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TTraining & raining & DDevelopment evelopment SS t t VVi *i *


SSystems ystems VView*iew*Performance Improvement Performance Improvement

Assessment WorkshopAssessment WorkshopAssessment WorkshopAssessment Workshop

because it’s still a because it’s still a business decision…business decision…

…even for a …even for a learning organizationlearning organization

EPPIC IncEPPIC IncEPPIC IncEPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

www.eppic.biz * T&D/ Learning/ Knowledge Management

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Section 1Section 1

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 1

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop Performance ContextWorkshop Performance Context

Training & Development leadership manages a complex set of systems and processes to provide their enterprise with value-

ddi T&D d t d i $$adding T&D products and services.

It is more than content development and deployment…





Staff HiringET



A D D I Eq


ff gand

Development O dUD




Strategic PlanningStrategic PlanningAnalysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation

Delivery Development and





g gg g

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 2




EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop Learning ObjectivesWorkshop Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this workshop you will have

Systemically and systematically assessed the current and future adequacy of the current formal and informal ways that the T&D processes are being performed and

d i i tiTargeted your priority T&D function’s systems and

processes for improvement - based on your preliminary

managed in your organization

ROI forecasts and assessment of the Strategic Impact for your Enterprise

Developed a Improvement Plan and Documented Improvement Specifications for the continuous improvement, or discontinuous improvement, of your #1 target

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 3B2

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop AgendaWorkshop Agenda

1. Workshop Welcome & Open

2 T&D S t Vi O i t ti2. T&D Systems View Orientation

3. Assessing Your T&D Core Systems & Processes

4. Assessing Your T&D Leadership Systems & Processes

S t5. Assessing Your T&D Support Systems & Processes

6. Targeting T&D Systems & Process Improvement

7. Planning the Improvement Project for Your Top Target

8 Workshop Summary & Close

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 4

8. Workshop Summary & Close

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Detailed 5 Day ScheduleDetailed 5 Day ScheduleDay 1

10:00 1- Workshop Welcome and Open10:20 2- T&D Systems View Orientation12:00 Lunch Break1:00 2- T&D Systems View Orientation,

ti d

1:00 4- T&D Leadership Systems and Processes Assessment, continued5- T&D Support Systems and Processes Assessment

5:30 Daily Debriefing Q&A, and Preview 6:00 End of Daycontinued

3- T&D Core Systems and Processes Assessment

5:30 Daily Debriefing Q&A, and Preview6:00 End of Day

6:00 End of Day

Day 410:00 Welcome, Review and Preview10:20 5- T&D Support Systems and

Processes Assessment, continuedDay 2

10:00 Welcome, Review and Preview10:20 3- T&D Core Systems and

Processes Assessment, continued12:00 Lunch Break1 00 3 T&D C S t d

Processes Assessment, continued12:00 Lunch Break1:00 5- T&D Support Systems and

Processes Assessment, continued6- Targeting T&D Process Improvement for ROI and Strategic Impact1:00 3- T&D Core Systems and

Processes Assessment, continued5:30 Daily Debriefing Q&A, and

Preview 6:00 End of Day

Impact5:30 Daily Debriefing Q&A, and Preview 6:00 End of Day

Day 510:00 Welcome, Review and Preview

Day 310:00 Welcome, Review and Preview10:20 4- T&D Leadership Systems and

Processes Assessment, continued12:00 Lunch Break

10:20 7- Planning the Improvement Project for Your Top Target

12:00 Lunch Break1:00 7- Planning the Improvement Project

for Your Top Target, continued4:30 8- Workshop Summary & Close

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 5

4:30 8- Workshop Summary & Close 5:00 End of Day

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop Agenda and MapWorkshop Agenda and Map

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

The Focus on each day….Day 1

1- WS Open

2- T&D Systems Vi O i t ti

Day 2

…3- Assessing Your T&D Core S t

Day 3

4- Assessing Your T&D Leadership S t

Day 4

…5- Assessing Your T&D Support Systems

Day 5

7- Planning the Improvement Project

View Orientation

3- Assessing Your T&D Core Systems

Systems Systems

5- Assessing YourT&D Support Systems

6- Targeting T&D System ProcessTargets for Improvement

8- WS Summary & Close

y Sys e s p o e e

• We begin each day at 10:00 am

• The Lunch Break will be one hour and begin at: ________

• The day will end at 6 pm each day - except on Friday at 5 pm

2 B k 15 i t h i d/ ti t d i

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 6

• 2 Breaks 15 minutes each…or as required/negotiated prior

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 7

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

We Will Make 4 “Passes” at the ModelWe Will Make 4 “Passes” at the Model

1- A “Big Picture” view of the 12 Systems

2 A li ti f th 47 P ithi th 12 S t2- A listing of the 47 Processes within the 12 Systems

3- A Quick – 1st Impressions Assessment of your 47 Processes

4- A Detailed – In-Depth Assessment of your 47 Processes

T&D Systems ViewT&D Systems View T&D Systems ViewT&D Systems ViewT&D Leadership Systems/Processes

T&D Leadership Systems/Processes

T&D Leadership Systems/Processes

Quick Assessment Tool

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance


Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 8

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

The T&D Systems View ModelThe T&D Systems View Model

Published in 2002Available from Amazon.com or for

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 9

quantities from EPPIC Inc.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Guy W. Wallace IntroductionGuy W. Wallace IntroductionGuy W Wallace has been in the T&D and Human Guy W. Wallace has been in the T&D and Human Performance Technology fields since 1979 and been an ISD/HPT consultant since 1982. His clients have included over 40 US Fortune 500 Firms, plus NASA, BP, Novacor, Opel, and Siemens.

He has analyzed and designed/ developed training and development for almost every type of business function and process in a wide cross-section of industries.

He is the author of three books, more than 70 articles, and has presented more than 70 times at international conferences and local chapters of ISPI, ASTD, and the Conference on Nuclear Training & Education, IEEE and Lakewood Conferences.

Guy W. WallaceCertified Performance

Lakewood Conferences.

He has served on the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) Board of Directors as the Treasurer (1999-2000) and as it’s President-Elect and President (2002-2004).


PresidentEPPIC, Inc.The Enterprise Process

Guy is a Certified Performance Technologist.

His professional biography was listed by Marquis’ Who’s Who in America in 2001. He was recruited as an Instructional S t Th ht L d b ISPI’ P f i l C it i

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 10

The Enterprise Process Performance Improvement Consultancy, Inc.

Systems Thought Leader by ISPI’s Professional Community in 2004.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Guy W. Wallace Internal & External Guy W. Wallace Internal & External Consulting ExperienceConsulting Experience

2002—TodayEPPIC, Inc., President-Sole Owner, Consultant

1997—2002CADDI, Inc., President-Partner/Majority Owner , Consultant; Staff of 24 Employees

1982—1997Svenson & Wallace, Inc. ., Partner , Consultant, Staff of 33 Employees

1981—1982Motorola – Motorola Training & Education Center, Training Project S per isor 2 ears later MTEC became “Motorola Uni ersit ”Supervisor - 2 years later MTEC became “Motorola University”

1979—1981Wickes Lumber - Corporate Training Services Training Developer

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 11

Wickes Lumber - Corporate Training Services, Training Developer

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Guy W. Wallace ClientsGuy W. Wallace Clients1982—TodayAbbott Laboratories, ALCOA, ALCOA Labs, Alyeska Pipeline Services Company, American Management Systems, Services Company, American Management Systems, Ameritech, Amoco, Arthur Anderson, AT&T Communications, AT&T Microelectronics, AT&T Network Systems, Bandag, Bank of America, Baxter, Bellcore-Tech, British Petroleum-America, B h CACI CCH Ch l G I d t i /T D t Burroughs, CACI, CCH, Channel Gas Industries/Tenneco, Data General, Detroit Ball Bearing, Digital Equipment Company, Discover Card, Dow Chemical, EDS, Eli Lilly, Exxon, Fireman’s Fund Insurance, Ford, General Dynamics, General Motors, GTE, , , y , , ,H&R Block, HP, Illinois Bell, Imperial Bondware, Johnson Controls, MCC Powers, Motorola, Multigraphics, NASA, NASCO, NAVAIR, NAVSEA, NCR, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Northern Telecom Northern Trust Bank Novacor Occidental Petroleum Telecom, Northern Trust Bank, Novacor, Occidental Petroleum Labs, Siemens Building Technologies, Spartan Stores, Sphinx Pharmaceuticals, Square D Company, Valuemetrics, Westinghouse Defense Electronics and Verizon.

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 12

Including over 40 USA Fortune 500 Clients

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Guy W. Wallace T&D ExperienceGuy W. Wallace T&D ExperienceCAD - Curriculum Architecture Design• 74 CAD Projects to date, since 1982• Mostly for Fortune 500 firms• Always targeted at “critical performers” in “critical processes”

MCD - Modular Curriculum Development/Acquisition• 50 MCD P j t t d t i 1982• 50 MCD Projects to date, since 1982• Over 5000 Hours of Blended T&D designed and developed by me and my project teams

IAD - Instructional Activity Development/Acquisition• Over one dozen Projects to date, since 1985, focused onPP Qualification/Certifications Instruments

and Implementation Processes Organization Overviews Policies & Procedures

erformance-basedcceleratedustomer-/Stakeholder-drivenraining & DevelopmentSM


©2006 EPPIC Inc and Guy W Wallace

erformance-basedcceleratedustomer-/Stakeholder-drivenraining & DevelopmentSM


©2006 EPPIC Inc and Guy W Wallace

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 13

Policies & Procedures©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Guy W. Wallace PublicationsGuy W. Wallace Publications

3 Books, 4 Chapters, and many years of internal Quarterly Newsletters, and over 70 externally published over 70 externally published Articles and Columns

…see full list of publications at www.eppic.biz

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 14


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Guy W. Wallace T&D PresentationsGuy W. Wallace T&D Presentations

Over 70 presentations at ISPI, ASTD, Training and Training and elsewhere since 1983

see full list of

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 15

…see full list of presentations at www.eppic.biz

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Session Participant PollSession Participant Poll

What is your rolerole? Leadership Leadership oror Management/SupervisoryManagement/Supervisory or or

Individual Contributor Individual Contributor oror multimulti--rolerole

What is your department/function’s primary rolerole? Training Training and/or and/or Quality Quality

What is the total number of your stafftotal number of your staff in your ISD/HPT function?

Training Training and/or and/or Quality Quality Improvement/Human Improvement/Human Performance Technology Performance Technology

What is the total number of your stafftotal number of your staff in your ISD/HPT function? Less than 5Less than 5 Between 5 and 10Between 5 and 10 Between 10 and 50Between 10 and 50 Between 50 and 100Between 50 and 100 More than 100More than 100

How many distinct customer segmentsdistinct customer segments does your ISD/HPT function serve?y gg y / Only 1Only 1 Between 2 and 5Between 2 and 5 Between 5 and 10Between 5 and 10 Between 10 and 20Between 10 and 20

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 16

Between 10 and 20Between 10 and 20 More than 20More than 20

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop Participant IntroductionsWorkshop Participant Introductions


Job title and current responsibilities

Background experience in T&D

Expectations for this workshop

Plus any initial . . .


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 17B1

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Administration & Parking LotsAdministration & Parking Lots

Administration ItemsFire/Emergency Escape Procedures & Routes

Breaks Workshop Parking Lot Open Issues



Workshop Parking Lot Closed Issues


Parking Lots#1 Open Issues#1- Open Issues

#2- Closed Issues

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 18

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

The T&D The T&D Systems Systems

LearningbySystems Systems

View View ModelModel



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Next: An orientation to the T&D Next: An orientation to the T&D Systems ViewSystems View ModelModel

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Section 2Section 2

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

The T&D Systems View ModelThe T&D Systems View Model



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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Using the Using the Quick Assessment ToolQuick Assessment Tool

Use the

T D S t Vi T&D Systems ViewT&D Systems View

T&D Systems View Quick Assessment Tool

to further your familiarity with the T&D Systems View Model in preparation for a more detailed review and assessment later in the workshop.Quick Assessment Tool

In the Binder’s Appendicies: BEPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 23


The T&D Systems View ModelThe T&D Systems View Model

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Another View of the 12 T&D Another View of the 12 T&D SystemsSystemsyy






rsh 3


12Governance andAdvisory

1Strategic Planning

2Operations Planningand Management


LeLerere 5

Product and6Product and

7Product and




Service Line Design

Service Line Development

Service Line Deployment





8Marketing and Communications

9Financial AssetManagement

10Human & Environ-mental AssetManagement

11Research andDevelopment

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 25



EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System1. T&D Governance Process2 T&D Ad i P

12Governance andAdvisory

2. T&D Advisory Process

1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1. Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

1Strategic Planning

2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System1. Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process2. Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process

2Operations Planningand Management

3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System1. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process


3. Forecasting and Accounting Process

2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process3. T&D Project Lessons Learned Process4. Results Reporting and Archiving Process

4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System4Process

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 26B4

1. T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process2. T&D Improvement Project Planning and Management Process


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D CoreCore Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System1. T&D Product and Service Line Program Management Process2. T&D Product Line Design Process

5Product and ServiceLine Design

3. T&D Service Line Design Process

6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System1 T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

6Product and ServiceLine Development 1. T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

Management Process2. T&D Custom Development Process3. T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process4. T&D Purchased Product Modification Process


5. Existing T&D Maintenance Process

7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System1. T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process2 T&D Master Materials Change Management Process

7Product and ServiceLine Deployment

2. T&D Master Materials Change Management Process3. T&D Scheduling Process4. T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification Process5. Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process6. Self-paced T&D Deployment Process

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 27

6. Self paced T&D Deployment Process7. Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System1. T&D Stakeholder Communications Process2. Individual T&D Planning Process

8Marketing and Communications

3. T&D Ordering and Registration Process

9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System1 Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

9Financial AssetManagement 1. Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

2. T&D Physical Property Management ProcessManagement

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 28B1

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/Processes Systems/Processes (continued)(continued)

10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System1. T&D Staff Recruiting and Selection/Succession Process2. T&D Staff Training and Development Process

10Human andEnvironmental AssetM t

3. T&D Staff Assessment Process4. T&D Staff Compensation and Benefits Process5. T&D Staff Rewards and Recognition Process


6. T&D Organization Structural Design Process7. T&D Facilities Development and Deployment Process8. T&D Equipment and Tools Development and Deployment Process9. T&D Materials and Supplies Acquisition and Deployment Process10 T&D I f ti S t D l t d D l t P10. T&D Information Systems Development and Deployment Process11. T&D Methods Deployment Process

11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System1 T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

11Research andDevelopment 1. T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

2. T&D Internal and External Benchmarking Process3. T&D Methodology and Technology Pilot-Testing Process


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 29B1

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

TDSV Model OrientationTDSV Model Orientation

Leadership Systems & Processes 12- Governance & Advisory 1- Strategic Planning 2- Operations P&M 3- Cost/Benefit

M tMeasurement 4- Process Improvement

Core Systems & ProcessesCore Systems & Processes

Support Systems & Processes

D h thi ki t th ?D h thi ki t th ? Quickly AssessQuickly Assess

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 30

Do you have something akin to these?Do you have something akin to these? Quickly AssessQuickly Assess

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System1. T&D Governance Process2 T&D Ad i P

12Governance andAdvisory

2. T&D Advisory Process

1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1. Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

1Strategic Planning

2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System1. Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process2. Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process

2Operations Planningand Management

3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System1. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process


3. Forecasting and Accounting Process

2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process3. T&D Project Lessons Learned Process4. Results Reporting and Archiving Process

4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System4Process

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 31B4

1. T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process2. T&D Improvement Project Planning and Management Process


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

TDSV Model OrientationTDSV Model Orientation

Leadership Systems & Processes

Core Systems & ProcessesCore Systems & Processes 5- Product & Service Line

Design 6- Product & Service Line 6 Product & Service Line

Development 7- Product & Service Line


Support Systems & Processes

D h thi ki t th ?D h thi ki t th ? Quickly AssessQuickly Assess

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 32

Do you have something akin to these?Do you have something akin to these? Quickly AssessQuickly Assess

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D CoreCore Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System1. T&D Product and Service Line Program Management Process2. T&D Product Line Design Process

5Product and ServiceLine Design

3. T&D Service Line Design Process

6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System1 T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

6Product and ServiceLine Development 1. T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

Management Process2. T&D Custom Development Process3. T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process4. T&D Purchased Product Modification Process


5. Existing T&D Maintenance Process

7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System1. T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process2 T&D Master Materials Change Management Process

7Product and ServiceLine Deployment

2. T&D Master Materials Change Management Process3. T&D Scheduling Process4. T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification Process5. Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process6. Self-paced T&D Deployment Process

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 33

6. Self paced T&D Deployment Process7. Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

TDSV Model OrientationTDSV Model Orientation

Leadership Systems & Processes

Core Systems & ProcessesCore Systems & Processes

Support Systems & Processes 8- Marketing & g

Communications 9- Financial Asset

Management 10- Human & Environmental

Asset Management 11- Research &


D h thi ki t th ?D h thi ki t th ? Quickly AssessQuickly Assess

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 34

Do you have something akin to these?Do you have something akin to these? Quickly AssessQuickly Assess

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System1. T&D Stakeholder Communications Process2. Individual T&D Planning Process

8Marketing and Communications

3. T&D Ordering and Registration Process

9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System1 Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

9Financial AssetManagement 1. Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

2. T&D Physical Property Management ProcessManagement


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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/Processes Systems/Processes (continued)(continued)

10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System1. T&D Staff Recruiting and Selection/Succession Process2. T&D Staff Training and Development Process

10Human andEnvironmental AssetM t

3. T&D Staff Assessment Process4. T&D Staff Compensation and Benefits Process5. T&D Staff Rewards and Recognition Process


6. T&D Organization Structural Design Process7. T&D Facilities Development and Deployment Process8. T&D Equipment and Tools Development and Deployment Process9. T&D Materials and Supplies Acquisition and Deployment Process10 T&D I f ti S t D l t d D l t P10. T&D Information Systems Development and Deployment Process11. T&D Methods Deployment Process

11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System1 T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

11Research andDevelopment 1. T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

2. T&D Internal and External Benchmarking Process3. T&D Methodology and Technology Pilot-Testing Process


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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Quick Assessment SummaryQuick Assessment Summaryhi






h 3Costs/BenefitsMeasurement

12Governance andAdvisory

1Strategic Planning

2Operations Planningand Management


LeLerere 5

Product and6Product and

7Product and




Service Line Design

Service Line Development

Service Line Deployment





8Marketing and Communications

9Financial AssetManagement

10Human & Environ-mental AssetManagement

11Research andDevelopment

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Quick Assessment SummariesQuick Assessment SummariesT&D Systems ViewT&D Systems ViewT&D Systems ViewT&D Systems View

Quick Assessment ToolQuick Assessment Tool

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 38

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D Systems View ModelT&D Systems View Model

Model SummaryT&D Leadership Systems/Processes T&D Leadership Systems/Processes

Build relationships with all stakeholders to align and direct all T&D efforts; develop strategic and operational plans; forecast and measure results; and direct internal process improvement effortsimprovement efforts

T&D Core Systems/Processes T&D Core Systems/Processes P d T&D d t / i d d l th t Produce T&D products/services and deploy them to improve the learners’ performance on the job

T&D Support Systems/Processes T&D Support Systems/Processes T&D Support Systems/Processes T&D Support Systems/Processes Market and communicate throughout the T&D System to all

T&D stakeholders; manage the financial, human and environmental resources; and conduct R&D activities

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environmental resources; and conduct R&D activities

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Section 2Section 2-- Summary & CloseSummary & Close

The T&D System is composed of Processes and SubProcesses within three SubSystems of

d hi C d S t

We will next systematically assess your T&D Systems and P f t ti l ROI d V l Add i t d

Leadership, Core and Support

Processes for potential ROI and Value Add impact and then target specific processes for improvement

We will also develop initial Improvement Specifications and Project Plans for your top target

- and the other T&D Process you’ve targeted - as time allows

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Section 3Section 3

Assessment of Your T&D Core Systems & T&D Core Systems & Processes

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Section 4Section 4-- CoreCore Systems & Systems & ProcessesProcesses

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & ProcessesSystems & Processes

T&D Core Systems/Processes T&D Core Systems/Processes

Produce T&D products/services and deploy them to improve the learners’ performance on the job

5Product and

6Product and

7Product and Product and

ServiceLine Design

Product and Service Line Development

Product and Service Line Deployment

What types of T&D does your T&D System produce?What types of T&D does your T&D System produce?

