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ERA 6 Jeopardy ReviewERA 6 Jeopardy Review

The Renaissance

The Age of Exploration

The Scientific Revolution

The Reformation

Primary Sources

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Renaissance

During the Renaissance, there was added appreciation of individual achievement. This is known as…

$100 Answer from Renaissance


$200 Question from Renaissance

One factor that enabled the Renaissance flourish in Italy were wealthy families known as…

$200 Answer from Renaissance


The Medicis

$300 Question from Renaissance

The greatest invention of the last millennium and a cause for the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution was…

$300 Answer from Renaissance

The Printing Press The Printing Press

$400 Question from Renaissance

During the Renaissance time period, artwork focused more on…

$400 Answer from Renaissance

Human achievement and correct body structures.

$500 Question from Renaissance

Which geographic feature contributed most to Italy’s economic success during the Renaissance?

$500 Answer from Renaissance

Its location Its location to waterwaysto waterways

$100 Question from Exploration

This refers to the exchange of ideas, foods, and diseases between the Old World and the New World.

$100 Answer from Exploration

The The Columbian Columbian ExchangeExchange

$200 Question from Exploration

A direct effect of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of religion and language. This is known as…

$200 Answer from Exploration

Cultural Cultural DiffusionDiffusion

$300 Question from Exploration

The Triangular Trade Route included the continents of…

$300 Answer from Exploration

Europe, Europe, Africa, Africa, and the and the AmericasAmericas

$400 Question from Exploration

The Native American population dropped drastically during the years of 1500-1700s. This was due to a disease introduced by the Spanish explorers known as…

$400 Answer from Exploration

Small Small PoxPox

$500 Question from Exploration

What role do the colonies play for the mother country in the economic policy of mercantilism?

$500 Answer from Exploration

A source of A source of raw materials raw materials

for the for the developed developed country’s country’s industry.industry.

$100 Question from Scientific Rev.

Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that the ______________ was the center of the universe. This is known as __________ - __________________.

$100 Answer Scientific Rev.


$200 Question from Scientific Rev.

Questioning by experimentation and using the scientific method is known as _______________ ________________.

$200 Answer from Scientific Rev.

Scientific Scientific InquiryInquiry

$300 Question from Scientific Rev.

Give two examples of inventions during the Scientific Revolution that had a direct impact on the Age of Exploration.

$300 Answer from Scientific Rev.

• TelescopeTelescope• CaravelCaravel• CompassCompass• AstrolabeAstrolabe

$400 Question from Scientific Rev.

This scientists believed that all physical objects were affected equally by the same forces. He developed the Law of Gravity.

$400 Answer from Scientific Rev.

Isaac Isaac NewtonNewton

$500 Question from Scientific Rev.

Galileo proved Aristole wrong and began a period of questioning the Catholic Church with his Theory of ________________ ________________.

$500 Answer from Scientific Rev.

Falling Falling ObjectsObjects

$100 Question from Reformation

Catholicism and Protestantism are both branches of…

$100 Answer from Reformation


$200 Question from Reformation

This council of the Catholic Church agreed to many reforms including ending the selling of indulgences.

$200 Answer from Reformation

The The Council of Council of


$300 Question from Reformation

Martin Luther protested against many Catholic Church abuses including the selling of indulgences by posting the ________ ____________ on the door of the Catholic Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

$300 Answer from Reformation

95 Thesis

$400 Question from Reformation

How did the invention of the printing press have an impact on the Reformation?

$400 Answer from Reformation

• Spread of ideas and beliefs• New translations of the Bible in the

vernacular• More books and literate society• Lead to questioning of previous


$500 Question from Reformation

A major effect of the Reformation was the increase in ____________________ and the decrease of _________________.

$500 Answer from Reformation

……new new Christian Christian denominationsdenominations

……power of the power of the Catholic Catholic Church.Church.

$100 Question from Primary Sources

What does this

woodcut illustrate?

$100 Answer from Primary Sources

The selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church. Notice the high ranking church official and the coins on the table.

$200 Question from Primary Sources

What model of

the universe is pictured?

$200 Answer from Primary Sources

Geo-Centrism model of the Universe. Put forth by Ptolemy and Aristotle and supported by the Catholic Church.

$300 Question from Primary Sources

This is a map of the This is a map of the voyage of…voyage of…

$300 Answer from Primary Sources

Ferdinand Ferdinand MagellanMagellan

$400 Question from Primary Sources

At the Diet of Worms Luther was asked to recent his statements about the Catholic Church. He said…

“I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God”

What is Luther saying he is “bound” to?

$400 Answer from Primary Sources

The Bible. Martin Luther believed that the Bible was supreme to the Pope and any church official.

$500 Question from Primary Sources

According to the map, where did the majority of slaves go during the years

of the African slave trade?


$500 Answer from Primary Sources

Brazil, South America

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