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Emergency Responder Notification System (ERNS)

Kyle SchmellaJason Cumiford

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Mission Statement

“Emergency systems LLC aims to reduce the response time of all emergency vehicles to ensure the lives of all motorists and first

responders are safer by increasing the awareness of all approaching emergency vehicles to fellow motorists.”

-Emergency Systems LLC

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What Are You Presenting

•Product that will •Have little to no competition •Perceived value by EMS, city, and state officials, car manufacturers •One that is innovative linking both EMS and non-EMS personnel

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Product Description

•ERNS comprised of four components •Transmitter•Receiver •Wiring •GPS locator

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Market Environment

•Partnerships •Car manufacturer •City councils and State legislatures

•Profitability •Vehicle manufacturers •Insurance agencies

• Car insurance • Homeowners insurance

•Auto repair agencies •Impact on consumer •City and state officials

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Current Competition

•Five (5) Patents currently exist•US Patent 9082305 B2, titled Emergency Vehicle Notification System•US Patent 6529831 B1, titled Emergency Vehicle Locator and Proximity Warning System•US Patent 6404351 B1 (lapsed), titled Emergency Vehicle Warning System•US Patent 5889475 A, titled Warning Systems for Emergency Vehicles •US Patent 5307060 A (lapsed), titled Emergency Vehicle Alert System

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Current Competition (Cont…)•US Patent 9082305 B2-Emergency vehicle notification system

• System description• How it provides competition• Competitive advantage

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Current Competition (Cont…)

•US Patent 6529831 B1-Emergency vehicle locator and proximity warning system

• System description• How it provides competition• Competitive advantage

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Current Competition (Cont…)

•US Patent 6404351 B1 (lapsed)-Emergency vehicle warning system• System description• How it provides competition• Competitive advantage

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Current Competition (Cont…)

•US Patent 5889475 A-Warning system for emergency vehicles• System description• How it provides competition• Competitive advantage

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Current Competition (Cont…)

•US Patent 5307060 A (lapsed)-Emergency vehicle alert system• System description• How it provides competition• Competitive advantage

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Future Competition

•Threats emerging daily via autonomous vehicles• Existing automobile manufacturers

• General Motors (GM) Co. (EN-V concept car)• Emerging automobile manufacturers

• Apple, Google, Faraday Future

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SWOT Analysis


Strengths WeaknessesEarned and owned media Brand Identity (starting out)

Niche strategy - Patent Capital - initially

Too many parties involved

Opportunities Threats

Customer Perceived Value (CPV) Brand Image

Little competition In-house engineering

Consumer Generated Media - Product imitation (Tesla)

Online/Social/Mobile marketing Autonomous carsBMBA 515 Fall 2015

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Target Market

• City Council Government•Use the city council government to integrate

•Tap into the Fire / Police / Ambulance• Established Automobile Manufacturers

•General Motor Company•Worldwide - 14 Brands

• Emergent Automobile Manufacturers•Google Automobile Manufacturing

•Most Innovative and willing to help

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Why Did We Choose This Group?

•B2B Market• Government & auto manufacturers

• Inelastic demand• Growth Potential

•Brand Extension• Worldwide marketplace• Brand diversity

•Societal Marketing• Relative to today

• Right timing

•Financial Security• Government & Automobile Industry & EMS

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The Needs We Are Fulfilling...

•We are fulfilling a giant need that motorists currently do not see which consists of three needs:

• Reducing the response times to all emergency situations• Save lives• Save the city, state & Consumer money

It is our job as marketers to present this product to the market.

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3 Primary Benefits / Needs

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Saving Time

“every year, 133,000 Americans die of heart attacks, and another 300,000 die of sudden cardiac arrest—largely because they didn't get help in time”

-Wall Street Journal

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Saving Money

•131 emergency personnel died in 2012 responding to accidents leading to:• Lawsuits • Funeral costs• Medical Bills• Repair Bills

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Building Awareness for Approaching Vehicles

Acting as a cautionary device signaling motorists to proceed carefully...