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yp y y pyp y y p

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D CoreCore Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System1. T&D Product and Service Line Program Management Process2. T&D Product Line Design Process

5Product and ServiceLine Design

3. T&D Service Line Design Process

6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System1 T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

6Product and ServiceLine Development 1. T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

Management Process2. T&D Custom Development Process3. T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process4. T&D Purchased Product Modification Process


5. Existing T&D Maintenance Process

7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System1. T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process2 T&D Master Materials Change Management Process

7Product and ServiceLine Deployment

2. T&D Master Materials Change Management Process3. T&D Scheduling Process4. T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification Process5. Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process6. Self-paced T&D Deployment Process

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6. Self paced T&D Deployment Process7. Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process


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5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service 5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line DesignLine Design SystemSystem

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5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service 5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line DesignLine Design SystemSystem

System OverviewThis system’s processes organize and conduct the efforts to “systematically engineer” or “architect” the performance-based T&D product lines that make sense “programmatically.”p og a a ca y.

Systems Processes

5.1: T&D Product and Service Line Program Management Process

5.2: T&D Product Line Design Process5.2: T&D Product Line Design Process5.3: T&D Service Line Design Process

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5.1 5.1 –– T&D Product/Service Line T&D Product/Service Line Program Management Program Management ProcessProcessg gg g

Process OverviewThis Process oversees the effort to determine, across the enterprise, which T&D priorities to address. This process interacts with the Governance and Advisory System and responds, perhaps planning and implementing over a espo ds, pe aps p a g a d p e e g o e a multiyear period, depending on the complexity of the enterprise.

Key Process OutputsA list of prioritized T&D project targets with CONC and COC

figures from each advisory groupfigures from each advisory groupA final priority list of target projects for T&D to address

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5.1 5.1 –– T&D Product/Service Line T&D Product/Service Line Program Management Program Management ProcessProcessg gg g

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenProjects undertaken by the T&D system are not the most

critical to the enterprise.Return on investment and economic value add forecasts

do not exist or suggest a low-payback for the efforts.You’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to

develop/acquire generic content, e.g., time management and communications skills, when strategic and/or critical

i i i i i ienterprise initiatives have been under-resourced in the past.

No project management portfolio exists.The portfolio is not aligned with business or T&D

organization strategy.The portfolio is not logical, and it doesn’t align with

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functions and/or management’s model of business.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

5.1 5.1 –– T&D Product/Service Line T&D Product/Service Line Program Management Program Management ProcessProcessg gg g

The Informal ProcessCould be as simple as making a list of all of the projects to

be undertaken for the year (or for multiple years)

The Formal ProcessWould have formal Program Plans, composed of numerous

business cases and project plans, with schedules and staff resource allocations, and budgets

When to be More FormalWhen the resource costs will be significant, and when the

b f j t t b d t k i l t t h number of projects to be undertaken is large or stretches over a multi-year span

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5.1 5.1 –– T&D Product/Service Line Program T&D Product/Service Line Program Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Programs/Product Lines Definition

2 P /P d t Li P j t Pl i2. Program/Product Lines Project Planning

3. Program/Product Lines Project Oversight Management

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2 Source Categories for the “R” in ROI2 Source Categories for the “R” in ROI

Profit Increasesfrom

Cost Reductionsfrom

Increased “top-line" Revenues


Reduced cycle time Reduced materials costs Reduced scrap/Increase

yields Increased “bottom-line” Profits

Oth ?

yields Reduced labor costs Reduced rework costs Reduced management

Other? costs Reduced energy costs Reduced overhead costs

Risk Reduction


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5.1 5.1 –– T&D Product/Service Line Program T&D Product/Service Line Program Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Programs/Product Lines DefinitionT&D Systems ViewT&D Systems View

1. Programs/Product Lines Definition

2. Program/Product Lines Project Planning

33. Program/Product Lines Project Oversight Management

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

5.2 5.2 –– T&D Product Line Design T&D Product Line Design ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThis Process is a macro-ISD process. It is a systematic process for conducting the project planning, performance and enabling analysis, macro-design of T&D, and prioritization of any product line gaps. It is very different from traditional ISD a y p oduc e gaps. s e y d e e o ad o a S processes that develop only a course (or an e-learning module) as a “one-off” effort.

Key Process OutputT&D product architecture for a target audience and priority

gaps in that architecturegaps in that architecture

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5.2 5.2 –– T&D Product Line Design T&D Product Line Design ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be Broken T&D efforts are “one-offs” and not part of a comprehensive effort

t d t d th t t l iti l d f t t d di d to understand the total, critical needs of targeted audiences and address those high-payback needs on a priority basis.

“Chunks”/products don’t maximize potential for appropriate reusereuse.

There are gaps in critical content There is redundant content between T&D products. T&D products don’t directly target performance and impact T&D products don t directly target performance and impact

performance adequately. Key, critical jobs do not have a logical menu and path for career

development—members of key target audiences don’t know what T&D to complete in what order.

Your product offerings don’t align with critical, high-payback business/T&D strategies and needs.

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5.2 5.2 –– T&D Product Line Design T&D Product Line Design ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be a compilation/collection of courses (based on

an analysis or not)

The Formal ProcessWould be a highly structured set (menu or path) of

curricula based on a thorough analysis of performance requirements and enabling knowledge/skills

When to be More FormalWhen the risks and costs of an incomplete set of curricula

t bl i t f d ll f t l t are unacceptable in terms of dollars, safety, regulatory compliance, public relations, or strategic failings

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5.2 5.2 –– T&D Product Line Design T&D Product Line Design SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Project Planning & Management

2 A l i2. Analysis

3. Design

4. Implementation Planning

Example: EPPIC’s PACT Process for Curriculum Architecture Design


Project Planning & Kick-off

Analysis Design

CAD Phase 1 CAD Phase 2 CAD Phase 3 CAD Phase 4

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

©2002 EPPIC, Inc.

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

5.2 5.2 –– T&D Product Line Design T&D Product Line Design SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Project Planning & ManagementT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Project Planning & Management

2. Analysis



3. Design

4. Implementation PlanningDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

5.3 5.3 –– T&D Service Line Design T&D Service Line Design ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThis Process is similar to the previous process, except that it

macro designs the non product T&D service line macro-designs the non-product T&D service line. Those services might include performance improvement

consultation, executive and manager coaching, job redesign, etc. (depending on the capabilities of the T&D system’s personnel skills and the intentions of the T&D Governance and Advisory System).

A non-productive service is not a “widget,” such as a course, book, video, attendance at a seminar, etc. It could course, book, video, attendance at a seminar, etc. It could be something such as a “coaching service” that is provided to new supervisors, or executives; or could other related services such as “process mapping and analysis.”

Key Process OutputsT&D service architecture and priority gaps in that


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5.3 5.3 –– T&D Service Line Design T&D Service Line Design ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenPortions of the enterprise are complaining of a lack of

needed services from T&D or are recommending/demanding them.

T&D efforts are “one-offs” and not part of a comprehensive effort to understand the total, critical needs of targeted audiences, and then address and meet those high-

i i i ipayback needs in a priority basis.

T&D services don’t directly target performance improvement.

Service offerings don’t align with critical, high-payback

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g g g p ybusiness/T&D strategies and needs.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

5.3 5.3 –– T&D Service Line Design T&D Service Line Design ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be a compilation/collection of services (based on

an analysis or not)

The Formal ProcessWould be a highly structured set of service offerings based

on a thorough analysis of performance requirements

When to be More FormalWhen the risks and costs of an incomplete set of service

offerings are unacceptable in terms of dollars, safety, regulatory compliance, public relations, or strategic failings

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5.3 5.3 –– T&D Service Line Design T&D Service Line Design SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Project Planning & Management

2 A l i2. Analysis

3. Design

4. Implementation Planning

This would be very similar to 5.2- T&D Product Line Design

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

5.3 5.3 –– T&D Service Line Design T&D Service Line Design SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Project Planning & ManagementT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Project Planning & Management

2. Analysis



3. Design

4. Implementation PlanningDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6 6 -- T&D Product and Service Line T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition Development/Acquisition SystemSystem

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6 6 -- T&D Product and Service Line T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition Development/Acquisition SystemSystem

System OverviewThis system’s processes organize the efforts to build, buy and use, or buy and modify and then maintain T&D consistent with the buy and modify, and then maintain T&D consistent with the performance-based requirements and the T&D product line architecture designs. These expensive efforts are always done in order to meet only the high-payback, critical business needs of the order to meet only the high payback, critical business needs of the enterprise, not every need uncovered.

Systems Processes

6.1: T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program Management Process

6.2: T&D Custom Development Process 6.3: T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process 6.4: T&D Purchased Product Modification Process 6.5: Existing T&D Maintenance Process

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6.1 6.1 –– T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition Program Management Program Management ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program Management Process, much as the first process within 5 o’clock, is intended to deliberately control the multiple efforts for development and acquisition for e u p e e o s o de e op e a d acqu s o o putting high-priority, high-payback T&D products and services in place.

Key Process OutputsPortfolio/program plans for developing and updating T&D

content, reusing “content chunks” as appropriatecontent, reusing content chunks as appropriatePortfolio/program plans for purchasing T&D content

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6.1 6.1 –– T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition Program Management Program Management ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be Broken You can’t measure positive return on investment and economic

l dd t l i t l f T D d t / ivalue add actuals against plans for T&D products/services. T&D product and service development is being done because

someone internal to the T&D system thinks it’s a good idea—the T&D portfolio is not being managedT&D portfolio is not being managed.

T&D products and services developed aren’t maintained due to T&D resource constraints.

Resources are not reallocated as needed based on changes in Resources are not reallocated as needed based on changes in business direction.

You don’t know what to work on next if a project is completed early.

Projects are not sequenced to take appropriate advantage of synergies (e.g., similar content/subject matter experts between projects).

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6.1 6.1 –– T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition Program Management Program Management ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be a list of project assignments for the staff.

The Formal ProcessWould be a listing of multiple, priority projects, with the g j

specific development/acquisition strategy articulated, budgets and a spend plan (budget per milestone or per month), milestone dates, and specific staff assignments;

i f jalong with a “rolled-up” plan of all projects that helps manage the assignment of staff and facilities to ensure the total plan’s feasibility.

When to be More FormalWhen there are many critical projects and any schedule

slippage (missed deadlines) are unacceptable

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slippage (missed deadlines) are unacceptable.

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6.1 6.1 –– T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition Program Management Program Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Project Priority Setting

2 P j t B d ti2. Project Budgeting

3. Staffing Assignments

4. Facility Planning

5. Project Planning (Macro)5. Project Planning (Macro)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.1 6.1 –– T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition T&D P/S Line Development/Acquisition Program Management Program Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Project Priority SettingT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Project Priority Setting

2. Project Budgeting



3. Staffing Assignments

4. Facility PlanningDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

5. Project Planning (Macro)E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.2 6.2 –– T&D Custom Development T&D Custom Development ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Custom Development Process is a formal ISD process to develop performance-based T&D or, minimally, performance-relevant awareness, knowledge, and skills. This process can be done via in-sourcing, outsourcing, or a p ocess ca be do e a sou c g, ou sou c g, o a combination of the two.

Key Process OutputsKey Process Outputs

T&D product “masters” for ongoing deployment (composed of content chunks)(composed of content chunks)

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6.2 6.2 –– T&D Custom Development T&D Custom Development ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenT&D does not meet the established objectives for

transferring awareness, knowledge, or skills to the target audiences.

T&D development efforts are somewhat ad hoc, not in control, and not predictable in terms of their eventual costs or cycle times.

T&D development does not design and build appropriately f f i ireusable “chunks” of content for sharing with other target


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6.2 6.2 –– T&D Custom Development T&D Custom Development ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be simple “content” development (based on

analysis or not)analysis or not)

The Formal ProcessWould be an ISD process for “content” development Would be an ISD process for content development

based on systematic performance and knowledge/skill analysis, utilizing a design process and rules/guidelines to increase performance impact and the re-use/shareability

f ( i i i i )of content chunks (without denigrating impact)

When to be More FormalWhen the cost of poor content (less than adequate When the cost of poor content (less-than-adequate

impact of post-T&D performance capability) and the potential exists to reduce life cycle costs through greater reuse

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6.2 6.2 –– T&D Custom Development T&D Custom Development SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Project Planning & Kick-Off2. Analysis3 D i3. Design4. Development5. Pilot-Test6 Revision & Release (to the deployment systems)6. Revision & Release (to the deployment systems)

Example: EPPIC’s PACT Process for Modular Curriculum Development


Project Planning Analysis Design Revision &

ReleasePilot Test

MCD Phase 1 MCD Phase 2 MCD Phase 3 MCD Phase 4 MCD Phase 5 MCD Phase 6

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

Acquisition& Kick-off Release

©2002 EPPIC, Inc.

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.2 6.2 –– T&D Custom Development T&D Custom Development SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Project Planning & Kick OffT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Project Planning & Kick-Off

2. Analysis



3. Design

4. DevelopmentDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

5. Pilot-Test

6. Revision & Release (to the deployment t )

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.3 6.3 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Acquisition ProcessProcessqq

Process OverviewThe T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process is a formal process to buy T&D for use as is or for modification prior to use or deployment.

Key Process OutputPurchased/licensed T&D products for ongoing deployment

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6.3 6.3 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Acquisition ProcessProcessqq

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenT&D bought often doesn’t make the grade in terms of

creating the awareness, knowledge, and skills as measured in the target audiences during/after the T&D deployment.

It takes too long evaluating and deciding on “low-value return”/“low-hanging fruit” T&D that you could simply purchase.

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6.3 6.3 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Acquisition ProcessProcessqq

The Informal ProcessCould be a simple review of documented course

objectives, length and deployment method; potentially comparing alternate options

The Formal ProcessWould be a thorough review of alternate courses after an

analysis and articulation of learning objectives, followed iby a pilot-test

When to be More FormalWh th t f t t (l th d t When the cost of poor content (less-than-adequate

impact of post-T&D performance capability) is high

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6.3 6.3 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Acquisition SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPsqq

1. Project Planning & Kick-Off

2 A l i2. Analysis

3. Purchasing Specifications Development

4. Purchased Product(s) Sourcing

5. Pilot-Test5. Pilot Test

6. Purchasing & Release (to the deployment systems)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 79

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.3 6.3 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Acquisition SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Project Planning & Kick OffT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Project Planning & Kick-Off

2. Analysis



3. Purchasing Specifications Development

4. Purchased Product(s) SourcingDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

5. Pilot-Test

6. Purchasing & Release (to the d l t t )

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

deployment systems)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 80

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.4 6.4 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Modification Modification ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Purchased Product Modification Process is a formal process used to make modifications or augmentations to purchased products, depending on the legalities of making modifications to copyrighted content, per the terms and od ca o s o copy g ed co e , pe e e s a d conditions of the purchase.

Key Process OutputsT&D products for ongoing deployment

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6.4 6.4 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Modification Modification ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou have/have had any legal issues (lawsuits, complaints,

or future risks) resulting from making modifications to copyrighted T&D materials.

The cycle times and costs for making modifications are not reliably predictable.

T&D bought and modified often doesn’t make the grade in terms of creating the awareness, knowledge, and skills as measured in their target audiences during/after the T&D deployment.

