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EUCLID Postgraduate AdmissionsPreview Demonstrations

Student Recruitment & Admissions (SRA)&

Student Systems

Presented by Jane Johnston, Head of Postgraduate Recruitment, Student Recruitment & Admissions (SRA) &

Matthew Taylor, Training & Communications Manager, Student Systems

Background to the Direct Admissions Review• Reasons for the review• Consultation process• Recommendations

Implementing the recommendations

• Applicant experience• Staff experience• Recognising the importance of the admissions process in

recruitment• Monitoring application processing• Meeting ambitious recruitment targets as part of the University’s

Strategic Plan


1. Administration and Academic Roadshows (July)2. Online tutorials (August)3. Access Audit (end July issue, for mid-Aug deadline)4. ‘Direct Admissions’ software available at beginning of October5. Live Support (Post implementation)6. Policy online/on-demand training for all (Sep – Dec)

EUCLID Demonstration

AimThe aim of this demonstration is to provide a preview of the new EUCLID software for the following postgraduate application tasks:• Application Work flow process • Retrieval• Navigation• Viewing applicant communications• Documentation Requests• Requesting academic review• PGR Supervisor requests

System Changes• Phase 1: Changes apply to Administration, Academic & View only

EUCLID roles only (Start Oct)• Phase 2: Changes to Application portal• Phase 3: Changes to Application form

New Work Flow

Each change of code will be recorded with the code / date and time / staff member responsible so that it can be viewed against the application and it can be reported on in Business Objects.

• Once an application has gone through a stage then it can go back to a previous stage in the workflow; however, this needs to be for a valid reason (such as change programme or year or something which fundamentally changes on the application).

• The Hold process statuses are available for selection at any time.

Processing Applications - Methods

1. Detailed View2. Multi View3. Admissions Dashboard

Academic Review Requests

1. Single application to single academic2. Single application to academic panel3. Multiple application to academic panel4. PGR Supervision request

Academic Email NotificationDear <Academic Name>


Please can you look at the following application for programme <Programme_code> <Programme_Title> and determine your view on admitting this applicant.


Link to the Request for Review:

<<View My Application Requests_link>>


Link to the Application Details:



All documentation for the application is on the documentation tab.


My notes on the application are:


<Application Notes content> or <"No Notes attached.">


A response is required by <Date>.


Please use the Academic Request Screen to respond with your notes and proposed action for this Applicant


Best Wishes

<Administrator Name>


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