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7 simple steps to engage your classroomin Europe Code Week


Toolkit for Teachers

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1Take the initiative and organize a Code Week event in your classroom

3Set up a date

4Choose the theme and the activity

2Choose the right place

5Add your event to the map of Europe Code Week events

6Manage your event

7Fill in the feedback form and get your certificate of recognition

Do even more…

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1Take the initiative Organize a Code Week event in your classroom

It is up to you to organize a Code Week event! This is the most important contribution that you can give to Europe Code Week!

Once the decision is taken, all other steps are smooth. In fact, you will be able to tailor the event to your needs and to your target group, exploiting the many examples and resources available online.

For instance, during Code Week you can provide to your pupils a hands-on coding experience, but you can also watch a video, invite an expert, make a list of the many programmable objects that we use every day, figure out what you could do with coding, or just plan the coding activities for the rest of the school year. This will be seen at step 4…

Code Week is entirely made by people like you!The success of your event depends only on your motivation and engagement.

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2Choose the right place

If you have a computer room available use it, but if you feel that this is complicated, go without it. You and your classroom are the only essential elements for making a Code Week event. The room is not.

It is possible to organize coding events without an Internet connection and even without a computer. Hence, feel free to choose the venue which is more comfortable and accessible to your pupils.

Your own classroom is probably the best choice!

Coding can be done even in the woods with paper and pencil!

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3 Set up a date

Schedule your event soon!

Once you has scheduled your event, you can always change the date, but without a tentative date your event does not exist!

Possibly choose a date between 15 and 23 of October (this is the official Code Week), but if it’s really impossible for you to organize the event in that period, feel free to choose another day…

Possibly organize your event in school hours in order to get all your pupils involved. After school activities are wonderful, but they are more difficult to orgnize and they usually end-up engaging just a few motivated kids.

Only school activities are really for everybody!

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Choose the theme and the activityFeel free to invent your own method, but you don’t need to be original. There are great formats and resources to be just adopted and re-used. If you have coding in your curriculum, your Code Week event could be your regular coding activity.

If you have never organized a coding activity, this page is for you. You don’t need to be an expert. If coding is new for you, your curiosity will motivate and engage your pupils and you will discover with them how fun it could be.Do you have an Internet connection?Start from playful and intuitive online resources which provide simple video tutorials:

L’Ora del codice, Scratch, ScratchJrDo you have computers without Internet?There are very good off-line tools:

Scratch offlineIf you have no computer…Invite someone to share his/her experience or just use paper:



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Add your event to the map of Europe Code WeekBe proud of adding your event to the map of Europe Code Week together with all other events organized worldwide. Add it to the map in your name.

Go to http://events.codeweek.eu/

Click ADD (http://events.codeweek.eu/add/)

Sign in with your account

Fill in and submit the event form TitleYour nameDescriptionSchool level of the audienceMain themesVenueDate and time(web site, optional)Your e-mail address(image, optional)


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6Manage your event

If you have previous experience with coding events you probably don’t need any advice.

If you have no coding experience take the part of your pupils and learn with them and from them.

What really matters for the success of a Code Week event are engagement, curiosity, and fun.

Don’t forget to count the number of participants and, if authorized, take pictures and videos to be used for storytelling.

Making a video to tell your coding event can be an amusing learning experience by itself, it could be of inspiration for other people, and it will allow you to take part in the storytelling challenge that will be launched right after Code Week!

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7Fill in the feedback form and receive your certificate of recognition

Right after Code Week you will get an automated message in your mail box

The message will provide a link to a feedback form where to report the number of participants to your event

Upon submission of the feedback form, a certificate of recognition will be generated for you

Print it out and share the satisfaction of having contributed to Europe Code Week 2016!

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Do even more: CodeWeek4all

Involve the whole school to organize events for all your students

Use the online form to decalre the overall number of students enrolled in your School and get a unique code for the School

Insert the unique code in the description of all the events organized in your school, as they appear in the map

Invite all the teachers to organize events in their classrooms using the same code

At the end of Code Week, if the total number of participants to all the events organized in the School is greater or equal than 50% of the students enrolled, a certificate of excellence in coding literacy will be awarded to the School by the European Commission


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Do even more: Ode to Code video contest

An open-source tune, called «Ode to Code», has been composed to celebrate coding. The music produces unexpected effects wherever it is heard…

If all Code Week Ambassadors were able to dance the «Ode to code» in Brussels, your classroom will for sure do it better…

Have fun, make a video, and share your video with #odetocode hashtag!


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Do even more: Take a MOOC for teachers

European Schoolnet provides a Massive Online Open Course for teachers on «Developing Digital Skills in your Classroom».

Enroll now for free!


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Main web site http://codeweek.eu/

Events map http://events.codeweek.eu/

News http://blog.codeweek.eu/

Ambassadors http://events.codeweek.eu/ambassadors/

Resources http://codeweek.eu/resources/

CodeWeek4all Challenge http://codeweek.eu/codeweek4all/

Ode to code http://codeweek.eu/odetocode/

Twitter: @CodeWeekEU #CodeEU

Facebook: codeEU

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1Take the initiative and organize a Code Week event in your classroomIt is up to you and this is the best contribution you can provide to Europe Code Week.The success of the event depends only on your motivation and engagement.

3Pick up a date and schedule the eventTry to pick up a date between 10 and 18 of October. If possible, organize the event in school hours: it’s easier and it involves all the pupils.

4Choose the theme and the activity Feel free to invent your own method, but you don’t need to be original. There are many great resources that you can re-use. You don’t need to be an expert. If coding is new for, your curiosity will motivate your pupils.

2Choose the right placeIf you have a computer room available use it, but if you feel that it’is complicated, go without it. What really matters are people, not rooms!

5Add your event to the map of Code WeekName your event and add it to the map of Code Week events.Raise curiosity and expectation. Try to involve the whole school.

6Manage your eventIf you have no coding experience take the part of your pupils and learn with and from them.Don’t forget to count the number of participants and, if authorized, take pictures and videos to be used for storytelling.

7Fill in the feedback form and get your certificate of recognitionRight after Code Week you will be asked to report on the number of participants.A certificate of recognition will be automatically generated for you.

Guidelines for teachers http://codeweek.eu/resources

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