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6.4 6.4 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Modification Modification ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be a a simple edit (assuming legal rights are not


The Formal ProcessWould be a edit based on an analysis and articulation of

learning objectives, then followed by a pilot-test

When to be More FormalWhen the cost of poor content (less-than-adequate

impact of post-T&D performance capability) is high

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6.4 6.4 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Modification Modification SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Project Planning & Kick-Off

2 A l i2. Analysis

3. Revision Specifications Development

4. Update Purchased Materials

5. Pilot-Test5. Pilot Test

6. Revise & Release (to the deployment systems)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 84

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.4 6.4 –– T&D Purchased Product T&D Purchased Product Modification Modification SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Project Planning & Kick OffT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Project Planning & Kick-Off

2. Analysis



3. Revision Specifications Development

4. Update Purchased MaterialsDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

5. Pilot-Test

6. Revise & Release (to the deployment t )

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 85

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.5 6.5 –– Existing T&D Maintenance Existing T&D Maintenance ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Existing T&D Maintenance Process allows any existing T&D product to be updated as needed. It employs sound ISD processes. It uses the original project data, as available, and revalidates that before moving forward with updates. e a da es a be o e o g o a d upda es.

Key Process OutputsT&D products for ongoing deploymentp g g p y

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.5 6.5 –– Existing T&D Maintenance Existing T&D Maintenance ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenT&D products are still being deployed that are in need of


Updating cycle times and costs cannot be reasonably gpredicted.

You never stop updating.p p g

Maintenance is not a resourced, prioritized project effort

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.5 6.5 –– Existing T&D Maintenance Existing T&D Maintenance ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be a a simple edit based on SME input and/or

document reviews

The Formal ProcessWould be an edit or redesign and then new development

based on an analysis of the change and articulation of revised learning objectives, then followed by a pilot-test

When to be More FormalWhen the cost of out-of-date content (less-than-adequate

impact of post-T&D performance capability) is unacceptable or poses unacceptable risk

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6.5 6.5 –– Existing T&D Maintenance Existing T&D Maintenance SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Project Planning & Kick-Off

22. Analysis

3. Maintenance Specifications Development

4. Update Materials

5 Pilot-Test5. Pilot-Test

6. Revise & Release (to the deployment systems)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 89

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

6.5 6.5 –– Existing T&D Maintenance Existing T&D Maintenance SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Project Planning & Kick-OffT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . ojec a g & c O

2. Analysis

3. Maintenance Specifications


3. Maintenance Specifications Development

4. Update MaterialsDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

5. Pilot-Test

6. Revise & Release (to the deployment systems)

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance systems)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 90

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7 7 –– Product & Service Line Deployment Product & Service Line Deployment SystemSystem

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7 7 –– Product & Service Line Product & Service Line Deployment Deployment SystemSystemp yp y yy

System OverviewThis system’s processes organize the operations of the T&Ddistribution channels including traditional instructor leddistribution channels, including traditional instructor-led,group-paced classroom deliveries, but also Web site deliverysystems; CD-ROM; CBT modes; structured, coached, ormentored delivery; paper-based delivery; and all othermentored delivery; paper based delivery; and all otherdelivery channels.

Systems Processes 7.1: T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process 7.2: T&D Master Materials Change Management Process 7.3: T&D Scheduling Process 7 4: T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification 7.4: T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification

Process 7.5: Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process 7.6: Self-paced T&D Deployment Process

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7.7: Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.1 7.1 –– T&D Master Materials Storage T&D Master Materials Storage & Retrieval & Retrieval ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process stores all material masters for access by developers and delivery staff.

Key Process OutputsAvailable T&D products for ongoing deployment

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7.1 7.1 –– T&D Master Materials Storage T&D Master Materials Storage & Retrieval & Retrieval ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenIt is too difficult to retrieve material masters for updating or

deployment purposes.

It is too difficult to access current content to attempt reuse.

Materials are used in deployment when the intent should have been to make them unavailable during updates.g p

There is no version control of material masters that ensures all materials are up to date.all materials are up to date.

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7.1 7.1 –– T&D Master Materials Storage T&D Master Materials Storage & Retrieval & Retrieval ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be a file cabinet (for paper masters/files) and/or a

shared server (for electronic masters/files) accessible by everyone

The Formal ProcessWould be electronic files with security access control, or a

“gatekeeper” who provides revision “version control” of all “masters”

When to be More FormalWh th t d th i k (l l/ titi ) f l t When the costs and other risks (legal/competitive) for lost

“masters”is significant

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.1 7.1 –– T&D Master Materials Storage T&D Master Materials Storage & Retrieval & Retrieval SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Material Master Files Access Policy Establishment

2 A S it /G t k S t E t bli h d Id tif i 2. Access Security/Gatekeeper System Established Identifying Authority for Check-in/Check-out

3 Material Masters Check in/Check out 3. Material Masters Check-in/Check-out

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 96

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.1 7.1 –– T&D Master Materials Storage & T&D Master Materials Storage & Retrieval Retrieval SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Material Master Files Access Policy T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Material Master Files Access Policy Establishment

2. Access Security/Gatekeeper System


Established Identifying Authority for Check-in/Check-out

3 Material Masters Check-in/Check-out Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 3. Material Masters Check in/Check out

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 97

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.2 7.2 –– T&D Master Materials Change T&D Master Materials Change Management Management ProcessProcessgg

Process OverviewThe T&D Master Materials Change Management Process is responsible for displacing the old content with the new and making sure that the old doesn’t inadvertently get out along with the new content. e e co e .

Key Process OutputsUpdated T&D products for ongoing deploymentp p g g p y

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7.2 7.2 –– T&D Master Materials Change T&D Master Materials Change Management Management ProcessProcessgg

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenOutdated materials are still being used in deployment after


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7.2 7.2 –– T&D Master Materials Change T&D Master Materials Change Management Management ProcessProcessgg

The Informal ProcessCould be informing staff regarding NOT TO USE directives,

and when again to use (and what version)

The Formal ProcessWould be informing staff regarding NOT TO USE and

removing all paper/electronic Material Master files from storage locations

When to be More FormalWhen the risks (safety, legal) and costs associated with the

i d t t f t f d t t i l i i ifi tinadvertent use of out-of-date materials is significant

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7.2 7.2 –– T&D Master Materials Change T&D Master Materials Change Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPsgg

1. Material Masters Check-out (for out-of-date or other reasons) and announcements/notification to those who need to know

2. Material Masters Check-in and announcements/notification to those who need to knowto those who need to know

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 101

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.2 7.2 –– T&D Master Materials Change T&D Master Materials Change Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Material Masters Check out (for out ofT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Material Masters Check-out (for out-of-date or other reasons) and announcements/notification to those who need to know


2. Material Masters Check-in and announcements/notification to those Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool announcements/notification to those who need to know

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 102

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.3 7.3 –– T&D Scheduling T&D Scheduling ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Scheduling Process is used to develop market-demand schedules of delivery for any T&D that is scheduled.

Key Process OutputsT&D deployment schedule

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7.3 7.3 –– T&D Scheduling T&D Scheduling ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenThere are complaints from the target audience about

availability of T&D offerings.

T&D seats (or sites) go underused or seat spaces are ( ) gbacklogged.

Materials are overstocked or under-stocked (unavailable) ( )when requested.

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7.3 7.3 –– T&D Scheduling T&D Scheduling ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be selecting dates for all deliveries based on the

enterprise calendar (proactive) and/or based on the customer’s request (reactive)

The Formal ProcessWould involve polling the target audience for their

preferred time frames/schedules (perhaps as part of an i )annual development planning process)

When to be More FormalWh th T&D i i t d d f iti l t t di When the T&D is intended for very critical target audiences

for very critical development needs (some new hire training, product release training, etc.)

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7.3 7.3 –– T&D Scheduling T&D Scheduling SubProcessesSubProcesses-- AoPsAoPs

1. Polling the Target Audience(s) and/or their Management Regarding Their Preferred Scheduling

2. Setting the Schedule(s)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 106

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.3 7.3 –– T&D Scheduling T&D Scheduling SubProcessesSubProcesses --AoPsAoPs


1 Polling the Target Audience(s) and/or T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Polling the Target Audience(s) and/or their Management Regarding Their Preferred Scheduling



2. Setting the Schedule(s)

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

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On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 107

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.4 7.4 –– T&D Facilitator/Coach T&D Facilitator/Coach Development & Certification Development & Certification ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification Process is used to prepare the humans in T&D deployment and/or support.

Key Process OutputsTrained deployment and support staff

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7.4 7.4 –– T&D Facilitator/Coach T&D Facilitator/Coach Development & Certification Development & Certification ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenThere is an insufficient number of staff to deploy T&D per

the demand-driven schedules.

Evaluation feedback identifies any problems with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes/demeanor of the facilitators, coaches, or other support staff.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.4 7.4 –– T&D Facilitator/Coach T&D Facilitator/Coach Development & Certification Development & Certification ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be a handoff of T&D materials to intended

facilitators/coaches and a review of the learners feedback

The Formal ProcessWould be systematic selection, involvement of the

facilitator/coaches’ management, T&D for the role, and “performance certification”

When to be More FormalWhen the risks (safety, legal, costs, reputation) associated

ith f il i ifi twith failure are significant

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.4 7.4 –– T&D Facilitator/Coach Development & T&D Facilitator/Coach Development & Certification Certification SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Setting Facilitator/Coach Selection Specifications

2 C d ti F ilit t /C h R iti & S l ti2. Conducting Facilitator/Coach Recruiting & Selection

3. Conducting Facilitator/Coach Training & Development

4. Conducting Facilitator/Coach Performance Capability Certification

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 111

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.4 7.4 –– T&D Facilitator/Coach Development & T&D Facilitator/Coach Development & Certification Certification SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Setting Facilitator/Coach Selection T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Setting Facilitator/Coach Selection Specifications

2. Conducting Facilitator/Coach


Recruiting & Selection

3. Conducting Facilitator/Coach Training & DevelopmentDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool & Development

4. Conducting Facilitator/Coach Performance Capability Certification

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 112

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.5 7.5 –– FacilitatorFacilitator--Led T&D Deployment Led T&D Deployment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process controls the deployment of all instructor-led/facilitator-led T&D.

Key Process OutputsDelivered group-paced T&DDeployment metrics and feedback

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7.5 7.5 –– FacilitatorFacilitator--Led T&D Deployment Led T&D Deployment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenFeedback from delivery evaluations (learners, instructors,

administrative, etc.) suggests problems from the learners’ perspective with things other than facilitator credibility or content accuracy, completeness, and appropriateness, i l di t t it h f ilit d including noncontent items such as room, facility, and equipment issues.

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7.5 7.5 –– FacilitatorFacilitator--Led T&D Deployment Led T&D Deployment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be giving an assignment to the facilitator (instructor)

and letting them make it happen

The Formal ProcessWould be the scheduling of available facilitators

(instructors), any materials preparation required, facilities (equipment/rooms), and any other support required ( i i i )(satellite time, transportation, etc.)

When to be More FormalWh th d li i li t d d t i t f When the delivery is complicated due to requirements for

equipment, facilities, certified facilitators/instructors and the risks for failure are significant

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7.5 7.5 –– FacilitatorFacilitator--Led T&D Deployment Led T&D Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Facilitator/Instructor Preparation

2 F iliti P ti2. Facilities Preparation

3. Pre-Deployment Support

4. Deployment Support & Evaluation (levels 1 and 2)

5. Post-Deployment Support & Evaluation (levels 3 and 4)5. Post Deployment Support & Evaluation (levels 3 and 4)

6. Facilities Clean-up/Storage

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 116

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.5 7.5 –– FacilitatorFacilitator--Led T&D Deployment Led T&D Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Facilitator/Instructor PreparationT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . ac a o / s uc o epa a o

2. Facilities Preparation

3. Pre-Deployment Support


3. Pre Deployment Support

4. Deployment Support & Evaluation (levels 1 and 2)

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool5. Post-Deployment Support & Evaluation

(levels 3 and 4)

6. Facilities Clean-up/Storage

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance 6. Facilities Clean up/Storage

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 117

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.6 7.6 -- SelfSelf--Paced T&D Deployment Paced T&D Deployment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Self-paced T&D Deployment Process handles the deployment of all learner-controlled (self-paced) T&D.

Key Process OutputsDelivered self-paced T&DDeployment metrics and feedback

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7.6 7.6 -- SelfSelf--Paced T&D Deployment Paced T&D Deployment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenFeedback from evaluations suggests problems from the

learners’ perspective for things other than content accuracy, completeness, and appropriateness, including items such as availability, timeliness of receipt, or


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7.6 7.6 -- SelfSelf--Paced T&D Deployment Paced T&D Deployment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be allowing access to the electronic files (of T&D “e”

Content) and/or shipping the T&D product out upon request

The Formal ProcessWould be providing “gate keeping/security access” to

some/all electronic files (of T&D “e” Content) and/or i ishipping the T&D product out upon request

When to be More FormalWh th i k (l l titi ) d t i t d When the risks (legal, competitive) and costs associated

with allowing anyone access to enterprise content are significant

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7.6 7.6 -- SelfSelf--Paced T&D Deployment Paced T&D Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Order Fulfillment (for paper products, audio tapes, video tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.)

2. Access Control (for “e”)

3 Completion Tracking 3. Completion Tracking

4. Learner & Management Evaluations (for levels 1, 2, 3 and 4)

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.6 7.6 -- SelfSelf--Paced T&D Deployment Paced T&D Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Order Fulfillment (for paper products T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Order Fulfillment (for paper products, audio tapes, video tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.)



2. Access Control (for “e”)

3. Completion Tracking Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

4. Learner & Management Evaluations (for levels 1, 2, 3 and 4)E PPIC Inc.

Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.7 7.7 –– Coached/Mentored T&D Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Deployment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process deploys all T&D using coaches and mentors to support the learners.

Key Process OutputsDelivered coached/mentored T&DDeployment metrics and feedback

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.7 7.7 –– Coached/Mentored T&D Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Deployment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenFeedback from delivery evaluations (learners, instructors,

administrative, etc.) suggests problems from the learners’ perspective with things other than coach/mentor credibility or content accuracy, completeness, and

i t i l di t t it h appropriateness, including noncontent items such as room, facility, and equipment issues.

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7.7 7.7 –– Coached/Mentored T&D Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Deployment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be giving an assignment to the coach and letting

them make it happen

The Formal ProcessWould be the scheduling of available coaches, any

materials preparation required, facilities (equipment/rooms), and any other support required ( i i i i i )(equipment/materials shipping, transportation, etc.)

When to be More FormalWh th d li i li t d d t i t f When the delivery is complicated due to requirements for

equipment, facilities, certified coaches and the risks for failure are significant

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7.7 7.7 –– Coached/Mentored T&D Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Coach Preparation

2 C hi it F iliti P ti2. Coaching-site Facilities Preparation

3. Pre-Deployment Coach Support

4. Coaching Conduct Support & Evaluation (levels 1 and 2) Conduct

5. Post-Deployment Coach Support & Evaluation (levels 3 and 4) Conduct

6. Coaching-site Facilities Clean-up/Storage

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

7.7 7.7 –– Coached/Mentored T&D Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Coach PreparationT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . Coac epa a o

2. Coaching-site Facilities Preparation

3. Pre-Deployment Coach Support


3. Pre Deployment Coach Support

4. Coaching Conduct Support & Evaluation (levels 1 and 2) Conduct

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool5. Post-Deployment Coach Support &

Evaluation (levels 3 and 4) Conduct

6. Coaching-site Facilities Clean-

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance 6. Coaching site Facilities Clean


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D CoreCore Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System5 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Design System1. T&D Product and Service Line Program Management Process2. T&D Product Line Design Process

5Product and ServiceLine Design

3. T&D Service Line Design Process

6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System6 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Development/Acquisition System1 T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

6Product and ServiceLine Development 1. T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program

Management Process2. T&D Custom Development Process3. T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process4. T&D Purchased Product Modification Process


5. Existing T&D Maintenance Process

7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System7 O’clock: T&D Product and Service Line Deployment System1. T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process2 T&D Master Materials Change Management Process

7Product and ServiceLine Deployment

2. T&D Master Materials Change Management Process3. T&D Scheduling Process4. T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification Process5. Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process6. Self-paced T&D Deployment Process

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6. Self paced T&D Deployment Process7. Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Small Team ExerciseSmall Team Exercise

Break into small groups of 4-6 and sit together at a table.

For each of the 3 Core Systems’ Processes…

- Each person in turn will quickly,

T&D T&D Systems Systems


Each person in turn will quickly, in 60 seconds-or-less present their assessment of process 5.1, AND explaining “why” they assessed it the way they did

Detailed Assessment Detailed Assessment ToolTool

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assessed it the way they did.

- Then go to the next Process, until addressing 7.7

Summarizes your notes on ideas you got from the others on the following pages.