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EMS Response Times

Table 122: Rural Fatal Crashes, by State and Average Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Average Response Time

Comparison Arrival On Scene of Emergency Emergency to Hospital Total Time # Fatalities

Washington 9.90 Minutes 40.96 Minutes 51.67 Minutes 248

U.S. AVG 12.57 Minutes 39.44 Minutes 55.45 Minutes 16,443

Table 123: Urban Fatal Crashes, by State and Average Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Average Response Time

Comparison Arrival On Scene of Emergency Emergency to Hospital Total Time # Fatalities

Washington 5.85 Minutes 34.14 Minutes 41.07 Minutes 161

U.S. AVG 7.31 Minutes 27.8 Minutes 37.91 Minutes 14,263

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IIHS HLDI: 2013 Rural versus Urban Fatal Crash Comparison

ComparisonUrban Rural Total

Number % Number % NumberWashington 213 49 223 51 436U.S. total 14,987 46 17,696 54 32,719

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Segmentation Variables


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•United States • Primary pilot target market

• South Puget Sound City Council• Fire / Police / Ambulance

• If successful integration worldwide• Established Manufacturers

• Use the General Motor’s 14 Brands

•US 2015 moved #2 new car sales country in the world behind China• 2012 sold 14.5 million new cars

• 2015 rumored to sell almost 18 million cars

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Demographic•Age: 55-64

• Age group most likely to buy a new car •Marital Status: N/A•Gender: N/A•Occupation: N/A

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•Repeat buying behavior• Ties back into demographics

•Deaf Community• 26 countries worldwide cannot obtain a driver's license

• United States some states require specialized license

•ERNS does not discriminate against any social class or lifestyle

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United States Taking Initiative

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Psychographic is not overly important to the success of ERNS because it does not focus on a person's innermost personal activities, interests,

opinions, attitude or values.ERNS is a value added concept base product

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Market Research

• Need of a conducting a focus group• Potential product or not?• Summary of results

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•The needs of the focus group were:• Establish a product desire• Establish a benefit• Understand the consumers concerns• Look for ways to innovate

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Focus group revealed that the current approach was not working and we needed to go back and re-design the product

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Potential•The focus group confirmed that there was a need for this product through:

• Survey results• Active dialogue• Group feedback & input

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Potential (Cont…)•The product met all 3 aspects of Kotler’s product levels

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Summary of Focus Group

•Ultimately Emergency Systems LLC decided to change course of the ERNS product design due to the feedback generated by the results of the focus group.

• Went from an app based product to a in-car system based product!

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●Positioning product to meet identified needPositioning Product to Meet Need

• Value proposition• Frame of reference• PoPs and PoDs• Brand mantra• Emotional Marketing

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Identity & Branding• Co-branding with General Motors

•transference of meaning from GM to Emergency Systems LLC• POPs

•Use of transmission system•Save Lives•Reduce response times

• PODs•Affordable

• doesn’t require infrastructure rebuilding•Visual component for the hearing impaired drivers

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ERNS Advertisement (Sample)

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Marketing Communication Strategy

• Promotional mix•Public Relation• Utilize City’s channels

•Personal Selling• To the Car manufacturers• To the Cities• To the Emergency services

•Advertising• Social Media

•Direct Marketing• Ad campaigns

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• Initially Communication•One-on-One meetings with

• Car manufacturers• Government Entities• Suppliers / distributors

• Ongoing communication•Email•Video conferencing•Phone calls

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Key Stakeholders & Partners

• All partner & stakeholders will want ERNS to succeed•Auto manufacturers

•21st century innovation•City officials

•Public relations & image•Police / Fire / Ambulance

•Success of their own organization•Public society

•Benefactor to everyone via efficiency•Insurance agencies

• Claims

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Partners Strategy for Success

•City Council• Displacing the message about ERNS publically

•Auto Manufacturers• Product Differentiation• Brand loyalty

•Fire / Police / Ambulance• Save more lives

• Increase efficiency & effectiveness of services

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Distribution Process & Strategic Design

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Product Timeline: Gantt Chart

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Online & Social Media•Organic Social Media Strategy

• not being the only one talking about ERNS•Utilizing Facebook

• October 2014 a billion people visited a Facebook page •Twitter, Linkedin, Company Website

• Use influencers to rally sympathetic supporters•Resource for Stakeholders to use

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Building Lifetime, Loyal Customers

