone oer to '!ild t$at nice '!t now we7retalin4 wit$ t$e '!siness development 4!& at ?lattr w$ic$ is a

    micro transaction tippin4 service 'asicall& #

    %: 8ea$ /7m amiliar t$e& !se ?2Ns t$ere ri4$ted amo!ntI and t$en

    t$e& are spreadin4 t$is amo!nt eac$ mont$ so t$e& don7t $ave

    to tae care o all t$e divisions and microtransactions and so on.

    %o t$e& 3!st $ave to $ave s!c$ thatsome o t$em are removed

    and some o t$em are (indaudible). / t$in t$at7s a !se!l

    service even wit$ 'itcoin 'eca!se &o! don7t want to send o!t

    lie a $!ndred dierent donations to all t$e tin& t$in4s &o!7re

    listenin4 and all 'locs &o!7re readin4.

    %: 8ea$ / was 4onna sa& is it too earl& to start a travel !ndtent t$e& are. Lie / said in t$e

    'e4innin4 o t$is w$en &o! t$row &o!rsel entirel& into

    somet$in4 and &o! mae it all t$at &o! are it7s $ard 'eca!se

    &o! can eel alone. And w$at t$is s$owed !s is t$at t$ere7s at

    least 00 o t$e 1000 attendees $ere w$o are doin4 e>actl& t$e

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    same t$in4 and wit$ so man& people C!ittin4 t$eir 3o's and

    oc!sin4 all o t$eir creative eort and all o t$eir time onto

    t$ese properties and pro3ects / don7t now w$at7s 4onna

    $appen '!t it7s 4onna 'e ama;in4.

    AP: / t$in we will see a world wit$ new services and t$at7s

    4reat t$at7s evol!tion. /nd!strial revol!tion +.0 or somet$in4.

    AL: %o t$at7s a'o!t all t$e time we $ave or toni4$t. We7re 4oin4

    on eleven o7 cloc and / certainl& $ave to 4et to 'ed. And /

    now t$at %tep$anie7s pro'a'l& still on New Hamps$ire time


    %: /7m on West "oast ime even w$en /7m on t$e east coast. /sta& !p late.

    AL: Have &o! ad3!sted &et Andreasponentiall& less people $ere and it was e>ponentiall&

    more interestin4 t$an /7ve ever seen it 'eore. %o t$at7s a'o!t it

    or t$is episode o Let7s al 'itcoin.

    %: 8o!r poor voice Adam. /t so!nds lie ra4. %o tiredF

    AL: / $ave 'een talin4 non#stop or da&s. /t7s cra;& 'eca!se

    &o!7re 'o!ncin4 rom $o!r#lon4 conversation to $o!r#lon4conversation wit$ eac$ person.

    : /7m 4onna 3!mp in o!t o t$e pean!t 4aller&. / can7t resist.

    AL: /t7s !stice $ere !stice#

    : (Incomprehensible, likely surname)$e secret to conerences

    is to sip all o t$e tals. on7t watc$ t$em # t$e&7ll 'e on

    8o!!'e. ae t$e personal connections tal to people # 4et

    ?aceime. All t$ese tals t$e&7re a 'ait and switc$ t$e&7re an

  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    e>c!se or !s to all come and $an4 o!t to4et$er. And it7s t$e

    personal connections t$at reall& mae t$ese conerences


    AL: 8ea$ / totall& a4ree.

    AP: Now &o!7ve spoiled it. 8ea$ / a'sol!tel& a4ree. And &o!

    s$o!ld come to o!r 'oot$ &celi!m.

    : 8o! $ave to $ave new !sers w$o don7t now t$at secret so

    t$at t$ere will 'e an a!dience or t$e speaers '!t t$e real

    secret is don7t 4o to t$e talsI. al to people. eet people.

    AL: / ca!4$t &o!r panel %tep$anie / ca!4$t o$n Li4$t7s tal /

    ca!4$t t$e alt coin tal or t$e alt coin panel w$ic$ was prett&

    interestin4J it $ad some reall& interestin4 c$aracters on it. And

    t$en / 4ave m& tal on content moneti;ation '!t / t$in 'esides

    t$at / didn7t see an&t$in4. B!t &o! now 8o!!'e is a 4reat


    AP: 8o! can reall& see t$e evol!tion o 'itcoin a little 'it in t$e

    conerence evol!tion. / was at Pra4!e in 011 t$ere were /

    t$in a $!ndred and it& people t$ere and t$ere were peoplecomin4 rom all over t$e world and t$en London and t$en

    $ere so it7s reall& 4ettin4 o. 2eall& e>citin4.

    AL: awn o a 'rave new world.

    AP: A'sol!tel&.

    AL: 6oodni4$t.$ans or t!nin4 into t$is special episode o

    Let7s al 'itcoin. W$et$er &o! lied loved or $ated t$e s$owwe wanna now w$at &o! t$in. Please send all listener male to

    adamletstal'itcoin.com. "ontent or t$is episode was

    provided '& %tep$anie !rp$& Andreas Petersson and listener

    !stice. !sic or t$is episode was provided '& ared 2!'ens.

    ?or lins to $is wor visit letstal'itcoin.comQm!sic. We7ve 4ot

    lots o content comin4 !p '!t / can7t or t$e lie o me tell &o!

    w$at7ll 'e o!t ne>t so /7ve decided to stop main4 4!esses $ere

    !ntil we 4et t$e editorial calendar !p and !nctional. $ans so

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Episode 10 LTB


    m!c$ or &o!r s!pport. / &o!7d lie to donate to t$e s$ow

    please visit www.letstal'itcoin.com. %ee &o! ne>t time.


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