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

5 1- T&D Product and Service 5.1- T&D Product and Service Line Program Management Process

5.2- T&D Product Line Design ProcessProcess

5.3- T&D Service Line Design Process

6.1- T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program Management Process

6 2 T&D C t 6.2- T&D Custom Development Process

6.3- T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

6 4- T&D Purchased Product 6.4- T&D Purchased Product Modification Process

6.5- Existing T&D Maintenance Process

7.1- T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process

7.2- T&D Master Materials Change Management Process

7.3- T&D Scheduling Process

7.4- T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification Process

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

7 5- Facilitator-led T&D 7.5- Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process

7.6- Self-paced T&D Deployment Processp y

7.7- Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process

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Small Team Exercise ReadoutsSmall Team Exercise Readouts

For each of the 3 Core Systems’ Processes…

Each table’s spokesperson person will quickly in 2 minutes or less - Each table s spokesperson person will quickly, in 2 minutes-or-less present their most interesting ideas regarding


ROIT&D T&D SystSystems ems

Detailed Detailed Assessment Assessment



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EPPIC Inc.EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance


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Section 3 Summary & CloseSection 3 Summary & Close

T&D Core Systems/Processes… T&D Core Systems/Processes… Produce T&D products/services and deploy them to

improve the learners’ performance on the job

5Product and ServiceLi D i

6Product and ServiceLi D l t

7Product and ServiceLi D l tLine Design Line Development Line Deployment

Next: Assessment of the T&D Support System’s ProcessesNext: Assessment of the T&D Support System’s Processes

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pp ypp y

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Section 4Section 4

Assessment of Your T&D Leadership Systems T&D Leadership Systems & Processes

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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems & Systems & ProcessesProcesses

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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems & Systems & ProcessesProcesses

T&D Leadership Systems/Processes T&D Leadership Systems/Processes

Build relationships with all stakeholders to align and direct all T&D efforts; develop strategic and operational plans; forecast and measure results; and direct internal process improvement efforts


12Governance andAdvisory

1Strategic Planning

2Operations Planningand Management


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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System1. T&D Governance Process2 T&D Ad i P

12Governance andAdvisory

2. T&D Advisory Process

1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1. Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

1Strategic Planning

2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System1. Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process2. Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process

2Operations Planningand Management

3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System1. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process


3. Forecasting and Accounting Process

2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process3. T&D Project Lessons Learned Process4. Results Reporting and Archiving Process

4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System1 T&D I G ti d A t P


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1. T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process2. T&D Improvement Project Planning and Management Process


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.112.1-- Governance Governance ProcessProcess

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.112.1-- Governance Governance ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Governance Process organizes the executives of the

t i f th f di ti b th th ll T&D enterprise for the purpose of directing both the overall T&D system and the specific efforts to expend the limited resources allocated to T&D, toward only the high-priority/high-payback needsneeds.

Key Process OutputsGeneral and specific goals, objectives, and measures for the T&D

t ’ tisystem’s operations Specific goals, objectives, and measures for the T&D system’s

products and services Ultimate approval for any and all initiated T&D business case pp y

projects, and the business rationale for any/all T&D efforts and resources

Budget, headcount, facilities, and other resources within their budgetary control or influence

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budgetary control or influence

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.112.1-- Governance Governance ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be Broken The priorities and projects of the T&D system often change

id t ith littl b i h midstream, with little business rhyme or reason. There is little energy or enthusiasm for many of the T&D projects,

and it is difficult to get the internal customer engaged and involved in timely meaningful waysinvolved in timely, meaningful ways.

Projects are under resourced or improperly resourced (any “body” “will do”).

Projects have unrealistic cycle times. Projects have unrealistic cycle times. Projects themselves have no structure and do not seem to be

scheduled activities on the calendars of the customer to be served.

T&D is not a major component of either the overall business plan, or the HR plan, or the business plans for the other business units and functions.

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12.112.1-- Governance Governance ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessMay simply be conversations/meetings/lunches/dinners

with your enterprise leadership to discuss their critical business issues and the resources necessary to meet the specific T&D support needs

The Formal ProcessMay be a formal counsel (board of governors) set up to

i i ibring the enterprise leadership to reach consensus and determine resource allocations

When to be More FormalWhen to be More FormalWhen your enterprise is large and complex, and the

amount of T&D expected to be developed/deployed is large

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12.112.1-- Governance Governance SubPocessesSubPocesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Governance Process Definition and Design

2 G B d G l d Ch t D fi iti2. Governance Board Goals and Charter Definition

3. Governance Board Member Selection and Recruiting

4. Governance Board Meeting Planning and Preparation

5. Governance Board Meeting Conduct and Follow-up5. Governance Board Meeting Conduct and Follow up

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.112.1-- Governance Governance SubPocessesSubPocesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Governance Process Definition and T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . Go e a ce ocess e o a d Design

2. Governance Board Goals and Charter Definition



3. Governance Board Member Selection and Recruiting

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool4. Governance Board Meeting Planning

and Preparation

5. Governance Board Meeting Conduct

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance 5. Governance Board Meeting Conduct

and Follow-up

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.2 12.2 -- Advisory Advisory ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Advisory Process is a set of advisory committees/councils that identify and communicate to the board of governors the parochial, high-payback, potential targets.

They then oversee and conduct the approved, targeted T&D project efforts for their area of concern. The advisory committees/councils are immediately below the decision-making body of the board of governors of the T&D Governance Process

Key Process Outputs Proposed T&D projects return on investment and the budget Proposed T&D projects, return on investment, and the budget

requirements (headcount and expense dollars)Completed T&D project efforts and specific T&D products and


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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.2 12.2 -- Advisory Advisory ProcessProcessClues & Cues That Your Process May Be Broken The advice given to the ultimate, executive decision-makers

regarding T&D resource allocations is happening without T&D’s ti t t d i l t d i liti l th active, structured involvement, and is more political than

rational/process-performance based.

There is no macro-development plan for key target audiences. There is no macro development plan for key target audiences.

Most T&D projects are “one-offs,” one-shot efforts, that do not lead to anything cohesive for key target audiences.

T&D development projects are conducted without a clear understanding of their cost of conformance and cost of nonconformance or forecasting the life-cycle costs that will be g yincurred over time to offer this T&D product/service to the T&D marketplace.

You feel that you have to continually roll with the punches and

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You feel that you have to continually roll with the punches and are constantly going from one T&D project “fire” to another.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.2 12.2 -- Advisory Advisory ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessMay simply be meetings/lunches/dinners with your key

customers to discuss their critical business issues and their needs for T&D support

The Formal ProcessMay be a formal set of committees set up to bring up

issues and needs and facilitate decision making

When to be More FormalWhen your enterprise is large and your customers are

i d i l ( i “ i organized in a complex manner (as in “many engineers are spread across many business units” with potentially similar needs) and the informal approach won’t guarantee quality

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12.2 12.2 -- Advisory Advisory SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Advisory Process Definition and Design

2 Ad i C itt G l d Ch t D fi iti2. Advisory Committee Goals and Charter Definition

3. Advisory Committee Member Selection and Recruiting

4. Advisory Committee Meeting Planning and Preparation

5. Advisory Committee Meeting Conduct and Follow-up5. Advisory Committee Meeting Conduct and Follow up

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

12.2 12.2 -- Advisory Advisory SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Advisory Process Definition and DesignT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . d so y ocess e o a d es g

2. Advisory Committee Goals and Charter Definition


3. Advisory Committee Member Selection and Recruiting

4. Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 4. Advisory Committee Meeting Planning and Preparation

5. Advisory Committee Meeting Conduct and Follow-up

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance and Follow up

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1: Strategic Planning 1: Strategic Planning SystemSystem

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1: Strategic Planning 1: Strategic Planning SystemSystem

System Overview

Thi t ’ i ll f th t t i l i This system’s processes organize all of the strategic planning for T&D to ensure that T&D’s plans and efforts are consistent with the strategic plans of the critical “business units/operating entities” of the enterpriseunits/operating entities of the enterprise.

Systems Processes

1 Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process1. Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

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1.11.1-- Strategic Plans Surveillance Strategic Plans Surveillance ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process ensures that the T&D system, including the T&D leadership and their T&D Governance and Advisory System, is acutely aware of all of the strategic business drivers of the various components of the enterprise and takes those into account when generating T&D’s own strategic and operational plans and activities.

Key Process Outputs

List of strategic issues and list of relevant T&D needs and the ROI List of strategic issues and list of relevant T&D needs and the ROI, cost of conformance, and cost of nonconformance for each, by enterprise planning unit/entity

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1.11.1-- Strategic Plans Surveillance Strategic Plans Surveillance ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be Broken

You have no clue about the high-payback strategies of the key T&D customer segments of your enterprise.

Your T&D resources that help you meet the strategic needs of your customers are not seen as strategic themselves.

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1.11.1-- Strategic Plans Surveillance Strategic Plans Surveillance ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessMay be conducted via casual meetings/lunches/dinners

with your key customers to discuss their strategic plans and key needs

The Formal ProcessMay be a formal process that (already exists within the

enterprise that) systematically reviews the strategic plans f i i f i f iof the key business units and functions of the enterprise

When to be More FormalWh t i i l d t When your enterprise is large and your customers are

organized in a complex manner and an informal approach won’t guarantee quality; when it is the cultural norm

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1.11.1-- Strategic Plans Surveillance Strategic Plans Surveillance SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Enterprise and Internal Customer Strategic Plan Collection

2 E t i d I t l C t St t i Pl R i d 2. Enterprise and Internal Customer Strategic Plan Review and Summarization

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1.11.1-- Strategic Plans Surveillance Strategic Plans Surveillance SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Enterprise and Internal Customer T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Enterprise and Internal Customer Strategic Plan Collection

2. Enterprise and Internal Customer


Strategic Plan Review and Summarization

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1.2 1.2 -- T&D Strategic Planning T&D Strategic Planning ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Strategic Planning Process ensures that the T&D system’s own strategic plans are in alignment with, and are supportive of, the key needs of the enterprise.

Key Process OutputsT&D Strategic Plan gT&D Departmental Strategic Plans

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1.2 1.2 -- T&D Strategic Planning T&D Strategic Planning ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou have no strategic plan for T&D.

Your T&D strategies of where you are going and why are not documented.

Your T&D strategies have not been reviewed and/or approved by the enterprise leadership as in alignment with the needs of the enterprise.the needs of the enterprise.

Enterprise executives don’t know the strategic value of the T&D organization’s contributions from the past, the present, g p por the future.

Your T&D team is not aware of and cannot summarize the t t i di ti f th T D i ti it lf

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strategic direction of the T&D organization itself.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1.2 1.2 -- T&D Strategic Planning T&D Strategic Planning ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessMight be as simple as developing a list of strategic goals

The Formal ProcessWould include developing a formal, multi-year, Strategic g g

Planning Document, updated continuously and tied to Operations planning/re-planning systems

When to be More FormalWhen the existing enterprise strategic planning processes

are themselves formal and that is the cultural norm

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1.2 1.2 -- T&D Strategic Planning T&D Strategic Planning SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Enterprise and Internal Customer Strategic Plan and Other Key Inputs Review

2. Initial Strategic Plan Draft Development

3 Strategic Plan Draft Internal Review3. Strategic Plan Draft Internal Review

4. Strategic Plan Draft External Review

5. Strategic Plan Update and Finalization

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1.2 1.2 -- T&D Strategic Planning T&D Strategic Planning SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Enterprise and Internal Customer T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Enterprise and Internal Customer Strategic Plan and Other Key Inputs Review



2. Initial Strategic Plan Draft Development

3. Strategic Plan Draft Internal ReviewDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

4. Strategic Plan Draft External Review

5. Strategic Plan Update and FinalizationE PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 162

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2: Operations Planning & 2: Operations Planning & Management Management SystemSystemgg yy

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2: Operations Planning & 2: Operations Planning & Management Management SystemSystemgg yy

System Overview

Thi t d it l t k d t f th This system and its processes plan, track, and account for the investments in T&D that are required to support the strategic, high-payback needs of the enterprise. This system and its processes also routinely readjust to their dynamic situation as processes also routinely readjust to their dynamic situation as the needs and situation of the enterprise dictate.

Systems Processes

1. Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process. ua Ope a o s a g a d udge g ocess2. Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process3. Forecasting and Accounting Process

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.12.1-- Annual Operations Planning & Annual Operations Planning & Budgeting Budgeting ProcessProcessg gg g

Process OverviewThe Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process plans for and allocates the resources that the enterprise has partitioned to the T&D system and to all of the various T&D organizations and processes, in a manner consistent with the o ga a o s a d p ocesses, a a e co s s e e strategic needs of both the enterprise and the T&D system itself.

Key Process OutputsOperational plan and budget

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.12.1-- Annual Operations Planning & Annual Operations Planning & Budgeting Budgeting ProcessProcessg gg g

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou don’t have an annual plan tied to specific projects

and efforts.

You never have the right amount of human, genvironmental, and financial resources necessary for getting the high-priority demand/must-do projects completed in a timely, quality fashion.

Forecasted project costs, schedules, and returns on investments are seldom accurate.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.12.1-- Annual Operations Planning & Annual Operations Planning & Budgeting Budgeting ProcessProcessg gg g

The Informal ProcessMight involve simply guessing the resources (people and

out of pocket) costs required for the desired efforts to be conducted over the next year

The Formal ProcessMight involve formal project planning and roll ups to

balance/reallocate resources annually

When to be More FormalWhen the number of projects is quite large; and/or

b d t b d “ b d” h i budgets are based on a “zero based” approach; is demanded by the executives, the financial function, or by customers/regulators

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.12.1-- Annual Operations Planning & Annual Operations Planning & Budgeting Budgeting SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPsg gg g

1. Strategic Plan and Other Input Review

2 A l O ti Pl D ft D l t2. Annual Operations Plan Draft Development

3. Annual Operations Plan Draft Internal Review

4. Annual Operations Plan Draft External Review

5. Annual Operations Plan Update and Finalization5. Annual Operations Plan Update and Finalization

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.12.1-- Annual Operations Planning & Annual Operations Planning & Budgeting Budgeting SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Strategic Plan and Other Input ReviewT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . S a eg c a a d O e pu e e

2. Annual Operations Plan Draft Development


3. Annual Operations Plan Draft Internal Review

4. Annual Operations Plan Draft External Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 4. Annual Operations Plan Draft External Review

5. Annual Operations Plan Update and Finalization

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance Finalization

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 169

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.2 2.2 -- Quarterly Operations Quarterly Operations Planning & Budgeting Planning & Budgeting ProcessProcessg g gg g g

Process OverviewThe Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process systematically re-examines and reallocates the T&D resources, consistent with the ever-changing strategic and tactical needs of both the enterprise and the T&D system ac ca eeds o bo e e e p se a d e & sys e itself.

Key Process OutputsUpdated annual plan and resource forecasts (quarterly)

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.2 2.2 -- Quarterly Operations Quarterly Operations Planning & Budgeting Planning & Budgeting ProcessProcessg g gg g g

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou can’t tell quarter by quarter how well you will do in

meeting the project goals with the necessary resources.

The shifting needs of the enterprise and the tradeoff gdecisions between projects aren’t being made (if there are not enough resources to allocate in a timely manner).

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.2 2.2 -- Quarterly Operations Quarterly Operations Planning & Budgeting Planning & Budgeting ProcessProcessg g gg g g

The Informal ProcessMight involve the annual plan (a simple list) and making

any changes as understood

The Formal ProcessMight involve formal plan to review priority needs with the

Governance/Advisory System to determine and make all adjustments needed

When to be More FormalWhen the number of projects is quite large and the

b i it ti i l tilbusiness situation is volatile

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.2 2.2 -- Quarterly Operations Planning & Quarterly Operations Planning & Budgeting Budgeting SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Strategic Plan, Annual Operations Plan and Other Inputs Review

2. Quarterly Operations Plan Draft Development

3 Quarterly Operations Plan Draft Internal Review3. Quarterly Operations Plan Draft Internal Review

4. Quarterly Operations Plan Draft External Review

5. Quarterly Operations Plan Update and Finalization

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.2 2.2 -- Quarterly Operations Planning & Quarterly Operations Planning & Budgeting Budgeting SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Strategic Plan, Annual Operations Plan T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . S a eg c a , ua Ope a o s a and Other Inputs Review

2. Quarterly Operations Plan Draft Development



3. Quarterly Operations Plan Draft Internal Review

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool4. Quarterly Operations Plan Draft External


5. Quarterly Operations Plan Update and

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance 5. Quarterly Operations Plan Update and


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 174

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.3 2.3 -- Forecasting & Accounting Forecasting & Accounting ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Forecasting and Accounting Process tracks all of the T&D expenditures and the contractual/planned commitments to ensure that the price tags for all of the current and planned efforts are known before all of the invoices arrive. e o s a e o be o e a o e o ces a e.

Key Process Outputsy pFinancial status updates for all operational projects and


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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.3 2.3 -- Forecasting & Accounting Forecasting & Accounting ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou don’t know where you stand at all times and for all

current projects in regard to your project and financial status and your project continuation/completion financial obligations.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.3 2.3 -- Forecasting & Accounting Forecasting & Accounting ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessMight be a simple list or spreadsheet with estimated (or

contractual) total costs per project and the total

The Formal ProcessWould be a collection of all project contracts, with a full

list/spreadsheet with total project costs, and a cash flow (payables) that is updated monthly, tied to a monthly

j iproject status reporting system

When to be More FormalWh th b f j t i l d th t t l t When the number of projects is large, and the total costs

and payouts are complicated; and if it might be expected that the T&D System might need to return expense dollars to the enterprise (and reduce spending plans)

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to the enterprise (and reduce spending plans)

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.3 2.3 -- Forecasting & Accounting Forecasting & Accounting SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Annual Operations Plan, Quarterly Operations Plan and Other Inputs Review

2. Annual Budget Forecast Development and Reporting

3 Quarterly Budget Forecast Update and Reporting3. Quarterly Budget Forecast Update and Reporting

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 178

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

2.3 2.3 -- Forecasting & Accounting Forecasting & Accounting SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Annual Operations Plan Quarterly T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Annual Operations Plan, Quarterly Operations Plan and Other Inputs Review



2. Annual Budget Forecast Development and Reporting

3 Quarterly Budget Forecast Update and Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 3. Quarterly Budget Forecast Update and Reporting

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3: Cost/Benefits Measurement 3: Cost/Benefits Measurement SystemSystemyy

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3: Cost/Benefits Measurement 3: Cost/Benefits Measurement SystemSystemyy

System Overview

This system’s processes organize the measurement and This system s processes organize the measurement and reporting of all T&D metrics and provide the data and interpretations (where appropriate) to the T&D leadership, staff, and all of the key customers and stakeholders in the T&D marketplace.

