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Essential Question

What political traditions and tensions first

appeared in the early years of the new


Washington’s Presidency

Washington was unanimously voted 1st president and his actions set a precedent:

An example that becomes standard practice. He created the first presidential cabinet: a group of executive department heads that serve as advisors to the president. Alexander Hamilton was appointed

Secretary of the Treasury and created the first national bank.

Hamilton wanted to raise revenue (income of the government through taxes) so he favored Tariffs

Taxes on imported (foreign) goods Congress passed the Federal Judiciary

Act (1789) An act that gave the Supreme court 6 members: a chief justice and 5 associate judges. The first chief justice was John Jay (married to Governor Livingston’s daughter, Sarah at Liberty Hall in Union).

Interpretations of the Constitution

Hamilton wanted to strengthen the national government with the national bank. Jefferson and Madison felt the bank would createan unhealthy relationship between government and wealthy business interests.

Hamilton favored a

loose interpretation of the Constitution, while Jefferson favored a strict interpretation.

Connect to the Essential Question

What political traditions and tensions first appeared in the early

years of the new republic? Washington setting precedents (EX: calling him Mr. President) Hamilton creating 1st national

bank. Differences of opinion in

interpreting the Constitution.

Problems at Home The Northwest

Territory was being fought over

England, Spain, the US, and the Natives. US v. Natives at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.12 Tribes forced to up the vast Ohio territory to the US in the Treaty of Greenville

Hamilton wanted to raise revenue so he put tax a tax on

whiskey. This angered the

backcountry farmers because

it crippled their way of life. They staged the Whiskey Rebellion which was quickly put down by the federal government, proving that the Constitution works.

Problems Abroad At first, Americans

supported the French Revolution because it reminded them of the American Revolution. Many stopped supporting

it when it became violent and many people were sent to the guillotine.

England declared war on France in fear of revolutionary ideas spreading to other monarchies.

Jefferson wanted to help France to secure liberty. Hamilton wanted to

side with England because of trade and money. Washington wanted to remain neutral, or not take sides.

Jefferson feels Washington favors Hamilton and his ideas and resigns as

Secretary of State. John Jay helped

reduce tensions with England (Battle of Fallen Timbers / seizing US ships during the French Rev.) with

Jay’s Treaty.

Pinckney’s Treaty

resolved conflict with Spain (Florida boarder, use of Mississippi River, and use of New Orleans port).

Connect to the Essential Question:

What political traditions and tensions first appeared in the early years of the new republic?

Government secured the Northwest Territory. Government put down the Whiskey Rebellion

and established its power to enforce laws. US remained neutral in war between England

and France. Negotiated treaties with England and Spain to

establish American rights.

Washington Retires Washington retires after 2, 4 year terms. Advice on foreign policy- relations with

governments of other nations, was to stay neutral. Also warned about political differences. Jefferson and Madison formed the

Democratic-Republican party favored by farmers and workers. Hamilton formed the Federalist party

favored by merchants and manufacturers.

John Adams Administration Adams became president in 1797 over Thomas Jefferson. French started seizing American ships so

Adams sent delegates to France to handle foreign affairs.

3 French agents known as X,Y, and Z told the Americans they would only speak to them if they gave France $10 million dollars. Became known as the

XYZ Affair and Americans were outraged. Started seizing French ships.

Some Americans felt Adams wanted too much power.

Adams blamed it on Democratic-Republicans and

immigrants because they sided with the DR party. Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, or a law restricting political power of recent immigrants. DR party fought the acts byStates Rights- rights states have that the federal gov. cannot overrule.

Adams loses the election of 1800 to

Thomas Jefferson.

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