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Page 1: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

What? Why? How?Eugene Poltorakov

Page 2: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

Gold Sponsor ofDrupalCamp Kyiv 2011

Page 3: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

Silver Sponsors ofDrupalCamp Kyiv 2011

Page 4: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

HTML5. What's new?

Why should we use it?

Where and how we can use it?


Page 5: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011


WHATWGWeb Hypertext Application Technology Working Group

W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium

Page 6: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

New form element types

url, search, number, tel, email, time, date, week, month, datetime range, color

Page 7: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

New structure elements

header footer nav article section aside

Page 8: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

Some new block level elements

figure mark progress

Page 9: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

New media elements

video audio source

Page 10: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

Some new attributes

required data-* ...

Page 11: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

New API's

Canvas Drag&Drop Offline storage & WEB SQL Database Media Playback API ...

Page 12: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011






Page 13: Eugene Poltorakov.HTML 5 and drupal.DrupalCamp Kiev 2011

Feel free to contact

Eugene Poltorakov

Skype: pjslayer

Email: [email protected]

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