Systems ProcessesSystems Processes

1. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process

2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process

3. T&D Project Lessons Learned Process

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4. Results Reporting and Archiving Process

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.13.1-- Cost/Benefits Measurement System Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design & Deployment Design & Deployment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process creates, deploys, and maintains the measurement system and mechanism(s) for all of T&D. It’s T&D’s balanced scorecard (BSC).& s ba a ced sco eca d ( SC).

Key Process Outputsy pT&D measurement system design, e.g., BSCT&D measurement system development and deployment


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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.13.1-- Cost/Benefits Measurement System Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design & Deployment Design & Deployment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou don’t measure or plan to measure key T&D efforts.

There is not a systematic business approach used to decide which efforts get measured and which do not.g

Measurement is inconsistent, labor intensive, and the results reported are not insightful.p g

You rarely or never measure learning, performance, and/or business results.and/or business results.

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3.13.1-- Cost/Benefits Measurement System Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design & Deployment Design & Deployment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be as simple as asking your customers and key

stakeholders for feedback on “how you are doing compared to the costs being incurred?”

The Formal ProcessWould be formal calculations, agreed to with the

Governance Board, for ROI and Value Add

When to be More FormalWhen the stakes are high, and the enterprise typically

( lt ll ) h di (i t t) d i i i (culturally) approaches spending (investment) decisions in this formal manner

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3.13.1-- Cost/Benefits Measurement System Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design & Deployment Design & Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design/Update

2. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Development

3. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Deployment3. Cos / e e s easu e e Sys e ep oy e

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.13.1-- Cost/Benefits Measurement System Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design & Deployment Design & Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 C t/B fit M t S t T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design/Update

2 Cost/Benefits Measurement System


2. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Development

3. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 3. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Deployment

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.2 3.2 –– Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Feedback Receiving Feedback Receiving ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process captures the data from the T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System, packages it, and reports it out to the appropriate parties within the enterprise. ou o e app op a e pa es e e e p se.

Key Process Outputsy pMeasurement (raw and calculated) dataMeasurement reports and interpretations

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.2 3.2 –– Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Feedback Receiving Feedback Receiving ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenDon’t know your general or specific costs, satisfaction

levels for any or all of your stakeholders, mastery levels of learners after training, transfer levels back to the job, and return on investment for any or all of your critical T&D

ff tefforts.

Initially collected data, but efforts to do it have declined iover time.

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3.2 3.2 –– Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Feedback Receiving Feedback Receiving ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be collecting first cost data (development/

acquisition) and general benefits statements from customers and stakeholders

The Formal ProcessWould be collecting total cost data (development/

acquisition, administration, deployment (including i i i i )participation and “lost opportunity” costs) and

maintenance, and comparing those with total returns

When to be More FormalWhen to be More FormalWhen the culture of the enterprise and it’s business

practices conduct internal projects in a more formal manner

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.2 3.2 –– Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Feedback Receiving Feedback Receiving SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Development Costs Data Collection

2 O i D li C t D t C ll ti 2. On-going Delivery Costs Data Collection

3. Maintenance Costs Data Collection

4. Administration Costs Data Collection

5. Learner Satisfaction and Mastery Data Collection (levels 1 2 5. Learner Satisfaction and Mastery Data Collection (levels 1, 2 and 3)

6. Process Performance Metrics Data Collection

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.2 3.2 –– Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement Feedback Receiving Feedback Receiving SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Development Costs Data CollectionT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . e e op e Cos s a a Co ec o

2. On-going Delivery Costs Data Collection


3. Maintenance Costs Data Collection

4. Administration Costs Data CollectionDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

5. Learner Satisfaction and Mastery Data Collection (levels 1, 2 and 3)

6. Process Performance Metrics Data

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance 6. Process Performance Metrics Data


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 191

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.33.3-- T&D Projects Lessons Learned T&D Projects Lessons Learned ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Project Lessons Learned Process captures data unique to the internal lessons learned by the participants within T&D processes regarding their experiences in using or being a part of the process. be g a pa o e p ocess.

Key Process OutputsLessons Learned reports (by project)p ( y p j )Lessons Learned archives

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.33.3-- T&D Projects Lessons Learned T&D Projects Lessons Learned ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou keep seeing the same kinds of mistakes and

ineffective, costly approaches being used over and over again in successive projects.

Your team doesn’t know what worked and what didn’t work in the past, or why.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.33.3-- T&D Projects Lessons Learned T&D Projects Lessons Learned ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be casual meetings during and after projects

The Formal ProcessWould be structured debriefings (post mortems) that are g ( )

documented and archived and reviewed prior to new projects being started

When to be More FormalWhen there is high turnover in the T&D organization and/or

there are many high risk/reward projects where failure (in lit ti li ) i t blquality or timeliness) is unacceptable

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.33.3-- T&D Projects Lessons Learned T&D Projects Lessons Learned SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Development Lessons Learned Data Collection

2 O i D li L L d D t C ll ti2. On-going Delivery Lessons Learned Data Collection

3. Lessons Learned Publishing/Presentations/Communications

4. Lessons Learned Archiving

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 195

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.33.3-- T&D Projects Lessons Learned T&D Projects Lessons Learned SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Development Lessons Learned DataT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Development Lessons Learned DataCollection

2. On-going Delivery Lessons Learned


Data Collection

3. Lessons Learned Publishing/Presentations/CommunicatiDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool Publishing/Presentations/Communications

4. Lessons Learned Archiving E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.4 3.4 –– Results Reporting & Archiving Results Reporting & Archiving ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Results Reporting and Archiving Process gathers all of the T&D results data, puts the data in an intelligent and understandable form, and then reports it to stakeholders appropriate to their needs. It also archives it for future app op a e o e eeds. a so a c es o u u e reference.

Key Process Outputsy pResults reportsResults summaries

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.4 3.4 –– Results Reporting & Archiving Results Reporting & Archiving ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYour stakeholders don’t know the results of the investments

and expenses made in enterprise T&D.

You can’t really begin to predict the future in terms of T&D gcosts and returns based on past T&D projects/efforts.

You can’t go back and look at or find past project results.g p p j

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3.4 3.4 –– Results Reporting & Archiving Results Reporting & Archiving SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

The Informal ProcessCould be results reported out non-routinely, in casual

conversations with key stakeholders, or in emails/letters

The Formal ProcessWould be routine reports/communications (emails/letters)

done after each project and/or quarterly or monthly

When to be More FormalWhen there are many stakeholders, and many “investment

dollars” involved

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3.4 3.4 –– Results Reporting & Archiving Results Reporting & Archiving SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Results Report Development

2 R lt R t Di i ti2. Results Report Dissemination

3. Results Report Archiving

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

3.4 3.4 –– Results Reporting & Archiving Results Reporting & Archiving SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Results Report DevelopmentT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Results Report Development

2. Results Report Dissemination



3. Results Report Archiving

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

4: 4: ProcessProcess Improvement SystemImprovement System

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4: 4: ProcessProcess Improvement SystemImprovement System

System Overview

This system is responsible for improving T&D’s own systems This system is responsible for improving T&D’s own systems and processes in response to issues and trends uncovered by the measurement system. This system also provides structure and order to the quality and process improvement efforts for and order to the quality and process improvement efforts for both incremental, continuous improvement, and radical, discontinuous improvement to T&D processes.

Systems Processes

1. T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process2. T&D Improvement Project Planning and Management Process

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4.14.1-- Issues Generation & Issues Generation & Assessment Assessment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process identifies both T&D current and future issues (high-payback problems/opportunities) and brings them to the attention of the T&D Governance and Advisory System.e & Go e a ce a d d so y Sys e .

Key Process Outputsy pT&D issues and opportunities reportDecisions as to which problems/opportunities to address

and how/when to addressand how/when to address

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4.14.1-- Issues Generation & Issues Generation & Assessment Assessment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenBig T&D system problems and opportunities are not

determined, validated, or addressed in a rational, systematic manner.

Major T&D problems that aren’t addressed incur avoidable, recurring costs that reach a level of significance and/or intolerance that detracts from the key

i f fbusiness focus of the T&D system.

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4.14.1-- Issues Generation & Issues Generation & Assessment Assessment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be ad hoc, addressing problems/opportunities as

they arise

The Formal ProcessWould involve a systematic, data driven,

problem/opportunity collection effort, with formal reviews with the Advisory & Governance groups for decision


When to be More FormalWh th t k hi h f T&D S t f il f th When the stakes are high for T&D System failure for the

customers/stakeholders; when the T&D funding comes more directly from the customers (and it’s “their money”)

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4.14.1-- Issues Generation & Assessment Issues Generation & Assessment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Review of T&D System Data from Business Metrics, Results Reports, Lessons Learned and other sources

2. Preliminary Prioritization and Targeting of T&D System’s Problems/Opportunities

3. Additional Data Gathering for the Preliminary targets

4. Reporting of Preliminary Findings to the Advisory & 4. Reporting of Preliminary Findings to the Advisory & Governance Groups

5. Prioritization and Targeting of T&D System g g yProblem/Opportunity Improvements

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

4.14.1-- Issues Generation & Assessment Issues Generation & Assessment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Review of T&D System Data from Business M t i R lt R t L L d

T&D Systems T&D Systems ViewView Metrics, Results Reports, Lessons Learned

and other sources

2. Preliminary Prioritization and Targeting of T&D System’s Problems/Opportunities


System s Problems/Opportunities

3. Additional Data Gathering for the Preliminary targets

4Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

4. Reporting of Preliminary Findings to the Advisory & Governance Groups

5. Prioritization and Targeting of T&D System Problem/Opportunity Improvements

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

Problem/Opportunity Improvements

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 208

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

4.2 4.2 –– Improvement Project Improvement Project Planning & Management Planning & Management ProcessProcessg gg g

Process OverviewThe T&D Improvement Project Planning and Management Process takes the validated problems/opportunities and plans a project to address the needs and then oversees the improvement initiative efforts, much as any other major/minor p o e e a e e o s, uc as a y o e ajo / o improvement initiative.

Key Process OutputsKey Process OutputsProject plans for each improvementMaster plan for all ongoing projectsProject status reportsProject status reports

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4.2 4.2 –– Improvement Project Improvement Project Planning & Management Planning & Management ProcessProcessg gg g

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenImprovement initiatives are undertaken without a clear

plan of tasks responsibilities schedule or costsplan of tasks, responsibilities, schedule, or costs.

Improvement initiatives are routinely poorly conceived, behind schedule or over budgetbehind schedule, or over budget.

Improvement initiatives are not considered “true projects” with expectations for results, resources, communication, with expectations for results, resources, communication, etc., equivalent to “client work.”

Projects drift and seem uncontrolled despite a well-j pdocumented plan.

None of the really big problems are being addressed.

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4.2 4.2 -- Improvement Project Improvement Project Planning & Management Planning & Management ProcessProcessg gg g

The Informal ProcessCould be ad hoc, with individuals assigned to “fix the


The Formal ProcessWould be a planned approach, with milestone reviews

and formal reporting of the improvement effort’s status

When to be More FormalWhen the improvement’s risks/rewards are significant

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4.2 4.2 -- Improvement Project Planning & Improvement Project Planning & Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Improvement Project Planning & Kick-Off

2 I t A l i2. Improvement Analysis

3. Improvement Design

4. Improvement Development

5. Improvement Pilot-Test5. Improvement Pilot Test

6. Improvement Revisions

7. Improvement Roll-Out

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

4.2 4.2 -- Improvement Project Planning & Improvement Project Planning & Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Improvement Project Planning & Kick-T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . p o e e ojec a g & cOff

2. Improvement Analysis


3. Improvement Design

4. Improvement DevelopmentDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

5. Improvement Pilot-Test

6. Improvement RevisionsE PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

7. Improvement Roll-Out

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System12 O’clock: T&D Governance and Advisory System1. T&D Governance Process2 T&D Ad i P

12Governance andAdvisory

2. T&D Advisory Process

1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1 O’clock: T&D Strategic Planning System1. Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

1Strategic Planning

2. T&D Strategic Planning Process

2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System2 O’clock: T&D Operations Planning and Management System1. Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process2. Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process

2Operations Planningand Management

3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System3 O’clock: T&D Cost/Benefits Measurement System1. Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process


3. Forecasting and Accounting Process

2. Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process3. T&D Project Lessons Learned Process4. Results Reporting and Archiving Process

4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System4 O’clock: T&D Process Improvement System4Process

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1. T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process2. T&D Improvement Project Planning and Management Process


EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Small Team ExerciseSmall Team Exercise

Break into small groups of 4-6 and sit together at a table.

For each of the 5 LeadershipSystems’ Processes…

- Each person in turn will quickly,

T&D T&D Systems Systems


Each person in turn will quickly, in 60 seconds-or-less present their assessment of process 12.1, AND explaining “why” they assessed it the way they did

Detailed Assessment Detailed Assessment ToolTool

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assessed it the way they did.

- Then address the next Process, until completing 4.2

Summarizes your notes on ideas you got from the others on the following pages.

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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

12.1- T&D Governance Process

12.2- T&D Advisory Process

1.1- Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process

1.2- T&D Strategic Planning ProcessProcess

2.1- Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process

2.2- Quarterly Operations 2.2 Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process

2.3- Forecasting and Accounting Process

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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

3 1- Cost/Benefits 3.1- Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process

3.2- Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process

3.3- T&D Project Lessons L d PLearned Process

3.4- Results Reporting and Archiving Process

4.1- T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process

4.2- T&D Improvement Project Planning and M t P

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 217

Management Process

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Small Team Exercise ReadoutsSmall Team Exercise Readouts

For each of the 5 Leadership Systems’ Processes…

Each table’s spokesperson person will quickly in 2 minutes or less - Each table s spokesperson person will quickly, in 2 minutes-or-less present their most interesting ideas regarding


ROIT&D T&D SystSystems ems

Detailed Detailed Assessment Assessment



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Section 4 Summary & CloseSection 4 Summary & Close

T&D Leadership Systems/Processes T&D Leadership Systems/Processes

Build relationships with all stakeholders to align and direct all T&D efforts; develop strategic and operational plans; forecast and measure results; and direct internal process improvement efforts






MeasurementGovernance andAdvisory

Strategic Planning

Operations Planningand Management


Next: Assessment of the T&D Core System’s ProcessesNext: Assessment of the T&D Core System’s Processes

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Section 5Section 5

Assessment of Your T&D Support Systems & T&D Support Systems & Processes

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & ProcessesSystems & Processes

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & ProcessesSystems & Processes

T&D Support Systems/Processes T&D Support Systems/Processes Market and communicate throughout the T&D System to all

T&D stakeholders; manage the financial, human and environmental resources; and conduct R&D activities

8M k ti d

9Fi i l A t

10H d

11R h dMarketing and

CommunicationsFinancial AssetManagement

Human andEnvironmental AssetManagement

Research andDevelopment

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System1. T&D Stakeholder Communications Process2. Individual T&D Planning Process

8Marketing and Communications

3. T&D Ordering and Registration Process

9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System1 Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

9Financial AssetManagement 1. Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

2. T&D Physical Property Management ProcessManagement

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/Processes Systems/Processes (continued)(continued)

10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System1. T&D Staff Recruiting and Selection/Succession Process2. T&D Staff Training and Development Process

10Human andEnvironmental AssetM t

3. T&D Staff Assessment Process4. T&D Staff Compensation and Benefits Process5. T&D Staff Rewards and Recognition Process


6. T&D Organization Structural Design Process7. T&D Facilities Development and Deployment Process8. T&D Equipment and Tools Development and Deployment Process9. T&D Materials and Supplies Acquisition and Deployment Process10 T&D I f ti S t D l t d D l t P10. T&D Information Systems Development and Deployment Process11. T&D Methods Deployment Process

11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System1 T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

11Research andDevelopment 1. T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

2. T&D Internal and External Benchmarking Process3. T&D Methodology and Technology Pilot-Testing Process


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8 8 –– T&D Marketing & Communications T&D Marketing & Communications SystemSystem

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8 8 –– T&D Marketing & T&D Marketing & Communications Communications SystemSystemyy

System OverviewThese systems organize and distribute information throughoutthe T&D’s marketplace.

Systems Processes

8.1: T&D Stakeholder Communications Process8.2: Individual T&D Planning Processg8.3: T&D Ordering & Registration Process

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8.1 8.1 –– T&D Stakeholder T&D Stakeholder Communications Communications ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Stakeholder Communications Process determines exactly who the T&D system’s stakeholders are and what their needs for information are, and it delivers information and data to each stakeholder group via the most efficient da a o eac s a e o de g oup a e os e c e communication channels.

Key Process Outputsy pVarious “proactive” T&D communications, e.g., brochures,

videos, flyers, mailers, posters, Web sites, etc.Various “reactive” T&D communicationsVarious reactive T&D communications

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.1 8.1 –– T&D Stakeholder T&D Stakeholder Communications Communications ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenStakeholder groups have had to ask for information that is

really viewed as “needed to know” by both of them and by the T&D governance and advisory groups.

Stakeholders complain about the lack of information available.

Frequently asked questions are not being captured, and then the answers proactively “pushed” out to like audiences.

Surveys discover that T&D target audiences and other stakeholder groups do not understand what’s available

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g pand how to access it or participate in it.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.1 8.1 –– T&D Stakeholder T&D Stakeholder Communications Communications ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be accomplished via non-routine emails or

meetings with key stakeholdersmeetings with key stakeholders

The Formal ProcessWould be multiple communications vehicles (“e” paper Would be multiple communications vehicles ( e , paper,

bulletin boards, posters, video, etc.) used routinely and non-routinely, after a careful analysis of stakeholders and their information needs; and would provide information

ff iabout T&D offerings, schedules, access, T&D product and service development/acquisition efforts, results and testimonials, costs/benefits data, and contact information

When to be More FormalWhen the organization is large and complex, and the

need to get information to specific groups is indicated by

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surveys, exit interviews, and other sources

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8.1 8.1 –– T&D Stakeholder Communications T&D Stakeholder Communications SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Stakeholder Segmentation

2 O i St k h ld I f ti N d A l i2. Ongoing Stakeholder Information Needs Analysis

3. Communications Channels/Vehicles Selection

4. Routine Content Development/Acquisition

5. Ongoing Targeted Communications Deployment5. Ongoing Targeted Communications Deployment

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.1 8.1 –– T&D Stakeholder Communications T&D Stakeholder Communications SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Stakeholder SegmentationT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . S a e o de Seg e a o

2. Ongoing Stakeholder Information Needs Analysis


3. Communications Channels/Vehicles Selection

4. Routine Content Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 4. Routine Content Development/Acquisition

5. Ongoing Targeted Communications Deployment

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance Deployment

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.2 8.2 –– Individual T&D Planning Individual T&D Planning ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Individual T&D Planning Process is used for planning an individual employee’s T&D, but also for compiling (rolling up), locally or enterprise-wide, all of the plans in order to place a “demand forecast” on the T&D deployment/delivery system.de a d o ecas o e & dep oy e /de e y sys e .

