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Page 1: Establishment of CBMS in Agusan del Sur




Hon. Maria Valentina G. PlazaProvincial GovernorAgusan del Sur

Page 2: Establishment of CBMS in Agusan del Sur

Establishment of CBMS in Agusan del Sur

The Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) in Agusan del Sur was created by virtue of Executive Order No. 15-04.

It was implemented with the first survey in 2005 covering a population of some 549,946 in 13 Municipalities, one City and 314 Barangays.

Complete CBMS databanks are now available and being accessed by key staff at Provincial level as well as in each of the Municipal Planning Offices of Agusan del Sur.

Household level data are available where they are required for selection of beneficiaries.

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Characteristics of CBMS Repository of Agusan del Sur

Reference year for which the data was captured: 2005

Complete household coverage - a baseline has been established in Agusan del Sur Province-wide including 13 component Municipalities, 1 City and 314 Barangays

Number of Households: 109,123

Number of Individuals: 549,946

Major Indicators Utilized: 14 Core Poverty Monitoring Indicators 23 Non-Core Poverty Monitoring Indicators

Additional Data Utilized : Household member detailsFormat of information available: Maps, Reports, Graphs/Charts, and locally developed website

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Most recent CBMS activities in Agusan del Sur(2007)

Consolidation and harmonization of data at Provincial level

Resolution No.256-07 for Adoption of consolidated Provincial data by Sangguniang Panlalawigan

Provincial Strategic Planning (2007-2010) endorses incorporation of CBMS findings into Programs and Projects.

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How CBMS is being utilized in Agusan del Sur

Comprehensive CBMS summary reports and indicator maps available

14 Core indicators and 23 Non-Core indicators immediately accessible

The CBMS team can provide specific household level information, so that even households throughout the province can be prioritized.

Through data-querying and data-mining the CBMS teams at provincial and municipal levels are able to process complex requests from users and this has proven to be a powerful tool for identification of beneficiaries in Agusan del Sur.

Authorized government officials may login to our in-house website to quickly get to secured,detailed level information. It is intended as a gateway to a comprehensive set of maps and data from provincial down to household level. This site is currently a work-in-progress,. The internet address is

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Sample Map of CBMS data in Agusan del Sur














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CBMS utilization in development programs and projects

CBMS provided inputs for the Convergence Development Program in its planning, and its prioritization of geographic areas.

The Convergence Development Program aims to pool together local resources in order to have a focused and integrated strategy to economic and social development. Currently , 32 barangays are targetted.

CBMS has also been used in the determination of beneficiary farmers of the Convergence Development Program where farmers in target barangays have been identified based on monthly per capita income of less than P2,000.

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CBMS utilization in development programs and projects

The 5-year Fourmula 1 Strategy (spearheaded by the Department of Health in collaboration with LGUs , has availed of CBMS information in its planning stages) The Fourmula 1 strategy includes 4 components Financing,Regulation,Service Delivery,Governance

Agusan del Sur is one of the few Provinces in the country (16 in total) to be selected for F1 and is designed to fast-track major health improvement projects.

The Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP) has made use of CBMS outputs,for barangay development planning in selected Municipalities (particularly Santa Josefa and Prosperidad)

Analysis of data on Indigenous Peoples in selected areas has been conducted by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). This has been used for deliberation of a CADT (Certificate of Ancestral Domain) application.

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CBMS utilization in development programs and projects

CBMS was a reference for a Scholarship Program designed to assist Persons With Disability. It was established through Ordinance #14-06 and CBMS data also provided a foundation for selection of beneficiaries.

CBMS data has been used by Municipal Social and Welfare Development offices for selecting PhilHealth beneficiaries and support to the poor in healthcare

Additionally, CBMS has facilitated identification of indigent families for the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Program spearheaded by DSWD in target Municipalities (in particular Sibagat and La Paz).

The Department of Education (DepEd) in some municipalities has availed of CBMS data for the purpose of “Literacy Mapping”, for identification of priority areas for a literacy program

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The impact of CBMS in Agusan del Sur

The province is addressing the complex and varied needs of development by undertaking many varied activities in parallel, with the aid of CBMS as a supporting information system.

This means that many activities are being underpinned by evidence-based decisions.

This approach recognizes that many evidence-based decisions, when added up over time will have a major impact.

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The future of CBMS in Agusan del Sur …

We now have the data that we need…we also need to strengthen capacities to respond…this is our challenge over the coming years

It is a time to maximize utilization of the outputs in order to enhance projects and programmes with quality data

Another challenge that lies ahead is in providing the information quickly while protecting our constituents whose details we hold in our CBMS repository.

The establishment of a local ordinance will ensure that the appropriate mechanisms are firmly established in planning and development activities.

In this way the Province will address the real problems with realistic solutions to deliver tangible benefits for the people of Agusan del Sur.

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Thank You!

For further inquiries, please contact:

Provincial CBMS TeamProvincial Planning & Development Office

Governor Democrito O Plaza CenterAgusan del Sur

CBMS Agusan website :

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