• Building Lifetime, Loyal Customers•Customers•Employees•Marketing partners•Members of financial community

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Stellar Experience Through Service Design

• Customer centered business development• Company orientation

•Must be customer focused•Far too often anything but the customer

• Hybrid of product and service•product (tangible)•Service (intangible)

• Customer experience and feedback

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Summarization of Pertinent Information

(ERNS) is a B2B product aimed at collaborating strategic partnerships with government and corporate agencies to make heighten the awareness and

increase the response times of emergency response vehicles

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Highlight Key Learning Experiences

•Effectiveness of Focus groups• Demand for research

•Able to bring much of the semesters learnings together• Application of theory

•Small taste what it would be like to bring a product to market• Amount of effort it takes to develop a product

•Ultimately learned that our product is not “market ready”

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20-29 5

30-39 2

40-49 4

50+ 1

No response


Males 8



Occupations: Software engineer, Intelligence analyst, Aircraft mechanic/inspector, Director of military outreach, Lawyer, Operating engineer, Accounting administration, regional manager, student (x2), EFT Trader assistant, us military, (1 no response)

Volunteer experience: fashion shows planner, church, food bank, environmental restoration, and community support

Emergency Responder experience: Ambulance, firefighter (x2), EMT



Focus Group Data Compiled: Total of 13 participants

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Focus Group: Driving Background

0 1

1-10 3

11-20 4

21-30 2

31-40 3

Driving ackground:Years Driving:

0 4

1 5

No response 4

Accidents At Fault:

0 3

1-2 7

3+ 1

No Response 1

Accidents Not At Fault:

Radio 9

Phone 4

CD 5

Ipod 4

Satellite 1

Other 1 (music)

What do you listen to in the Car:

Yes 6

No 4

No Response


Recognize and see emergency vehicles approaching you:

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Focus Group: Phone Background

❖ Currently own smartphone: All 13 did Participants did own a smartphone

IPhone 8

Android 5

Free-$0 9

$0.10 1

$0.50 1

$1.00 1

$5.00 1

Average price paid:

Phone type: How would you prefer to be notified of an oncoming emergency vehicle

No 3

Yes 6

No response 2

Do you feel that each emergency department should have its own notification tone?

Should this app include a visual component that allows the driver or passengers to see the location of the approaching emergency vehicles? OR will this be too distracting and cause more accidents?

Too distracting 7

Maybe 1

No visual 1

Yes 3

Proximity 1

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(a) Single Alert Sound 3

(b) Operator's Voice Announcing the oncoming vehicle


(C)Operator voice telling you which direction (North, South, East West)


(d) Operator voice stating “behind you” or “In front of you” etc.


(e) Matching emergency alert sounds according to individual service: police siren


(f) Other 1 (would rather not hear


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Focus Group: Phone Background

Do you feel that this would help emergency vehicles respond to incidents in a timelier manner and be able to save more lives?

No 3

Yes 9

No response 1

Do you feel that this would reduce the number of traffic accidents or fender benders?

No 6

Yes 5

Maybe 1

No response 1

If you were to receive an auto insurance discount or would you pay for this app?

No 5

Yes 8

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Interview Questions

•Where did the concept for the Emergency Responder Notification System arise from?

•What is the company’s, mission, vision, and long term strategy?•What, if any challenges do you face in the implementation process? •What do you see as the future in terms as a market for this type of

product (innovation, competition, etc.)? •Finally, what do you hope to accomplish with this new system/device?

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Marketing Budget

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Marketing BudgetMarketing Strategy Estimated Cost Notes

1. Blogging Free Requires time and effort

2. Online Website Free Use Google to set up

3. Press Release Free Utilize the city

4. Business Cards $200.00 Vista print

5. Office Supplies $750.00 Officemax

6. Airline Tickets $3,000.00 Delta (Maximize Miles)

7. Lunch Meetings $1,000.00 Culturally Dependent

Total: $4,950.00 Minimal costs

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•The goal is to 500,000 units of the ERNS within a 24-month period.• 1. Sell 2,000 in pilot market to local dealerships and emergency services• 2. Sell 25,000 units to greater city within 6 months’ time• 3. Sell 100,000 units statewide within a year• 4. Sell 500,000 units nationwide by 24th month from launch date

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