Key Process OutputsIndividual T&D planspGroup T&D plans (roll-up)Enterprise T&D plans (roll-up)

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8.2 8.2 –– Individual T&D Planning Individual T&D Planning ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenThere are no individual-to-group-to-enterprise roll-ups of

the T&D participation plans. They are all discrete and not linked.

Individual plans are not used and/or no common format exists.

No one has a realistic clue of the future demand for T&D products and services.

T&D seats are under-filled or sites are underutilized for many deployments.

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8.2 8.2 –– Individual T&D Planning Individual T&D Planning ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be left to everyone to do their own thing, planned or


The Formal ProcessWould be targeted audiences being required to develop

routine (annual) development plans based on the performance competency needs of their job and

i i i f iupcoming/routine assignments, and an assessment of their strengths/weaknesses in the more critical needs

When to be More FormalWhen to be More FormalWhen the risks and costs of inadequate performance due

to lack of knowledge/skill are significant

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8.2 8.2 –– Individual T&D Planning Individual T&D Planning SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Selection of critical Target Audiences for Proactive Planning

2 D l t f f b d “C i l 2. Development of performance-based “Curriculum Architectures/Learning Paths” for each critical Target Audience

3. Development and deployment of a planning system and tools

4. Development of completion status tracking mechanisms for the critical Target Audiences

5. Development and deployment of less rigorous planning systems and tools for the non- critical Target Audiences

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.2 8.2 –– Individual T&D Planning Individual T&D Planning SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Selection of critical Target Audiences for Proactive Planning

T&D Systems T&D Systems ViewView Proactive Planning

2. Development of performance-based “Curriculum Architectures/Learning Paths” for each critical Target Audience


3. Development and deployment of a planning system and tools

4. Development of completion status tracking mechanisms for the critical Target Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool mechanisms for the critical Target Audiences

5. Development and deployment of less rigorous planning systems and tools for the non- critical Target Audiences

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance non critical Target Audiences

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.3 8.3 –– T&D Ordering & Registration T&D Ordering & Registration ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Ordering and Registration Process is where the customers of T&D can place their orders appropriate to the type of T&D products/services offered.

Key Process OutputsOrders for T&D offerings (products) forwarded to the

appropriate Product and Service Line Deployment Systempp p p y yRegistrations for T&D offerings forwarded to the appropriate

Product and Service Line Deployment System

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8.3 8.3 –– T&D Ordering & Registration T&D Ordering & Registration ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenCustomers complain that their “orders” are not being filled

in a timely manner or are being filled incorrectly.

Expediting orders is usually necessary and taking a lot of g gpeople’s time and attention.

There are complaints that T&D offerings that were p gregistered for are mishandled

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.3 8.3 –– T&D Ordering & Registration T&D Ordering & Registration ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be forwarding requests for T&D offerings without any

data for tracking purposes; or registering anyone for any offering

The Formal ProcessWould be where all ordering and registration data is

tracked prior to forwarding it to the appropriate deployment system/process

When to be More FormalWh th d i i t ti l t d When the desire is to proactively create and ensure

performance competence for critical Target Audiences

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.3 8.3 –– T&D Ordering & Registration T&D Ordering & Registration SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Ordering Systems Design

2 O d i S t O ti d R ti2. Ordering Systems Operations and Reporting

3. Registration Systems Design

4. Registration Systems Operations and Reporting

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 241

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

8.3 8.3 –– T&D Ordering & Registration T&D Ordering & Registration SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Ordering Systems DesignT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Ordering Systems Design

2. Ordering Systems Operations and Reporting


3. Registration Systems Design

4 Registration Systems Operations and Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 4. Registration Systems Operations and Reporting

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E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9 9 –– T&D Financial Asset Management T&D Financial Asset Management SystemSystem

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9 9 –– T&D Financial Asset T&D Financial Asset Management Management SystemSystemgg yy

System Overview

This is the system that tracks and monitors the fiscal This is the system that tracks and monitors the fiscal obligations of the T&D organization and keeps them within predetermined budget levels.

This system’s processes organize, allocate, monitor, and control all financial matters for T&D, for example, project budgets, hardware/software purchases, travel expenses, and all other T&D financial matters.

Systems Processes

9.1: Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-Up and Adjustment Process

9.2: T&D Physical Property Management Process

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.1 9.1 –– Organizational T&D Plans & Budget Organizational T&D Plans & Budget RollRoll--Up & Adjustment Up & Adjustment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process allows T&D management and the T&D governance and advisory members to provide oversight to all things financial, so that they may perform their fiduciary a gs a c a , so a ey ay pe o e duc a y responsibilities to the shareholders/owners of the enterprise.

Key Process Outputsy pFinancial records and projections for the planning periodAnnual inventory updates of all T&D assets

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.1 9.1 –– Organizational T&D Plans & Budget Organizational T&D Plans & Budget RollRoll--Up & Adjustment Up & Adjustment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou’re not getting timely “actuals” on financial status and


No one knows where all of the T&D assets reside, what their total value is, and if they’ve been moved, removed, or stolen, or if they are obsolete.

You’ve received negative feedback from the financial organization regarding T&D’s accounting practices and numbers.

You’re unable to create or use management “check ratios” or “spend profiles” to assess performance/status

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p p pimprovement.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.1 9.1 –– Organizational T&D Plans & Budget Organizational T&D Plans & Budget RollRoll--Up & Adjustment Up & Adjustment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be accomplished by asking T&D Staff to guess their

projected project expenses month by month

The Formal ProcessWould be to obtain monthly spending projections per

project and track “actual expenses” against those “planned expenses" and then determine reasons for major

i i ivariations to address those as appropriate

When to be More FormalWh j t d l d th i When your projects are many and complex and there is a

fair chance for significantly going over/depleting the budget

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9.1 9.1 –– Organizational T&D Plans & Budget RollOrganizational T&D Plans & Budget Roll--Up & Adjustment Up & Adjustment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Obtain and Integrate Original “Project Spend Profile Plans” into T&D Budget Tracking System

2. Routinely Obtain and Integrate “Actual to Plan” Project Spending Reports into T&D Budget Tracking System

3. Routinely Report “Budget Spending Variations”

4. Obtain and Disseminate “Spending Variation Rationale 4. Obtain and Disseminate Spending Variation Rationale Reports" as appropriate

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 248

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.1 9.1 –– Organizational T&D Plans & Budget RollOrganizational T&D Plans & Budget Roll--Up & Adjustment Up & Adjustment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Obtain and Integrate Original “Project T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . Ob a a d eg a e O g a ojec Spend Profile Plans” into T&D Budget Tracking System

2. Routinely Obtain and Integrate “Actual


2. Routinely Obtain and Integrate Actual to Plan” Project Spending Reports into T&D Budget Tracking System

3. Routinely Report “Budget Spending Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 3. Routinely Report Budget Spending Variations”

4. Obtain and Disseminate “Spending Variation Rationale Reports" as

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance Variation Rationale Reports as


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 249

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.2 9.2 –– T&D Physical Property T&D Physical Property Management Management ProcessProcessgg

Process OverviewThe T&D Physical Property Management Process accounts for physical property assets as driven by the enterprise’s policies and procedures, as well as federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and codes.egu a o s, a d codes.

Key Process OutputsT&D property records and statusp p y

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.2 9.2 –– T&D Physical Property T&D Physical Property Management Management ProcessProcessgg

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou don’t know the book value and replacement value of

your physical assets.

You don’t know if “shrinkage” (loss due to theft or g (negligence) is an issue.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.2 9.2 –– T&D Physical Property T&D Physical Property Management Management ProcessProcessgg

The Informal ProcessCould be occasionally surveying T&D facilities for any key

items obviously missing and then taking appropriate action

The Formal ProcessWould be inventorying every item at acquisition, and

routinely conducting exhaustive inventory reconciliation ff i f iefforts; and could also include a systems for checking

items in and out key items for temporary usage

When to be More FormalWhen to be More FormalWhen your assets are valuable and where theft/shrinkage

is a problem that can significantly have a negatively affect on any core T&D Systems/Process performances

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affect on any core T&D Systems/Process performances

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.2 9.2 –– T&D Physical Property T&D Physical Property Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPsgg

1. Establish and Continuously Improve a T&D Physical Asset Inventory Tracking System

2. Enter New Acquisitions Into T&D Physical Asset Inventory Tracking System

3. Check Out and Check In Key Asset Items to T&D Users Via the T&D Physical Asset Inventory Tracking System

4. Conduct Routine Physical Inventories and Reconcile with the T&D Physical Asset Inventory Tracking System

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 253

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

9.2 9.2 –– T&D Physical Property T&D Physical Property Management Management SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Establish and Continuously Improve a T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . s ab s a d Co uous y p o e a T&D Physical Asset Inventory Tracking System

2. Enter New Acquisitions Into T&D Physical


2. Enter New Acquisitions Into T&D Physical Asset Inventory Tracking System

3. Check Out and Check In Key Asset Items to T&D Users Via the T&D Physical Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool Items to T&D Users Via the T&D Physical Asset Inventory Tracking System

4. Conduct Routine Physical Inventories and Reconcile with the T&D Physical

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance and Reconcile with the T&D Physical

Asset Inventory Tracking System

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1010-- T&D Human & Environmental Asset T&D Human & Environmental Asset Management Management SystemSystem

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

1010-- T&D Human & Environmental T&D Human & Environmental Asset Management Asset Management SystemSystemgg yy

This system’s processes organize all of the infrastructure of the T&D systems and processes, including both the human and

h i f t t l t f th nonhuman infrastructure elements of the processes.

The T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System organizes and manages the acquisition development organizes and manages the acquisition, development, assessment, and retention of the T&D staff.

It also includes management of the supporting infrastructure It also includes management of the supporting infrastructure such as facilities, equipment, and information that is needed to deploy T&D.

None of the T&D systems and processes will operate without these infrastructure elements in place (the humans and the nonhuman data, methods, materials, equipment, budget

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dollars, consequences, and feedback).

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.1 10.1 –– T&D Staff Recruiting & T&D Staff Recruiting & Selection/Succession Selection/Succession ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Staff Recruiting and Selection/Succession Process

seeks applicants and screens candidates for defined jobs/positions.

Key Process OutputsPeople to staff all of the roles/jobs articulated

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.1 10.1 –– T&D Staff Recruiting & T&D Staff Recruiting & Selection/Succession Selection/Succession ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYour incoming T&D staff members do not have the

necessary entry knowledge and skills necessary entry knowledge and skills.

Incoming staff have wildly varying incoming knowledge and skillsand skills.

Existing staff are frequently not trainable or cannot be developed to competently meet the process requirements developed to competently meet the process requirements of the T&D systems and processes.

Staff complains that the job was not what they expected p j y p(the real job requirements do not match job incumbents’ incoming expectations).

St ff i t b ht b d i ti l

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Staff is not brought on board in a timely manner.

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.1 10.1 –– T&D Staff Recruiting & T&D Staff Recruiting & Selection/Succession Selection/Succession ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be finding Master Performers in various job

categories and offering them positions to train and develop others

The Formal ProcessWould be first defining the T&D Performance Models for all

jobs and processes, determining key enabling Human K/Ss i f iand Attributes/Values for each and using that data

formally in the recruiting and selection processes and criteria

When to be More FormalWhen the “stakes” of the T&D Staff performance is critical

to the Enterprise in terms of Risk/Reward

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to the Enterprise in terms of Risk/Reward

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.1 10.1 –– T&D Staff Recruiting & T&D Staff Recruiting & Selection/Succession Selection/Succession SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. T&D System Process Mapping & Performance Modeling & Human Attribute Enabler Analysis

2. Affect the Enterprise Recruiting & Selection System with the Criteria and Weights for the Key T&D Performance Enabling K/Ss Attributes & ValuesK/Ss, Attributes & Values

3. Determine the Logical Succession Plan Between Key T&D System Jobs and External/Internal to the EnterpriseSystem Jobs and External/Internal to the Enterprise

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.1 10.1 –– T&D Staff Recruiting & T&D Staff Recruiting & Selection/Succession Selection/Succession SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 T&D System Process Mapping & T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. T&D System Process Mapping & Performance Modeling & Human Attribute Enabler Analysis



2. Affect the Enterprise Recruiting & Selection System with the Criteria and Weights for the Key T&D Performance Enabling K/Ss Attributes & ValuesDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool Enabling K/Ss, Attributes & Values

3. Determine the Logical Succession Plan Between Key T&D System Jobs and E t l/I t l t th E t i

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

External/Internal to the Enterprise

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 261

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.2 10.2 –– T&D Staff Training & T&D Staff Training & Development Development ProcessProcesspp

Process OverviewThe T&D Staff Training and Development Process assesses knowledge and skill compliance and develops an Individual T&D Plan from an organized, documented, and resourced curriculum of traditional and nontraditional information, cu cu u o ad o a a d o ad o a o a o , education, training, and development events to ensure

competence and development consistent with the projected overall and development consistent with the projected, overall

staffing needs of the T&D system.

Key Process OutputsTrained and developed staff to the levels of competency

required by the processes within which they perform

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required by the processes within which they perform

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.2 10.2 –– T&D Staff Training & T&D Staff Training & Development Development ProcessProcesspp

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYour critical T&D staff is not as competent as they need to

be for knowledge/skills capability items outside the scope of the recruiting and selection process.

Staff complains about the lack of T&D or lack of a clear path for development.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.2 10.2 –– T&D Staff Training & T&D Staff Training & Development Development ProcessProcesspp

The Informal ProcessCould be having each new employee informally receive

on-the-job instruction via observation and informal coaching as needed

The Formal ProcessWould be assessing the incoming K/S of each employee

and customizing an Individual T&D Plan based on their job i fi i iexpectations and the defined Curriculum Architecture

Path designed for the job

When to be More FormalWhen to be More FormalWhen the K/Ss of the T&D Staff is critical to their

performance and the success of the T&D System and Processes

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10.2 10.2 –– T&D Staff Training & T&D Staff Training & Development Development SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPspp

1. Conduct a CAD effort for the T&D System’s Key Jobs

2 B ild/A i th i it T&D d t f th CAD f i t l 2. Build/Acquire the priority T&D products of the CAD for internal deployment

3 Conduct Individual T&D Planning for each Key T&D Job 3. Conduct Individual T&D Planning for each Key T&D Job Performer

4. Manage Individual Training Using the Individual T&D Plan and 4. Manage Individual Training Using the Individual T&D Plan and Adjust As Needed

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.2 10.2 –– T&D Staff Training & Development T&D Staff Training & Development SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Conduct a CAD effort for the T&D T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Conduct a CAD effort for the T&D System’s Key Jobs

2. Build/Acquire the priority T&D products


of the CAD for internal deployment

3. Conduct Individual T&D Planning for each Key T&D Job Performer Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool each Key T&D Job Performer

4. Manage Individual Training Using the Individual T&D Plan and Adjust As N d d

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On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 266

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.3 10.3 –– T&D Staff Assessment T&D Staff Assessment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Staff Assessment Process provides routine and continuous assessment of performance, positive/constructive feedback, negative/constructive feedback, additional development and progression monitoring, progressive de e op e a d p og ess o o o g, p og ess e discipline, and termination, if necessary.

Key Process OutputsKey Process OutputsStaff feedback on satisfaction/dissatisfaction Inputs to other human asset processes

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.3 10.3 –– T&D Staff Assessment T&D Staff Assessment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenPerformance appraisals/staff evaluations don’t happen

routinely, or as needed, or with quality and consistency.

The T&D staff does not know where they stand in management’s eyes regarding their competence and performance adequacy.

Staff T&D plans are not being driven by these formal assessments, which are driven by the needs of the business.

Performance appraisals and criteria are too general and/or do not match the job.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.3 10.3 –– T&D Staff Assessment T&D Staff Assessment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be occasionally assessing and ranking the T&D Staff

based on flexible criteria

The Formal ProcessWould be routinely assessing T&D Staff using standard,

priority job performance criteria sourced from the Performance Models & Enabler data for the T&D Systems/Processes

When to be More FormalWh th i d t t / d d i When there is a need to promote/advance deserving

individuals and/or to address/remove non-performers on the staff due to their negative impact on the T&D Systems’ performance

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.3 10.3 –– T&D Staff Assessment T&D Staff Assessment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Develop Standard Performance Assessment Instruments per T&D Job/Role

2. Use the Standard Performance Assessment Instruments to Routinely Assess Performers in Key T&D Jobs/Roles

3. Provide Feedback and Take Corrective Action As Needed

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.3 10.3 –– T&D Staff Assessment T&D Staff Assessment SubProcessesSubProcesses-- AoPsAoPs


1 Develop Standard Performance T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Develop Standard Performance Assessment Instruments per T&D Job/Role



2. Use the Standard Performance Assessment Instruments to Routinely Assess Performers in Key T&D Jobs/Roles

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

3. Provide Feedback and Take Corrective Action As NeededE PPIC Inc.

Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.4 10.4 –– T&D Staff Compensation & T&D Staff Compensation & Benefits Benefits ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Staff Compensation and Benefits Process provides total compensation and benefits for all of the permanent employees of the T&D system; it typically provides only compensation for the outsourced staff.co pe sa o o e ou sou ced s a .

Key Process OutputsTotal compensation goals and amounts determined for Total compensation goals and amounts determined for

each staff position

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.4 10.4 –– T&D Staff Compensation & T&D Staff Compensation & Benefits Benefits ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenThe staff complains about their salary compared to others

elsewhere in T&D.

Pay is uneven across multiple jobs without solid rationale.j

Turnover is greater than in other areas of the enterprise, and exit interviews indicate that people are leaving due to p p gpay and benefits issues.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.4 10.4 –– T&D Staff Compensation & T&D Staff Compensation & Benefits Benefits ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be adjusting compensation and benefits reactively

in response to staff inquiries, complaints and/or turnover

The Formal ProcessWould be to conduct compensation & benefits surveys

using the data from the Performance Models and Enabler Analyses as benchmarks for desired competence/

i icapability

When to be More FormalWh t ff t di ti f ti ld ti l When staff turnover or dissatisfaction would negatively

affect the performance of the T&D System and its Customers and Stakeholders

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.4 10.4 –– T&D Staff Compensation & T&D Staff Compensation & Benefits Benefits SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Conduct Employee compensation & benefits satisfaction surveys

2. Conduct local marketplace compensation & benefits surveys using the Performance Model & Enabling K/S data for Key Jobs as the benchmarks for comparisonJobs as the benchmarks for comparison

3. Adjust compensation & benefits for each local market to attract and retain Key Job Performers per Enterprise policies attract and retain Key Job Performers per Enterprise policies and requirements

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.4 10.4 –– T&D Staff Compensation & T&D Staff Compensation & Benefits Benefits SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Conduct Employee compensation & T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . Co duc p oyee co pe sa o & benefits satisfaction surveys

2. Conduct local marketplace compensation & benefits surveys using


compensation & benefits surveys using the Performance Model & Enabling K/S data for Key Jobs as the benchmarks for comparison

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool3. Adjust compensation & benefits for

each local market to attract and retain Key Job Performers per Enterprise policies and requirements

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance policies and requirements

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 276

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.5 10.5 –– T&D Rewards & Recognition T&D Rewards & Recognition ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Staff Rewards and Recognition Process provides small monetary and other non-monetary rewards and recognition to the T&D staff, other non-T&D staff, and various contributors to the overall T&D effort.co bu o s o e o e a & e o .

Key Process Outputsy pNon-cash or small cash rewards and other forms of


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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.5 10.5 –– T&D Rewards & Recognition T&D Rewards & Recognition ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenNo one ever or seldom receives rewards or recognition for

jobs well done.

The staff feels that the rewards and recognition that are gbeing awarded are done so unfairly.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.5 10.5 –– T&D Rewards & Recognition T&D Rewards & Recognition ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be random rewards done when “you’ve caught

someone doing something right”

The Formal ProcessWould be a rewards system based on specific

accomplishments (written goals, customer praise, etc.), perhaps as “a customer and/or peer recognition system”

When to be More FormalWhen you have a staff morale issue/opportunity based

i b h i th t d th t ff f l th t th upon prior behaviors that made the staff feel that the rewards and management recognition were awarded unfairly

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.5 10.5 –– T&D Rewards & Recognition T&D Rewards & Recognition SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Define a Rewards &Recognition System Linked to Desired Process Performance and Employee Practices that are th l li k d t th St t i N d f th E t ithemselves linked to the Strategic Needs of the Enterprise

2. Implement the Rewards &Recognition System

3. Conduct Employee Satisfaction Surveys that Address Rewards &Recognition

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 280

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.5 10.5 –– T&D Rewards & Recognition T&D Rewards & Recognition SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Define a Rewards &Recognition System T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Define a Rewards &Recognition System Linked to Desired Process Performance and Employee Practices that are themselves linked to the Strategic


Needs of the Enterprise

2. Implement the Rewards &Recognition System Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool System

3. Conduct Employee Satisfaction Surveys that Address Rewards &Recognition

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 281

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.6 10.6 –– T&D Organization Structural T&D Organization Structural Design Design ProcessProcessgg

Process OverviewThe T&D Organization Structural Design Process designs the organization (the form and structure) based on the T&D leadership, core, and support processes in place and the systems, tools, and methods required to render the T&D services and provide the T&D products that have high-payback to the enterprise in terms of their return on investment or economic value add.

Key Process OutputsT&D organization chartT&D j b d i f b th f ll d t ti iti d T&D job designs for both full- and part-time positions and for permanent or outsourced staff

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10.6 10.6 –– T&D Organization Structural T&D Organization Structural Design Design ProcessProcessgg

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenJob responsibilities overlap or are gapped.

Organization responsibilities overlap or are gapped.

Staff, management, and/or customers do not seems to know “who does what.”

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10.6 10.6 –– T&D Organization Structural T&D Organization Structural Design Design ProcessProcessgg

The Informal ProcessCould be a loose process of assigning people to what they

like best to do and thereby defining the jobs

The Formal ProcessWould be based on the defined process requirements, and

the human performance requirements, and the anticipated volume of work expected, and the likelihood

f fi i i i iof finding enough candidates with the required knowledge/skill and attribute-sets

When to be More FormalWhen to be More FormalWhen the T&D organization has grown large and there are

many on staff

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10.6 10.6 –– T&D Organization Structural T&D Organization Structural Design Design SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPsgg

1. Define the Processes and Human Performance Requirements and the Enabling K/Ss and Attributes/Values Requirements

2. Predict the Future Work Type, Volume, and Critical Roles and Enablers

3. Determine Process Performance Risk Targets

4. Configure the Job Content (Task Performance) to meet both 4. Configure the Job Content (Task Performance) to meet both the needs of the Enterprise and the likelihood of Recruiting/Selecting Enough Candidates that meet the current and future requirementsq

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 285

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.6 10.6 –– T&D Organization Structural T&D Organization Structural Design Design SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Define the Processes and Human P f R i t d th E bli

T&D Systems T&D Systems ViewView Performance Requirements and the Enabling

K/Ss and Attributes/Values Requirements

2. Predict the Future Work Type, Volume, and Critical Roles and Enablers


Critical Roles and Enablers

3. Determine Process Performance Risk Targets

4. Configure the Job Content (Task Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment ToolPerformance) to meet both the needs of the Enterprise and the likelihood of Recruiting/Selecting Enough Candidates that meet the current and future requirements

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 286

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.7 10.7 –– T&D Facilities Development T&D Facilities Development & Deployment & Deployment ProcessProcessp yp y

Process OverviewThe T&D Facilities Development and Deployment Process builds or acquires and maintains all of the facilities (buildings and grounds) needed by T&D.

Key Process OutputsCurrent and future T&D facility designsT&D facilities available

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10.7 10.7 –– T&D Facilities Development T&D Facilities Development & Deployment & Deployment ProcessProcessp yp y

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be Broken

Your space needs are not being met.

Your space is not conducive to what you are doing and ou space s o co duc e o a you a e do g a d how you are doing it.

There is no short- and/or long-term strategically driven There is no short and/or long term, strategically driven view of what those needs will be.

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10.7 10.7 –– T&D Facilities Development T&D Facilities Development & Deployment & Deployment ProcessProcessp yp y

The Informal ProcessCould be taking whatever space is provided; renting

whenever needs exceed capacity requirements

The Formal ProcessWould be determining and acquiring facilities based on

projected work volumes and staffing levels (including temporary staffing), technologies to be used, etc.

When to be More FormalWhen the T&D organization is growing/shrinking and will

ti t hcontinue to change

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10.7 10.7 –– T&D Facilities Development T&D Facilities Development & Deployment & Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPsp yp y

1. Develop a Facilities Planning & Budgeting Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of technologies to b d tbe used, etc.

2. Annually Update the Facilities Plan & Budget as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning ProcessesStrategic and Operational Planning Processes

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 290

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.7 10.7 –– T&D Facilities Development & T&D Facilities Development & Deployment Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Develop a Facilities Planning Process T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Develop a Facilities Planning Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of technologies to be used, etc.


2. Annually Update the Facilities Plan as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning ProcessesDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool Planning Processes

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 291

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.8 10.8 –– T&D Equipment & Tools T&D Equipment & Tools Development & Deployment Development & Deployment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Equipment and Tools Development and Deployment Process builds or acquires the T&D tools and equipment required and proven (pilot tested) by the research and development effort. This process ensures a successful de e op e e o . s p ocess e su es a success u implementation.

Key Process Outputsy pCurrent and future T&D equipment/tool designsT&D equipment/tools available

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.8 10.8 –– T&D Equipment & Tools T&D Equipment & Tools Development & Deployment Development & Deployment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenThe equipment and tools required to get the job done are

lacking (totally, or in the correct quantity) or are otherwise inadequate for the tasks of the processes.

There are budget overruns and high costs for outsourcing and/or last-minute expediting.

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10.8 10.8 –– T&D Equipment & Tools T&D Equipment & Tools Development & Deployment Development & Deployment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be purchasing equipment and tools as needed and

as funds permit

The Formal ProcessWould be based on projected work volumes and staffing

levels (including temporary staffing), technologies to be used, etc.

When to be More FormalWhen the T&D organization's processes and tool-set is

i l d th d f i t/t l ill growing complex and the need for equipment/tools will continue to evolve

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10.8 10.8 –– T&D Equipment & Tools Development & T&D Equipment & Tools Development & Deployment Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Develop a Tools/Equipment Planning & Budgeting Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of t h l i t b d ttechnologies to be used, etc.

2. Annually Update the Tools/Equipment Plan & Budget as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning Processesof the Strategic and Operational Planning Processes

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 295

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.8 10.8 –– T&D Equipment & Tools Development & T&D Equipment & Tools Development & Deployment Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Develop a Tools/Equipment Planning & T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Develop a Tools/Equipment Planning & Budgeting Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of technologies to be used, etc.


2. Annually Update the Tools/Equipment Plan and Budget as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning ProcessesDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool and Operational Planning Processes

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 296

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.9 10.9 –– T&D Materials & Supplies T&D Materials & Supplies Acquisition & Deployment Acquisition & Deployment ProcessProcessq p yq p y

Process OverviewThe T&D Materials and Supplies Acquisition and Deployment Process acquires and delivers all consumable materials and supplies necessary for T&D operations.

Key Process OutputsVarious materials and supplies are available

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10.9 10.9 –– T&D Materials & Supplies T&D Materials & Supplies Acquisition & Deployment Acquisition & Deployment ProcessProcessq p yq p y

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenMaterials and supplies constantly run out.

Incorrect materials and supplies are ordered and inventoried.

Costs paid for materials and supplies often include expediting charges for rush orders.p g g

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10.9 10.9 –– T&D Materials & Supplies T&D Materials & Supplies Acquisition & Deployment Acquisition & Deployment ProcessProcessq p yq p y

The Informal ProcessCould be purchasing materials and supplies as needed

and as funds permit

The Formal ProcessWould be based on projected work volumes and staffing


When to be More FormalWhen the T&D organization's processes and organization is

growing complex and the need for materials/supplies will ti t lcontinue to evolve

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 299

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.9 10.9 –– T&D Materials & Supplies Acquisition & T&D Materials & Supplies Acquisition & Deployment Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Develop a Materials/Supplies Planning & Budgeting Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of t h l i t b d ttechnologies to be used, etc.

2. Annually Update the Materials/Supplies Plan & Budget as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning Processesof the Strategic and Operational Planning Processes

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 300

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.9 10.9 –– T&D Materials & Supplies Acquisition & T&D Materials & Supplies Acquisition & Deployment Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Develop a Materials/Supplies Planning T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Develop a Materials/Supplies Planning & Budgeting Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of technologies to be used, etc.


2. Annually Update the Materials/Supplies Plan & Budget as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning ProcessesDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool and Operational Planning Processes

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 301

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.10 10.10 –– T&D Information Systems T&D Information Systems Development & Deployment Development & Deployment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Information Systems Development and Deployment Process builds or acquires the T&D information technology methods and systems (hardware and software) that are deemed required and have been proven (pilot tested) by dee ed equ ed a d a e bee p o e (p o es ed) by T&D’s research and development effort to meet their intended functionality.

Key Process OutputsInformation systems designInformation system in placeInformation system in place

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10.10 10.10 –– T&D Information Systems T&D Information Systems Development & Deployment Development & Deployment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenThe current IT/IS system is inadequate to the task, from

space (storage size) to speed (computational power and bandwidth in the distribution pipes).

There is no near-term or long-range plan for the IT/IS system.

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.10 10.10 –– T&D Information Systems T&D Information Systems Development & Deployment Development & Deployment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be developing/acquiring IT systems as needs arise

and funds permit

The Formal ProcessWould be determining and acquiring IT systems based on

projected work volumes and staffing levels (including temporary staffing), technologies to be used, etc.

When to be More FormalWhen the T&D organization is growing/shrinking and the

d f IT t ill ti t lneed for IT systems will continue to evolve

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.10 10.10 –– T&D Information Systems Development T&D Information Systems Development & Deployment & Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Develop an IT Systems Planning & Budgeting Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of technologies t b d tto be used, etc.

2. Annually Update the IT Systems Plan & Budget as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning ProcessesStrategic and Operational Planning Processes

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 305

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.10 10.10 –– T&D Information Systems Development T&D Information Systems Development & Deployment & Deployment SubProcessSubProcess -- AoPsAoPs


1 Develop an IT Systems Planning & T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Develop an IT Systems Planning & Budgeting Process based on forecasts of staff size, work volume , types of technologies to be used, etc.


2. Annually Update the IT Systems Plan & Budget as part of the Strategic and Operational Planning ProcessesDetailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool Operational Planning Processes

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 306

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.11 10.11 –– T&D Methods Deployment T&D Methods Deployment ProcessProcess

Process OverviewThe T&D Methods Deployment Process builds or acquires the T&D, ISD, or administrative methods that have been tested and proven by the research and development effort or are part of enterprise-wide methods and procedures. This process pa o e e p se de e ods a d p ocedu es. s p ocess ensures an overall, successful implementation of any new approaches to ISD or other T&D methods.

Key Process OutputsT&D methods documentation

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10.11 10.11 –– T&D Methods Deployment T&D Methods Deployment ProcessProcess

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou don’t have methods documented for key process

performance tasks.

Variation in how things are done is causing problems with g gconsistency in quality, cost, or schedule performance.

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10.11 10.11 –– T&D Methods Deployment T&D Methods Deployment ProcessProcess

The Informal ProcessCould be deployment/delivery of T&D products/services in

any manner that the customer would prefer it

The Formal ProcessWould be using a defined set of deployment/delivery

platforms based on learning transfer effectiveness and cost effectiveness and transfer criticality

When to be More FormalWhen there are many developers with many personal

f di d l t/d lipreferences regarding deployment/delivery

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10.11 10.11 –– T&D Methods Deployment T&D Methods Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Develop a Deployment/Delivery Selection Methodology

2 I l t th D l t/D li S l ti M th d l 2. Implement the Deployment/Delivery Selection Methodology and Train all Necessary T&D Staff

3 Update the Deployment/Delivery Selection Methodology as 3. Update the Deployment/Delivery Selection Methodology as New Technologies for Deployment/Delivery are Brought into the T&D System

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 310

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

10.11 10.11 –– T&D Methods Deployment T&D Methods Deployment SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Develop a Deployment/Delivery T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Develop a Deployment/Delivery Selection Methodology

2. Implement the Deployment/Delivery


Selection Methodology and Train all Necessary T&D Staff

3 Update the Deployment/Delivery Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 3. Update the Deployment/Delivery Selection Methodology as New Technologies for Deployment/Delivery are Brought into the T&D System

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 311

Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

11 11 –– T&D Research & Development T&D Research & Development SystemSystem

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11 11 –– T&D Research & Development T&D Research & Development SystemSystemyy

The T&D Research and Development System organizes all d lib t / l d T&D h d d l t ff t deliberate/planned T&D research and development efforts; conducts internal and external benchmarking; and conducts pilot tests of new processes, products, tools, and techniques for potential incorporation into the standard T&D methods and potential incorporation into the standard T&D methods and processes throughout the T&D system.

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11.1 11.1 –– T&D Methodology & T&D Methodology & Technology Surveillance Technology Surveillance ProcessProcessgygy

Process OverviewThe T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process keeps track of what is going on in the worlds of ISD technology and ISD methodology, as well as with all other elements of the T&D system, such as information e e e s o e & sys e , suc as o a o technology/information system capabilities for development and deployment of T&D.

Key Process OutputsKey T&D methodology and technology trends and

emerging capabilitiesemerging capabilities

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11.1 11.1 –– T&D Methodology & T&D Methodology & Technology Surveillance Technology Surveillance ProcessProcessgygy

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou are not constantly, systematically surveying the

marketplace for what’s new.

Customers or other leaders in the enterprise are asking you gabout methodology or technology that you are unaware of.

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11.1 11.1 –– T&D Methodology & T&D Methodology & Technology Surveillance Technology Surveillance ProcessProcessgygy

The Informal ProcessCould be on occasion reading and attending conferences

and inviting vendors in to demonstrate their offerings

The Formal ProcessWould be conducted via assigned readings of

journals/etc. plus attending conferences and writing reports

When to be More FormalWhen the need for keeping up with technology and

th d l d l t i d i b th t ’ methodology developments is driven by the customer’s needs and the internal need to reduce costs and cycle time while improving post-T&D performance on-the-job

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11.1 11.1 –– T&D Methodology & Technology T&D Methodology & Technology Surveillance Surveillance SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Develop a T&D Methodology & Technology Surveillance & Reporting Plan, Process and then Assign Process Tasks

2. Capture Methodology & Technology Surveillance data in databases

3. Report Methodology & Technology Surveillance data to Stakeholders as planned

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

11.1 11.1 –– T&D Methodology & Technology T&D Methodology & Technology Surveillance Surveillance SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1 Develop a T&D Methodology & T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView 1. Develop a T&D Methodology & Technology Surveillance & Reporting Plan, Process and then Assign Process Tasks


2. Capture Methodology & Technology Surveillance data in databases

Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool

3. Report Methodology & Technology Surveillance data to Stakeholders as planned

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

11.2 11.2 –– T&D Internal & External T&D Internal & External Benchmarking Benchmarking ProcessProcessgg

Process OverviewThe T&D Internal and External Benchmarking Processes compare all of the internal T&D organization’s processes to a series of benchmarks, comparing internal operations against each other as well as to external organizations in both similar eac o e as e as o e e a o ga a o s bo s a and dissimilar situations.

Key Process Outputsy pBenchmark studies

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11.2 11.2 –– T&D Internal & External T&D Internal & External Benchmarking Benchmarking ProcessProcessgg

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenYou reinvent systems, processes, or products that already


You start development or improvement efforts with only the old model and a blank sheet in front of you, instead of with several new models borrowed from elsewhere.

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11.2 11.2 –– T&D Internal & External T&D Internal & External Benchmarking Benchmarking ProcessProcessgg

The Informal ProcessCould be interacting with an informal network of T&D

Professional Peers

The Formal ProcessWould be interacting with an established, formal network

of T&D Professional Peers with defined goals and communications processes

When to be More FormalWhen the future needs of the T&D System will require best-

i l h d t i l ti in-class approaches and processes to improve cycle time, costs and learner/business impact

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11.2 11.2 –– T&D Internal & External T&D Internal & External Benchmarking Benchmarking SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs

1. Develop Network Goals

2 J i /D l F l N t k f P f i l P 2. Join/Develop a Formal Network of Professional Peers

3. Participate in/Conduct Structured Communications for Problem Solving Resource Identification and Assessment Problem Solving, Resource Identification and Assessment, etc.

4. Report “learnings” from the Formal Network of Professional 4. Report learnings from the Formal Network of Professional Peers, to Stakeholders as planned

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

11.2 11.2 –– T&D Internal & External T&D Internal & External Benchmarking Benchmarking SubProcessesSubProcesses -- AoPsAoPs


1. Develop Networking GoalsT&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . e e op e o g Goa s

2. Join/Develop a Formal Network of Professional Peers


3. Participate in/Conduct Structured Communications for Problem Solving, Resource Identification and Assessment, etc.Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool Assessment, etc.

4. Report “learnings” from the Formal Network of Professional Peers, to Stakeholders as planned

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance Stakeholders as planned

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

11.3 11.3 –– T&D Methodology & T&D Methodology & Technology PilotTechnology Pilot--Testing Testing ProcessProcessgygy gg

Process OverviewThe T&D Methodology and Technology Pilot-Testing Processes bring in the newfangled stuff found in the other two research and development processes of the T&D system to deliberately play with it and test it.p ay a d es .

Key Process OutputsTest results for T&D system methods, technologies, y , g ,

equipment, and tools

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11.3 11.3 –– T&D Methodology & T&D Methodology & Technology PilotTechnology Pilot--Testing Testing ProcessProcessgygy gg

Clues & Cues That Your Process May Be BrokenThings get implemented without testing, resulting in

scheduling and cost issues and reduced ROI.

You never pilot test new methods, techniques, tools, etc.

Too many things have been implemented in the past that just haven’t worked out as well as first thought.j g

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11.3 11.3 –– T&D Methodology & T&D Methodology & Technology PilotTechnology Pilot--Testing Testing ProcessProcessgygy gg

The Informal ProcessCould be buying and trying Methodology/Technology as it

becomes available and as funds allow

The Formal ProcessWould conduct deliberate, planned tests of targeted

technology after benchmarking and other low-cost research, to achieve T&D System performance goals or

i iaddress T&D Stakeholder problems/opportunities

When to be More FormalWh th Ri k /R d f th f il f th When the Risks/Rewards of the success or failure of the

Methodology/Technology is significant

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11.3 11.3 –– T&D Methodology & Technology T&D Methodology & Technology PilotPilot--Testing Testing SubProcessesSubProcesses --AoPsAoPs

1. Set the Methodology/Technology Pilot-Test Goals, Requirements, Constraints and Resource/Budget Plan

2. Plan the Procedures, Roles and other needs of the Methodology/Technology Pilot Test

3. Conduct the Methodology/Technology Pilot Test per the plan

4. Report the Methodology/Technology Pilot Test results to 4. Report the Methodology/Technology Pilot Test results to Stakeholders as planned

On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”

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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

11.3 11.3 –– T&D Methodology & Technology T&D Methodology & Technology PilotPilot--Testing Testing SubProcessesSubProcesses --AoPsAoPs


1. Set the Methodology/Technology Pilot-T&D Systems T&D Systems

ViewView . Se e e odo ogy/ ec o ogy oTest Goals, Requirements, Constraints and Resource/Budget Plan

2. Plan the Procedures, Roles and other


2. Plan the Procedures, Roles and other needs of the Methodology/Technology Pilot Test

3. Conduct the Methodology/Technology Detailed Assessment ToolDetailed Assessment Tool 3. Conduct the Methodology/Technology Pilot Test per the plan

4. Report the Methodology/Technology Pilot Test results to Stakeholders as

E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance

E PPIC Inc.E PPIC Inc.Achieve P eak P erform ance Pilot Test results to Stakeholders as


On the T&D Assessment Tool:On the T&D Assessment Tool:

A thi PA thi P OKOK N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”N t OK d li t ROI id f “N t OK”


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Assess this Process: Assess this Process: OKOK or or Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”Not OK and list ROI ideas for “Not OK”

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/ProcessesSystems/Processes

8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System8 O’clock: T&D Marketing and Communications System1. T&D Stakeholder Communications Process2. Individual T&D Planning Process

8Marketing and Communications

3. T&D Ordering and Registration Process

9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System9 O’clock: T&D Financial Asset Management System1 Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

9Financial AssetManagement 1. Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

2. T&D Physical Property Management ProcessManagement

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems/Processes Systems/Processes (continued)(continued)

10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System10 O’clock: T&D Human and Environmental Asset Management System1. T&D Staff Recruiting and Selection/Succession Process2. T&D Staff Training and Development Process

10Human andEnvironmental AssetM t

3. T&D Staff Assessment Process4. T&D Staff Compensation and Benefits Process5. T&D Staff Rewards and Recognition Process


6. T&D Organization Structural Design Process7. T&D Facilities Development and Deployment Process8. T&D Equipment and Tools Development and Deployment Process9. T&D Materials and Supplies Acquisition and Deployment Process10 T&D I f ti S t D l t d D l t P10. T&D Information Systems Development and Deployment Process11. T&D Methods Deployment Process

11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System11 O’clock: T&D Research and Development System1 T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

11Research andDevelopment 1. T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

2. T&D Internal and External Benchmarking Process3. T&D Methodology and Technology Pilot-Testing Process


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Small Team ExerciseSmall Team Exercise

Break into small groups of 4-6 and sit together at a table.

For each of the 4 Support Systems’ Processes…

- Each person in turn will quickly,

T&D T&D Systems Systems


Each person in turn will quickly, in 60 seconds-or-less present their assessment of process 8.1, AND explaining “why” they assessed it the way they did

Detailed Assessment Detailed Assessment ToolTool

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assessed it the way they did.

- Then go to the next Process, until completing 11.3

Summarizes your notes on ideas you got from the others on the following pages.

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

8 1-T&D Stakeholder 8.1-T&D Stakeholder Communications Process

8.2- Individual T&D Planning Processg

8.3- T&D Ordering and Registration Process

9.1- Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

9.2- T&D Physical Property Management Property Management Process

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

10 1- T&D Staff Recruiting 10.1- T&D Staff Recruiting and Selection/Succession Process

10.2- T&D Staff Training and Development and Development Process

10.3- T&D Staff Assessment Process

10.4- T&D Staff Compensation and Benefits Process

10.5- T&D Staff Rewards d R iti Pand Recognition Process

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

10 6- T&D Organization 10.6- T&D Organization Structural Design Process

10.7- T&D Facilities Development and pDeployment Process

10.8- T&D Equipment and Tools Development and Deployment Process

10.9- T&D Materials and Supplies Acquisition and Deployment Process

10.10- T&D Information Systems Development Systems Development and Deployment Process

10.11- T&D Methods Deployment Process

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes -- Assessment Summaries of Others’ ProcessesAssessment Summaries of Others’ Processes

OK Not OK Process Potential “Returns” Ideas

11 1- T&D Methodology 11.1- T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

11.2- T&D Internal and External Benchmarking Process

11.3- T&D Methodology and Technology Pilot-Testing ProcessTesting Process

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Small Team Exercise ReadoutsSmall Team Exercise Readouts

For each of the 4 Support Systems’ Processes…

Each table’s spokesperson person will quickly in 2 minutes or less- Each table s spokesperson person will quickly, in 2 minutes-or-lesspresent their most interesting ideas regarding


ROIT&D T&D SystSystems ems

Detailed Detailed Assessment Assessment



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Section 5 Summary & CloseSection 5 Summary & Close

T&D Support Systems/Processes T&D Support Systems/Processes Market and communicate throughout the T&D System to all

T&D stakeholders; manage the financial, human and environmental resources; and conduct R&D activities

8M k ti d

9Fi i l A t

10H d

11R h dMarketing and

CommunicationsFinancial AssetManagement

Human andEnvironmental AssetManagement

Research andDevelopment

Next: Assessment Summaries, Prioritization, and Initial Next: Assessment Summaries, Prioritization, and Initial

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, ,, ,Improvement Planning for your Top TargetImprovement Planning for your Top Target

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

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Section 6Section 6

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1st Steps of This Assessment1st Steps of This Assessment

1st Assessments are based on “rough-estimates” of the

Value Potential of the“Ri k R t ” “Risks & Returns”

-Risks: for failures of “strategy implementation/achievement” or “ongoing operations excellence” $$$

-Return $$$ - for use in ROI – Return on Investments forecasts

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2 Source Categories for the “R” in ROI2 Source Categories for the “R” in ROI

Profit Increasesfrom

Cost Reductionsfrom

Increased “top-line" Revenues


Reduced cycle time Reduced materials costs Reduced scrap/Increase

yields Increased “bottom-line” Profits

Oth ?

yields Reduced labor costs Reduced rework costs Reduced management

Other? costs Reduced energy costs Reduced overhead costs

Risk Reduction


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Targeting Your Top 5Targeting Your Top 5Improvement PrioritiesImprovement Prioritiespp

Take 30 minutes to

Review Your Assessment Summaries for each Processes for the T&D Leadership, Core and Support Systems

1. First Pass- Mark High, Medium, Low, or Zero on each of the 47 Processes Already Identified as “Not OK”

3 points for High 2 for Medium 1 for Low and 0 for Zero - 3 points for High, 2 for Medium,1 for Low, and 0 for Zero

2. Second Pass- Quickly review the Highs (3 pointers) and mark th Hi h M di L Z them High, Medium, Low, or Zero

3. Third pass- Study your short list and determine if any need to b d i it t th Fi li li t f t 5

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be done as prerequisites to others. Finalize your list of top 5

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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems & Processes Systems & Processes --Assessment & TargetingAssessment & Targeting

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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems & Processes Systems & Processes Assessment Summary Assessment Summary --continuedcontinued

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

12.1- T&D Governance Process

12.2- T&D Advisory Process

1.1- Enterprise Strategic Plans Surveillance Process

1.2- T&D Strategic Planning PProcess

2.1- Annual Operations Planning and Budgeting Process

2 2 Quarterly Operations 2.2- Quarterly Operations Planning and Budgeting Updates Process

2.3- Forecasting and Accounting Process

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T&D T&D LeadershipLeadership Systems & Processes Systems & Processes Assessment Summary Assessment Summary --continuedcontinued

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

3 1- Cost/Benefits 3.1- Cost/Benefits Measurement System Design and Deployment Process

3.2- Ongoing Cost/Benefits Measurement and Measurement and Feedback Receiving Process

3.3- T&D Project Lessons L d PLearned Process

3.4- Results Reporting and Archiving Process

4.1- T&D Issues Generation and Assessment Process

4.2- T&D Improvement Project Planning and M t P

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Management Process

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & Processes Systems & Processes --Assessment & TargetingAssessment & Targetingg gg g

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & Processes Systems & Processes Assessment SummaryAssessment Summaryyy

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

5 1- T&D Product and Service 5.1- T&D Product and Service Line Program Management Process

5.2- T&D Product Line Design ProcessProcess

5.3- T&D Service Line Design Process

6.1- T&D Product and Service Line Development and Acquisition Program Management Process

6 2 T&D C t 6.2- T&D Custom Development Process

6.3- T&D Purchased Product Acquisition Process

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & Processes Systems & Processes Assessment SummaryAssessment Summaryyy

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

6 4- T&D Purchased Product 6.4- T&D Purchased Product Modification Process

6.5- Existing T&D Maintenance Process

7.1- T&D Master Materials Storage and Retrieval Process

7.2- T&D Master Materials Change Management Process

7.3- T&D Scheduling Process

7.4- T&D Facilitator and Coach Development and Certification Process

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T&D T&D CoreCore Systems & Processes Systems & Processes Assessment SummaryAssessment Summaryyy

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

7 5- Facilitator-led T&D 7.5- Facilitator-led T&D Deployment Process

7.6- Self-paced T&D Deployment Processp y

7.7- Coached/Mentored T&D Deployment Process

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes --Assessment & TargetingAssessment & Targeting

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes --Assessment & TargetingAssessment & Targetingg gg g

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

8 1-T&D Stakeholder 8.1-T&D Stakeholder Communications Process

8.2- Individual T&D Planning Processg

8.3- T&D Ordering and Registration Process

9.1- Organizational T&D Plans and Budget Roll-up and Adjustment Process

9.2- T&D Physical Property Management Property Management Process

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes --Assessment & TargetingAssessment & Targetingg gg g

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

10 1- T&D Staff Recruiting 10.1- T&D Staff Recruiting and Selection/Succession Process

10.2- T&D Staff Training and Development and Development Process

10.3- T&D Staff Assessment Process

10.4- T&D Staff Compensation and Benefits Process

10.5- T&D Staff Rewards d R iti Pand Recognition Process

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes --Assessment & TargetingAssessment & Targetingg gg g

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

10 6- T&D Organization 10.6- T&D Organization Structural Design Process

10.7- T&D Facilities Development and pDeployment Process

10.8- T&D Equipment and Tools Development and Deployment Process

10.9- T&D Materials and Supplies Acquisition and Deployment Process

10.10- T&D Information Systems Development Systems Development and Deployment Process

10.11- T&D Methods Deployment Process

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T&D T&D SupportSupport Systems & Processes Systems & Processes --Assessment & TargetingAssessment & Targetingg gg g

1st Pass3-2-1-0

2nd PassH-M-L-0

T&D System Process Potential Improvement “Returns”

11 1- T&D Methodology 11.1- T&D Methodology and Technology Surveillance Process

11.2- T&D Internal and External Benchmarking Process

11.3- T&D Methodology and Technology Pilot-Testing ProcessTesting Process

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Calculating the Potential “ROI”Calculating the Potential “ROI”

Using the Template

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Potential ROI Calculation ExercisePotential ROI Calculation Exercise

1. Break into 2-person teams.

2 Together discuss and

Template here

2. Together, discuss and complete a flip chart page, following the “template” provided, for one of the Top Priorities for each person.

3. When you have completed both prepare to present to the both, prepare to present to the group. Then work on another priority and/or take a break.

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Leadership Processes TargetedLeadership Processes Targeted

Targeted Process Potential Return Value Investment Value

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Core Processes TargetedCore Processes Targeted

Targeted Process Potential Return Value Investment Value

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Support Processes TargetedSupport Processes Targeted

Targeted Process Potential Return Value Investment Value

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Section 6 Summary & CloseSection 6 Summary & Close

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 362

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Section 7Section 7

Planning the Improvement Project for Your #1 T t#1 Target

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Initial Improvement PlanningInitial Improvement Planning

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Section 8Section 8

Workshop Summary & Close

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop Learning ObjectivesWorkshop Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this workshop you will have

Systemically and systematically assessed the current and future adequacy of the current formal and informal ways that the T&D processes are being performed and

d i i tiTargeted your priority T&D function’s systems and

processes for improvement - based on your preliminary

managed in your organization

ROI forecasts and assessment of the Strategic Impact for your Enterprise

Developed a Improvement Plan and Documented Improvement Specifications for the continuous improvement, or discontinuous improvement, of your #1 target

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EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop SummaryWorkshop Summary

Workshop summary points

Not all “good” processes need to be formal and “in control”

A T&D system is not simple; it is complex with many processes

Improvements should only be undertaken when the potential ROI meet internal “hurdle rates”

to be adequate to the needs

A team should address the T&D System Assessment effort to minimize the negative impact of politics, strong

liti t

potential ROI meet internal hurdle rates

The assessment team and others will need to be sold on the value of the effort and/or informed

personalities, etc.

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Final parking lot issues review and resolution



Complete the Evaluation

Before Leaving

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Workshop CloseWorkshop Close

Thanks and good luck back on the job!

E-mail or call your follow-up questions to Guy W. WallaceE mail or call your follow up questions to Guy W. Wallace

Contact information on next pageContact information on next page

T&D Systems View - Performance Improvement Assessment Workshop ©2006 EPPIC, Inc. and Guy W. Wallace E00 10/30/06 Page 371B1

EPPIC Inc.Achieve Peak Performance

Contact InformationContact Information

Guy W. Wallace, CPTPresident, EPPIC, Inc.

Enterprise Process Performance Improvement Consultancy

20417 Harborgate Court #510Cornelius, NC 28031 USA

E-mail- [email protected] www.eppic.biz

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